

高考英语语法专题演练:形容词与副词02 含答案

高考英语语法专题演练:形容词与副词02 含答案

形容词与副词专题演练二1.Drug abusing may have some side effects on one's health; however, it is not always ________ if he stops it timely.A.permanent B.temporaryC.avoidable D.beneficial[解析]permanent 永久的。


temporary 暂时的;avoidable 可避免的;beneficial 有益的。

[答案]A2.—Credit cards are ________ useful when travelling.—True. They save us the trouble of taking too much cash.A.finally B.nearlyC.hardly D.particularly[解析]particularly 尤其,特别地。


[答案]D3.When we put the suggestion to him, he thought highly of it and was ________ about its immediate application.A.curious B.contentC.cautious D.enthusiastic[解析]be enthusiastic about 对……热心。

curious 好奇的;content 满足的;cautious 谨慎的。

[答案]D4.The captain ordered his men to save only essential supplies before the ship sank, ________ the food, cooking equipment, candles, bedding and clothes.A.specially B.exactlyC.particularly D.entirely[解析]句意:船长命令手下人抢在船下沉前只去拯救必需品,尤其是食物,炊具,蜡烛,寝具和衣物。





1.若5月22日,Q点不存在,则a的纬度可能为( )A.20°N B.40°NC.60°N D.80°N2.当Q地位于北半球低纬时,可能的月份及时刻是( )A.12月、17时30分B.9月、17时B.6月、4时30分D.4月、5时解析:第1题,Q是昏线与纬线a的交点,若5月22日,Q点不存在,则a纬线出现极昼或极夜现象。


第2题,Q是昏线与纬线a的交点,当Q 地位于北半球低纬时,昏线与经线交点的时刻应是18时前后,C、D 两项错误。


答案:1.D 2.A阿克苏河流域位于天山中段西部南麓地区,塔里木盆地北缘。



3.阿克苏河流域冰川的分布特征是 ( )A.该地夏季0 ℃等温线分布高度约在4 500 m附近B.该地冰川面积随海拔的升高而增加C.海拔5 000 m处的冰川面积约为海拔4 000 m处的2倍D.冰川面积最大处分布在海拔4 500 m左右4.阿克苏河流域径流量( )A.主要来源于季节性积雪融水B.季节变化和年际变化均较大C.主要集中在气温较高的夏季D.随全球气候变暖将持续增加解析:第3题,读图可知,该地的冰川最低海拔在3 000 m附近,说明夏季0 ℃等温线分布高度约在3 000 m附近,A项错误;该地冰川面积随海拔的升高先增加后减少,B项错误;冰川面积最大处分布在海拔4 500 m左右,C项错误,D项正确。





下列说法正确的是A.锡青铜的熔点比纯铜高B.锡青铜文物在潮湿环境中的腐蚀比干燥环境中快C.锡青铜中的锡加速了铜的腐蚀速度D.生成Cu2(OH)3Cl覆盖物是电化学腐蚀过程,但不是化学反应过程2.化学与科技、生活密切相关,下列说法正确的是A.将二氧化硫添加于红酒中可以起到杀菌和抗氧化作用B.地下钢铁管道用导线连接铜块可以减缓管道的腐蚀C.将“84消毒液”与75%的酒精混合使用,消毒效果更好D.“中国天眼”使用的高性能碳化硅是一种新型的有机高分子材料3.下列说法正确的是A.用丁达尔效应区分溶液与胶体B.用浓硫酸干燥碘化氢气体C.用乙醇萃取碘水中的碘D.用分液漏斗可分离溴苯和溴的混合物4.下列实验中硫酸的作用与其他三项不同的是A.蔗糖中加入浓硫酸产生黑“面包”B.亚硫酸钠与硫酸制取2SOC.配制()243Fe SO溶液时加入稀硫酸D.海带提碘时硫酸与双氧水混加5.学习小组用废弃的铝制易拉罐按如下流程制备明矾,并测定明矾中结晶水的含量。


下列说法错误的是A.X分子中环上氧原子的杂化方式为sp2B.X分子中所有碳原子共平面C.X分子中有6种不同化学环境的氢原子D.1molX最多与3molBr2反应7.W、X、Y、Z 均为周期表中前两周期元素,其原子序数依次增大,X 原子基态电子排布中无单电子。

四种元素可以组成2A B 型离子化合物,阴阳离子皆由两种元素组成,且均为正四面体形。

下列说法错误的是A.阴阳离子中都含有配位键B.第一电离能:X<Y<Z C.Y 与Z 可形成三角锥形的分子D.简单氢化物的还原性:Y<Z8.我国首个自主研发的胆固醇吸收抑制剂海博麦布的结构简式如图。



