



湖南人文科技学院化学与材料科学系材料化学专业07级 2008---2009学年第2学期物理化学课程考核试卷B 卷考核方式: (闭卷) 考试时量:120 分钟一、判断题:(正确的在括号中画√,错误者画×,每小题1分,共10分)1. 状态函数改变后,状态一定改变。

( )2. 根据热力学第一定律,因为能量不能无中生有,所以一个系统若要对外做功,必须从外界吸收能量。

( ) 3. 100℃、101325 Pa 的水向真空蒸发成100℃、101325 Pa 的水蒸气,因为此过程中W = 0且等压,故有H Q U ∆==∆。

( ) 4. 凡熵增加过程都是自发过程。

( ) 5. 在一个绝热系统中,发生了一个不可逆过程,系统从状态1变化到状态2,不论用什么方法,系统再也回不到原来状态l 了。

( ) 6. 在理想液态混合物中,Roult 定律与Henry 定律相同。

( )7. 纯水在三相点和冰点时,都是三相共存,根据相律,这两点的自由度都应该等于0。

( )8. 依据相律,纯液体在一定温度下,其饱和蒸气压应该是定值。

( ) 9. 面粉和米粉混合得十分均匀,肉眼无法分清彼此,所以它们已成为一相。

( )10. 平衡常数值改变了,平衡一定移动;反之,平衡移动了,平衡常数值也一定改变。

( )共8页第1页二、选择题:(每小题3分,共24分)11. 实际气体经节流膨胀后,( ) A. Q ﹤0,ΔH = 0,ΔP ﹤0 B. Q = 0,ΔH = 0,ΔT ﹤0 C. Q = 0,ΔH ﹤0,ΔP ﹤0D. Q = 0,ΔH = 0,ΔP ﹤012. 从定义U=H-pV 出发推断下列关系式中不正确的是( )A. p V H V U p p -⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∂∂=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂ B.T V T T H V U pp p -⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂∙⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∂∂=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂ C. p V T C V U pp p -⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂ D.p V T T H V U pp p -⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂∙⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂ 13. 1个大气压下,)(CO )()(22g g O C =+石墨 的反应热为θm r H ∆,下列说法中不正确的是:( D )A. θm r H ∆就是)(CO 2g 的生成焓θm H f ∆B. θm r H ∆是)s (石墨C 的燃烧焓C. θm r H ∆=θm r U ∆D. θm r H ∆﹥θm r U ∆14. 在一定压力下,纯物质A 的沸点、蒸气压和化学势分别为*A*A *μ和、P T b ,加入少量不挥发性的溶质后分别变为A A μ和、P T b ,则有:( )A. A *A A *A b *T μμ〈〈〈,,P P T bB. A *A A *A b *T μμ〉〉〉,,P P T bC. A *A A *A b *T μμ〉〈〉,,P P T bD. A *A A *A b *T μμ〉〉〈,,P P T b共8页第2页15. 下列表达式中,哪一个表示化学式: ( )A. Bc n P T BnU ≠⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂,, B. Bc n P S Bn H ≠⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂,, C. Bc n V T Bn A ≠⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂,, D. Bc n P T Bn G ≠⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂,, 16. 将固体)(34s HCO NH 放入真空容器中,等温在400K ,)(34s HCO NH 按下式分解并达到平衡:)()()()(22334g CO g O H g NH s HCO NH ++= 系统的组分数C 和自由度f 为:( )A. C =1,f = 0B. C = 2,f = 1C. C = 2,f = 2D. C = 3,f = 217. 已知纯液体A 和B 可形成具有最低恒沸点7.0=B x 的液态完全互溶的系统,若把4.0=B x 的溶液在精馏塔中蒸馏,则塔底馏出物是:( ) A. 纯A(l ) B. 纯B(l ) C. 最低恒沸混合物 D. 无法确定18. 在下列措施中,肯定能使理想气体反应的标准平衡常数改变的是:( ) A. 改变反应的温度 B. 加入惰性气体 C. 增加系统的压力 D. 加入反应物 三、填空题:(共16分)19. 公式V Q U =∆的适用条件为 。



湖南商学院课程考核试卷 (B )课程名称: 普通逻辑学 学分 2 考核学期: 2009—2010 学年度 第 1 学期 考核形式: 闭卷3.“老张和老王是同学”是一个____判断。


5.“如果p 则r ,如果q 则r ,p 或q ,所以r ”,是____推理的____式。

6.若SAP 取值为真,则SOP 取值为____,SIP 取值为____。




二.单选题:(从下列备选答案中选出一个正确答案,每题2分,共20分)1.由并非SAP 可推出SOP ,其根据是逻辑方阵中的( )关系。

①A 差等 ②反对 ③下反对 ④矛盾2.在性质判断的对当关系中,如两个判断是互相矛盾的,那么它们( )。

①常项和变项都相同 ②常项相同,变项不同③常项和变项都不同④常项不同,变项相同3.一个有效的三段论的小前提是E判断,其大前提是()。

①MAP ②PAM ③MEP ④PIM4.“有S是P”与“并非所有S不是P”两判断是()。







A、现代经济、现代政治 B、现代农业、现代工业
C、现代国防、现代科学技术 D、现代文化、现代国防
得分 评卷 人
题号 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
得分 评卷 人
得分 评卷 人
A、反贪污、反浪费、反形式主义 B、反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义
C、反贪污、反行贿、反官僚主义 D、反贪污、反浪费、反偷税漏税
A、不敢反对帝国主义 B、不敢否定封建主义
C、对帝国主义抱有幻想 D、惧怕人民群众
A、制造惨绝人寰的大屠杀 B、疯狂掠夺中国的资源与财富
C、发动九一八事变 D、强制推行奴化教育
考核方式: (闭卷) 考试时量:120 分钟
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 合分人 复查人
得分 评卷 人



舞蹈综合试题库一、填空题1.形体训练是以___形态练习__ __、气质练习、___姿态练习______为主要内容和基本手段,对练习者进行美育教育,塑造优美形体,使身体得到全面发展,培养高雅气质,改变人体的原始自然状态或矫正不良身体形态的一种身心培育过程。













