新视野英语第四册口语考试free talk 部分话题




新视野大学英语读写教程第四册课后翻译Unit 1尽管她反复暗示想单独待一会,他仍执意要陪她He imposed his company upon her in spite of her repeated hints of hoping to be left alone.他的朋友从来拿不准他什么时候会怎么做,因为他总是做些出人意料的事His friends can never count upon how he is going to act under given conditions, as he is always full of surprises.别为这点小事大惊小怪的,这可是我最不希望看到的事Don’t make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing I expected.巴罗达太太不仅是位正派体面的女子,也是位非常明知的女子Besides being an upright and respectable woman Mrs. Baroda was also a very sensible one.她的思绪从未这么乱过,丝毫理不出头绪She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, unable to gather anything from them.从古韦内尔的谈话中,巴罗达太太了解到他有时的沉没寡言并非天性,而是情绪使然From Gouvernail’s talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that his periods of silence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods.令加斯顿高兴的是,他妻子终于不讨厌古韦内尔,主动提出邀请他再来To Gaston’s delight, his wife had finally overcome her dislike for Gouvernail and invited Gouvernail to visit them again wholly from herself.巴罗达太太对古韦内尔令人迷惑的性格颇为不解,并觉得很难打破他这种有意的沉没Mrs. Baroda felt confu sed with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetrate the silence in which he had unconsciously covered himself.Unit 2或许别的作家也会写出关于伦敦的故事,可是只有他才能创造出大卫这样一个使其创造者声名永驻的人物Other writers might have written stories about London. But only he could have created the character David, who gave his creator permanent fame.比起其他的国家,就这位科学家而言,中国给予了他更多的掌声,更多的荣誉,当然更多的收益China has provided more applause, more honor and, of course, more profit where this scientist is concerned than any other countries.他感觉到了一种冲动,要将这个技巧运用得完美无缺He had an urge to execute this skill perfectly.这种对具体事物的发展转化,以及他一次又一次做出这种转化的技巧,正式卓别林伟大喜剧的奥秘This physical transformation, plus the skill with which he executed it again and again, are surely the secrets of Chaplin’s great comedy.而这种吃惊唤起了他的想象,卓别林卓别林并没有把他的笑料事先写成文字,他是那种边表演边根据身体感觉去创造艺术的喜剧演员But that shock roused his imagination. Chaplin didn’t have his jokes written into a script in advance; he was the kind of comic who used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along.他也深切的渴望被爱,也相应的害怕遭到背叛,这两这很难结合在一起,有时候这种冲突导致了灾难就像他早期的几次婚姻那样He also had a deep need to be loved—and a corresponding fear of being betrayed. The two were hard to combine and sometimes— as in his early marriages—the collision between them resulted in disaster.尽管她从未对自己的能力失去信心,但她能否进入最佳演出状态还值得怀疑It’s doubtful whether she can find her way into perfect acting, though she never loses her faith in her own ability.令人宽慰的是,他终于在临终前写完了这本被看作其写作生涯最好纪念的书It was a relief to know that he finally finished the book before his death, which was regarded as a fitting memorial to his life as a writer.Unit 3从法律上说,你完全可以将质量不过关的商品退还给那家商店,但是应该解释清楚为什么You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you purchased them, but you are supposed to account for why you want to do so.你只需填写一张表格就取得了会员资格,它可以使在买东西时享受打折的优惠You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods.一年前,那位汽车经销商以优质服务来招揽顾客,如今他的生意十分红火One year ago, the car dealer tried to drum up buyers by offering good services. Now, his business is thriving.这桩刑事案件经过仔细调查后,他被证明犯了谋杀罪The crime was looked into carefully before he was convicted of murder.我的车子在高速公路是行抛锚后,我打电话向高速公路巡逻队求助,20分钟后他们傍晚解了围,留下了一张150美元的收据I called the Freeway Service Patrol for help after my car broke down on the freeway. Twenty minutes later, they came to my rescue and left a $ 150 receipt.由于面临失业的危险,这些工人只好接受管理部门的意见,重新回去工作Faced with the threat of losing their jobs, these workers yielded to the management’s advice and went back to work .拐走孩子的那名中年男子向男孩的父亲敲诈2万美金,来补偿他公司的损失The middle-aged man who took the boy bled the father for $20,000 as a compensation for the loss of his company.这个靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢的建立了自己的市场,生意日渐兴隆The man living on welfare began to set up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving.Unit 4通过安装最新的无线传输系统,从北京到布达佩斯的一系列城区和工业区正在直接步入信息时代By installing the latest wireless transmission systems, a parade of urban centers and industrial zones from Beijing to Budapest are stepping directly into the Information Age.信息技术的广泛使用有望缩短从劳动密集型的组装工作转向涉及工程,营销,设计等行业所需的时间Widespread access to information technology promises to condense the time required to change from labor-intensive assembly work to industries that involve engineering, marketing and design.现代通讯技术使得像中国,越南那样的国家比那些困于旧技术的国家更具有优势Modern communications will give countries like China and Vietnam a huge advantage over countries stuck with old technologies.毋庸争辩,通信技术将成为决定是赢家还是输家的关键因素There is little dispute that communications will be a key factor separating the winners from the losers. 这个国家经济陷于于低迷,几乎资金来着手解决基本问题The economy of the country is stuck in recession and it barely has the money to scratch the surface of the problem.急切想得到可靠服务的企业乐于花费可观的高价来换取无绳电话Businesses eager for reliable service are willing to pay a significantly high price tag for a wireless call. 在那里开办一家企业就好象有一堆无穷无尽供你使用的钞票Having an operation there is like having an endless pile of money at your disposal.对于那些长期落后的国家,一跃而名列前茅的诱惑难以抵御For countries that have lagged behind for so long, the temptation to move ahead in one jump is hard to resist.Unit 5诗人和哲学家都因能够独处而自视清高,从独处中他们能获取灵感Poets and philosophers all speak highly of themselves for seeking out solitude, from which they can draw inspiration.感觉谦卑的人往往易受孤独的折磨,感到仅仅与自己相处远远不够,渴望有人做伴A humble person tends to suffer from solitude, feeling himself inadequate company, longing for others to be around.那位寡居的老太太实在太孤独了,她会和在超市遇到的陌生人唠唠叨叨的说上老半天她的宠物The widowed old lady was so lonely that she would talk at length to the strangers in the supermarket about her pets.孤独的感觉时起时落,但我们却永远需要与人交谈,把每日看到的和想到的琐事向人倾诉The condition of loneliness rises and falls, but our need to talk goes on forever — the need of telling someone the daily succession of small observations and opinions.对一个独居的人来说,重要的是保持理性,安顿下来,使自己过得舒服,并在自身的条件下发现一些幽雅和乐趣To a person living alone, it’s important to stay rational and settle down and make himself comfortable, and find some grace and pleasure in his condition.若与别人同往,你会在与他们小别时感觉耳目一新If you live with other people, their temporary absence can be refreshing.科学调查表明,独居的人会对着自己,对着宠物,对着电视几唠叨不休Scientific surveys show that those who live alone talk at length to themselves and their pets and the television.重要的是不在等待,安顿下来,使自己过得舒服,至少暂时这样It’s important to stop waiting and settle down and make ourselves comfortable, at least for the time being. Unit 6我们不会听凭形形色色的贿赂行为不断增加而无动于衷We would not stand by and let bribery in various forms be on the increase.我在把那一大比钱借给你的时候就跟你讲清楚了,如果你不能及时还钱,你也许会被指控受贿While lending you the substantial sum of mone y, I made it clear to you that if you couldn’t pay it off in time, you might be accused of taking bribes财力竞争已成为政治生活中的一个事实,但是如果你为此接受可疑的政治捐款,你很快就会受到调查Competition of financial power has become a fact of political life; but if you receive questionable political contributions for this reason, you will soon be under investigation.为获取大宗武器交易合同,他们给执政党的银行帐户捐了一大比钱To secure major arms deal contracts, they have made a substantial donation to the bank account of the party in power.他突然想到一个加速实验进程的好办法,但组里的成员却对此意见不一He hit upon a good method to speed up the progress of the experiment, but opinions differed among members of the group on it.新法律很难实施,因为人们不愿意遵守It’s difficult to enforce the new law because people are not ready to act on it.我们认为,在该地区实施停火是联合国部队的职责,而当地政府的责任是准备重建法律和秩序We think it’s the business of the United Nations troops to enforce a ceasefire in that area, while the job of the local government is to prepare to restore law and order.做出了这个决定后,她就加入了那个支持妇女权利的组织Having made this decision, she joined the organizat ion, which is in support of woman’s rights.Unit 7到现在为止,除了一个可疑的包裹,我们还收到3封匿名的来自巴勒斯坦的信件We have received three anonymous letters from Palestine to date, in addition to one suspicious package. 他们的梦想仅仅是一个没有种族偏见的更加平等的社会Their dream was nothing less than a more equal society where there is no racial prejudice.他读莎士比亚的戏剧,更喜欢现代音乐He read more than Shakespeare’s plays; he liked modern music.她说,她在上一次选举中的命运将提醒所有的政治家,声望不是持久的His fate in the last election, she said, would serve as a reminder to all politicians that popularity does not last.事实上,只有勤奋加方法得当才能使在学习上始终比他人有优势In effect, only hard work in combination with proper methods will always give you an advantage over others in study.技术本身,以及它的有效应用,不会局限于传统的科学主题Technology itself, and its effective use, is not to be confined to the traditional science subjects.既然这篇报告的真实性要打折扣,我不能给你发表Since the truth of this report was discounted, I was not in a position to publish it for you.许多软件公司改变通用程序以适应新的操作系统Many software companies have adapted general programs to the new operating system.。



新视野⼤学英语视听说教程4unit4原⽂和答案IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 I’ve got to talk to Mrs. Parker.Susan: Parker Electronics Susan speaking. How may I help you?Mrs. Jones: This is William Jones of Sea-land Limited. I’m calling from Australia. Would you please transfer me to Helen Parker,extension513?Susan: Please hold, Mr. Jones. I’ll see if Mrs. Parker id available to take your call…I’m sorry, Mrs. Parker is out of the office.Cananyone else assist you?Mrs. Jones: No. I’ve got to talk to Mrs. Parker. It’s urgent. When will she be back?Susan: I’m afraid she is out for the whole day. May I take a message? Mrs. Jones: Tell her I must talk to her right away. Your last shipment was damaged.Susan: Oh, what a pity. Is there a particular time you want her to call you?Mrs. Jones:She can get in touch with me any time tomorrow at 613-2775-2940.Susan: Let me repeat that back: Mr. Jones of Sea-land, 613-2775-2940;call as soon as possible regarding the damaged cargo. Youcan be reached all day tomorrow.Mrs. Jones:The sooner the better. Those missing parts are holding up our production.Susan: I’ll give her the message, Mr. Jones. She’ll get back to you as soon as she can.Mrs. Jones: Thank you. Good-bye.MODEL2 Something unexpected has come up. ScriptBob: Hello.Susan: Hello, it’s Susan Smith from Parker Electronics.Bob: Hi, Sue, Bob here. How is it going? What’s on your mind day?Susan:I’m calling on behalf of my boss, Mrs. Helen Parker.She wants some of your in expensive late-model DVD player. Bob: We have a good selection that should be right up your alley. Do you suppose we could arrange a meeting? Susan:She was hoping to get together with you this week, if possible. She wants to get going on this right away.Bob: Let me check my schedule. Yes, I’m free as the breeze on Friday. Susan: Why not meet at about ten in the morning at your office?Bob: Sound good. Let’s confirm that. I’ll look forward to seeing her at ten on Friday.Susan:I’m sure it’ll be a rewarding meeting. Thank you. Good-bye. [Later]Bob: Hello, Bob Smith speaking.Susan: Hello, Bob, this is Susan. Something unexpected has come up. I’m afraid we have to cancel the meeting with you on Friday.Bob: That’s disappointing. Shall we meet some other time?Susan: She’d like to postpone the meeting until Monday afternoon. Would that be convenient for you?Bob: Well, I’ve got a full schedule on Monday, but I’d be free after five. Susan: Could we make it five thirty then?Bob: Five thirty’s perfect. I’ll see Helen at five thirty on Monday. Susan: Ok. Great! Thanks. Bye.MODEL3 It’s much more than just satisfactory.ScriptHelen:You know, Susan, I’ve been looking over the review of your performance in the past three moths.Susan: Is everything satisfactory?Helen:We should say it’s more than just satisfactory. According to the review given by your supervisors, you are doing excellent work during this internship.Susan: Thank you, Helen.Helen:Well, your attendance record is perfect, and you’re very diligent. And on top of all that, you went out of your way to bring in new customers.Susan: I enjoy working here, so I try to do my very best.Helen:Well, wonderful! Our company could use more hardworking employees like you. In fact, the board of directors is unanimous in deciding to offer you a job.Susan: I’m so glad to hear that. I’ll graduate in less than a month. By then I can devote more time to the company.I’ll work heart and soul to promote its business.Helen: And I also think you are ready to take on some new responsibilities. Susan:What do you mean, Helen?Helen:I’m promoting you to assistant marketing manager, but you might have to travel around the country at short notice. Is that OK with you? Susan: Of course. Thank you. I’m honored that you have so much confidence in me. Helen:Well, Susan, you did great work. Your promotion is effective immediately.Susan: Thank you. I look forward to the new challenge of the job.Task 1SAMPLE DIALOGJenny: Hell, Jenny of Mokia Mobile.Dick: Hello, this is Dick, your mobile phone battery supplier.Jenny: Hi, Dick. Glad to hear from you again. What’s on your mind? Dick: We’ve produced a new battery that is inexpensive, but powerful. It can last a long time.Jenny:We’ve already got a goof selection. What’s so special about your new product?Dick: Well, could you arrange for me to meet your boss Linda? Then I’ll go into details.Jenny: OK, when can you come?Dick: I was hoping to get together with Linda this week, if possible. I want to get going on this right away.Jenny: Let me check her timetable…Yes, she’s completely free Thursday Dick: Why not meet at about ten in the morning at your office?Jenny: Sound good. Let me say it again: We’ll look forward to seeing you at ten on Thursday.Dick: I’m sure it’ll be a rewarding meeting. Thank you. Good-bye.[Later]Jenny: Hello. Is Dick there, please?Dick: Hello. Dick speaking.Jenny:Hi, Dick, this is Jenny. Something unexpected has come up. I’m afraid we have to postpone the meeting with you onThursday.Dick: That’s disappointing. When can we meet?Jenny: Linda has to put the meeting off until sometime on Friday. Will that suit you?Dick: I’m afraid I can’t go on Friday. I’ll be flying to another city on business.Jenny: Then could you come after five on Thursday?Dick: Certainly, Can we make it five thirty then?Jenny: Five thirty’s perfect. Linda will be waiting for you at five thirty on Thursday.Dick: Ok. Great! Thanks. Bye.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: A small misstep can become a big career trap. ScriptGeorge Adams, a market researcher at a Midwestern firm, finally printed his marketing report. After months of research, hundreds of surveys, andseveral boring drafts, his report was complete, and just in time. He was going away for the weekend, and he wanted to relax knowing his report was a success. He carefully proofread his document and then delivered copies to all the executives on his distribution list.When he returned to his desk, he discovered his boss, the department manager, was livid. At first he did not realize he had accidentally gone over his head. Anyway, she had given him the contribution list in the first place. So he thought he was just following orders. But the boss was furious that she hadn’t seen the final document.The boss asked Adams to get back the copies, but it was too late. When Adams got to the CEO’s office, he was already reading the report. Adams had felt friction with his boss before. She was overbearing and tended to find fault with his work after he’d broken his back to meet deadlines. In this instance, however, he realized he had made a serious error. His boss was extremely upset, for his mistake made her look as though she wasn’t in control of her department.From the boss’s point of view, Adams was usurping her authority. The result was simple and natural: Adams left his job soon afterward. Adams’s story illustrates a fundamental truth about the workplace: small, seemingly innocent missteps can sometimes become a big career trap.13. To whom did Adams deliver copies of the report?14. What did Adams discover after he delivered the copies?15. What happened when the boss asked Adams to get back the copies ofthe report?16. According to the passage, why was his boss extremely upset?5. What conclusion can we draw from the passage?Keys: 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.CTask 2: The boss is angry!ScriptSam: Tell me: Does this place look like a nursing home?Sally: No. Why?Sam: Do I look like a male nurse?Sally: Not at all.Sam: Then why do my employees act as though this were a nursing home instead of a work place?Sally: You’re obviously upset. What’s wrong? Tell me.Sam: You’re right. I’m upset about a lot of things.Sally: Can you tell me what the problems are?Sam: First of all I’m upset because so many of the staff have been showing up late for work.Sally: It’s true. A lot of people have been coming in late. They probably think you don’t mind. You know there’s a pretty relaxed atmosphere here.Sam: Maybe it’s because I hang out with a lot of them outside the office. Sally: They must see you more as a buddy than a boss. It’s because you’re so friendly.Sam: You’re right. They don’t view me as an authority figure anymore. I’m afraid they don’t respect me as a bossSally: So what are you going to do about it?Sam: I’m going to change. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I’m going to start cracking the whip.Sally: When do you want this change to take place?Sam: Starting today, I’m going to lay down the law. From now on, everyone in the company must follow regulations to the latter.Sally: I’ll post a notice as soon as possible. What should it say?Sam: No more punching in late. No more clocking out early. No more calling in sick without a goof reason or without a doctor’s note. Sally: Anything else?Sam: No more personal phone calls or e-mails on company time!Sally: All right, I’ll get right on it!Keys: FTFTFTask3: Three EnvelopesScriptAfter a high –level firing at Supertech, the top executives gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer, Carl Martin, and say good-bye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson.Lunch was pretty well over when Jackson took his replacement aside and said: “Carl, it’s a jungle out there in the business world. If we graduate of Harvard Business School don’t stick up for one anther, who will? Nobody, that’s who.”Jackson explained that a tradition the company’s CEOs had. The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO. He handed Martin three envelopes. “Open one if there’s a problem you can’t solve.”Things went smoothly for Martin at first, but six months later sales took a downturn, and he was catching a lot of heat. At his wit’s end, he remembered the envelopes. He took from his desk the first envelope. The message read, “Blame your predecessor.”Martin held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO. The press—and Wall Street—reacted positively, sales picked up, and the problem was soon behind him.A year later, the company was again experiencing a dip in sales, combined with serious product problems. The CEO opened the second envelope. The message read, “Recognize.”This he did, and the company quickly rebounded.After several consecutive profitable quarters, the company once again fell on difficult times. The CEO went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope. The meager read, “Prepare three envelopes.”For Reference1. They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer,Carl Martin, and say good-bye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson.2. The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO3. The message read, “Blame your predecessor.”So, the new CEO held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.。