1.(2012·河南省三市调研)已知i 为虚数单位,复数z =2+i 1-2i,则|z |+1z =( )A .iB .1-iC .1+iD .-i解析:选B.由已知得z =2+i 1-2i =-2i 2+i 1-2i =i (1-2i )1-2i=i ,|z |+1z =|i|+1i =1-i ,选B.2.设a ·b =4,若a 在b 方向上的投影为2,且b 在a 方向上的投影为1,则a 与b 的夹角等于( ) A.π6 B.π3 C.2π3 D.π3或2π3解析:选B.由题意知|a |=4,|b |=2,设a 与b 的夹角为θ,则cos θ=a ·b |a ||b |=44×2=12,∴θ=π3. 3.(2012·高考四川卷)设a 、b 都是非零向量,下列四个条件中,使a |a |=b|b |成立的充分条件是( )A .a =-bB .a ∥bC .a =2bD .a ∥b 且|a |=|b |解析:选C.a |a |表示与a 同向的单位向量,b|b |表示与b 同向的单位向量,只要a 与b 同向,就有a |a |=b|b |,观察选择项易知C 满足题意. 4.(2012·高考大纲全国卷)在△ABC 中,AB 边的高为CD ,若CB →=a ,CA →=b ,a ·b =0,|a |=1,|b |=2,则AD →=( ) A.13a -13b B.23a -23b C.35a -35b D.45a -45b解析:选D.如图,∵a ·b =0,∴a ⊥b , ∴∠ACB =90°,∴AB =AC 2+BC 2= 5. 又CD ⊥AB ,∴AC 2=AD ·AB ,∴AD =455.∴AD →=45AB →=45(a -b )=45a -45b .5.(2012·福州市质检)如图,已知点O 是边长为1的等边三角形ABC 的中心,则(OA →+OB →)·(OA →+OC →)等于( ) A.19 B .-19 C.16 D .-16解析:选D.∵点O 是边长为1的等边三角形ABC 的中心,∴|OA →|=|OB →|=|OC →|=33,∠AOB =∠BOC =∠AOC =2π3,∴(OA →+OB →)·(OA →+OC →)=OA →2+OA →·OC →+OA →·OB →+OB →·OC →=(33)2+3×(33)2cos 2π3=-16.6.(2012·高考湖北卷)若3+b i1-i =a +b i(a ,b 为实数,i 为虚数单位),则a +b =________.解析:3+b i 1-i =(3+b i )(1+i )(1-i )(1+i )=3+3i +b i -b 2=a +b i ,∴⎩⎨⎧3-b2=a , ①3+b2=b , ②①+②得a +b =3. 答案:3 7.(2012·高考安徽卷)设向量a =(1,2m ),b =(m +1,1),c =(2,m ).若(a +c )⊥b ,则|a |=________. 解析:a +c =(1,2m )+(2,m )=(3,3m ). ∵(a +c )⊥b , ∴(a +c )·b =(3,3m )·(m +1,1)=6m +3=0,∴m =-12.∴a =(1,-1),∴|a |= 2. 答案: 2 8.(2012·高考安徽卷)若平面向量a ,b 满足|2a -b |≤3,则a ·b 的最小值是________. 解析:由|2a -b |≤3可知,4a 2+b 2-4a ·b ≤9,所以4a 2+b 2≤9+4a ·b ,而4a 2+b 2=|2a |2+|b |2≥2|2a |·|b |≥-4a ·b ,所以a ·b ≥-98,当且仅当2|a |=|b |,〈a ,b 〉=π时取“=”号.答案:-989.已知向量AB →=(3,1),AC →=(-1,a ),a ∈R.(1)若D 为BC 中点,AD →=(m,2),求a 、m 的值; (2)若△ABC 是直角三角形,求a 的值.解:(1)因为AB →=(3,1),AC →=(-1,a ),所以AD →=12()AB →+AC →=⎝⎛⎭⎫1,1+a 2. 又AD →=(m,2),所以⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ m =1,1+a =2×2,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a =3,m =1. (2)因为△ABC 是直角三角形,所以A =90°或B =90°或C =90°.当A =90°时,由AB →⊥AC →,得3×(-1)+1·a =0,所以a =3;当B =90°时,因为BC →=AC →-AB →=(-4,a -1),所以由AB →⊥BC →, 得3×(-4)+1·(a -1)=0,所以a =13;当C =90°时,由BC →⊥AC →,得-1×(-4)+a ·(a -1)=0,即a 2-a +4=0,因为a ∈R ,所以无解.综上所述,a =3或a =13.10.已知向量a =(sin θ,cos θ-2sin θ),b =(1,2). (1)若a ∥b ,求tan θ的值;(2)若|a |=|b |,0<θ<π,求θ的值.解:(1)因为a ∥b ,所以2sin θ=cos θ-2sin θ,即4sin θ=cos θ,故tan θ=14.(2)由|a |=|b |知,sin 2θ+(cos θ-2sin θ)2=12+22, 所以1-2sin2θ+4sin 2θ=5.从而-2sin2θ+2(1-cos2θ)=4, 即sin2θ+cos2θ=-1,所以sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫2θ+π4=-22. 又由0<θ<π知,π4<2θ+π4<9π4,所以2θ+π4=5π4或2θ+π4=7π4.故θ=π2或θ=3π4.11.已知向量m =(3sin x 4,1),n =(cos x 4,cos 2x4).(1)若m ·n =1,求cos(2π3-x )的值;(2)记f (x )=m ·n ,在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,且满足(2a -c )cos B =b cos C ,求函数f (A )的取值范围.解:(1)m ·n =3sin x 4cos x 4+cos 2x4=32sin x 2+12cos x 2+12=sin(x 2+π6)+12. 又∵m ·n =1,∴sin(x 2+π6)=12,cos(x +π3)=1-2sin 2(x 2+π6)=12,cos(2π3-x )=-cos(x +π3)=-12.(2)∵(2a -c )cos B =b cos C ,由正弦定理得,(2sin A -sin C )cos B =sin B cos C , ∴2sin A cos B -sin C cos B =sin B cos C . ∴2sin A cos B =sin(B +C ).∵A +B +C =π,∴sin(B +C )=sin A ,且sin A ≠0.∴cos B =12,B =π3.∴0<A <2π3.∴π6<A 2+π6<π2,12<sin(A 2+π6)<1. 又∵f (x )=m ·n =sin(x 2+π6)+12,∴f (A )=sin(A 2+π6)+12.故函数f (A )的取值范围是(1,32).。



专题二《价格》高考真题演练一、单项选择1.(2012高考广东卷24)《汉书·食货志》记载:“籴(d í,买进谷物)甚贵,伤民;甚贱,伤农。


这说明( ) A.农产品的价格变化由流通环节决定 B.农产品的价格应调控在合理范围内 C.农产品“好货不便宜,便宜无好货” D.农产品的价格波动由价值变动引起2.(2012高考江苏卷6)图1表示某商品供给食和价格的关系(横轴为供给量,纵轴为价格,S1为变动前曲线,S2为变动后曲线)。

在不考虑其它因素条件下,以下变化中会导致S1向S2方向平行移动的是( ) ①该商品劳动生产率提高 ②该商品的市场价格提高 ③该商品的生产成本下降 ④生产该商品的企业减少A.①②B.①③C.②③D.③④3.(2012高考福建卷27)30图9中M 、N 曲线分别代表两类商品的价格与需求量的关系。

在一般情况下,可以推断出的正确结论是( )A 、M 商品是生活必需品,企业应扩大该商品的生产B 、N 商品是高档耐用品,企业就减少该商品的生产C 、当MN 商品同时提价时,政府应对M 商品征收增值税D 、当N 商品价格过高时,政府应对低收入者发放生活补贴4.(2012高考浙江卷24)某镇居民喜食鸡肉和羊肉,近几年镇政府大力提倡发展养鸡业,市场上鸡肉供给大幅增加。

假定羊肉供给未变,这会使( ) ①鸡肉价格下降,需求量增加 ②羊肉价格上升,需求量增加 ③鸡肉需求量减少,价格上升 ④羊肉需求量减少,价格下降 A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④5.(2012高考四川卷24)汽油和汽车是必须组合在一起才能满足人们行车需求的商品。


假定其他条件不变,不列能够反映油价上涨对汽车需求量影响的是( )6.(2012高考北京卷33) 某两种商品的价格变化如图9所示,由此可以推断出( )A. 两种商品之间相互替代B. 商品1在市场上供不应求C. 商品2的生产企业利润上升D. 商品2的市场供给量高于商品17.(2012高考山东卷18)下列曲线图中,某商品的需求曲线(D )和供给曲线(S )相交于E点。



