Bioinformatics Approaches for Fetal DNA Fraction Estimation in Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
bioinformatics 医学英语
bioinformatics 医学英语Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that combines biology, computer science, and information technology to analyze and interpret biological data. In the context of medicine, bioinformatics focuses on using computational tools and methods to make sense of vast amounts of genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and other biological data to better understand various diseases and develop personalized treatment strategies.Bioinformaticians in medicine use algorithms, statistical models, and machine learning techniques to analyze and compare DNA sequences, identify genes and protein structures, predict protein functions, and study gene expression patterns. They also develop databases and software tools for storing, managing, and analyzing biological data, allowing researchers to access and share valuable information.By leveraging bioinformatics tools and techniques, researchers and clinicians can uncover novel insights into the underlying causes of diseases, discover biomarkers for early disease detection, and develop targeted therapies. It has been particularly useful in cancer research, where bioinformatics is used to identify specific gene mutations and genetic variations that drive cancer growth, helping to develop targeted therapies and personalized treatment plans. Overall, bioinformatics in medicine plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of diseases, improving diagnosis and treatment, and ultimately paving the way for precision medicine.。
生物信息学 英文教科书
生物信息学英文教科书1. "Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins" (Third Edition) by David W. MountThis textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to bioinformatics, covering topics such as sequence analysis, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and systems biology. It includes practical examples and exercises to help readers apply the concepts.2. "Introduction to Bioinformatics" (Second Edition) by Arthur M. LeskThis book offers a broad overview of bioinformatics, including sequence analysis, database searching, phylogenetic inference, and genome analysis. It also covers bioinformatics tools and techniques used in experimental biology.3. "Bioinformatics for Dummies" by John M. Walker and Todd W. J. DavisThis beginner-friendly guide introduces the fundamentals of bioinformatics in an easy-to-understand manner. It covers topics like sequence alignment, database searching, and phylogenetic trees, with a focus on practical applications.4. "Computational Biology: A Practical Introduction to Bioinformatics and its Applications" by Udit Sharma and Navdeep KaurThis textbook provides a comprehensive overview of bioinformatics, including sequence analysis, genome annotation, protein structure prediction, and biological networks. It includes real-life examples and case studies.These textbooks offer in-depth coverage of bioinformatics concepts and techniques, and they can serve as valuable references for students, researchers, and professionals in the field. The specific choice of a textbook may depend on the reader's background, level of expertise, and specific interests within bioinformatics.。
起源据说在1970年,荷兰科学家Paulien Hogeweg和Ben Hesper最早在荷兰语中创造了"bioinformatica"⼀词,英语中的"bioinformatics" 在1978年⾸次被使⽤。
这两位科学家当时使⽤该词来表⽰:The study of information processes in biotic systems.该定义中有两个关键词:⽣物系统(biotic systems)和信息过程(information processes)。
"bioinformatics"创⽴于1985年,改名前的期刊名为:Computer Applications in the Biosciences (CABIOS)同时也是国际计算⽣物学会(the International Society for Computational Biology, ISCB)的会刊,在1998年改为现在的名字。
