Parrot_MINIKIT_Neo 详细操作说明
STM8 MiniKit 用户手册1.简介STM8 MiniKit 是一款基于STM8系列八位单片机的低成本评估板。
本文档对评估板的使用作了简要说明,并附上相关原理图和PCB 图。
2.评估板介绍 2.1 评估板评估板布局布局2.2 原理图原理图与与PCB 原理图:PCB:3.参考代码说明随盘附赠的CD中共包含5个例程:Music:音乐播放例程;CSS:时钟切换及时钟安全系统的使用例程;Sinwave:正弦波发生例程;LED:LED控制例程;UART:串口与PC通讯例程;注:1)本例程仅适用于STM8S MiniKit评估板。
2)所有的例程均使用Cosmic C语言编译器,用户请预先安装Cosmic C编译器。
3)所有项目均基于STVD 4.1.0集成开发环境,用户请预先安装相应软件。
3.1 Music例程说明项目描述本例程通过采用pwm信号驱动蜂鸣器播放音乐并调节音量与音调,来说明如何使用Timer,ADC,GPIO,TLI:使用HSI为系统时钟源,并配置恰当的分频比;Timer2 CC1通道配置为PWM模式用以驱动蜂鸣器;Timer4 溢出中断用作LED1,LED2,LED3闪烁的时基;TLI(PD7)中断用来切换音乐的音调;ADC 采样电位器电压来调节占空比以控制音量。
项目文件main.c 包含"main" 函数的主程序stm8_interrupt_vector.c 中断向量表硬件环境将在线调试工具与目标板通过swim接口相连;在J1接口连接9~12v的直流电;使用电位器来调节蜂鸣器音量;使用按键可在高音调和低音调之间切换;如何开始可按照如下步骤调试:1)直接打开已经建立好的项目(..\Demo\Music\Demo.stw),或创建一个项目并且配置好所有的项目选项(可按默认值配置);2)编译这个项目Project->Rebuild all;3)下载程序到MCU进行调试:Debug->Start/Stop Debug Session4)运行程序:Debug->Run (F5)调节评估板上的电位器RV1来调节BUZZ音量;用按键来切换乐曲的音调;3个LED灯(LD1, LD2, LD3) 依次点亮。
ipazzport说明书ipazzport说明书篇一:IPAZZPORT说明书 ipad mini 中文说明书目录 7 第1 章:ipad 概览7 ipad 概览8 配件 9 按钮 1 0 sim 卡托架 11 状态图标 13 第2 章:使用入门13 操作须知13 设置ipad 13 apple id 14 设立邮件帐户和其他帐户14 管理ipad 上的内容14 使用ic } oud 15 将1 pad 连接到电脑16 与itunes 同步 16 在1 pad 上查看止腹用手册17 第3 章:基本功能17 使用应用程序 20 自定ipad 21 键入 24 听写 25 搜索26 通知27 共享 28 将ipad 连接到电视机或其他设备28 使用airprint 打印 33 第4 章:29 蓝牙设备 30 文件共享 30 安全功能 31 电池 5 iri 33 siri 是什么宁33 使用siri 36 餐馆 36 影片 37 体育 37 听写 37 纠正siri 39 第5 章:safari 41 第6 章:邮件 41 阅读邮件 42 发送邮件 42 整理邮件 43 打印邮件和附件 43 邮件帐户和设置 45 第7 章:信息 45 发送和接收信息 46 管理对话 46 发送照片视频等等46 信息”设置47 第8 章:facetime 49 第9 章:相机 49 概览 50 查看、共享和打印50 编辑照片和修剪视频51 第10 章:照片 51 观看照片和视频 52 整理照片和视频 52 照片流 53 共享照片和视频 53打印照片 54 电子相框 54 导入照片和视频 55 第11 章:photo booth 55 拍照55 管理照片 57 第12 章:视频 59 第13 章:日历 59 概览 60 使用多个日历 60 共享ic } oud 日历61 “日历”设置62 第14 章:通讯录62 概览63 添加联系人63 “通讯尉设置 64 第15 章:备忘录64 概览目录 6s 第16 章:提醒事项67 第17 章:时钟68 第18 章:地图 68 查找位置 69 获取路线 70 30 视图和「lyover 视图70 “地图”设置71 第19 章:音乐 71 获取音乐 71 播放音乐 72 podcast 和有声读物73 播放列表 73 genius 73 siri 74 itunesmatch 74 家庭共享 75 音乐设置 76 第20 章: itu nes store 75 第21 章:app store 78 概览 79 删除应用程序 80 第22 章:报刊杂志51 第23 章:ibooks 81 概览 82 阅读图书 82 与多媒体进行互动82 学习笔记和词汇列表83 整理书架 83 同步图书和pd 「83 打印pd 「或用电子邮件发送po 「84 ibooks 设置 55 第24 章:podcast 57 第25 章:game center 87 概览88 与朋友一起玩游戏88 game center 设置 89 第26 章:辅助功能89 辅助功能 89 voiceover 96 siri 96 连按三次主屏幕按钮96 缩放目录 97 大文本 97 反转颜色 97 朗读所选项篇三:f-6 bluetooth speaker ib蓝牙音箱英文说明书篇四:kp-810-18bvuser manual mini bluetooth keyboard with ir remotefeaturing integrated interactive voice technologymodel: kp-810-18bvr rev.1.01. introduction: entertainment. android device normally support allof the critical ? hdmi, mhl or hd output port there are various benefits of connecting your android device to your home theater, but when connected to the home theater as the user there are small inconveniences that unisen hasrecognized and resolved.your home theater. yor are sit on the sofa watching tv and when the phone rings, then the user must get up and answer the call, theuser may disconnect his android device for the normal handsetconvianence, disconnets all the cables. but with theunisen bluetooth. the user can and not walk to the tv disconnect hisandroid device. telephone calls while your smart cell stays your home entertainment center. ? the user can control android audio remotely from theannoy nearby people in the homeunisen, the first designer and manufacturer of mini wireless keyboard,the solution for this application and has released a new innovativekp-810-18bvr uses bluetooth 3.0 technology, includes qwerty keyboard and mouse touchpad, integrated bluetooth headset, microphone,headphone and learning infrared remote control. smart phone / tabletinternet movie or send/receive emails isvery convenient and?. with the bluetooth headset and the mic configuration, when connected to smart phone /tablet to a large tv screen, you can takeremotely.?. with the integarted voice technology feature, voice search on google web and skypechat is very useful. always trasnitting voice at high quality and always clear. which does not affect other family members when watching the internet tv movie.? . the learning infrared remote control also providesdevices 2.more applications learning the original code from the other applicance remote, otherapplications: ? android 4.0 mobile phone/tablet, when connecting android 4.0mobile phone to hdtv, large monitor or projectorcontrol it for their training, teaching, presentation, lecturing. ? multi media home theater, people can sit in their easychair or sofa even in bed and enjoy film, music, surf the internet using the ? external keyboard and voice remote for android 4.0 mobile phone/ tablet , car pc, pc remote of other home electric appliance, such as dvd player, cd,player, tv, air conditioner, with the feature of ir learning, can quickly learn the original code from other home electric appliance remotes. 3. package: mini bluetooth keyboard with ir remote usb cablefor recharging the unit * 1headset *1 user manual *1 4. feature and specifications: ? 6 in 1: wireless stereo speaker, microphone,keyboard, mouse touchpad and 2 mode ir remote 6 in1.? bluetooth wireless stereo speaker and microphone for use with skype, google talk, msn, etc voip application ? remote handset ? full qwerty keyboard, full function keys. ? 2 mode ir learning remote, can be paired with any home ir device. ? rechargeable battery: up to two weeksbetween charges. standard packed, it is easy to replace篇五: chroma 19032详细规格说明书電氣安規分析儀電氣安規綜合測試儀 model19032/19032-p 全方位電氣安規測試解決方案電氣安規測試是電氣產品品質測試中最主要的項目之一,所有的電氣產品,包含電源供應器、充電器、家電產品、資訊產品以及影音產品等,皆twinport雙輸出功能tm 美國專利號碼 :us6504381電氣安規測試的效率,是直接影響產線效率的關鍵因素。
这个快速使用手册介绍关于Ki Pro Mini及其一些基本设置的说明。
这并不意味着可以代替有详细资料的Ki Pro Mini使用说明,仅作补充资料使用。
使用Ki Pro Mini的基本信息如果你是刚从包装盒中取出Ki Pro Mini,我们强烈建议你除了这个说明外,再完全看一遍Ki Pro Mini的使用说明。
在使用Ki Pro Mini之前用户必须自行购买CF卡作为存储必要介质。
AJA罗列了经过测试的CF卡配合Ki Pro Mini的使用。
查 阅详情请查看AJA Ki Pro Mini指南或者AJA网站。
在你继续查看余下的快速开始手册前请将CF 卡 插入Ki Pro Mini.将CF卡简单的插入位于Ki Pro Mini顶部的一个CF卡插槽之内,正如下图所示。
CF卡插槽适应化处理过, 确保插入的CF卡标签朝右如下图所示一样(不要强行插入卡槽)轻巧的放入卡片,知道旁边的eject按钮弹上来就行。
Quick Start Guide产品介绍Published: 1/27/11注意 未能正确安装或卸载CF 卡,或在录制时丢失电源,可能会导致不可恢复的数据丢失意外损失存储介质插入后,将Ki Pro Mini放置在摄像机或者视频源附近通过如下方法:• 将它放置于平稳的平面上比如桌面或者陆架上• 使用Ki Pro Mini的选配件Desk Stand和电池适配器索带使其站立• 使用Ki Pro Mini的选配件Mounting brackets装备在摄像机,三角架,或者其它摄像机配件上Ki Pro Mini如图中显示的通过选配件站立架放置(4个螺钉固定站立架和机体)通过4个螺钉和电线适配器固定站立(底视图)可选的Ki Pro Mini Stand(还有4个螺钉和电线适配器组件) Ki Pro Mini如图中显示的通过选配件站立架放置(4个螺钉固定站立架和机体)通过4个螺钉和电线适配器固定站立(底视图) 可选的Ki Pro Mini Stand(还有4个螺钉和电线适配器组件)Optional stand comes with 4 screws and a power cable adapter (bottom view) 装配相机用的Ki Pro Mini的选配件Bracket套件如图所示可以在任一侧面安装选配套件使音视频接口连接上KiPro Mini摄像机提供SDI接口输出音频和视频,在某些情况下,还通过同一根线连接上Ki ProMini传输时间码。
Parrot MINIKIT Neo用户手册內容內容 (2)開始 (4)使用 (4)开始使用前 (4)包装内容 (4)更改语言版本 (4)安装 Parrot MINIKIT Neo (4)电池 (5)为 Parrot MINIKIT Neo充电 (5)待机模式 (5)电池容量 (5)使用 (6)开启 / 关闭 Parrot MINIKIT Neo (6)浏览菜单 (6)连接 (7)与手机建立蓝牙连接 (7)配对手机 (7)自动连接 (8)解决记忆已满的问题 (8)使用 Parrot MINIKIT Neo连接 2 部手机 (8)激活双重模式 (8)连接 2 部手机到 Parrot MINIKIT Neo (8)主手机和副手机 (8)拨打和接听电话 (8)切换主、副手机位置 (9)同步电话簿 (9)自动同步 (9)录制语音标记 (9)电话 (11)接听电话 (11)铃声 (11)指令词 (11)接听来电 (11)拒绝来电 (11)拨打电话 (11)进行语音拨号 (12)联系有几个电话号码的联络人 (12)联系通讯簿中的联络人 (12)重拨最后拨打的号码 (12)在通话时使用Parrot MINIKIT Neo (13)调整音量 (13)将通话转到手机接听 (13)处理通话时另一个来电 (13)管理语音信箱 (14)挂断通话 (14)音乐/导航 (15)音乐 (15)GPS 导航指示 (15)调节音量 (15)排解疑难 (16)Parrot MINIKIT Neo说出 <记忆已满> (16)Parrot MINIKIT Neo 似乎死机了 (16)装置似乎不能与我的手机配合使用 (16)開始 使用开始使用前包装内容Parrot MINIKIT NeoUSB / 迷你USB 连接线点烟器充电器更改语言版本 Parrot MINIKIT Neo 语言版本可经软件更新作更改。