2024届湖北省武汉市汉阳一中高三下学期高考仿真模拟全真演练物理试题(二)一、单选题 (共7题)第(1)题某地有一风力发电机,它的叶片转动时可形成半径为20m的圆面。


则此风力发电机发电的功率约为()A.B.C.D.第(2)题如图所示,由于空气阻力的影响,炮弹的实际飞行轨道不是抛物线,而是图中的“弹道曲线”,图中高度相同,为弹道曲线最高点,则炮弹( )A.到达点时加速度竖直向下B.在下落过程中机械能增加C.重力在段的冲量小于段的冲量D.在段克服阻力做功小于段克服阻力做功第(3)题质量均为的A、B、C三个物体静置叠放在水平面上,如图,现给B物体施加一拉力,大小为,方向斜向右上方与水平方向成,A、B、C仍处于静止状态,取,,下列说法正确的是( )A.物体C对B的摩擦力大小为B.物体C与地面间的摩擦力大小为C.物体C对地面的压力大小为D.物体B对A的摩擦力大小为第(4)题如图所示,滚筒洗衣机脱水时,滚筒绕水平转动轴匀速转动,滚筒上有很多漏水孔,附着在潮湿衣服上的水从漏水孔中被甩出,达到脱水的效果,下列说法正确的是( )A.脱水过程中滚筒对衣物的摩擦力始终充当动力B.衣物在最低点B时脱水效果最好C.衣物在A、B两点时的加速度相同D.衣物在A、B两点时所受筒壁的力大小相等第(5)题如图甲所示,从点到地面上的点有Ⅰ、Ⅱ两条光滑轨道,轨道Ⅰ为直线,轨道Ⅱ为、两点间的最速降线,小物块从点由静止分别沿轨道Ⅰ、II滑到点的速率与时间的关系图像如图乙所示。

由图可知( )A.小物块沿轨道Ⅰ做匀加速直线运动B.小物块沿轨道Ⅱ做匀加速曲线运动C.图乙中两图线与横轴围成的面积相等D.小物块沿两条轨道下滑的过程中,重力的平均功率相等第(6)题一带电粒子仅在电场力作用下从A点开始以做直线运动,其v-t图像如图所示,粒子在时刻运动到B点,3时刻运动到C点,下列判断正确的是A.A、B、C三点的电势关系为B.A、B、C三点场强大小关系为C.粒子从A点经B点运动到C点,电势能先增加后减少D.粒子从A点经B点运动到C点,电场力先做正功后做负功第(7)题如图所示,AB和BC是固定在匀强电场中的两个挡板,两挡板与竖直方向夹角相同且AC两个端点之间的距离为,B到AC的距离为,从任一挡板的顶点抛出带电荷量为的小球。