wealthA:When comes to wealth, we might come up with money .So what do you think about the general attitude wealth in our society?B:To this question ,in my view ,different people have different Ideas .To some people ,wealth is equaled with success ,power, Happiness ,and satisfaction in life ,but to others ,wealth is nothing but glittering baggage. C:To my money ,is money the most important thing in your life?D:There is a saying that money can make the world go around. However , I don't think money is the most important travel, Luxury ,there are lots of other important things that money can't give us .Like health ,happiness ,time ,no matter how rich you are ,you can't buy these things .What about you? What's your attitude about money?C:My opinion is the same with you . Furthermore ,I think we don't have become millionaires. Having enough money to maintain our life is enough. We should pursue spiritual wealth which is more precious than money. Aging problemA:Nowadays, China has almost the largest aging population in the world, which will still increase in the next several decades. To tackle the aging population problem, we should take forward-looking actions in terms of everyone’s effort. Are your have some Ideas?B:Yes,I think To deal with the accumulative trend of aging population, our social security needs perfecting. Government should focus more on itand introduce encouraging policies to arouse the concern form citizens. There is a potential market in this perfecting period where private capital and business capital can take an active role in making a better social security system.C:yes,I agree with you ,Besides, the middle-aged people must do something for their retirement income. Many of them may traditionally choose endowment insurance. However, as new reliable investment for the aged is provided just like pension fund, they can change the way of adding their pension.D:Last but not least, measures should be taken to release the labor shortage in the near future resulting from the decreasing labor population proportion, which is one of the main consequences caused by population aging. One effective way is to improve the production efficiency. To make it sense, the atmosphere of encouraging management innovation and technical progress should be created persistently in the whole society. Tackling the aging population problem needs everyone’s effort. We must be sure that our future is always in our hands.FriendshipA:A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Although we may take friendship for granted,we often do not clearly know what quality a friend should have to continue a friendship . True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. And true friendship is based on trust,honesty and sincere generosity of our hearts.What do you think of your friendship ?B: As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. Especially when I had a friend as one of my best friends. There are a lot same points between us. Such as enthusiasm, positive and enjoy sports. We often have a chat about our dream and idea, sometimes we also talk about the lovable girls. And I will cherish these years of staying together with him.C: Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be.D: It is also like a cup of tea when we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.C: Finally, let’s pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives.The key factors for successA: Everyone tries to achieve success in his career. But some finally attain their aims while others fail. Why?Can you give us your ideas?B:Some continue to achieve their goal, but others are very easilydisappointed and stop halfway. In my opinion, if you want to have a success , the most important is that you must make constant efforts. Can you agree with me?C: It's true that if you want to succeed, you have to work hard constantly. As all of us know, a strong will, perseverance, confidence and diligence, intelligence and so on. Are the essentials factors of success.Can you give your mind about the factors to success?D: As far as I’m concerned, Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overcome difficulties, and enlighten(照耀) our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich. Of course, devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well. Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties, let alone perform wonderful deeds.Anti smokingA:Nowadays there are a lot of people addicted to smoking. Do you know how many smokers in our country?B:As far as I know, it has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China.C:Worse still, the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even including some middle school students.D:I can’t understand why so many people like smoking? It exactly does great harm to physical well-being.is not it?A: I agree so. I suppose some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh them. B: In my opinion, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money.C: Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.D:And Smoking is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.A: Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.B: Do you have some advises for them?C:I suggest that education should be provided to raise people’s awareness of the importance of creating the smoke-free public places.A:It sounds great.And the People's Congress (人民代表大会) also should pass a law that bans smoking in all public places in our country, thus solving the problem once and for all.B:With the common effort, we will be able make a difference in anti-smokingDealing with cultural differencesA:As China opens to the outside world, we can feel the differences countries and culture. So today we will talk aboutthe culture differences between western countries and eastern countries. The differences can be found from lots of aspects of our daily life,ranging from education to eating habits and so on.There are differences between the education in the east and education in the west.B:Yeah,I agree with you. now let us talk about the education .The education system in the east is mainly based on the text book. All of the work to be done is in the text book and requires no additional research.C:However, it is different in western countries. The Western education system encourages students to have individual thoughts and opinions. They want the students to learn to ask "why" and to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books. Besides, they try to bring out the students' interests in things.D:Of\course,and\Western students spend a lot more time on sports. There isn't nearly as much homework for the students to do so they have enough time to spend on their hobbies and interests. Students in western countries are encouraged to do researches to answer some of the problems left by the teacher.B:To sum up, Eestern and Western cultural differences are reflected in many ways, especially education. Because different culture most were formed by education .。



1 _ FriendshipA: A:Hi, mingxing, long time no seeB: Yeah, I’m glad to meet you. What are you doing recently.A: Oh, our teacher let us discuss about friendship. What's the matter with you? You look unhappy.你有什么事吗?你看起来很不开心。

B: My best friend got angry with me. 我的好友对我很生气。

A: What happened?发生了什么事?B: I lost her favorite book. 我弄丢了她心爱的书。

A: Why don't you say sorry to her? 为什么不和她道歉呢?B: En...I think so...but … 恩....我想...不过...A: Well, what do you think is true friendship?B: I think true friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.A: Year, I agree with you. And what kind of friends do you think are true friends?B: A real friend is someone who will help you if you are in trouble .A: Well, what do you think about keep your friendship?B: In my opinion, trust and understanding each other is very important. A:Life without friends is like life on a desert island, I don’t want that . Come on. I think the most important thing is your friendship.快去吧!我觉得你们的友谊比啥都重要。

新视野大学英语视听说教程(第二版)第四册 原文和参考答案 修正版 unit1

新视野大学英语视听说教程(第二版)第四册 原文和参考答案 修正版 unit1

Uint1II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m so lucky. Guess what? I’ve won a lit of money in the lottery.W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right?Q: What does the woman mean?2.ScriptW: Mary was furious. Her son wrecked up her car.M: He shouldn’t have driven a car without a driver’s license. He‘s still taking driving lesson.Q: What do we know about Mary’s son?3. ScriptM: Susan, I hear you’re going to marry that guy. Some people think you’ll regret it. W: Is that so? Only time tell.Q: What does the woman imply?4. ScriptM: Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mother’s passing. I know how close you two were?W: Thank you. It was so sudden. I’M still in a state of shock I don’t know what to do. Q: Which of following is true?5. ScriptW: I get furious at work when my opinions aren’t considered just because I’m a woman.M: You should air your view more emphatically and demand that your vice be heard. Q: What is the woman complaining about?Keys: 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.A 5.DIII. Listening InTask 1: Soft answers turn away wrath.Mary: Dam! You’re spilled red wine on me. My new dress is ruined.John: I’ m terrible sorry! What can I do to help? Here’s some water to wash it off. Mary: Stop splashing water on me! Oh, this is so embarrassing! I’m a mess.John: Well, you do look a little upset. Please don’t blow up. Don’t lose your cool. Mary: Hmm, you’ve got the nerve talking like that! Who shouldn’t fly off the handle?This dress cost a fortune.John:You look really cute when you’re mad. I kid you not. Some people do look attractive when they are in a rage.Mary: This is very expensive dress. I saved for months to buy it, and now it’s ruined.Look at this stain!John: Accidents do happen. Give me your dress, and I’ll take it to the cleaners. Mary: Sure! You want me to take it off right here in public and give it to you? I don’t even know you!John: This might be a really goof time to get acquainted. I’m John Owen.Mary: Mmm, at least you’re polite. I guess I really shouldn’t have flared up. After all, it was an accident. I’m Mary Harvey.John: Come on. I’ll take you home. You can change your clothes, and I’ll get the dress cleaned for you.Mary: Now you’re talking. Thanks. You’re a real gentleman.John: You’d better believe it. I’m glad to see that you’ve cooled down. Feel look a bite to eat afterward? I’m starving.Mary: Ok. You’re pretty good. I’m not nearly as mad. If you can get this stain out, I’ll be very happy.John: I’ll try my best. But if I can’t get the stain out, please don’t let your happiness turn to wrath.1.Which of the following would be the best title for the dialog?2.Why does the woman get angry?3.What does the man say to please the woman when she looks angry?4.Why does the woman say the man is a real gentleman?5.What is the man’s final proposal?Keys: 1D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.CTask 2: Big John is coming!ScriptA bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender. This (S1) owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on (S2) running the place. He tells the timid man, “If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town, (S3)drop everything and run for the hills! He’s the biggest, nastiest (S4) outlaw who’s ever lived!”A few weeks pass (S5)uneventfully. But one afternoon, a local cowhand comes running through town (S6) yelling, “Big John is coming! Run for your (S7) lives!”When the bartender leaves the bar to start running, he is knocked to the ground by several townspeople rushing out of town. (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. He’s muscular and is growing as he approaches the bar.He steps up to the door, orders the poor barkeep inside, and demands, “I want a beer NOW!”He strikes his heavy fist on the bar, splitting it in half. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. He takes the beer, bites the top of the bottle off, and downs the beer in one gulp.As the terrified bartender hides behind the bar, the big man gets up to leave, “Do you want another beer?” the bartender asks in a trembling voice.“Dang it, I don’t have time!” the big man yells, (S10) “I got to get out of town! Didn’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task3: A View of HappinessScriptDr. Smith has proposed a reasonable, if perhaps somewhat oversimplifies, view of happiness. According to his theory, happiness might be described as a state if balance. And when human or certain animals achieve that balance, they rend to remain in that condition in order to repeat the happy feeling.To illustrate this, we may study two magnets. When their positive and negative poles meet, they are comfortably joined, and they remain there. In other words, they have attained a balance or state of happiness. If on the other hand, one of the poles is reversed, and positive pole is presses against positive pole, there is resistance,instability, imbalance a state of unhappiness.Animals with some degree of intelligence seem to find happiness in reinforcement. Once they have gained one or more of their goals such as food, and water, they learn to repeat the actions that led to satisfaction of those goals. This repetition or reinforcement produces a state of balance or sense of happiness.According to this theory, only animals with a significant capacity to learn should be able to experience happiness. But in truth learning can take place through surprisingly simple short-term action such as scratching an itch, followed by pleasure, followed by more scratching, and so on. Thus learning can occur with almost no conscious thought.For human beings, blessed with the ability to reason, goals are not limited to the short-term satisfaction of needs. Indeed, there is a strong link between happiness and the fulfillment of long-term goals. Even if human strive for goals that are more complex and longer-term than the animals’goals, once those goals are gained, happiness is reinforced.1.Why does the speaker mention “magnets”?2.According to the passage, what may animals do after they have got food?3.Which of the following is true according to the speaker?4.What does the speaker say is special about the goals of human beings?5.Which of the following best captures the main idea of the passage?Keys: 1D 2.C3. B 4.D 5.AIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Don’t let it get to you!Susan: You look so angry. What happened?Chris: Nothing I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.Susan: Come on. Relax. Talk to me.Chris: All right. This morning I took my car to the garage to check the air conditioner.They only gave it a quick look, refilled it with some Freon, and charged me 300bucks!Susan: No wonder you’re livid. I’d be mad too if someone ripped me off like that.Chris: Yeah. And they were rude. They said I didn’t know anything about cars, whichI don’t, but they didn’t have to be blunt!Susan: Sounds like you got a raw deal!Chris: What’s worse, as I was leaving, I herd then saying, “Don’t trust that guy. He looks broke.” When I heard that, I almost hit the roof.Susan: Don’t let it get to you. Better ignore them.Chris: I agree. I did manage to keep my cool.Susan:Well, the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency.Chris: sounds like a good idea.MODEL2 I’m too depressed.ScriptSusan: Chris, I hear you’ve been down in the dumps, so I’ve come to cheer you up. Chris: It’s not gong o work. I’m too depressedSusan: Come, on. Tell me what’s on your mind.Chris: Everything. My girlfriend left me; my dog ran away; my wallet was stolen. Susan:Don’t worry. I’ll help you solve the biggest problem: finding you a new girlfriend.Chris:Forget it. Anyway, I’m getting bad grades, and I was told that I’d have to repeat a lot of courses next year. When I heard that, I almost lost it.Susan: Look, relax. I’ll help you with those courses.Chris: Yeah, but I also have three week’s laundry to do., and my room is a pigsty. Susan: Forget it. You’re on your own.Chris: Come, on. What are friends for?Susan: To keep you in high spirits; not to do your laundry.MODEL3 You seem to be on top of the world.ScriptNora: Oh, hey, John!John: Hey!Nora:You seem to be on top of the world tonight. What’s up?John:I’m so happy I’m about to burst. Guess what?Nora:You’ve got me.John: It might be true that misfortunes never come singly, but you can also have a “double blessing”. And that’s what I had.Nora: You mean you’ve had two happy events in your life?John: Exactly. You know, I was strong in all subjects except physics. Now I’ve finally passed the test--the one I needed to qualify for a Bachelor’s degree.Nora:Congratulations! You’d failed it three times. Now wonder you’re beaming. What’s the other good news?John:The multinational I was dong my field project at offered me a job at a good staring salary. Nora: Wow, wonderful, simple wonderful.John:I feel like celebrating. Shall we go to a bar?Nora: Why not?Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGA: You look furious. What happened?B:Nothing. I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.A: Come on. You shouldn’t keep your feeling to yourself. You need to let off some stream. So, talk tome.B: All right. This morning I went to a shop to buy a digital camera, I only need an ordinary one. It is enough for my tours in the summer vacation. Buy they persuaded me to buy a professional camera, which cost three times as much.A: But you were willing to buy for it. Anyway, it must work better.B: You see, I know next to nothing about photography. So they simply tricked me into buying an expensive one.A: No wonder you’re livid with rage. I’d be mad too if I were robbed like that. What are you going to do?B: I already went back to them and asked to exchange it for a cheaper one.A: What did they say?B:Oh, they were rude. They insisted that they hadn’t encouraged me to buy a professional camera, and that I bought it myself.A: Sounds like you got a raw deal!B: What’s worse, as I was leaving, I heard they say, “That guy looks broke. He shouldn’t have bought any camera.”A: Don’t let it get to you. Better ignore their rude remarks.B: I agree. I did manage to keep my cool.A: Well, the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency. If they talk to the shop, maybe they will give you a refund.B: Sounds too good to be true.V. Let’s TalkScriptHello, everyone. Today I invite you to join me in an exploration off the causes of depression. There ate many factors involved, but I believe some deserve special attention.Heredity certainly plays a role. .The tendency to develop depression may be inherited; there is evidence that this disorder may run in families.Physiology is another factor related to depression. There may be changes or imbalances in chemicals which transmit information in the brain called neurotransmitters. Many modern antidepressant drugs attempt to increase levels of certain neurotransmitters so as to increase brain communication. While the causal relationship is unclear; it is known that antidepressant medications do reliever certain symptoms of depression.Researchers also study psychological factors. They include the complex development of one’s personality and how one has learned to cope with external environmental factors, such as stress. It is freeqently observed that low self-esteem and self-defeating thinking are connected with depression. While it is not clear which is the cause and which is the effect, it is known that sufferers who are able to make corrections to their thinking patterns can show improved mood and self-esteem.Another factor causing depression is one’s early experiences. Events such as the death of a parent, the divorce of the parents, neglect, chronic illness, and severe physical abuse can also increase the likelihood of depression later in life.Some present experiences may also lead to depression. Job loss, financial difficulties, long periods of unemployment, the loss of a spouse or other family member, or other painful events may trigger depression. Long-term stress at home, work, or school canalso be involved.It is worth nothing that those living with someone suffering from \depression experience increased anxiety which adds to the possibility of their also becoming depressed.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Reason and EmotionScriptEmotion is sometimes regarded as the opposite of reason; s is suggested by phrase such as” appeal to emotions rather than reason”and “don’t let your emotions take over”. Emotional reactions sometimes produce consequences or thoughts which people may later regret or disagree with; but during an emotional state, they could not control their actions. Thus, it is generally believed that one of the most distinctive facts about human beings is a contradiction between emotion and reason. However, recent empirical studies do not suggest there is a clear distinction between reason and emotion. Indeed, anger or fear can often be thought of as an instinctive response to observed fact. The human mind possesses many possible reactions to the external world. Those reactions can lie on a continuum, with some of them involving the extreme of pure intellectual logic, which is often called “cold”, and others involving the extremes of pure emotion not related to logical agreement, which is called “the heat of passion”. The relation logic and emotion merits careful study. Passion, emotion, or feeling can reinforce an argument, event one based primarily on reason. This is especially true in religion or ideology, which frequently demands an all-or-nothing rejection or acceptance. In such areas of thought, human beings have to adopt a comprehensive view partly backed by empirical argument and partly by feeling and passion. Moreover, several researchers have suggested that typically there is no “pure” decision or thought; that is, no thought is based “purely”” on intellectual logic or “purely” on emotion—most decisions are founded on a mixture of both.1.What results does the speaker may some from emotional reactions?2.What is the popular belief about reason and emotion?3.What does the speaker mean by “cold“?4.According to the passage, what should people do in religious matters?5. What is the speaker’s conclusion?Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.DTask 2: DepressionScriptPat: You look depressed. Are you feeling blue? I’ve come to cheer you up.Ted: But there’s nothing that can cheer me up. I’m down in the dumps. Life’s miserablePat: You have to try to get your mind off things.Ted: But I can’t. I just feel there’s too much pressure on me sometimes!Pat: You can’t let things get you down. Learn to relax and stop worrying all the time.What’s your problem?Ted: I failed my last exam, and another exam is coming, I get bored.Pat: If I were you, I’d start working hard. If you work hard for a long time, you’re bound to get better grades. You see, “no pain, no gain”.Ted: It’s easier said than done! If I read for fifteen minutes, I get bored.Pat: You have to learn some self-discipline.But how can I stay cheerful all the time?Ted: Worse than that! If I read for half an hour, I get a headache. Then I start to worry about passing the next exam.Pat: It’s all in your mind. If you stay cheerful like me, everything will soon be OK. Ted: But how can I stay cheerful all the time?Pat: Try to look on the bright side of things.Ted: But what if there isn’t a bright side?Pat: You know the saying: Every cloud has a silver lining. It means there’re always tow sides to everything—both the dark and the bright sides. So, try to identify your strengths and bring then into full play.Ted: Oh, no! Your corny old sayings are making me even more depressed.Keys: TFFTFTask3: AngerScriptAnger is an emotion that can be hard to control. Despite this, we should learn how to manage anger in a constructive manner. In the most intense moments of anger, we usually have two choices: to fight or to run. Some choose the option of violence, which is a negative reaction to anger; and others choose to run. Some may think running means you are a coward. But the option of walking away and claiming down is the more productive method of handling anger. It is difficult to walk away, especially when your heart is racing, and your anger is boiling over.There are constructive ways of handling anger in any situation. First, you have to stop for a brief moment and think before you act. Take that moment and calm down id you feel yourself being pushed.At that moment you should admit you are angry. If you refuse to admit you’re angry or hurt, or if you make it appear that everything is peaches and cream, you are not managing angry in a productive way. You should first admit you are angry and let your feelings out before you blow up. Foe example, you can stay in a quiet place by yourself and shout; or you can talk to a close friend to vent your rage. If you do not acknowledge your anger, it only builds up inside you and will eventually explode like a volcanoThen, in order to manage your angry, you can ask yourself an important question that we all must ask ourselves, “What made me angry?”When you get the answer, and then ask yourself, “Why did that made me angry?” Through such logical reasoning, one tends to calm down and move toward a sensible solution.News ReportU.S. Roller CoasterScriptThe world’s first 4D roller coaster, “X”, took on its first passengers last week at the Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park, just outside Los Angeles.After climbing on board and properly securing their safety harnesses, “X” riders are first to a height of over 66meters. At the top, the passenger train is released and builds up enough speed to race and plummet around the track at speeds of over 130km an hour.The rider takes the daring passengers down an incredible 66m dive and over the top of a 62m loop, in cars that spin independently of the roller coaster train. This unique design allows riders to spin360degree, both forwards and backwards, through the entire ride.Passengers hurtle through this ride often moving in many different directions at the same time ad the cars somersault back and forth and the roller coaster twists, loops, and dives.The complicated series of maneuvers includes two raven turn, one front flip, one twisting front flip, and two back flips.Since passengers aren’t always facing the right direction to see what’s coming up next, the element of surprise is high. For “X” riders, this adds to the thrill of the ride.The track of this newest roller coaster runs a total length of a little over1, 100meters. The passenger trains measure 6meters wide and 21meters long, large enough to carry 28 passengers at a time. At full capacity, the trains can take 1,600passengers for the ride of their lives each hour.The entire ride lasts for only a total about 2minutes, but you can tell from the exhilarated faces of passengers returning to the boarding dock that they were two of the most thrilling minutes of heir lives.。