湖南人文科技学院2014—2015学年第 一学期 经管系人资专业2012级财务管理课程期末考试试卷1、某公司从本年度起每年年末存入银行一笔固定金额的款项,若按复利计算用最简便算法计算第n 年末可以从银行取出的本利和,则应选用的时间价值系数是 c ;A 复利终值系数B 复利现值系数C 普通年金终值系数D 普通年金现值系数 2、以下筹资方式中,资金成本最低的是 c ;A 普通股筹资B 商业信用筹资C 长期借款筹资D 债券筹资3、某公司本期息税前利润为5000万元,本期实际利息费用为1000万元,则该公司的财务杠杆系数为 b ;A 5B 1.25C D4、在一定时期的现金需求总量一定的情况下,与现金持有量成反比的是d ; A 短缺成本 B 机会成本 C 管理成本 D 固定性转换成本5、信用条件为“2∕10,n ∕30”时,预计有40%的客户选择现金折扣优惠,则平均收账期为d 天;A 16天B 28天C 26天D 22天6、在下列股利政策中,股利与利润之间保持固定比例关系,体现风险投资与风险收益对等关系的是 cA 剩余政策B 固定股利政策C 固定股利比例政策D 正常股利加额外股利政策 7、反映企业短期偿债能力的财务指标是 b ;A 资产负债率B 流动比率C 产权比率D 利息保障倍数8、吸收直接投资的优点是 d ;A 资金成本低B 控制权集中C 产权关系明晰D 较快形成生产能力 9、只要企业存在固定成本,则经营杠杆系数必 c ;A 与销售量成正比B 与固定成本成反比C 恒大于1D 与风险成反比10、在确定企业的收益分配政策时,应当考虑相关因素的影响,其中“资本保全约束”属于 c ;A 股东因素B 公司因素C 法律因素D 债务契约因素一、单项选择题本大题共15道小题,每小题1分,共15分;在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合要求的,请将其代码填写在下面的方格内;11、下列各项中,不属于融资租赁租金构成项目的是 d ;A 租赁设备的价款B 租赁期间利息C 租赁手续费D 租赁设备维护费12、某公司拟发行5年期债券进行筹资,债券票面金额为100元,票面利率为12%,每年年末付息一次,而当时市场利率为10%,那么,该公司债券发行价格应为 d 元;已知P/F,10%,5=;P/A,10%,5=A B 100 C D13、没有终值只有现值的年金是 d ;A 普通年金B 即付年金C 递延年金D 永续年金14、与年金终值系数互为倒数的是 a ;A 年金现值系数B 投资回收系数C 复制现值系数D 偿债基金系数15、信用期限为90天,现金折扣期限为30天,折扣率为3%的表示方式是 a ;A 30/3,N/90B 3/30,N/90C 3%/30,N/90D 3/30,N/601、财务管理的主要内容有 ;A 筹资决策B 投资决策C 营运资金的管理D 收益分配的管理2、现代财务管理的两个基本观念是 ;A 货币的时间价值B 投资的风险价值C 利润最大化D 投资回收快3、目前我国企业的筹资渠道主要有 ;A 国家财政资金B银行信贷资金C 非银行金额机构资金D其他企业资金4、应收账款的信用政策由构成;A 信用标准B 信用条件C 收账政策D 收款条件5、补偿性余额的约束使借款企业受到的影响是 ;A 减少了企业实际可用借款额B 增加了企业实际可用借款额C 提高了企业实际借款利率D 降低了企业实际借款利率6.流动比率为,则赊购材料一批不考虑增值税,将会导致 ;A 流动比率提高B 流动比率降低C 流动比率不变 D速动比率降低7、影响企业加权平均资金成本的因素有;A 资金结构B 个别资金成本高低C 筹集资金总额D 筹资期限长短8.下列关于资金成本的说法中,正确的是 ;A资金成本的本质是企业为筹集和使用资金发生的代价B 资金成本并不是企业筹资决策中所要考虑的唯一因素C 资金成本的计算主要以年度的相对比率为计量单位D 资金成本可以视为项目投资或使用资金的机会成本9.确定建立保险储备量时的再订货点,需要考虑的因素有 ;A 交货时间B平均日需求量C 保险储备量D 平均日库存量10、融资租赁可分为 ;A 售后租回B 直接租赁C 杠杆租赁D 经营租赁1、企业所有者、经营者在财务管理工作中的目标是完全一致的,所以他们之间没有任何利益冲突;2、在两个方案对比时,标准差越大,说明风险越大;3、现金营运指数是经营净收益与净利润之比;4、企业最优资金结构是指在一定条件下使企业自有资金成本最低的资金结构;5、采用因素分析法,可以分析引起变化的主要原因、变动性质,并可预测企业未来的发展前景;6、产权比率高是低风险、低报酬的财务结构,表明债权人的利益因股东提供的资本所占比重较大而具有充分保障;7、资金成本包括筹资费用和用资费用两部分,其中筹资费用是资金成本的主要内容;8.权益乘数的高低取决于企业的资金结构;资产负债率越高,财务风险越大;9、企业之所以持有一定数量的现金,主要是出于交易性需求、预防性需求和投机性需求;10、按照利润分配的积累优先原则,企业税后利润分配,不论什么条件下均应优先提取法定公积金;1、普通年金三、判断题本大题共10道小题,每小题1分,共10分;你认为正确的在下面方格内打“√”,错误的在下面方格内打“×”;四、名词解释本大题共5道小题,每小题3分,共15分;是指投资者冒风险进行投资而获得的超过货币时间价值的额外报酬,也称风险价值、风险收益;2、可转换债券:是指发行公司依法发行的,在一定期限内依据约定的条件可以转换成公司普通股股票的公司债券;3、经营杠杆:在某一固定成本比重的作用下,产销量变动对利润产生的作用,被称为经营杠杆;由于经营杠杆对经营风险的影响最为综合,因此常常被用来衡量经营风险的大小;经营杠杆的大小一般用经营杠杆系数来表示;4、5、“在手之鸟”理论:在投资者眼里,股利收入要比由留存收益带来的资本收益更为可靠;投资者对股利与资本利得这两种形式的收入具有不同的偏好,投资者更喜欢近期有确定收入的股利,而不喜欢远期且不确定的资本利得;股利可视为投资者的既得利益,好比在手之鸟;而股票价格的升降具有很大的不确定性,犹如林中之鸟,随时可能飞进,不一定能得到;1、东星公司为扩大经营规模拟融资租赁一台设备,该设备的市价为288万元,设备运抵公司过程中支付运费及保险费共计12万元,设备租期10年;已知租赁公司的租赁成本为30万元,租赁手续费为20万元,租赁公司要求的报酬率为12%;P/A,12%,10=,P/A,12%,11=本小题共6分要求:1确定租金总额;2分2如果租金每年年初等额支付,则每期租金为多少 2分3如果租金每年年末等额只付,则每期租金又为多少 2分350203012288=+++=租金总额2如果租金每年年初等额支付,则每期租金为:)1(,iPVIFAPVAAnin+⋅=31.55%)121(35010%,12=+⨯=PVIFA万元3如果租金每年年末等额支付,则每期租金为:94.616502.535035010%,12===PVIFAA万元五、计算题分析题本大题共4道小题,共32分,凡要求计算的项目,均须列出计算过程;计算结果有计量单位的,应予标明,标明的计量单位应与题中所给计量单位相同;计算结果出现小数的,除特殊要求外,均保留小数点后两位小数;凡要求解释、分析、说明理由的内容,必须有相应的文字阐述2、某公司是一家上市公司,相关资料如下:资料一:2013年12月31日的资产负债简表如下:该公司2013年的销售收入为62500万元,销售净利率为12%,股利支付率为50%, 经测算,2014年该公司销售收入将达到75000万元,销售净利率和股利支付率不变,固定资产与无形资产金额不变;经分析,流动资产项目与流动负债项目短期借款除外随销售收入同比例增减; 要求本小题共10分,每问2分:1根据资料计算2013年年末的产权比率;2根据资料计算:①2013年年末敏感资产占营业收入的百分比;②2013年年末敏感负债占营业收入的百分比;③2014年需要增加的资金数额;④2014年对外筹资数额;1、负债合计=3750+11250+7500+7500=30000万元股东权益合计=15000+6500=21500万元产权比率=30000/21500×100%=%①敏感资产销售百分比=10000+6250+15000/62500×100%=50%②敏感负债销售百分比=11250+7500/62500×100%=30%③需要增加的资金数额=2200+75000-62500×50%-30%=4700万元④留存收益增加提供的资金=75000×12%×1-50%=4500万元外部筹资额=4700-4500=200万元3、某企业拟赊购一批价值为800000元的商品,供应商提出的付款条件为: 1立即支付,价格为780800元; 210天后付款,价格为781600元; 330天后付款,价格为785000元; 445天后付款,价格为790000元; 最后付款期限为60天,全额支付;假设企业资金不足是可向银行申请短期借款,银行借款利率为12%,一年按360天计算;请分别计算企业放弃现金折扣的成本,并作出对该企业最有利的决策;本小题10分,每问2分、10分1立即付款:%4.2800000780800800000=-=现金折扣率%75.14060360%4.21%4.2=-⨯-=机会成本2 10天付款:%3.2800000781600800000=-=现金折扣率%95.161060360%3.21%3.2=-⨯-=机会成本330天付款:%875.1800000785000800000=-=现金折扣率%93.233060360%875.11%875.1=-⨯-=机会成本445天付款:%25.1800000790000800000=-=现金折扣率%37.304560360%25.11%25.1=-⨯-=机会成本企业应选择在45天付款,因为此时放弃折扣的机会成本最大;公司现金收支状况比较稳定,预计全年按360天计算需要现金300000元,现金与有价证券的转换成本为每次600元,有价证券的年利率为10%;要求本小题6分:1计算最佳现金持有量;2计算最佳现金持有量下的全年现金管理总成本、全年现金转换成本和全年现金持有机会成本;3计算最佳现金持有量下的全年有价证券交易次数和有价证券交易间隔期; 1、什么叫股票回购公司进行股票回购的动机是什么回购的方式有哪些v1、答题要点股票回购,是指上市公司从股票市场上购回本公司一定数额的发行在外的股票作为库存股或加以注销,从而使其退出流通的一种资本运作方式;股票回购的动机:防止兼并与收购、振兴股市、稳定公司股价、重新资本化、其他考虑;主要方式:固定价格自我认购、荷兰式拍卖自我认购、公开市场回购、协议回购2、什么叫商业信用商业信用筹资的具体形式有哪几种、答题要点商业信用是指在商品交易中由于延期付款或预收货款所形成的借贷关系,是买卖双方企业之间的一种直接信用行为;具体形式主要有应付账款、应付票据和预收账款、应付费用等得分评卷人六、简答题本大题共2道小题,每小题4分,共8分;。