2024届江苏省兴化中学高三高考综合演练(二)英语试题一、阅读理解King's College Summer School is an annual training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This year's summer school will be from 25 July to 15 August.More information is as follows:1.Which of the following is TRUE about King's College Summer School?A.Only top students can take part in the program.B.King's College Summer School is run every other year.C.Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.D.Only the teachers of King's College give courses.2.How much will you pay the school if you are to attend the program but live with your relatives in New York?A.$200.B.$400.C.$500.D.$900.3.What information can you get from the text?A.The program will last two months.B.You can write to Thompson only in English.C.As a Chinese student, you can send your application on 14 July, 2022.D.You can get in touch with the school by e­mail or by telephone.In high school I was very shy, content to hang around with my small group of friends and to concentrate on my courses. I was quickly labeled a "brain." I did so well that by the end of senior year I had perfect grades and enough college credits to give up an entire quarter of coursework.But in early June of senior year, the principal called me into his office. He asked me to give a speech at graduation. I was surprised to look at him, my heart thumping. This was the reward for my hard work? I murmured something and fled the office, blaming myself for staying away from physics, a subject sure to have broken up my perfect record.I finally agreed to a compromise. I would share the honor with five other students. I agreed to introduce my friend Judy, who would then give her own, full-length speech.Graduation day soon arrived, I’d been practicing my speech for days, and I had it memorized. The first half hour of the ceremony passed in a blur, and then my moment came. My name was announced. I managed to reach the stage without falling down. I faced my classmates. My voice trembled a little, but mostly it was clear and strong. But within seconds, I was done and heading back to my seat. I accomplished something I’d never dreamed of — I spoke in front of hundreds of people.Although I didn’t realize it at the time, the successful completion of that speech gave me the confidence to take part in class at college, to give oral reports, and to eventually break free of my shyness. I never would have chosen to give a speech at graduation — or ever. But I’m glad I did. Ino longer hesitate when I’m faced with the prospect of doing something I feared. I know it may very well turn out to be one of my shining moments.4.Why was the writer called a "brain"?A.She was the most intelligent student.B.She was the head of her small group.C.She was a bookworm all the time.D.She did more coursework for good grades.5.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A.She ruined her health by studying hard.B.She got the reward as was expected.C.She was grateful for giving a speech.D.She wasn't good at physics at school.6.How did the author feel at the beginning of the graduation speech?A.Excited.B.Moved.C.Scared.D.Embarrassed7.What did the speech bring to the author at last?A.She had nothing to fear in life,B.She won enough college credits.C.She got rid of her sense of shyness.D.She desired to become a speaker.On average, American kids ages 3 to 12 spent 29 hours a week in school, eight hours more than they did in 1981. They also did more household work and participated in more of such organized activities as soccer and ballet. Involvement in sports, in particular, rose almost 50% from 1981 to 1997: boys now spend an average of four hours a week playing sports; girls log hall that time. All in all, however, children’s leisure time dropped from 40% of the day in 1981 to 25%.“Children are affected by the same time crunch that affects their parents,” says Sandra Hofferth, who headed the recent study of children’s timetable. A chief reason, she says, is that more mothers are working outside the home. (Nevertheless, children in both double-income and “male breadwinner” households spent comparable amounts of time interacting with their parents19 hours and 22 hours respectively. In contrast, children spent only 9 hours with their single mothers.)All work and no play could make for some very messed-up kids. “Play is the most powerful way a child explores the world and learns about himself,” says T. Berry Brazelton, professor at Harvard Medical School Unstructured play encourages independent thinking and allows the young to negotiate their relationships with their peers, but kids ages 3 to 12 spent only 12 hours a week engaged in it.The children sampled spent a quarter of their rapidly decreasing “free time” watching television. But that, believe it or not, was one of the findings parents might regard as good news. If they’re spending less time in front of the TV set, however, kids aren’t replacing it with reading. Despite efforts to get kids more interested in books, the children spent just over an hour a week reading. Let’s face it, who’s got the time?8.What does the underlined phrase “the same time crunch” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.Children have little time to play with their parents.B.Both parents and children suffer from lack of leisure time.C.Children are not taken good care of by their working parents.D.Both parents and children have trouble managing their time.9.In the author’s opinion, a child develops better if .A.he has plenty of time reading and studying B.he is free to interact with his working parentsC.he is left to play with his peers in his own way D.he has more time participating in school activities10.What does the author worry about American kids?A.They are increasingly ignored by their working mothers.B.They are engaged in more and more structured activities.C.They are spending more and more time watching TV.D.They are involved less and less in household work.11.What can we conclude from the text?A.Extracurricular activities promote children’s intelligence.B.Most parents believe reading to be beneficial to children.C.Efforts to get kids interested in reading have been fruitful.D.Most children will turn to reading with TV sets switched off.Move over, helicopter parents. “Snowplow (扫雪机) parents” are the newest reflection of an intensive (强化的) parenting style that can include parents booking their adult children haircuts, texting their college kids to wake them up so they don’t sleep through a test, and even calling their kids’ employers.Helicopter parenting, the practice of wandering anxiously near one’s children, monitoring their every activity, is so 20th century. Some rich mothers and fathers now are more like snowplows: machines moving ahead, clearing any difficulties in their children’s path to success, so they don’t have to suffer failure, frustration (挫折) or lose opportunities.It starts early, when parents get on wait lists for excellent preschools before their babies are born and try to make sure their kids never do anything that may frustrate them. It gets more intense when school starts: running forgotten homework to school or calling a coach to request that their children make the team.Rich parents may have more time and money to devote to making sure their children don’t ever meet with failure, but it’s not only rich parents practicing snowplow parenting. This intensive parenting has become the most welcome way to raise children, regardless of income, education, or race.Yes, it’s a parent’s job to support the children, and to use their adult wisdom to prepare for the future when their children aren’t mature enough to do so. That’s why parents hide certain toys from babies to avoid getting angry or take away a teenager’s car keys until he finishes his college applications.But snowplow parents can take it too far, some experts say. If children have never faced a difficulty, what happens when they get into the real world?“Solving problems, taking risks and overcoming frustration are key life skills,” many child development experts say, “and if parents don’t let their children experience failure, the children don’t acquire them.”12.What do we know about snowplow parenting?A.It appeared before helicopter parenting.B.It costs parents less than helicopter parenting.C.It was a typical phenomenon of the 20th century.D.It provides more than enough services for children.13.What is mainly discussed about snowplow parenting in Paragraph 4?A.Its cost.B.Its benefits.C.Its popularity.D.Its ending. 14.Why does the author mention parents’ taking away car keys?A.To show teenagers are no better than babies.B.To advise teenagers not to treat their cars as toys.C.To advise parents not to buy cars for their teenagers.D.To show it’s appropriate to help children when necessary.15.What’s the possible result of snowplow parenting according to the experts?A.Children lacking problem-solving ability in reality.B.Children mastering more key life skills than parents.C.Children gaining great success in every aspect of life.D.Children meeting no problems or frustration after growing up.Capture spirit of youth“Youth is like the early spring,like the morning sun,like the budding flowers,like the sharp blade fresh off the grinding stone. Youth is the most valuable time of life. "Chen Duxiu,one of the founders of the Communist Party of China,once wrote the Spirit of Youth.16 During this time,habits and interests that will continue for the rest of your life are formed and developed--so it's important to get off to a good start.But what is the spirit of youth It's a time to begin the process of self-reliance and self-motivation. Sure,you might have parents and friends to help you. 17 It builds your character and makes you independent,a necessity to get through the challenges of life. No one can force you to get good grades or get the perfect job-those responsibilities are yours and yours alone. Only you can be the author of your own life.When times get tough,please be persevering. Train yourself to be strong. Tell yourself that you can summon(召唤)the will to overcome whatever obstacles come your way. Anything worth doing isn't easy. 18 In the end,conquering a difficult task is always worth it,and you canthank perseverance for guiding you there.Work hard. There's nothing better than relaxing at the end of a long day,knowing that you did all you could do for yourself,your family and friends,and your community. Be a person that others admire. Do the work that others won't and never complain. The process of working hard will teach you valuable lessons along the way;most importantly,it will teach you that failure is inevitable(不可避免的)but isn't something you should ever allow to hold you back. 19 Following these principles will surely bring success in school,work and life in general. Listen to the spirit of youth inside you and follow your instincts. 20A.Youth is a state of mind.B.Change your strategy and try again.C.It's best to learn that lesson early.D.Be self-reliant,persevere through hard times and always work hard to achieve your dreams. E.Dealing with obstacles is not that easy.F.Youth is a relatively brief period in a man's life.G.But ultimately,you must rely on yourself.二、完形填空Running for a dreamI will never forget that November day.It was hotter than normal.This was the 21 my father and I had waited so long for,22 we had been working towards this race for three years.Dozens of familiar faces from church and school flashed across my view.I saw worry and excitement on my father’s face.Then the race began!For the first two and a half miles,I felt 23 .I had never before been so ready for something.The weeks leading up to the race were filled with controlled 24 and a strict diet.My friends hadn’t seen me in weeks,but they understood the 25 required to make my dream a reality.As in all of my races,I didn’t start out in the front,I loved the pleasure of 26 people as my strength overtook their premature(提早的)speed.Then without warning,my strength began to 27 .Neck and neck with one of my greatest competitors,I could see the finish line.I had begun the final dash into 28 when myknees became weak and my legs gave way.Nothing I could do would make them 29 weight.I watched as runners rushed by me.Although I knew my dreams of victory were destroyed I had to finish the race.However,my legs hurt badly.With all of the 30 left in me,I got on my hands and knees and crawled(爬),inch by inch,across the finish line.V oices,both 31 and familiar,cheered me on.They gave me the courage to keep 32 until the very end.On that point my eyes sought the crowd 33 the only one person I wanted to talked to,my father.I whispered,“I’m so sorry,Dad,I’m so sorry I 34 you.”He looked at me,saying,“You could never let me down.Sometimes these things just happen.All that 35 is that you did your best.”“But we worked so hard.What about our dream?”He reached over for my hand and said.“Don’t you know that you are my dream and it has come true?”What I realized from this,though,was that to him,I was the greatest prize he had ever won.21.A.dream B.weather C.result D.day22.A.so B.why C.because D.since 23.A.proud B.great C.nervous D.afraid 24.A.programs B.studies C.instructions D.practices 25.A.sacrifice B.potential C.patience D.attention 26.A.improving B.passing C.reminding D.replacing 27.A.decrease B.increase C.gathering D.restoring 28.A.relief B.spirit C.pleasure D.glory29.A.give B.feel C.hold D.add30.A.trust B.emotion C.strength D.confidence 31.A.1oud B.foreign C.soft D.firm 32.A.going B.running C.fighting D.training 33.A.into B.for C.from D.of 34.A.frightened B.disturbed C.disappointed D.bored 35.A.differs B.conflicts C.matters D.involves三、语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.You may often tell white lies (善意的谎言) to your child. “I've got Santa on the phone and he says he's not coming unless you go to bed now,” is particularly 36 (use) during the festive season, for example.It can seem like nothing: just another tool to improve your child's behaviour. But don't get too 37 (attach) to the technique—telling too many white lies to your child may have more far-reaching consequences than you might have hoped.To examine the impact of parental lying, researchers in Singapore gave 379 adults online 38 (questionnaire). The results suggested that those 39 parents had lied more were now more likely to lie to their own parents—by being lied to, in other words, it seemed they had started to believe that being dishonest 40 (be) morally acceptable.Additionally, if parents are constantly lying to their children, there may potentially be other underlying relational issues 41 (contribute) to problems in adolescence and adulthood. Yes, misleading children might not help their 42 (develop), but there may also be deeper problems that are responsible 43 their difficulty with attention or behaviour.So, next time you think about telling 44 you see as a harmless white lie to keep your child quiet or get them into bed, 45 (think) again. It may save you some time—but, in the long run, it's probably not worth it.四、完成句子46.玛丽发现丈夫躺在地上,于是她拨打了120。