新视野⼤学英语4⼝语考试对话1.the Tail of FameA: Good morning.B: Morning.A: Congratulations on your winning in the Speech Contest last night. It must be cool to earn a place somewhere.B: Well, thank you. But it’s not l ike that.A: Uh?B: To be honest, I don’t think being popular or admired is awesome. A: Why? Does it mean you don’t care about fame?B: Kind of. Seeking fame is always a tiring thing, which is just like a dog chasing his own tail, and it’s more like a self-destruction.A: That sounds reasonable..B: Yeah, Apparently, many celebrities who have earned their fames may finally get trapped in the so-called glory.A: Oh, got it. That’s true. When he becomes the focus of the public, one has to struggle to remain or protect his popularity. Then it’s easy to lose himself, for to entertain the audience sometimes must follow their tastes.B: Exactly. That’s my point.A: Okay, so here is a choice for you. Reputation or yourself?B: Well, definitely, just do myself.A: Wow, cool, I’ll follow you.2. Longing for a new welfare systemRoles: 2 welfare clientsR1: Oh, gosh. What’s wrong with my wheelchair, I just can’t move it. R2: Let me see, it seems that you’ve lost a screw. Maybe we need call the caseworker.R1: Well, forget about it.R2: Why? They should care for us.R1: Of course it is. But it turns out that they just work for their organization, not for us.R2: Yeah, I still remember Suzanne’s last visit to my house. She was just like a detective, for she looked into every corner in search of something unreported and asked me to explain every penny.R1: That’s common thing.R2: Under this welfare system, we have to lie.R1: Yeah, it’s just that, if we don’t lie to these caseworkers ,we’ll struggle on the edge of life forever.R2: Definitely. So I do expect a new welfare system, a real one.R1: Couldn’t agree with you more.And I hope that new one can care for our disabled people by action not by voice.3. the telecommunication revolutionA: Wow, your new phone looks gorgeous.B: Thank you. It’s the newly developed I-phone 5s.A: Uh, new high technology.B: Yeah, today the telecommunication technology updates in a minute.A: As I know, the telecommunication revolution began in the 1990s, and it has brought about big changes in our society.B: Yes, now we’re in the information age, and we’re enjoying the benefits brought by telecommunication technologies every day. You see, now I can use cell phone, QQ, web-chat and twitter to contact with my friends.A: Me too. So we have to admit that, telecommunication technologies are offering us various media to communicate and socialize with each other.B: That’s true. Also it has become a key drive to the international trade and business.A: It’s hard to imagine what it looked like without the marvelous telecommunication revolution.B: Then we would have to wait for a long queue to give a call and we would also have to wait for our foreign clients to answer our inquiry by a letter in a week or even longer.A: That sounds awful.B: Yeah, better on the information superhighway.4. Choose to Be Alone on PurposeA: Hi, I’ve heard that you had a fight with your roommate T om. Are u Ok?B: Fine, thank u. He really annoyed me by making some noise during my sleeping.A: Oh, it’s really not that good.B: U know, I’m sensitive to any noise while I am sleepi ng.A: Yeah, I can imagine. But maybe there is a better to solve it. Fighting will never be a wise choice to build a good relationship. B: I know. Sometimes I just want to be alone and don’t be interrupted.A: Of course, sometimes we need to make a room for ourselves after living together with others for a long time.A: Yeah.B: But no one can stay alone forever. We need others to fulfill our lives, like communication and cooperation can never be achieved by oneself.A: Sounds reasonable.B: So, I have to say, interpersonal relationship do play an important role in our daily life. It’s wise to have a good balance between solitude and group working.A: What u’ve said really teaches me a lot. Thank u.B: It’s my pleasure.A: Maybe I should apologize to Tom for my rudeness.B: Wow, good choice.5. Bribery and Business EthicsA: Now, suppose u’re a businessman, and u‘re negotiating a contract with your clients.B: Uh, okay.A: What’s more, you’re desperate to reach this deal. Now your counterpart gives u a hint that, the contract will be pleasantly reached if u offer some extra payments, then what will u do?B: Wow, it’s hard to decide yet.A: Yeah, it’s really a test for both your business and your ethics. B: Well, I may finally follow my client’s suggestion.A: Uh, now I can declare u ‘ve been a briber.B: Ha, but I have no choice.A: Yeah, it has been a common situation nowadays.B: Absolutely, anything connected with money can be the source of bribery. Of course business can’t be an exception.A: Yeah, that’s why so much bribery is hidden behind business. But I think business ethics like honesty and integrity should overpower the evil of bribery.B: That’s the thing. But only few businessmen can resist the temptation from huge profits.A: That’s the truth. T hen what if those greedy merchants hang up with the authorities?B: That’s horrible. The combination of money and power can be as destructive as the nuclear power.A: Exactly, so I think there should be an official law to regulate business activities to avoid bribery.B: Good idea.6. How to Cultivate EQA: I know your IQ is amazing, how about your EQ?B: Well, actually, I don’t know what’s EQ?A: Wow, now I can guess your EQ is on the contrary of your IQ. B: Don’t be that, tell me.A: Okay, EQ is the abbr eviation of Emotional Intelligence, and it’s a capacity for recognizing our own and others’ feelings, for-B: Wait, just sounds so abstract, can u give me a concrete example?A: Of course, let’s say, when you come to a new environment, how long it will take u to adapt to your new life there?B: Maybe one year.A: Wow, that’s really a long time. Apparently, your EQ need improve. U know a person with a high EQ can adapt to a new atmosphere in a short time.B: Oh, I guess so. Well, then how can I cultivate EQ?A: You’ve made a wise choice, for I do know something about it. Okay, listen carefully.B: OkayA: First, rising your consciousness, that is to think as mush as possible.B: Then?A: Make full use of your imagery and always try to dream with passion about what u want to achieve and then learn to integrate the perspective of others, that is to learn from others.B: Got it, I’ll try my best.A: Well, good luck.。

新视野大学英语第四册听说教程 单元口语考试

新视野大学英语第四册听说教程   单元口语考试


望选择性的择取,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!Unit11.the trouble of fameWe find that famous people always rocket into the spotlight for fame.They also pay for it when they take possession of much.Because they have trouble of fame.As a famous person,they're required to keep themselves as great as their worshipping fans suggest.They make desperate attempts to gain what they want.But they can't do anything free when they really want to.There are several reasens for the trouble of fame.First,they must know basical common sense.Second,they can't touch those sensitive(敏感的)things.Especially personal sentiment.Third,they should have a good temper even others point out their shortcomings.What's more,they need to deal with their family relationship2 The ideas people have about meEveryone to the people around him,will have different views about him. Even if I just pass a stranger, at a store or our library, I'll have a idea about him. Maybe, he looks so smart or looks so handsome. Just like this, everyone around me also have some ideas about me.But, these are not in the know, it’s just a simple first impression. Everyone to some of your idea, need to contact with you, Only in these way, can they have more accurate understanding about you. Actually, I have no idea what people think of me right now. I have no idea what my mom think of me, I have no idea what my teacher think of me, also, I have no idea what my roommate think of me.Once upon a time, my friends say that I'm a elusive person, sometimes I will be good ,I will do something you want for you, that time , you will think I’m your best friend in the world. But sometimes I would not pay attention to you, no matter what you are talking about or what you are suffering.Well, Indeed, I don't like this view, because a lot of things I can only to bear by myself, a lot of people can’t understand something what I have done. They need the reason I give. Because of this, they can judge me only according to their own ideas and what they have seen or what they have heard.When I'm in love, I don’t like to quarrel with my girlfriend, but we always do, at that time she will say to others ,speak ill of me. With a kind of subjective emotion . So, many people will think I'm a bad boy. Or I’m a bad man. But actually, I don't like to with her friend who has been told, because there is no need to explain what. They don’t know what really happen between us.To sum up, I gonna say, Maybe Yesterday you thought you have had a wrong impression on me, today you would wrong again, I will see you tomorrow would be wrong the third time. I mean, don’t judge your friend just by what you seen or what you heard. I don't care what people how to see me in my age, because I do a belief ,one day, they will understand me, no matter what I have done. If you are my friends, you will know that. That’s all, thank you for your listening!Unit21 An original person in my life.2.Why being original is importantA:Today I have seen how my friend frame someone to get the higer position, so that I must sign with emotion that my friend has changed a lot.B:Yes, so I have a question that why when people enter into society will change their nature? Will become someone they don’t like before?C:Everyone has their desire in their hearts, if there were some lure in front of them what can help them to make their dreams come true, most of them will be shaked.D:Yeah, I agree with you.So nowadays we face with the question that how being original or keep the pure soul.Now we must know that why being original is important.A:Though many people say that one drop of fame will likely contaminate the entire well of a man's soul, and many people want to get a fame, a authority, a high statue, so it’s impossible that keep one’s soul pure or being original.But we must know that if everyone can being original, the world will be fine, the life will be tuneful.So being original is important. B:Yes,desire is horrible,it takes you out of yourself.As a child, you can play with your friends at will, do everything what you want to do without considering aftermath. But after you or others changed, when you get along with them, you maybe think that if they have some aims or whether they utilize you. You couldn’t be at will, even you will guard against them.C: I also think that, maybe when he or she get the fame, make their dreams come true,but when they look around, they will find that they are alone, no one stand by them, because on the way they come true their dreams, they have threw down theirs friendship and so on just like leaving rubbish. So when someone do something for the sake of themselves, they will find they lose more beyond they can image.D: Yes, the person who achieves success often discovers that it does more harm than good. So instead of trying so hard to achieve success, try to be happy with who you are and what you do. Try to do work that you can be proud of. Maybe you won't be come true your dreams in your ownlifetime, but you may gain more than successed. So being original is important.Unit31 The most difficult situation I have ever experiencedA:Now we having a discuss about the most difficult situation I have ever experienced. In one’s life, there are one or more unforgettable events. Can you tell me the most difficult situation you have ever experienced?B:What make me unforgettable is college entrance examination, I will remember those days forever.C:Yse, college entrance examination is unforgettable, but I think the experienced I visit the World Expo is more unforgettable.D:What make me unforgettable is the earthdin in Wenchuan, I still remember the time the disaster happened,it is shocking our hearts forever. A:Oh, I acquaintance what you think, I agree with you.the college entrance examination is a event what most people unforgettable,bacause it is a corner of one’s life, it wil decide your futu re.And the World Expo is important for our country, it is means mate with foreign country. Finally, the earthdin in Wenchuan, is the suffering event in our country. Can you tell me what you have experienced?B: In my exam time, everyday I must late getting up early, fiddling around with our homework, I also feeling that homework is my life, we must take a text everyday, many people in the class like enquiring scoreeach other, so the endure in my shoulder is very heavy, but I must stick to, because I know that it is a corner of one’s life, it wil decide my future. When I feel tired, wan to give up, I will ask myself what is me want to do, and I must piety my parents.C: I go to Shanghai to visit the World Expo during International Labour Day, the weather is hot, everyday I must walk more than 10 hours, it is really a experience and toughening for us. But in one World Expo bus in the evening, I have seen one man and one woman come to blows over get on the bus, then there are many volunteer come here try to stop people from fighting each other, then there was one person say a sentence loudly “Don't throw the Chinese before the foreigner's face”, it makes me unforgettable.D: When I heard the earthquake which happened in Wenchuan, I do not know it is very serious, but when I saw the news, wenchuan just like ruins, when I saw one and one paramedic dig up woundeds and corpses from the collapsed building, I cried, I feel one’s life is so precious, I also feel before nature human are so small and weak. When I saw pieces of heroism on TV, I had to esteem some people's dedication selfless.A:Yeah, everyone has his most difficult situation, so long as we remember that no degree of difficulty, we or our country will successed one day.the life of a blind personAs we all known,the blind person lives in the dark and couldn`nt see anyhing.You can imagine how bad it is and their life is filled with sorrow,unconvenience,hardship,maybe sometimes they get the laughter not the sympathy.The key of the issue is that they can not enjoy the visual colourful world and unfortunately, they do not have the ability of visualization permantely.I’m sure you won’t find it common that blind people use the Internet,walk without using handrail,let alone the special processing focuses more on sound,shape,texture and position,all things you can get without vision.The rely on the other senses,for example,instead of visualizing a ball as a round thing,you saw,they would visualize it as a round thing they touched.We can get their inner feelings from the Herry Kallen If I were granted three seeing days.It says Make the most of every sense;glory in all the facts of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides.But of all the senses,I am sure that sight must be the most delightful.So we can understand the blind person eagerness of seeing world .We should respect them .Unit4how I use the InternetComputers play an important role in the modern world. Today they are used in many areas of human activities, such as business, industry,science, and education. The development of computers has also created many attractive job opportunities. I'm a college student majoring in mathematics and as such I know quite well the powers of the computer. The y have evolved as a natural consequence of man’s growing need for fast and accurate calculation. To make myself better equipped in my field of study I have learned several computer languages to communicate with the computer. My experience tells me that if we want to become competent users of the computer we must keep up with its development. Because modern industrialized society need computers to perform a wide range of tasks, I think a general knowledge of such wonderful machines is quite necessary for most of us.2 .The reason why a country should invest in information technology A:Do you use compuer everyday?B:Yes,nowadays we can’t live without the computer,telephone.A:So as our country.Today information techonology has penetrated almost every aspects of society.It is very important for a country to invest in information technology.B: I agree with you. Some people think information thchnology is too overpowering and brings a lot of shadows to morden society.But they don’t find the necessary of informati on development.C:Yeah, information technology has brought about globalization. Cooperation is becoming more and more important for a country.A country can not become powerful without the support from other country. D: It's the age of information now and information is very important in the society we need verious of information.In anther way, our country should develop the information technology which can make our life more conveiniece.C:Yes,only develop the technology of infornation can our country and our life become more prosperous.Unit51The best\worst roommate i've ever had.2 Humans live in groupsA:Do you know<Robinson Crusoe>?B:Yes this is very famous.I think Robinson is very pitiful.He has no friends,there is no fun in his life.humans live in gr oup,I can’t image the picture that I have no friends.In our life and work,we all emphasize the importance of cooperation.When we was born,we had already lived in groups.In our mind,it is ought to live with other people.C:Yes,if someone left to live alone,will find life empty,boring and longly.friends are essential to our life. Having friends,we can find happiness. If you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. When you are happy , they share it with you. They are also there for you to chat with at any time.D; It is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says" to love each other is easy but to make frieds is hard", So, it is crutial that we should get along with ourfriends. In my opinon ,it is a shame that you have no friends . The world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship.A: YES,A person should make as many friends as he can. The more friends he has, the more meaningful his life will be.We live in group .Every one needs friends. One relies on his friends for a lot of help during his lifetime; friends not only help through his difficulties and hardships but also share his joys. Without friends one feels lonely and solitary.Unit61A victimless crime.2 a life of honestyA:Do you heard the story“Here Comes the Wolf”when we were little kids? What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest.Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair. Honesty is a good virtue. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.B: However, there’re lots of phenome na of dishonesty nowadays。



Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Did you hear? Helen got modeling jib! She’s going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M: Wow, that’s great! All that walking practice really paid off. And foe once she won’t be complaining about being so tall.Q: Why did Helen get modeling job?2.ScriptM: Julia, come and see the Miss America contest on TV. All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits, so the judges can decide who has the best figure. W: Bah! That’s the worst kind of exploitation. They are treating women like toys for people to enjoy. I would never take part in this kind of contest.Q: What do the man and the woman think about the beautify contest?3. ScriptW: What shall I do? I’m fat. I want to be slim and beauty, but I’m fat. I’ve tried all the new ideas, high carb and low carb, but nothing works.M: Those diets are just fads, popular for a while and then forgotten. Just follow the usual diet with fruits, vegetables, fish, water, and get plenty of exercise. Before long you’ll see results.Q: What has the woman tried?4. ScriptW1: I think Lily is really attractive. She’s half Spanish and has this really sultry look about her.W2: That explains why she tans so well. I’ve always been jealous of her skin color in the summer.Q: Which of following is true of Lily?5. ScriptM: Trust me, it was tight there on the Internet: “Plastic Surgery Increasing at a Faster Rate Among Men”. Apparently more and more men are trying to improve their appearance.W: I saw it too on the news. Face-lifts, nose jobs, and box to hide wrinkle are now very popular with men. Men say it’s for business reasons, but we know it’s vanity. Q: What does the woman think the real reason is that men have plastic surgery? Keys: 1.B 2.A 3. C 4D 5BIII. Listening InTask 1: A Friendly StylistStylist: Morning, sir. This chair, please. What can I do for you?Nick: A simple haircut: short on the back and sides.Stylist: Very good. I can, of course, do something fashionable for only $60.Nick: 60 dollars! That’s highway robbery—twice what I ordinarily pay.Stylist: Perhaps, sir. But your haircuts haven’t been in harmony with your character.Your hair is at war with your soul.Nick: I’ve never heard of such a thing.Stylist: If I may say, I’m an expert at matching hairstyle to personalities. Believe me;you’re suffering a “disjunction”.Nick: A disjunction? What the devil is a disjunction?Stylist: Your hair does not match you.Nick: This is utter nonsense. However, I’d like to hear how you’d solve this so-called problem.Stylist: Your character is artistic, imaginative. But your hair is dull. I can correct that imbalance in seconds.Nick: Okay, let me see what can you do about the…uh…disjunction, as you call it. Stylist: We’re going to use scissors to create peaks, which we’ll keep in place with a liberal helping of gel….This tuft in the back we’ll braid into a pigtail. Now, it’s the new you!Nick: I love it. It’s just like me: imaginative and artistic. Now what are you doing?What’s wrong? Don’t you see harmony in my new hairstyle?Stylist:Something’s preventing your hairstyle from being a true fashionable statement.Nick: For heaven’s sake, tell me what’s missing.Stylist: Streaks. By putting in a few yellow streaks in your hair, it will become a work of art. Streaking will cost you more, but…Nick: Do it. Forget the cost. But, by the way, what is the total getting to be? How much am I paying to avoid disjunction?Stylist: That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.1.When the stylist mentions $60, what does the customer say?2.What does the stylist think about the customer’s hairstyle?3.What will the stylist do with the customer’s hair?4.What will streaking do to the man’s hair according to the stylist?5.What is the passage mainly about?Keys: 1C.A 3.D4.B 5.AFor Reference:1.It means there is no match between you and your hair.2.That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.Task 2: The Voice LiftScriptAfter the face-lift, the forehead tightened, and the (S1) nose job, something still might be revealing your age: your (S2) voice.For patients who think their trembly, hoarse words don’t (S3) match their newly face and figure, there’s a procedure that claims to make them (S4) sound younger too: the voice lift.There are two general kinds of voice lifts. In some cases, implants (S5) inserted through an incision in the (S6)neck bring the vocal cords closer together. Doctors also use injections of (S7) fat or other substances to plump up the cords, so that the voice sounds younger.(S8) The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population, who try to make themselves sound younger.“I speak in a great deal, or I was shouting, on a particular day, at the end of the day, I would feel exhausted,”said Robert Brown, 75, (S9) a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago, “I don’t know if I sound younger, but the hoarseness is gone, which is such a great improvement.”(S10)V oice lift can also benefit people like performers, lawyers, teachers, and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice and hope to shave years off the sound of their voice.Task3: A View of HappinessScriptMen are turning to plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures to brighten up their appearances at a faster rate than women, according to a survey released on Wednesday.Men’s use of fat injections to soften deep wrinkles leaped 47 percent last year from the previous year. Women’s use of the injections fell 36 percent, according to a survey by the American Academy of Facial and Plastic Reconstructive Surgeons.Men’s use of botox injections to eliminate frown lines rose 88 percent, while women’s botox use fell 8 percent.And for smoothing skin, the use of laser resurfacing among men rose 13percent, the survey showed. Meanwhile, women’s use of laser resurfacing dropped 38 percent during the same time period.The number of men getting nose jobs rose 47 percent, while the number of women doing so rose 5 percent.Typically, men and women visiting plastic surgeons for cosmetic reasons were age 40 to 59.The study said 44 percent of men and 57 percent of women tell their doctor that looking younger is the reason they are choosing cosmetic surgery.By about 18 percent, men are more likely than women to say they want facial cosmetic surgery for work-related reasons.The study was conducted by written questionnaires from January 20 to March 3 among more than 2,600 members of the association, who focus on treatment of the face, head, and neck.By comparison, in the previous year, women’s use of botox rose 60 percent while men’s fell 14 percent; women’s use of laser resurfacing rose 13 percent while men’s fell 19 percent; women’s use of fat injections fell17 percent and men’s fell 54 percent.1.What is true of men and women’s use of fat injections?2.While of the following is true of nose jobs?3.How much greater is the percentage of women choosing cosmetic surgery to lookyounger than the percentage of men?4.What is true of men and women using botox in the previous year?5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?Keys: 1C 2.C3. B 4.B 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 She’s having some cosmetic surgery.Amy: Did you hear Nora’s off to Korea?Bill: why is she going to Korea?Amy:She is having some cosmetic surgery.Bill:I’m floored! I thought she was beautiful already.Amy: I know what you mean. She’s having her nose fixed.Bill: Was it broken?Amy: No, stupid, she’s having it made smaller.Bill: If she wasn’t beautiful already,I could understand getting surgery. But she already has a nice nose.Amy: But not a fashionable one. She’s also having her teeth straighten. She wants to have a perfect smile.Bill: What for?Amy: She believes a better physical appearance will improve her chance of getting a good job.Bill: We won’t even recognize her when she gets back.MODEL2 I think I need a face-lift.ScriptSusan: Hey!Amy: Hi! Don’t you know anyone who’s had cosmetic surgery?Susan:You mean like a liposuction? I don’t think that’s necessary. That’s not the way a woman should stay attractive.Amy: Honestly, I won’t go as far as that. With surgery, I might look gorgeous, but it wouldn’t be the real me.Susan: Yeah, people should be happy with the way they are.Amy: I see your point. But I’m worried about the wrinkle around my eyes. I think I need a face-lift. Why can’t we go back to the way things were?Susan: Because…I don’t know! But, Amy, you wouldn’t do that, would you?Amy:Darned right I would! I don’t expect my skin to be baby-smooth, but I should at least be young-looking.Susan: Isn’t makeup enough?Amy: Come on, Susan. Be open-minded! Look at my eyes! They’re puffy. And my lower lids are dark and loose, and full of lines and circles. I really hope surgery can wipe out the tired look.Susan: But what would other people think?Amy: I don’t care other people think. I’m already for a lift.MODEL3 How did you find the plastic surgery there?ScriptSusan: How was your trip to Korea? How did you find the plastic surgery there? Nora:It was all pretty scary at first.Susan: As I see it, they certainly did a beautiful job for you. If I hadn’t recognized your clothes, I wouldn’t have known it was you!Nora: Tanks, but underneath this surgery, it’s still the same old me.Susan: Well, why did you want the surgery after all?Nora:If I want to be competitive in the job market, I think this is indispensable. Susan: How can you say that! You don’t need to change your looks to get a good job.Anyway, shall we get some lunch?Nora: I’m not hungry, really I’m not.Susan: Did you already have lunch?Nora:I’m skipping lunch. I want to stay in good shape. I think I’m getting a bit too fat already.Susan:Oh, Nora, don’t be so silly! You’re not fat at all, and you need to eat. If you don’t eat, you’ll get sick and wind up in hospital.Nora: Ok, maybe I could eat a little. I do want to stay healthy.Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGSally: Hi, John, nice to see you here.John: Hi, sorry, your name escapes me momentarilySally: Oh, I’m Sally. Don’t you recognize me?John: Now I see, you’re Sally! You have changed beyond recognition!Sally: I had cosmetic surgery.John: I’m confuses! I thought you were good-looking before.Sally: My nose was rather flat. The bridge of my nose wasn’t high enough. So I got my nose fixed.John: That’s absolutely unnecessary. I can also see your eyes have changed a lot.Sally: Yeah, my single-folded eyelids have become double-folded.John: What else did you do?Sally: I also have my teeth straightened. I felt uncomfortable about my uneven teeth whenever I smiled. Now I think I have a better smile.John: Why do you have so much surgery?Sally: I believe a better physical appearance will help me land a better job.John:Nonsense. Most employers are more interested in your practical ability than your looks.V. Let’s TalkScriptGreetings, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you’ll find it interesting how to be fashionable without spending too much money.Sure, some famous stars always look stylish. They have unlimited clothing budgets that put the latest looks at their fingertips! But you can also look amazing without spending lots of money on your wardrobes. Simple try the following suggestions on for size.First, you should make seasonal purchases; that is, you should buy winter coats, leather jackets, bathing suits, ad summer dress at the end of the season. You’ll get major discounts as you stock up for the next year.If you want clothes to wear right now, you can go to discount stores. They may not be the place to buy an expensive evening dress, but they’re perfect for buying things like T-shirtsThere is yet another cheap way of you to buy stylish clothes. Many department stores have a store brand. It means they offer current styles but are much cheaper than big-name brands.To save money, an important principle for you to follow is to not buy “outfits”. With the exception of suits, interchangeable piece are more affordable—buying clothing in separate.Wear-with- anything pieces are always a good buy. For example, you can almost always wear a pair of black trousers and a white dress skirt; you can wear them several times a week, paired with different accessories.If you can’t afford expensive clothes, you can spend money on accessories such as nice shoes and fashionable bags. Such extras make even the simplest outfit look polished.Finally, a great haircut always helps. When you hair looks fabulous, you look more stylish and fashionable.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Beauty Contests and Plastic SurgeriesScriptJuliana Borges, who was named “Miss Brazil” early on Tuesday, had plastic surgery four times and underwent 19 smaller operations. She was just one of many competitors who were determined to improve their appearance through surgery. “Plastic surgery make me more beautiful and gave me confidence in myself and the perfect measurement that won me this title,” said the beauty queen in a green dress, who was representing Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul.Borges, 22, had liposuction and had her chin, nose, and ears worked on, as well as, had her breasts enlarged.With the development of plastic surgery, more and more of Brazil’s would-be beauty queen are finding it easier to achieve the ideal measurements. These days, younghopefuls from the Amazon jungle to big cities in Brazil’s south are planning surgery.A third of the 27 finalists at the beauty contest went under the scalpel after rules were changed in the 1990s.The new rules permit plastic surgery, colored contact lenses, and hair dye at beauty contests.The organizers of the Miss Brazil contest said, “It’s a war out there, and all of the beauty tools that can be used should be used. Other countries like Venezuela paved the way, and Brazil is going to have to use those tools as well if it wants to compete in Miss University beauty contests.”But Brazil’s love for plastic surgery is not limited to beauty contests. Most young women who undergo surgery want to find a better man or a higher-paying job.1.How many surgical operations did the former Miss Brazil have altogether?2.What change has plastic surgery brought, according to the passage?3.Which of the following is allowed after the rules changed in the1990s??4. Which of the following countries is mentioned as a pioneer in using beauty tools?5. What is the goal of most young Brazilian women who undergo surgery?Keys: 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.ATask 2: Is it true beauty?ScriptJohn:There goes Camilla. She looks gorgeous today, doesn’t she? Her skin is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Her lips are a perfect Cupi d’s bow. She must have dozens of admirers.Becky: I wonder what she looks like without all makeup. She must out it with a spoon.It’s like a mask. I don’t understand what men find so attractive about her. John: Do I detect a hint of jealousy?Becky: She has nothing for me to be jealous about.John: I’ll be you believe in those saying like: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Becky: True beauty comes from within. Natural materials should be enough to bring it out.John: But do you always stick to those rules? When I went past your apartment last night, I saw you in the kitchen with some green substance smeared all your face.Becky: They were cucumbers. They’re natural healers of the skin. Haven’t you heard people say on TV that they soften the skin, wipe out the roughness, and buildstrength and resilience?John: Yeah, yeah, yeah! They wipe out lines and age signs. Blah, blah, blah! See, I can even recite that advertisement.Becky: You’ve learned a lot, haven’t you?John: Since you can keep your skin so young-looking and maintain your figure so well, you might as well as write a book on beauty secrets.Becky: Don’t pull my leg. Anyway, you’d do well to try the cucumber treatment on yourself. Put some cucumber slice on your head. At least they’ll keep thatbald spot from shining so brightly..Keys: FTFTFTask3: Changing Your Hairstyle to Improve Your AppearanceScriptIf you want to look better, changing your hairstyle can be a simple fix. If you’re trying to reach a weight-loss goal, a new hairstyle is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence.According to a popular hair stylist, clients often say, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first.” But that’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around. You should know what hairstyle will flatter you the most, the style that will show off you particular feature to the best advantage even before you begin to lose weight.For example, many may want to follow a tread and wear long hair. But some may look better with shorter hair if they have a round face. “When it’s too long, it can drag your face down and actually bring attention to the features you don’t want to emphasize,” says Guy Riggio, a famous hair stylist in Los Angeles. How short is too short? That depends the length of your neck. Riggio says, “The longer the neck, the shorter you can go.”Some top stylists believe that women should stay clear of bangs. Thick bangs may be fashionable at times, but even thin bangs are hard to wear. “They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorter,” says New York hair stylist O’Connor. Instead, you should pull your hair away from your face. It will make your face look longer. Finally, pick a stylist who’s knowledgeable and whose opinion can be trusted. Then have fun with the new style.For Reference:1. It is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence.2. Clients often say, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first.” But that’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around.3. The speaker say if you have a round face, you may look better with short hair.4. That depends the length of your neck. The longer the neck, the shorter you can go.5. They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorterNews ReportMiss WorldScriptThe Miss World title went to first black African contestant ever in its 51-year history at the Miss World finals in Sun City, South Africa on Friday.Organizers of the pageant said they expected about one billion people to have turned in to watch the beauty queen extravaganza. The event was hosted by American talk show host, Jerry Springer, at a glitzy resort in the heart of South Africa’s bush country.[SOUND BITE]The pageant was created in 1951 by a public relations executive for a small leisure and entertainment company. It was initially intended to be only a one-time event, but was continued after the United States began the rival Miss Universe contest in 1952. In more than half a century, there have been only three Miss World winners from Africa, two of them white South Africa and the third from Egypt.Miss World has until now been dominated by winner from Europe, the Americas, and India, the majority of them being Caucasian.The contestants in this pageant are judges in three different categories: beauty, grace, and charm; talent, poise, and personality; and figure and deportment. After the first round of judging, the original group of 92 contestants was pared down to only tenfinalists who would go on to compete for the title.The second-runner up in this ten year’s pageant was Miss Scotland, 18-year-old Juliet-Jane Horne.[SOUND BITE]The People’s Republic of China was represented for the first time this year by 18-year-od Bing Li.[SOUND BITE]The title of first runner up went to Miss Aruba, 19-year-old Zerelda Lee.[SOUND BITE]The competition was fierce as each of the ten finalists took her turn in the spotlight in front of a live audience.But out of the 92 contestants, it was Miss Nigeria, 18-year-old Agbani Darego, who took home covered title and the $100,000 prize.[SOUND BITE]Before being crowed, Darego took the victory walk wearing a lime-green, body hugging dress and waved to a cheering crowd.The news of her victory sparked rapturous celebrations all over Nigeria’s biggest city, Lagos.。



1.can you talk something about Charlie Chaplin?2.Do you like Charlie Chaplin’s comedy, and why?3.Who is your favourite movie star, and can you say the reason why you like her or him?4.What is your favourite movie? And what does the movie mainly talk about?5.Have you even watched Charlie Chaplin’s movies , which one do you like best and why?6.There are a lot of disabilities in the society, how should we do for them?7.What’s your attitude towards these disabled people?8.What kind of social welfare system are you looking forward to in China?9.Since you are a college student, what welfare system for the university students are youlooking forward to most?10.Are you satisfied with present welfare system in China, if not, what do you want to change?11.Do you think on e’s reputation is important and why?12.Which one is more important for your, a good reputation or a good fortune?13.Why a good reputation is very important for one person?14.Why so many people want to pursue a good reputation?pared with reputation, which do you think is more important for a person?16.Which invention do you think is the greatest invention in the world?17.What are the advantages of modern telecommunication equipment?18.What are the advantages of the internet?19.What are the disadvantages of the internet?20.What do you use the internet for?21.What are the advantages of modern communication technologies?22.Which lifestyle do you like better, solitude or big family? And why?23.What are the advantages of living alone?24.What are the disadvantages of living alone?25.Why so many people choose to live alone?26.There are a increasing number of the empty nesters(空巢老人),what do you think of it ?27. People often say we are now living in a small world. What’s your opinion?28. What’s your advice to classmates and friends who spend too much time surfing the net?29. Do you think it a good habit to stay up late before an examination?30. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city?31. Do you think public transportation in your city is convenient?32. Do you think technology makes our life easier and more enjoyable? Why do you think so?33 Which subject did you most/least like to study and why?34.What are your greatest difficulties in learning English? How do you try to deal with them?35Do young people usually see things the same as the elderly? Give an example.36.Do you think Chinese will become more important? Why?37.What are the advantages/disadvantages of being the only child in a family?38 What is your opinion on studying abroad?39 Is it important to learn a foreign language and why?40 Can computers replace teachers in our school education?41 Do you have a generation gap between your parents? Is it possible to bridge this gap?42. What do you really want to obtain in the university?43 How to cope with frustrations in study and life?44 Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad?45Are you afraid of making mistakes? What helps you overcome them? Can you give an example?46 What are the essential qualities to success?47 Do you think what is your most difficult part when you learn English?48 Can you describe the importance of self-confidence? Can you give some examples or tell your own experience about it?49.what will the life be without electronic products?50 In what ways do electronic products benefit your life?。



新视野大学英语4听说教程答案Unit OneWarming UpF T NGListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 A C B B D6~10 B A C C DUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 A B A C BUnderstanding a Passage1~5 A A D B CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 married in ST.Paul’s Cathedral2 was a guest at the wedding ceremory3 wore a hat with flowers at the wedding4 is remmembered as having been naughty5 was one of the designers of the wedding dressCulture TalkT F F TListening and Speaking1 They have high status.2 They get the attentions of the public.3 Using their fame to make money.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D A B B ATask 21~5 C A B B ATask 31、shortage2、assigned3、centered4、hospitallization5、treatment6、colleague7、decentialized8、There’re nurse-managers instead of head-nurses9、decidea among themselves who will work what to do and when10、an equal with other wise presidents of the hospitalUnit TwoWarming Up1、Her new book2、Original3、Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 D D D C B6~10 A A B C DUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 D A B B AUnderstanding a Passage1~5 B C D A CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 C2 A3 A4 C5 DCulture TalkF F T TListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer) It makes their point and makes you happy.2(The Right Answer) It is difficult to do.3(The Right Answer) Sometimes it’s dangerous.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D A B B ATask 21~5 B D A C ATask 31、sketch2、shadow3、paintings4、abroad5、Europe6、jewels7、exqute8、pictures of rooms with handsome dressed people in them9、not only the clothes and the lines of their faces10、but he was far greater than he would ever becomeUnit ThreeWarming Up1、god of mercy2、money,strength and health3、lucky onesListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 C D C B B6~10 B A C A BUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 A B D C BUnderstanding a Passage1~5 A B D B CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 An Australian scientist who won the Nobel Prize.2 The mysterious field of infectious diseases.3 By accident.4 It was probably extremely significant.5 He couldn't handle all that.Culture TalkT F T TListening and Speaking1 The poor trend to be angry easily and it will fanilly make a civil war.2 It can control the rate og crimes3 It can increase the econimicsHomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 B C A D CTask 21~5 B A C B CTask 31、September2、retire3、retirement4、reduction5、practical6、pensions7、leisure8、The club arranges discussion groups and handicraft sessions9、a member can attend any course held there free of charge10、the financial section on Mondays and Wednesdays between six and eight p.m.Unit FourWarming Up1、Xerox’s Palo Alto Re search Center2、Verizon3、AmazonListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 B A D D A6~10 D C C A AUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 C B B B CUnderstanding a Passage1~5 A C B A CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 became Bill Gates' greatest contribution2 makes use of Gates' system3 was the plaything of nerds4 became a business tool5 made it a wish to dominate like Bill Gates6 was not fit to comment on upcoming innovationCulture TalkT T F FListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer) It provides a lot of information.2(The Right Answer) Some of the information is very dangerous.3(The Right Answer) Some of the information is not accurate.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 B A B C ATask 21~5 A A B B ATask 31、fundamental2、dramatically3、majority4、workplace5、self-employed6、breadth7、notions8、its applications in personal computers, digital communications, and factory robots9、still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of dramatic changes10、will have the greatest advantage and produce the most wealthUnit FiveWarming UpF NG TListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 A D D D B6~10 C D C A DUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 B B A C CUnderstanding a Passage1~5 D A B B AUndenstanding a Radio Program1 the perfect man checklists2 what the perfect man looks like3 much younger for yourself4 to develop your perfect man checklist5 burning the perfect man checklistCulture Talk1 Korean2 HongKong3 England4 USAListening and Speaking1 It can cause one to be dependent.2 It’s a nuisance.3 It will limit your freedom.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 C D A B DTask 21~5 A C A C DTask 31、emerging2、residents3、participants4、companionship5、soldiers6、isolate7、extraordinary8、who happened to live by themselves die at twice the rate of those live with others9、It’s clear that reaching out to other can have our body strong10、Only 5 percent of U.S. consisted of the person living alone.Unit SixWarming Up1 Whether the man should return to society.2 15 years.3 Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 C B C D B6~10 C A D D BUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 A B C C DUnderstanding a Passage1~5 C D D A BUndenstanding a Radio Program1 Centennial Olympic Park2 North Cardwell,New Jersey3 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma4 the FBI laboratories5 ground zero6 an Atlanta abortion clinicCulture Talk1 USA2 Germany3 Singapore4 CanadaListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer) Punishing the criminals will deter others.2(The Right Answer) It is good for society.3(The Right Answer) It has no victims.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D C B A ATask 21~5 C B B A DTask 31、impeach2、scandal3、gambling4、Representatives5、accusations6、procedures7、opposition8、resigned as secretary of social welfare and urged the president to resign9、five economic advices to the President have resigned10、some committees in the House of RepresentativesUnit SevenWarming UpT F NGListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 B C A A D6~10 C B D A BUnderstanding a Long ConversationUnderstanding a Passage1~5 C C D B BUndenstanding a Radio Program1 shows God’s part in creating the universe.2 shows the existence of a man thousands of years ago.3 shows messages inscribed in DNA.4 shows a court opinion against Intelligent Design.5 shows God’s existence.Culture TalkT T F FListening and Speaking1 Groups are similar biologically except for skin color.2 Groups have different culture3 Groups provide something unique.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D D A B BTask 21~5 A C B A DTask 31、would-be2、intelligence3、genes4、athletic5、medical6、disclosed7、consideration8、the sum American egg donors expect to be paid9、plus all the costs of medical treatment and insurance10、almost half the cost of fees for the students’ four-year college course.Unit EightWarming Up1 going to quit2 work harder3 majority raceListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 C A A B C6~10 D D A C BUnderstanding a Long ConversationUnderstanding a Passage1~5 D A B B AUndenstanding a Radio Program1 Bill Gates2 Warren Buffet3 KP Singh4 Martha Stewart5 Ronald Lauder6 Louisa KrollCulture Talk1 Japan2 UK3 America4 Hong Kong Listening and Speaking1 Society should be fair.2 Women should enjoy representation.3 It makes leaders help to do something for women.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 A C D B CTask 21~5 A D B B BTask 31、greeted2、freshman3、spite4、fluke5、agitated6、faculty7、particularly8、I had the highest average in the freshman class9、Then, she took out a copy of the examination paper10、I was so angry that I started punding herUnit NineWarming Up1 Whether it’s Chinese enough to appeal to Chinese people2 American culture3 Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answersListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 A C B D C6~10 D A A B CUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 D A B B AUnderstanding a Passage1~5 D B B C CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 His brother’s two daughters.2 They drove there.3 Children under three.4 They watched the parade.5 He sat down and had a rest for a few minutes.Culture TalkT T F TListening and Speaking1 Fantastic rides.2 So much to see.3 Great memories never to forget.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 C B A C DTask 21~5 B A D C BTask 31、Authorities2、grant3、opera4、not traditional5、staged6、journolists7、tunnel8、Great performer is special for new introduction of the story9、who kills all suitors who can answer her three riddles10、Some Chinese audience complain that the princess has none of the grace of a true Chinese ladyUnit TenWarming UpNG T FListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 D B A C B6~10 B B C B AUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 D B C A BUnderstanding a Passage1~5 C B D D AUndenstanding a Radio Program1 is something not known for sure2 is trying to figure out how dreams help in solving problems3 is something everyone should do4 is important in interpreting dreams5 is something a person might be afraid ofCulture TalkT T F TListening and Speaking1 It causes stress.2 What area you may develop.3 High score can bring you confidence.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 C D C A ATask 21~5 A D C B ATask 31、rarely2、consulting3、renting4、agent5、appointment6、exchange7、praises8、the people who work there actually know where things are and they'll take you right to them9、I will tell you what I really like about Publix10、There's a different grocery store near my house, but all that the employees do there is to grunt。