软件更新程序可按此或到公司网站查 阅详情。
派诺特Minikit车载声控系统使用流程Parrot MINIKIT是Bluetooth的免提工具包。
由于设备利用了先进的信号处理系统(DSP II)的全面优点,通话完全采用双工模式,同时消除背景噪音、减少回音,增加了听音的质量。
连接您的Bluetooth电话/PDA为保证您电话机上的所有功能都可以使用,必须在Parrot MINIKIT上设置特别的配对模式。
普通配对-适用大多数的电话机(支持免提协议)一旦您的Parrot MINIKIT已经完全充电,必须配对您的Bluetooth电话/PDA。
• 从您的Bluetooth 电话机上搜索Bluetooth外围设备(参考电话使用手册)。
• 选择“MINIKIT”。
• 提示时在您的电话机上输入“1234”。
• 当两台设备连接时Parrot MINIKIT会说“配对成功”。
• 如果您的电话机支持该功能,语言会自动选择。
选择配对- 使电话支持耳机协议(参考电话使用手册)• 同时按红键和旋转键三秒钟。
所有Bluetooth 设备可见Parrot MINIKIT三分钟。
• 从您Bluetooth电话机上搜索Bluetooth外围设备(参考电话使用手册)。
• 选择“MINIKIT”。
• 提示时在您的电话机上输入“1234”。
• 当两台设备连接时Parrot MINIKIT会说“配对成功”。
• 如果您的电话机支持该功能,语言会自动选择。
• 转动滚频轮直至工具包说“记录关键词”,然后确认。
• 工具包会说“记录所有的关键词。
”• 如果已经记录一个或多个关键词,工具包会选择还没有记录的第一个关键词。
“神器”在手畅行无忧!新交规必备汽车电子设备记者/梁景裕Especial Layout 特别企划 I快速路上不按规定道路行驶,未按照禁止标线指示行驶,违反禁令标志行驶等行为都需要扣3分。
城市道路中不按规定超车、逆向行驶扣3分在高速或者城市快速路上不按规定道路行驶扣3分未按照禁止标线指示行驶扣3分凯立德(CARELAND)官方出品首款汽车GPS智能导航仪K310 售价:598元凯立德K310是凯立德官方推出的首款便携式导航仪,该款机型采用了5寸高清屏,分辨率达到800×480,清晰度和对比度极高,能够清晰地展现各种实景路口放大图。
华锋e路航 LH700(内置8G+G500测速)一体机 售价:399元华锋E路航LH700采用七英寸800x480像素的高清屏,液晶面板经过特殊工艺减少了反光强度。
Parrot MINIKIT Smart 用戶手冊
用戶手冊开始使用前 0安装 (4)安装Parrot MINIKIT Smart (4)放置手机 (6)为Parrot MINIKIT Smart充电 (6)为手机充电 (7)开始使用 (8)开启 / 关闭Parrot MINIKIT Smart (8)浏览Parrot MINIKIT Smart菜单 (8)透过蓝牙配对手机 (8)同步电话簿 (9)录制声波纹 (9)电话功能 (10)接听电话 (10)拨打电话 (10)在通话时使用Parrot MINIKIT Smart (11)排解疑难 (13)装置说出 <记忆已满> (13)装置似乎死机了 (13)装置似乎不能与我的手机配合使用 (13)导航指令的音量太低 (13)一般信息 (14)开始使用前∙在使用所有须提高集中力的功能时,应于车辆停止时才可使用。
您和其他道路使用者的安全比通话或 GPS 指示重要。
安装安装Parrot MINIKIT Smart∙用合适的清洁产品清洁的准备安装的位置,然后将固定支架安装在挡风玻璃上(图1, 第 4 页)。
∙如果您想将Parrot MINIKIT Smart 安装在您的仪表板上,须先将圆形底部托架黏固到仪表板。
托架黏贴到仪表板后,等待约2 小时以确保双面贴黏稳在仪表板上。
∙车厢内的冷/ 暖空调有可能会导致吸盘从挡风玻璃分离。
在每次使用Parrot MINIKIT Smart前先确保吸盘已稳固地贴在挡风玻璃上,否则装置有可能在行车时掉下。
∙将Parrot MINIKIT Smart安装在固定支架上。
同时按下磁石接口的两边将Parrot MINIKIT Smart 接连到支架上。
目录概述成品包含基本特征遥控器按键介绍使用指南机器背面遥控器按键介绍浏览歌曲播放时的操作C U E文件播放单首歌曲播放整盘或文件夹所有歌曲播放24b i t192k解码器24b i t192k解码器连接概述本硬盘播放器可播放多种音频格式文件,程序更新等功能,对比上一代机器,改善了U S B的稳定性,可以通过多种方式进行升级,杜绝了升级操作失误造成的返厂问题。
目前本产品播放功能支持24b i t多种采样率的文件,最高192K/24b i t W V/F L A C格式(W A V格式码率太高,U S B 2.0全速传输率不够),A P E(C1000,C2000, C3000/48k H z以下的采样率),F L A C(L e v e l0-L e v e l6),W V,W M A,W A V,M P3,C U E等音频文件格式;音频文件可以存储在多种存储媒介中,U S B,S D 卡等存储媒介接口。
成品包含您收到的Mini APE 都经过我们仔细检测和包装,包装的彩盒也是经过特别设计的,为的是在运输中保护产品不受损坏。
请保留您的包装盒子,以便在您把您的Mini APE 返还给我们进出处理的特别情况下进行使用。
您收到的Mini APE 包括以下配件:•Aune Mini APE•专用USB 线•Aune Mini APE 专用开关电源(100V-240V)•Aune Mini APE 专用遥控器•Aune Mini APE 使用说明书基本特征1)采用SD卡,U盘作为储存介质,容量无限,可以支持电流小的移动硬盘(最好是2.5寸)---直接接面板的U口2)支持播放 APE.WAV.FLAC等高品质音乐格式,支持CUE菜单3)支持24BIT/192K音乐文件播放4)全遥控功能5)内置WM8740高品质DAC6)支持同轴光钎数字输出7)一路模拟音频输出8)具有一路同轴输入,本机能充当一台独立的DAC使用机器布局介绍机器正面A:遥控感应器B:显示屏幕C:SD卡插口D:USB插口E:退出键F:浏览菜单时选择上一行G:浏览菜单时选择下一行H:确定机器背面I: DC电源输入,电压为12V 1.5A以上,可以直接使用汽车内的点烟器电源,可以在汽车内使用J:同轴输入:本接口可以接CD机或者转盘的数字输出,然后可以从F接口直接输出模拟信号,本DAC支持24BIT/192K,---------使用本接口,本机能充当一台独立的DACK:数字输出接口:本播放器播放音乐的时候本接口输出数字信号,一路光钎一路同轴L:USB 接口----升级系统的时候使用,我们送了一根这个接口的USB线!M:音频 L R输出接口:输出模拟音频信号N: USB 接口---- 我们在烧系统的时候用的,请不要使用!O:电源开关遥控器按键介绍遥控功能描述按键A 开关背光B 关闭机器C 浏览菜单时选择上一行D 播放下一首歌曲E 播放上一个CUE文件F 停播,返回到上一级菜单或目录G 播放下一个CUE文件H 确定I 播放下一首J 浏览菜单时选择下一行K 播放/暂停L 随机播放以及正常播放选择M 重复-〉单曲重复-〉正常播放N 数字按键,用于输入歌曲号码,跳转时间等使用方法:浏览歌曲用键选择“播放歌曲”>“U盘或SD卡的盘符”>“想要的浏览歌曲”,进入目录之后,可以上下上下选曲。
此 USB 电源适配器为
iPad 配件
‧ 电脑的 USB端口或其他的USB装置無法作為 iPad 扫描仪的电力来源。 7
开启扫描仪电源并连接到 iPad
• 轻按扫描仪的电源键 即可开启扫描仪电源。
‧ iPad开机后,将iPad的基座接口对准扫描仪的 iPad连接埠插入。请确保iPad紧密且稳固地插入 连接埠中。
2. 调整纸张定位杆的位置以固定扫描相片或文件。
3. 点一下屏幕上的【扫描】按键开始扫描。扫描中 的图像会逐步地显示再屏幕上。
4. 当整张相片或文件从退纸匣中退出并显示在屏幕 上时,扫描即完成。
点一下屏幕上的【存档】按键。该图像会被储存 到iPad中。
• 若要重新扫描请参考扫描章节中的步骤1到步骤 3。
本手册内出现的所有商标分属该 公司所有,并承认其所有权利。
产品包装内不含 iPad
‧ 远离水、潮湿和灰尘。 ‧ 切勿存放在温度过高或过低的空间。 ‧ 使用本产品环境温度为 0°C 到 +35°C。 ‧ 请使用原厂附件及相关配件。 ‧ 避免在灰尘多的环境下使用本扫描仪。 ‧ 若长时间不使用,请将扫描仪的电源线拔除。 ‧ 避免将扫描仪长时间放置在阳光直射处(或接触到热源)。 ‧ 请将扫描仪远离饮料,例如可乐、汽水、咖啡和茶。 ‧ 请小心保管扫描仪,勿摔落或大力撞击。 ‧ 在水平、稳固的平面上操作扫描仪,以免过度振动损坏机台。 ‧ 切勿尝试拆开扫描仪,以免有触电危险。
‧ 为了避免扫描时可能发生被迫中断的情况,请关 闭【推送通知】服务。
在iPad的主屏幕中点一下【设置】,然后点一 下【通知】,再选择【关闭】通知功能。请参 阅iPad的使用手册中的相关说明。
目录说明 (2)免责声明 (2)安全注意事项 (2)知识产权声明 (2)产品简介 (3)飞控系统组成模块 (3)功能特性 (4)技术参数 (4)模块参数 (5)接口定义 (6)主控器模块的端口 (6)飞行控制模式 (7)LED指示灯状态描述 (8)快速使用指南 (8)使用注意事项 (9)安装连接篇 (10)接收机安装 (11)外接接收机 (11)供电 (11)校准篇 (12)电子罗盘校准 (12)遥控器中立点校准 (13)遥控器反舵校准 (13)基础飞行篇 (15)飞行前注意事项 (15)启动/停止电机 (15)自动起飞 (16)辅助定高 (16)姿态感度 (16)智能低电压保护 (18)安全模式 (18)高级功能篇 (20)失控保护功能 (20)MINIX OSD模块 (21)固件&调参软件升级 (23)固件升级 (23)调参软件升级 (23)飞控信息及语言切换 (24)XAIRCRAFT MINIX售后服务 (24)产品简介“极趣“MiniX是针对多旋翼模型爱好者专门设计的一款智能飞行控制系统,它不仅很好的延续了极飞飞控的稳定性和安全机制,而且通过高度集成的设计原理,大幅度减小了飞控系统的体积,降低了飞控安装和调试的复杂度,飞行可靠,简单易用,无需安装调参软件,仅需少量设置和调试即可飞行,更好地满足了大众模型玩家对飞行的需求。
伯乐 Mini Opticon荧光定量PCR仪操作说明
电源开关 电源线接口
进风口 USB 接口(A 型)
USB 接口(B 型) 图 2.2 MiniOpticon 背面图
2.2 仪器技术参数
0~99oC,但最低不能比室温低 30oC
±0.2 oC(在 90 oC,NIST 检测)
警告:在未阅读本操作手册的情况下操作仪器,可 能会引起身体的伤害。
警告:本仪器为电器,在任何情况下不要试图打开 仪器自行进行维修,这将有可能遭到电击。如有问 题请联系伯乐公司
警告:在程序运行中、或刚结束时加热槽均为高温 状态,我们建议采取必要的防护措施以防烫伤。
警告:在本仪器内装有熔断性保险丝。在更换保险 丝时候务必保证未接电源,千万不要打开底座以防 止遭电击。
MiniOpticon 仪器的安装十分方便,只需将电源线的一端插到仪器背后的电 源口中(详见图 2-2),另一端接到 110V 或 220V 的电源插座中即可,详见 3.2.2。 3.2.1 安装环境要求
在安装 MiniOpticon 荧光定量 PCR 仪之前,请先确认是否环境符合安装要 求,这对仪器使用的安全性和仪器的保养非常重要。
1.3 使用安全须知
警告:在未阅读本操作手册的情况下操作仪器,可 能会引起身体的伤害。
警告:在程序运行中、或刚结束时加热槽均为高温 状态,我们建议采取必要的防护措施以防烫伤。
2. MiniOpticon 仪器组成和技术参数 2.1 仪器组成:
荧光装置塔 底盘 排风口
LED 指示灯
仪器开关旋钮 显示面板 操作键盘
本仪器经过测试,符合欧洲 EMC 技术标准。 本仪器所发出无线电噪排出量符合《加拿大干扰发生设备规则》 (Canadian Interference-CausingEquipment Regulations) 的所有要求。
PARAON PRO 唱片机 使用说明说明书
PARON PRO使用说明关注微信公众号查看使用说明视频用所描述的产品,并保留此手册以供日后参考。
1 2345678910111213141516171. 唱盘2. 中轴3. 针压配重4. 配重刻度盘5. 唱臂升降杆6. 唱臂锁扣7. 唱臂8. 转速调节9. 音量旋钮10. 指示灯11. 唱头12. 电源开关13. USB-PC转录接口14. 电源接口15. 输出模式切换16. AUX音频输入接口17. RCA音频输出接口11.箱体上的开口用于通风,不要阻塞这些开口,以免过热造成设备损坏。
Parrot MKi9000用户手册说明书
Parrot MKi9000User guideContentsContents (2)Installation (3)Before you begin (3)Checking the car configuration (3)Caution (3)Removing the car stereo (3)Installing the kit (4)Car stereo with ISO connectors (4)Car stereo with line-in (5)Installing the electronic box (5)Installing the kit’s power cable (6)Installing the audio connectors (6)Installing the individual components (7)Installing the double microphone (7)Installing the remote control (8)Getting started (10)Navigating through the menus (10)Associating the remote control to the electronic box (10)Commands (11)Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phone (12)Using a phone with the Parrot MKi9000 for the first time (12)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with 2 phones (12)Managing the “Memory full” problem (13)Synchronizing the phonebook (14)Phone (15)Making and receiving calls (15)Making a call (15)Receiving a call (15)Using the Parrot MKi9000 while on a call (16)Using voice recognition (18)Receiving a call via voice recognition (18)Making a call via voice recognition (18)Music (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an external source (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an iPod / iPhone (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with a USB peripheral (21)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an audio player connected via Bluetooth (21)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue audio player (21)Commands (22)Settings (23)Using the Virtual Super Bass effect (23)Deactivating the Mute on Streaming (23)InstallationBefore you beginChecking the car configuration∙The cables supplied with the kit feature ISO connectors and two pairs of line-out jacks. The line-out jacks can be used if your audio system features this option (use of an amplifier). Several set-ups are therefore possible depending on the type of car stereo and your vehicle.