2023年高考全国卷语文二轮热点题型演练:语言文字运用II(情境补写+修辞+压缩+句式+图文转换)统编版高三总复习专题02语言文字运用II目录一、热点题型归纳 1【题型一】情境补写+修辞 1【题型二】情境补写+压缩8【题型三】情境补写+句式15【题型四】情境补写+图文转换23二、最新模考题组练32【题型一】情境补写+修辞【典例分析】阅读下面的文字,完成1-2题。























已知手机显示屏的面积大约为0.01m2,根据数据可知两次穿过手机显示屏磁通量的变化量约为( )A.B.C.D.第(2)题如图所示为某同学采用平行板电容器测量材料竖直方向尺度随温度变化的装置示意图,电容器上极板固定,下极板可随材料尺度的变化上下移动,两极板间电压不变。

若材料温度变化时,极板上所带电荷量变多,则( )A.材料竖直方向尺度增大B.极板间电场强度不变C.极板间电场强度变小D.电容器电容变小第(3)题如图所示,条形磁铁放在光滑斜面上,用平行于斜面的轻弹簧拉住而平衡,A为水平放置的直导线的截面,导线中无电流时磁铁对斜面的压力为F N1;当导线中有垂直纸面向外的电流时,磁铁对斜面的压力为F N2,则下列关于压力和弹簧的伸长量的说法中正确的是( )A.F N1<F N2,弹簧的伸长量减小B.F N1=F N2,弹簧的伸长量减小C.F N1>F N2,弹簧的伸长量增大D.F N1>F N2,弹簧的伸长量减小第(4)题如图所示,运动会上,小红同学举着面积为0.5m2的班牌站在班级前。


空气密度为1.2kg/m3,若班牌始终保持竖直不动,则垂直牌面方向的风速最大值约为()A.8m/s B.6m/s C.4m/s D.2m/s第(5)题如图所示,某自卸式货车车厢上放有一箱货物,货箱内有一光滑的倾斜隔板AB,其与货箱底部的夹角为30°,隔板与货箱右壁之间放有一圆柱状工件,货车在卸货过程中,车厢倾角θ缓慢增大到37°,货箱一直相对车厢底板静止,下列说法正确的是( )A.车厢对货箱的作用力逐渐增大B.车厢对货箱的作用力逐渐减小C.工件对隔板的压力不断增大D.工件对货箱右壁的压力一直增大第(6)题已知均匀带电球体在其外部产生的电场与一个位于球心的、电荷量相等的点电荷产生的电场相同,而均匀带电球売在其内部任意一点形成的电场强度为零。













高考语文复习 专题演练13 群文阅读 红色革命小说二

高考语文复习 专题演练13 群文阅读 红色革命小说二


(15分 )红岩(节选)罗广斌杨益言在这暗无天日的集中营里,竟有个图书馆,真是想不到的事。



























高考英语语法专题演练:介词及介词短语02 Word版含答案

高考英语语法专题演练:介词及介词短语02 Word版含答案

介词及介词短语专题演练二1._______ her children,she also has to look after her old parents.A.Far from B.Regardless ofC.Instead of D.Apart from[解析]apart from 除了。


[答案]D2.Women have big advantages ________ men in space because they need less food and oxygen and they stand up to radiation better.A.on B.overC.with D.to[解析]advantage over sb. 超过某人的优势。

[答案]B3.________ most countries, Japan doesn't offer much access to the Internet to its people who have less money and receive less education.A.As for B.As ifC.As with D.As of[解析]as with 正如,符合句意。

[答案]C4.The iPhone 4S is Apple's first major hardware on the market ________ the Oct.5 death of co-founder Steve Jobs.A.for B.toC.from D.since[解析]since+名词作状语与现在完成时连用。

[答案]D5.Undoubtedly, life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is ________ our control.A. againstB. beyondC. amongD. in[解析]against 反对;beyond 超过……的范围;among 在三者或三者以上之中;in 在……里。

专题02 力与直线运动 【讲】-2023年高考物理毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(解析版)

专题02 力与直线运动 【讲】-2023年高考物理毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(解析版)

专题01力与直线运动【要点提炼】1.解决匀变速直线运动问题的方法技巧(1)常用方法①基本公式法,包括v t 2=x t =v 0+v2,Δx =aT 2。

②v ­t 图象法。






3.动力学问题常见的五种模型(1)等时圆模型(图中斜面光滑)(2)连接体模型两物体一起加速运动,m 1和m 2的相互作用力为F N =m 2·Fm 1+m 2,有无摩擦都一样,平面、斜面、竖直方向都一样。

(3)临界模型两物体刚好没有相对运动时的临界加速度a =g tan α。








2021届高考语文专题模拟演练 古代诗词鉴赏(2)

2021届高考语文专题模拟演练 古代诗词鉴赏(2)

























高考英语语法专题演练:名词性从句02 含答案

高考英语语法专题演练:名词性从句02 含答案

名词性从句专题演练二1.Don't hesitate to discuss your plans with ________ you believe can be of great assistance to you.A.who B.whomC.whomever D.whoever[解析]whoever 引出宾语从句,作从句中的主语,you believe 为插入语。

[答案]D2.With your help, there is no doubt ________ our plan is meant for will work out successfully.A.that what B.whether thatC.what that D.that whether[解析]there is no doubt that 引出同位语从句,what 引出同位语从句中的主语从句,作主语从句中be meant for 的宾语。