新视野大学英语4 口语对话now your turn unit1

新视野大学英语4 口语对话now your turn unit1

W叶J李M张W; You look do w n in the du m ps. W hat can I do to cheer you up?J; It’s not going to w ork. I’m too depressed.W; W hat? Please tell m e, and I’d like to help you. After all, w e are good friends.J; All right. I have failed to pass on the last exa m ination. And I have you repeat several courses at the begging of the next ter m.W; Oh~ the holiday quickly end. Are you really for the exa m?J; It’s very sad that I have not even open the book.W; You should consider w ork hard w ith your courses no w.J; W ould you help m e w ith the courses if you have so m e ti m e off? I hear you good at this courses.W; Don’t w orry. I’ll help you solve the proble m. I can share m y notes and learning m aterial to you, and if you have any questions about your courses, call m e.J; You are very nice. But…..W; But w hat?.J; The teacher asked us to find an internship in our holiday and after the internship w e need to hand up a report .W; En….have you find an internship?J; No. I don’t kno w ho w can I find an internship.W; Take it easy. I a m being a intern in a internet co m pany no w. Theco m pany needs m ore interns to w ork. if you like, I can ask the w ay for you.J; It’s cool! Thank you!W; Haha, it’s m e pleasure. Have you had breakfast yet? Let’s go to find so m ething to eat!J; No. I haven’t. By the w ay, can you bring m e a breakfast. I don’t w ant to get dress.W; W hat? I’m sorry, but I j ust can’t help you right no w. I a m not your m aidservant. You’re are on your o w n. Bye.J; W ait w ait w ait~M; Hi son. You look not very w ell. W hat’s w rong w ith you?J; Nothing, I j ust confuse w ith W allace.M; W allace? is your roo mm ate W allace? W hat happen bet w een yours?J; Yes, is hi m. Yesterday he w as pro m ises m e to provide help for m y courses and internship. But w hen I asked he to bring m e a breakfast, he re j ect m e and looks anger.M; Oh he is very nice to help you.J; Yes. He w ant to help m e w ith m y courses and internship, you kno w it’s quite troubleso m e. But he don’t w ant to bring a breakfast for m e! It’s m ore easier than explain the question or find the internship!M; Don’t be that, J i m. I see, it’s your m istake.J; M y m istake? M aybe I shouldn’t asked W allace for help.M; Nonono, you m ust understand W allace is your roo mm ate, he is very kind to help you. But he isn’t you m aidservant, he needn’t buy breakfast for you. You should do this thing by your o w n.J; Oh, I kno w w hy W allace w as anger.M; Good boy. You should m ake an apologize to W allace. Say to hi m that you kno w you are w rong.J; I afraid that he w on’t forgive m e.M; J ust do it. He w on’t.。







1.Color:What’s your favorite color? What color will you not choose if you decorate a room? What colors are most popular among your friends recently?2.Hometown:what's your hometown famous for?Is your hometown good for young people to live?3.Accommodation: Can you describe the place where you live? What do you usually do in your room? What kinds of rooms do you like? Where do you want to live in the future?4.Fashion:Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears? Are you very interested in fashion (or, clothes fashions)?5.People: Describe a person who taught you a useful skill。

You should say: who this person is (or, was)what youlearned from them (= him or her)why they taught you this and explain how you felt about learning from this person。



新视野大学英语 4 听说教程答案Unit OneWarming UpF T NGListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5A C B B D6~10B A C C DUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5A B A C BUnderstanding a Passage1~5A A D B CUndenstanding a Radio Program1married in ST.Paul ’ s Cathedral2was a guest at the wedding ceremory3wore a hat with flowers at the wedding4is remmembered as having been naughty5was one of the designers of the weddingdress Culture TalkTFFT Listening andSpeaking1They have high status.2They get the attentions of the public.3Using their fame to make money.HomeworkSupplementaryListening Task 11~5 DABBA Task 21~5 CABBA Task 31、 shortage2、 assigned3、 centered4、 hospitallization5、 treatment6、 colleague7、 decentialized8、 There ’ re nurse-managers instead of head-nurses9、 decidea among themselves who will work what to do and when 10、 an equal with other wise presidents of the hospitalUnit TwoWarming Up1、 Her new book2、 Original3、 Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 D D D C B6~10A A B C DUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 D A B B AUnderstanding a Passage1~5B C D A CUndenstanding a Radio Program1 C2 A3 A4 C5 DCulture TalkFFTT Listening andSpeaking1(The Left Answer)It makes their point and makes you happy.2(The Right Answer)It is difficult to do.3(The Right Answer)Sometimes it ’ s dangerous.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5D A B B ATask 21~5B D A C ATask 31、 sketch2、 shadow3、 paintings4、 abroad5、 Europe6、 jewels7、 exqute8、 pictures of rooms with handsome dressed people in them9、 not only the clothes and the lines of their faces10、 but he was far greater than he would ever becomeUnit ThreeWarming Up1、 god of mercy2、 money,strength and health3、 lucky onesListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 C D C B B6~10B A C A BUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5A B D C BUnderstanding a Passage1~5A B D B CUndenstanding a Radio Program1An Australian scientist who won the Nobel Prize.2The mysterious field of infectious diseases.3By accident.4It was probably extremely significant.5He couldn't handle all that.Culture TalkT F T TListening and Speaking1The poor trend to be angry easily and it will fanilly make a civil war.2It can control the rate og crimes3It can increase the econimicsHomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5B C A D CTask 21~5B A C B CTask 31、 September2、 retire3、 retirement4、 reduction5、 practical6、 pensions7、 leisure8、 The club arranges discussion groups and handicraft sessions9、 a member can attend any course held there free of charge10、 the financial section on Mondays and Wednesdays between six and eight p.m.Unit FourWarming Up1、 Xerox ’ s Palo Alto Research Center2、 Verizon3、 AmazonListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5B A D D A6~10 D C C A AUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5 C B B B DUnderstanding a Passage1~5A C B A CUndenstanding a Radio Program1became Bill Gates' greatest contribution2makes use of Gates' system3was the plaything of nerds4became a business tool5made it a wish to dominate like Bill Gates6was not fit to comment on upcoming innovationCulture TalkTTFF Listening andSpeaking1(The Left Answer)It provides a lot of information.2(The Right Answer)Some of the information is very dangerous.3(The Right Answer)Some of the information is not accurate.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5B A B C ATask 21~5A A B B ATask 31、 fundamental2、 dramatically3、 majority4、 workplace5、 self-employed6、 breadth7、 notions8、 its applications in personal computers, digital communications, and factory robots9、 still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of dramatic changes10、 will have the greatest advantage and produce the most wealthUnit FiveWarming UpF NG TListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5A D D D B6~10 C D C A DUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5B B A C CUnderstanding a Passage1~5 D A B B AUndenstanding a Radio Program1the perfect man checklists2what the perfect man looks like3much younger for yourself4to develop your perfect man checklist5burning the perfect manchecklist Culture Talk1Korean2HongKong3England4USAListening and Speaking1It can cause one to be dependent.2It ’ s a nuisance.3It will limit your freedom.HomeworkSupplementaryListening Task 11~5 CDABD Task 21~5 ACACD Task 31、 emerging2、 residents3、 participants4、 companionship5、 soldiers6、 isolate7、 extraordinary8、 who happened to live by themselves die at twice the rate of those live with others 9、 It ’ s clear that reaching out to other can have our body strong10、 Only 5 percent of U.S. consisted of the person living alone.Unit SixWarming Up1Whether the man should return to society.215 years.3Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 C B C D B6~10 C A D D BUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5A B C C DUnderstanding a Passage1~5 C D D A BUndenstanding a Radio Program1Centennial Olympic Park2North Cardwell,New Jersey3Oklahoma City,Oklahoma4the FBI laboratories5ground zero6an Atlanta abortionclinic Culture Talk1USA2Germany3Singapore4CanadaListening and Speaking1(The Left Answer)Punishing the criminals will deter others.2(The Right Answer)It is good for society.3(The Right Answer)It has no victims.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5D C B A ATask 21~5C B B A DTask 31、 impeach2、 scandal3、 gambling4、 Representatives5、 accusations6、 procedures7、 opposition8、 resigned as secretary of social welfare and urged the president to resign9、 five economic advices to the President have resigned10、 some committees in the House of RepresentativesUnit SevenWarming UpT F NGListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5B C A A D6~10 C B D A BUnderstanding a Long ConversationUnderstanding a Passage1~5 C C D B BUndenstanding a Radio Program1shows God s’part in creating the universe.2shows the existence of a man thousands of years ago.3shows messages inscribed in DNA.4shows a court opinion against Intelligent Design.5shows God ’ s existence.Culture TalkT T F FListening and Speaking1Groups are similar biologically except for skin color.2Groups have different culture3Groups provide something unique.HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 11~5 D D A B BTask 21~5A C B A DTask 31、 would-be2、 intelligence3、 genes4、 athletic5、 medical6、 disclosed7、 consideration8、 the sum American egg donors expect to be paid9、 plus all the costs of medical treatment and insurance10、 almost half the cost of fees for the students-year college’coursefour.Unit EightWarming Up1going to quit2work harder3majority raceListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5CAABC6~10 DDACB Understanding aLong ConversationUnderstanding a Passage1~5 D A B B AUndenstanding a Radio Program1Bill Gates2Warren Buffet3KP Singh4Martha Stewart5Ronald Lauder6Louisa KrollCulture Talk1Japan2UK3America4Hong Kong Listening and Speaking1Society should be fair.2Women should enjoy representation.3It makes leaders help to do something for women.HomeworkSupplementaryListening Task 11~5 ACDBC Task 21~5 ADBBB Task 31、 greeted2、 freshman3、 spite4、 fluke5、 agitated6、 faculty7、 particularly8、 I had the highest average in the freshman class9、 Then, she took out a copy of the examination paper10、 I was so angry that I started punding herUnit NineWarming Up1Whether it ’ s Chinese enough to appeal to Chinese people2American culture3Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answersListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5ACBDC6~10 DAABC Understanding aLong Conversation1~5DABBAUnderstanding a Passage1~5 D B B C CUndenstanding a Radio Program1His brother’ s two daughters.2They drove there.3Children under three.4They watched the parade.5He sat down and had a rest for a few minutes.Culture TalkTTFT Listening andSpeaking1Fantastic rides.2So much to see.3Great memories never to forget.HomeworkSupplementaryListening Task 11~5 CBACD Task 21~5 BADCB Task 31、 Authorities2、 grant3、 opera4、 not traditional5、 staged6、 journolists7、 tunnel8、 Great performer is special for new introduction of the story9、 who kills all suitors who can answer her three riddles10、Some Chinese audience complain that the princess has none of the grace of a true Chinese ladyUnit TenWarming UpNG T FListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations1~5 D B A C B6~10B B C B AUnderstanding a Long Conversation1~5D B C A BUnderstanding a Passage1~5 C B D D AUndenstanding a Radio Program1is something not known for sure2is trying to figure out how dreams help in solving problems3is something everyone should do4is important in interpreting dreams5is something a person might be afraid ofCulture TalkT T F TListening and Speaking1It causes stress.2What area you may develop.3High score can bring you confidence.HomeworkSupplementaryListening Task 11~5 CDCAA Task 21~5 ADCBA Task 31、 rarely2、 consulting3、 renting4、 agent5、 appointment6、 exchange7、 praises8、 the people who work there actually know where things are and they'll take you right to them9、 I will tell you what I really like about Publix10、 There's a different grocery store near my house, but all that the employees do there is to grunt。