∙If your car stereo is not fitted with ISO connectors, you need to purchase an ISO adapter cable to simplify the wiring procedure. Refer to the range of ISO adapters on our website.Caution∙Unplug the battery before installing the kit’s power cable.∙Before you install the individual components, check that the installation locations have been selected in such a way that the cable length is sufficient to connect every element.∙Do not install any component (remote control, microphone…) in the airbag deployment area.∙Once the installation is complete, make sure that no cables are pinched or trapped.Removing the car stereo∙Remove your car stereo from you vehicle. You may need release keys to do so.► Refer to your car stereo user guide or contact your car dealer for more information.∙Remove the audio system from your vehicles dashboard to access the wiring harness.∙The mute function is used to cut the sound of your car stereo to enable a phone call. The choice of the mute-in jack depends on your car stereo’s configur ation.Installing the kitCar stereo with ISO connectors1.Connect the male connectors of the hands-free kit to the car stereo.2.Join the vehicle’s audio and power supply cables to the female connectors of the Parrot MKi9000.3.On the installation cable, connect the free yellow wire to one of the audio system’s correspondingmute-in jacks if available (mute in 1, mute in 2 or mute in 3).Car stereo with line-in∙Use this type of connection by wiring the line-out (brown & white wire or red & black wire) to your car stereo’s line-in.∙Using the two pairs of line-out will enable you to take advantage of the music function in stereo over your vehicle’s speakers.∙On the installation cable, connect the free yellow w ire to the corresponding audio system’s mute-input if available (mute in 1, mute in 2 or mute in 3).Installing the electronic box∙Avoid installing the electronic box near heating or air-conditioning system, on a spot directly exposed to sunlight or behind metal walls.∙Make sure the electronic box stays fixed once it is installed and that it will not move while you are driving.∙Do not reinstall the car stereo forcibly. If you are short of space behind the car stereo to install the electronic box, consider installing it in the glove box.Install ing the kit’s power cable∙Refer to your car stereo’s wiring diagram.∙The red wire of the kit’s cable must correspond to the constant +12V supply, the orange wire to the ignition +12V and the black wire to ground. Check that the orange wire is not connected tothe constant +12V supply, as you could run down the vehicle’s battery.Installing the audio connectorsInstalling the music cable Connect the music cable to the electronic box and place the USB / iPod / Jack connectors into the glove box, the central console or the parcel tray depending on the configuration of your dashboard. Make sure that the cable is not pinched.Installing the music cable grommet system The music cable grommet system allows you to adjust the cable lengthwhile reducing its wear.1.Drill a 20 mm hole in your dashboard (glove compartment or parcel tray).2.Insert manually two flexible arms of the grommet system.e a flat screwdriver in order to insert the last two arms.> You can now connect your music cable to the bluebox.Installing the individual componentsInstalling the double microphoneSelecting a location In order to get hi-quality conversations, we advise you to respect the followingrecommendations:∙Make sure the microphone is installed as close to the mouth of the user aspossible. The ideal distance is 60 cm. The best possible location for themicrophone is near the rear-view mirror.∙The microphone needs to be pointed towards the user.D < 60 cmα < 45°∙Make sure the microphone is not exposed to the air stream from air vents.∙Do not install the microphone cable in heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems.Mounting the double microphone ∙The mounting location for the microphone must be clean and free from grease or dust. Prior to installation, clean the area with an appropriate cleansing product.∙Once you have stuck the support on the dashboard, wait for approximately 2 hours to make sure the adhesive tape adheres well.Installing the remote controlInstalling the remote control on the steering wheel If you want to place the remote control on the steering wheel, make sure it is securely attached, so that it does not move when you are driving.Installing the remote control on the dashboardIf you want to place the remote control on the dashboard, stick the double-sided tape located on the flat side of the bracket to fix it against the dashboard. You can then insert the remote onto the bracket.Replacing the battery∙ The remote control only works with a 3V CR2032 battery.∙ Make sure the battery is correctly positioned before inserting it into the remote control.Getting startedNavigating through the menusAssociating the remote control to the electronic boxIf the remote control doesn’t seem to be associated to the electronic box while using the Parrot MKi9000:After verifying the CR2032 battery is properly inserted inthe remote unit, press and hold the and buttonsthen press the button several times. This has to be doneduring a 30 seconds period once the ignition is turned on.Within 1 to 2 seconds, you should then hear a voicemessage saying “Remote control pairing successful”. Atthat time, you can release the buttons and the remoteshould then be paired with the kit and the message will goaway. Youcan verify remote operation by navigatingthrough the menus.CommandsAccessing the main menu Press the central jog wheel to access the menus. > The kit says the name of the current menu.Browsing through themenus∙Turn the jog wheel to browse through the menus.∙Press the button or the jog wheel to confirm.∙Press the button to get back to the previous menu.Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phoneUsing a phone with the Parrot MKi9000 for the first timePairing a phone 1.From your phone, search for Bluetooth® peripherals.2.Select «MKi9000» in the list.3.Enter «0000» on your phone when prompted.> The Parrot MKi9000 says «Pairing successful».Automatic connection Once your phone is paired to the Parrot MKi9000, the connection between both devices will be automatically established each time you enter your vehicle.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with 2 phonesDual mode allows you to simultaneously connect two phones to the Parrot MKi9000.Activating dual mode To activate dual mode and connect two phones, select Dual mode.Connecting two phones to the Parrot MKi9000 When the Parrot MKi9000 is switched on, it attempts to connect all paired phones in the vehicle. If there are more than two paired phones in the vehicle, the device connects the two phones with the oldest pairing.Main and secondary phones ∙When two phones are connected to the Parrot MKi9000, one of them becomes the main phone and the other is the secondary phone.∙By default, the main phone is the one with the oldest pairing to the Parrot MKi9000.∙To define the secondary phone as your main phone (and make your main phonethe new secondary phone), press and hold for two seconds.Making and receiving calls ∙You can receive calls (manually or through voice recognition) to your main or secondary phones. The Parrot MKi9000 ringtone varies according to the phone receiving the call.