各个不同时期的定义wiki【定义1】⾸先看⼀下维基百科对⽣物信息学的解释:Bioinformatics /ˌbaɪ.oʊˌɪnfərˈmætɪks/ (About this soundlisten) is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and softwaretools for understanding biological data. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines biology, computerscience, information engineering, mathematics and statistics to analyze and interpret biological data. Bioinformatics has beenused for in silico analyses of biological queries using mathematical and statistical techniques.Bioinformatics and computational biology involve the analysis of biological data, particularly DNA, RNA, and proteinsequences. The field of bioinformatics experienced explosive growth starting in the mid-1990s, driven largely by the HumanGenome Project and by rapid advances in DNA sequencing technology.The primary goal of bioinformatics is to increase the understanding of biological processes.这⾥的定义强调交叉学科以及对⽣物学数据的理解,认为最主要的⽣物学数据是DNA、RNA和蛋⽩质的序列数据。
bioinformatics with editor和with reviewer变换
bioinformatics with editor和with reviewer变换Bioinformatics is a rapidly growing field that combines biology and computer science to analyze and interpret biological data. Within this field, there are two primary roles that play a crucial role in the development and dissemination of research findings - the editor and the reviewer. Both of these roles are essential in ensuring the quality and validity of scientific research.Editors in the field of bioinformatics are responsible for overseeing the publication process of research articles. They play a crucial role in selecting manuscripts for publication and ensuring that they meet the standards of the journal. Editors are typically experts in the field and have a deep understanding of the latest advancements and techniques in bioinformatics. They evaluate the significance and novelty of the research, as well as the overall quality of the manuscript.The first step in the editorial process is the submission of a research manuscript by the authors. Editors then review the initial submission to determine if it meets the journal's scope and criteria. If the manuscript is deemed suitable for further evaluation, it is sentout for peer review. The editor identifies potential reviewers who possess the necessary expertise to assess the scientific validity and rigor of the research presented in the manuscript.The role of the reviewer is to critically evaluate the manuscript and provide feedback to the editor. Reviewers are typically researchers or experts in the field who have a deep understanding of the topic being investigated. They assess the methodology, data analysis, and interpretation of the results to ensure that they are accurate and supported by the presented evidence.Reviewers also assess the clarity of the manuscript and provide constructive feedback on how it can be improved. They may suggest additional experiments, analysis, or clarifications to strengthen the research. The feedback from the reviewer is anonymous and confidential, allowing them to provide unbiased assessments of the manuscript.Once the review process is complete, the editor carefully considers the feedback provided by the reviewers. They evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript and determine whether it should be accepted, revised, or rejected. If revisions arerequired, the editor communicates the reviewer's feedback to the authors and provides them with an opportunity to address the concerns raised.Authors then revise their manuscript based on the reviewer's feedback and resubmit it for re-evaluation. The editor evaluates the revised manuscript to ensure that the author's responses adequately address the concerns raised by the reviewers. If the editor is satisfied with the revisions, the manuscript may proceed to the final stages of production, including copyediting, proofreading, and formatting.The role of the editor continues throughout the publication process, ensuring that the manuscript is formatted correctly and that it adheres to the journal's guidelines. Editors are also responsible for coordinating with the authors and reviewers to address any remaining concerns or questions.In conclusion, both the editor and the reviewer play crucial roles in the publication process of bioinformatics research. The editor oversees the entire process, from initial submission to finalpublication, ensuring that the research meets the journal's standards. Reviewers, on the other hand, assess the scientific validity and rigor of the research, providing feedback to improve the manuscript. Together, the editor and reviewer ensure the quality and integrity of bioinformatics research findings.。
