

Surface 使用者指南说明书

Surface 使用者指南说明书

Surface 使用者指南搭載 Windows RT 8.1 軟體發行日期:2014 年 1 月版本 2.0© 2014 Microsoft. All rights reserved.BlueTrack Technology、ClearType、Excel、Hotmail、Internet Explorer、Microsoft、OneNote、Outlook、PowerPoint、SkyDrive、Windows、Xbox 和 Xbox Live 是 Microsoft Corporation 的註冊商標。

Surface、Skype 和 Wedge 是 Microsoft Corporation 的商標。

Bluetooth 是 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 的註冊商標。


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關於本指南 (1)S URFACE 功能 (2)設定您的 SURFACE (6)插入並開啟 (6)設定 (7)基本知識 (8)更新為W INDOWS RT 8.1 (8)觸控、鍵盤、滑鼠及手寫筆 (8)開始畫面 (8)開啟應用程式 (9)觸控:撥動、點選等等 (9)快速鍵 (11)深入了解W INDOWS (12)鎖定畫面和登入 (13)開始使用 (14)上線 (14)設定您的電子郵件 (14)連絡人:新增連絡人 (15)S KYPE (IM和通話):新增連絡人 (15)S KY D RIVE:您的個人雲端 (16)添加您的風格 (16)了解 SURFACE (17)電源狀態:開啟、關閉、待機與重新啟動 (17)充電 (18)觸控螢幕 (19)螢幕小鍵盤 (20)實體鍵盤護套(鍵盤) (22)觸控板 (26)聲音功能 (27)桌面 (29)使用應用程式 (30)尋找並開啟應用程式 (30)在開啟的應用程式之間切換 (31)一起使用應用程式(並排) (32)關閉應用程式 (32)應用程式命令 (33)應用程式設定和說明 (33)應用程式有問題? (33)搜尋、分享和設定 (34)如何搜尋 (34)分享相片、連結和其他內容 (35)帳戶和登入 (38)我的帳戶是哪種類型? (38)建立其他帳戶 (38)管理帳戶 (38)解除鎖定和登入 (39)登出或鎖定 (40)變更您的密碼 (40)帳戶安全性 (40)WINDOWS 市集的應用程式和遊戲 (41)您的帳戶 (41)取得應用程式 (41)刪除應用程式 (43)重新安裝應用程式 (44)應用程式更新 (44)個人化您的 SURFACE (45)新增您的帳戶 (45)個人化[開始]畫面 (45)變更鎖定畫面 (46)通知 (46)新增語言 (47)桌面背景、色彩和音效 (47)連接裝置 (48)連接USB滑鼠、印表機及其他配件 (48)使用滑鼠 (48)使用電容性手寫筆 (48)新增B LUETOOTH 裝置 (48)新增、移除和管理裝置與印表機 (49)我要如何列印? (49)我要如何掃描? (49)連接到電視、螢幕或投影機 (50)儲存空間、檔案和備份 (52)我有多少磁碟空間? (52)其他儲存選項 (52)檔案與資料夾 (53)新增檔案至S URFACE (53)使用檔案歷程記錄備份檔案 (54)網路 (55)將S URFACE 連線至無線網路 (55)中斷與無線網路的連線 (55)連線至有線網路 (55)加入家用群組 (56)取得其他電腦上的檔案 (56)連線至虛擬私人網路(VPN) (56)加入工作地點 (57)飛航模式 (57)網際網路共用:使用手機的數據連線 (57)遠端桌面:連線到其他電腦 (58)內建應用程式 (59)O FFICE 2013RT (59)O NE N OTE (60)I NTERNET E XPLORER 11 (60)郵件 (63)連絡人 (64)行事曆和提醒 (66)相機 (66)音樂 (70)相片 (70)影片 (72)S KYPE (72)S KY D RIVE (73)地圖 (74)更多內建應用程式 (75)其他須知 (77)讓S URFACE 保持最新狀態 (77)如何保護S URFACE 不受病毒威脅? (77)鍵盤快速鍵 (78)協助工具 (78)語音辨識 (78)拍攝螢幕擷取畫面 (78)B IT L OCKER 修復金鑰 (78)重新整理S URFACE (78)重設S URFACE (79)配件 (80)照護及清潔 (82)觸控螢幕照護 (82)護套照護 (82)電池照護 (82)安全手冊與保證書 (82)說明、服務和支援 (83)S URFACE 說明 (83)W INDOWS 說明 (83)應用程式說明及疑難排解 (83)完成了! (83)認識 SurfaceSurface 平板電腦極致輕薄,讓您隨時隨地帶著走。