∙Only the phonebook for your main phone may be accessed through the ParrotMKi9000. You can only make calls using your main phone. However, you caneasily switch between the connected phones by pressing and holding for twoseconds.∙If you receive a call to one of your phones while you are on the other phone,only the latter will ring. You can take the call directly on that phone but not viathe Parrot MKi9000.Managing the “Memory full” problemYou can pair up to 10 devices with the Parrot MKi9000.If you attempt to pair a 11th phone, the Parrot MKi9000 says “Memory full”. To pair a new phone, you mustclear the memory by holding down simultaneously the and buttons for 3 seconds. Doing so will also delete all your contacts.Synchronizing the phonebookAutomatic synchronisation With most of the Bluetooth phones, the phonebook is automatically synchronized in the kit’s memory. Refer to the compatibility section of our website for more information.Sending contacts via Object Push If your phone doesn’t support automatic synchronization, you can also send contacts from your mobile to the car kit via Object Push. To do so:1.Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Receive contacts.2.Refer to your phones ‘user guide for more information about sending contactsvia Object Push.Disabling synchronisation If you wish to use your phone voice recognition instead of the one of the Parrot MKi9000, you need disable the phonebook synchronisation. To do so :1.Hold down simultaneously the and buttons for 3 seconds to clear theParrot MKi9000 memory.2.Hold down the jog wheel and the button.> The Parrot MKi9000 says «Automatic synchronisation deactivated, pleasepair device».3.Re-pair your phone with the Parrot MKi9000.PhoneBefore using your Parrot MKi9000 telephone function, you first have to connect it with your phone.► For more information,refer to the Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phone section.Making and receiving callsMaking a callCalling a contact in the phonebook If the contact you want to call is in the phonebook of the phoneconnected to the Parrot MKi9000:1.Press the jog wheel to enter the main menu and select Phonebook.2.Select a letter and press the jog wheel.> Once the contact chosen:- Press the button to call this contact.- Or use the jog wheel to choose between different numbersof the same contact.Bringing up the last dialled number Hold down the key of the Parrot MKi9000 for two seconds to redial the last dialled number.Receiving a callAn incoming call is indicated by a ringtone. The name of the caller is announced if his details are stored in the phonebook of the phone connected to the Parrot MKi9000.Answering a call Press the button to answer an incoming call.Declining a call Press the button to decline an incoming call.Using the Parrot MKi9000 while on a callAdjusting the volume Use the jog wheel during a call to adjust the communication volume. > The volume setting is saved for subsequent calls.Transfering a call to thephone∙ During a call, if you want to continue the conversation on your phone (private conversation), press the button of the Parrot MKi9000. > The call is automatically transferred to the phone.∙ If you want to switch back to the kit, press the button again.Muting a call∙If you want to deactivate the microphone during a call, press the button : you will still hear your caller but your caller will not be able to hear you.∙Press the button to reactivate it again.Managing a second callDuring a call, you can receive another call if your phone supports thisfunctionality.∙Press the button to accept the second incoming call. > The first call is automatically put on hold.∙Press the button to decline the second incoming call. You can also hang up directly from your phone.∙Press the button to switch from a call to another.Managing voice mail During a call, the Parrot MKi9000 allows you to send DTMFs to manageyour voice mail for example. To do so:1.Press the jog wheel to access the DTMF menu.> « 0 » is said by the kit.e the jog wheel to select your DTMF between the followingpossibilities : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,# or *.3.Press the jog wheel to send this DTMF to your phone.Ending a call Press the button to end a call.Using voice recognitionReceiving a call via voice recognitionTo receive a call via voice recognition, magic words must be activated.Activating / deactivating the magic words1. Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Magic words .2. Press the jog wheel to activate/deactivate the magic words.Accepting a call Say « Accept » to answer an incoming call.Declining a callSay « Reject » to decline an incoming call.Making a call via voice recognitionCalling a contact with one phone number1. Press the button to launch the voice recognition feature.> The Parrot MKi9000 asks you the name of the contact you want to call.2. Say the name of the contact.> The call is automatically launched if the voice tag is correctly understood.> If it is not the case, a confirmation message is asked.3. Confirm if necessary by saying “Yes” or “call”.Calling a contact with several phone numbers∙If there are several phone numbers associated to the contact you want to call, you can specify the type of number.∙To do so, the following vocal commands are available:-Home-At home-Work-At work-Office-At office-At the office-Mobile-Cellular-Cell-On mobile-On cellular-On cell-On mobile phone-On cellular phone-On cell phone-Mobile phone-Cellular phone-Cell phone-Other-General-Default-PreferredExiting voice recognition modePress the button to exit voice recognition mode.Music Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an external sourceUsing the Parrot MKi9000 with an iPod / iPhoneCompatibility ∙If you are using the Parrot MKi9000 with the iPod Mini, iPodPhoto, iPod 3G and iPod Shuffle, then connect your iPod to theParrot MKi9000 using the Jack cable.∙Use the iPod connector if you are using another model of iPod oran iPhone.Playing music files ∙If your iPod / iPhone is connected to the Parrot MKi9000 via theiPod connector, press the jog wheel and select iPod.∙If your iPod is connected to the Parrot MKi9000 via the jack cable,refer to the Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue playersection.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with a USB peripheral1.Connect the USB flash drive or the MP3 player using the USB cable.2.Press the jog wheel and select USB.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an audio player connected via BluetoothCompatibility You can use the Parrot MKi9000 to listen to songs stored on your mobile phone/ PDA / smartphone. Your mobile phone must support the Bluetooth® A2DPprofile (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile).Playing a music file ∙If you are using a Bluetooth audio player for the 1st time, youhave to pair both devices.►Refer to the Pairing a phone section.∙If both devices are already paired :1.Select Audio Bluetooth.2.Start playing a song on your audio player.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue audio player1.Connect your audio player to the Parrot MKi9000 using the Jack connector.2.Press the jog wheel and select Line In.3.Start playing a song on your audio player.CommandsTo do so Proceed this wayPause a songPress the button.Resume playbackPress the button.Raise or lower the volume Turn the jog wheel.Rewind or fast-forwardHold down the or buttons.Restart a songPress the button.Skip to the next songPress the button.Skip to the previous songPress the button twice.Activate the Virtual Super Bass effectHold down the button for 2 seconds.SettingsUsing the Virtual Super Bass effectThe Virtual Super Bass effect allows you to amplify the low frequencies. To activate or deactivate it:1.Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Virtual Super Bass.2.Press the jog wheel to activate or deactivate this option.Deactivating the Mute on Streaming∙This option automatically mutes the tuner when a song is played. This option is activated by default.∙You can deactivate this option and mute the tuner manually via the Mute cable. To do so :1.Wait for 30 seconds after the Parrot MKi9000 is turned on.2.Hold down the and buttons simultaneously to activate / deactivate the Muteon Streaming option.。