湖南农业大学东方科技学院课程考核试卷:生物化学 课程号: D20324B3年 月 日 试卷号: A级生技、生工1.酶原——2. 蛋白质的等电点——3. 糖异生——4. β氧化——一碳单位——一、名词解释(本大题共10分,每小题2分)1.酶的无活性前体。

2. 当溶液处于某一特定pH时,蛋白质以两性离子存在,其净电荷为零,在电场中既不向正极也不向负极移动,这时溶液的pH值叫该蛋白质的等电点,用pI表示。

3. 非糖物质转化成糖代谢的中间产物后,在相应的酶催化下,绕过糖酵解途径的三个不可逆反应,利用糖酵解途径其它酶生成葡萄糖的途径称为糖异生。

4. 脂肪酸在体内氧化时在羧基端的β-碳原子上进行氧化,碳链逐次断裂,每次断下一个二碳单位,既乙酰CoA,该过程称作β-氧化。

5. 一碳单位——生物化学中将具有一个碳原子的基团称为一碳单位。

1.长的脂肪酸进入线粒体氧化时需要的中间转运载体是 ( A )A 肉碱B 烟碱C 苹果酸D 柠檬酸2.磷酸戊糖途径的生成各种生物合成的重要供氢体是 ( A )A NADPHB NAD+C ADPD CoASH3.酶能加快反应速度的原因是 ( B )A 增加产物能量水平B 降低活化能C 降低反应物能量水平D 降低反应的自由能 4.转移H 载体的辅酶NAD(P),是下列哪种维生素的衍生物 ( A ) A 维生素B5 B 维生素B1 C 维生素B2 D 维生素B35.泛素广泛分布于细胞中,它与蛋白质结合后造成 ( A ) A 蛋白质迅速降解 B 蛋白质有效转运 C 蛋白质更加稳定 D 蛋白质固定在细胞膜上 6.脂肪酸从头合成的酰基载体是: ( A ) A ACP B CoAC 生物素D TPP7.生物体内氨基酸脱氨基的主要方式为 ( A )A 联合脱氨基B 还原脱氨基C 直接脱氨基D 氧化脱氨基8.在的缓冲溶液中,下列哪种氨基酸带正电 ( B )A 甘氨酸B 精氨酸C 丙氨酸D 亮氨酸 9.蛋白质的变性过程中,下列哪项不存在 ( A )A 肽键断裂B 氢键被破坏C 离子键被破坏D 疏水键被破坏10.ATP-依赖的蛋白质分解需要 ( A )A 泛肽B 分子伴侣C 信号肽D 溶酶体11.嘌呤碱的生物合成合成是在经过一系列酶促反应,先生成___,然后再转变为其他嘌呤核苷酸 ( A )A 次黄嘌呤B 鸟嘌呤C 腺嘌呤D 黄嘌呤二、单选题(本大题共30分,每小题2分)12.酶的催化基团是指: ( A ) A 酶分子发挥催化作用的关键性结构区 B 酶分子与底物结合的部位C 酶分子与辅酶结合的部位D 酶分子上含有必需基团的肽段 13.参与尿素循环的氨基酸是 ( B )A 组氨酸B 鸟氨酸C 蛋氨酸D 赖氨酸 14.脂肪酸从头合成的时,活化的C2供体是 ( A )A 丙二酸单酰-CoAB 乙酰CoAC 丙酸D 乙酸 15.糖酵解是在细胞的什么部位进行的 ( A )A 胞液中B 线粒体基质C 内质网膜上D 细胞核内1. 蛋白质的超二级结构有3中基本形式__αα_ _、__αβα__、_ββ_。



湖南安全技术职业学院课程考核试卷(A 卷) 2 0 0 -- 2 0 0 学年 第 学期 课程名称: 综合英语 考核方式: 闭卷适用专业: 三 年制 级 外语系各 专业 考试时间:100分钟 命题教师: 教研室审核: 系主任签字: I. Vocabulary and Structure (20%) 1. She is much his sister. A. tall than B. tallest of C. taller than D. taller of 2. Highly precise measurements that variation in the Earth ’s rotation is largely controlled by climatic conditions. A. have been shown B. have shown C. was shown D. showing 3. You should what you do. A. be responsible for B. responsible with C. be response to D. are responsible of 4. Now the outbreak of whooping cough among children under 5 epidemic proportion. A. reached B. have been reached C. has reached D. have been reaching 5. The summer vacation is round the corner. They decided to the holiday and study French. A. made a good use of B. make good use of C. makes use for D. made use for 6. Next year, the winter term on 28th March.A. to finishB. finishedC. to be finishedD. finishes7. The desk a piece of white cloth.A. coversB. is covering onC. is covered withD. be covered8. He didn’t arrive until the meeting was nearly over, for the simple reason that heasleep while watching TV.A. had fallenB. fellC. has fallenD. was falling9. When he was in the middle school, Mr. Wang a room his foreign friend, Tom.A. rented…withB. shared…withC. lived…withD. stayed…with10. It was a long time before Helen round after the operation.A. had comeB. was to comeC. comesD. came11. I often think of the years I lived in the countryside.A. whereB. whenC. whoD. which12. A university is an educational which awards degrees and research.A. carries outB. carries throughC. carries offD. carries about13. In her class, Mary is the only girl is under the age of 18.A. thatB. whichC. whoseD. whom14. On entering another country, a tourist have to the customs.A. pass throughB. pass byC. pass overD. pass for15. the businessmen advertise are their products.A. WhetherB. WhatC. WhenD. Whoever16. Tennis is a invented by an Englishman one hundred years ago.A. gameB. playC. contestD. match17. If it fine tomorrow, we will go to the park.A. beB. wasC. wereD. is18. Accuracy is another advantage provided the computer is given accurateinformation.A. to startB. startingC. to start withD. to start for19. The old man keeps swimming in winter, he is over 70.A. in caseB. thoughC. as soon asD. as long as20. Are you going to keep me all day long?A. to waitB. waitC. waitingD. waitedII Vocabulary (25%)Part A (15%)Directions: Fill in the gaps with listed words and phrases, change the form where necessary.in the process of refer to pop out blunt insureremedy as a result handy in particular migratebe/get through with count on do well gasp impact1. I’ll be that last composition you wrote seemed rather dull to me.2. If you’re with a needle, you could brighten up your sweet with giant daisies.3. Aunt Louise seemed to swell up, her eyes about to of her head.4. I expect a handsome paycheck when I translating this book.5. Anne is so full of ideas that she is as the “brain” in her family.6. Many birds of cool or cold regions each year to warm areas to avoidwinter, when food is hard to find.7. Mothers, fathers, playgroup leaders, and nursery teachers are accepted as initiators andsupporters learning to read.8. Among the many novels I have read before, I remember several ones , whichI have enjoyed immensely.9. In selecting text, teachers should take every opportunity to that pupils areable to make progress as readers and to master increasing difficult written materials.10. A month or so ago I had a row with my father and he said then that I mustn’tanything from him; if I did I’d be disappointed.11. A lorry ran into a car and the of the crash reduced the car to one thirdof its original length.12. The new president decided that police corruption was the first thing to whenhe came to power.13. The new president would to remember that he wouldn’t have made itwithout the support of the Black voters.14. Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions,and , they get better answers.15. When she saw the money hidden in the box under her husband’s desk, she insurprise.Part B (10%)Directions:Fill in these 10 incomplete sentences with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.1. When the price of the stock (go) up, you can sell it and make a profit.2. Banks try to make using money (easy) with electronic machines.3. To use a person’s first name is one of the ways to show (close)and (friend) .4. Some of the old customs and (celebrate) no longer exist today.5. The (tradition) education is different from the open education.6. Mary and her sister do the job (different) .7. In most countries, students should show (polite) and respect to their teachers.8. Loans are one of the important (bank) services.9. Most children in the USA look forward (eager) to Christmas morning every year.10. Some people like to keep their (value) things in the safe deposit boxes.III Structure (20%)Directions:Complete following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.Part A Using “not all/ every one/ everything”1. Speaking of hamburgers (并非所有的美国人都喜欢吃)2. (人的兴趣不尽相同), but we can still make friends with people who do not have our interests.3. Jacques Muller thinks money is the most important thing in the world, (但遗憾的是,金钱并非一切)Part B Using “come to do sth.”4. Often it is in overcoming hardships that (我们方懂得生命的价值)5. Having conducted some surveys in Chinese kindergartens, Howard Garden (逐渐认识到中国人喜欢”把着手教”)Part C Using “take… for granted”6. I’d always seen them together and just (就想当然地认为他们已经成婚)7. It is a very common phenomenon among people that the first gift is regarded withaffection and (第二份礼物便是理所当然的)8. Fifty years ago, (人们理所当然地认为)that marriage was the goal of everyyoung woman’s inmost thought, and the aim for her father and mother.Part D Using “feel like”9. Are there days when you (不想写作)?10. (我想去散散步). Won’t you join me?IV Reading Comprehension (20%)Task 1Last summer, my wife and I went to visit the town where we both grew up. We hadn’t been there since we were married ten years ago.First, we went to the neighborhood where my wife spent her childhood. It hadn’t changed very much. The house where she was born was still there, but it was now a different color. Thesame neighbors still lived next door. They were very glad to see Jane, and asked us to come in and have a cup of coffee. We learned about all the neighbors, old and new. Jane had a very good time. As soon as one question was asked, she would ask the next. “What happened to the Blacks who used to have the little yellow house on the corner?”“Who bought the old Johnson’s place on the next block?”“Do Fred and Whites still live down the street?”“What about Miss Burton who lived alone in the extremely big house around the corner?”Then we went to see the neighborhood where I grew up. What a disappointment! It was all changed. All the old houses I remembered were gone and in their place were some very modern ones. I didn’t know any of the people who lived there. Someone has said that you can’t go home again. Jane might not think so, but I believe this true.1. What place did they go to visit last summer?A) A beautiful country B) Their hometownC) The countryside D) The biggest city in the country2. They got married .A) eight years ago B) ten years agoC) ten years before D) eight years before3. First, they went to the place where spent childhood.A) his wife...her B) he (i)C) his mother…her D) his wife’s mother…her4. Which statement is true about the old neighbors according to the passage?A) They refused to see Jane. B) They hated to see Jane.C) They were delighted to see Jane. D) They were unfriendly to Jane.5. All the old houses I remember were gone. The word “gone” here means .A) disappeared B) leftC) built D) soldTask 2Mike was a farmer who lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would die. They sent for a doctor, who arrived two days later and examined the sick man. The doctor asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen or paper in the village, because no one could read or write.The doctor picked up a piece of burned wood from the fire. Using the wood, he wrote the name of the medicine on the door of the house. “Get this medicine for him,” he said, “and he will soon get better.”Mike’s family and friends did not know what to do. They could not read the strange writing. Then the village baker had an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his cart and drove to the nearest town. He bought the medicine and Mike was soon well again. He would not let anyone wash the magic words from the door.6. People in the village thought Mike would die since .A) he was seriously ill B)he was badly woundedC) doctors could do nothing for him D) he refused to see a doctor7. It took the doctor two days to reach the village becauseA) he had to prepare some medicineB) there was an accident on his way to the villageC) the village was far away from the townD) he couldn’t find the village8. When the doctor arrived, he .A) gave the medicine to MikeB) gave Mike a careful check-upC) became very tired and took a restD) he gave Mike an injection9. The doctor wrote the name of the medicine .A) on the ground B)on the door of the houseC) on a piece of paper D)on the wood10. In order to get the medicine, the villagers had toA)get somebody to read the name of the medicineB) turn to the magic words on the door for helpC) drive Mike to the nearest townD) drive the door to the nearest townV Writing (15%)请代ABC公司人事部(Personnel Department)经理陈放写一封邀请信,邀请Mr. Joe参加ABC公司前任主席张翼的退休(retirement)欢送会。



