













●SF 系列高端中走丝线切割机床● 1SF 系列高端中走丝线切割机床合格证明书型号:_________ 出厂编号:___________规格:_________ 出厂日期:___________本机床执行GB/T7926-2005《电火花线切割机《电火花线切割机 精度》标准,经检验合格,准予出厂。


检验员:检验员: 质检部长:质检部长:(一)机床工作精度检验序号序号检验项目检验项目技术要求技术要求 允差值允差值 实测值实测值备注备注 1 工作台的平面度工作台的平面度在1000测量长度上为0.04≦0.020.022工作台移动在垂直面内的直线度直线度在100测量长度上为0.003,每增加200允差值增加0.0030.0063工作台移动在水平面内的平行度平行度在100测量长度上为0.006,每增加200允差值增加0.0030.0154工作台移动对工作面的平行度行度在100测量长度上为0.012,每增加200允差值增加0.0060.0155工作台横向移动对工作台纵向的垂直度纵向的垂直度0.0120.012//3000.0126 贮丝筒的圆跳动贮丝筒的圆跳动 0.015 0.017 纵剖面尺寸差纵剖面尺寸差 0.012~0.02 0.0128 横剖面尺寸差横剖面尺寸差 0.012~0.02 0.0129 Z 轴升降垂直度轴升降垂直度 0.02 0.0210 X 轴与U 轴的平行度轴的平行度 0.01 0.0111Y 轴与V 轴的平行度轴的平行度0.010.0112 表面粗糙度表面粗糙度 Ra 1.0μm~2.5μm ≦1.51.5三刀切割三刀切割(二)机床电气检查序号序号项目项目检验方法检验方法指标指标结果结果1 绝缘实验绝缘实验1、动力电路与保护电路。

控制电路,信号电路之间的绝缘电阻信号电路之间的绝缘电阻2、保护电路与控制电气,信号电路之间的绝缘电阻(用500V 兆欧表测量)兆欧表测量)不小于1MΩ2 耐压试验耐压试验1、短接的动力电路与保护电路之间、短接的动力电路与保护电路之间2、与动力电路连接的,额定点啊50V 以上的控制信号电路与保护电路之间(用耐压测试仪)(用耐压测试仪)1500V 连续一分钟无击穿电弧穿电弧3 保护电路的连续性保护电路的连续性外部保护导线端子与电气设备任何裸露导体零件和机床外壳之间的电阻露导体零件和机床外壳之间的电阻大于0.1Ω4 泄露电流泄露电流机床保护地与电网地断开,电流表接在机床保护地与交流电源进线的任一端机床保护地与交流电源进线的任一端不大于3.5mA5 机床空载试验机床空载试验 通电后,按操作循序检查各部位通电后,按操作循序检查各部位工作应正确可靠可靠。

Nailor 1110 1120 系列钢丝风泄流器说明说明书

Nailor 1110 1120 系列钢丝风泄流器说明说明书

CONTROL DAMPER OPTIONSC O N T R O LD A M PE R SOPTION CODESFF FLANGED FRONT FFB FLANGED FRONTWITH BOLT HOLESOPTION CODES FR FLANGED REAR FRB FLANGED REARWITH BOLT HOLESOPTION CODESFD DOUBLE FLANGE FDB DOUBLE FLANGEWITH BOLT HOLESAvailable as an option on Series 1000, 1100 and 2000 steel hat channel frame control dampers, the 1 1/2" (38) flanged frames allow for direct fastening to wall or unit housings as well as flanged ductwork. Damper inside dimension can be sized to match ductwork inside dimension, providing a smooth transition that produces lower pressure drop and less turbulence across the damper. Flange frames are also available with optional 9/32" (7) dia. bolt holes on 6" (152) centers for fast, convenient installation.SINGLE SECTION DAMPER SHOWN WITH FRB OPTION:FLANGED REAR FRAME WITH 9/32" (7) DIA.BOLT HOLES ON 6" (152) CENTERS.MULTIPLE SECTION DAMPER SHOWN WITH FR OPTION:FLANGED REAR FRAME (JACKSHAFT NOT SHOWN)CONTROL DAMPERSCONTROL DAMPERS • LOW LEAKAGE • STEEL AIRFOILNailor Industries Inc. certifies that the Models 1110 and 1120 Dampers shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCALEAKAGE CLASS:Maximum leakage permitted for Class rating is as follows:Class 1A: 3 cfm/sq. ft. @ 1" w.g. (15.2 l/s/m 2 @ 0.25 kPa)Class 1:8 cfm/sq. ft. @ 4" w.g.(41 l/s/m 2 @ 1.0 kPa)Leakage tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Data based on a torque of 7" lbs./sq. ft. (m inimum 20" lbs.) applied to hold the damper in closed position. Leakage class is based on operation between 50°F and 104°F (10°C and 40°C). Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs/ft 3.Pressure drop tested per AMCA Standard 500-D, Figure 5.3.Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs/ft 3.The 1100 Series with its standard maximum single section and multiple section sizing limitation may be used in applications with system pressures of up to 8.0" w.g.. The 1100 Series may also be used in systems with higher total pressures by reducing the damper section width as shown in the table.DYNAMIC LIMITATIONS:PERFORMANCE DATA:MODELS: 1110 AND 1120(2)(4)(5)(10)(15)(30)(35)Air Velocity in feet per minute (m/s).01(3).2(50).02(5).03(8).1(25).04(10).08(20).05(13).06(15) t a t i c P r e s s u r e D r o p i n i n c h e s w .g . (P a )(3)PRESSURE DROP (damper fully open):Damper Width Maximum System Pressure Maximum System Velocity in.mm 4812198.0" w.g.4000 fpm 3691410.0" w.g.4500 fpm 2461012.0" w.g.5000 fpm 1230514.0" w.g.6000 fpmDamper Width @ 1" w.g.(0.25 kPa)@ 4" w.g.(1.0 kPa)12" (305)1A 124" (610)1A 136" (914)1A 148" (1219)1A1CONTROL DAMPERSPressure drop tested per AMCA Standard 500-D, Figure 5.3. Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs/ft.3.Nailor Industries Inc. certifies that the Model 2020 Damper shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with The 2000 Series with its standard maximum single section and multiple section sizing limitation may be used in applications with system pressures of up to 5.0" w.g..The 2000 Series may also be used in systems with higher total pressures by reducing the damper section width as shown in the table.PERFORMANCE DATA:MODELS: 2010 AND 2020Damper @ 1"w.g. @ 4"w.g. Width (0.25 kPa) (1.0 kPa)12"(305) 1A 1 24"(610) 1A 1 36"(914) 1A 1 48"(1219) 1A 1 60"(1524) 1A 1LEAKAGE CLASS:Damper Maximum Maximum Width System System Pressure Velocity in. mm 60 1524 5.0" w.g. 3000 fpm 48 1219 8.0" w.g. 4000 fpm 36 914 10.0" w.g. 4500 fpm 24 610 12.0" w.g. 5000 fpm 12 305 14.0" w.g. 6000 fpmDYNAMIC LIMITATIONS:Maximum leakage permitted for Class rating is as follows:Class 1A: 3 cfm/sq. ft. @ 1" w.g. (15.2 l/s/m 2@ 0.25 kPa)Class 1: 8 cfm/sq. ft. @ 4" w.g. (41 l/s/m 2@ 1.0 kPa)Leakage tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Data based on a torque of 8" lbs./sq. ft. (m inimum 20"lbs.) applied to hold the damper in closed position. Leakage class is based on operation between 50°F and 104°F (10°C and 40°C). Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs./ft.3(2)(4)(5)(10)(15)(30)(35)Air Velocity in feet per minute (m/s).01(3).008(1).2(50).02(5).03(8).1(25).04(10).08(20).05(13).06(15) t a t i c P r e s s u r e D r o p i n i n c h e s w .g . (P a )(3)PRESSURE DROP (damper fully open):C O N T R O LD A M PE R SNailor Industries Inc. certifies that theModel 2020-EAF Damper shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified The 2000 Series with its standard maximum single section and multiple section sizing limitation may be used in applications with system pressures of up to 5.0" w.g..The 2000 Series may also be used in systems with higher total pressures by reducing the damper section width as shown in the table.PERFORMANCE DATA:MODELS: 2010-EAF AND 2020-EAFDamper @ 1"w.g. @ 4"w.g. Width (0.25 kPa) (1.0 kPa)12"(305) 1A 1 24"(610) 1A 1 36"(914) 1A 1 48"(1219) 1A 1 60"(1524) 1A 1LEAKAGE CLASS:Damper Maximum Maximum Width System System Pressure Velocity in. mm 60 1524 5.0" w.g. 3000 fpm 48 1219 8.0" w.g. 4000 fpm 36 914 10.0" w.g. 4500 fpm 24 610 12.0" w.g. 5000 fpm 12 305 14.0" w.g. 6000 fpmDYNAMIC LIMITATIONS:Maximum leakage permitted for Class rating is as follows:Class 1A: 3 cfm/sq. ft. @ 1" w.g. (15.2 l/s/m 2@ 0.25 kPa)Class 1: 8 cfm/sq. ft. @ 4" w.g. (41 l/s/m 2@ 1.0 kPa)Leakage tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Data based on a torque of 8" lbs./sq. ft. (m inimum 20"lbs.) applied to hold the damper in closed position. Leakage class is based on operation between 50°F and 104°F (10°C and 40°C). Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs./ft.3Pressure drop tested per AMCA Standard 500-D, Figure 5.3. Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs/ft.3.300(2)700(4)1000(5)2000(10)3000(15)6000(30)7000(35)Air Velocity in feet per minute (m/s).01(3).2(50).02(5).03(8).1(25).04(10).08(20).05(13).06(15) t a t i c P r e s s u r e D r o p i n i n c h e s w .g . (P a )500(3)PRESSURE DROP (damper fully open):CONTROL DAMPERS • AIRFOIL • INSULATEDCONTROL DAMPERSBNailor Industries Inc. certifies that the Model 2020-IBF Damper shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply The 2000 Series with its standard maximum single section and multiple section sizing limitation may be used in applications with system pressures of up to 5.0" w.g..The 2000 Series may also be used in systems with higher total pressures by reducing the damper section width as shown in the table.PERFORMANCE DATA:Damper @ 1"w.g. @ 4"w.g. Width (0.25 kPa) (1.0 kPa)12"(305) 1A 1 24"(610) 1A 1 36"(914) 1A 1 48"(1219) 1A 1 60"(1524) 1A 1LEAKAGE CLASS:Damper Maximum Maximum Width System System Pressure Velocity in. mm 60 1524 5.0" w.g. 3000 fpm 48 1219 8.0" w.g. 4000 fpm 36 914 10.0" w.g. 4500 fpm 24 610 12.0" w.g. 5000 fpm 12 305 14.0" w.g. 6000 fpmDYNAMIC LIMITATIONS:Maximum leakage permitted for Class rating is as follows:Class 1A: 3 cfm/sq. ft. @ 1" w.g. (15.2 l/s/m 2@ 0.25 kPa)Class 1: 8 cfm/sq. ft. @ 4" w.g. (41 l/s/m 2@ 1.0 kPa)Leakage tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Databased on a torque of 8" lbs./sq. ft. (m inimum 20"lbs.) applied to hold the damper in closed position. Leakage class is based on operation between 50°F and 104°F (10°C and 40°C). Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs./ft.330070010002000300060007000.01(3).008(1).2(50).02(5).03(8).1(25).04(10).08(20).05(13).06(15) t a t i c P r e s s u r e D r o p i n i n c h e s w .g . (P a )500PRESSURE DROP (damper fully open):。



光纤寻障仪SF-2011说明书金赛讯(天津)电子技术有限公司目录目录 (2)第一章概述 (3)第二章产品参数 (4)2.1特性 (4)2.2产品参数 (4)第三章操作指南 (6)3.1使用说明 (6)3.2面板外观示意图 (7)3.3关机 (7)第一章概述SF-2011型Mini OTDR产品,运用先进的光反射时域分析技术,主要用于光纤断点定位以,光纤长度测量。