[答案]A3.Optimism had been growing ________ the weekend meeting of European Union leaders in Brussels would come up with a substantial plan for dealing with the debt crisis.A.when B.beforeC.what D.that[解析]that 引出同位语从句,说明optimism 的内容。

[答案]D4._______ is known to us all is that the Olympic Games will take place in Rio.A. ItB. WhichC. AsD. What[解析]本题考查名词性从句引导词。


________ is known to us all 为主语从句;what 作主语从句的主语;本结构亦可改写成As is known to us all,或It is known to us all that... 结构。





I.若复数z =言,贝。

lzl= A.I B孚c 孚 D.{lo 2.若集合A ={xly =叮叮}, B = (xlx 2 -2x泣的,则A nB =A .(-oo,O) B.(O,l)C .(-oo,O) D.[0.1)3.己知数列{α.}满足2向+1=a "+α,1+2’其前,f项平日为丸,若Sg = 18,则何=A. -2B .0 C.2 D.44.已失Uw > 0,函数f(x)= 3叫wx +�)- 2在区间卜]上单调递减,贝l j wfl悚值范围是A.(o,f] B.co,21 c.[f.?]n.H,!]5.某学校为了搞好课后服务工作,教务处建了一批社团,学生们都能积极选择自己喜欢的社团.目前音乐社团、书法社阳、摄影社团、皮影社团分别还可以再接收1名学生,恰好含甲、乙的4名同学前来教务科申请力ll入,t玄学校规定每人只能加入一个社团,则甲进皮影社团,乙进书法社团成摄影社团的概率为A . .!. 8 . .!. C . .!. D . .!. 56 8 6.已知正三棱锥S-ABC 的底丽边长为3,似!J 梭长为2../言,点P为此三棱锥各顶点所在球面上的一点,则点p fi l 平丽SAB 的距离的最大值为A吁26-吁26·---C 而+242币+μ-一-D .-一-7.若a=l.llnl.1,b = 0.le 0·1,c =i ,贝归,b,c 的大小关系为A.a< b < c B.c<a<b c. b <α< c D.a< c < b x 1 y2 8.己知F,,Fi 分别是双曲线C:-;;_z-,;z= 1 α>0, b>O )的左、右焦点,点P在双曲线上,PF 1 .L PF 2’圆。