bioinformatics 医学英语
bioinformatics 医学英语【原创实用版】目录1.生物信息学简介2.生物信息学与医学的关系3.生物信息学在医学领域的应用4.生物信息学对医学英语的要求5.医学英语的发展与挑战正文生物信息学是一门跨学科的科学,它结合了生物学、计算机科学和信息科学,致力于处理和分析生物学和生命科学领域的大量数据。
1. 基因组数据的分析随着DNA测序技术的不断发展,人们获得了越来越多的基因组数据,但数据量的庞大往往会对研究者的实验室资源和运算能力造成极大的限制。
2. 基因预测基因预测是基因组学研究的关键环节之一,基于基因预测的结果,研究者可以对基因结构与组织信息进行预测和分析。
bioinformatics 医学英语
bioinformatics 医学英语摘要:一、生物信息学简介1.生物信息学的定义2.生物信息学的发展历程3.生物信息学在医学领域的重要性二、医学英语概述1.医学英语的定义2.医学英语的发展历程3.医学英语的特点三、生物信息学与医学英语的联系1.生物信息学中的医学英语应用2.医学英语对生物信息学发展的影响3.生物信息学与医学英语的共同发展趋势四、结论1.生物信息学与医学英语的相互促进作用2.我国生物信息学与医学英语的发展现状及挑战3.对我国生物信息学与医学英语发展的建议正文:生物信息学(bioinformatics)是一门研究生物大分子(如蛋白质、核酸等)信息的学科,它通过计算机技术、数学和统计学方法来解决生物学问题。
医学英语(Medical English)是指应用于医学领域的英语,它涉及到基础医学、临床医学、药学、生物学等多个方面。
生物信息学方法 英语
生物信息学方法英语Bioinformatics is a fascinating field that utilizes computational techniques to analyze and interpretbiological data. It's a blend of biology, computer science, statistics, and mathematics, and it's revolutionizing our understanding of the natural world.When it comes to analyzing genetic sequences, bioinformatics methods are invaluable. They can help us identify genes, predict protein function, and even understand the evolutionary relationships between species. The algorithms and software used in this field are incredibly powerful, and they're constantly evolving to meet the demands of modern research.One cool aspect of bioinformatics is how it's being used to fight diseases. Researchers are now able to analyze the genomes of patients and identify genetic mutations that may be linked to specific diseases. This information can then be used to develop targeted treatments andpersonalized medicine. It's truly amazing how far we've come in understanding the genetic basis of health and disease.Another fascinating aspect of bioinformatics is its application to metagenomics, which studies the genomes of entire microbial communities. By analyzing the genetic material extracted from environmental samples, researchers can gain insights into the diversity and function of microbial ecosystems. This information is crucial for understanding the role of microorganisms in ecosystems, as well as their potential impact on human health and the environment.But bioinformatics isn't just about analyzing data.It's also about visualization and communication. Researchers use various tools and software to create beautiful and informative visual representations of their data. These visualizations can help convey complex ideas and patterns in an accessible way, making the results.。
bioinformatics analysis is a technique
bioinformatics analysis is atechniqueBioinformatics Analysis: A Technique Shaping Modern Biomedical ResearchBioinformatics analysis is an intricate technique that revolutionizes the field of biomedical research. It involves the application of computational methods to biological data, enabling scientists to extract meaningful information from vast amounts of genetic, proteomic, and other biological datasets. This technique has become crucial in the post-genomic era, where the amount of biological data generated is exploding at an unprecedented rate.The core of bioinformatics analysis lies in the integration of multiple disciplines, including computer science, statistics, mathematics, and biology. This interdisciplinary approach allows researchers to tackle complex biological problems using advanced computational tools and algorithms. For instance, bioinformatics techniques are used to annotate and interpret genome sequences, predict protein function and interactions, analyze gene expression patterns, and identify biomarkers for various diseases.One of the most significant applications of bioinformatics analysis is in personalized medicine. By analyzing individual genetic variations, bioinformatics can help predict a person's risk for certain diseases and their response to different medications. This information can then be used to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique genetic profile of each patient.Moreover, bioinformatics analysis plays a crucial role in drug discovery and development. By analyzing the interactions between drugs and their targets at the molecular level, bioinformatics can help identify potential drug candidates and predict their efficacy and safety profiles. This information can significantly shorten the drug discovery process and reduce the costs associated with clinical trials.In addition to its applications in personalized medicine and drug discovery, bioinformatics analysis also has numerous other uses. It can be used to study the evolution of species, the mechanisms of gene regulation, and the interactions between different biological systems. Bioinformatics analysis is also essential in the field of epidemiology, where it helps track the spread of diseases and identify potential outbreaks.In conclusion, bioinformatics analysis is a technique that has revolutionized biomedical research. Its interdisciplinary nature and the use of advanced computational methods have enabled researchers to extract meaningful information from vast amounts of biological data. This information has led to breakthroughs in personalized medicine, drug discovery, and other areas of biomedical research, promising better health outcomes and improved quality of life for millions of people.。
下一代免疫疗法即将问世,体内细胞重编程技术有望引领潮流2022-08-05 10:07·医学营养治疗原创药明康德药明康德 2022-08-05 07:30 发表于美国编者按:在传统的小分子药物和抗体药物之外,细胞和基因疗法、RNAi和其它寡核苷酸疗法、CRISPR基因编辑疗法等更多新型的分子类型在近年逐渐走向前台,成为了生物医药产业的关注焦点,有望改写患者们的未来治疗格局。
在药明康德内容部的系列访谈里,他们也将向产业介绍如何使用新型分子类型突破现有疗法的局限,带来崭新的突破!嘉宾简介:本期访谈的嘉宾Daniel Getts博士是Myeloid Therapeutics公司的联合创始人和首席执行官。
Myeloid Therapeutics公司是一家临床阶段的mRNA免疫疗法公司,主要利用髓系细胞来设计新的疗法,通过引发机体中广泛的免疫反应来治疗癌症和自身免疫性疾病。
Daniel Getts博士有着多年医药行业经验,曾先后担任Tolera Therapeutics、Cour Pharmaceuticals、TCR2 Therapeutics等多家医药公司的研发负责人,在新药靶点开发、开展临床前研究与转化医学项目等方面积累了丰富的经验,并在同行评议的学术期刊中发表了超过45篇研究,其中多篇论文发表在Nature Biotechnology, ScienceTranslational Medicine等知名学术期刊。
药明康德内容部:Daniel,感谢您抽空接受我们的访谈!针对癌症和自身免疫性疾病疗法的研发,在您看来医药行业所面临的挑战有哪些,以及您的公司相应的对策是什么?Daniel Getts博士:Myeloid公司主要针对疑难、并且具有高度未竟医疗需求的病症,比如外周T细胞淋巴瘤(PTCL)、肝癌和胶质母细胞瘤。
Helicobacter pylori
Buchnerasp. APS
Escherichia coli大肠杆菌
Arabidopsis 拟南芥
Thermotoga maritima
Thermoplasma acidophilum
Caenorhabitis elegans
Borrelia burgorferi
据库Kabat,蛋白激酶数据库PKinase等 以三维结构原子坐标为基础构建的数据库为结构分子 生物学研究提供了有效的工具,如蛋白质二级结构构 象参数数据库DSSP,已知空间结构的蛋白质家族数据
蛋白质序列数据库 )
PIR ( Protein Info. Resource SWISS-PROT (
PDB (Protein Data Bank),
What is Bioinformatics
Coined by Hwa Lim in the late 1980s, popularized in the 1990s through its association with the HGP Definitions from NIH
Bioinformatics: Research, development, or application of computational tools and approaches for expanding the use of biological, medical, behavioral or health data, including those to acquire, store, organize, archive, analyze, or visualize such data Computational Biology: The development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral, and social systems 中文定义:生物信息学是综合运用数学、计算机科学和生物学工具,以 获取、加工、储存、分配、分析和解释生物信息,理解生物数据中 的生物学含义
bioinformatics名词解释嘿,你知道 bioinformatics 吗?这可不是个一般的玩意儿啊!bioinformatics 就像是生物世界和信息世界的奇妙融合桥梁(就好比牛郎织女之间的鹊桥一样)!想象一下,在生物的海洋里,有无数的数据和信息在涌动,基因序列啦、蛋白质结构啦等等。
而 bioinformatics 呢,就是那个能把这些复杂的数据整理得井井有条的高手(就像一个超级厉害的图书管理员能把海量书籍管理得妥妥当当)!它用各种厉害的工具和方法,去分析、理解这些生物信息。
比如说,通过 bioinformatics,科学家们可以快速地比较不同物种的基因序列,发现它们之间的相似之处和差异(这就好像在一个大宝藏中寻找那些特别的宝贝)。
“哎呀,那 bioinformatics 岂不是超级重要?”你可能会这么问。
再想想看,医生们也能借助 bioinformatics 来诊断疾病呢!通过分析患者的基因信息,找到疾病的根源(就如同侦探在蛛丝马迹中寻找破案的关键线索)。
这多神奇啊!总之,bioinformatics 是个充满魅力和潜力的领域,它让我们对生命的奥秘有了更深入的探索和理解。
它就像是一把打开生物奥秘大门的钥匙(哇塞,太重要啦)!所以啊,一定要好好了解它,说不定你也会被它深深吸引呢!我的观点就是:bioinformatics 是现代生物学不可或缺的一部分,它有着巨大的价值和意义,值得我们深入学习和研究。
《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》 2019年第11卷第4期·论著· 全基因组低深度测序技术检测胎儿单纯性法洛四联症染色体变异黄慧1# 杨颖2# 王卫云1 陈芳2 杨帆1 成晨1 陈欣林1 郭健2 (1.湖北省妇幼保健院超声诊断科,湖北武汉 430070;2.深圳华大生命科学研究院,广东深圳 518120)【摘要】 目的 采用全基因组低深度测序技术检测单纯性法洛四联症胎儿中染色体异常,包含染色体非整倍体和拷贝数变异(CNVs),探讨胎儿期单纯性法洛四联症的遗传学特征。
方法 收集2014年1月至2017年12月在湖北省妇幼保健院经产前超声会诊及引产后病理检查确诊为单纯性法洛四联症的胎儿24例,利用低深度全基因组测序的方法检测染色体变异,采用生物信息学方法对测序结果进行分析,最终根据美国医学遗传学会的解读流程对检出的CNVs进行解读。