第二章产品参数2.1特性手持,便携式外观设计最多五处问题点显示功能五位液晶数值显示3分钟自动关机电池不足告警自动脉宽调整支持USB数据传送2.2产品参数光缆断点寻障仪●探头类型:FC/APC或FC/PC●光源类型:DFB型脉冲激光器●光源波长:1550nm±20m●测量光纤类型:适用于G652型单模光纤●测量精度:有反射断点:±10m,无反射断点:±200m ●测量精度:±(2m +2x10E-4 距离)●最小盲区:20m●最大测量距离:30km 或50km●解析度:0.001km●显示单位:km可见光●光源波长:650nm●输出功率:1mW●接头类型:万能头电源●电池类型:两节5号电池●电池工作时间(常温):大于1000次或可见光连续工作10小时以上●自动关机时间:3分钟使用环境●工作温度:0℃ to +40℃●存储温度:-20℃ to +70℃●相对湿度:0 to 95%(无冷凝)物理特性●尺寸(mm):●重量(kg): 0.3第三章操作指南3.1使用说明●按压键实现开/关机动作,启动时自动校准10秒之后进入待机状态,若3分钟内无按键操作,仪表自动关机。



万联芯城专注电子元器件配单服务,只售原装 现货库存,万联芯城电子元器件全国供应,专为终端生产,研发 企业提供现货物料,价格优势明显,万联芯城电子元器件BOM配套 业务,客户提交物料清单,商城进行报价,整单采购可享优惠价 ,订单最快可当天发出,为客户节省采购时间,提高生产效率, 点击进入万度传感器-露点完全校准,数字输出-优秀的长期稳定不需要外部组件-超低功耗表面挂载或4-pin完全互换小尺寸自动功率downSHT1x / SHT7x产品SummaryThe SHTxx是单个芯片相对湿度副多传感器模块组成一个calibrateddigital输出。工业 CMOS工艺与专利微加工(CMOSens®技术)的应用,SHT11确保最高的可靠性和优良的长期稳定性。SHT11该装置包括用于相对湿度的电 容式聚合物传感元件和带隙温度传感器。两者都无缝地连接到一个14位模拟到数字转换器和一个串行接口电路在同一芯片上。这导致 了优越的信号质量,快速的响应时间和对外部干扰(EMC)不敏感,在一个非常有竞争力的价格。每个SHTxx都在一个精密的湿度室中单 独校准,并以一个冷镜湿度计作为参考。校准系数被编程到OTPmemory中。这些系数在测量过程中用于内部校准传感器发出的信号。2 线串行接口和内部电压调节,方便快捷的系统集成。它的小尺寸和低功耗使其成为最苛刻的应用程序的最终选择。该设备以表面可安 装的LCC(无铅芯片载体)或可插入的4针单线式封装方式提供。可根据客户要求提供特定的包装选项。1应用程序hvac_automotive_消费 品_气象站_加湿器_除湿器2.2.1串行时钟输入(SCK) SCK用于同步ena单片机与SHTxx之间的通信。SHT11由于接口是完全静态逻辑的, 所以不存在最小的SCKfrequency.2.2.2串行数据(data)数据三态引脚用于在设备内外传输数据。数据在下降沿后发生变化,在串行时钟 SCK上升沿上是有效的。在传输过程中,当SCK高时,数据线必须保持稳定。为了避免信号争用,微控制器应该只驱动低数据。外部上 拉电阻(例如10 kΩ)需要把信号高。(见图2)微控制器的I/O电路中经常包含有上拉电阻。见表5详细IO特征。(1)每个SHTxx测试完全在RH 精度规格25°C (77°F)和48°C (118.4°F)(2)默认的测量分辨率的14位(温度)和12位(湿度)可以减少到12和8位状态寄存器。2.2.3发送命 令启动传输时,必须发出“传输开始”顺序。它包括在SCK高时降低数据行,然后在SCK上降低脉冲,在SCK高时再次提高数据。接下 来的命令由三个地址位(目前只支持“000”)和五个命令位组成。SHTxx通过在第8个SCK时钟下降沿后将数据引脚拉低(ACK位)来指示 正确接收命令。数据线在第9个SCK时钟的下降边缘后被释放(并上升)。SHT11表2SHTxx命令列表2.2.4测量顺序(RH和T)在发出测量命令 (RH为“00000101”,温度为“00000011”)后,控制器必须等待测量完成。对于8/12/14位的测量,这大约需要11/55/210毫秒。与内部振 荡器的速度相比,精确的时间间隔可达±15%。为了表示测量完成,SHTxx向下拉数据线并进入空闲模式。在重新启动SCK读取数据之 前,控制器必须等待这个“数据就绪”信号。测量数据被存储到读出,因此控制器可以继续执行其他任务并方便地读出。然后传输两 个字节的测量数据和一个字节的CRCchecksum。uC必须通过将数据线拉低来识别每个字节。所有值都是MSB优先,右对齐。(例如,第 5个SCK是msb,对于一个12位的值,对于一个8位的结果,SHT11不使用第一个字节)。通信在rc数据的确认位之后终止。如果不使用 CRC-8校验和,控制器可以在测量数据sb之后通过保持ack高电平终止通信。测量和通信结束后,设备自动返回睡眠模式。警告:为了使 自热温度保持在0.1℃以下,shtxxi的激活时间不应超过10%(例如:max。如果与设备失去通信,以下信号序列将重置其串行接口:在保持数 据高的同时,切换sck9或更多次。这之后必须在下一个命令之前执行“传输开始”顺序。此序列仅重置接口。状态寄存器保存其内容。 图4连接复位顺序2.2.6 CRC-8校验和计算整个数字传输由8位校验和保护。它确保任何错误的数据可以被检测和消除。有关如何计算结 直肠癌的资料,请参阅申请须知“CRC-8校验和计算”。



合用标准文案10kV S11 系列低耗费节能变压器技术参数高压: 10(6 、 6.3 、10、 10.5 、11) 低压:联系组:或调压范围:± 5%或± 2×2.5%产品型号额定容量 耗费(W)短路阻抗空载电流重 量 (kg)轨距外形尺寸 (kVA)(%)(%)〔mm 〕〔mm 〕空 载 负 载 器身重 油重 总重S11-30/10 30 90 600 15080 295 450955×450×1010 S11-50/10 50 130 870 22095 400 1000×460×1075S11-63/10 63 150 1040 260 100 450 1005×465×1115 S11-80/10 80 175 1250 295110 5101025×510×1140 S11-100/10 100 200 1500 390135 645 5501145×535×1255 S11-125/10 125 235 1800430145 705 1160×560×1285S11-160/10 160 270 2200 495165 810 1190×610×1355 S11-200/10 200 325 2600 585 180 935 1220×660×1400 S11-250/10 250 395 3050 665200 1050 1240×690×1440 S11-315/10 315 475 3650 760215 1195 6601255×815×1495 S11-400/10 400 565 4300 960265 1480 1420×745×1540S11-500/10 500 675 5100 1145 295 1735 1470×795×1635 S11-630/10 630 805 6200 1270 330 1995 1540×915×1615S11-800/10 800 980 75001640425 2550 8201955×935×1995S11-1000/10 1000 1155 103001770500 3020 ××2145 1070 2030 S11-1250/10 1250 1365 120002140 655 3690 2170×1080×2205S11-1600/10 1600 1650 14500 259572543152280×1160×2340S11-2000/102000 1950 17150 S11-2500/10250022802030010kV 级 S9 系列和 S9-M 系列无励磁调压配电变压器技术参数SC〔B〕9 干式变压器性能参数、外形及安装尺寸:性能参数尺寸型号阻抗电压空载耗费负载耗费 W空载电流重量 kg噪音 dB 外形尺寸 L×B×H L1mmL2mmL3mmB1mmB2mm Uk%W〔120℃〕 I0%SC9-1004501600421100×710×1000 660660320 310 250600 SC9-1255301950421160×710×1095 660660350 310 250690 SC9-1606102250431200×710×1095 660660370 315 255790 SC9-2007002670431240×870×1165 820820370 315 228920 SC9-25048102910451280×870×1185 820820395 325 2351080 SC9-3159903680461320×870×12858208204103382501480 SCB9-40011004220471480×870×13658208204353402501720 SCB9-50013055170481540×870×14208208204353452551920 SCB9-63015006200491550×870×16108206604903683002210合用标准文案SCB9-63014606310501580×870×1425 820 820 4903783052250 SCB9-80017107370511650×1120×1540 1070 1070 5103823052650 SCB9-100019908610511690×1120×1660 1070 1070 5453853102960 SCB9-12506235010260521720×1120×1780 1070 1070 5554103153375 SCB9-1600275512420531740×1120×1920 1070 1070 5704303354640 SCB9-2000373515300531760×1120×2050 1070 1070 5754403354768 SCB9-2500450018200541800×1120×2140 1070 1070 6004453406650合用标准文案SC(B)10 干式变压器性能参数、外形及安装尺寸:性能参数尺寸型号阻抗电压空载耗费负载耗费 W空载电流噪音外形尺寸重量 kgL1mmL2mmL3mmB1mmB2mm Uk%W〔120℃〕I0%dB L×B×HSC10-1004001570421120×710×1020660660320310250630 SC10-1254701840421180×710×1060660660350310250730 SC10-1605402130431220×710×1110660660370315258810 SC10-2006202520431260×870×1185820820370315228950 SC10-25047202750451300×870×12008208203953252551110 SC10-3158803470461340×870×13008208204103382551260 SCB10-4009803990471500×870×13858208204353402551550 SCB10-50011604880481560×870×14408208204353453051750 SCB10-63013405870491570×870×16208206604903683001900合用标准文案SCB10-63013005960501600×870×1440 820 820 3783104901880 SCB10-80015206950511670×1120×1560 1070 1070 5103823102180 SCB10-100017708130511700×1120×1680 1070 1070 5453853152620 SCB10-1250620909690521740×1120×1800 1070 1070 5554103202910 SCB10-1600245011730531760×1120×1940 1070 1070 5704303403930 SCB10-2000332014450531780×1120×2070 1070 1070 5754403454230 SCB10-2500400017170541820×1120×2160 1070 1070 600445350523010kV 级 S7 系列变压器技术参数合用标准文案产品型号额定容量耗费(W) (kVA)空载负载S7-30/1030149792 S7-50/10501871152 S7-63/10632201398 S7-80/10802661614 S7-100/101003021925 S7-125/101253462438 S7-160/101604432771 S7-200/102005383431 S7-250/102506053935 S7-315/103157664795 S7-400/104008755800 S7-500/1050010306686 S7-630/1063012908169 S7-800/1080014769680 S7-1000/101000177711530 S7-1250/101250219813793短路阻抗空载电流(%)(%)8重量 (kg)器身重油重总重143742932219240825510547029911152933412861438215371447016984052819795563721111057402451283897279153510703371857138********178********2036692320222537753513轨距外形尺寸〔mm〕〔mm〕一、 S7 系列 35kV 节能电力变压器电气参数额定额定电压 (kV)耗费 (W)短路阻 联接重量 (kg)外形尺寸 (mm)空载电轨距 (mm)型号容量高压低压空载 短路抗 (%)组标 器身油 油箱附总重长宽高(kVA) 流 (%)件号S7-50/35 50 265 1350 365 300 220 785 1110 895 1735 660 ×660S7-100/35 10370 2250 514 355 270 1035 1170 1010 1855 660 ×660S7-125/35 125 420 2650 580 410 290 1170 1210 1050 1935 660 ×660S7-160/35 160 470 3150 685 465 320 1360 1225 1105 2025 660 ×660S7-200/35 200 550 3700 795 515 380 1575 1280 1120 2060 660 ×660S7-250/35 250640 4400 925560 400 1755 1365 1100 2120 660 ×660S7-315/35 315 3576053001045 630 450 1995 1755 980 2205 660 ×660S7-400/35 400 920 6400 Yyn01210 685 505 2270 1875 1045 2270 660 ×660S7-500/35 500 1080 7700 1410 805 585 2650 1995 1145 2335 820 ×820S7-630/35 630 1300 92001570 905 680 2990 2045 1245 2420 820 ×820S7-800/358001540 11000 2050 1080 950 3850 2330 1165 2715 820 ×820S7-1000/35 1000 1800 13500 2375 1240 1120 4525 2235 1250 2880 820 ×820S7-1250/35 12502200 16300 2685 1405 1315 5170 2265 1320 2965 820 ×820S7-1600/35 16002650 1950030301535152558452505145030451070 ×1070S7-400/35 400 10920 6400 13158096802555188510002300660×820 S7-500/35 500 351080 7700S7-630/356301300 920019809659803700230011652700 820×820YdllS7-800/35 800351540 11000 2180 1225 1025 4175 2200 1190 2760 930× 1070 S7-1000/35 10001800 13500 2370 1260 1106 4470 2265 1260 2880 970×820S7-1250/35 12502200 163002685141512955110226513202965820×82010S7-1600/35 16002650 1950028001510152055452500130529651070 ×1070优秀文档额定容量kVA30508010012516020025031540050063063080010001250160020002500联系组电压组合高压分接标号高压 kV范围 %6Yyn0±5%或或Dyn1110±2×2.5%11合用标准文案10kV 级 SCB11型树脂浇注干式电力变压器主要技术参数空载电空载耗费负载耗费阻抗电重量噪声 (dB)低压 kV流%W〔120℃〕 W 压%(kg)175********2459504004433513104804536015005204542517555504849520216104856524009504865026201020487953300120050885379014805010504640165052121555851820521170566518505213706610230054160077202650541885921030005522101150380056299013730460056360016*********。