Uint5II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Why do some people stay in one job for life while others switch jobs from time to time?M: Some people want a fixed routine so that they don’t have to adapt tot new circumstances over and over again, while others think variety is the spice of life. Q: According to the dialog, why do some people stick to one job for life?2.ScriptM: Kathleen, you’ve been late for work so many times lately that I have to warn you that any repetition will result in your dismissal.W: I’m sorry. I’ll try my best to get here earlier in the future. Perhaps I could work later to make up the time I’ve lost.Q: What does the woman say?3. ScriptM: Mr. Brown, my time here has been frustrating for me. I have a better opportunity with another firm, and I’m taking it.W:We won’t be sorry to see you leave, Richard. You’ve done your best to make everyone here as miserable as you are.Q: How does the woman feel about the man’s leaving?4. ScriptW: Mr. Armes, I wanted to tell you in person that at the end of this month I’ll be leaving the company.M: Well, Sylvia, we are certainly going to miss you here, but I wish you the best of luck.Q: What does the woman want?5. ScriptW: Time, I hate to tell you this, but we’re caught in a budget crunch, and we must lay you off. I’m sorry.M: I understand. I’ve enjoyed my time here, and I’m confident I can find something else.Q: What is the man’s response?Keys: 1.B2.D3. A 4.C 5.DIII. Listening InTask 1: How to Avoid BankruptcyManager: Adam! Have you any suggestions about how we can avoid bankruptcy? Adam:Downsizing would certainly reduce our operating costs. You know, make us lean and mean, the way you have to be in today’s market.Manager: Where do you suggest we start making these staff cuts?Adam:The logical place to start would be in administration. They usually overstaffed.Manager: That’s not going to go over very well with our employees. Some of them have been with the company for years.Adam:It’s painful process, but there’s no choice. They’ll just have to get used to the idea.Manager: We can give them a fairly decent severance package when they’re fired. Adam:I know. And I think that if we computerize the office, we could reduce office staff by about 20 percent just by eliminating a lot of paperwork. Manager: OK. If we lay off 20 percent of the administrative staff, will that be enough to get the company back on its feet?Adam:Unfortunately not. We’ll also need to make some cuts in the service department.Manager: How can we do that and maintain the level of service that we offer our passengers?Adam: Well, we’ll have to retrain the service staff and streamline our operations, so we won’t need as many people to run things smoothly.Manager: Well, this is serious, but I really don’t think we have any other choice. If we keep losing money like this, we’ll have to shut everything down.1.What is the dialog mainly concerned with?2.What does the man mean by ―make us lean and mean‖?3.What is the difficulty in cutting the administrative staff?4.What will happen as a result of firing the administrators?5.What does the man think will happen after they cut 20 percent of theadministrators?Keys: 1B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.CFor Reference1. He suggests retaining the service staff and streaming their operations, so they won’tneed as many people to run things smoothly.2. That is a serious step, but she thinks they haven’t any other choice. If they keeplosing money, they will have to shut everything down.Task 2: A Hard-nosed BossScriptMr. Stone was known far and wide as a hard-nosed boss who (S1)watched his employees like a hawk. He was making one of his regular tours of the factory (S2) when he spotted a young man leaning against a (S3)pile of boxes just outside the foreman’s office. Since George, the foreman, wasn’t around. Stone stood off to the side and watched to see just how ling the young men would stand (S4) around doing nothing.The young man yawned, scratched his head, looked at his watch, and sat on the floor. After ten minutes or so he yawned again and (S5) leaned back on the pile of boxes. Stone stepped from his (S6) hiding place and walked up to the young man. ―You!‖ he yelled, ―How much do you make a week?‖The young man looked up (S7) indifferently. ―Two hundred and fifty dollars,‖He said.(S8) Stone rushed into the cashier’s office, took$250 from the cash box, and returned. ―Take it,‖ he said, ―and get out! Don’t let me see you around here again!‖The young man took the cash, put it in his pocket, and left. (S9) Seeing the young man showed no sign of embarrassment, Stone got furious. Then he went looking for George. When he found him, Stone was red with anger. ―That lazy boy in front of your office,‖Stone said, ―I just gave him a week’s pay and fired him. What’s the matter with you, letting him stand around as though he has nothing to do?‖―You mean the kid in the red shirt?‖ George asked.―Yes! The kid in the red shirt!‖George said, ―(S10)He was waiting for the 20 dollars we owe him for lunch. He works for the coffee shop around the corner.‖Task3: Layoffs can be predicted.ScriptIn some cases companies inform their employees in advance that layoffs are coming. In other cases, they come without warning: You arrive on time for work on a Friday,but you are told not to come next week. Ouch!In either case, you may be able to sense some bad signs in advance. Maybe the company has tried very hard to avoid layoffs; maybe it has been preparing for the worst for quite some time. If you think about the bad omens carefully, you might know as much or more than some of the employees in managerial positions with management responsibilities.For example, if you work in sales, you might know that quotas have not been met. If you work in field engineering, you might notice far fewer customer installations. If your company’s competitors, suppliers or customers are laying off employees, it’s likely your company will too, especially if economic conditions are affecting your industry. Check the layoff statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Search the Net and your local newspaper too for articles concerning layoffs in your industry. Do things like bad sales always mean that layoffs are coming to your company? Not necessarily. Companies have seasonal and economic sales dips all the time, and are always looking for ways to improve their performance. So, if you see only one or two bad signs, don’t jump to a hasty conclusion. But if you see more, especially along the lines of earnings warnings, budget cuts, hiring freezes, restructuring, and massive layoffs in your industry, it might just be time to get your resume up to date and start looking for a new job. Also, it might e a good idea to cancel your vacation, implement money-saving measures, and become more useful on your job. You should prepare in advance if you think you might get the axe soon.1.What is the passage mainly about?2.According to the passage, when can one sense layoffs are coming?3.What is mentioned as a bad sign for the field engineering department?4.According to the passage, what do bad sales signal?5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a sign for you to update yourresume?Keys: 1D 2.C3. B 4.C 5AFor ReferenceYou may get your resume up to date and start looking for a new job. Also, it might e a good idea to cancel your vacation, implement money-saving measures, and become more useful on your job.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 W e’re going to miss you.Susan: Excuse me, Helen, do you have a minute to talk?Helen:That question always carries some weigh t, Sue. What’s up?Susan: Well, uh…Here goes…My university wants me to go back to update the university website.Helen: So what? You can go back on the weekend, or in the evening.Susan: But it’s a large project. So I’m afraid I have to terminate my work here before my internship is over. I have to go back next Thursday.Helen: Oh? This is quite a surprise, Sue. I’m sad that you’ll be leaving us. You run this place with clockwork efficiency, you know. We’re going to miss you. Susan: I hope this one-week notice will give you time to hire and train a replacement. Helen: Thanks for the notices, Sue. Assistants like you are one in a million. I guess we’d better start looking as soon as possible.Susan:With your approval, I’ll put out notice today and screen the application myself.Helen: That would be great. Schedule them in as you see fit. Oh, Sue, things certainly won’t be the same without you around here.Susan: Thank you for your kind words. If you have any problem, please feel free to call me.MODEL2 We have to let you go.ScriptHelen: Tom, the reason I called you into my office is your work.Tom:Really?Helen: The truth is ..I’m not satisfied with your job performance.Tom:Are you sure I haven’t been doing a good job?Helen: Tom, you’ve been reprimanded a number of times for being late and for using company time for personal matters. What’s more, you use the company phone to talk with your friends for hours.Tom:I know I’ve been late a couple of times; my motorcycle has been breaking down. I’m really sorry. I promise to do better in the future.Helen: I’m afraid it’s too late. Right now, your tardiness is the least of my problems. Tom:What do you mean?Helen: My secretary has proof that you have misappropriated company funds on several occasions. We won’t be prosecuting, but this simply can’t be allowed. Tom:: I didn’t steal any money! Your secretary is lying!Helen: I’m sorry, we have to let you go.Tom:You’re firing me? You are giving me my pink slip?Helen: Exactly. I’m sorry it had to turn out this way. Your termination is effective immediately.MODEL3 I’m the one you’ve been looking for.ScriptHelen: So, Bill, tell me about your last job. What kinds of work did you do?Bill: Market investigation, sales promotion, after-sale services, risk analysis, investment planning –to name just a few.Helen: Why did you leave?Bill:Downsizing. The company wasn’t performing efficiently. It’s been operating at a loss. So the only way out was to lay off redundant employees.Helen:Why do you think our corporation makes a good career move for you?Bill: My experience at the last company is completely transferable to your company, since you deal in the same products.Helen:Go on.Bill:What’s even better, your corporation is a well-known multinational, and it’s working to become an industry leaser. I like that.Helen: And that would be a real boost to your career?Bill:Definitely. My last employer dealt with only small investments. But your company is handling large projects. That will help me grow professionally. Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGPamela: Excuse me, Mr. Atkin, do you have a minute to spare?Atkin:The question suggests something serious, Pamela. What’s up?Pamela: Well, uh…Thank you very much for offering me a permanent job. But now I’ve received a notice of admission to a Master’s degree program in myuniversity. I’m afraid I have to leave.Atkin:Oh, what a pity. You did an excellent job here, and everyone likes you. Pamela:I really enjoyed working here. But further studies will give me more opportunities to grow professionally.Atkin:Your skills in software development are almost irreplaceable here. Would you stay if I promote you to the department head and give you a raise inpay?Pamela: Thank you very much indeed, and I do appreciate the golden opportunity.But I really need to acquire more knowledge while I’m young. With aMaster’s degree in my hands, I’ll be more competitive in the future. Atkin:In that case, I won’t keep you, Pamela. I just want to tell you that I’m sad you’ll be leaving us. You run this place with clockwork efficiency, you know.We’ll all miss you a lot.Pamela: I hope this one-month notice will give you time to hire and train a replacement.Atkin: Thanks for the notice, Pamela. Assistant like you are rare. I guess we’d better start looking as soon as possible.Pamela: With your approval, I’ll post notice today and interview applicants for you. Atkin: That would be great. Schedule them in as you see fit. Pamela, without you, things here will be different.Pamela: Thank you for your kind words. If you have any problem, please feel free call me.V. Let’s TalkScriptKathy: Well, now that everybody I here, let’s call the meeting to order. Today we have to discuss the operation of our software development department. We’re all aware that nowadays market competition is becoming more intense than ever before. If we want to keep our competitive edge, the only way is to offer excellent and considerate service to our customer and, at the same time, lower our prices. So, what I’m thinking is, maybe we could outsource the software side of out business to another company. But what impact will it have on our engineers? It’s a big problem. Mm, I’d be interested to know your thoughts, Warton.Warton: I totally agree with you.Kathy: Could you go into more detail about your opinion?Warton:I think that outsourcing this part of our operation to another company certainly makes a lot sense. Our software engineers ate getting a bit too old,and their technology is a bit out of date. Worse still, their salaries are quitehigh. Many professional software-designing companies are offering betterproducts at lower rates. With outsourcing, we can give some of theengineers the sack.Jennifer: Sorry to interrupt you. Coming from the PR department, I look at this issue from a different perspective. I think we should consider all sides of thisissue before we make a decision.Kathy: Jennifer, I’d be interested t o knot your view too.Jennifer: I think as a large company we should consider not only customers and prices, but also our employees. Our workers have contributed a lot to ourcompany. Some of them even started working here when our companyopened. I hope we can find a solution that won’t require us t o lay off ourloyal and trust employees.Kathy: I’m very much impressed by what you said. We’d better give this issue more careful consideration.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Problems of JoblessnessScriptJoblessness can lead to a series of problem, and it is not easy to solve them.First of all, being without a job often means lacking social contract wit h fellow employees, and lacking a purpose for many hours of the day,. Also, it obviously affects your ability to pay bills and t o purchase the necessities of life, Lack of this ability is especially serious for those wit family obligations, debts, or medical costs, and it is especially true id in a country like the United States, where the availability ofmedical insurance is often linked to holding a job.Some maintain that jobless people can rely on unemployment insurance, but this is no true. Unemployment insurance in the U.S. typically does not even replace50 percent of the income one received on the job, and one cannot receive it forever. Therefore, the unemployed often end up aping welfare programs such as Food Stamps—or accumulating debt: both formal debt to banks and informal debt to friends and relatives.Some hold that low-income jobs provide solution to joblessness, but this is not true. Since it is difficult or impossible to get unemployment insurance benefits without having worked in the past, job-seekers have to accept low-income jobs. Thus, unemployment insurance keeps a ready supply of low-paid workers. To make things worse, many employers take advantage of this. When they resort to such management techniques as low wages and benefits, as well ad few chances for advancement, they bear the unemployment insurance option in mind.Under increasing unemployment pressure, jobless people suffer from a variety of financial, psychological and social problems. Increase unemployment encourages bad health and raises both crime and suicide rates.1.What is the first problem mentioned concerning joblessness?2.Which of the following is true of American unemployment insurance?3.Why do people accept low-income jobs?4.According to the passage, what problems might unemployment cause?5.Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D5.ATask 2: Before the cutbackScriptBarbara: I’ve really got to think about my future. You’ve heard of the cutbacks the management’s making, right?Alan: Oh, yes. I’ve heard it. But you haven’t anything to be concerned about. Barbara: Around here you never know from one day to the next whether you can keep your job.Alan: Come on, they won’t let you go. You’ve been for so long. Besides, you’re good at your job.Barbara: That might be, but I feel that I’ve reached the glass ceiling in this company. Alan: Glass ceiling? What do you mean by that?Barbara: I’ve been working here for ten years. I haven’t gotten a promotion in three years. I thought I should be Vice President by now. If I were a man, I’msure I would be Vice President.Alan: There’s no official company policy, but it’s true that they don’t promote women to management positions here.Barbara: I can see the writing on the wall. I think it’s time to change job, and maybe even careers, if I want to get ahead.Alan: Change career? That’s a big jump. If you change careers, what will you do?Barbara: I’m doing market research here, but I studies public relations in college. I’d like to do PR for a large multinational company.Alan: That sounds exciting, and the pay would be better, too. Yeah, if I would keep an eye on the job positing on the Internet.Barbara: Sooner or later something good is bound to turn up in the job market. Keys: TTFFFTask3: Career TransitionsScriptIn July of 2001, my husband, a professional in the information technology consulting industry, lost his job. Despite my experience as a career counselor who had counseled hundreds of people about career changes, when the bad news finally arrived, we were both caught unprepared. Unprepared to tell our children, unprepared for the mix of emotions and most dramatically, unprepared for the sudden loss of routine in our lives. The reality was that thought we both knew well how to find jobs, we had never been in this awkward unemployment situation together before. I remember watching my husband sitting in our office as he patted his forehead and muttered to himself, ― Now what am I supposed to do?‖Being laid-off created a whole new set of questions and challenge. We turned to the bookstore for assistance and found lots of books about job search, but not a single book on the day-to-day challenges you face when you get laid-off.Over time we learned what to do. We discovered terrific resources, identified shortcuts, and learned from others going through the same process. I spoke with my colleagues and clients and collected their best tips. Before we knew it, we had gathered enough interesting material for a book on career transitions –the book we needed but couldn’t find last JulyNow we want to share this goldmine of information with you.For Reference1.She had experience as a career counselor who had counseled hundreds of peopleabout career changes. But when her husband’s lost job, they both were caught unprepared.2.They were unprepared to tell our children, unprepared for the mix of emotions andmost dramatically, unprepared for the sudden loss of routine in our lives.3. She saw her husband sitting in our office as he patted his forehead and mutteredto himself, ―Now what am I supposed to do?‖4. In the bookstore they found lots of books about job search, but not a single bookon the day-to-day challenges people face when they get laid-off.5. They had gathered enough interesting material for a book on career transitions–the book we needed but couldn’t find last JulyNews ReportU.S. Ford Plants to Be ClosedScriptFord Motor Company has announced plans to close plants ns cut more than 35,000 jobs as part of massive restricting[SOUND BITE]The announcement didn’t seem to come as a surprise to many Ford employees..[SOUND BITE]Ford Chief Executive, Bill Ford, Jr., called the cuts painful, but necessary to rescue the world’s number two carmaker from going under.The planned cuts include22, 000 jobs in the U.S. and Canada.Certain U.S. models, such as the Cougar, Escort, Villager, and Lincoln Continental will be discontinued due to plant closings.Ford, Jr. said he would receive no salary until the company recovered.[SOUND BITE]Ford’s recent financial troubles reflect a complete turnaround from last year, when thecompany reported a profit of more than $6 billion for the year2000.The company was hit hard in 2001, when they spent $3 billion during a safety recall. When news of the plant closings and job cuts the workers, many reacted with emotion.[SOUND BITE]Chairman Ford, Jr. says that recovery will be based on getting back to basics in product development and on improving quality and productivity.。





而新视野英语教材的听说部分则成为很多学习者学习的重点,特别是New Horizon 4,是大多数学习者所需要掌握的课程之一。



Part Ⅰ1. A : I'm hungry. Where should we go eat?B : How about going to that new Chinese restaurant?A : do you mean the one on Main Street?B : No, the one by the supermarket.2. A : There's a new coffee shop downtown. Want to check it out?B : Sure. What's it called?A : It's called "The Daily Grind." It's supposed to be really good.B : What kind of coffee do they make?A : They make all kinds of coffee, from lattes to cappuccinos.3. A : Have you been to the new shopping mall?B : No, not yet. What's it like?A : It's huge! They have over a hundred stores and a food court.B : How about the prices? Are they expensive?A : No, not really. They have some great sales going on right now.4. A : I'm so bored. What should we do?B : How about going to the park?A : The park? That sounds boring.B : No, it's not. They have a great playground and a lake you can paddleboat in.A : Okay, that sounds like fun.Part Ⅱ1. A : Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?B : No, I haven't. What's it like?A : It's amazing! It's this huge canyon with all these colorful layers of rock.B : Really? That sounds incredible.2. A : I want to explore the city. Any ideas?B : How about a walking tour?A : A walking tour? That sounds boring.B : No, not at all. You get to see all sorts of interesting things and learn about the history of the city.A : Okay, let's do it.3. A : I'm thinking about going to the beach this weekend. Where should I go?B : Have you ever been to Malibu?A : No, I haven't.B : You should go there. It's got great waves and a nice pier.A : Okay, Malibu it is.4. A : I'm planning a trip to Europe. Where should I go?B : Have you ever been to Paris?A : No, I haven't.B : You should go there. It's got the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and all sorts of other amazing things to see.A : Okay, Paris it is.以上是新视野听说4完整答案的一部分。



第一单元ⅡBasic listening practiceCBDADⅢListening inTask1 ACDCBTask 2(1) families( 2) chemicals(3) information(4) certain symptoms(5) self-esteem(6) thinking patterns(7) mood(8) divorce(9) physical abuse(10) financial difficulties(11) stress(12) anxietyTask3BDAACFurther listening and speakingTask1(1) owner(2) running(3) drop(4) run(5) local(6) yelling(7) lives(8) As he was picking himself up, he saw alarge man, almost seven feet tall(9) The bartender nervously handed the bigman a beer, hands shaking(10) I got to get out of town! Didn't you hearBig John is comingTask2ABCCDTask3T F F T FViewing and speaking(1) Seven/7(2) 150(3) favourite(4) bridge(5) 111(6) fast(7) Simple(8) trusted(9) stupid(10) did(11) No way(12) ultimate(13) limits(14) skywards(15) £60(16) cheap第二单元ⅡBasic listening practiceBACDBⅢListening inTask1 CAADBTask2(1) the end(2) discounts(3) T-shirts(4) big-name brands(5) Interchangeable pieces(6) black trousers(7) several times(8) simplest(9) stylish and fashionableTask3ABACDFurther listening and speakingTask1CAABATask2F T F T FTask31 She chose two colors, then built her wardrobe around them.2 She has a pair of black dress slacks, with black shoes to match. If she wears that with her turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings, she will look dressed up.3 If she wears a T-shirt with the black dress slacks, she is more casual.4 If she brings a pashmina, or another dress scarf, she can dress up the T-shirt into casual chic.5 Her suitcase will be nearly empty, with lots of room for shopping.Viewing and speaking(1) combining clothing with new technology(2) brand-new style(3) new industrial design solutions(4) electronics and fashion(5) into your collar(6) went into partnership with(7) bring them together(8) the modern-day worker(9) 600 pounds(10) to what we might expect第三单元ⅡBasic listening practiceDACBCⅢListening inTask 1 BCADCTask 2 FFTFTTask 3(1) drought(2) tsunami(3) undersea(4) result in(5) dry spell(6) flood(7) water supplies(8) famine(9) agriculture(10) heavy rainfall(11) melting(12) swell(13) man-made damsFurther listening and speakingTask 1 BADACTask 21 Since the company was composed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance.But the farmer called the company anyway because the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available2 The truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames.3 After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.4 He presented the volunteer fire company with a check for $10,000.5 The captain said, "The first thing we're going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck." That suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery.Task 3 ABCDCViewing and speaking(1) rescued(2) worst flooding(3) surprise(4) flooded(5) my son's(6) crews(7) burst(8) hit(9) save(10) high tide(11) furniture(12) normal(13) computer system(14) drugs(15) heavy第四单元ⅡBasic listening practiceCBABDⅢListening inTask 1 CBDAATask 2(1) Relationships(2) marketing manager(3) in conflict with(4) expenses(5) ended in vain(6) training administrator(7) visited(8) establish closer relationships(9) long-term(10) picked upTask 3 CDDCAFurther listening and speakingTask 1 DBCACTask 2 FTFTFTask31 They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer, Carl Martin, and say goodbye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson2 The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO.3 The message read, "Blame your predecessor." So, the new CEO held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.4 The message read, "Reorganize." The new CEO did it, and the company quickly rebounded.5 The message said, "Prepare three envelopes." It implied that it was time for Carl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO.Viewing and speaking(1) earning(2) live on(3) frustrating(4) head(5) chasing(6) television(7) editor(8) launching(9) basis(10) privileged第五单元ⅡBasic listening practiceBCACDⅢListening inTask 1 BACCDTask 2 FTFTFTask 3DCBCAFurther listening and speakingTask 1 ABCDATask 2 TTFFFTask31 She had experience as a career counselor who had counseled hundreds of people about career changes. But when her husband lost his job, they were both caught unprepared.2 They were unprepared to tell their children, unprepared for the mix of emotions, and most dramatically, unprepared for the sudden loss of routine in their lives.3 She saw her husband sitting in their home office patting his forehead and muttering to himself, "Now what am I supposed to do?"4 In the bookstore they found lots of books about job search, but not a single book on the day-to-day challenges people face when they get laid-off.5 They had gathered enough interesting material for a book on career transitions—the book they needed but couldn't find last July.Viewing and speaking(1) turn things around(2) suggestions(3) expectations(4) how many(5) three million(6) target(7) salespeople(8) market(9) brand(10) problems(11) challenges(12) money(13) hard task(14) salesmen(15) investment(16) experienced(17) negotiation第六单元ⅡBasic listening practiceCCADBⅢListening inTask 1 CBADCTask 2(1) terrible(2) misfortune(3) reflection(4) damaged(5) heaven(6) pick(7) washed(8) Some people claim that the number is bad luck because 13 people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified(9) Friday the 13th of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the 13th of March is the worst of them all(10) they mean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personalityTask 3(1) falling stock markets(2) even more superstitious(3) much less(4) constructive action(5) less lucky(6) worked(7) more satisfied(8) exams(9) trust(10) revisionFurther listening and speakingTask 1 ABDDBTask 2 TTFFTTask31 The magician did the same tricks over and over again.2 The captain's parrot watched every show and began to understand what the magician did in each trick. Once he understood that, he started shouting in the middle of the show3 Each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets, the audience roared with laughter. The performance he intended to be dark and mysterious turned into a comedy.4 The ship collided with an enormous iceberg and sank. The magician found himself on a piece of wood, in the middle of the ocean, and the parrot was by his side.5 He said, "OK, I give up. But I hope you'll tell me what trick you are going to do with the boat."Viewing and speaking(1) feet(2) shapes(3) theory(4) man-made(5) look after(6) experts(7) a million(8) outer space(9) extraterrestrial(10) conceivable(11) circle maker(12) image(13) explain(14) genuine(15) lifting out of(16) rubbish(17) mystery(18) mysterious(19) farmers(20) catch(21) appear(22) landscape第七单元ⅡBasic listening practiceAADBCⅢListening inTask 1 DCAABTask 2 DCAABTask 3(1) rest(2) Sunday(3) industrial revolution(4) God(5) six-day work week(6) late 19th and early 20th(7) relaxation(8) great boon(9) consumer spending(10) Second World War(11) two days(12) do not work(13) religious activitiesFurther listening and speakingTask 1 TTFFFTask 2 CABBDTask 3 ABCDCViewing and speaking(1) book(2) search engines(3) real customers(4) judge(5) 250 pounds(6) two days / 2 days(7) partying(8) click(9) targeting第八单元ⅡBasic listening practiceBCDACⅢListening inTask 1 BAAADTask 2(1) Research(2) genes(3) journal(4) warn(5) productivity(6) grow(7) survival(8) Plant breeders have already used preliminary information from the rice genome to create experimental strains of rice that better resist cold and pests(9) The new map could better explain more than just rice. Rice shares a common ancestor with other cereal crops(10) While significant progress has been made in the analysis of the rice genome, the mapping of the human genes is also making headwayTask 3 CBDADFurther listening and speakingTask1(1) biotechnology(2) rejected(3) special labels(4) 73 percent to 27 percent/73% to 27%(5) a new type of tomato(6) against(7) save lives(8) improve the human condition(9) medicines(10) conventional foodsTask 2 TTFFTTask 3 DBACCViewing and speaking(1) trees(2) native genes(3) black(4) onion(5) taste(6) poisonous(7) tested(8) toxic(9) fish(10) popular(11) bigger(12) food(13) normally(14) larger(15) threefold(16) genes(17) originally(18) different(19) risks(20) laboratory(21) environment。