结果 在24例确诊为单纯性法洛四联症胎儿中,无染色体非整倍体的检出,5例检出有拷贝数变异,其中4例发现有致病性CNVs(16.7%,4/24)。
结论 胎儿期单纯性法洛四联症与CNVs关系密切,全基因组低覆盖度测序技术可用于发现与单纯性法洛四联症相关的CNVs。
【关键词】 全基因组低深度测序技术;单纯性法洛四联症;胎儿【中图分类号】 R714.53 【文献标识码】 A犇犗犐:10.13470/j.cnki.cjpd.2019.04.005#共同第一作者基金项目:湖北省卫生计生科研基金(WJ2018H0164、WJ2018H0132、WJ2017Z019) 通信作者:郭建,E;陈欣林,E【犃犫狊狋狉犪犮狋】 犗犫犼犲犮狋犻狏犲 Todetectthechromosomeanomalies,includingwholechromosomeaneuploidyandcopynumbervariations(CNVs)fromfetuseswithisolatedtetralogyofFallot(TOF)bythelow cov eragewhole genomesequencing,andexplorethegeneticcharacteristicsoffetalisolatedTOF.犕犲狋犺狅犱 Atotalof24fetuseswithisolatedTOFwererecruitedforthisstudyfromJanuaryin2014toDecemberin2017inMaternalandChildHealthHospitalofHubeiProvince.Allofthesefetuseshadechocardiographyatourtertiaryreferralcenter,andthediagnosisofisolatedTOFwasconfirmedbypathologicalexamina tionafterinductionoflabor.Thechromosomeanomalieswasdetectedbylow coveragewhole genomese quencingandanalyzedbybioinformaticstools.TheirpathogenicitywasinterpretedbasedontheguidelinesoftheAmericancollegeofMedicalGeneticsforsequencevariants.犚犲狊狌犾狋狊 Ofthe24fetusesconfirmedwithisolatedTOF,nochromosomeaneuploidywasdetected,andCNVswereidentifiedin5fetuses.Path ogenicCNVsweredeterminedin4fetuses,accountingfor16.7%ofisolatedTOFinourcaseseries.ThesepathogenicCNVswerefoundedtobeassociatedwithknownsyndromes,includingDiGeorgesyn drome(3cases),and8pinvertedduplication/deletionsyndrome(1case,neededtobeconfirmed).犆狅狀犮犾狌 狊犻狅狀狊 CNVsarelikelytobeoneoftheimportantcausesofisolatedTOFinfetuses.Andthelow coveragewhole genomesequencingtechnologyisafeasiblediagnostictechniqueforfetuseswithIsolatedTOF.【犓犲狔狑狅狉犱狊】 Low coveragewhole genomesequencing;IsolatedtetralogyofFallot;Fetus 52·论著·《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》 2019年第11卷第4期 法洛四联症(tetralogyofFallot,TOF)是一种常见的严重性心脏病,临床症状为肺动脉狭窄、主动脉骑跨、室间隔缺损和右心室肥大[1]。
biopharmaceuticals 的意思
biopharmaceuticals 的意思
非侵入性产前诊断——母体血中胎儿DNA检测于君【摘要】目前产前诊断主要通过绒毛取样或羊膜腔穿刺获得胎儿遗传物质,可能会对妊娠妇女和胎儿造成影响.近年来,通过检测母血中胎儿DNA进行非侵人性产前诊断飞速发展,胎儿性别和RhD血型鉴定已广泛应用于临床,单基因遗传病和非整倍体的准确诊断也进行了实验论证.相信在未来几年,检测母血中胎儿DNA进行非侵人性产前诊断将在临床上有更广泛的应用.【期刊名称】《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(031)004【总页数】4页(P308-311)【关键词】产前诊断;染色体;DNA;非整倍体;性别预选;血型鉴定和交叉配血;遗传性疾病,先天性;实验室技术和方法;细胞遗传学分析【作者】于君【作者单位】250002 济南,济南军区空军后勤部卫生处【正文语种】中文近年来,随着围生儿死亡率和出生缺陷率的逐渐降低,产前诊断逐渐成为产科的重要组成部分。
1997年,Lo等[4]首先在男性胎儿的妊娠母体血浆和血清中发现了胎儿Y染色体特异DNA序列,10 μL血浆或血清中胎儿DNA的检出率高达70%~80%。
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International Journal ofMolecular SciencesReviewBioinformatics Approaches for Fetal DNA Fraction Estimation in Noninvasive Prenatal TestingXianlu Laura Peng1,2and Peiyong Jiang1,2,*1Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong,China;laurapeng@.hk2Department of Chemical Pathology,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong,China*;Tel.:+852-3763-6056Academic Editor:William Chi-shing ChoReceived:18January2017;Accepted:11February2017;Published:20February2017Abstract:The discovery of cell-free fetal DNA molecules in plasma of pregnant women has created a paradigm shift in noninvasive prenatal testing(NIPT).Circulating cell-free DNA in maternal plasma has been increasingly recognized as an important proxy to detect fetal abnormalities in a noninvasive manner.A variety of approaches for NIPT using next-generation sequencing have been developed,which have been rapidly transforming clinical practices nowadays.In such approaches, the fetal DNA fraction is a pivotal parameter governing the overall performance and guaranteeing the proper clinical interpretation of testing results.In this review,we describe the current bioinformatics approaches developed for estimating the fetal DNA fraction and discuss their pros and cons. Keywords:noninvasive prenatal testing;circulating cell-free DNA;fetal DNA fraction1.IntroductionThe discovery of circulating cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma[1]has created a paradigm shift in noninvasive prenatal testing(NIPT),which has rapidly made its way into clinical practices worldwide,for example,cell-free DNA-based chromosomal aneuploidy detection[2–8]and diagnosis of monogenic diseases[9–15].The circulating cell-free