福昕 PDF 处理套件标准版 用户手册说明书

福昕 PDF 处理套件标准版 用户手册说明书

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Bigheader联系:gdsqz2@worldwind技术手册目录:1.WorldWind软件架构――――――――――――――――02WW功能介绍WW与XMLClient与ServerWW使用链接本地缓存路径本地功能配置http请求与aspWMS、WFS2.WorldWind金字塔体系―――――――――――――――――-03瓦片金字塔详解及其对应公式――――――――――――――――――03NASA World Wind Tile Structure ―――――――――――――――――03NASA World Wind Map Tile System ――――――――――――――――04瓦片请求调度策略―――――――――――――――――052.2.1 当前显示请求及其显示(客户端)――――――――――――――――――052.2.2目标瓦片快速搜索算法――――――――――――――――――082.2.3瓦片数据的请求预测(服务器)――――――――――――――――――082.3 可视化的地球空间数学模型――――――――――――――――――102.3.1 地球三维LOD模型――――――――――――――――――103.Geospatial image processing ――――――――――――――――――143.1步骤:(准备知识:LOTD:0层瓦片大小;TileSize:)―――――――――――143.2 NLT Landsat处理技术范例―――――――――――――153.3 dstile howto ―――――――――――――154.Creat a new world ―――――――――――――174.1World Wind本地文件说明4.1.1. Worlds4.1.2. 在安装目录下4.2 创建新的世界模型5.Making layer ――――――――――――――185.1 添加新图层(更详细可参考)5.2 Point ―――――――――――――――205.3 Lines ―――――――――――――――205.4 Polygon ―――――――――――――――235.5 Model Feature ―――――――――――――――255.6 Effects and Multi-Texturing ―――――――――――――――275.7 Shapefile ―――――――――――――――325.8 KML/KMZ6.ddons与plugins ―――――――――――――――32addons与plugins区别插件总汇及其功能7.script脚本―――――――――――――――――338.编译调试―――――――――――――――――――339.读书籍和论文―――――――――――――――――――――3410.1.4.1版本发展―――――――――――――――35一、WW软件结构1.1 功能介绍World Wind(简称WW,中文有人直翻译为世界风),是NASA发布的一个开放源代码(Open Source)的地理科普软件(由NASA Research开发,由NASA Learning Technologies來發展),它是一个可视化地球仪,将NASA、USGS以及其它WMS服务商提供的图像通过一个三维的地球模型展现,近期还包含了月球、金星、火星、天文星系等的展现。

Clonezilla Basics for Windows Embedded说明书

Clonezilla Basics for Windows Embedded说明书

Clonezilla Basics for Windows EmbeddedBy Sean D. Liming and John R. MalinAnnabooks –August 22, 2014Cloning a master image for mass production is an important step for Windows Embedded Standard and Windows Embedded Industry. First, the image must be rolled back to create the master, which is accomplished using sysprep. Here is an example command:Sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:c:\myunattend.xmlThe unattended XML file is a small answer file that handles several of the Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE) screens as well as accounts, run–time key, computer names, etc. There are those that say you don’t need sysprep, but failure to run sysprep and just copy the image can run into technical consequences. In short, one must run sysprep to duplicate the image.Once the image has been rolled back, the next step is to capture the master image for deployment to other systems. The books: Starter Guide for Windows® System Image Manager, Professional's Guide To Windows® Embedded 8 Standard, and Professional's Guide To Windows® Embedded Standard 7 - 2nd Edition cover creating the unattended file and running sysprep, but what is not covered is an actual full disk capture utility. There are several hardware disk duplication solutions for hard drive and compact flash cards. International Microsystems I nc. and Logicube are two companies that offer hardware duplication products. . There are also software solutions, but some of the most popular like Norton Ghost are going end-of-life in favor of licensed server-based solutions. Microsoft has solutions to capture partitions into WIM files, but when multiple partitions need to be captured, the WIM file solution is very cumbersome. Simple and inexpensive software image capture solutions are becoming hard to find. Luckily, the Linux community has developed a solution called Clonezilla that captures full disk images; and best of all, it is a free solution that can be used to capture a Windows Embedded master image.This paper walks through the steps to create a Clonezilla disk to capture and deploy a Windows Embedded master disk image. You will need two USB flash disks. One will hold the Clonezilla boot disk image (USB disk size 8 GB), and the other will hold the captured image (USB flash disk size 32 GB or greater recommended).Note: This paper is based on Clonezilla 2.2.3-25 live image. The steps and pictures will be different for later versions.Generate Clonezilla boot diskWe start on the development machine, and download a utility to help create the Clonezilla boot disk.1. Download Tuxboot from . The actual download comes from SourceForge.2. Format the smaller USB flash disk as FAT 32. Format the larger flash disk as exFAT.3. Plug the smaller USB flash disk into the development machine and run Tuxboot.4. The Tuxboot application will start. Make sure that clonezilla_live_stable is selected forthe On-Line Distribution. Also, point to the correct USB flash drive.5. Click OK to start the process. The Clonezilla ISO will be downloaded, mounted locally,and then copied over to the flash disk.6. Do not reboot when asked. Just Exit Tuxboot.7. Safely eject the USB flash drive.Capture Disk ImageNow, we move to the target system that holds the master image.1. Plug the Clonezilla boot disk that we just created into the target system.2. Boot the target and make sure the BIOS is set up to boot from the USB flash disk.3. The Clonezilla boot screen appears. Select Clonezilla Live (Default settings, VGAXXXxYYY) and hit Enter.4. The OS will load. Select English as the language to use and hit Enter.5. Keep the default Don’t touch keymap and hit Enter.6. The default Start_Clonezilla Start Clonezilla should be selected, hit Enter.7. In the next menu, select device-image work with disks or partitions using images asthe operation mode and hit Enter.8. The next menu is for the image directory. Keep the default, local_dev, and hit Enter.9. Insert the larger USB flash disk when prompted, wait about 5 seconds, and then hitEnter.10. The system will mount and prepare the UBS flash disk for the image. You will be askedfor the home directory to store the image. Select the USB flash disk image (sdx1) and hit Enter.11. The top directory is the default, hit Enter.12. A summary will appear, hit Enter.13. The clone wizard starts. Select Beginner and hit Enter.14. The Select Mode screen appears. Select save disk, and hit Enter.15. An image name with date has been started. Rename the image as you like. For example“Annabooks-2014-08-18-19-img”, hit Enter.16. The hard disk will be selected as the default source. Hit Enter.17. Select Skip checking/repairing source file system, hit Enter.18. Check save disk image option appears, the default is Yes, check the saved image. HitEnter.19. Hit Enter to continue.20. Click y at the prompt and hit Enter to begin the backup process.21. The capture and check process takes several minutes depending on image size. HitEnter when completed22. Select Poweroff to Power down the system, and hit Enter.23. Remove both flash disks after the target powers down.Deploy the Captured Disk ImageThe two USB disks to capture the image can now be used to deploy the image to other systems.1. Plug the Clonezilla boot disk into the target system.2. Boot the target and make sure the BIOS is setup to boot from the USB flash disk.3. The Clonezilla boot screen appears. Select Clonezilla Live (Default settings, VGAXXXxYYY) and hit Enter.4. The OS will load. Select English as the language to use and hit Enter.5. Keep the default Don’t touch keymap and hit Enter.6. The default Start_Clonezilla Start Clonezilla should be selected, hit Enter.7. In the next menu, select device-image work with disks or partitions using images asthe operation mode and hit Enter8. The next menu is for the image directory. The default is for local_dev, hit Enter.9. Insert the larger USB flash disk when prompted, wait about 5 seconds, and then hitEnter.10. The system will mount and prepare the UBS flash disk for the image. You will be askedfor the home directory to store the image. Select the USB flash disk image (sdx1) and hit Enter.11. The top directory is the default, hit Enter.12. A summary will appear, hit Enter.13. The clone wizard starts. Select Beginner and hit Enter.14. The Select Mode screen appears. Select restoredisk and hit Enter.15. The system will search the disk for an image. Since there is only one image on the disk, itis already select, so hit Enter.16. Select the hard drive and hit Enter.17. Hit Enter again.19. One more time, enter y at the prompt and hit Enter.20. The process can take several minutes. Hit Enter when completed.21. Select to Poweroff to power down the system, and hit Enter.22. Remove both flash disks after the target powers down.23. Boot the system again and let the Windows cloning process run on the system.Once the master Clonezilla image has been created, it can be deployed any number of times to identical target hardware systems. This could easily be incorporated as part of the manufacturing process for an embedded system product.。