Unit 1Section A. The Temptation of a Respectable Woman《读写教程IV》: Ex. II,p. 8Her husband expected his friend, Gouvernail, to stay abo ut one or two weeks in their home.He was a boring and withdrawn person with a strange pe rsonality.She decided to leave for her aunt's house and wouldn't come back till Gouvernail left their home.A once ambitious person, Gouvernail now became one withthe mere desire to enjoy a genuine life now and then .His tones of voice and personal charm.She was afraid that she could not resist being attracte d by Gouvernail.He mistook his wife's feeling towards Gouvernail for pur e dislike.She had overcome both her misunderstanding of and her s ubtle feelings towards Gouvernail.《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 8Idle meltingimposespenetratepresencenuisancenonsense keen《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 9run downtaken seriouslydrinking inin no sense made excellent observations on counted onfor my partmake a fuss《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 9sanctionsRestrictionsfinelimitsproblemstaxdutyresponsibility《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 10justifyglorifyexemplifiesclassifiedpurifiedintensifyidentifyterrified《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 10braveryjewellerydeliverymachineryrobberynurseryscenerydiscovery《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 11She said it might have been all right, if the weather had been goodMrs. Baroda said she might have liked Go uvernail if he had been like the others.If I had been there, I could have helped you.He could have got tickets if there had been some cheap ones.Mrs. Baroda might have yielded to the temptation if she hadn't been a respectable and sensible person.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 11"You were different then." "So was she.""You used to say he was a man of wit.""So he is.""You've made a mistake here." "Oh, so I have. Thank you.""Children should behave themselves.""So should adults. .""This glass is cracked.""Oh, so it is. I hadn't noticed."《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 12He imposed his company upon her in spite of her repeat ed hints of hoping to be left alone.His friends can never count upon how he is going to a ct under given conditions, as he is always full of sur prises.Don't make a fuss about such a small thing because tha t is the last thing I expected.Besides being an upright and respectable woman Mrs. Baro da was also a very sensible one.She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, un able to gather anything from them.From Gouvernail's talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that h is periods of silence were not his basic nature, but t he result of moods.To Gaston's delight, his wife had finally overcome her dislike for Gouvernail and invited Gouvernail to visit t hem again wholly from herself.Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail's puzzling natu re and found it hard to penetrate the silence in whic h he had unconsciously covered himself.《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 12在一起呆了几天,她仍感到对这个客人很陌生,只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着他.加斯顿拉了拉妻子的衣袖,双手搂着她的腰,快乐地望着她那充满困惑的眼睛.他在她身旁的长凳上坐下,丝毫不曾想到她可能会反对他坐在那儿.他的话变成了一串毫无意义的动词,名词,副词和形容词,她陶醉在他的声音里.那晚,巴罗达太太很想把自己的一时荒唐告诉丈夫—也是她的朋友,但还是忍住了.他照例说了些诸如这个季节的夜风对身体不好之类的话.后来,望着茫茫夜色,他开始谈了起来."噢,"她笑着,在他唇上印了长长的温柔的一吻,"我一切都已经克服了!你会看到的,这次我会对他很好."而现在他只求能生存,只是偶尔才能体验到一丝真正的生活的气息,就像此刻这样.Section B. The Obligations and Responsibilities to Marria geXVI. Choose the best answer to each of the following q uestions1. B2. C3. B4. B5. B6. B7. C8. B《读写教程IV》Ex. XVII, p.24obligationcontinuitysacrific acknowledgedpassion scatteredworshipelastic《读写教程IV》Ex. XVIII, p. 24in; inin/bytoonat behindtofromUnit 3Section A. Longing for a New Welfare System《读写教程IV》: Ex. II, p. 66He means that a welfare client is believed to lie to get a little extra welfare money and those caseworkers know it well.He has chosen to live an honest life by drumming up s ome business outside and drawing cartoons for magazines.They know clearly that they are being made fools of by some of their clients, and they feel they are entitle d to have clients bow to them as compensation.He doesn't think those caseworkers are to blame so he isn't being bitter.Because he believes it practically requires people to lie.He had to call a caseworker he called Suzanne first. A fter giving a little lecture, Suzanne was supposed to n otify the medical worker, who would certify that there was a problem. Then the medical worker called the wheel chair repair companies to get the cheapest bid. Then th e medical worker alerted the main welfare office. They considered the matter for days before calling back and approving the repair, if he was lucky.The system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welf are givers as well as by the clients.He dreams of a new system that will encourage the clie nts and help them to develop their talents, rather than seek to convict them of cheating.《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 66convicteddonationbleedingentitledprofilepensionthrivereceipt《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 67upto backofaroundintoforto《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 67 pressurehardshipspaindefeatdelayhungerconditionstemper《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 68 longishanimal-likeselfishhoney-likeball-likeboyishyellowishgoodish《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 68 politicianstechniciancomedianmusiciansphysicianselectriciansbeauticianmagician《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 69The wanted man is believed to be living in New York. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods. Three men are said to have been arrested after the exp losion.The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing ove r the wall.Four people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 69He tried sending her flowers, but it didn't have any e ffect.I don't regret telling her what I thought, even if I upset her.She remembered reading a biography about Charlie Chaplin, which described him as a Marxist.We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer y ou employment.He welcomed the new student and then went on to explai n the college regulations.《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 70You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you purchased them, but you are suppose d to account for why you want to do so.You only need to fill out a form to get your membersh ip, which entitles you to a discount on goods.One year ago, the car dealer tried to drum up buyers by offering good services. Now, his business is thriving .The crime was looked into carefully before he was convi cted of murder.I called the Freeway Service Patrol for help after my car broke down on the freeway. Twenty minutes later, th ey came to my rescue and left a $ 150 receipt.Faced with the threat of losing their jobs, these worke rs yielded to the management's advice and went back to work .The middle-aged man who took the boy bled the father f or $20,000 as a compensation for the loss of his compa ny.The man living on welfare began to set up his own mar ket, one step at a time and his business is thriving.《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 70每个人都觉得靠社会福利救济的人在骗人.但即使我抵抗不住这种诱惑,我投稿的那些大杂志也不愿给自己惹麻烦. 社会工作者心底里知道许多救济对象在欺骗他们,因此他们觉得,作为补偿,他们有权让救济对象点头哈腰.她这是在暗示我:得哀求她了.但是我却将她顶了回去.苏珊娜试图就修理轮椅的问题训斥我.由于福利部门不愿花钱好好地修,所以我的轮椅经常坏.我当然得经常用我的轮椅.我是一个工作很积极的人,又不是植物人.如何逐渐脱离福利照顾,这在法律条款中没有明确规定.我们需要一位律师来捍卫福利救济对象的权利,因为这一福利体制不仅容易使救济对象滥用权力,也很容易使福利提供者滥用权力.Section B. A Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful Wor ldXVI. Choose the best answer to each of the following q uestionseven thoughannoyedstruck meout of tunemotionlessjust ashardlysatisfaction《读写教程IV》Ex. XVII, p. 81skimmedsteerchartered angleoverheadmagicrealmstack《读写教程IV》Ex. XVIII, p. 82Only a few crumbling (破裂的) walls bear witness to the past greatness of the ci ty of Aksum.At first he was way ahead of me, but I'm slowly but surely catching him up.I was loaded with many parcels (包裹), unable to walk any faster.The place was deserted and there was no sign of human beings living there.These instruments should be switched on and checked befo re we start our work.My friend was dressed in a black coat whereas I had g one there in jeans.All those connected with the mission were in prayer for her, but her life was not spared.May I excuse myself/be excused for a while, Mr. Davis Unit 4Section A. The Telecommunications Revolution《读写教程IV》: Ex. II, p. 95The living standards in the developing world will be greatly improved.The author refers to those places without telecommunicati ons facilities such as telephones, which hinders exchange of information.Because advanced communications and subsequent widespread access to information technologies enable the developing regions to shorten the process of changing from labor-in tensive assembly work to industries that involve engineer ing, marketing and design.Because they believe it is in bad need of any phones and it lacks experience in weighing costs and choosing between technologies.First, it sold a 30% stake in its national phone compa ny to two Western companies to quicken the import of W estern technology. Second, it had leased rights to a Du tch-Scandinavian group of companies to build and operate an advanced digital mobile phone system.Wireless. For it's cheaper to build radio towers than t o string lines across mountain ridges and it is a reli able service.Because customers there talk two to four times as long on the phone as people in North America.Because mobile phones make it possible for them to keep contact with each other even when they are caught in the traffic jams.《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 95 recession disposalcondensedstrategicrevenuepersistutilitiesdesperate《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 96 lags far behindare stuck withgoing forremain in contactkeep pace withat your disposaldates fromonly scratch the surface of 《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 96 saleshealthwilltradeeducationgrowthunderstandingidea《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 97superpowersuperabundantsupermarketsuper-speedsuper-computerssupermansuperstarsuper-efficient《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 97auto-timerauto-racingauto-focusautographauto-reverseautopilotautobiographyauto-industry《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 98Concentrate on indoor delights rather than outdoor fights and you'll be much better appreciated.As a result of the development of the information super highway many people may eventually be able to work at home rather than go to an office.Some people say that this term pupils' achievements will be measured by a formal test rather than by their te achers' assessment. They argued that their products should be developed on the basis of need rather than profit.During weekends the businessmen may spend some time esta blishing friendship and mutual trust rather than discussi ng any particular item of business.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 99 Petrol now is twice as expensive as it was a few year s agoTheirs is about three times as big as oursLatin American customers talk two to four times as long on the phone as people in North Americathe fee for cell phones is typically twice as much as for calls made over fixed linescan transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 99By installing the latest wireless transmission systems, a parade of urban centers and industrial zones from Beij ing to Budapest are stepping directly into the Informati on Age.Widespread access to information technology promises to c ondense the time required to change from labor-intensive assembly work to industries that involve engineering, m arketing and design.Modern communications will give countries like China and Vietnam a huge advantage over countries stuck with oldtechnologies.There is little dispute that communications will be a k ey factor separating the winners from the losers.The economy of the country is stuck in recession and i t barely has the money to scratch the surface of the problem.Businesses eager for reliable service are willing to paya significantly high price tag for a wireless call. Having an operation there is like having an endless pil e of money at your disposal.For countries that have lagged behind for so long, the temptation to move ahead in one jump is hard to resi st.《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 100一个将会大大提高发展中国家生活水准的转变正方兴未艾.所有这些发展中地区都把先进的通信技术看作一种能跨越经济发展各阶段的方法.问题是,它的国内电话系统是一堆生了锈的20世纪30年代的老古董.通信工程也是上海实现其成为一流金融中心这一梦想的关键.整个拉丁美洲对无线电通信的需求和使用已急速增加.泰国也在求助于无线电通信方式,以便让泰国人在发生交通堵塞时能更好地利用时间.移动电话在商界成为时尚,使人们在交通堵塞时也能与外界保持联系.总有一天,他们将能在信息高速公路上与美国和西欧并驾齐驱.Section B. The Information SuperhighwayXVI. Read the following statements carefully, and decidewhether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. T7. T8. T《读写教程IV》Ex. XVII, p. 111Unit 5Section A. Choose to Be Alone on Purpose《读写教程IV》: Ex. II, p. 124All 22 million of people live alone, which suggests tha t it is an overwhelming phenomenon in the United States .Because they can find inspiration in solitude.The more capable the person is of thinking on his own, the less his need for staying with others.It depends. If he lives with them, the friends' tempora ry leaving will be received as a welcome change. Howeve r, if he lives alone, the temporary absence of friends will leave him nothing but the feeling of emptiness. The need to talk is the most basic need of a solitary person.He may call friends to tell them important things, or talk to himself, his pets, the television, or even to strangers in the supermarket.He should stay rational, settle himself in a comfortable and pleasant way and wait for anything happy that may happen.As ordinary people's solitary condition of living differs from that of the great minds like the poets and phil osophers, they should cherish the thought that "since we are here, we may as well stay and make the best of it".《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 124dictate chokedhumblejustice waterproofslippery poetry supreme《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 125cast outall by himselfstay up latewas fond ofat one sittingfilled up withspeaks highly ofhave sought out《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 125ideaofferproposalbeliefrequestcontrol 《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 126 underestimatedunderpaidoversleptUnderdevelopedoverestimatedoverchargedunderweightoverloaded《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 127simplifiedelectricianrecoveryunderwentautobiographyunderlineterroristover-reactpromotionproducts《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 127The more openly you and your doctor can talk together, the better the service your doctor will be able to g ive you.The more Renee Henry learnt about the therapy, the more she became convinced that it was right for her.The more a nation's companies locate factories abroad, t he smaller will be the country's recorded exports.The less exercise you do, the more unfit you will beco me, and the harder everyday tasks will seem.Remember that the less processed a food, the higher its mineral and vitamin content.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 128You might as well go there to see whether there is th e information you needWe might as well call it freedomYou may as well ring and tell them you're going to vi sit themWe might / may as well walk homeWe might / may as well find an easier one to read 《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 128Poets and philosophers all speak highly of themselves fo r seeking out solitude, from which they can draw inspir ation.A humble person tends to suffer from solitude, feeling himself inadequate company, longing for others to be aro und.The widowed old lady was so lonely that she would talk at length to the strangers in the supermarket about h er pets.The condition of loneliness rises and falls, but our ne ed to talk goes on forever - the need of telling some one the daily succession of small observations and opini ons. To a person living alone, it's important to stay ration al and settle down and make himself comfortable, and fi nd some grace and pleasure in his condition.If you live with other people, their temporary absence can be refreshing.Scientific surveys show that those who live alone talk at length to themselves and their pets and the televisi on.It's important to stop waiting and settle down and make ourselves comfortable, at least for the time being. 《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 128孤独或许是这里的一种民族弊病,它比起其他任何过错更加令人难以启齿.而另一方面,故意选择独处,拒绝别人的陪伴而非为同伴所抛弃,这正是美国式英雄的一个特点.孤独的猎人,孤独的探险者,在鹿群和狼群中间冒险,去征服广袤的荒野,这时他们并不需要有人陪伴.梭罗独居在湖畔的小屋,有意抛弃了城市生活.现在,这成了你的个性.独处的灵感是诗人和哲学家最有用的东西. 他们都赞成独处.也许你已经注意到,这些艺术家类型的人,大多是到户外独处,而家里则自有亲人们备好了热茶,等着他们回家.美国的独处高士是梭罗.我们钦佩他,并非因为他倡导自力更生精神,而是因为他孤身一人在瓦尔登湖畔生活,这是他自己想要这么做的.他独居在湖畔的树林中.其他人不在的时候你可以放飞你的灵魂,让它充满整个房间.你可以充分享受自由.你可以随意来去而无需道歉.重要的是要在我们自身的条件下发现一些优雅和乐趣,不要做一个以自我为中心的英国诗人,而要像一个被关在塔楼里的公主,耐心地等待着我们的童话故事进入快乐的结局.毕竟,事已至此,这或许不是我们所期望的局面,但眼下我们不妨称之为家吧. 不管怎么说, 没有什么地方比家还好.Section B. Roommate ConflictsXVI. Read the following statements carefully, and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F6. T7. T8. F《读写教程IV》Ex. XVII, p. 141vibrateholytoleratestaledisorderchewabstractexclaimed《读写教程IV》Ex. XVIII, p. 141When he received the admission notice from the universit y, he knew it was time he struck out on his own.His roommate always turns up the CD player to the high est point, which makes him miserable.Every time she tried to argue with her identical twin Katie, she ended up crying her eyes out.Serious violence has sprung from the conflict over insig nificant, irritating differences.There are many people who believe sincerely that you ca n train children for life without resorting to punishmen t.Alan signed a dorm contract with his roommate to head off possible conflicts.He was required to fill in a form before the job inte rview.Her husband used to slap her around, which led to the breakup of her marriageUnit 6Section A. Bribery and Business Ethics《读写教程IV》: Ex. II, p. 153Because they don't know how serious the problem of brib ery is.He will bribe the officials.Because these practices are likely to be morally wrong and may be certain forms of bribery.These companies may be required to reveal such informati on by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), whose duty is to collect certain information about ent erprises so as to protect investors.They wanted to avoid an unfavorable conclusion drawn fro m the investigation of their possible violations of U.S. business laws.They might make large payments to ruling families or their close advisers, or make donations to party bank acc ounts.It refers to a rare edition of a book with $20,000 sl ipped within its page.It favors a code of conduct and has proposed a council for managing the code, which can distinguish between c ommissions paid for real services and exaggerated fees t hat really amount to bribes.No. Because its members have different opinions about th e duties of the ICC.Yes, More than 300 U.S. companies, for example, admitted that they had made questionable payments.《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 153Substantialproceduralnegotiationrejectedwithdrawncommissionsfinancedsecure byinoftoupon/upon within《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 154 commitmentvalueregretimplicationsstrengthoppositionsdeclinesense《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 155 《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 154 foresight/forethoughtforewarnedforegroundpostgraduatepost-raceforesawpost-Christmaspost-election《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 156 e-shoppere-merchante-journale-classroome-commercee-maile-dictionariese-cash《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 157It's pointless to go there next Monday —there's a pu blic holiday.It is probable that we'll be late.It is interesting to see different cultures and ways of life.It is really astonishing that she refuses to talk to y ou.It is important that she comes straight to me when she arrives.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 157Suppose you object to carrying out a particular manageme nt order and you are afraid of the manager, what would you doSuppose you have just got married and you are employed for three years to work abroad, how would you explain it to your newly married wifeSuppose someone couldn't understand why you didn't arrest Harry, would you decide to remove the doubtsSuppose by accident your tenant fails to pay the rent, is it fair that you would throw him outSuppose you are a very heavy smoker and you are anxiou s to break the habit, where could you get the help 《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 157We would not stand by and let bribery in various forms be on the increase.While lending you the substantial sum of money, I made it clear to you that if you couldn't pay it off in time, you might be accused of taking bribes. Competition of financial power has become a fact of pol itical life; but if you receive questionable political c ontributions for this reason, you will soon be under in vestigation.To secure major arms deal contracts, they have made a substantial donation to the bank account of the party i n power.He hit upon a good method to speed up the progress of the experiment, but opinions differed among members of the group on it.It's difficult to enforce the new law because people ar e not ready to act on it.We think it's the business of the United Nations troops to enforce a ceasefire in that area, while the job o f the local government is to prepare to restore law an d order.Having made this decision, she joined the organization, which is in support of woman's rights《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 158他们通常没意识到在很多国家,形形色色的贿赂行为正日益增多.在某些国家,这已成为人们几百年来的生活方式.现在的问题是:你是被迫掏钱呢,还是坚持原则很容易产生这样的印象:贿赂以及其他可疑开支正日渐增多.的确,这似乎已成为商界的一个事实.这一事实的披露,使克莱斯勒与其他300多家美国公司一样,向美国证券交易委员会承认自己近年曾有过某种形式的支出,像贿赂,额外打折等等.据闻其他国家也是如此,向外国公司施压,要他们向党派组织的账户捐款.第二大类包括为促使政府加快对某些工程项目的正式批准而作的支出.这些准则试图区分真正为服务所付的佣金和事实上等同于贿赂的过高费用. 在一家知名英国报纸上,最近有位作者指出"企业已陷入贿赂的蛛网",人人都"贪赃枉法".Section B. The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Of ficersXVI. Read the following statements carefully, and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according tothe passage.1. F2. F3. T4. F5. F6. T7. F8. F《读写教程IV》Ex. XVII, p. 167tackleimitateddimmedfakeimpressiveencountered equivalentwidespread《读写教程IV》Ex. XVIII, p. 168upawayupupupouttoonUnit 7Section A. Research into Population Genetics《读写教程IV》: Ex. II, p. 178The book concludes that despite surface features, the "r aces" are remarkably alike under the skin.Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, and his collea gues.In human blood: various proteins that serve as markers to reveal a person's genetic makeup.Because they share such superficial characteristics as sk in color and body shape. But the discoveries indicate t hat Australians are most distant from the Africans and most closely resemble the Southeast Asians.It confirms that Africa was the birthplace of humanity and thus the starting point of the original human movements.Their genes show the Khoisan may be a very ancient mix of west Asians and black Africans, rather than being directly descended from the most primitive human ancestor s.All Europeans are thought to be a mixed population, wit h 65% Asian and 35% African genes.It is the latest raw material of the medical industry.And in addition, it can be used to weaken conventiona l notions of race that cause racial prejudice.《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 178discountedbiasedvariationfeatureConfrontedmigrateddescendedexploiting《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 179The scientists announced last year that one of the gene s that played a part in determining the intelligence ha d been identified, but to date the results have yet tobe confirmed.They seem to think that building a new road will impro ve the traffic problem, but in effect, it will make it worse. It's amazing that the scientists created nothing less th an the first genetic map of the world.As of today Dr. Carey will be in charge of a long-ter m study of children who are unusually good at math. The best way to lose weight is proper diet in combinat ion with regular exercise.Many women in the city have taken low-paid, so-called p art-time work in addition to their child-rearing and com munity care activities.Their research into better parenting and educational tech niques sheds new light on the fact that more boys have unusual mathematical abilities than girls.It is now known that this illness is not only confined to any one group in society.《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 179secretexperiencescharacteristicsideainformationsuccessprejudicesequality《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 180 privacyintimacyfrequencyfluencysecrecyurgencyconsistencydependency《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 181politicsclassicselectronicseconomicspsychologymethodologytechnologybiology《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 182Being healthy is more than a question of not being ill .I was more than a little put out; I was totally shock ed.This story is more than interesting; it is educational, as well.Hepworth is much more than a filmmaker; he had learnt to find stories that would have genuine popular appeal.It was more than a misjudgment: it revealed the extent to which the religious intellectuals' theory of the ch urch was outdated.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 182What was needed was nothing less than a new industrial revolution.This is nothing less than a call to arms to restore t he vitality of the American dream.Their dream was nothing less than a revolutionary projec t to bring computers and ordinary people together.The experience of sightseeing in the wonderful island is nothing less than exciting and I am moved to tears. He was much concerned that she should not be tired, or bored and he wanted to make sure that the holiday wo uld be nothing less than perfect for her.《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 182We have received three anonymous letters from Palestine to date, in addition to one suspicious package.Their dream was nothing less than a more equal society where there is no racial prejudice.He read more than Shakespeare's plays; he liked modern music.His fate in the last election, she said, would serve a s a reminder to all politicians that popularity does no t last.In effect, only hard work in combination with proper me thods will always give you an advantage over others in study.Technology itself, and its effective use, is not to be confined to the traditional science subjects.Since the truth of this report was discounted, I was n ot in a position to publish it for you.Many software companies have adapted general programs to the new operating system.《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 183它对人类在基因层面上的差异作了迄今为止最为广泛的调查.实际上,那种认为某一种群比另一种群的基因更优越的理论是毫无科学根据的.为了确保种群的"纯正",这项研究将对象限定于其目前的生活区域仍与1492年以来相同的那些群体,即在来自欧洲最初的大规模迁移之前.这实际上就是一幅真实的哥伦布驶向美洲时期的世界人口基因分布图.我们眼中看到的人种差异,例如欧洲人与非洲人的差异,主要是人类从一个大陆向另一个大陆迁移时为适应气候所产生的.结合对远古人骨的研究,这一图谱证实了非洲是人类的诞生地,因而也是人类迁移的始发地.这些发现,再加上现代非洲人与非非洲人之间的巨大基因差距,说明了从非洲人种群开始的分支是人类家谱上最早的分支.除了揭示人种的起源以外,基因信息也是医学界可用的最新原料.医学界希望能用人类脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)制成特别的蛋白质,这些蛋白质具有某种抗病药物的价值.保护土著人权益活动家们担心科学家可能会利用土著人谋利:从当地人血样中提取的基因物质可被用于商业目的,却不给DNA提供者以足够的报酬.Section B. Geniuses and Better Parenting XVI. Choose the best answer to each of the following q uestions1. B2. C3. B4. A5. B6.C7. B8. C《读写教程IV》Ex. XVII, p. 193supervisedfatigueguaranteeexploresophisticatedidentifiedsteerbeneficial《读写教程IV》Ex. XVIII, p. 193upoutupinoverupininto Unit 8Section A. Slavery Gave Me Nothing to Lose《读写教程IV》: Ex. II, p. 204They hid behind their curtains and looked through them at the travelers cautiously.The small town was a stage where actors were the diffe。