7. A) She thinks he should bargain more. B) She thinks the price is too high.C) She thinks the dresser is too ugly. D) She thinks the dresser is quite large.8. A) It’s cold and warm air is needed.B) It’s cool enough, but an open window could make it too cold.C) It’s hot outside, so don’t open the window.D) I t’s nice and warm in the room.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A) He was watching the documentary on TV. B) He was attending a party.C) He was watching a movie. D) He was attending a meeting.10. A) About human beings. B) About mosquitoes.C) About the earth. D) About insects.11. A) Insects are around long before people were.B) There are far more insects than there are humans.C) Insects lead a happier life than humans do.D) Insects are incredibly adaptable.12. A) Because scientists like mosquitoes.B) Because mosquitoes adapt quickly and can change their body chemistry.C) Because the medicine against mosquitoes is of bad quality.D) Because there are too many mosquitoes.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13. A) He was studying. B) He was making noises.C) He was nodding off. D) He was looking for a book.14. A) It is interesting. B) It is boring.C) It is exciting. D) It is challenging.15. A) Because Professor Rivers is interested in women’s studies.B) Because Professor Rivers is fond of Professor Anderson.C) Because Professor Rivers knows a little in this area.D) Because Professor Rivers has a lot of spare time.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter with a singer line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) He will experience feelings of failure.B) He will experience states of worry.C) He will lose his natural enthusiasm for life.D) He will become angry.17. A) Consistency is very important in parental teaching.B) To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is the foundation for morality.C) Parents usually spoil their children very much.D) All parents realize that “example is better than principles”.18. A) Parents are very strict towards their children.B) Parents work hard and have little time for their children.C) Parents are not honest and do not practice what they advise.D) Parents require their children to learn many new skills.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have heard.19. A) Because boys and girls are being prepared for different social roles.B) Because boys are more courageous.C) Because toy makers want to diversify their products.D) Because parents have different expectations for boys and girls.20. A) The craftsmanship in toy making has remained essentially unchanged.B) Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries.C) The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years.D) Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a child’s character.21. A) The weather. B) The economic state.C) Local customs and ways of life. D) The technical level.Passage ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A) Tiger. B) Bear. C) Fox. D) Wolf.23. A) He ran through the forest quickly.B) He stopped dead and was too scared to do anything.C) He fired his gun at the bear.D) He lost his balance and fell down the hill.24. A) He had a broken leg. B) He had a broken arm.C) He was too scared to move. D) He was too weak to move.25. A) He would leave the bear alone. B) He would pray for the bear.C) He would kill the bear. D) None of the above.Part ⅡVocabulary and StructureDirections: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.26.We can ______ with four computers at the moment, but we’ll need a couple more whenthe new staff arrives.A. go forB. go offC. get throughD. get by27. Foreign cars have ______ the UK markets.A. swampedB. abolishedC. stripedD. authorized28. The smell of cigarette smoke _____ what he had suspected: there had been a party in hisabsence.A. confirmedB. insuredC. supplementD. guarantee29. A helicopter flies by the _____ movement of its blades.A. circlingB. rotateC. rotaryD. round30. Though you frequently make mistakes, your accomplishments, ____, outweigh your faults.A. under no circumstancesB. in additionC. on balanceD. with a small margin31. The map was very _______. I could not figure it out.A. intriguingB. indispensableC. complicatedD. insecure32. The last guests didn’t _____ till well after midnight.A. departB. disappearC. patrolD. analyze33. In the summer Jim and I have breakfast out on the ______.A. avenueB. cabinC. openD. patio34. He came back to the tent very late and _____ in as silently as he could.A. creptB. skiedC. flutteredD. wandered35. Come on, it’s time to _____ these toys _____.A. turn / overB. take / offC. let / looseD. put / away36. His ideas are _____ with the spirit of his age.A. in essenceB. in tuneC. in timeD. in principle37. She was so thirsty that she drank a ______ of orange juice.A. cargoB. cobC. cartonD. carriage38. The police interviewed the dead man’s relatives, friends and ______.A. cripplesB. weathermenC. shipmatesD. victims39. Mr. and Mrs. Baker send their ______ regrets that they are unable to attend the dinnerparty on Friday.A. moralB. solitaryC. sincereD. brilliant40. I think he’s a little ______ after his long journey.A. solitaryB. wearyC. humbleD. drearyDirections: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D)If Women Were More Like Men: Why Females Earn LessOne of the oldest debates in contemporary social science is why women earn less than men. Conservatives tend to argue that because women anticipate taking time off to raise children, they have fewer incentives to work hard in school, and they choose careers where on-the-job training and long hours are less important. Liberals tend to focus on sex discrimination as the explanation. Obviously some mixture of those factors is at work, but academics have long been frustrated when they try to estimate which force is greater: women’s choice or men’s discrimination.A new study looks at this problem in a wonderfully inventive way. In previous studies, academic have looked at variables like years of education and the effects of outside forces such as nondiscrimination policies. But gender was always the constant. What if it didn’t have to be? What if you could construct an experiment in which a random sample of adults unexpectedly changes sexes before work one day? Kristen Schilt, a sociologist at the University of Chicago and Matthew Wiswall, an economist at New York University, couldn’t quite pull off that study. But they have come up with the first systematic analysis of the experiences of transgender people in the labor force. And what they found suggests that raw discrimination remains potent in U.S. companies.Schilt and Wiswall found that women who become men (known as FTMs) do significantly better than men who become women(MTFs)> MTFs in the study earned, on average, 32% less after they transitioned from male to female, even after the authors controlled for factors like educational levels. FTMs earned an average of 1.5% more. The study was just published in the Berkeley Electronic Press’ peer-reviewed Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy.The men and women in the study had already gone to school and made their career choices. Some of them changed jobs after they transitioned, and some stayed in the same jobs. Some were out to their employers: others started completely new lives as members of the opposite sex. Regardless, the overall pattern was very clear, newly minted women were punished, and newly minted men got a little bump-up in pay.Still, the paper is complex, so it’s useful to step back first and look at where the largerdebate over the gender wage gap stands. After all, isn’t that gap narrowing to the point of obscurity? Actually, no. The Russell Sage Foundation published the most authoritative work on the gender wage gap in 2006. The Declining Significance of Gender? In the book, Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn, both Cornell economists, show that the average full-time female worker in the U.S. earns about 79% of what average full time male worker makes. Women employed full-time actually tend to have slightly more education than men, but women are still more likely to work in clerical and service jobs. Blau and Kahn say women do make different choices when they decide on college majors and jobs---even highly educated women more often choose “female” occupations that pay less---but the authors also note that discrimination persists. As one example, they cite a 2000 study which found when symphony orchestras switched to blind audition---those in which the musicians play behind a screen---women hand a significantly better chance of being hired.The good news is that the gender wage gap has narrowed. In 1978, full-time women workers earned just 61% of what full- time men did, compared to 79% now. But what to make of the big difference in the experiences of those transgenders who have become women versus those who have become men? Schilt, one of the authors of the new article, interviewed a female-to-male transgender attorney a few years ago. As a younger attorney, the lawyer had been Susan; now he was Thomas. He told Schilt that after he transitioned from female to male, another lawyer mistakenly believed that Susan had been fired and replaced by Thomas. The other lawyer commended the firm’s boss for the replacement. He said Susan had been incompetent: “the new gay,” he added, “was just delightful.”Such stories help explain an interesting feature of transgender life:men who want to change outward gender wait an average of 10 years longer to transition than women, according to the new article by Schilt and Wiswall. ”MTFs attempt to preserve their male advantage at work for as long as possible.”they write, “whereas FTMs may seek to shed their female gender identity more quickly.”It should be noted that many transgender men do experience discrimination, especially if they are short and if they don’t look convincingly male. Also, it’s harder for MTFs to pass than FTMs: men who become women still have larger hands and bigger frames. The less-convincing appearance of MTFs probably explains part of the reason they earn so much less after they transition. Still, the new paper suggests an entirely new vein of research in the field. It also suggests that if you’re thinking about changing sexes, you should carefully consider the economic consequences.41. According to the passage, the reason of female earn less is ________.A. women’s choicesB. men’s discriminationC. conventional prejudiceD. not concluded so far42. The author’s tone is ______.A. subjectiveB. extremeC. objectiveD. none of the above43. The study tries to look at where the larger debate over the _______ stands.A. sex discriminationB. gender wage gapC. problems in running a businessD. differences between male and female44. But what to make of the big difference in the experiences of those transgenders who havebecome women versus those who have become men? Here “transgender s” means_______.A. masculine femalesB. people looking differentC. feminine malesD. people changing sexes45. According to the passage, you have to be careful about the _______ of being transgenders.A. economic factorsB. traditional biasC. health conditionD. tough working requirements(每小题2 分,共20分)Directions:There are two passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B),C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage one:In a society, such as the United States or Canada, which has many national, religious and cultural differences, people highly value individualism—the differences among people. Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student special. The educational systems in these countries show these values. Students don't memorize information. Instead, they work individually and find answers themselves. There is often discussion in the classroom. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.In most Asian societies, by contrast, the people have the same language, history, and culture. Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in much of the Orient reflects society's belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism. Children in China, Japan, and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments. In the classroom, the teaching methods are often very formal. The teacher lectures, and the students listen. There is not much discussion. Instead, the students recite rules or information that they have memorized.There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of education. For example, one advantage to the system in Japan is that students there learn much more math and science than American students learn by the end of high school. They also study morehours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The system is difficult, butit prepares students for a society that values discipline and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, yet many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information that they have memorized.The advantage of the educational system in North America, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values creative ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they haven't memorized as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries have.46. The reason why American teachers attach much importance to individualism is that .A) they are required to do soB) their students do not memorize informationC) the United States is multicultural countryD) their students work individually47. Which of the following statements applies to Asian methods of education?A) Each child in a classroom draws a different picture.B) Students have to find information themselves.C) Students are prepared for a society that values discipline.D) Teachers serve as a guide in discussion.48. An ideal educational system would be the one that _________.A) have more advantagesB) is the combination of Western and Oriental methodsC) is based on the Western systemD) rests on the Asian system49. The author is convinced that ___________.A) different educational systems reflect different culture of the societiesB) students from Western countries are creative but selfishC) Asian students are merely interested in math and scienceD) there are more advantages to Western system of education than to Oriental one50. The author is focuses on _________.A) the differences in methods of education between Orient and WestB) the advantages and disadvantages to both of the Western and Asian educational systemC) how Asian school systems reflect group goalsD) how Western school systems mirror the value of individualismPassage two:However important we may regard school life to be, there is no question that children spend more time at home than in the classroom. Therefore, the great influence of parents cannot be ignored or discounted by the teacher. They can become strong allies of the school personnel or they can consciously or unconsciously hinder and damage school objective.Administrators have been aware of the need to keep parents informed of the newer methods used in schools. Many principals have conducted workshops explaining such matters as the reading program, manuscript writing, and developmental mathematics.Moreover, the classroom teacher, with the permission of the supervisors, can also play an important role in enlightening parents. The many interviews carried on during the year as well as new ways of reporting pupils' progress, can significantly aid in achieving a harmonious interplay between school and home.To illustrate, suppose that a father has been teaching his child in arithmetic processes night after night. In a friendly interview, the teacher can help the parent turn his paternal interest into productive channels. He might be persuaded to let the child participate in discussing the family budget, buying the food, using yardstick or measuring cup at home, setting the clock, calculation mileage on a trip, and engaging in scores of other activities that have a mathematical basis. If the father follows the advice, it is reasonable to assume that he will soon realize his son is making satisfactory progress in mathematics and, at the same time, enjoying his work.Too often, however, teachers' conferences with parents are devoted to petty accounts of children's behaviors, complaints about laziness and poor work habits, and suggestions for penalties and rewards at home.What is needed is a more creative approach in which the teacher, as a professional adviser, plants ideas in parents' minds for the best utilization of the many hours that the child spends out of the classroom.In this way, the school and the home join forces in fostering the fullest development of youngsters' capacities.51. The main idea of the passage is _________________.A) home training is more important than school training because a child spends so manyhours with his parentsB) teachers can and should help parents understand and further the objectives of the schoolC) there are many ways in which the mathematics program can be completed at homeD) parents have the responsibility to help students to do their homework52. The author directly discusses the fact that _____________.A) parents drill their children too much in arithmeticB) principals have explained the new art programs to parentsC) a father can have his son help him construct articles at homeD) a parent's misguided efforts can be redirected to proper channels53. A method of parent-teacher communication mentioned by the author is __________.A) traditional progress report formsB) child-teacher interviewsC) demonstration lessonsD) workshops54. The author implies that _____________.A) participation in interesting activities related to a school subject improves one'sachievement in that areaB) too many children are lazy and have poor work habitsC) school principals do more than their share in interpreting the curriculum to the parentsD) only a small part of the school day should be given for drilling in arithmetic55. The author's purpose in writing this article is to _________________.A) tell parents to pay more attention to the guidance of teachers in the matter of educationalactivities in the homeB) help ensure that every child's capacities are fully developed when he leaves schoolC) urge teachers and school administrators to make use of a much underused resource tocooperate with the parentD) improve the teaching of mathematics(每小题3分,共15 分)Directions: Translate the following sentences in English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.56. 作为新闻和舆论的载体( carrier ),广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。