Farpoint Spread For Windows Forms 5.0 使用指南 中文

Farpoint Spread For Windows Forms 5.0 使用指南 中文

For Windows Forms 5.0使用指南使用指南简介1产品网站/tools 技术支持论坛使用指南简介Spread for Windows Forms 是一个综合性的、用于微软.NET 平台的Windows Forms 应用程序开发的表格控件。


一个Spread控件可以处理多达20 亿个工作表,每个工作表可以有20 亿行和20 亿列,并且支持跨工作表的数据引用和跨工作表的公式引用。

Spread 控件已经被业界公认为功能最为强大的表格控件。

Spread 在中国也有了超过10 年的使用历史,得到了许多软件开发人员的认可。

随着5.0 版本的推出,Spread 增加了对于图表功能的支持。

通过超过85 种不同类型的图表和内置的用户界面,为创建和定制图表提供了全面支持,丰富了数据的展示方式。

同时,Spread 与Excel 文件的兼容性得到了进一步的提升。

虽然Spread 产品附带了大量的文档和示例代码,但不可否认的是,对于初次接触Spread 的中国软件开发人员来讲,有时难免会觉得Spread 入门不太容易。

本使用指南旨在帮助软件开发人员较快地了解和运用Spread 的常用功能。

开发人员可以在了解Spread 整体功能的基础上,循序渐进地学习单元格操作、行列操作和工作表操作。

每个操作都附带了具体的C#和VB 代码,读者可以直接运行例子代码进行联系并查看效果。


对于项目管理人员和技术主管来讲,通过对本指南中Spread 主要功能的概览,可以帮助他们决策Spread 是否适合于其项目的需要。

有关Spread 产品的更多信息,请访问:Spread 产品网站/toolsSpread 技术支持论坛目录2产品网站/tools 技术支持论坛目录使用指南简介 (1)1. 从例子入门:创建CHECKBOOKREGISTER (4)1.1 添加S PREAD 控件到C HECKBOOK 工程 (4)1.2 设置行和列 (5)1.3 设置单元格类型 (7)1.4 添加公式 (10)2. SPREAD 产品介绍 (12)2.1 产品概述 (12)2.2 基本功能介绍 (13)2.3 S PREAD 5.0 FOR W INDOWS F ORMS 的主要新增功能 (17)3. 单元格操作 (19)3.1 设置单元格类型 (19)3.2 设置单元格的颜色 (21)3.3 合并单元格 (23)3.4 锁定、解锁单元格 (24)3.5 给单元格添加批注 (26)3.6 设置公式 (28)4. 行列操作 (31)4.1 设置行列数 (31)4.2 移动行列 (31)4.3 调整行高、列宽 (33)4.4 冻结行列 (34)4.5 使用分组 (36)4.6 定制行头、列头的文字 (37)4.7 设置多行行头、多列列头 (39)5. 工作表操作 (42)5.1 使用当前工作表 (42)5.2 设置背景色或背景图 (42)5.3 增加工作表 (44)5.4 删除工作表 (45)5.5 移动工作表 (46)5.6 显示或隐藏工作表 (46)5.7 添加标题和子标题 (47)6. 高级数据操作 (50)目录3产品网站/tools 技术支持论坛6.1 数据绑定示例 (50)6.1.1 把Spread添加到一个数据绑定项目 (50)6.1.2 设置数据库链接 (50)6.1.3 指定需要使用的数据 (50)6.1.4 创建数据集 (52)6.1.5 把Spread绑定到数据库 (52)6.1.6 设置单元格类型,改善显示效果 (53)6.2 数据排序 (54)6.3 数据过滤 (55)6.3.1 允许数据过滤 (55)6.3.2 使用数据过滤 (56)7. 使用图形 (58)7.1 创建图形对象 (58)7.2 设置图形属性 (58)7.3 图形旋转 (59)7.4 图形缩放 (59)7.5 图形移动 (60)7.6 图形锁定 (60)8. 使用图表 (61)8.1 创建图表对象 (62)8.2 使用图表设计器 (68)8.3 绑定图表 (69)8.4 允许用户改变图表 (70)9. 与其他数据格式交互 (72)9.1 打开E XCEL 文件 (72)9.2 保存为E XCEL 文件 (74)9.3 导出PDF (75)10. SPREAD WIN 5 中英文术语对照 (77)从例子入门:创建Checkbook Register 4产品网站/tools 技术支持论坛1. 从例子入门:创建Checkbook Register1.1 添加Spread 控件到Checkbook 工程创建一个新的Visual Studio .NET 工程并命名为Checkbook。