Guardmaster 440C-CR30 Safety Relay 版本11 目录号440C-CR

Guardmaster 440C-CR30 Safety Relay 版本11 目录号440C-CR

Release NotesOriginal InstructionsGuardmaster 440C-CR30 Safety Relay, Revision 11Catalog Number 440C-CR30-22BBBSummary of ChangesThis publication contains the following new or updated information. This list includes substantive updates only and is not intended to reflect all changes.About This PublicationThese release notes supplement the existing documentation supplied with your product. Read this document before using Guardmaster® 440C-CR30 safety relays.Firmware Revision HistoryAvailability of Enhancements and Anomaly FixesEnhancements are available in the safety relay only if it is at the required firmware revision or higher and the Connected Components Workbench™ or Studio 5000 Logix Designer® project contains a safety relay that is configured with the required firmware revision or higher. If the project contains a safety relay revision that is lower than the required revision for an enhancement, then the project is still valid but the enhancement will not be available until the project is upgraded to the minimum supported revision.Fixes for firmware anomalies are available as long as the safety relay firmware revision is at the minimum revision or higher. The configured safety relay revision must be of the same major revision.The following tables provide a list of enhancements, known anomalies, and corrected anomalies for the CR30 safety relay firmware revisions.EnhancementsTopicPage Updated Firmware Revision History 1Updated Table 22Updated image in step 23Revision Description6.004First revision release [safety firmware 0A.01]6.006Minor revision release [safety firmware 0A.02]7.006Major revision release [safety firmware 0A.02]8.013Major revision release [safety firmware 0A.02]9.004Major revision release [safety firmware 0A.02]10.004Major revision release [safety firmware 0A.03]10.009Minor revision release [safety firmware 0A.03]10.010Minor revision release [safety firmware 0A.03]10.011Minor revision release [safety firmware 0A.03]Table 1 - EnhancementsEnhancement (1)DescriptionAvailable From Firmware RevisionLock control function support New Lock Control function is now supported forissuing an unlock request to a safety gate withguard locking.10.004Mode selection function support New Mode Selection Safety Monitoring Function is now supported.10.004Mute function enhancements New Muting function block has been enhanced to support a mute enable input, a mute fault manual monitored reset and now offers a secondary output based on the override status.10.004Status function supportNew Status functions for monitoring andannunciating function block faults or ‘waiting for reset’ conditions.10.004Reusable feedback supportNew ability to apply feedback inputs to multiple Safety Output Functions.10.004Single input And withRestartenhancement New ability for the And with Restart logic function to support one input.10.004PanelView Plus Tag browsing support With release 8.00 of FactoryTalk® View Studio, PanelView™ Plus can communicate to CR30 safety relays using EDS parameter browsing over EtherNet/IP™.9.004Nesting of Logic Level Function blocksNew ability to use the output state of a logic block immediately above another logic block as an input condition.9.004Inverting of Logic Level Inputs/Outputs New ability to invert (logical NOT) of inputs and outputs of Logic Level function blocks.9.004Output Loop Safety Monitoring Function support New Output Loop Safety Monitoring Function that allows the logical state of a Safety Output Function to be used as an input condition.9.004RS Flip-Flop Logic Function support New RS Flip-Flop Logic function is now supported in the Logic level columns of the Logic Editor.9.004440C-ENET plug-in supportThe EtherNet/IP plug-in provides both I/O messaging and explicit messaging. The safety relay can now be configured over EtherNet/IP using either Connected Component Workbench or an Add-on Profile (AOP) in Studio 5000 Logix Designer application.8.013Standard Signal Safety Monitoring Function support New Standard Signal Safety Monitoring Function that allows the use of standard control signals from digital plug-ins or communication ports to be used in the logic of the safety relay.8.013Project Upgrade featureProjects developed for earlier versions of firmware can be automatically converted into the latest version of firmware supported.8.0132080-MEMBAK-RTC plug-in support Project backup and restore are supported on CR30 safety relays through the 2080-MEMBAK-RTC module.7.0062080-IQ4 plug-in supportThe 2080-IQ4 digital input plug-in provides 4-pt standard rated 12/24V DC digital input expansion. It can be used in slot 1 and/or slot 2 module bays.7.0062Rockwell Automation Publication 440C-RN001H-EN-P - December 2020Guardmaster 440C-CR30 Safety Relay, Revision 11 Release NotesAnomalies2080-OB4 plug-in support The 2080-OB4 digital output plug-in provides 4-pt standard rated 12/24V DC sourcing output expansion. It can be used in slot 1 and/or slot 2 module bays.7.0062080-OW4I plug-in supportThe 2080-OW4I relay output plug-in provides 4-pt standard rated relay output, individually isolated, 2A expansion. It can be used in slot 1 and/or slot 2 module bays.7.006Unique function block name supportUnique names can be assigned to the Safety Monitoring Function blocks and the Safety Output Function blocks. These names are stored in the project that is loaded to the safety relay and can be recovered by an upload.7.006Password protection Software connections including Upload, Download,and Connect can be restricted through passwordprotection.7.006(1)For more information, see publication 440C-UM001.Table 2 - Known and Corrected AnomaliesAnomalyDescriptionAffected Firmware Revisions Corrected Firmware Revision Discrepancy Fault on Power-upDevices with pulse testing outputs would sometimes cause a discrepancy fault in the CR30 safety relay upon power-up. On power-up, the Channel Test during the first logic scan when transitioning from self-test to run mode has been removed to help prevent the discrepancy fault.See publication 440C-UM001 for details.6.0046.0067.0068.0139.00410.00410.00910.01010.011Memory Module Incompatibility Safety relay fails to recognize 2080-MEMBAK-RTC memory modules that are manufactured on or after 2016/02/11.APBC000280011 6.0046.0067.0068.0139.00410.00410.00910.010Memory Module Update When updating a safety relay from a previous firmware revision to firmware 10 using thememory module the restore operation must be performed twice (the first process updates thefirmware, the second process restores the user configuration). 6.004 6.0067.0068.0139.004Configuration loss on power cycleDuring specific power down conditions, the safety relay could be interrupted while writing a fault condition to its nonvolatile memory. On power up, the memory is evaluated as corrupted and the user configuration is discarded.APBC00026898 6.0046.0067.0068.0139.00410.00410.009Connection failure with Add-on Profile (AOP) major revision 1The safety relay rejects an I/O connection that originates from the safety relay AOP (versions 1.013 and versions 1.014) when Compatible Keying and Major Revision 8 or later is configured.APBC000271569.00410.004Download faultA download could result in a major fault on the safety relay, Type 06, Code 20 – Configuration Fault.APBC000251087.0068.0139.00410.004Download over Ethernet faultA download over Ethernet to the safety relay could result in a Type 05, Code 00 – Internal Safety Synch Fault.APBC000236608.0139.00410.004Unexpected disconnect from safety relay Occasionally Connected ComponentsWorkbench software would unexpectedly disconnect while connected to a password protected safety relay.APBC000248668.0139.004Table 1 - Enhancements (Continued)Enhancement (1)DescriptionAvailable From Firmware RevisionLocked by another connection error Attempts to connect to the safety relay arerejected and erroneously reports “CR30 has been locked by another, new connection is not allowed.”APBC000248678.0139.004No reconfiguration after EEPROM fault After the safety relay experiences a memory fault (Type 5 Code 00), the safety relay does not accept a new download.APBC00024866 6.0046.0067.0068.0139.004Muting L-Type reports incorrect fault description Under specific configuration conditions, the Muting T Type function block incorrectly reports a mute sensor timing fault when actually a sequence fault occurred.APBC000237318.0139.004Network address changes require power cycle Changes to the 440C-ENET Ethernet portsettings, duplicate IP address detection, and DHCP vs. static IP address settings may require a power cycle to take effect.APBC000241338.0139.004Power-up faultVariations in 24V DC supply power to the CR30 safety relay during power-up could lead to power fault: Type 04, Code 01.APBC000244266.0046.0067.0068.013Discrepancy fault after power-upVariations in 24V DC supply power to the CR30 safety relay during power-up could lead to adiscrepancy fault on any dual channel Safety Monitoring Function: “One channel open after reset” 6.0046.0067.0068.013Empty fault logModbus reporting of the fault log always returns 0, indicating no fault, even if faults are present in the log.APBC00025011 6.0046.0067.0068.013Incorrect Mode The safety relay will return to Run Mode after downloading a valid configuration to a unit that has experienced a nonrecoverable fault.APBC000257716.0046.0067.0068.013Modbus fault state cleared in Program Mode The safety relay does not report faultinformation over Modbus once the safety relay is placed in Program Mode.6.0046.0067.0068.013Memory module firmware update failure The memory module is unable to upgrade a firmware revision 7 safety relay to version 8 or later 7.006L-Type muting override conditionOverride for L-Type muting cannot be initiated when only the light curtain is interrupted (no mute sensors).6.0046.0067.006Two Hand Control at power up Two Hand Control does not fault at power up if buttons are pressed. 6.0046.0067.006Override conditionsFor muting applications, mute sensor interrupted or timing faults should be only conditions that allow override to be initiated.6.0046.0067.006Serial port doesnot shutdownWhen the serial port is configured as shutdown,it still responds to Modbus messages.APBC00020590 6.0046.0067.006Input filters greater than 200 ms create nonrecoverable fault When an input filter of greater than 200 ms is configured on any Safety Monitoring function, a nonrecoverable fault is generated when the configuration is downloaded to the safety relay.APBC00020589 6.0046.0067.006Missing plug-in slot 1 without fault log entry A missing plug-in module configured in slot 1 and not actually present results in a fault but no fault log entry is created.APBC00018493 6.0046.0067.006Plug-inmismatch with duplicate fault log entriesA mismatch between the plug-in present on slot 1 and the actual plug-in present results in duplicate entries in the fault log.APBC000205086.0046.0067.006Plug-in outputs fail to configure When Plug-in outputs terminals are selected asoutputs for Safety Output Functions, they fail toturn on when the corresponding Safety OutputFunction turns on.APBC000201036.004 6.006Table 2 - Known and Corrected Anomalies (Continued)AnomalyDescriptionAffected Firmware Revisions Corrected Firmware RevisionRockwell Automation Publication 440C-RN001H-EN-P - December 20203Guardmaster 440C-CR30 Safety Relay, Revision 11 Release NotesUse DMK FilesFirmware for the CR30 safety relay beginning with firmware revision 10.009 uses a new file format called *.DMK. These files are named for easy identification, for example: 440C-CR30-22BBB_10.009.dmk.ControlFLASH™ software, version 13 or later, supports the format. ControlFLASH software is automatically installed as part of Studio 5000 Logix Designer application installation, version 28 or later. You can download ControlFLASH software from the Rockwell Automation Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC - rok.auto/pcdc ) separately, if necessary.You are not required to install the new firmware file format. When you download *.DMK files from the Rockwell Automation PCDC, ControlFLASH softwareautomatically saves the folder location where the *.DMK files were downloaded. As a result, ControlFLASH software can easily locate *.DMK files.You can use the Browse option to access and configure the folders that ControlFLASH software monitors as shown:Upgrade Safety Relay FirmwareThis procedure shows you how to update the firmware in a CR30 safety relay using ControlFLASH. To download the latest CR30 safety relay firmware revision, go to the PCDC (PCDC - rok.auto/pcdc ) and select your desired revision.On CR30 safety relays, you can upgrade your safety relays through the Ethernet port on the 440C-ENET plug-in module and the USB.Through USB1.Verify successful RSLinx® Classic communications with you CR30 safety relay by USB using RSWho. The CR30 safety relay uses the AB_VBP-x driver.2.Start ControlFLASH (Start > All Programs > FLASH Programming Tools > ControlFlash) and click Next >.3.Select the catalog number of the CR30 safety relay (440C-CR30-22BBB) that you are updating and click Next >.4.Select the safety relay in the browse window and click OK.Communication fault without fault log entryIf the host microprocessor within the CR30safety relay loses communication with the safety processors a fault is generated but no fault log entry is createdAPBC00020302 6.0046.006Fault log index changes after power cycleAfter a power cycle of the safety relay,previously detected faults index by one within the fault log.APBC000186376.004 6.006Inverted image of downloadprogram notcompared After performing a download, the inverted datais sent back from the safety relay to Connected Components Workbench software but not compared as an additional diagnostic check.APBC00020430 6.004 6.006Download through virtual image failsDownload of a program to the safety relay occasionally fails due to connection timeout when downloading through a virtual image.6.004 6.006ATTENTION: All Ethernet settings are reverted to factory default after a ControlFLASH firmware update.Table 2 - Known and Corrected Anomalies (Continued)AnomalyDescriptionAffected Firmware Revisions Corrected Firmware Revision IMPORTANTTo update your safety relay successfully, it must be in Program Mode or BOOT Loader mode. The safety relay can be placed into Program Mode from the Graphic Overview screen in Connected Component Workbench software, the Logic Configuration tab in the Logix Designer module profile or placed in BOOT Loader mode by holding the MEM/ID button located below the USB port on the safety relay during power-up.Publication 440C-RN001H-EN-P - December 2020 | Supersedes Publication 440C-RN001G-EN-P - April 2016Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş. Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400 EEE Yönetmeliğine UygundurAllen-Bradley, Connected Components Workbench, ControlFLASH, expanding human possibility, FactoryTalk, Guardmaster, PanelView,Rockwell Automation, RSLinx, and Studio 5000 Logix Designer are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ODVA, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Your comments help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our content, complete the form at rok.auto/docfeedback .For technical support, visit rok.auto/support.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental compliance information on its website at rok.auto/pec .At the end of life, this equipment should be collected separately from any unsorted municipal waste.5.Verify the revision, and click Next > to continue.6.Click Finish.7.Click Yes to initiate the update.The next screen shows the download progress.If you see the following error message, verify that the safety relay is in Run mode. If so, change to Program or BOOT Loader mode by pressing theMEM/ID switch during power-up of the CR30 safety relay, click OK, and try again.When the update is complete, you see a screen similar to the following.Click OK to complete the update.。