湖南人文科技学院 数学系 数学与应用数学、信息与计算科学专业 2012 级2013---2014学年第二学期概率论与数理统计课程考试试卷A分钟一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题干的括号内。


1.设B A ,是任意2个事件,则=-)(B A P ( C).(A ))()(B P A P -; (B )()()()P A P B P AB -+;(C ))()(AB P A P -; (D ))()()(AB P B P A P -+.2.设n x x x ,,,21 是来自正态总体),(2σμN (σ未知)的样本,对均值μ考虑如下的检验0100::μμμμ≠=H vs H ,则显著性水平为α的拒绝域是( A )(记t =)A .2{;(1)}W t t t n α=≥- B.{;(1)}W t t t n α=≥-C.1{;(1)}W t t t n α-=≤- D .2{;(1)}W t t t n α=≤-3.设总体X ~2(1,)N σ,12,,,n X X X ⋅⋅⋅是取自总体X 的一个样本, 则为参数2σ的无偏估计量的是( A )(A) 211()1n i i X X n =--∑; (B) 211()ni i X X n =-∑; (C) 211nii X n =∑; (D) 2X4.若随机变量X 和Y 的协方差等于0,则以下结论正确的是( B ).)(A X 和Y 相互独立; )(B )()()(Y D X D Y X D +=+;)(C )()()(Y D X D Y X D -=-; )(D )()()(Y D X D XY D ⋅=.5设随机变量X 与Y 均服从正态分布,)5,(~),4,(~22μμN Y N X ;记},4{1-≤=μX p p }5{2+≥=μY p p ,则有( A).)(A 对任何实数μ,都有21p p =; )(B 对任何实数μ,都有21p p < ;)(C 只对个别μ值,才有21p p =; )(D 对任何实数μ,都有21p p >. 二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题 3分,共15分) 1.随机变量X ~)4,(μN ,且5)(2=X E ,则X 2(1)x ±-2.设Y X ,独立且均服从正态分布),0(2σN ,且41)2,2(=-≤≤Y X P ,则=->>)2,2(Y X P 14 . 3.设 ,n X X X ,,,21为独立同分布的随机变量序列,且),2,1( =i X i 服从参数为2的指数分布,则∞→n 当时,∑==n i i n X n Y 121依概率收敛于 12. 4. 设(1521,,,X X X )是来自正态总体()9,0N 的简单随机样本,则统计量 2152122112102221 21X X X X X X Y ++++++= 的概率分布是(10,5)F .(只填F分布得2分.) 5. 设总体n X X X N X ,,,),,(~212⋅⋅⋅σμ是来自X 的一个样本∑==n i i X n X 11,参数2,σμ都是未知的,则2σ的矩估计量为 22211()n n i i i i x x x x n n ==--∑∑或 三、判断题(每小题2分,共12分对的打“√”,错的打“×”) 1.设X ~(,1)N μ,则满足{}{}22P X P X >=≤的参数μ=2 (√ ) 2.设随机变量)1,0(~),1,0(~N Y N X ,则22Y X +服从2χ分布; (× ) 3. 设随机变量X 与Y 相互独立,且),(~1p n B X ,),(~2p n B Y ,则~Y X +)2,(21p n n B +;(× )4. 设A,B,C 是三个事件,如果有 ()()()()()()()()()P AB P A P B P BC P B P C P AC P A P C =⎧⎪=⎨⎪=⎩, 则称A,B,C 相互独立 ( × )5. 设0<P(A)<1,0<P(B)<1,且A 、B 两事件相互独立,则必有A 与B 互斥事件; (× )6. 设总体),(~2σμN X ,2σ未知,X 为样本均值,,)(1122∑=-=n i i n X X n S,)(11122∑=--=ni i X X n S 检验假设00:μμ=H 时采用的统计量是n X Z /0σμ-= ( × )(以下各题要有详细过程,只写结果不给分)。



湖南商学院课程考核试卷(A)卷课程名称:计量经济学A 学分: 3A. WLS 估计;B. 逐步回归法;C. 广义差分法;D. OLS 估计; 8、以下( )情况不满足回归模型的基本假定A.X 为确定性变量,即非随机变量;B.干扰项无自相关存在;C.干扰项为正态分布;D.干扰项具有异方差; 9、在一个多元线性回归模型中,样本容量为n ,回归参数个数为k ,则在回归模型的矩阵表示式中,矩阵X 的阶数是( )A 、n ×(k-1)B 、n ×(k+1)C 、n ×kD 、(n+1)×k10、不管X 的取值如何,1()i ni i X X ==-∑的值是( ),其中n 表示样本容量,X 为X的样本均值。

A 、0B 、1C 、-1D 、不能确定 11、计量经济模型是指( )A.投入产出模型B.数学规划模型C.包含随机误差项的经济数学模型D.模糊数学模型12、在多元线性回归模型中,关于拟合优度系数2R 说法不正确的是( )A.衡量了变量Y 与某一X 变量之间的样本相关系数B.拟合优度是回归平方和除以总体平方和的值C.拟合优度的值一定在0-1之间D.衡量了解释变量对被解释变量的解释程度13、设k 为回归模型中的回归参数个数,n 为样本容量,则对总体回归模型进行显著性检验(F 检验)时构造的F 统计量为( ),RSS 表示残差的平方和,ESS 表示回归平方和。

A./(1)/()ESS k FRSS n k -=- B./(1)1/()ESS k F RSS n k -=-- C. R SS F E SS= D. E SS F T SS=14、同一经济指标按时间顺序记录的数据列称为( )A 、横截面数据B 、时间序列数据C 、转换数据D 、面板数据15、设有一元样本回归线X Y 10ˆˆˆββ+=,X 、Y 为样本均值,则点(Y X ,)( ) A 、一定在样本回归线上; B 、一定不在样本回归线上; C 、不一定在样本回归线上; D 、一定在样本回归线下方;16、已知D.W 统计量的值接近于2,则样本残差的一阶自相关系数ρˆ近似等于( )A 、0B 、1C 、-1D 、0.517、假设回归模型为:i i i X Y μβα++=,其中22)(i i X Var σμ=,则使用加权最小二乘法估计模型时,应将模型变换为( )A.iiiii X i X X Y X μαβ++=B.iiiii X X X Y μαβ++=C.iiiii X X X Y μαβ++=D.222iiiiii X X XXY μβα++=18、在线性回归模型中,如果由于模型忽略了一些解释变量,则此时的随机误差项存在自相关,这种自相关被称为( )A 、纯自相关B 、非纯自相关C 、高阶自相关D 、一阶自相关 19、如果多元线性回归模型存在不完全的多重共线性,则模型( )A.已经违背了基本假定;B.仍然没有违背基本假定;C.高斯-马尔可夫定理不成立;D.OLS 估计量是有偏的; 20、任意两个线性回归模型的拟合优度系数R 2 ( ) A. 可以比较,R 2高的说明解释能力强 B. 可以比较,R 2低的说明解释能力强 C. 不可以比较,除非解释变量都一样 D. 不可以比较,除非被解释变量都一样二、名词解释(每小题 4分,共 12 分)1、高斯-马尔可夫定理1、满足经典假设的线性回归模型,它的OLS 估计量一定是在所有线性估计量当中,具有最小的方差,即OLS 估计量是最佳线性无偏估计量(BLUE 估计量);(4分)2、多重共线性在如下的多元线性回归模型中:01122t t t k kt t Y X X X ββββμ=+++++如果解释变量之间不再是相互独立的,而是存在某种相关性,则认为该模型具有多重共线性;(2分)如果存在c1X1i+c2X2i+…+c k X ki=0i=1,2,…,n其中: c i不全为0,则称为解释变量间存在完全共线性(perfect multicollinearity)。