微软Volume Licensing 消费化IT指南说明书

微软Volume Licensing 消费化IT指南说明书

B r i e fMICROSOFT LICENSING FOR THE CONSUMERIZATION OF IT May 2012All Volume License ProgramsContents Summary (1)Introduction (1)Key Questions to Ask in Any Scenario (1)Common Scenarios (2)Scenario 1: Bringing a Tablet Device Not Running Windows to Work (2)Scenario 2: Working Remotely (3)Scenario 3: Bring Your Own PC (4)Scenario 4: The Road Warrior (6)Coming Enhancements with Windows 8 (7)Additional Resources (7)SummaryThe purpose of this brief is to guide users on Microsoft Volume Licensing requirements for common scenarios related to their using various personal devices at work. This brief applies to Windows 7 and prior versions. IntroductionWhether you refer to it as the “Consumerization of IT (CoIT)” or “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD),” one thing is certain: The proliferation of personal devices and users expecting that they can use them for work-related purposes presents new opportunities—and new challenges. The anytime, anywhere access to information and people opens up new avenues for user collaboration and productivity. However, this has left many IT departments scrambling to accommodate user expectations and determine how they will support new technologies while maintaining control over their IT data and network. One challenge is ensuring that users and devices are properly licensed. Microsoft licensing is continually evolving to meet this challenge. The keys to determining proper licensing are to ask the right questions and understand the scenario and requirements. The following information will guide you on what questions to ask and some common scenarios to help you determine your licensing needs.Key Questions to Ask in Any ScenarioWhen determining the licensing requirements for a given scenario, consider some key questions about the user, the device, and the location that will inform your decision.User Device LocationCommon ScenariosThe following hypothetical scenarios are designed to illustrate the licensing requirements for five common CoIT scenarios.Scenario 1: Bringing a Tablet Device Not Running Windows to Worksituationkey questionsrequired licensesrecommended approachScenario 2: Working Remotelysituationkey questionsrequired licensesrecommended approach Scenario 3: Bring Your Own PCsituationkey questionsrequired licensesrecommended approachScenario 4: The Road Warriorsituationkey questionsrequired licensesrecommended approachComing Enhancements with Windows 8Windows 8 licensing will offer even more flexibility for addressing the consumerization of IT. For a preview, refer to this Windows Team Blog post.Additional ResourcesFor more information, please refer to the following Microsoft Volume Licensing briefs:∙Licensing Windows 7 for Use in Virtual Environments∙Licensing the Core CAL Suite and Enterprise CAL Suite∙Licensing Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services and Terminal Services∙Licensing Microsoft Desktop Application Software for Use with Windows Server Remote Desktop Services© 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control. Prices for licenses acquired through Microsoft resellers are determined by the reseller.。


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同时,Azure 启动计算资源提前预付计划,即EA 客户若拥有稳定并可预估的工作负载,且能够提前给出适用Azure 计算能力的承诺和计划,则可享受高折扣,这对于有意使用Azure 平台的用户来说可谓是一大利好消息!Azure 基础服务和最佳实践—网络和安全对于用户而言,保证网络的安全性至关重,微软在这方面也做了大量的努力。

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微软SQL Azure中文教程

微软SQL Azure中文教程

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Windows和Microsoft Office系列软件Volume Licensing程序许可说明