小度写范文40mm榴弹发射器 新加坡STK公司 40mm榴弹发射器及榴弹模板

小度写范文40mm榴弹发射器 新加坡STK公司 40mm榴弹发射器及榴弹模板






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榴弹发射器CIS40 GL式40mm枪挂榴弹发射器新力坡技术动力公司的前身是新加坡特许武器工业公司,其研制的CIS40GL式40mm枪挂榴弹发射器主要装备新力坡军队,用于杀伤有生目标和毁伤各种轻型装甲目标。



Features·Low Leakage·Low Forward Voltage Drop ·High Current Capability·Super-fast Switching Speed < 35ns ·Plastic Material: UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0Mechanical Data·Case: Molded Plastic·Terminals: Plated Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202 Method 208·Polarity: Color Band Denotes Cathode ·Approx. Weight: 0.3 grams ·Mounting Position: AnyRatings at 25°C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.Maximum Ratings and Electrical CharacteristicsCharacteristicSymbol SF11SF12SF13SF14Unit Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage V RRM 50100150200V Maximum RMS Voltage V RMS 3570105140V Maximum DC Blocking voltageV DC 50100150200V Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current .375"9.5mm Lead Length @ T A =55°C I (AV) 1.0A Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC method)I FM 30A Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 1.0A DCV f 0.975V Maximum DC Reverse Current at Rated DC Blocking VoltageI R 5.0m A Maximum DC Reverse Current at Rated DC Blocking Voltage @ T A = 150°C I R 50m A Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (Note 1)T rr 35ns Typical Junction Capacitance (Note 2)C J 63pF Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT J ,T STG-65 to + 175°CNotes:1. Reverse Recovery Test Conditions: I F =0.5 A, I R =1.0 A,I RR =0.25A2. Measured at 1.0MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V.SF11 - SF141.0A SUPER-FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERAAB CDDO-41Dim Min Max A 25.4—B 4.1 5.2C 0.710.86D2.02.7All Dimensions in mm0.010.11.010I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (m A )PERCENT OF PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE Fig.2Typical Reverse Characteristics0.0010.010.11.01000. 1.0 1.2 1.4I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig.3Typ.Instantaneous Fwd Characteristics10203040P E A K F O R W A R D S U R G E C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )NUMBER OF CYCLESAT 60HzFig.4Max Non-Repetitive Peak Fwd Surge Current (A)10203040700.1 1.010*******J U N C T I O N C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Fig.5Typical JunctionCapacitance1.00255075100125150175A V E R A G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (ºC)Fig.1Typical Forward Current Derating Curve。



SG 电火花线切割中速走丝控制柜使用说明书本线切割智能控制柜,是基于HF加工软件平台,自主开发的一款全新的线切割机床加工控制系统(具有自主知识产权)。


其卓越加工性能足以给传统的快走丝线切割行业带来一场新的革命!1.主要技术参数㈠最大加工速度:150平方毫米/min㈡最佳表面粗糙度:Ra 1.0μm2.操作说明1. 16A415V五芯电源插座为控制柜的电源输入端。


2. 26芯航空插座是控制柜与机床连接的端口之一。

定义如下:注:●1、12脚为步进电机公共电源24V+●2至11脚、13至18脚为步进电机驱动信号●19脚为取样+;20脚为取样-●21、22为高频+;23、24为高频-3. 20芯航空插座是控制柜与机床连接的端口之二。

定义如下:注:●1、2、3为运丝电机电源(采用三角形接法,电压220V)●4脚α:为停机行程开关常闭点一端●5脚β:运丝开按钮常开点的一端●6脚γ:接左行程开关开点●7脚δ:接右行程开关开点●8脚ε:接左右行程开关公共点●9、10脚接断丝保护●11脚为运丝开运丝关公共端●15、16是一组24V直流电,用作机床照明电源●17脚是运丝电机及水泵电机的接地端●18,19,20脚为水泵电源.如是220V的18、20为水泵电源停机行程开关脚机床行程开关,运丝按钮接线图㈢参数设置 10523148加工设置段号脉宽脉间功率管频率高低压在切割加工之前,须进行加工参数设置(加工参数设置面板的功能定义见下图)。






编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.管子及管件1.1 P 管子 Pipe1.2 EL 弯头 Elbow1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow1.3 T 三通 Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer 1.5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing1.7 UN 活接头 Union1.8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2.法兰2.1 PLG 法兰 Flange2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰 Threaded flange2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰 Reducing flange2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling face2.2.1 FF 全平面 Flat face2.2.2 RF 凸台面 Raised face2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面 Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面 Female face2.2.5 LM 凸面 Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面 Ring joint face2.2.7 TG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面 Tongue face2.2.9 GF 槽面 Groove face3 .垫片3.1 G 垫片 Gasket3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasket3.1.1.2 RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasket 3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gasket3.1.2.1 MJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasket3.1.2.2 SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket3.1.3 MG 金属垫片 Metallic gasket3.1.3.1 FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasket LER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gasket3.1.3.4 OCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasket3.1.3.5 OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring gasket3.1.3.6 IR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ring IR 内定位环 Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环 Outer ring4 .坚固件4.1 B 螺栓 Bolt4.1.1 SB 螺柱 Stud bolt4.2 NU 螺母 Nut4.3 TB 花蓝螺母 Turnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈 Washer4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5 .阀门5.1 GV 闸阀 Gate valve5.2 GLV 截止阀 Globe valve5.3 CHV 止回阀 Check valve5.4 BUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀 Ball valve5.6 PV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)5.7 CV 调节阀 Control valve5.8 SV 安全阀 Safety valve5.9 RV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valve5.10 ST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap5.11 PRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valve5.12 BV 呼吸阀 Breather valve5.13 NV 针形阀 Needle valve5.14 AV 角阀5.15 DV 隔膜阀5.16 TWV 三通阀5.17 SGV 插板阀6. 管道上用的小型设备6.1 SPR 气液分离器 Separator6.2 FA 阻火器 Flame arrester6.3 SR 过滤器 Strainer6.3.1 SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainer6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainer6.4 SIL 消声器 Silencer6.5 SG 视镜 Slight glass6.6 SC 取样冷却器 Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗 Drain funnel6.8 LM 管道混合器 Line mixer6.9 RO 限流孔板 Restriction orifice6.9.1 MO 混合孔板 Mixing orifice6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture disk6.11 EJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7. 隔热、伴热7.1 INS 隔热 Thermal insulation7.1.1 H 保温 Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷 Cold insulation7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulation 7.2 T&I 伴热 Tracing and insulation7.3 T 管道伴热(冷) Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracing7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracing7.3.4 ET 电伴热 Electric tracing8 .配管材料和等级8.1 M 金属材料 Metallic material8.1.1 CS 碳钢 Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢 Cast steel8.1.3 FS 锻钢 Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢 Alloy steel8.1.5 SS 不锈钢 Stainless steel8.1.6 AUST SS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steel 8.1.7 CI 铸铁 Cast iron8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁 Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁 Ductile iron8.1.10 AL 铝 Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜 Brass8.1.12 BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜 Copper8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steel8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy steel8.2 THK 壁厚 Thickness8.2.1 SCH 表号 Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准 Standard8.2.3 XS 加强 Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强 Double extra strong9. 装置布置9.1 CN 建北 Construction north9.2 E 东 East9.3 W 西 West9.4 S 南 South9.5 N 北 North9.6 H 水平 Horizontal9.7 V 竖直、铅直、直立 Vertical9.8 GRD 地坪 Ground9.9 UG 地下 Underground9.10 BL 装置边界线 Battery limit line9.11 ESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer 9.12 HS 软管站 Hose station9.13 ML 接续分界线 Match line9.14 PS 管道支架(管架) Piping support9.15 PR 管桥 Pipe rack9.16 STRU 构架(构筑物) Structure9.17 BLDG 建筑物 Building9.18 PD 清扫设施 Purge device9.19 PT 池 Pit9.20 SHLT 棚 Shelter9.21 COFF 围堰 Cofferdam9.22 FL 楼板 Floor9.23 PF 平台 Plateform10 .尺寸标注10.1 EL 标高 Elevation10.2 BOP 管底 Bottom of pipe10.3 COP 管中心 Center of pipe10.4 TOP 管顶 Top of pipe10.5 FOB 底平 Flat on bottom10.6 FOT 顶平 Flat on top10.7 CL(屯) 中心线 Center line10.8 TL 切线 Tangent line10.9 SYM 对称的 Symmetrical10.10 BOS 支架底 Bottom of support10.11 TOS 支架顶 Top of support10.12 CL 净距(净空) Clearance10.13 CTC 中心至中心 Center to center10.14 CTF 中心至面 Center to face10.15 CTE 中心至端部 Center to end10.16 ETE 端到端 End to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面 Flange and face10.18 FTF 面到面 Face to face10.19 D 直径 Diameter10.20 DN 公称直径 Nominal diameter10.21 ID 内径 Inside diameter10.22 OD 外径 Outside diameter10.23 DIM 尺寸 Dimension10.24 MAX 最大 Maximum10.25 MIN 最小 Minimum10.26 AVG 平均 Average10.27 APP 约、近似 Approximate10.28 PT.EL 点标高 Point elevation11. 图表11.1 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagram11.2 PID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument diagram11.3 COD 接续图 Continued on drawing11.4 DTL 详图 Datail11.5 SPDWG (ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing) 11.6 DWGNO 图号 Drawing number11.7 DWGI 所在图号 Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表 List of material11.9 MTO 汇料 Material take-off11.10 APPX 附录 Appendix11.11 JOB. No. 工号 Job Number11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design data11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering design data11.14 REV. No. 修改号 Recision number11.15 REF DWG 参考图 Reference drawing11.16 SC 采样接口 Sample connection12 .操作方式及工作参数12.1 AUT 自动 Automatic12.2 ML 手动 Manual control12.3 CHOP 链条操作 Chain operated12.4 CSC 铅封关 Car seal close12.5 CSO 铅封开 Car seal open12.6 LC 锁闭 Lock closed12.7 LO 锁开 Lock open12.8 NC 正常关 Normally close12.9 NO 正常开 Normally open12.10 ATM 大气压 Atmosphere12.11 PN 公称压力 Nominal pressure12.12 A 绝压12.13 G 表压12.14 (T) 温度 Temperature12.15 (P) 压力 Pressure13 .施工13.1 W 焊接 Welding13.1.1 AW 电弧焊 Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion welding13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance welding13.1.5 GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊 Lap welding13.1.7 BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊 Tack welding13.1.9 SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊 Continuous welding13.1.11 SEW 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊 Surfacing13.1.13 FW 现场焊接 Field welding13.2 HT 热处理 Heat treatment13.2.1 PH 预热 Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除 Stress relief13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatment13.3 EIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing 13.3.1 VE 外观检查 Visual examination13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test)13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic inspection (test)13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test) 13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testing13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testing13.3.9 CE 焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12 F 现场 Field13.3.13 F/F 现场制造 Field fabricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定 Suit in field13.3.15 CSP 冷紧 Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening13.3.18 CO 清洗口 Clean out13.3.19 ANNY 退火 Annealed13.4 PE 平端面 Plain end13.5 BE 坡口端 Belelled end13.6 THR 螺纹 Thread13.7 HB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardness13.8 RC 洛氏硬度14. 其他14.1 FDN 基础 Foundation14.2 INF 信息(资料) Information14.3 REF 参考 Reference14.4 REV 修改 Revision14.5 SEQ 序号(顺序) Sequence14.6 W/E 设备带来 With equipment14.7 W/I 仪表带来 With instrument14.8 CM 色标 Colour mark14.9 CA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowance14.10 UTL 公用系统 Utility14.11 UC 公用工程接头 Utility connection14.12 QTY 数量 Quantity14.13 WT 重量 Weight14.14 MHR 工时 Man hour14.15 BC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circle14.16 HP 高点 High point14.17 LP 低点 Low point14.18 SUC 吸入(口) Suction14.19 DIS 排出(口) Discharge14.20 SO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam out14.21 NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe thread 14.22 NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread 14.23 DR 排液 Drain14.24 VT 放气 Vent14.25 RTG (压力)等级 Rating14.26 CL 等级 Class14.27 SMLS 无缝 Seamless。