河北省部分学校2023届高三下学期第二次高考模拟演练英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Best Flower Delivery ServicesWhether you're celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or a holiday, sending pretty blooms is the perfect way to let someone know you're thinking of them. We rounded up several amazing delivery services that not only ship fresh and beautiful bouquets of flowers, but also ensure timely deliveries.Home Depot$72You probably already shop at Home Depot for all your home improvement needs, but do you know that the store also has a flower delivery service? From roses to carnations(康乃馨), this unexpected retailer has an arrangement for all your needs. Real Simple readers can save up to 40 percent using these HomeDepot coupon codes(折扣码).Urban Stems$155Unlike other flower delivery services, you can't customize your Urban Stems bouquets, but with so many options available, you won't want to. Along with same-day and next-day delivery, the company also lets you pre-order up to four weeks in advance. Real Simple readers can save up to 15 percent using theseUrban Stems coupon codes.Amazon Curated Flower Collection$43These days, pretty much everything imaginable is available on Amazon, and that includes flower deliveries. The Amazon Curated Flower Collection has arrangements to choose from that are available for same-day and next-day delivery. Flowers are shipped when they are still in their bud period to ensure they will last as long as possible.White Flower Farm$49If you have a green thumb, you've probably heard of White Flower Farm. The family-owned nursery is known for growing a wide variety of plants and delivering them all over the country. But the gardening retailer also has an expansive(广阔的) range of high-quality house plants and fresh-cut bouquets available for purchase as well.1、How much can a customer spend at least with Home Depot?A. About $43.2.B. Around $28.8.C. Just $72.D. About $10.8.2、How long can customers order ahead of schedule?A. About four fortnights.B. Within two fortnights.C. More than a month.D. Less than two months.3、Which is likely to be known to a person good at gardening?A. Urban Stems.B. Home Depot.C. Amazon Curated Flower Collection.D. White Flower Farm.Eight endangered giraffes trapped on a shrinking island in the middle of a flooding lake are dangerous enough, but the water was crowded with crocodiles. Racing into action were conservationists, government officials, and local community members of Ruko Community Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya to try and construct a “giraffe-raft(救生艇)” in order to ferry them across the lake to safety on higher ground.Longicharo Island in Lake Baringo wasn't always an island, but rather a peninsula(半岛) that split apart after years of intense flooding. The giraffes arrived in 2011, brought by park guarders who believed it was a danger-free place. They kept them fed and healthy, traveling the river by boat. Finally, with more flooding on the horizon, authorities agreed that, with the island continuing to shrink, the threat of losing the valuable animals was too great. One of the tallest and widest of their species, building the giraffe-raft required imagination and planning. It would have to be a strong and balanced one.For several months, the workers familiarized the giraffes with the rescue craft on land until recently when the team calmed Asiwa, an adult female, and covered her eyes to make the trip successfully. Gizmodo had an email exchange with David O'Connor, President of Save Giraffes Now, the non-profit that participated in the daring rescue. He described the special pen(围栏) that was designed specifically for the occasion. "It floats on the top of a series of empty drums and there were specially-built sides that kept Asiwa from jumping out," he explained.Asiwa, has always been a priority for the team on the ground, as she was the most vulnerable. It is a relief for all involved to have got her safely across to the mainland and we are sure she is enjoying the space in her new home! Asiwa is now on dry land and awaits the other giraffes that will join her on a special 4,400-acre reservation with high, secure fencing that should keep them safe from predators.4、Which of the following were stuck in Longicharo Island?A. Some crocodiles.B. Several conservationists.C. Some giraffes of great value.D. Eight government officials.5、Which did the rescuers have to face?A. There weren't enough hands.B. It was difficult to find a danger-free place.C. The small island had been completely flooded.D. It was tough to build a special tool for shipment.6、Why did the rescuers cover Asiwa's eyes during the trip?A. To avoid her being frightened.B. To help her fall asleep normally.C. To stop her from hurting the rescuers.D. To make her more familiar with the raft.7、What makes the rescuers relieved?A. Asiwa has joined her family.B. The shipment of Asiwa has succeeded.C. The flood has disappeared completely now.D. The flooded island is equipped with safe fence.18-year-old Alison Sanger is an amazing student. Maybe too amazing—the book opens with Alison lying to her mother about having food poisoning so she can take a test on Shakespeare. More than getting good grades, her true motivation is to beat her opponent, Ethan Molloy.Ethan has gone toe-to-toe with Alison on everything throughout school. They're both honors students. They are co-vice presidents of the senior class. They both hope to get into Harvard. The fact that Ethan and Alison seem to always do everything at the same time turned into a competition a long time ago. Whoever does worse on an exam must do an unpleasant task of the winner's choosing. If someone misses the exam, they forfeit.This unfriendly competition is so famous that everyone at Fairview knows about it, students and staff. They're even more annoyed by it than Alison. The principal takes matters in hand by asking the two to co-plan a previous class's ten-year reunion after someone else dropped the ball. As you might imagine, tensions arise and passion is aroused. In a certain way, What's Not to Love is a little like The Hunger Games. Like Katniss with Peeta, Alison is constantly evaluating her own emotions against Ethan's supposed strategy.While reading this book, I was forced to wonder exactly how healthy this relationship was.I assumed everyone's intentions in the book were honorable—the authors themselves turned out all right in the end, and I'm incredibly glad for that. Wibbroka fans will not be disappointed—What's Not to Love is story of soulmates and passion; its short chapters and tight pacing carry the reader along all the way to the satisfying conclusion. Despite its faults—which the text itself calls to attention—fans of enemies-to-lovers stories like How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days will feel right at home here.8、Why does Alison lie to her mother?A. To treat her food poisoning.B. To prove that she's also amazing.C. To be able to be tested on schedule.D. To please her friend with good grades.9、What does "forfeit" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Compete.B. Withdraw.C. Cooperate.D. Succeed.10、How does the principal's attempt to help the two girls end?A. They prove their abilities separately.B. They get the final result of their competition.C. They set up a better relationship between them.D. They use it as another chance to continue the competition.11、What does the author think of the book?A. Worth reading.B. Useless.C. Unreasonable.D. Perfect.The European continent's landmarks shine an even more attractive light than usual—if partly because of their inaccessibility. And few European attractions pop up more often on postcards than its castles.But the best place for serious castle spotters may come as a surprise. It's not France's Loire or Germany's Bavaria. The true centre is Wales, which features more castles per square mile than any other country in Europe.From the northern mountains of Snowdonia to Swansea Bay in the south, castles that could have dropped out of Camelot shoot up everywhere. Why are there so many? Blame it partly on Wales' history as a controversial land. Fighting over it, the Normans, the native Welsh, and the English, led by Edward I, all built splendid castle in an explosion of castle building that occupied the 13th and 14th centuries.The number of Welsh castles is matched by their variety. "For a small country," says historian Kate Roberts, "we have just about every type and form, including concentric castles with moated(护城河) defenses, castles with a strong gate tower, castles that make every possible use of natural defenses, and castles designed to be beautiful luxurious(豪华)houses."That vast range of castles suggests just how deeply the castles reflect Wales' unrest, always shifting history. Take Chepstow Castle, which stands at a cliff overlooking the River Wye. The 11th-century castle started life as one of the first Norman command posts constructed by William FitzOsbern, a close ally(盟友) of William the Conqueror. But it was its next commander, William Marshall, who turned the homely castle into a frightening Norman one, building the first twin-towered gatehouse in Britain.The castle did double duty. It also served as the storehouse for the gold and silver collected by Marshall. Chepstow's most striking attraction is its giant wooden doors - the oldest in Europe—which were originally wrapped in iron plates to both resist invaders and keep Marshall's robbed treasures safe.12、Where are Castle lovers most likely to travel?A. America.B. Wales.C. France's Loire.D. Germany's Bavaria.13、What does Kate Roberts want to say in Paragraph 4?A. Castles can take the place of history.B. People will use the castles as their shelters.C. Castles have been designed as sports.D. There are many castles in Wales.14、Why does the author take Chepstow Castle as an example?A. To show it's designed well.B. To show it has many functions.C. To show it has witnessed unrest changes.D. To show it can be used as a history book.15、Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Wales Has the Most Castles in EuropeB. Wales Has the Most Castles in the WorldC. The Castles Are History in the EuropeD. The History of Old Palaces and Castles二、七选五16、 Many quick service restauranteurs are looking ahead to a future where automation will play an important role. They believe it will be the key to greatly increasing their thin profits. ①_____Robots in the workplace can get a bad reputation—most people aren't trying to get replaced by a robot. But the smartest and most creative robotic companies aren't designing teams of robots that send people packing. ②_____ In this way efficiency and profits in the process increase.Take Flippy, the arm-like robotic kitchen assistant. As its name implies, the robot flips(轻翻) burgers, cooking them to perfection. When the orders are ready, it lets its co-workers know, and can clean up after itself by doing dirty and time-consuming jobs like scraping down grills. Introducing Flippy into a kitchen can keep kitchen productivity high and costs low. ③_____ They're designed to be cooperative robots, the cost-effective machines created to work with humans, not against them.④_____ They don't complain about fried food grease getting in their pores(气孔), or burn the chicken tenders after getting distracted by a cute coworker. Quick service restaurants with tools like Flippy are the kind of places you keep coming back to—you know the staff will always have time to answer your detailed questions or joke with your child, and you can also trust your order will always be right on time, perfectly cooked.Automation in restaurants will become even more crucial post-pandemic. Owners then will potentially need workers to enforce updated safety regulations and interact with dissatisfactory guests. ⑤_____ With Flippy having their back in the kitchen, however, they'll know they won't have to worry about burnt burgers on top of confused customers.A. Restaurants are in need of a helping hand.B. It may not be an easy job for those workers.C. Robots are great at efficiency and mindless tasks.D. However, such robots aren't competing for people's jobs.E. Restaurants have an easier time finding workers as places reopen.F. Also, it allows their workers to shine in the tasks no machine can do.G. Instead, they're creating intelligent machines that work alongside workers.三、完形填空(15空)Benjamin Kuo enjoys looking at photos. He especially enjoys 1 precisely where they've been taken. It seems a very weird hobby, but recently, his strange 2 has saved a man's life. Rene Compean was hiking 3 in Angeles National Forest when he realized he was lost. The 45-year-old texted a 4 of his legs hanging over the edge of a canyon to a friend. In the 5 , he said he was lost and his phone battery was almost 6 .The police department released the 7 to the public, hoping someone might recognizewhere Compean was. Luckily, Kuo saw the report, and he immediately told the 8 what he thought were the correct GPS coordinates for Rene Compean's location. "I was hoping Ididn't send them on a vain chase, otherwise they'd get 9 at me," Kuo said.Kuo didn't have to worry about leading anyone on wild goose chases for long. A rescue helicopter was sent out to the canyon, and Compean was 10 less than a mile away from the coordinates Kuo had 11 . Compean was found safe and in no 12 of medical care. And he couldn't have been more 13 for Kuo's unique hobby, saying to him, "I crazily appreciate what you 14 ... I really don't know if I could 15 it there another day. It was just so cold."17、A. looking out B. figuring out C. taking up D. getting over18、A. question B. routine C. desire D. interest19、A. alone B. above C. carefully D. completely20、A. letter B. request C. book D. photo21、A. video B. position C. message D. form22、A. changing B. living C. dying D. remaining23、A. crisis B. order C. sign D. signal24、A. family B. police C. public D. survivor25、A. struck B. impressed C. puzzled D. crazy26、A. stuck B. found C. shown D. started27、A. guessed B. asked C. given D. drawn28、A. need B. favor C. order D. cure29、A. grateful B. generous C. amazed D. shocked30、A. got B. possessed C. did D. devoted31、A. help B. have C. spare D. make四、短文填空32、 Scientists have discovered the first direct evidence of the so-called Gulf Stream "mixer effect", where the waters mix on either side of the current. The Gulf Stream is ①_____ warm ocean current in the Western North Atlantic. "As the Gulf Stream courses ②_____ way up the east coast of the U.S. and Canada, it brings warm ③_____(salt) water from the tropics(热带地区) into the north Atlantic," the researchers explain in a ④_____(state). "But the current also creates an invisible wall of water that divides two distinct ocean regions:the colder, fresher waters ⑤_____ the northern edge of the Gulf Stream that spin in an anticlockwise(逆时针方向) direction, and the ⑥_____(warm), saltier waters on the southernedge of the current that circulate in a clockwise direction."Stirring across the edges of the Gulf Stream across areas as small as a kilometer (0.62 miles) could be a leading source of ocean ⑦_____(mix) between the waters.Scientists ⑧_____(release) shiny dye from a buoy(浮标) and a towing platform that walked through the sea ⑨_____(examine) the stirring waters."This long-standing debate about whether the Gulf Stream acts as a mixer or a barrier to ocean mixing has ⑩_____(main) considered big ocean eddies(旋涡)" said Jacob Wenegrat.五、书面表达33、假定你是李华,你到英语外教Jennifer老师住的地方找她,但是她不在。