派诺特 MINIKIT Slim Chic 快速入门指
派诺特MINIKITSlim/ChicParrotmove wireless快速入门指南软件,视频,时事通讯,博客…*限制性规定: 赢得MP3格式的音乐文件以及派诺特的无线产品派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic-给您的手机进行配对-给派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic充电-安装派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic英语派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic的简化指南给您讲述了简单地使用本产品的使用说明。
派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic的点烟器充电器只能在汽车中使用。
安装派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic使用位于派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic背后的夹子将其固定到您车辆的太阳档上。
进入派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic的菜单按下红色的按钮或者等待几秒钟。
通过蓝牙配对和连接手机/PDA在使用派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic与您的手机之前,您首先必须将两个设备配对。
2.选择“派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic”。
>当两台设备配对时,派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic显示出《配对成功》。
使用电话功能在您使用您的派诺特MINIKIT Slim/Chic的电话功能之前,您首先必须将两台设备进行配对和连接。
朗达音乐设备 TTE 音频机器人操作指南说明书
Version 5.0 6/2008Table of ContentsForward: This manual covers basic features and operation of the TTE and will be supplemented with an in-depth DVD Manual down the road. The DVD version will clearly demonstrate more advanced set-up techniques such as how to properly adjust the Bias section, as well as many other helpful maintenance tasks.Page 1 Product OverviewPage 2 Top Panel DiagramPage 3 Additional DiagramsOperating the TTEPage 4 Initial Set-UpPage 5 Let’s Play in Mono!Page 6 Let’s Play in Mono! (Continued)Page 7 All about ((STEREO))Maintenance and ServicePage 8 Service DiagramsPage 9 Service Diagrams (Continued)Page 10 Tape, Tape Heads, and TransportPage 11 Tape, Tape Heads, and Transport (continued)Page 12 Additional Tape Path MaintenancePage 13 Tubes!Page 14 Rewiring transformer to 220/240 OperationPage 15 Warranty and ContactProduct OverviewThe Fulltone Tube Tape Echo, although inspired by Market Electronics’ Echoplex of the early to mid-‘60’s, is a far more evolved design which eliminates all of the noise, inconsistencies, and reliability issues associated with the old Echoplexes.Some of the TTE’s features include:1. 1 x 12AX7 Tubes for Record, 1x12AX7 for Playback, 1 x 12Au7 (use only JJ brand Tube)for the Bias Oscillator (Erase) section.2.Mono and ((Stereo)) outputs with 3 distinct stereo image choices!3.DC on the Tube filaments for no-hum operation.4.Torroidal Transformer for low EMF, quiet operation.5.Brushless/3 phase DC Servo Motor for reliable, quiet tape transport.6.Blushless DC Fan to keep the whole thing running cool.7.Nickel-plated steel with all stainless-steel hardware, every bolt and spacer.8.Super-Tough Baltic Birch-ply cabinet with Blonde Tolex covering.9.Proprietary Erase, Record, and Playback heads designed to outlive you.10.All Hand-Wired point-to-point Audio pathway. All Handmade in the U.S.A.11.Heavy duty Cordura Nylon Carrying bag w/ wood inserts for extra protection, and a handycarrying strap.12.2-Speed operation (with trimmer adjustment) for a choice between Hi-Fi or Warm Vintagesounds.13.Adjustable Tube-Powered Volume Control for up to 25 dB volume-boost.14.A Tone control affecting the Repeats only.15.Our own Echo Tape Cartridge (ETC-1) is loaded with Mastering quality tape and designedto last many months, unlike the few weeks you get from other Echoplex-type cartridges.This is a direct replacement for all Solid-State and Tube Echoplexes ever made.16.True Bypass toggle switch for setting the right Volume for your rig as well as a 1/4" jack for“Echo Cancel” allowing you to keep the TTE’s Tube Preamp in the signal path at all times.Echoplex is a registered Trademark of Gibson Guitar Corp. and is in no way affiliated with Fulltone musical Products Inc.Top Panel DiagramPage 3 Additional DiagramsOperating your Tube Tape EchoWARNING!Always unplug the guitar cable from the Main Output when not in use!Not doing so for an extended time period may cause the pinch roller to go out-of-round making the tape transport unstable, the repeats out of tune, and may void warranty service claims relating to this issue.WARNING! This unit operates at High-Voltages and, if misused, could cause serious injury or death. Care must be used at all times to ensure your safety and you should never remove the chassis from its wooden enclosure while it is plugged in! Your TTE should only be serviced by Fulltone or by a qualified Tech, with our permission only.Initial Set-UpRefer to Diagrams on Pages 2 and 31)Remove the Top Cover Plate(#32) by unscrewing the 2 thumbscrews (items # 32) andsliding the plate carefully off to the left side of the TTE.2)Make sure that the Thumbscrews for the Echo Tape cartridge (ETC-1) are secure (#30)and that the tape is following the correct path (see Tape Path diagram, Page 3) Make sure that the tape is not too loose, knotted up, or has not slipped away from any of the TapeGuides(#24 and #19) Make sure that it is seated properly on the Corner Roller(#25),resting under the Tape Felt(#26), and Tape Felt Tension Arm. (#27) Now check that the tape is resting between the Capstan and Pinch-roller(#16 and #17)3)Insert the detachable AC cable(#34) in to the TTE AC Inlet (#33) and connect other endto a 3-prong 120-volt wall outlet. Make sure to use the same outlet as your guitar amplifier to avoid possible grounding issues.4)Turn on the Main Power Switch(#35) and allow unit to run for about a minute, this letsthe Tubes warm up.5)Plug your guitar cable into the Input Jack. (#1)6)Slide the Transport Clutch lever(#13) to the right…this starts the Tape Rolling. Hold itthere and insert another guitar cable into the Main Output jack(#12). This cable holds the Transport Clutch Lever in place and keeps the Tape running while you’re using the TTE.Tip: Let the Tape Cartridge (ETC-1) run for a while and it will stabilize. When first turnedon, the ETC-1’s windings may be uneven and can cause the notes to seem out-of-tune.Allowing the ETC-1 to spin for a minute or so evens out the Tape windings so that it rollssmoothly and stays that way for the remainder of your session.7)Now connect the other end of the guitar cable to your amplifier.Let’s Play in Mono!Refer to Diagrams on Pages 2 and 3So you’ve gone through all of the steps in the “Initial Set-Up” Chapter?Now you’re ready to check a few more things and play.Terms: CW= Clockwise CCW= Counter-Clockwise1)You’re now running in