新视野大学英语4听说culture talk

新视野大学英语4听说culture talk

Unit 2 culture talkKim :Hi,this is Kim and today I would like to talk to you about being one of a kind , having your own style and your individuality . Now when I was growing up , going to elementary school in Korea we all had to wear uniforms . So everybody had to look the same and be the same and we all have to ,you know,follow all these roles and stuff and then after I moved to California , you know , I could wear my own clothes to school . So , you know ,that's just an example of how you are encouraged to be yourself in the western civilization . Now , um ,I think it's getting better in Korea too. You know ,now you are , people can find themselves and dress the way that they want and do the things that they like. But I think it's more about confidence ,you know , being who you are is knowing who you are and then expressing that through the way that you walk , you dress, you talk or whatever. But , regardless , I think that , um ,there are good things about the Eastern and the west . Uh , but ,you know what ? I still think that putting all the kids in uniforms is kind of weird , any way thinks , bye .Sarah: Hello my name is Sarah . I'm from Germany . Um , but I haven't been in Germany for all of my life . I've been studying in France for five years . So right now I want to tell you something about uniqueness in these two countries , in Germany and in France . I think that , uh ,both cultures value uniqueness very much , but I think in Germany it's a little bit more inside yourself and in France , maybe people would express it more outside . For example through clothing , through ,uh, the way they talk and all that. I think that, maybe France people value uniqueness more than Germany people or maybe they express it more than Germany people . I think for Germans ,uniqueness is more in the mind . Uh, it's more inside yourself . For France people they have to express this , uh , they have to express it .Ted: Hi my name is Ted and I'm from USA , from the state of Indiana , which is the middle. Now today I'm going to talk just a bit about expressing yourself through your clothing which you choose to wear . Now same people say they like to wear same brand clothing . I really don't like to . For some people that's a way to say . "Hey , I'm wealthy or this is a Poloshirt or Tommy Hifiger , this is expensive . I have the money to buy these things ". I'm not really a big fan of that . Now other people like to wear bright colors, and some people say ,"Hey , that shows they are a lively person or a funny person". But I'm not really sure if I belive that because right now I'm wearing black . Now I don't think that means I'm a somber person or a depressed person or a downcast person . I just think black looks good. So I think in some cases , yes , what you wear can reflect your personality.But in other cases maybe you choose a color or a style or a pattern just because you think it looks good , not because it expresses who you are .Shizo Kyoda: Hi , my name is Shizo Kyoda . I'm from Japan , I'm going to talk about personality. I have everyone has different personality . Generally , an attractive personality that is liked by most of people is unique , kind , open-minded , and so on.In our society , people are afraid others would judge us by what we wear or what we do , so everyone usually try not to show off their feeling or try to cut some as the others .However , I feel that this act is also masking their true personality . So for me , it is kind of wasting their life , and, yeah , people should be more attractive , and people should live their lives naturally . Thank you !。



Topic 1: A Logical Fallacy I Have CommittedWhat is a logical fallacy? A logical fallacy is, roughly speaking, an error of reasoning. When people speak of logical fallacies they often mean to refer to this collection of well-known errors of reasoning, rather than to fallacies in the broader, more technical sense given above.Look at a seemingly fallacious example: "if I fail my exams, I can't graduate. If I don't graduate, I won't get a good job, so I'll probably do odd jobs after graduation."This is a common fallacy, and some are taking it for gospel truth,just like I used to be.But in fact,some people can’t graduated from college or poor students not get goods grades also achieve great success in their future.We can't judge others by their present performances .Maybe they just can’t adapt their current study or lifestyle.I think the reason for this fallacy is that most people think mark is the main factor to determine the future,so they always put the mark in an important position and ignore other factors to our future.Topic 2: The Pursuit of BeautySome people spend their whole lives to look for beauty,Some people spare no effort to keep young face,Some people are indifferent to the end of his life but comprehend the true meaning of beauty.So,What is beauty? In my eyes,beauty is a young man who gives his seat to the old,beauty is the police man who serves the people every day,as well as a children who take stray animals.The beauty in my heart is something invisible but can be feeling.In fact,We divide beauty into physical beauty and inner beauty.Physical beauty more focused on people, mainly refers to the body, appearance,its attention is the morphological characteristics of people.Inner beauty refers to the beauty of the inner world of human beings, and is the concrete embodiment of human’s thoughts, morality, sentiment, character and so on. Therefore, inner beauty is also called spiritual beauty.As for me ,I would like to pursue inner beauty.I think ,inner beauty is a manifestation of people’s thought altitude.Through it,we can recognize a real person.There is a saying goes:don’t judge a person by his appearances.So,inner beauty is willing to pursue.Topic 3: The Entrepreneur I Admire MostMention entrepreneurs, the first one in my mind is Ma Yun,One might think that he have a background or a successful man whenever.But when Ma yun was a child, he was definitely not a good boy. He was naughty and liked to fight. He was not very smart.When he grown up,Ma Yun was admitted to Hangzhou Normal University majored in foreign language.After graduation,Ma yun and his friends set up Hope translation agency and now it is the biggest translation agency in Hangzhou.Afterwards,when he contacted the Internet, he formally established the Alibaba website.T admire him because he is never content with comfort,But to be bold and try to do something really meaningful.He has a spirit of indomitable will.I learn courage and insistence from him. At many times, we are always worried, afraid, and hesitant.In fact, This is just our lazy excuse.Ma yun’s experience told me:Today is very cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow is beautiful,But most people died in tomorrow night, and can not see the sun the day after tomorrow.so we should try our best to reach the day after tomorrow.Topic 4: Culture DifferencesCultural differences means different countries have various cultures.and some of them are same,others are not.such as people in the East prefer to have a shower at night to confirm a comfortable sleep while the western people are fond of taking morning bath to refresh themselves to go through a whole day’s work with energy.These differences not only in behaviors ,but also in education ,gestures,forms of expression and so on.If we are failure to recognize cultural differences,We may do things that not respect enough to threat others,or misinterpret what they really mean,even crack a big joke.Actually, every culture that could not replace each other exists for its unique and important reasons, therefore, we can not force other people to follow our culture. At the same time, what we should do is to respect the cultural diversity.Every culture have their own unique significance ,We can't think about what to change, but try to accept and understand them.Topic 5: Gender EqualityGender equality is a concept we have been advocated for a long time. Almost all countries in the world have realized this idea, but in a few countries, gender discrimination still exists. What is gender equality? Gender equality is either to a man or woman, we should always treat them with the same standard. In fact, Some remote areas in the China, Because of the backwardness of ideas,They still put men in a higher position , so some women are still in an unfair position. Except China,In a small number of countries around the world, The status of women is not high. this phenomenon is worthy of our attention, and we also should do something to achieve or improve gender equality. On the one hand, we need to spread the idea of gender equality, tell people, There is no difference between man and man. everyone deserves to be respected and be love. On the other hand, we need to take immediate action to reflect this idea and let more people know, they did not treated specially by others.Topic 6: Should Men and Women Be Equal?Should Men and Women Be Equal?The answer is sure。

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Unit11.the trouble of fameWe find that famous people always rocket into the spotlight for fame.They also pay for it when they take possession of much.Because they have trouble of fame.As a famous person,they're required to keep themselves as great as their worshipping fans suggest.They make desperate attempts to gain what they want.But they can't do anything free when they really want to.There are several reasens for the trouble of fame.First,they must know basical common sense.Second,they can't touch those sensitive(敏感的)things.Especially personal sentiment.Third,they should have a good temper even others point out their shortcomings.What's more,they need to deal with their family relationshipThe ideas people have about meEveryone to the people around him,will have different views about him. Even if I just pass a stranger, at a store or our library, I'll have a idea about him. Maybe, he looks so smart or looks so handsome. Just like this, everyone around me also have some ideas about me.But, these are not in the know, it’s just a simple first impression. Everyone to some of your idea, need to contact with you, Only in these way, can they have more accurate understanding about you. Actually, I have no idea what people think of me right now. I have no idea what my mom think of me, I have no idea what my teacher think of me, also, I have no idea what my roommate think of me.Once upon a time, my friends say that I'm a elusive person, sometimes I will be good ,I will do something you want for you, that time , you will think I’m your best friend in the world. But sometimes I would not pay attention to you, no matter what you are talking about or what you are suffering.Well, Indeed, I don't like this view, because a lot of things I can only to bear by myself, a lot of people can’t understand something what I have done. They need the reason I give. Because of this, they can judge me only according to their own ideas and what they have seen or what they have heard.When I'm in love, I don’t like to quarrel with my girlfriend, but we always do, at that time she will say to others ,speak ill of me. With a kind of subjective emotion . So, many people will think I'm a bad boy. Or I’m a bad man. But actually, I don't like to with her friend who has been told, because there is no need to explain what. They don’t know what really happen between us.To sum up, I gonna say, Maybe Yesterday you thought you have had a wrong impression on me, today you would wrong again, I will see youtomorrow would be wrong the third time. I mean, don’t judge your friend just by what you seen or what you heard. I don't care what people how to see me in my age, because I do a belief ,one day, they will understand me, no matter what I have done. If you are my friends, you will know that. That’s all, thank you for your listening!Unit2Why being original is importantA:Today I have seen how my friend frame someone to get the higer position, so that I must sign with emotion that my friend has changed a lot.B:Y es, so I have a question that why when people enter into society will change their nature? Will become someone they don’t like before?C:Everyone has their desire in their hearts, if there were some lure in front of them what can help them to make their dreams come true, most of them will be shaked.D:Y eah, I agree with you.So nowadays we face with the question that how being original or keep the pure soul.Now we must know that why being original is important.A:Though many people say that one drop of fame will likely contaminate the entire well of a man's soul, and many people want to get a fame, a authority, a high statue, so it’s impossible that keep one’s soul pure or being original.But we must know that if everyone can being original, the world will be fine, the life will be tuneful.So being original is important.B:Y es,desire is horrible,it takes you out of yourself.As a child, you can play with your friends at will, do everything what you want to do without considering aftermath. But after you or others changed, when you get along with them, you maybe think that if they have some aims or whether they utilize you. Y ou couldn’t be at will, even you will guard against them.C: I also think that, maybe when he or she get the fame, make their dreams come true,but when they look around, they will find that they are alone, no one stand by them, because on the way they come true their dreams, they have threw down theirs friendship and so on just like leaving rubbish. So when someone do something for the sake of themselves, they will find they lose more beyond they can image.D: Y es, the person who achieves success often discovers that it does more harm than good. So instead of trying so hard to achieve success, try to be happy with who you are and what you do. Try to do work that you can be proud of. Maybe you won't be come true your dreams in your own lifetime, but you may gain more than successed. So being original is important.Unit3The most difficult situation I have ever experiencedA:Now we having a discuss about the most difficult situation I have ever experienced. In one’s life, there are one or more unforgettable events. Can you tell me the most difficult situation you have ever experienced?B:What make me unforgettable is college entrance examination, I will remember those days forever.C:Yse, college entrance examination is unforgettable, but I think the experienced I visit the World Expo is more unforgettable.D:What make me unforgettable is the earthdin in Wenchuan, I still remember the time the disaster happened,it is shocking our hearts forever.A:Oh, I acquaintance what you think, I agree with you.the college entrance examination is a event what most people unforgettable,bacause it is a corner of one’s life, it wil decide your future.And the World Expo is important for our country, it is means mate with foreign country. Finally, the earthdin in Wenchuan, is the suffering event in our country. Can you tell me what you have experienced?B:In my exam time, everyday I must late getting up early, fiddling around with our homework, I also feeling that homework is my life, we must take a text everyday, many people in the class like enquiring score each other, so the endure in my shoulder is very heavy, but I must stick to, because I know that it is a corner of one’s life, it wil decide my future. When I feel tired, wan to give up, I will ask myself what is me want to do, and I must piety my parents.C: I go to Shanghai to visit the World Expo during International Labour Day, the weather is hot, everyday I must walk more than 10 hours, it is really a experience and toughening for us. But in one World Expo bus in the evening, I have seen one man and one woman come to blows over get on the bus, then there are many volunteer come here try to stop people from fighting each other, then there was one person say a sentence loudly “Don't throw the Chinese before the foreigner's face”, it makes me unforgettable.D: When I heard the earthquake which happened in Wenchuan, I do not know it is very serious, but when I saw the news, wenchuan just like ruins, when I saw one and one paramedic dig up woundeds and corpses from the collapsed building, I cried, I feel one’s life is so precious, I also feel before nature human are so small and weak. When I saw pieces of heroism on TV, I had to esteem some people's dedication selfless.A:Y eah, everyone has his most difficult situation, so long as we remember that no degree of difficulty, we or our country will successed one day.1.the life of a blind personAs we all known,the blind person lives in the dark and couldn`nt see anyhing.Y ou can imagine how bad it is and their life is filled with sorrow,unconvenience,hardship,maybe sometimes they get the laughter not the sympathy.The key of the issue is that they can not enjoy the visual colourful world and unfort unately, they do not have the ability of visualization permantely.I’m sure you won’t find it common that blind people use the Internet,walk without using handrail,let alone the special processing focuses more on sound,shape,texture and position,all things you can get without vision.The rely on the other senses,for example,instead of visualizing a ball as a round thing,you saw,they would visualize it as a round thing they touched.We can get their inner feelings from the Herry Kallen If I were granted three seeing days.It says Make the most of every sense;glory in all the facts of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides.But of all the senses,I am sure that sight must be the most delightful.So we can understand the blind person eagerness of seeing world .We should respect them .Unit41.how I use the InternetComputers play an important role in the modern world. Today they are used in many areas of human activities, such as business, industry, science, and education. The development of computers has also created many attractive job opportunities. I'm a college student majoring in mathematics and as such I know quite well the powers of the computer. They have evolved as anatural consequence o f man’s growing need for fast and accurate calculation. To make myself better equipped in my field of study I have learned several computer languages to communicate with the computer. My experience tells me that if we want to become competent users of the computer we must keep up with its development. Because modern industrialized society need computers to perform a wide range of tasks, I think a general knowledge of such wonderful machines is quite necessary for most of us.The reason why a country should invest in information technologyA:Do you use compuer everyday?B:Y es,nowadays we can’t live without the computer,telephone.A:So as our country.Today information techonology has penetrated almost every aspects of society.It is very important for a country to invest in information technology.B: I agree with you. Some people think information thchnology is too overpowering and brings a lot of shadows to morden society.But they don’t find the necessary of information development.C:Y eah, information technology has brought about globalization.Cooperation is becoming more and more important for a country.A country can not become powerful without the support from other country.D:It's the age of information now and information is very important in the society we need verious of information.In anther way, our country should develop the information technology which can make our life more conveiniece. C:Y es,only develop the technology of infornation can our country and our life become more prosperous.Unit5Humans live in groupsA:Do you know<Robinson Crusoe>?B:Y es this is very famous.I think Robinson is very pitiful.He has no friends,there is no fun in his life.humans live in group,I can’t image the picture that I have no friends.In our life and work,we all emphasize the importance of cooperation.When we was born,we had already lived in groups.In our mind,it is ought to live with other people.C:Yes,if someone left to live alone,will find life empty,boring and longly.friends are essential to our life. Having friends,we can find happiness. If you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. When you are happy , they share it with you. They are also there for you to chat with at any time.D; It is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says" to love each other is easy but to make frieds is hard", So, it is crutial that we should get along with our friends. In my opinon ,it is a shame that you have no friends . The world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship.A: YES,A person should make as many friends as he can. The more friends he has, the more meaningful his life will be.We live in group .Every one needs friends. One relies on his friends for a lot of help during his lifetime; friends not only help throughhis difficulties and hardships but also share his joys. Without friends one feels lonely and solitary.Unit6a life of honestyA:Do you heard the story“Here Comes the Wolf”when we were little kids?What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest.Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair. Honesty is a good virtue. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.B: However, there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays。