Windows和Microsoft Office系列软件Volume Licensing程序许可说明

Volume Licensing briefLicensing Windows and Microsoft Office for use on the MacintoshThis brief applies to all Volume Licensing programs. ContentsSummary (1)What’s new in this brief (1)Details (1)Licensing of the Windows operating system for the Mac (1)Scenarios (2)Licensing of Microsoft Office for Windows and Microsoft Office for Mac (6)Frequently asked questions (7)SummaryThis licensing brief addresses the commonly asked questions about licensing the Windows operating system and Microsoft Office to run on the Macintosh.What’s n ew in this briefThis replaces a previous version published in August 2015. It has been updated to reflect Windows 10 and Office 2019 for Mac.DetailsLicensing of the Windows operating system for the MacMicrosoft distinguishes between a full operating system that’s complete and bootable and an upgrade operating system that’s installed over a previously installed full operating system.Full Windows operating system licenses ar en’t available through Microsoft Volume Licensing programs. You can obtain full Windows operating system licenses by having Windows preinstalled on your PCs by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). For existing PCs with a licensed and installed Qualifying Operating System, you can purchase the Windows 10 Pro Upgrade license or Windows 10 Enterprise Upgrade license through Volume Licensing.The Apple Macintosh operating system is considered a Qualifying Operating System, meaning you can purchase the Windows 10 Pro Upgrade license or Windows 10 Enterprise Upgrade license for Macs that have a licensed and installed Mac operating system.ScenariosYour options for licensing Windows to run on a Mac depend on the specific scenario. The following explains the most common scenarios.Note: If you require full installation media for deploying your Windows upgrade acquired through Volume Licensing, you may download the files from the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) or order physical media through your Microsoft reseller.Scenario 1: Installing and running Windows as a second full operating system under Apple Boot Camp on a MacYou can install Windows as a second full operating system on a Mac using Apple Boot Camp in addition to the already installed Mac operating system. To acquire the necessary Windows software license to accommodate this scenario—which allows you to keep the Mac operating system on the computer—purchase Windows Enterprise Upgrade with Software Assurance through Volume Licensing. Software Assurance for Windows allows you to run Windows Enterprise on a computer even if the Qualifying Operating System is still installed and running on that computer.Alternatively, if the user is licensed with Windows Software Assurance per User or Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) per User, Windows Enterprise can be installed locally if the Mac is licensed for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 Pro.Figure 1: Installing and running Windows as a second full operating system under Apple Boot Camp on a MacScenario 2: Installing Windows to run with third-party virtualization softwareAnother option for running Windows on a Mac is to install Windows as a second full operating system to run as a guest operating system in a virtual machine. In this scenario, the full Windows operating system must be licensed and installed. Like with Scenario 1, you can acquire the necessary license for this scenario by purchasing Windows 10 Enterprise Upgrade with Software Assurance through Volume Licensing.Alternatively, if the user is licensed with Windows Software Assurance per User or Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) per User, Windows Enterprise can be installed in a virtual machine if the Mac is also licensed for Windows7/8/8.1/10 Pro.Figure 2: Licensing Windows to run with third-party virtualization softwareScenario 3: Replacing the Mac operating system with (upgrading to) WindowsNote: This is n’t a common scenario due to technical difficulty, but it is allowed under the terms of Microsoft Volume Licensing.If you’ve purchased a Windows Pro Upgrade license or Windows 10 Enterprise Upgrade license (without Software Assurance) for your Mac, the terms of the upgrade license require that you first remove the Qualifying Operating System (for example, Mac operating system) before you can deploy the Windows Pro or Windows Enterprise Upgrade. Because the Windows upgrade software isn’t designed to install over a non-Windows operating system, Volume Licensing customers can request media (software) for the full Windows operating system from Microsoft to perform this upgrade.Figure 3: Replacing Mac OS with WindowsScenario 4: Accessing a Windows virtual machine (VM) remotely from a MacBy licensing the Mac or the user with the Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) subscription license, you receive rights to remotely access a Windows virtual machine running on server in the data center through Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).Note: Assigning Windows Enterprise Upgrade with Software Assurance to the device would also cover VDI access.Figure 4: Accessing a Windows virtual machine running on server remotely from a MacLicensing of Microsoft Office for Windows and Microsoft Office for MacWhen licensing Microsoft Office for Windows and Microsoft Office for Mac on a “per device” basis, each Microsoft Office license must be assigned to a single physical hardware system (“Licensed D evice”) before using the software. When licensing Microsoft Office on a “per user” basis (th rough Office 365*), each license must be assigned to a single user before using the software.When acquired under a Volume Licensing agreement, licenses for the Microsoft Office products are considered Platform Independent Licenses. These include Microsoft Office Standard for Windows, Microsoft Office Professional Plus for Windows, Office for Mac, and the individual Microsoft Office programs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation graphics program, and Microsoft Outlook messaging and collaboration client software for both Windows and Mac.You can use software under a Platform Independent License on any computer platform (for example, PC or Mac) as long as the version used is the same or earlier than the originally licensed product version. For example, if you have a license for Office Standard 2016 for Windows, you can use Office Standard 2013 for Windows or Office for Mac 2011, but you cannot use Office for Mac 2019. The exception is if you had active Software Assurance coverage on Office Standard 2016 for Windows at the time Office for Mac 2019 was released.Under Volume Licensing, you also have the right to install and use any number of copies of the software and of any prior version of the software on the Licensed Device in physical and/or virtual environments.In the context of Platform Independent Licenses, you can run one or more copies of a different available platform version of the product instead of the version licensed. Again, the version must be the same or earlier than the originally licensed product version. It must also be run on the same Licensed Device.The components of a product suite can vary by platform version. As a result, if you’re exercising this cross-platform right, you can use only the components common to both platform versions. For example, if a customer licensed with Office 2016 for Mac Standard chooses to run Office Standard 2013, the customer may run only the components that are included with Office Standard 2013. For example, they do n’t have the right to run Lync, but they do have the right to run OneNote.Office 365 ProPlus Office 365 ProPlus*Office 365 Business Office 365 Business*Office Professional Plus 2013 for Windows Office for Mac 2011Office Standard 2013 for Windows Office for Mac 2011Office Professional Plus 2010 for Windows Office for Mac 2008Office Standard 2010 for Windows Office for Mac 2008Office Enterprise 2007 for Windows Office 2004 for Mac ProfessionalOffice Professional Plus 2007 for Windows Office 2004 for Mac ProfessionalOffice Standard 2007 for Windows Office 2004 for Mac Standard EditionOffice 2016 for Mac Standard Office Standard 2013 for WindowsOffice for Mac 2011 Standard Office Standard 2010 for WindowsOffice 2008 for Mac Office Standard 2007 for Windows*Office 365 click-to-run automatically installs the Mac versions of the Office applications.Frequently asked questions1.As a Volume Licensing customer, what license do I need to run Microsoft Office for Windows on a Mac underBoot Camp or use a third-party virtualization program?Volume Licensing customers need to acquire a new license or use their existing license for Microsoft Office for Windows to install and run it on their Macs with Apple Boot Camp or using a third-party virtualization program.The Windows operating system also needs to be properly licensed with active Software Assurance (see above).2.If I have a license for Office 2016 for Mac Standard, am I licensed to run Microsoft Office 2013 for Windows on myMac?Because Office 2016 for Mac is the most recently launched version of Microsoft Office (on either platform), if you’re licensed for Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac through Microsoft Volume Licensing, you’re permitted to install and use any prior version of Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Office 2013, on the Licensed Device, regardless of platform.Because the components of a product suite can vary by platform version, when exercising this cross-platform right, you can use only the components common to both platform versions. For example, if a customer licensed with Office 2016 for Mac Standard chooses to run Office Standard 2013, the customer may only run thecomponents that are included with Office Standard 2013. For example, they don’t have the right to run Lync, but they do have the right to run OneNote.3.I have a license for Office for Mac 2011 with active Software Assurance. May I run Office 2013 for Windows on myMac?If Office Standard 2013 for Windows was released during your term of active Software Assurance coverage for Office for Mac 2011, y ou’re permitted to use Office Standard 2013 for Windows.4.I have a license for Office Standard 2013 for Windows with active Software Assurance. May I use Office 2016 forMac?If Office 2016 for Mac was released during the term of your active Software Assurance coverage for OfficeStandard 2013 for Windows, you’re permitted to use Office 2016 for Mac.5.I have a license for Office 2016 for Mac. Can I simultaneously use Office 2013 for Windows on my Mac underApple Boot Camp or a virtual environment?If you acquired your Microsoft Office licenses through Microsoft Volume Licensing, yo u’re permitted to install and use any prior version of Microsoft Office (regardless of platform) simultaneously on the Licensed Device in a physical or virtual environment. Again, you can run only the components of a product corresponding to the components of the equivalent platform version you’re licensed for.6.I’m an Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) customer with the Education Desktop Platform. Can I install andrun Windows as a second full operating system under Apple Boot Camp on my Mac? And which versions of Microsoft Office can I use on my Mac?Because EES includes Software Assurance, you can run up to four instances of the Windows operating system without uninstalling the Mac operating system. Under the Education Desktop Platform license, you can install and run either Microsoft Office 2013 for Windows, Office 2016 for Mac Standard, or both on your Mac.7.I’m a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA)/Open Value (OV) Company-wide/Organization-wide customer withthe Professional Desktop Platform. Can I install and run Windows as a second full operating system under Apple Boot Camp on my Mac? What if I am a Select Plus* or Open License customer?EA/OV Company-wide/Organization-wide customers and Select Plus* and Open License customers with active Software Assurance can run up to four instances of the Windows operating system, without uninstalling the Mac operating system. The right to run both operating systems simultaneously expires with the EA/OV agreement or Software Assurance coverage.*Effective July 1, 2016, in markets where the MPSA is available, Microsoft will stop accepting new orders and Software Assurance renewals through existing commercial Select Plus agreements at your next agreement anniversary date. This retirement doesn’t apply to government and academic Select Plus agreements. More information is at https:///en-us/licensing/licensing-programs/select.aspx.8.I’m an EA/OV Company-wide/Organization-wide customer with the Professional Desktop Platform. Am I licensedto run Office for Mac in addition to Office for Windows?Yes. Because the Professional Desktop Platform licenses are Platform Independent Licenses, you’re licensed to run Office for Mac and Office for Windows.9.What if I need full version installation bits for deploying my Windows upgrade acquired through VolumeLicensing?If you require full installation bits for deploying your Windows upgrade acquired through Volume Licensing, you can download the files from the Volume Licensing Service Center or order physical media through your Microsoft reseller.10.Can a user who’s licensed with Windows Software Assurance per User or Windows VDA per User access WindowsEnterprise on or from a Mac?Yes. The user can remotely access Windows Enterprise via virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) from the Mac. Also, if the Mac is licensed for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 Pro, then you can install Windows Enterprise locally.© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control. Prices for licenses acquired through Microsoft resellers are determined by the reseller.。