Mono (only one amplifier) so make sure the Stereo ModeSwitch(#2) is set to Position 1 or Position 2, it makes no difference which of the two you choose. But if you set this switch to Position 3 you will only hear the “Echo” andnot the original note, which can be a bit confusing. See “STEREO” chapter for more in-depth discussion regarding this switch.2)Now locate the True Bypass Switch(#3) and toggle back and forth between“Bypassed” and “On” while strumming some open strings. Is the sound louder whenset to “Bypass” or when set to “On”? Setting this to “On” will send your Guitar signalthrough the all-Tube circuitry as well as allow you to add any amount of “Echo” to your sound. You can adjust the volume with the Guitar Volume knob. (#4) Turning thisknob clockwise will increase the level of the guitar sound.Tip: Set the “On” sound to be slightly louder than your “bypassed” sound and you will notice a bigger sound that will drive long lengths of guitar-cable while restoring that“punch” that is lost when there are too many effects in the signal chain between yourGuitar and Amp.3)Locate the Record Level trimmer(#6) and set it to about 3 O’clock. This trimmercontrols the strength of the signal being “printed” to tape. Turning the trimmer CWincreases the recording level. Tip: This trimmer should always be set to 3 O’clock orhigher because, the hotter the recorded signal, the lower the noise and the fatter thetone of the repeats. But don’t let this talk of Noise concern you…the TTE is quieterthan all analog delay pedals, most digital delay pedals, and many of the mostexpensive rackmount units!4)Locate the Echo Volume knob(#5) and turn it CW until you hear the desired level ofthe Echo Repeats. Turning this CCW makes the Echo repeats more faint sounding.Notice that there is a white silkscreen to the left of this knob, which highlights thesuggested useable range for the Echo Repeats. When properly set-up, your TTEshould offer an equal volume relationship between the Guitar and the Echo Repeatswith this knob set to about 9 O’clock. Tip: Operating your TTE in this range (or lower)results in optimal sound quality and lower noise/hiss.5)Now it’s time to decide what Delay Time you’d like: This can be accomplished bysetting/sliding the position of the moveable Playback Head. (#20) By sliding thePlayback Head to the right, you are making the repeats slower, also called longerdelay time. By sliding this to the left you are make the repeats faster, also calledshorter delay time.Let’s Play in Mono! (Continued)Refer to Diagrams on Pages 2 and 36)Another way to alter the available Delay Times is via the Tape Speed Switch. (#18)With this switch, you are given a choice of High Speed or Low Speed tapemovement, and you will see the Tape flow at a slower or faster rate depending on which setting you choose. Tip: As a general rule of thumb: The faster the tape speed, the more in-tune the repeats will be, the more full-range the repeats will sound, and the lower the noise level will be. Conversely, the slower the tape speed, the less in-tune the repeats will be, the warmer the repeats will sound, and you’ll get more of a “Vintage Echoplex” vibe!.Available Delay Range set to Low Speed (factory internal Trimmer setting):@ 40 milliseconds to 1.3 secondsAvailable Delay Range set to High Speed (factory internal trimmer setting):@ 20 milliseconds to 650 milliseconds7)Locate the Echo Repeats Knob, (#7) turning this CW will increase the number ofrepeats. Conversely, turning this knob CCW will reduce the number of echo repeats.Tip: Turn this knob up to around 2 O’clock or higher and you can get a very coolrecycling/regenerating sound that adds tremendous depth to (especially) non-distorted clean sounds.8)Locate the small Echo Tone trimmer (#8) and notice that as you turn this CW, therepeats sound brighter and a little louder. Conversely, turning this trimmer CCWwarms up the repeats and pushes them into the background. Tip: 12 O’clock or Lower is the normal setting when running the TTE at High Speed, but when running at Low Speed I find that 5 O’clock yields a nice clarity to the repeats.9)Playback & Echo On/Off jack (#10): This jack is designed to accept a standard ¼”one-button footswitch (not included) offering the ability to Cancel/Turn-on the Echo while still running through the TTE’s beautiful Tube circuitry at all times. Using a Two -button footswitch (not included) will allow both the ability to Cancel/Turn On the Echo AND to initiate the “Sound on Sound” feature. (More regarding this feature later) Tip: use the best quality cable you can find and the shortest length of cable necessary to get the job done for the footswitch because cheap wire and long cable lengths WILL degrade the sound quality and volume of the Echo Repeats!All about ((Stereo))Refer to Diagrams on Pages 2 and 3, and 9WARNING! Running multiple amps can be dangerous or even fatal due to the possibility of a ground loop being created when two or more AC powered devices do not share a common ground reference point. Care must be taken to ensure that your signal chain (effects, amps,and even P.A. system) is configured correctly to not only be hum-free, but to ensure the safetyof you and your band mates.One of the things you should do is to always put your various AC powered devices on thesame wall outlet to ensure proper grounding!Another thing that some people do is lift the ground on one or more of the AC powereddevices (in this case, the TTE) by placing a 3 to 2 prong ground lift adapter on the end of the Detachable AC cord. (See Page 9, Ground Lift Adapter Diagram) We cannot recommend thatyou use this (for legal reasons) but I personally do this while running stereo when the grounding issue dictates, and others are known to do this as well. If you do not have a Hum problem and are not receiving a shock there is no reason to use a Ground Lift Adapter.((Stereo))1)You’ve already got one amp hooked up to the Main Output Jack, now it’s time to takeanother guitar cable and plug it into Output 2 (#11) with the other end of this cableconnecting to your second amp.2)With the TTE on and warmed up, turn on both amps and (with your guitar volume setfull) let go of your strings and check for any audible buzzing due to grounding issues.Is there buzzing when you let go?No? Then proceed to Step 3.Yes? Then flip the ground switches on one or both of the amps until this goes away, oryou may choose to install the Ground Lift Adapter.3)Locate the Stereo Mode switch, (#2) this offers you 3 distinct stereo voicings:Position 1: Guitar and Echo out of both Outs.Position 2: Guitar+strong Echo from one Out, Guitar+slight echo on other.Position 3: Guitar-only out of one amp, Echo-only from other Out.4)Tips:Position 2 has a very lush, 3-dimensional sound that is my personal favoritewhen the TTE is set for longer delays, 500ms or longer.Position 3 is excellent for super-short, slap-back Country-Style stereo splits!Also, try making one amp wet (with Reverb) and one amp dry (without reverb)Service DiagramsService Diagrams (Continued)Tape, Tape Heads, and TransportRefer to diagrams on Pages 2 and 3Most of the procedures outlined on this page require the removal of the Top Cover Plate, for an explanation on how to do this, see page 4.Tape Cartridge (ETC-1)Your ETC-1 is a plastic cartridge that houses about 1 minute of Studio Mastering Quality Recording