Features·Low Leakage·Low Forward Voltage Drop ·High Current Capability·Super-fast Switching Speed < 35ns ·Plastic Material: UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0Mechanical Data·Case: Molded Plastic·Terminals: Plated Axial Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202 Method 208·Polarity: Color Band Denotes Cathode ·Approx. Weight: 0.3 grams ·Mounting Position: AnyRatings at 25°C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.Maximum Ratings and Electrical CharacteristicsCharacteristicSymbol SF11SF12SF13SF14Unit Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage V RRM 50100150200V Maximum RMS Voltage V RMS 3570105140V Maximum DC Blocking voltageV DC 50100150200V Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current .375"9.5mm Lead Length @ T A =55°C I (AV) 1.0A Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC method)I FM 30A Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 1.0A DCV f 0.975V Maximum DC Reverse Current at Rated DC Blocking VoltageI R 5.0m A Maximum DC Reverse Current at Rated DC Blocking Voltage @ T A = 150°C I R 50m A Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (Note 1)T rr 35ns Typical Junction Capacitance (Note 2)C J 63pF Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT J ,T STG-65 to + 175°CNotes:1. Reverse Recovery Test Conditions: I F =0.5 A, I R =1.0 A,I RR =0.25A2. Measured at 1.0MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V.SF11 - SF141.0A SUPER-FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERAAB CDDO-41Dim Min Max A 25.4—B 4.1 5.2C 0.710.86D2.02.7All Dimensions in mm0.010.11.010I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (m A )PERCENT OF PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE Fig.2Typical Reverse Characteristics0.0010.010.11.01000. 1.0 1.2 1.4I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig.3Typ.Instantaneous Fwd Characteristics10203040P E A K F O R W A R D S U R G E C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )NUMBER OF CYCLESAT 60HzFig.4Max Non-Repetitive Peak Fwd Surge Current (A)10203040700.1 1.010*******J U N C T I O N C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Fig.5Typical JunctionCapacitance1.00255075100125150175A V E R A G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (ºC)Fig.1Typical Forward Current Derating Curve。

SFH 221;中文规格书,Datasheet资料

SFH 221;中文规格书,Datasheet资料

SFH 221Silizium-Differential-Fotodiode Silicon Differential PhotodiodeLead (Pb) Free Product - RoHS Compliant2007-04-031Wesentliche Merkmale•Speziell geeignet für Anwendungen im Bereich von 400 nm bis 1100 nm •Hohe Fotoempfindlichkeit•Hermetisch dichte Metallbauform (ähnlich TO-5), geeignet bis 125 °C 1)•Doppeldiode von extrem hoher Gleichmäβigkeit Anwendungen •Nachlaufsteuerungen •Kantenführung •Industrieelektronik•…Messen/Steuern/Regeln“1)Eine Abstimmung der Einsatzbedingungen mit dem Hersteller wird empfohlen bei T A > 85 °C1)For operating conditions of T A > 85 °C please contact us.Typ Type Bestellnummer Ordering Code SFH 221Q62702P0270Features•Especially suitable for applications from 400 nm to 1100 nm •High photosensitivity•Hermetically sealed metal package (similar to TO-5), suitable up to 125 °C 1)•Double diode with extremely high homogeneousness Applications •Follow-up controls •Edge drives•Industrial electronics•For control and drive circuitsGrenzwerte Maximum RatingsBezeichnung Parameter SymbolSymbolWertValueEinheitUnitBetriebs- und Lagertemperatur Operating and storage temperature range Top; T stg– 40 … + 125°CSperrspannung Reverse voltage VR10VIsolationsspannung gegen Gehäuse Insulation voltage vs. package VIS100VVerlustleistung, T A = 25 °C Total power dissipation Ptot50mWKennwerte (T A = 25 °C, Normlicht A, T = 2856 K) für jede Einzeldiode Characteristics (T A = 25 °C, standard light A, T = 2856 K) per single diodeBezeichnung Parameter SymbolSymbolWertValueEinheitUnitFotoempfindlichkeit, V R = 5 VSpectral sensitivityS24 (≥ 15)nA/IxWellenlänge der max. FotoempfindlichkeitWavelength of max. sensitivityλS max900nmSpektraler Bereich der FotoempfindlichkeitS = 10% von SmaxSpectral range of sensitivityS = 10% of Smaxλ400 … 1100nmBestrahlungsempfindliche FlächeRadiant sensitive areaA 1.54mm2Abmessung der bestrahlungsempfindlichen Fläche Dimensions of radiant sensitive area L×BL×W0.7 × 2.2mm²Halbwinkel Half angle ϕ± 55Graddeg.Dunkelstrom, V R = 10 V Dark current IR10 (≤ 100)nASpektrale Fotoempfindlichkeit, λ = 850 nm Spectral sensitivity Sλ0.55A/W2007-04-0322007-04-033Maximale Abweichung der Fotoempfindlichkeit vom MittelwertMax. deviation of the system spectral sensitivity from the averageΔS± 5%Quantenausbeute, λ = 850 nm Quantum yieldη0.80Electrons Photon Leerlaufspannung, E v = 1000 Ix Open-circuit voltageV O 330 (≥ 280)mV Kurzschlu βstrom, E v = 1000 Ix Short-circuit current I SC 24μA Isolationsstrom, V IS = 100 V Insulation currentI IS 0.1 (≤ 1)nA Anstiegs- und Abfallzeit des Fotostromes Rise and fall time of the photocurrentR L = 1 k Ω; V R = 5 V; λ = 850 nm; I p = 25 μA t r , t f500nsDurchla βspannung, I F = 40 mA, E = 0 Forward voltageV F 1.0V Kapazität, V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 CapacitanceC 025pF Temperaturkoeffizient für V O Temperature coefficient of V O TC V – 2.6mV/K Temperaturkoeffizient für I SC Temperature coefficient of I SCTC I 0.18%/K Rauschäquivalente Strahlungsleistung Noise equivalent power V R = 10 V, λ = 850 nmNEP1.0 × 10–13Nachweisgrenze, V R = 10 V, λ = 850 nm Detection limitD*1.2 × 1012Kennwerte (T A = 25 °C, Normlicht A, T = 2856 K) für jede EinzeldiodeCharacteristics (T A = 25 °C, standard light A, T = 2856 K) per single diode (cont’d)Bezeichnung ParameterSymbol Symbol Wert Value Einheit Unit W Hz -----------cm Hz ×W--------------------------2007-04-034OPTO SEMICONDUCTORSRelative Spectral SensitivityDark CurrentDirectional Characteristics S Photocurrent I P = f (Ev ), VR = 5 V CapacitanceTotal Power Dissipation Dark CurrentMaßzeichnungPackage OutlinesMaße in mm (inch) / Dimensions in mm (inch).2007-04-035LötbedingungenSoldering ConditionsWellenlöten (TTW)(nach CECC 00802)TTW Soldering(acc. to CECC 00802)OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbHWernerwerkstrasse 2, D-93049 Regensburg© All Rights Reserved.The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics.Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact our Sales Organization.PackingPlease use the recycling operators known to you. We can also help you – get in touch with your nearest sales office. By agreement we will take packing material back, if it is sorted. You must bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred.Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose! Critical components 1 , may only be used in life-support devices or systems 2 with the express written approval of OSRAM OS.1 A critical component is a component usedin a life-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness of that device or system.2 Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or maintain and sustain human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user may be endangered.2007-04-036分销商库存信息: OSRAMSFH 221。