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Azure 解决方案手册

Azure 解决方案手册
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《云计算(第二版)》教材配套课件10—第四章 微软云计算Windows Azure(2)

《云计算(第二版)》教材配套课件10—第四章 微软云计算Windows Azure(2)

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SQL Azure的一种云服务,提供了核心的SQL Server数据库功能
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不久前,微软披露了Microsoft Office 365套件以及私有云产品包Hyper-V Cloud,也都是还未正式面市,就已经聚集了极高的人气。

本技术手册将为您介绍Azure平台和其实施案例、Microsoft Office 365功能和价格以及Hyper-V Cloud。

Windows Azure Platform微软公司最近发布了Azure云计算服务的大量新功能,并将其宣传为真正的云计算基础设施服务。

在Beta版中发布的新功能包括Azure "roles"(角色或虚拟机)的远程桌面查看功能、对互联网信息服务(IIS)的完全支持功能、在Azure和其他服务托管中创建和维护定制化虚拟机(VM)的能力。

微软发布Azure新功能发力云计算Azure多项功能明年面市为企业应用扫除障碍微软专家深度解析:Azure运行模式微软专家深度解析:Azure平台虚拟化和安全机制SQL Azure价格解析:是否适合您的预算SQL Azure功能探秘Microsoft SQL Azure数据库入门指南(上)Microsoft SQL Azure数据库入门指南(下)Windows Azure客户案例分享:美联社Office 365微软近期揭开了Microsoft Office 365的神秘面纱,该款产品将以按月付费订阅的方式向用户提供Microsoft Office、SharePoint Online、Exchange Online以及Lync Online等多项服务。