Tape. Under normal use, you should get many months of service out of the ETC-1, especially if you follow the guidelines set forth in this manual.Care must be taken at all times that the tape flows with proper tension, a key to the proper tension is the Tape Felt (#26) and Tape Felt Tension Arm (#27) believe it or not!The Tape Felt must be resting against your Tape, holding the Tape against the Corner Roller (#25), and this tension can be adjusted, although you won’t need to touch it until you change the ETC-1 further down the road. Tip: You’ll know when the pressure is correct when the Echo Repeats sound in-tune and are not modulating out of pitch in a rapid fashion.The way to adjust this pressure is simply by bending the Tape Felt Tension Arm until it is barely putting any pressure on the Corner Roller.Warning! If the Tape ever unravels and starts rolling off the TTE, remove the guitar cable from Main Output immediately, which will disengage the Transport Clutch (#13). Now check that the tape is following the Tape Path (page 3) correctly, not caught up on one of the Tape Guides (#19 and #24), and that there isn’t too much tension on the tape somewhere. After this is corrected, engage the Transport Clutch again and most likely the ETC-1 will stabilize after a minute or so of motion.Record/Erase and Playback HeadsThere are (what appear to be) only 2 heads on the TTE, one used to Record the signal (Record Head, #22) and one used to Playback the recorded-signal. (Playback Head, #21)But there is actually an Erase Head located within the Record Head assembly that erases the signal after the Tape makes a full pass through the ETC-1 approximately 1 minute after you’ve played something.Cleaning your Tape Path: Due to the ETC-1 being loaded with excellent quality tape, you won’t experience the shedding and build-up associated with other Echoplex-type tape cartridges.But occasional cleaning of the Heads, Tape Path, Capstan, and Pinch-roller are necessaryto keep the sound and performance up to par, perhaps once a month.First: Remove the tape from the Tape Path, and remove the ETC-1.Second: Use American Recorder Technologies () Item# S-721H-2 Tape head Cleaner. It costs $10 for a 2oz. Bottle and it is safe to use on the TTE’s, heads, rubber roller, all guides….everything!Pinch Roller (#17) DO NOT USE ALCOHOL to clean this as it will cause it to dry-out and crack! Again, I recommend using the S-721H-2 fluid.Tape, Tape Heads, and Transport (Continued)Refer to diagrams on Pages 2,3, 8 and 9With the TTE is turned on, dab some S-721H-2 on a Q-Tip, engage the Transport Clutch and press the swab up against the roller with pressure being careful not to get the swab caught in between the Pinch-Roller and the Capstan (#16).Repeat process until swab stays appears fairly clean and is relatively free from brown color. Now clean the Capstan in a similar manner.Demagnetizing Heads:Once every couple of months it’s not a bad idea to demagnetize the recording heads using a low powered demagnetizer such as the $19.95 cost item# FTNACHDDG sold by.Follow the instructions included with the demagnetizer, and always make sure that there is no audio recording tape within 10 feet of this thing when it’s on, and this includes the TTE’s ETC-1 cartridge.The following procedures require that the Chassis be removed from the cabinet. (Refer to the diagram at the top of Page 8) Remove the 4 Chassis screws and the 2 Bottom cabinet screws, but not until after you read the following!WARNING! Turn off and unplug the removable AC Cable from the TTE before disassembling your TTE. This unit contains High Voltages that may cause injury if you touch the wrong thing, so use caution or don’t attempt unless you know what you’re doing!Playback Headmount Adjustment:(Refer to Diagram on Page 8)The Playback Headmount must glide freely along the chassis yet be tight enough to not be pushed out of desired position by the moving Tape. This balance is achieved by a combination of grease and the proper tension applied by the two locknuts, which are accessed underneath the rear of the chassis. You shouldn’t have to adjust this, but should you need to, use Lithium grease and be sure not to get any on the Tape, Heads, or any other part of the Transport! Feel free to contact us for guidance if need be.High and Low Speed Trimmers:See page 9, Motor Assembly DiagramTrimmer 1 is for High Motor Speed fine adjustmentTrimmer 2 is for Low Motor Speed fine adjustmentThere’s no need to mess with these, but we’ve marked “factory settings” just in case you do and want to go back to our settings later. Caution: setting the Low speed trimmer too slow can cause the transport to become unstable and may cause the motor to emit a strange whining noise.Additional Tape Path MaintenancePage 13Tubes!Refer to Page 9, Main Chassis DiagramWarning! There are 3 Tubes in your TTE, two (V1 and V2) you can change if need be, and another one (V3) that you shouldn’t mess with!V2 is a 12AX7, which is powering the Guitar Preamp section, and V1 is a 12AX7/ECC83 powering the Echo “reproduction” stage of the circuit. You can experiment with other 12AX7’s but always test for noise and Microphonics. You can tailor the sound with V1 and V2.V3 is actually the most CRUCIAL tube choice and must be a JJ branded 12AU7/ECC82. No other tube should be used, otherwise you will get Hiss, a weak echo sound, and the unit won’t erase properly! It is used for the Bias Oscillator/Erase function of the TTE. Do not confuse the term “Bias” with the Bias you set on the output tubes of an amplifier, this Bias Section is a complex circuit specifically dedicated for the Erase Function of the TTE.Warning! Changing this tube to anything other than an JJ12AU7 may require an adjustment to the Bias Oscillator Trimmer(no diagram available), and you should contact us before attempting this procedure. The stock V3 tube should function trouble free for many years to come.You’ll notice that V3does not have a tube shield on it….since it is not an audio tube, there is no need to have a shield to shield out noise, and not having a shield allows it to run much cooler, thus allowing it to last for a very very long time.Converting Transformer to Operate at 220/240 Voltage Warning!This procedure is ONLY to be done by an experienced Technician. Serious injury or death and/or irreparable damage to the unit may occur if done improperly.Note: the only changes are to the White and Brown Wires…all other wires are left aloneWarranty Information:The TTE carries a 5 year Limited Warranty Parts and Labor to the original owner only. This warranty covers failure due to manufacturer’s error only and does not cover items that are prone to daily wear including the ETC-1.The Tubes carry a 3-month warranty that only covers failure, not breakage. Owner is responsible for all shipping and insurance charges both ways.Fulltone Musical Products Inc. (and its employees) is not liable for any damages or injuries resulting from the misuse of this unit and/or carelessness of the user.For service, please contact *****************Please check for regular revisions to the posted Acrobat PDF Manual or contact us for a printed revised version in the future.Fulltone Musical Products Inc.11018 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232fax 204-0156 email: *****************。
Parrot Minikit Neo 指南