SFH 5110-40;SFH 5110-38;SFH 5110-30;SFH 5110-36;中文规格书,Datasheet资料

SFH 5110-40;SFH 5110-38;SFH 5110-30;SFH 5110-36;中文规格书,Datasheet资料

SFH 5110IR-Empfänger für FernbedienungenIR-Receiver for Remote Control SystemsLead (Pb) Free Product - RoHS Compliant2008-10-061BeschreibungSFH 5110 ist ein Infrarot-Empfänger für die Erken-nung von Signalen aus Infrarot-Fernbedienungs-systemen und bestehen aus Fotodiode, Vorver-stärker, automatischer Verstärkungsregelung,Bandpaß-Filter und Demodulator. Das Gehäuse ist zur Unterdrückung des Tageslichteinflusses schwarz eingefärbt.Wesentliche Merkmale•IC mit monolithisch integrierter Fotodiode (Ein-Chip Lösung)•Speziell geeignet für Anwendungen von 940nm•Hohe Empfindlichkeit•Verschiedene Trägerfrequenzen erhältlich •TTL und CMOS kompatibel •Ausgang: aktiv …Low“Anwendungen•Empfänger in Fernbedienungen für TV,Videorecorder, HiFi, Satellitenempfänger und CD-Spieler•Um hohe Sicherheit bei der Datenübertragung zu erreichen, sind fehlerkorrigierende Codes einzusetztenDescriptionSFH 5110 is a IR receiver to detect light from infrared remote control systems. The IC includes photodiode, preamplifier, automatic gain control,bandpass and demodulator. The black-colored package is designed as daylight-cutoff filter.Features•IC with monolithic integrated photodiode (single chip solution)•Especially suitable for applications of 940nm •High sensitivity•Various carrier frequencies available •TTL and CMOS compatibility •Output: active LowApplications•Remote control module for TV sets, VCRs, hi-fi audio receivers, SAT receivers and compact disk players•For safe data transmission error tolerant codes have to be used2008-10-062Typ TypeTrägerfrequ.Carrier Frequency kHz Bestellnr.Ordering CodeSFH 5110-301)1)Mindestbestellmenge 80000 Stück / Minimum order quantity 80000 pieces30Q62702P5088SFH 5110-331)33Q62702P5089SFH 5110-3636Q62702P5090SFH 5110-3838Q62702P5091SFH 5110-401)40Q62702P5092A Maximum RatingsBezeichnung Parameter SymbolSymbolWertValueEinheitUnitBetriebs- und Lagertemperatur Operation and storage temperature range TopTstg– 10…+ 75– 30…+ 100°CBetriebsspannung Supply voltage VCC6.3VAusgangsspannung Output voltage VOUT6.3VAusgangsstrom Output current IOUT3mAVerlustleistungTotal power dissipation, T A≤ 85 °C Ptot50mWEmpfohlener Arbeitsbereich Recommended Operating ConditionsBezeichnung Parameter SymbolSymbolWertValueEinheitUnitmin.typ.max.Betriebstemperatur Operating temperature Top–10–75°CBetriebsspannung Supply Voltage Vcc4.55.0 5.5VKennwerte (T A = 25°C) CharacteristicsBezeichnung Parameter SymbolSymbolWertValueEinheitUnitmin.typ.max.Stromaufnahme, V CC = 5 V, E = 0 Current consumption ICC– 1.3–mAWellenlänge der max. FotoempfindlichkeitWavelength of max. sensitivityλs max–940–nmSpektraler Bereich der Fotoempfindlichkeit1)Spectral range of sensitivityλ830–1100nm2008-10-0632008-10-064Ausgangsspannung Output voltageOutput “High” - (I out = 10 μA)Output “Low” - (I out = 500 μA)V OUT high V OUT low V cc -0.5––––0.5VTrägerfrequenz Carrier frequency SFH 5110-30SFH 5110-33SFH 5110-36SFH 5110-38SFH 5110-40f 0–3033363840–kHzMin. Bestrahlungsstärke (Testsignal, s. Fig.3)Min. Threshold irradiance (test signal, see Fig.3)f = f 0, t p,I = 600 μsE e min–0.350.5mW/m 2Min. Eingangspulsbreite …ON“(Testsignal, s. Fig.3)2)Min. Input pulse width “ON”(test signal, see Fig.3)1)t p,I 6/f O––μsAusgangspulsbreite …ON“(Testsignal, s. Fig.3)Output pulse width “ON” (test signal, see Fig.3, E e = 1 mW/m 2)t p,O t p,I– 6/f O–t p,I+ 6/f Oμs50%-Filterbandbreite, f = f O , E V = 0, V CC = 5 V 50%-Filter bandwidthΔf 50%3–6kHz1)Außerhalb des spezifizierten Bereiches der Fotoempfindlichkeit besitzt der SFH 5110 eine Restempfindlichkeit. D.h.Lichtquellen außerhalb des spezifizierten Wellenlängenbereiches des Sensors können den Baustein beeinflussen und zum Durchschalten führen.1)Beyond the specified spectral range of sensitivity the SFH 5110 has a strongly reduced, but non-zero sensitivity.Light sources with wavelengths outside the spectral range may influence the device and result in switching.2)Die volle Empfindlichkeit wird bei einer Burstlänge von mindestens 6 Pulsen erreicht. Die Reichweite bei Verwendung eines typischen Senders (SFH 4510/SFH 4515, I F = 500 mA) beträgt etwa 30 m.2)A minimum burst length of 6 pulses is necessary for full sensitivity. The transmission distance with a typical transmitter (SFH 4510/SFH 4515, I F = 500 mA) is about 30 m.A Characteristics (cont’d)Bezeichnung ParameterSymbol SymbolWert Value Einheit Unit min.typ.max.Figure1BlockschaltbildBlock DiagramFigure2Externe BeschaltungExternal Circuit2008-10-065Figure3Optisches TestsignalOptical Test SignalAnmerkungen / Notes- Abhängig von den Umgebungsbedingungen, z.B in Form von externen Lichtquellen, elektro-magnetischer Strahlung und Rauschen der Versorgungsspannung, kann es zum sporadischen Durchschalten des Ausgang kommen, selbst wenn kein optisches Signal angelegt wird! Um Fehlinterpretationen der übermittelten Daten zu verhindern, sind fehlerkorrigierende Codes einzusetzen.- Environmental conditions, e.g. external light sources, electromagnetic interference and supply voltage noise , may cause sporadic switching at the output, even without an optical input signal! To avoid misinterpretation of the transmitted data, error tolerant codes must be used.Für weitere Informationen lesen Sie bitte die Application Note des SFH 5110:For further information please read the application note of the SFH 5110:Gerneral Application Note for SFH 511X2008-10-066Relative Spectral Sensitivityf)Vertical Directivity ϕyHorizontal Directivity ϕx2008-10-067MaßzeichnungPackage OutlinesMaße in mm (inch) / Dimensions in mm (inch).2008-10-068LötbedingungenSoldering ConditionsWellenlöten (TTW)(nach CECC 00802)Published byOSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbHWernerwerkstrasse 2, D-93049 Regensburg© All Rights Reserved.The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics.Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact our Sales Organization.PackingPlease use the recycling operators known to you. We can also help you – get in touch with your nearest sales office. By agreement we will take packing material back, if it is sorted. You must bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred.Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose! Critical components 1 , may only be used in life-support devices or systems 2 with the express written approval of OSRAM OS.1 A critical component is a component usedin a life-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness of that device or system.2 Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or maintain and sustain human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user may be endangered.2008-10-069分销商库存信息:OSRAMSFH 5110-40SFH 5110-38SFH 5110-30 SFH 5110-36。

伺服电机 型号:SGLG SGLF SGLT 产品手册说明书

伺服电机 型号:SGLG SGLF SGLT 产品手册说明书

直线伺服电机Σ-7系列AC伺服驱动器资料编号 YASMNSV-16011C12345678910伺服电机的基本信息容量选择SGLG型伺服电机的规格、额定值、外形尺寸SGLF型伺服电机的规格、额定值、外形尺寸SGLT型伺服电机的规格、额定值、外形尺寸装置设计注意事项伺服电机的安装线性编码器的连接伺服电机和伺服单元的连接维护·检查型号:SGLG/SGLF/SGLT产品手册未经本公司的书面许可,严禁转载或复制本书的部分或全部内容。











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SG 速度先锋电火花线切割控制柜使用说明书第一章速度先锋线切割控制柜1.概述:速度先锋型脉冲电源是我厂最新研制成功的新一代带MCU控制的高效率、高光洁度快速走丝线切割脉冲电源(具有自主知识产权),其主要特点:1.1新型大功率场效应管作功率管,强劲有力,切割效率高,切割光洁度高,有着良好的综合加工性能。






2.主要技术参数及工艺参数:2.1供电电源:AC220V(380V) 50Hz交流电2.2消耗功率:≤800W2.3空载电压:DC 70V~90V2.4带载电压:DC60V~80V2.5加工电流:0.5A~6A可调2.6最大短路电流:10A2.7粗糙度:1.6μm2.8稳定切割速度:60~80平方mm/min,最大加工效率>100平方mm/min2.9脉冲宽度:七档可调2.10脉冲间隔比(Toff/Ton):11档可调2.11功率7挡任选。







主变压器技术要求技术要求编号:一、设备名称:主变压器二、参考型号:SF11-6300/35/6.3三、遵循的主要技术标准规范GB 1094.1—《电力变压器第1部分总则》GB 1094.2—《电力变压器第2部分温升》GB 1094.3-《电力变压器第3部分绝缘水平和绝缘试验》GB 1094.5-《电力变压器第5部分承受短路的能力》GB 311.1-《高压输变电设备的绝缘配合》GB/T 16927.1~2- 《高电压试验技术》GB/T6451-《三相油浸式电力变压器技术参数及要求》GB10230-《有载分接开关》GB2536-《变压器油》GB/T 6451-《三相油浸式电力变压器技术参数和要求》GB 4109-《高压套管技术条件》GB 10237-《电力变压器绝缘水平和绝缘的空气间隙》GB/T 5582-《高压电力设备外绝缘污秽等级》GB/T 16434- 《高压架空线路和发电厂、变电所环境污区分级及外绝缘选择标准》GB/T 15164—《油浸式电力变压器负载导则》GB 50150-《电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准》DL/T 596-《电力设备预防性试验规程》DL/T 572-《电力变压器运行规程》注:以上标准均执行最新版本。

四、配套设备情况:五、使用环境条件:1、海拔高度:≤1000m2、最大风速: 35m/s3、最高相对温度: 90%(在25℃时)4、最高气温:+40℃(充分考虑温度变化时对油枕容积的需要)5、最低气温: -30℃(充分考虑温度变化时对油枕容积的需要)6、最大日温差:30℃7、履冰厚度:10mm8、最高年平均气温: 20℃9、最高日平均气温: 32℃10、日照:0.1W/cm211、耐振能力:地面水平加速度0.4g;地面垂直加速度0.2g。