DNA(cfDNA)in a pregnant woman is a mixture of predominant maternal DNA derived from the hematopoietic system of the mother[16,17]and fetal DNA released through the apoptosis of cytotrophoblast cells during fetal development[18,19]. The proportion of fetal DNA molecules among the total cfDNA molecules in maternal circulation is expressed as fetal DNA fraction,which is a paramount factor for determining the overall performance of NIPT[15,20–22]and interpreting clinical assessments[7,23–25].In noninvasive fetal aneuploidy detection,the fetal DNA fraction in maternal plasma is linearly correlated with the extent of chromosomal abnormalities present in plasma of pregnant women[3,6,7]. The fetal DNA concentration below4%in a maternal plasma sample would suggest a potential issue present in the quality control(QC)step,because the limited amount of fetal DNA molecules to be detected and analyzed may give rise to a false negative result[20,26–28].Therefore,it is important to estimate the fetal DNA fraction accurately,making sure that it has passed the QC threshold to guarantee a sufficient amount of fetal DNA present in a testing sample and make it possible to arrive at a proper interpretation of the sequencing result.In addition,the fetal DNA fraction has been incorporated into bioinformatics diagnostic algorithms by a number of laboratories[7,23,24].Monogenic diseases comprise a larger proportion of genetic diseases than chromosomal aneuploidies[15].However,the cfDNA-based NIPT for single-gene diseases is much more challenging, because the cfDNA in maternal plasma is generally of minor population,hampering the reliable deduction of the maternal inherence of fetus at single-nucleotide resolution.Technologically,the Int.J.Mol.Sci.2017,18,453;doi:10.3390//journal/ijmsdevelopment of relative haplotype dosage analysis(RHDO),which utilizes information regarding parental haplotypesflanking the variants of interest,has been demonstrated to greatly improve the accuracy of single-gene disorder detection[9,10,13].More recently,researchers have illustrated that the use of linked-read sequencing technology allows for directly ascertaining parental haplotypes surrounding the genes of interest,making RHDO analysis a universal NIPT method for single-gene diseases[29].This work has made an important step forward towards the real clinical utility regarding cfDNA-based single-gene disease testing.Such RHDO analysis took advantage of the fetal DNA fraction as a key parameter to determine the statistical thresholds,indicating if a particular maternal haplotype presumably inherited by the fetus exhibits a statistically significant over-presentation in maternal plasma of a pregnant woman[9,23].In this review,we discuss a number of existing approaches for the determination of fetal DNA fraction,as well as their advantages and disadvantages(Table1).The simplified principles for these approaches are diagrammatically depicted in Figure1.Figure1.Schematic illustration of current approaches for the determination of fetal DNA fraction in maternal circulating cell-free DNA(cfDNA).(a)Y chromosomal(chr)sequence-based fetal DNA fraction estimate[3,22];(b)Single-nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)-based approach.A direct way to estimate the fetal DNA fraction is to use the SNP loci,where both mother and father are homozygous but with different alleles.The resulting fetal genotype is obligately heterozygous.In maternal plasma,the fetal DNA fraction can be directly deduced by calculating the proportion of fetal specific alleles[9,30].Based on this concept,two extended versions of SNP-based methods for fetal DNA fraction estimate have been developed,namely FetalQuant and FetalQuant SD,which can be used without the need of both paternal and maternal genotype information[31,32];(c)cfDNA count-based approach.Read densities across the genome-wide50KB windows arefitted into a neural network model to predict the fetal DNA fraction[33];(d)Differential methylation-based approaches[17,26,34,35];(e)cfDNA size-based approach.The proportion of short cfDNA molecules is