湖南科技大学考试试题纸(B卷)(2006- 2007学年度第一学期)课程名称概率论与数理统计B 开课学院数学学院命题教师上课学院所有学院年级班级考试时量100 分钟系主任考核方式(闭卷)交题时间:年月日警示:考试违纪处理:警告,严重警告;考试舞弊处理:记过,留校察看,开除学籍。

考试舞弊受湖南科技大学考试试题纸(B卷)(2007- 2008学年度第二学期)课程名称概率论与数理统计B 开课学院数学学院命题教师上课学院所有学院年级班级考试时量100 分钟系主任考核方式(闭卷)交题时间:年月日警示:考试违纪处理:警告,严重警告;考试舞弊处理:记过,留校察看,开除学籍。

考试舞弊受湖南科技大学考试试题(A卷)(2008 -2009 学年第二学期)概率论与数理统计B 课程班级考试时量100分钟学生人数_ 命题教师系主任交题时间:2009 年 5 月15 日考试时间:2009 年 6 月日警示:考试违纪处理:警告,严重警告;考试舞弊处理:记过,留校察看,开除学籍。

考试舞弊受湖南科技大学考试试题(B卷)(2008 -2009 学年第二学期)概率论与数理统计B 课程班级考试时量100分钟学生人数命题教师系主任湖南科技大学考试试题纸( A 卷)(2010 -2011 学年第一学期) 概率论与数理统计(B)课程专业班级考试时量100分钟学生人数106 命题教师匡能晖系主任考核方式(闭卷)交题时间:年月日警示:考试违纪处理:警告,严重警告;考试舞弊处理:记过,留校察看,开除学籍。

考试舞弊受湖南科技大学考试试题纸(A卷)(2010- 2011学年度第二学期)课程名称概率论与数理统计B 开课学院数学学院命题教师上课学院所有学院年级班级考试时量100 分钟系主任考核方式(闭卷)交题时间:年月日警示:考试违纪处理:警告,严重警告;考试舞弊处理:记过,留校察看,开除学籍。

考试舞弊受湖南科技大学考试试题纸(A卷)(2011- 2012学年度第二学期)课程名称概率论与数理统计B 开课学院数学学院命题教师上课学院所有学院年级班级考试时量100 分钟系主任考核方式(闭卷)交题时间:年月日警示:考试违纪处理:警告,严重警告;考试舞弊处理:记过,留校察看,开除学籍。