下列有关信息分子发挥生理作用的叙述,正确的是A.神经递质均需囊泡运输,释放后需与突触后膜上受体结合而发挥作用B.二氧化碳作为体液中的信息分子具有维持血浆pH的作用C.当人进入寒冷环境时,交感神经分泌的信息分子可直接控制肾上腺髓质,使其分泌的激素增多,以增加机体产热D.辅助性B细胞分泌出的信息分子,能刺激T淋巴细胞增殖分化形成浆细胞和记忆细胞3.下列关于实验操作过程及实验结果的叙述,正确的是A.观察细胞有丝分裂和探究pH对酶活性影响的实验中,盐酸所起的作用不相同B.沃森和克里克用同位素标记法、差速离心技术证明了DNA复制是以半保留方式进行的C.艾弗里用物质分离提纯、细菌培养技术证明了DNA是主要的遗传物质,DNA 可以从一种生物个体转移到另一种生物个体D.噬菌体侵染细菌的实验中,32P标记组保温时间过长或过短均会导致上清液中的放射性偏低4.人乳腺细胞(M)和乳腺癌细胞(M c)葡萄糖摄取情况如图甲所示,用特异性作用于线粒体内膜的呼吸酶抑制剂分别处理M和M c,与对照组(未用抑制剂处理)细胞数的比例如图乙所示。

下列说法正确的是A.M细胞和M c细胞形态虽然相同,但是功能不同B.根据实验结果可知,M细胞无氧呼吸的能力比M c细胞强C.M c细胞膜上葡萄糖转运蛋白的数量可能多于M细胞D.该呼吸酶抑制剂在细胞有氧呼吸第二阶段起作用5.细胞骨架主要包括微管、微丝和中间丝三种结构。











1. 朱熹说:“未有天地之先,毕竟也只是理。


”他主张A. 理是万物的本原B. 气是万物的本原C. 气在理先D. 格物致知2. 把读书、考试与做官紧密联系起来,有利于打破特权垄断的是A. 察举制B. 军功制C. 科举制D. 九品中正制3. 对历史人物的评价,应该遵从两大原则:历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义。


如果要为其制作一部纪录片,下述生平事迹应该予以肯定的是①担任国民革命军总司令,领导北伐②对中央革命根据地发动五次围剿③担任中国战区盟军最高统帅④参加开罗会议A.①②③B ①②④C.①③④D.②③④4. 《齐民要术》记载,我国6世纪粟的收获量为播种量的24~200倍,麦类则为44~200倍。


如此成就是因为当时我国A. 以家庭为基本生产单位B. 以精耕细作的模式经营农业C. 曲辕犁的使用提高了耕作效率D. 用焦炭冶铁提高了农具质量5. 温和式的调整和改革是近代英国国家治理的一大特色。

阅读下表,据此可知( )时间表现1832年经过议会改革,重新分配议员名额并修改选民资格1835年颁布法律,规定自治市的政府和议会都由当地选民选举产生19世纪40年代颁布《矿井法》《工厂法》《十小时工作法案》1848年通过《公共卫生法》,要求当局集中处理工业城镇的污水和废弃物1870年颁布法令,规定多数重要文官职位必须通过公开竞争考试择优录用①调整和改革措施适应了工业社会发展的需要②自治市成为英国历史上最早的地方自治制度③这些调整和改革彻底化解了日益尖锐的矛盾④随着相关法令的颁布英国文官制度最终确立A.①③B.②③C.①④D.②④6. 自唐朝中叶以来,南方的经济实力渐渐超越北方。

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1.(2015·北京卷)下列对各种生物大分子合成场所的叙述,正确的是() A.酵母菌在高尔基体中合成膜蛋白


5.(2015·山东青岛一模)下列有关细胞结构和功能的叙述,正确的是() A.磷脂是构成细胞膜的重要物质,但磷脂与物质的跨膜运输无关



11.(2015·湖北孝感高中阶段考)下图1表示渗透作用装置,一段时间后液面上升的高度为h,其中半透膜为膀胱膜,装置溶液A、a起始浓度分别用M A、
M a表示;图2表示一个洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞放在蔗糖溶液后发生质壁分离过程图。

(1)图1中,如果A、a均为蔗糖溶液,且开始时M a>M A,则达到平衡后M A________M a(填“大于”“等于”或“小于”)。

(2)图2中,如果B、b分别表示蔗糖溶液和细胞液,且起始浓度分别为M B、M b,则达到平衡后M B________M b(填“大于”“等于”或“小于”)。


图2过程中液泡的吸水能力如何变化?_________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________。