辐射新维加斯全中文代码player.additem 0000000Fplayer.removeperk 00094EBA超级治疗针:000CCEF2医疗箱:000CB05C武器修理包000140a68治疗针:00015169弹药代码弹药十毫米子弹:00004241十毫米空心弹:0013e43b十毫米穿甲空心弹:00140aa812.7毫米子弹:001429cf12.7毫米空心弹:001613d412口径子弹:0008ecf512口径橡胶弹:0013e44612口径硬币弹:001582da12口径麦格农:00165e7912口径重型弹药:0013e447 20口径弹药:000e86f220口径麦格农:00165e7a20口径重型弹药:0013e448 223型子弹:00160c4122LR型子弹:0007ea2722LR型空心弹:0013e43922LR比赛专业弹药:00121162 25毫米榴弹:00096c4025毫米高爆榴弹:0013e449 308口径子弹:0006b53c308口径穿甲弹:0013e442 308口径空心弹:0013e443308口径穿甲空心弹:00140aa0 357麦格农子弹:0008ed02357麦格农空心弹:0013e43c 357麦格农穿甲空心弹:00140a9e 38型特殊弹药:0015e8ee40毫米榴弹:007ea2640毫米燃烧榴弹:0015830744麦格农子弹:0002937e44麦格农空心弹:0013e43744麦格农半冲孔弹药:0013e438 44特殊型号子弹:0015e8ed45-70定制弹:0012113345-70定制空心弹:0013e43d45-70定制半冲孔弹药:0013e43e 50MG型子弹:0008ecff50MG穿甲空心弹:00140aa150MG穿甲弹:0013e44550MG燃烧弹:0013e444 5.56毫米子弹:00004240 5.56毫米穿甲弹:00140a9f 5.56毫米空心弹:0013e441 5.56毫机甲子弹:00078cc4 5.56毫米过量弹药:0013e440 5毫米子弹:0006b53d5毫米穿甲弹:0013e43f5毫米穿甲空心弹:001613ff 5毫米机甲弹药:000615a8 5毫米过量弹药:001211509毫米子弹:0008ed039毫米空心弹:0013e43a9毫米+p弹药:00160c409毫米机甲弹药:00176e5c外星能量电池:00029364导弹:000b8791导弹(型号2):0005f706导弹(型号3):00029383导弹(型号4):00078cc5导弹(高爆):0013e44b导弹(高速):0013e44cBB弹:0002935b飞镖:00047419神奇伴侣弹药:00176e54电子充能包:0006b53e电子冲能包(型号2):000615af 电荷能量块(散装):00158311电荷能量块(充满):0015830e 电荷能量块(过量):0015830d 小型核弹:00020799喷火器燃料:00029371喷火器燃料(自制):00166f62喷火器燃料(型号2):00078cc1声波能量包:0014f44a声波能量包(型号2):00056634迷魂抢能量电池:0006a80d微型核聚变反映堆:00121155微型核融合电池:00004485微型核融合电池(型号2):00078cc3微型核聚变电池:00158312微型核聚变电池(充满):0015830c 微型核聚变电池(过量):0015830b胶卷:0011a207内利斯炮弹壳:001003b0阿基米德Ⅱ供电装置0016aef9能量电池:00020772能量电池(型号2):00078cc2能量电池(型号3):00166b5a能量电池(散装):00158313能量电池(充满):001582e0能量电池(过量):001582df服装代码护甲代码焊接头盔:0010a0d0战斗护甲:00020420战斗护甲(型号2):0010d8dc战斗头盔:00020426战斗头盔(加强):00014722a战斗头盔(加强型号2):00015ef67战斗护甲(加强型):000126500战斗护甲(加强型2):00015ef66英克雷动力护甲:0004443e英克雷动力头盔:0004443f恶魔帮战斗头盔:000e89f3恶魔帮(战士)头盔:000fcebb恶魔帮普通头盔:000fcebc机车手头盔:000f3797迦南家族特斯拉护甲:000133168迦南家族特斯拉头盔:000133169皮甲:00020423角斗士护甲:00157cd2皮甲(加强型):001264fe皮甲(型号2)特使的护甲:001649dd白色面目:0011a970金属护甲:0003307f金属头盔:00033080金属头盔(加强型):00140d46铁甲(加强型):001264ff第一侦察营生存护甲:00140c38第一侦察营生存头盔:00140c39凯撒的护甲:0013bf53军团百夫长护甲:000ee481军团探索者护甲:000ee47b军团御卫队附加:000ee480军团头领护甲:000ee47d军团新兵护甲:000ee47c军团老兵护甲:000ee47e军团旗手护甲:000ee47f大汉帮装甲皮甲:000e674b大汉帮简陋护甲:000e674c大汉帮战士护甲:000e6749大汉帮套装护甲:000e674aNCR士兵护甲:00013ec03NCR士兵护甲2:00013ec04 NCR士兵护甲3:00013ec05 NCR士兵护甲4:00013ec06 NCR士兵护甲5:00013ec07 NCR游骑兵战斗护甲:000129254 NCR游骑兵巡逻护甲:000ce553 NCR子弹带护甲:000ee691NCR裹头巾护甲:000ee690NCR斗篷护甲:000ee693NCR军警护甲:00012116a大汉老爹的头盔:0015a935炸药帮警卫护甲:000a4730炸药帮普通外套:000a472f炸药帮简陋外套:000a4731炸药帮士兵外套:000a472e太空服:000ce552兄弟会T-45D动力护甲:00075201兄弟会T-51B动力护甲:000ee68d 回收的动力头盔:0013316b回收的NCR动力头盔:0013316a 残存者动力护甲:00133166残存者动力头盔:00133167T-45D动力护甲:00014e13T-45D动力头盔:00014c08T-51B动了护甲:000a6f77T-51B动力头盔:000a6f78普通动力护甲:00025083防辐射衣:00033078高级防辐射衣:0003307a匪徒尖刺护甲:0002042f匪徒疯狂者头盔:00020432匪徒虐待者护甲:0003307c 匪徒弧光头盔:00078644匪徒荒地护甲:0003307d匪徒荒犬头盔:00078645匪徒爆破师护甲:0003307e 匪徒爆破师头盔:0005b6e8侦查护甲:0003064d侦查护甲头盔:00028ead残存者特斯拉护甲:00133f31残存者特斯拉头盔:00134094特斯拉头盔:0006b465特斯拉头盔:0006b464火炬手的面具:000c7c4e经久考验的战斗护甲:000cb5ef经久考验的战斗头盔:000cb5f0英克雷突击者护甲:000cb5f3英克雷突击者头盔:000cb5f4冒险家外套:000cb549路匪皮甲:000cb5f5末日角斗士护甲:000cb5f6末日角斗士头盔:000cb5f7时髦匪徒的护甲:000cb5fc恶魔发辫盔:000cb5fd被人穿过的匪徒护甲:000cb5fe刀疤恶匪护甲:000cb5ff派罗头盔:000cb600复合型侦察护甲:000cb5fa复合型侦查头盔:000cb5fb废土游民套装:000cb54534号避难所警卫护甲:00138dc2 34号避难所警卫头盔:00138dc3流浪者的皮甲:000c7c54白手套帮会制服:000163119赏金猎人轻型外套:0010d8db卡斯的帽子:0015ef8b婴儿服装:0007cfef中国侦察盔甲:00015fd5c中国隐形头盔:00015fd5d亡命牛仔的帽子:000e2dd0牧场主牛仔帽:0001083e0生皮牛仔帽:0001083e1藤条牛仔帽:00010a427旧牛仔帽:00010a428大坝战争纪念版百夫长:00013f3a5大坝战争纪念版游骑兵护甲:00013f3a8大坝战争纪念版游骑兵头盔:00013f3ac 大坝战争纪念版英克雷军官服:00013f3a3大坝战争纪念版英克雷科学家:00013f3a6大坝战争纪念版面具:00013f3ae大坝战争纪念版大汉帮:00013f3a9大坝战争纪念版军团:00013f3a4大坝战争纪念版军团头盔:00013f3ad大坝战争纪念版战斗护甲:00013f3a2大坝战争纪念版游骑兵:00013f3a7大坝战争纪念版士兵服:00013f3aa火焰头盔:00146f23礼服帽子:001258c3时髦土匪的帽子:0010ea80光鲜土匪的帽子:0010ea81帅气土匪的帽子:0010ea7f温和土匪的帽子:0012b86d 有钱土匪的帽子:0012b86e 眼镜:000340fd李博士的眼镜:专家眼镜:0011f881老花镜:0001c296茶色老花镜:0001c295太阳镜:0005c99f龟甲眼镜:0005c9a1施工帽:000e78c6第一侦察营贝雷帽:000ccebf 贝雷帽:000cd270布恩的贝雷帽:000b7f53游骑兵的帽子:000ce26d精神力抑制器:000eaddf聚会三角帽:00050e44毁坏的节日帽子:000cdf63生日帽子:000b75e2警帽:000ab491战前棒球帽:00028ff9战前软帽:000340cd维基的圆帽:000e32f1头巾:00074296眼球机器人头罩:0004e6a0乌鸦的眼球机器人头罩:000b17a0冰球面具:00033598麦克镇长的头盔:0002d11b百夫长的头盔:000ee483探索者的兜帽:000ee482头领的头盔:000ee487伍长头领的头盔:000ee488新兵的头盔:000ee485新兵伍长的头盔:000ee486老兵的头盔:000ee489老兵伍长的头盔:000ee48a旗手的头盔:000ee484大汉帮尖刺头盔:000e7091特使的头盔:00013e25a游骑兵头盔:000145ec5士兵的头盔:000ee68f护目镜头盔:000ee68e军警头盔:00010bee9太空服头盔:000cee21损坏的动力护甲:000d777b损坏的动力头盔:000d7779损坏的侦察盔甲:000d777a奴隶项圈:0003d1fe原型医用动力护甲:0007836e游骑兵战斗护甲:00023030游骑兵战斗头盔:00034105奥利弗将军的帽子:00134490大汉老爹的护甲:0015a937奴隶背包:000127c6a奴隶的围巾:0001370fd克罗克大使的西装:00011bee2班尼的西装:000104c23大炮族制服:000109a92大炮族飞行服:000109a93大炮族的帽子:00010b3e7大炮族头盔:00010b3e9兄弟会文史长服:000854cf卡斯的外套:0001350ef兄弟会长老的长袍:000acd5a 英克雷军官服:000340de英克雷军官帽:00078647英克雷科学家外套:0001b5bd 琼斯的外套:00034125琼斯的帽子:00034126浅顶软帽:00011689b追随者博士外套:00010c876追随者实验室工作服:000158615礼服:0001258c2时髦土匪的西装:00010e1dd有钱土匪的西装:00010e1de帅气土匪的帽子:00010eldf寒酸土匪的帽子:00010ele0阿凯德实验室工作服:00010cda4奥利弗将军的制服:00015e35d 监狱摇滚戏服:00010c67c杰瑟普的围巾:00017409d平民工程师制服:00013f80e NCR工程师制服:00013f80f红色车手服:0003411b罗伯克连体服:0003411a杂物工外套:000bf6fd金波儿总统的西装:00013002c 猫王帮外套:000110a74镇长的风衣:00020429镇长的帽子:0002dd80孟菲斯儿童外套:000112daf迷惑者佣兵外套:00034122捣乱者佣兵外套:00034123冒险家佣兵外套:00034124菁英佣兵外套:0008c83c普通佣兵外套:000a3045巡游佣兵外套:000c5d34神秘人外套:0006696d神秘人帽子:0006b467游骑兵红色围巾制服:00011f87b 游骑兵马甲:00011f87c游骑兵休闲装:00011f87d游骑兵褐色帽子:00011f87e游骑兵灰色帽子:00011f87f游骑兵呦黑色帽子:00011f880劳尔的石油公司制服:000fd561战前休闲装:0001ea6d鲜明的兄弟会长袍:00081792战前秋装:0005bb63脏兮兮的战前秋装:0005bb6f脏兮兮的战前休闲装:000340cf 性感睡衣:000340e6战前春装:000340d0战前散步装:0005bb66脏兮兮的战前散步装:0005bb70脏兮兮的战前春装:000340d1研究员外套:000340d7束缚ji女的外套:000110a71暴露ji女的外套:000110a72ji女的外套:000110a73摩托头盔:0009b186防风帽:0009b189摩托风镜:0009b188眼镜帽子:00028ffa缠头布:00073d57皮条客30亿:00011bacb哗哗小子手套:00025b83101避难所工作服:000425ba106避难所连体服:000b73f2112避难所连体服:000340ef108避难所连体服:000b73f111号避难所制服:00012b96619号避难所制服:0001300af24号避难所制服:0001300b0范丶格拉芙的战斗护甲:0001251c9卡莱布麦卡菲的帽子:000116e26珍妮的大炮族外套:000107af2呼吸器:000100633白手套帮会面具:0001168a4毁坏的项圈:00014e834武器代码异星死光枪:00004322死亡抓护手:0000432b圣光拷问者:0015ba72电机拳套:0015ba78奴隶的重负:00171b48动力拳套2:00176e5a破碎手雷:00004330破片手雷:00176abb电磁手雷:00004331等离子手雷:00004332嗡嗡据:0003bc6f等离子地雷:0000433d电磁地雷:0000433e火药药包:00109a0b十毫米冲锋枪:00004321短管散弹枪:0000434c十毫米手枪:0000434f臂部激光:000118b9e电击:00022ff1等离子炮:0003954f激光:00050ed044马格南左轮:00050f92 12.7毫米手枪:0008f213狩猎左轮枪:0008f21444麦格农左轮:0008f215 357麦格农左轮:0008f216 9毫米冲锋枪:0008f217幸运手枪:000e2c86万斯的9毫米手枪:000e32f4带消声器的22手枪:000e377a望远镜:000e6346玛丽亚手枪:000e7655冲锋枪;0010a709不可思议的麦格农手枪:00127c6c游骑兵的红木杉手枪(封面的那把左轮):00129a44引爆装置:00130041调适用大手枪:001465a6罗亚而的引爆装置:0014c068电击2:00166b94大山炮:001673cd能量冲击枪:001694df10毫米手枪2:00176e5b44麦格农左轮2:00176e57激光手枪:00004335等离子手枪:00004343充能手枪:0009071f等离子护卫者:00090727脉冲枪:00090a6b哗哗枪:00103b1d丢失的激光手枪:0010a6fc欧几里德的C型探测手枪:0014eb3c 等离子护卫者:00174094飞矛:0014d2ac飞斧:0014de1d飞刀:00161246等离子步枪:00004344狙击步枪:00004353激光:0007b237激光2:0007b239雷鸟机炮:00089c51防暴散弹枪:0008ed0a22消声冲锋枪:0008f218美国M4型突击步枪(老式):0008f21e 5.56毫米重型机枪:000906df激光汤姆森:0009073bQ-35物质调节器:000e6064军用步枪:000e9c3b神枪手卡宾枪:00106fea美国全民星卡宾枪:00106feb充能步枪:00121154多束等离子步枪:00121168范丶格拉夫的等离子步枪:001251cc 12.7毫米冲锋枪:001429d1戈壁战役侦察步枪:001429e1高斯步枪:0015837b老旧的高斯步枪:0015b38d突击卡宾枪:00174093火焰喷射器:0000432d格林激光炮:0000432e转轮机枪:0000433f哨兵机器人的多管激光枪:000389af 等离子重型发射器:000906cf火球炮:000906da榴弹机关炮:00090a6a地狱火喷射器:000e2bfc肩扛式导弹:00010ba90宽恕者:0015fff4复仇者多管机枪:001629b6炸药:000ba0f3炸药2:0010108d黄色炸药(长引线):00109a0c毒气手雷:0012701f燃烧手雷:0014ddde神圣破片手雷:0014ea5aC-4塑胶炸药:001221c1碎尸锯:00004349火焰刀:0000434e导弹发射器:00004340头部激光:00018b9f火焰喷射器:00039550雷鸟轰击炮:0003e5e2导弹发射器(型号2):00057e8f辐射唾液:00058717火焰喷射器(型号2):00078c60火焰喷射器(型号3):0009e8df迷魂枪:000bf5a4特拉斯火炮:000e2bec特斯拉火炮2:000e2bed特拉斯火炮3:000e2bee 内利斯大炮:001003b1损坏的导弹发射器:001056d2榴弹发射器:0010a70a火蜥蜴吐息:00113248辐射唾液2:0014f424尖叫:0014f449壁虎的火焰吐息:0014f474特斯拉冲击原型机:0015a47f安娜贝勒发射器:00162019001720BC - WeapNVAntiMaterielRifleStatic同下001720BB - WeapNVLightMachineGunStatic同下001720BA - WeapNVTrailCarbineStatic同下001720B9 - WeapNVHuntingShotgunStatic 没用的东西,gunsrunner的展示品00176E59 - WeapNVMacheteBoone boone的砍刀00176E57 - WeapNV44RevolverRaul 啦呜的左轮00176E55 - WeapNVCaravanShotgunCass 大姐头的霰弹00174094 - WeapNVPlasmaDefenderArcade 基佬的电浆手枪00174093 - WeapNVAssaultCarbineLily lily 的卡宾枪00171B48 - WeapNVSlaveBackPack 奴隶的背包00167685 - WeapNVMacheteGladiator 砍刀宽肚00162C92 - WeapNVKnifeCombatUnique 战斗刀特殊001629B6 - WeapNVMinigunUnique 转轮机枪00162019 - WeapNVMissileLauncherUnique 导弹发射器特殊00161246 - WeapNVThrowingKnife 飞刀0015FFF4 - WeapNVGrenadeMachinegunUnique 榴弹机枪特殊0015FF5D - WeapNVBBGunUnique 玩具枪0015FE44 - WeapNVChainsaw电锯0015BA78 - WeapNVZapGlove emp拳套0015BA72 - WeapNVZapGloveUnique emp拳套特殊[烧烤圣骑0015BA03 - WeapNVBallisticFist爆炸拳套0015B38D - WeapNVGaussRifleUnique高斯步枪特殊0015A47F - WeapNVTeslaCannonUnique特斯拉炮0015837B - WeapNVGaussRifle高斯步枪00157BCA - WeapNVLeadPipeUnique单词不认识,虽然见过这些武器= =..00156F7C - WeapNVFireaxeUnique消防斧特殊00156968 - WeapSuperSledgeUnique超级拳套特殊001568E6 - WeapNVSpikedKnucklesUnique带刃手指虎特殊00155E6D - WeapNVDisplacerGloveUnique移位拳套特殊00155E66 - WeapNVDisplacerGlove移位拳套0015430B - WeapNVMacheteGladius宽肚砍刀001524B3 - WeapNVMantisGauntlet螳螂的拳套00151D0C - WeapBladedGauntletUnique开罐器001519E0 - WeapBladedGauntlet刃拳套0014F474 - WeapNVFireGeckoYoungFlame小火蜥蜴火焰0014EB3C - WeapNVEuclidsCFinder波士顿能源卫星炮目标指定器0014EA5A - WeapNVGrenadeFragHoly圣手手雷0014DE1D - WeapNVThrowingHatchet掷斧0014DDDF - WeapNVGrenadeStun震撼手雷0014DDDE - WeapNVGrenadeIncendiary火焰手雷0014D2AC - WeapNVThrowingSpear掷矛0014D2AA - WeapNVCleaverUnique菜刀特殊0014D2A7 - WeapNVStraightRazorUnique刮胡刀特殊0014C068 - WeapNVDetonatorLoyal剧情001479B3 - WeapLaserRifleUnique激光步枪特殊版00146C79 - WeapNVDogTagFist狗牌拳套001465A6 - WeapNVDebugMegaPistol除虫用的手枪,估计是那种什么都秒杀的00143FBA - WeapNVLegateSword2最终boss的刀[分两个估计是一个boss拿,一个给玩家拣...001429E2 - WeapNVGrenadeRifleUnique榴弹步枪特殊001429E1 - WeapNVSniperRifleUnique戈壁狙击枪001429D1 - WeapNV127mmSubmachineGun127毫米机枪0013F76F - WeapKnifeAssassin暗杀睡觉的人的技能使用的时候使用的刀,烂,但是耐久不损0013E540 - WeapSuperSledgeMeanie meanie的动力锤?应该是那个meansonofbitch的吧..0013E4DE - WeapNVLegateSword最终boss的刀0013D534 - WeapNVTimeBomb定时炸弹0013568B - WeapNVMissFortuneGun名字不好翻,一枪打残或者打晕的手枪0013316D - WeapCattleProd赶牛棒00133058 - WeapNVThatGun特殊的556手枪,名字不好翻00130041 - WeapNVDetonator c4起爆器0012D852 - WeapNVBoxingTape拳击绑带0012ADB8 - WeapNVDogTagFistUnique狗牌拳套的特殊版00129A44 - WeapNVRangerSequoia.45-70子弹的左轮00127E45 - WeapNVMacheteDeadSea死海砍刀,蛮好用的00127C6C - WeapNV44RevolverUnique陌生人的枪,.44拿出来跟收回去的时候有特殊音效0012701F - WeapGrenadeGas毒气手雷?没见过001251CD - VFSWeapLaserRifleVanGraff激光,其它同下001251CC - VFSWeapPlasmaRifleVanGraff 自由区武器店雇员的电浆步枪001221C1 - WeapNVC4PlasticExplosive C4不解释00121168 - WeapNVMultiPlasRifle三眼电浆步枪00121154 - WeapNVRechargerRifle自充电能量步枪,废物00121148 - WeapNVBrushGun刷子枪,十分强力的,高攻高dps0011E46F - WeapShovel铲子0011A8E4 - WeapNVHatchet斧头0011A8B9 - WeapNVFireaxe消防斧0011A8A0 - WeapNVDressCane拐杖00113248 - WeapNVFireGeckoFlame火蜥蜴的火焰0010BA90 - WeapNVSecuritronMissile机器人的导弹0010A70C - WeapNVSecuritronPowerFist机器人的拳套0010A70B - WeapNVSecuritronLaser机器人的激光武器0010A70A - WeapNVSecuritronLauncher机器人的火箭发射器0010A709 - WeapNVSecuritronSubmachineGun机器人的9毫米机枪00109A0C - WeapNVLongFuseDynamite长引信雷00109A0B - WeapNVMinePowderCharge火药炸弹00109A0A - WeapNVCleaver菜刀00106FEB - WeapNVMarksmanCarbineUnique狙击卡宾枪的特殊版大美丽奸00106FEA - WeapNVMarksmanCarbine狙击卡宾枪00105CF6 - WeapNVLilyGauntlet莉莉的拳套00105CF5 - WeapNVLilySword飞鸟机翼剑,lily的,耐久不损001056D3 - WeapNVGrenadeRifleBroken剧情001056D2 - WeapMissileLauncherBroken剧情00103B1D - WeapNVLaserPistolUnique激光手枪特殊版pewpew0010108D - WeapNVDynamiteNoDrop扔不掉的雷管,大概是塞裤裆之后的结果000FF576 - WeapNVGrenadeRifle榴弹步枪000FC335 - WeapNV9iron高尔夫球杆000F82AA - WeapLaserRifleAlwaysCrits激光,其它同下000F7EAE - WeapPlasmaRifleAlwaysCrit电浆步枪,永远爆击,没见过,估计是剧情枪000F56F6 - WeapNVDriverUnique...没见过,不知道000F56F5 - WeapNVCowboyRepeaterUnique牛仔连发长杆特殊[这个带准镜的000F0F04 - WeapNVStraightRazor刮胡刀000F0B12 - WeapNVHuntingShotgunUnique猎枪霰弹特殊版,午餐铃,斗兽场的大妈任务奖励000F062B - WeapNVBattleRifleUnique this machine[这个还是不翻了吧...000E9C3B - WeapNVServiceRifle ncr标配烂枪000E7655 - WeapNV9mmPistolUnique玛丽亚000E6346 - WeapNVBinoculars望远镜000E6064 - WeapNVPlasmaRifleUnique电浆步枪特殊版000E5B17 - WeapNVVarmintRifleUnique耗子枪,一开始送的那个的特殊版000E58BB - WeapNVBoxingGoldenGloves同下000E5391 - WeapNVBoxingGloves拳击手套000E393B - WeapNVSingleShotgun单发霰弹000E377A - WeapNVSilenced22Pistol.22消音手枪000E3778 - WeapNV9mmPistol九毫米手枪000BA0F3 - WeapNVDynamite雷[知道的我觉得这个似乎也会发不出去]管子000E32F4 - WeapNV9mmSubmachineGunUnique v&amp;v的特殊就毫米轻机枪000E2C86 - WeapNV357RevolverUnique lucky[那杆在primm找到的特殊左轮000E2BFC - WeapHeavyIncinerator强力火焰投掷器000E2BF4 - WeapNVTriBeamLaserRifle三眼激光枪000CE569 - WeapNVMachete砍刀000CE549 - WeapBooneSniperRifle boone的猎枪,使用队友子弹000CD53A - WeapNVCaravanShotgun.20双发霰弹000CD539 - WeapNVTrailCarbine.44卡宾000CD50E - WeapNVRebarClub钢筋混凝土锤000CD50D - WeapNVBumperSword·保险杠剑00090A6B - WeapNVPulseGun emp手枪00090A6A - WeapNVGrenadeMachinegun榴弹机枪0009073B - WeapNVLaserRCW速射激光枪00090727 - WeapNVPlasmaDefender电浆防护者0009071F - WeapNVRechargerPistol自动回复子弹的能量手枪000906DF - WeapNVLightMachineGun轻机枪[556毫米的那种000906DA - WeapNVIncinerator火焰投掷器000906CF - WeapNVPlasmaCaster电浆发生器0008F21E - WeapNVAssaultCarbine冲锋卡宾[用5mm子弹0008F21C - WeapNVAntiMaterielRifle反器材狙击0008F21A - WeapNVCowboyRepeater牛仔长杆连发[好吧其实我不知道怎么翻0008F218 - WeapNVSilenced22SMG消音.22轻机枪0008F217 - WeapNV9mmSubmachineGun九毫米连发轻机枪0008F216 - WeapNV357Revolver.357左轮0008F215 - WeapNV44Revolver.44左轮0008F214 - WeapNVHuntingRevolver猎枪左轮0008F213 - WeapNV127mmPistol 127毫米手枪0008ED0C - WeapNVLeverActionShotgun牛仔霰弹0008ED0B - WeapNVHuntingShotgun猎枪霰弹0008ED0A - WeapNVRiotShotgun连射霰弹,弹匣上弹,攒够了slug子弹之后走遍废土无人能敌,据测试一个弹匣可以打掉两个左右的dt30的超级变种0007EA25 - WeapNVGrenadeLauncher榴弹发射器0007EA24 - WeapNVVarmintRifle一开始送的玩具枪,556子弹的参考资料:数据是在某网站搜到的,那个网站忘了,他是转的游侠的,然后中文自己翻译的。