微软透露,Office 365将会于2011年与用户见面。

解开Office 365谜底:价格和适用人群Hyper-V Cloud微软联合六家服务器厂商推出了认证私有云产品包“Hyper-V Cloud”,其产品中包括了各种硬件和微软的虚拟化及管理软件。

《云计算(第二版)》—第四章 微软云计算Windows Azure

《云计算(第二版)》—第四章 微软云计算Windows Azure

1)Queue通信机制 Web Role和Worker Role之间进行通信的详细过程 (1)接受任务 (2)消息入队 (3)消息出队 (4)任务执行 (5)消息删除
Windows Azure存储服务
3.Windows Azure Queue
2)用Queue构建云端应用程序的优点 (1)由于应用程序各个部分之间松散耦合,应用程序可以根据业务量对各 个部分进行扩展 (2)使用Queue可以更加灵活地构建应用程序 (3)提供了缓存机制来处理突发流量及应用程序组件失效 3)Windows Azure Queue数据模型 Queue服务定义了参数 (1)MessageID (2)VisibilityTimeout (3)PopReceipt (4)MessageTTL
Windows Azure应用场景
1.创建可伸缩的Web应 用
应用负载变化十分显著, 如在线售票系统、视频网 站 Windows Azure上创建 这类应用,组织机构可以 根据需要扩充和缩减实例 的数量。用户可以使用 Web Roles和Tables在 Windows Azure上创建一 个可伸缩的Web应用
Fabric控制器是一个分布式应用,拥有计算机、交换机、负载均衡 器等各种资源
针对Web Role和Worker Role,Fabric控制器能够管理他们每个实 例中的操作系统,包括更新操作系统补丁和其他操作系统软件
Windows Azure CDN
目的:提高访问性能 注意:Blob所存放容器都能够被标记为Private或Public READ


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Windows Azure
Windows Azure是一个服务平台,用户利用该平台,通过互联网访问微软数 据中心运行Windows应用程序和存储应用程序数据,这些应用程序可以向用 户提供服务。 Windows Azure提供了托管的、可扩展的、按需应用的计算和存储资源,同 时还提供了云平台管理和动态分配资源的控制手段。
Windows Azure
作为微软云计算操作系统,提供了一个在微软数据中心服务 器上运行应用程序和存储数据的Windows环境
SQL Azure
它是云中的关系数据库,为云中基于SQL Server的关系型数 据提供服务
Windows Azure
上述4个部分均运行在微软已运行的11个数据中心。11个数据中心分别部署在 北美(5个)、欧洲(2个)和亚洲(4个)
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目 录
4.1 微软云计算平台 4.2 微软云操作系统Windows Azure 4.3 微软云关系数据库SQL Azure 4.4 Windows Azure AppFabric 4.5 Windows Azure Marketplace 4.6 Windows Azure服务平台
负责保存对象表到分区段的划分和每个分区段到相应分区服 务器的分配情况。 负责分区服务器之间的负载平衡。
Paxos锁服务用于分区服务器的主服务器选举。 此外,每个分区服务器为服务分区也保持锁服务租赁。
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Winradius使用手册RADIUS概述RADIUS(Remote Authentication Dial In User Service,远程用户拨号认证服务),它是一种在网络接入服务器(Network Access Server,NAS)和共享认证服务器间传输认证、授权和配置信息的标准协议,并负责传送网络接入服务器和共享计费服务器之间的计费信息。




图4-16 提示信息(2)配置ODBC。



图4-17 "ODBC设置"对话框(3)配置WinRadius客户端。




Azure Services基础

Azure Services基础

【第1篇】INTRODUCING THE AZURE SERVICES PLATFORM【IT168 技术文档】Azure 是什么?简单的说,Azure services Platform 是一个基于微软数据中心的Internet 云端服务平台,为我们提供了一个实时操作系统和一系列的开发、存储、数据存储、Hosting 等服务。

更简单地说:Azure 就是传说中的云计算,是微软实现云计算的平台。



"云计算"这一概念性的东西,被媒体炒作得跟当年的“Web 2.0”一样热。

终于,Azure 这一亲切的平台带我们很轻松地去体验"云计算"的云里雾里。


因为Azure 和其他几乎所有的微软技术一样,有一个莫大的好处:上手非常容易。

第二篇:Azure Services基础:SQL Data Services(SDS) 概述第三篇:Azure Services基础:SQL Data Services 编程基础第四篇:Azure Services基础:.NET Services概述第五篇:Azure Services基础:理解Windows Azure服务架构第六篇:Azure Services基础:Windows Azure Storage概览第七篇:Azure Services基础: Provider概述对于我们这些早已习惯和熟悉Visual Studio 各种开发的dev 来说,我们很容易就会爱上Azure。

官方也说了:Get Started Quickly Using Your Existing Skills. 也就是说,你根本不需要学习更多的知识,就可以通过Azure 开发各种云端应用,体验“云计算”。


确实,我也是看了好几天Whitepaper、SDK 和Forum 才完全了解了Azure 的结构和技术。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。




1 公网与内网通讯本节重点:1 云服务可以看做是一个连接到公网的网关(路由器):一个云服务对应一个公网IP,一个云服务下的多台虚拟机拥有同一个公网IP和各自不同的同网段内网IP。

2 使用虚拟网络可打通不同的云服务以及企业自有数据中心。

3 只能先建虚拟网络,再将新建的虚拟机加入到虚拟网络4 公网IP在一定条件下会发生变化5 不要在操作系统里更改内网IP6 对外网不能进行ping操作在开始使用WindowsAzure之前,我们首先需要了解一下WindowsAzure中的一些基础功能。