湖南商学院课程考核试卷 A课程名称: 普通逻辑学 学分 2 考核学期: 2013 —2014学年度 第 2 学期 考核形式: 闭卷一.单选题:从下列备选答案中选出一个正确答案,填入下列表格中;每题1分,共16分1、在下列两概念中具有矛盾关系的是A 、反对派 革命派B 、 进步 落后C、无产阶级 非无产阶级 D 、 资本主义国家、社会主义国家 2、“中国是社会主义国家,属于第三世界”这两个判断中,划线部分的二个概念 A 都是集合概念 B 都是非集合概念 C 前者是集合概念,后者是非集合概念 D 前者是非集合概念,后者是集合概念3“我学习成绩优秀,为什么不能当三好学生”这个判断中,说话人的错误是 A 混淆了条件 B 混淆了概念 C 强加了条件 D 倒果为因 4、在性质判断中,决定判断形式的是A 主项和谓项B 主项和量项C 谓项和联项D 量项和联项5“如果参加体育锻炼,就会妨碍学习” 这个判断中,说话人的错误是 A 混淆了条件 B 混淆了概念 C 强加了条件 D 倒果为因 6、同时否定SAP 和S0P,则A 违反同一律的要求B 违反不矛盾的要求C 违反排中律的要求D 不违反普通逻辑基本规律的要求; 7.如果A 、B 两个判断不能同假,但却可以同真,则它们之间的关系是A 、上反对关系B 、差等关系C 、矛盾关系D 、下反对关系 8、负全称否定判断的等值判断是A 、SAPB 、SIPC 、SOPD 、SEP 9、当p 假q 假时,下列为真的判断是A 、p ∧qB 、p ∨qC 、p →qD 、要么p 要么q 10、“正当防卫不是犯罪行为”这个判断的主、谓周延情况是 ;A. 主、谓项都周延B. 主、谓项都不周延C. 主项周延,谓项不周延 D.主项不周延,谓项周延第5页共1页11、以SAP 为前提,先换位后换质,推出正确的结论是A PASB PISC PI SD POSE PO S12、下列对概念进行限制正确的是A亚洲-----中国 B树----根---树枝----树叶C规律---经济规律-----价值规律 D不必要的浪费13、下列属于正确概括的有A 山脉----山B 电视机-----劳动产品C 六连一排----六连 D布---------布匹14、一个有效的三段论的小项、中项、大项分别为,若P在结论中周延,则其大前提只能是A PAMB MIPC MAPD POME PIM15、下列属于逻辑划分的是;A、三段论分为大前提,小前提和结论B、思维形式分为概念、判断和推理C、一年分为春、夏、秋、冬D、定义分为被定义项、定义项和定义联项16、参加大会的人员有干部、工人、农民、老年人、中年人、青年人,此划分犯了错误;A.划分不全 B.多出子项 C.划分标准不同一 D.母项不明确二、多选题:下列备选答案中有二个或二个以上正确答案,将其选出并填写在下列表格中;每题2分,共16分1、在“俄罗斯是世界上面积最大的国家”这一判断中,主项和谓项都是A单独概念 B普通概念 C集合概念 D正概念 E负概念2、下列对概念限制错误的是A文学家→中国文学家→鲁迅 B判断限制为概念C国家→社会主义国家→中国→江西 D或然性推理限制为归纳推理3、“群众是真正的英雄,老王是群众,所以,老王是英雄;”这个三段论A是三段论有效式 B无效的三段论C 犯了“四项错误” D犯中项不周延的逻辑错误E违反“前提中不周延的项,在结论中不得周延”的规则4、下列各判断中,属于必要条件假言判断的有A成绩优秀,才能评三好学生 B.对症下药,药到病除C 我不以权谋私,为什么犯错误 D有选举权,就年满18岁E.气温降至0度,水就结冰5、下列逻辑错误属于违反同一律要求的是A偷换概念 B混淆概念 C转移论题 D偷换论题 E 自相矛盾6.下列各组概念其内涵和外延有反变关系的是A 杀人罪、故意杀人罪B 成年人、未成年人C 有期徒刑、无期徒刑D 共产党员、审判员E 司法机关、法院第5页2页7.依据差等关系可以进行的对当关系推理是 ;A并非SE P→S IP B并非S0P→S AP C SEP→SOP D SOP→S IPE SIP→SAP8、一个正确推理必须符合的二个条件是 ;A 推理有效B 前提真实C 结论真实D 有服力E 推理有逻辑性三、下列语句作为定义或划分或推理是否正确如不正确,请指出其逻辑错误;每题2分,共24分 1.逻辑学是一门研究思维的科学;2.罪犯就是犯了罪的人;3. 国家分为资本主义国家、社会主义国家、和发展中国家;4.地球分为南半球和北半球5.所有的商品都有价值,有的劳动产品不是商品;所以,有的劳动产品没有价值;6.只有当三段论的中项至少周延一次,才是正确的三段论,这个三段论不正确,所以,它的中项不周延; 7、一个犯罪或有其主观原因,或有其客观原因,这个人犯罪的确有客观原因,所以,这个人犯罪没有主观原因;8、如果索赔超过时限,则对方不负责赔偿;现对方不负责赔偿,所以一定是索赔超过时限;9.老王是杀人犯,所以必须判死刑10.一班有些人考试及格了,所以一班有些人考试没有及格11.并非是所有的科学家都上过大学,所以有些科学家没上过大学 12、偶数是能被2整除的数,所以 所有能被2整除的数是偶数四、图表题:1题4分,2题10分;共14分1.用欧拉图表示概念间的关系:A.资本主义国家国家B.亚洲的国家C.中国D.社会主义国家 E 亚洲;4分 2.用真值表回答:假如使三个人的话都真时,小李和小王哪个上场10分 甲:只有小王不上场,小李才上场; 乙:如果小王上场,则小李上场;丙:小王上场,当且仅当小李不上场;设小王上场为P 小李上场为q第5页3页五.在错误概念下面划线,并对错误的地方进行修改每题2分,共10分1. 路边长了四棵花卉,停了十辆车辆.2.他是一个唯心主义3.今年我们村里的水果和梨都获得了丰收;4.他在战场上,不是当英雄,就是当逃兵5.这次火灾造成的经济损失,相当于全厂工人的全部产值的两倍六、逻辑应用题第1题6分,第2题6分,第3、4题各4分;共20分1、已知:1只有破获03号案件,才能确认甲、乙、丙三人都是罪犯;203号案件没有破获;3如果甲不是罪犯,则甲的供词是真的,甲说“乙不是罪犯”;4如果乙不是罪犯,则乙的供词是真的,乙说“我和丙是好朋友”;5现查明丙根本不认识乙;问:根据上述已知情况,甲、乙、丙三人中谁是罪犯谁不是罪犯请写出推导过程;6分2.某仓库失盗,有四个犯罪嫌疑人被传讯;他们的供述如下:甲:我们四个人都没有作案; 乙:我们四个人中有人作案;丙:乙和丁至少有一人没有作案;丁:我没有作案;如果这四个人中,有两人说真话,有两人说假话;问说真话的是哪二个人,写出推理过程6分3.