Parrot Minikit Minikit neo 使用问答--1 电话功能MINIKIT NEO在使用时会以语音方式对您进行操作提示。
启用篇1、开启电源——打开MINIKIT NEO电源开关,MINIKIT NEO带内置高性能锂电池,正常充电即可。
拿起MINIKIT NEO,旋钮对着自己,短端的朝上,左边是开关键,右边是充电口,将左边的开关朝上推一下,MINIKIT NEO发出叮当提示音,即打开电源开关。
2、系统复位——将MINIKIT NEO的系统恢复至出厂状态,并清除所有配对信息、通信录开启电源后,同时按住旋钮左右两边的按键(红绿指示灯上方)3秒,红绿灯会同时闪烁,MINIKIT NEO会语音提示:内存清除正在进行,请稍候……约3秒后发出提示:请匹配系统,即可打开手机蓝牙进行配对。
蓝牙连接成功后,MINIKIT NEO会发出已连接的语音提示。
3、电话簿导入——MINIKIT NEO在与手机蓝牙连接成功后,会自动将手机通信录导入MINIKIT NEO中,依据通信录号码数量,请耐心等候1—2分钟。
完成后MINIKIT NEO会发出语音提示:下载完成。
注意系统复位可将MINIKIT NEO中的通信录清空,所以每次系统复位后通信录即被清除。
语音拨号功能需要在MINIKIT NEO与手机配对完成、通信录下载完成后方可使用,请按以下方法操作:1、按一下旋钮语音提示:电话薄2、顺时针旋转旋钮分别出现如下语音提示:✧电话簿✧音量✧添加语音标签✧语音识别选择✧指令词✧双模式停用✧更新3、按红键退出菜单,再按旋钮重新进入菜单至:指令词一栏按一下旋钮会发出语音提示:激活来电指令词,说:接听可接通电话。
目录7 第 1 章: iPad 概览7 iPad 概览8 配件9 按钮10 SIM 卡托架11 状态图标13 第 2 章:使用入门13 操作须知13 设置 iPad13 Apple ID14 设立邮件帐户和其他帐户14 管理 iPad 上的内容14 使用 iCloud15 将 iPad 连接到电脑16 与 iTunes 同步16 在 iPad 上查看此使用手册17 第 3 章:基本功能17 使用应用程序20 自定 iPad21 键入24 听写25 搜索26 通知27 共享28 将 iPad 连接到电视机或其他设备28 使用 AirPrint 打印29 蓝牙设备30 文件共享30 安全功能31 电池33 第 4 章: Siri33 Siri 是什么33 使用 Siri36 餐馆36 影片37 体育37 听写37 纠正 Siri239 第 5 章: Safari 41 第 6 章:邮件41 阅读邮件42 发送邮件42 整理邮件43 打印邮件和附件43 邮件帐户和设置45 第 7 章:信息45 发送和接收信息46 管理对话46 发送照片、视频等等46 “信息”设置47 第 8 章: FaceTime 49 第 9 章:相机49 概览50 查看、共享和打印50 编辑照片和修剪视频51 第 10 章:照片51 观看照片和视频52 整理照片和视频52 照片流53 共享照片和视频53 打印照片54 电子相框54 导入照片和视频55 第 11 章: Photo Booth55 拍照55 管理照片57 第 12 章:视频59 第 13 章:日历59 概览60 使用多个日历60 共享 iCloud 日历61 “日历”设置62 第 14 章:通讯录62 概览63 添加联系人63 “通讯录”设置64 第 15 章:备忘录64 概览目录 365 第 16 章:提醒事项67 第 17 章:时钟68 第 18 章:地图68 查找位置69 获取路线70 3D 视图和 Flyover 视图70 “地图”设置71 第 19 章:音乐71 获取音乐71 播放音乐72 Podcast 和有声读物73 播放列表73 Genius73 Siri74 iTunes Match74 家庭共享75 音乐设置76 第 20 章: iTunes Store 78 第 21 章: App Store78 概览79 删除应用程序80 第 22 章:报刊杂志81 第 23 章: iBooks81 概览82 阅读图书82 与多媒体进行互动82 学习笔记和词汇列表83 整理书架83 同步图书和 PDF83 打印 PDF 或用电子邮件发送 PDF84 iBooks 设置85 第 24 章: Podcast87 第 25 章: Game Center87 概览88 与朋友一起玩游戏88 Game Center 设置89 第 26 章:辅助功能89 辅助功能89 VoiceOver96 Siri96 连按三次主屏幕按钮96 缩放目录 497 大文本97 反转颜色97 朗读所选项97 朗读自动文本97 单声道音频97 可指定的铃声97 引导式访问98 AssistiveTouch98 OS X 中的辅助功能98 邮件的最小字体大小99 宽屏幕键盘99 隐藏式字幕100 第 27 章:设置100 飞行模式100 无线局域网101 VPN101 个人热点101 蓝牙102 蜂窝移动数据102 勿扰模式和通知103 通用106 声音107 亮度与墙纸107 电子相框107 隐私108 附录 A: iPad 商务应用108 iPad 在企业中的使用108 使用配置描述文件108 设置 Microsoft Exchange 帐户108 VPN 访问109 LDAP 和 CardDAV 帐户110 附录 B: 国际键盘110 使用国际键盘110 特殊输入法112 附录 C: 安全、操作与支持112 重要安全信息113 重要处理信息114 iPad 支持114 出现“电池电量不足”图像或“不在充电”信息114 iPad 不响应114 重新启动 iPad 和将它复位115 显示“密码不正确”或者“iPad 已停用”115 显示“iPad 不支持此配件”115 应用程序未填满屏幕115 屏幕键盘不出现115 备份 iPad116 更新和恢复 iPad 软件目录 5117 发送、接收或查看电子邮件118 声音、音乐和视频119 iTunes Store 和 App Store119 了解更多信息以及服务与支持120 处理和回收信息121 Apple 和环境目录 617阅读本章以了解 iPad 的功能以及如何使用各个控制等更多内容。
科猫产品说明书一、如何下载科猫APP?首次使用科猫APP需要下载、安装(ios系统在APP store/Android系统在应用宝搜索“科猫”),或者扫描下方二维码下载安装。
二、如何在科猫APP上注册账号?1. 安装成功,首次打开科猫APP,请点击【注册】按钮,如下图:2. 点击【注册】按钮后,进入“注册”页面。
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指令词 Words
Voice 语音 recognition 识别
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Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何调节音量?
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Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何浏览菜单?
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要浏览菜单,按下旋钮一次;然后,转动旋钮以听取不同的菜单。 按下旋钮或绿色键以确认您的选择。
Phonebook 电话簿
Update 更新
Volume 音量
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6. 确定 MINIKIT Neo 已被启 动,然后进入蓝牙设置,选 择扫描寻找设备
7. 可用蓝牙设备清单会被显视
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8. 选择 Parrot MINIKIT Neo
要取消语音识别 -在听到通话铃声前:说 “取消” 或按红色键 - 在听到通话铃声后:按下红色键
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Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何接听来电?
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Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何知道电池电量?
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要知道剩余的电池电量,在裝置處於開啟狀態時,將電池鍵向电池图 标方 向推前,裝置将播報剩余电池使用时间的百分比。
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Parrot S.A. – Strictly confidential
Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何添加语音标签?
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MINIKIT Neo 拥有先进的语音识别,这代表着您不需要训练软件来识别 您的声音。但您仍可以添加自己的语音标签给予特定联系人或作为联系快捷 方式。 1。按下旋钮并转动它,直到您听到 “添加语音 标签”,按一下作确定。 > MINIKIT 说出: “电话簿”
调整语音菜单的一般音量: 在空闲模式下,按下旋钮后转动它,直到听到 “音量”。
按下旋钮以作确定,然后向右或向左转 动旋钮调整音量。按一下以确定所选音量。
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在通话或音乐串流期间调节音量: 当正在使用装置进行通话或音乐音乐时,向右或向左转动 旋钮来调整 音量。 设置将被保存并留待下次使用。.
更新文件可到 的“支持” 部分免费下载。 1.点击您想下载的语言版本文件的相应图标以进行下载。 2.使用USB / 微型 USB连接线将 Parrot MINIKIT Neo 的连接到您的计算机(PC 或 Mac)。 3. 按下旋钮其转动它,直至您听到 “更新” 。 > MINIKIT 说出: “等待更新” 。 > 红、绿指示灯会同时亮起。 >在您的计算机屏幕上会出现一个弹出式窗 口。
您的手机已完成配对及连接程序 电话簿同步將會自動進行 请等候直到您的电话簿完全同步化...
注意:配对过程只需要在首次使用时进行 蓝牙连接将会于日后使用时自动进行
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2。转动旋钮选择字母,然后按一下作确定。 > MINIKIT 说出: “在嘟声后说出联系人的姓字”
3。读出联系人的名字 > MINIKIT 说出: “录音已完成”
Parrot S.A. – Strictly confidential
Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何启动语音识别?
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注意: 视乎您的手机型号,您可能需要受权装置以访问您的 联络人清单
12. 向下拖动状态栏,以打开“通知”面板。选择 电话号码簿访问提示。 13.点按 “总是允许”复 选框并按 OK 以确 定授权
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您的手机已完成配对并连接 请等候直到您的电话簿完全同步化... 现在,您可以使用您的装置拨打和接听免提通话!
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4.打开 MINIKIT 文件夹。拖放预先下载的 MINIKIT的更新文件到文件 夹中,像您平常将文件拖放到 U 盘内一样。等待直到传输完成。 5.将 MINIKIT 从计算机上断开。 >计算机显示设备可安全地从系统中移开”。 6.MINIKIT会说出:“更新进行中,请等候”。 红灯闪烁。 7.等待直到MINIKIT重新启动。 >MINIKIT一旦重新启动后,它会说出:“软 件更新完成”。
注意:配对过程只需要在首次使用时进行 蓝牙连接将会于日后使用时自动进行
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Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何与 iPhone 配对?
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1. 在主菜单中选择 设置
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当拨号指令词被激活: 当 Parrot MINIKIT Neo 在空闲模式,说出指令词“拨打电话”来启动语音 识别。装置会问:“您想要拨号至哪一个联络?”, 然后您便可说出联系人 的名称。
注意: 请检查拨号指令词是否被停用。如有需 要,请先将其激活。
7. 在清单上选择 Parrot MINIKIT Neo
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8. 在状态区上的蓝牙图标会转为蓝色,Parrot MINIKIT Neo 的状态会显示为已连 接
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9. 如有需要,键入 配对码 “0000”
10. 在弹出窗口按 “接 受”
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配对与连接状态会显示在 Parrot MINIKIT Neo 的名字下面。当 2 部装置 已连接上,蓝牙连接图标会显示在状态栏上。
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当拨号指令词被停用: 当Parrot MINIKIT Neo 在空闲模式或音乐串流中,按下绿色键来启动语 音识别。装置会问:“您想要拨号至哪一个联络人?” 语音识别是自动的,您不需要录制语音标 签,只需说出联系人的名称(已存储在电话 簿中联系人)。 MINIKIT Neo 会重复您的名称选择以作确认;如 有需要,或会向您要求更多细节(“李总: 机、家庭?”)
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要激活指令词,按下旋钮并转动它,直到听 到 “指令词” 。 按下旋钮并转动它,直到听到 “停用,拨号 指令词”。按下旋钮来激活此功能。
Parrot S.A. – Strictly confidential
Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何取消语音识别?
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在首次使用装置时,双模式被默认为 停用状态。
要激活双模式,按下旋钮并转动它, 直到您听到 “双模式”。 按下旋钮以激活双模式。
Parrot S.A. – Strictly confidential
Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何更新软件?
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Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何与安卓手机配对?
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1. 在主菜单中选择 设置
2. 选择无线与网络
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4. 点按复选框以打 开蓝牙
5. 蓝牙图标出现在 状态栏
当来电指令词被停用: 当 Parrot MINIKIT Neo 播读出来电者 ID,按绿色键来接听电话或者按红 色键来拒绝。
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当来电指令词被激活: 当 Parrot MINIKIT Neo 播读出来电者ID并询问您是否接听时,说出”接 听”或“拒绝”。 您仍然可以按绿色键来接听电话或者按红 色键来拒绝。
注意: 请检查来电指令词是否被停用。如有需 要,请先将其激活。
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Parrot MINIKIT Neo 如何激活双模式?