这样能帮助我们在使用时更好的规划我们的部署,方便业务的展开1.1 云服务与公网IP首先,当您打开WindowsAzure管理页面时,首先请关注一下左侧菜单中的“云服务”。






/hengwei/p/4761496.html1.1.1 操作:新建云服务与加入云服务当我们选择“新建虚拟机-从库中”创建虚拟机时,界面会询问我们是否要创建新的云服务。



1.2 跨公网IP的内网通讯有时候我们需要两台虚拟机拥有不同的公网IP,并且他们也要进行内网通讯,那么就要用到“虚拟网络”。



1.2.1 操作:新建虚拟网络在门户中,点击左下角的新建选择网络服务→虚拟网络→自定义创建(或是快速创建),进入配置页面在配置页面输入虚拟网络名称例如“YourVirtualNetwork”点击左下角的箭头进入下一步完成后看到建好的虚拟网络以上为准备工作,建议前期先规划好。


VPN的配置取决于很多设备及网络因素,这里不做过多描述,需要的话可以到MSDN的链接上寻找相关的信息:https:///zh-CN/library/azure/dn133798.aspx1.2.2 操作:新建虚拟机并加入虚拟网络当虚拟网络创建完成之后,我们选择创建虚拟机→从库中创建→虚拟机配置(第三步):这里就能为虚拟机选择虚拟网络。




1.3 固定公网IP当一个云服务下所有的虚拟机都停止了之后,这个云服务的公网IP就会被释放。



如果业务上需要固定的公网IP地址,需要使用Powershell 或者REST API进行操作,具体可参考这个链接。

/threestone/p/4335382.html1.4 外网的PING操作被禁用外网Ping被禁用:WindowsAzure数据中心出于安全考虑禁用了对外网的ping功能。




1.5 指定内网IP不要更改内网ip:不要在操作系统里更改虚拟机的内网ip地址,更改后该虚拟机将无法连接。

如果一定要为虚拟机指定内网ip————请参考这里:/zh-cn/library/dn630228.aspx1.6 虚拟机的端口映射由于我们的虚拟机都在云服务之下,相当于有一层网关,因此,如果外部的程序想要主动连接虚拟机上的程序,就需要为这台虚拟机打开相应的端口,相当于在路由器上配置端口映射。

1.6.1 操作:配置虚拟机的端口映射例如,如果我们想在云虚拟机上实现SMB简单文件共享服务(如果需要发布网站,道理也是一样的,只是把端口换成80而已),那么就需要做以下的操作:点击虚拟机的名称(红色框内部分)点击“端点”(红色框),再点击“添加”(绿色框),并在后面的界面中打开虚拟机的端口映射。



对于部署网站,除了打开相应的端口之外,如果网站是部署在IIS的80端口,Windows 防火墙会自动添加例外,但是如果是IIS的非80端口,或者其他Web Server软件,例如Tomcat,则需要为每个网站的端口配置防火墙例外。

2 Windows 虚拟机磁盘本节重点:1 D盘为临时存储盘。

2 为虚拟机附加数据盘的方法。




2.1.1 操作:为虚拟机添加一块数据磁盘如果需要存放重要数据,则需要附加数据磁盘。




3 地缘组本节重点:1 同一个地缘组内的虚拟机拥有最佳的内网性能有时候,我们的多台虚拟机之间会有大量的数据通讯,对内网数据传输速率和延迟都有较高的要求,为了确保这类应用能有最好的连接效果,就需要使用地缘组。

地缘组(Affinity Group)在Microsoft Azure中是一个重要的概念。



3.1.1 操作:创建地缘组在门户中点击右下角的设置在随后出现的页面中的工具栏里点击地缘组选项点击下方的添加按钮,新建地缘组。


创建完成后可以看到新建的地缘组3.1.2 操作:新建虚拟机并加入地缘组当我们选择“新建虚拟机-从库中”创建虚拟机时,系统会询问我们是否要将虚拟机加入到地缘组。



4 可用性集本节重点:1 需要配置可用性集来确保虚拟机的持续性。

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine承诺的99.95%的SLA是需要2台或者2台以上的Azure Virtual Machine同时运行,且所有的Virtual Machine都需要在同一个可用性集中。


具体原理跟WindowsAzure后台硬件设计时划定的故障域与更新域有关,有兴趣的可以访问以下链接获得详细信息:/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-manag e-availability/#configure-each-application-tier-into-separate-availability-sets 因此,对于需要确保业务不中断的虚拟机,我们需要2台或者以上的虚拟机,并将其放入同一个可用性集中,来确保虚拟机的高可用,例如:1. 两台AD Server虚拟机,放在同一个可用性集A中。

2. 两台Web Server虚拟机,放在可用性集B中。

3. 两台SQL Server 虚拟机,采用SQL Server 2012 Enterprise提供的Always-On 功能,实现High Availability。

且SQL Server所在的Virtual Machine需要在可用性集C 中。

4. 将具有相同功能的多台虚拟机放在可用性集D中,以此类推。

4.1.1 操作:创建与加入可用性集选择“新建-虚拟机-从库中”。



5 WindowsAzure的存储本节重点:1 着重介绍最常用的BLOB存储。

2 如何访问WindowsAzure BLOB存储。

3 配置存储的访问权限。

4 需要存储账户和128位的访问秘钥才能访问私有BLOB存储无论你使用WindowsAzure的哪种服务,所有在WindowsAzure上保存的数据,我们都在同一个数据中心将数据保存为3份,并提供额外的异地数据中心另外3份数据的附加选项。