根据对当关系,用适当的语句反驳下述判断4分1所有的先进技术都是西方国家发明的2美国是一个讲究和平与民主的国家4.如果以下是一个关于“中国经济形势发展的报告”的发言提纲,运用划分知识分析下列发言提纲从结构看有何逻辑问题为什么4分1、工业生产全面上升2、农业生产喜获丰收3、油料作物和棉花的产量可与前一年持平;4、市场购销正常,物价总水平稳定5、进出口增长较快,外商投资增势旺盛;第4页共4页湖南商学院课程考核答卷纸 A课程名称:普通逻辑学学分 2考核学期: 2013 —2014 学年度 第 2 学期 考核形式: 闭卷一.单选题:从下列备选答案中选出一个正确答案,填入下列表格中;每题1分,共16分二、多选题:下列备选答案中有二个或二个以上正确答案,将其选出并填写在下列表格中;每题2分,共16分三、下列语句作为定义或划分或推理是否正确如不正确,请指出其逻辑错误;每题2分,共24分1 74. 105. 11 6 12第1页 四、图表和概念题:1题4分,2题10分;共14分 1.用欧拉图表示概念间的关系:4分2.真值表题:10分五.运用概念知识,指出下列语句中的逻辑错误,并对错误的地方做适当修改每题2分,共10分 1. 路边长了四棵花卉,停了十辆车辆.2.他是一个唯心主义3.今年我们村里的水果和梨都获得了丰收;4.他在战场上,不是当英雄,就是当逃兵5.这次火灾造成的经济损失,相当于全厂工人的全部产值的两倍五、逻辑应用题第1题6分,第2题6分,第3、4题各4分;共20分1、推理题6分第2页2.推理题6分3.4分4.1.24.4分第3页湖南商学院课程考核试卷参考答案与评分标准 A卷课程名称:普通逻辑学学分: 2考核班级:2013级学生考核学期:2013-2014学年度第2学期一.单项选择题:每题1分,共16分二、多项选择题:每题2分,共16分三、下列语句作为定义或划分或推理是否正确如不正确,请指出其逻辑错误;每题2分,共24分1错定义过宽 2 错同语反复 3 错划分标准不一致 4 错不是划分是分解 5错大项不当周延 6 错必要条件不能由否定后件去否定前件 7 错相容的选言推理不能由肯定一个选言支去否定另一个选言支 8 错充分条件推理不能由肯定后件到肯定前件9 错.大前提不真实感 10 错. 由I为真不能必然推出O真 11 正确前后是矛盾关系 12.错.换为推理,前提中不周延的概念在结论中周延.四、1题4分,2题10分;共14分答案:略五.运用概念知识,指出下列语句中的逻辑错误,并对错误的地方做适当修改每题2分,共10分1. 混淆概念,花卉与车辆都是集合概念,这里只能用普遍概念,不能用集合概念;应将“花卉”改为“花”;“车辆”改为“车”2.将属性概念混淆为实体概念,应将”唯物主义“改为“唯物主义者”3.水果和梨是属种关系概念,不能并列;应将“水果”改为“苹果”或其它;4.将“英雄”与“逃兵”这组反对关系概念,当做为矛盾关系来使用,应将“逃兵”改为“非英雄”5.“全部产值”概念模糊,外延过宽,前面应该加“一年”、或“半年”等语词以限制六.综合应用题:第1题6分,第2题6分,第3、4题各4分,共20分1.答:由5式的丙根本不认识乙推理4,得乙是罪犯;充分条件假言判断,否定后件要否定前件;由乙是罪犯,推理3式得甲是罪犯,理由是充分条件假言判断,否定后件要否定前件;由203号案件没有破获,推理1式,得┒甲∧乙∧丙;理由是必要条件假言判断,否定前件要否定后件;5分而┒甲∧乙∧丙←→┒甲∨┒乙∨┒丙由甲乙是罪犯,推理┒甲∨┒乙∨┒丙,得┒丙;理由是相容的选言判断推理,否定一个选言支,必须肯定另一个选言支;综上所述,甲和乙是罪犯,丙不是罪犯;5分2.答:推理过程略;说真话的是乙和丙6分;3、1.有的先进战机都不是西方国家制造出来的2所有人类基因的结构都不是非洲人分析出来的4.有逻辑错误,第2点与第3点不属于同一层次的内容;第3点是第2点的分论点,不能并列排列在一起;违反了划分必须按属种关系层次依此进行的规则;。



















湖南某学院课程考核试卷(doc 8页)

湖南某学院课程考核试卷(doc 8页)

湖南某学院课程考核试卷(doc 8页)更多企业学院:《中小企业管理全能版》183套讲座+89700份资料《总经理、高层管理》49套讲座+16388份资料《中层管理学院》46套讲座+6020份资料《国学智慧、易经》46套讲座《人力资源学院》56套讲座+27123份资料《各阶段员工培训学院》77套讲座+ 324份资料《员工管理企业学院》67套讲座+ 8720份资料《工厂生产管理学院》52套讲座+ 13920份资料《财务管理学院》53套讲座+ 17945份资料《销售经理学院》56套讲座+ 14350份资料《销售人员培训学院》72套讲座+ 4879份资料湖南商学院北津学院课程考核试卷二、下列各题中标有下划线的语词,是在集合意义下使用,表达集合概念?还是在非集合的意义上使用的,表达非集合概念?(每题3分,共12分)1、人贵有自知之明2、人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的真正动力。




(每题3分,共9分) 1、期刊就是每周或每月定期出版的出版物。



四、用欧拉图表示下列各概念的外延关系(7分) 1.公里 米 厘米 毫米(2分)2.桃花 水仙花 水稻 植物(2分)得分 评卷人得分 评卷人得分 评卷人3.水果、苹果、果园、苹果树(3分)五、写出下列复合判断的逻辑形式,并指出判断种类(每题4分,共16分)1、要么换张平上场,要么换李明上场。



4、A 、B 、C 、D 四人在上海市大学生演讲比赛中都获得一等奖。

第3页共4页六.综合应用题 (1题7分,2、3、4、5题各10分,共47分)1.请根据有关的推理知识,回答以下问题(该题7分) 在公共汽车上,一个四五岁的男孩指着北京饭店大楼对身旁的老爷爷说:“真高,真漂亮!”接着,爷爷和孙子有下面一段对话:“爷爷,咱们为什么不住到这里来?”“等你长大了好好念书。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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湖南商学院北津学院课程考核试卷课程名称: 普通逻辑学X 学分: 2
考核学期:2009—2010 学年度第1学期考核形式:开卷
年级、专业、层次:全院选修班时量:120 分钟
B 的什么条件?(每题3分,共9分)