引用标准GB1094.1-1996 电力变压器总则GB1094.2-1996 电力变压器温升GB1094.3-2003 电力变压器绝缘水平和绝缘试验GB1094.5-2003 电力变压器承受短路能力GB6451-2008油浸式电力变压器技术参数和要求型号参数(一)6300kVA~180000kVA三相双绕组无励磁调压电力变压器(二)6300kVA~63000kVA三相三绕组无励磁调压电力变压器(三)6300kVA~63000kVA三相双绕组有载调压电力变压器(四)6300kVA~63000kVA三相三绕组有载调压电力变压器。

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Mechanical Data
Case: Molded plastic Epoxy: UL 94V-O rate flame retardant Lead: Axial leads, solderable per MIL-STD202, Method 208 guaranteed Polarity: Color band denotes cathode end High temperature soldering guaranteed: 260oC/10 seconds/.375”,(9.5mm) lead lengths at 5 lbs., (2.3kg) tension Mounting position: Any Weight: 0.22 gram
- 238 -
1.0 AMP. Glass Passivated Super Fast Rectifiers
Voltage Range 50 to 600 Volts Current 1.0 Ampere
Low forward voltage drop High current capability High reliability High surge current capability
50 40 30 20
Tj=25 0C
10 0 0.1
100 200
- 239 -
0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum RMS Voltage Maximum DC Blocking Voltage Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current .375 (9.5mm) Lead Length @TA = 55℃ Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3 ms Single Half Sine-wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC method ) Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage @ 1.0A Maximum DC Reverse Current @ TA=25℃ at Rated DC Blocking Voltage @ TA=125℃ Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (Note 1) Typical Junction Capacitance (Note 2) Typical Thermal Resistance (Note 3) Operating Temperature Range
SF SF SF SF 11SG 12SG 13SG 14SG 15SG 16SG 17SG 18SG
Units V V V A A
50 35 50
100 150 200 300 400 500 600 70 105 140 210 280 350 420 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 1.0 30 0.95 5.0 100 35 20 10 1.3 1.7
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)
Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics
Rating at 25℃ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20% SF SF SF Symbol SF Type Number
Tj=125 0C
Tj=75 0C
Tj=25 0C 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 PERCENT OF RATED PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE. (%)
SF 11 SG ~S F1 4S G
G 6S F1 G ~S 8S G F1 5S ~S F1 S SG 17 SF
Tj=25oC Pulse Width=300 s 1% Duty Cycle
0.01 0.4
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 FORWARD VOLTAGE. (V)
1.5 Single Phase Half Wave 60Hz Resistive or Inductive Load 0.375" (9.5mm) Lead Length
V uA uБайду номын сангаас nS pF ℃/W ℃ ℃
95 -65 to +150 Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 to +150 Notes: 1. Reverse Recovery Test Conditions: IF=0.5A, IR=1.0A, IRR=0.25A 2. Measured at 1 MHz and Applied Reverse Voltage of 4.0 V D.C. 3. Mount on Cu-Pad Size 5mm x 5mm on PCB.
trr +0.5A (-) DUT (+) 50Vdc (approx) (-) PULSE GENERATOR (NOTE 2) 1W NON INDUCTIVE OSCILLOSCOPE (NOTE 1) (+) 0 -0.25A
NOTES: 1. Rise Time=7ns max. Input Impedance= 1 megohm 22pf 2. Rise Time=10ns max. Sourse Impedance= 50 ohms
-1.0A 1cm SET TIME BASE FOR 5/ 10ns/ cm
35 70 60
25 20 15 10 5 0
8.3ms Single Half Sine Wave JEDEC Method