correlated with fetal DNA fraction[36];(f)Nucleosome track-based approach.Cell-free DNA distribution at the nucleosomal core and linkerregions is correlated with fetal DNA fraction[37].Table1.The summary of current approaches for estimating fetal DNA fraction. Approaches Advantages LimitationsY Chromosome[3,22]Simple and accurate NOT applicable for pregnancies with female fetusesMaternal plasma DNA sequencingdata with parental genotypes[9,30]Direct and accuratePaternal DNA may notbe availableTargeted sequencing of maternal plasma DNA(FetalQuant)[31]Sequencing maternal plasma DNAonly;accurateHigh sequencing depth is requiredShallow-depth sequencing ofmaternal plasma DNA coupled with maternal genotypes(FetalQuant SD)[32]Shallow-depth sequencing ofmaternal plasma DNA;accurateMaternal genotype requirementwill add additional costs;therecalibration curve is required tobe rebuilt for different sequencingand genotyping platformsShallow-depth maternal plasma DNA sequencing data(SeqFF)[33]Only shallow-depth sequencing ofmaternal plasma DNA;single-endsequencing;easy to be integratedinto the routine noninvasiveprenatal testing(NIPT)Large-scale samples are needed totrain the neutral network;need toimprove the accuracy when thefetal DNA fraction is below5%Differantial methylation [17,26,34,35]AccurateEither bisulfite conversion ordigestion withmethylation-sensitive restrictionenzymes may affect the accuracy;genome-wide bisulfite sequencingis too expensive and prohibitivefor the routine NIPTcfDNA fragment size[36]Only shallow-depth sequencing ofmaternal plasma DNA;easy to beintegrated into the routine NIPTModerate accuracy;paired-endsequencing would increasethe costsNucleosome track[37]Only shallow-depth sequencing ofmaternal plasma DNALower accuracy;high-depthsequencing data is requiredduring the training step2.Current Approaches Developed to Estimate Fetal DNA Fraction2.1.Y Chromosome-Based ApproachIn the early works,genetic markers located on Y chromosome which are paternally inherited, such as gene SRY,DYS14and ZFY,were used to indicate the fraction of fetal DNA molecules based on PCR assays[23,38,39].For instance,the ratio of the concentration of the sequences from Y chromosome to that of an autosome was used for the determination of fetal DNA fraction.In the context of NIPT using massively parallel sequencing,the proportion of all sequence reads from Y chromosome can be translated to the fetal DNA fraction[3,22].Although these methods are simple and accurate,they are only applicable to pregnancies carrying male fetuses.2.2.Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing Data with Parental Genotype-Based ApproachWith the use of parental genotypes,fetal-specific alleles in maternal plasma can be readily identified from the sequence reads.Briefly,the fetal genotypes are obligately heterozygous at single-nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)loci,where both father and mother are homozygous but with different genotypes(e.g.,A/A for paternal genotype and C/C for maternal genotype).Then the fetal DNA fraction can be quantified by calculating the ratio of fetal-specific alleles(A)to the total alleles in plasma DNA[7,9,30,40].Even though this method is a direct and accurate way to assess the fetal DNA fraction and generally considered as a gold standard[9],the feasibility of this approachis sometimes hindered by the requirement of parental genotypes,because(1)only maternal blood samples would be collected and maternal plasma DNA are subject to sequence for NIPT in most clinical settings;and(2)it is not uncommon that the genotype of the biological father may not be available in practice[41].2.3.High-Depth Sequencing Data of Maternal Plasma DNA-Based ApproachTo obviate the requirement of parental genotype information,an approach called FetalQuant was developed to measure the fetal DNA fraction through the analysis of maternal plasma DNA sequencing data at high depth using targeted massively parallel sequencing[31].In this method, a binomial mixture model was employed tofit the observed allelic counts with the use of the underlying four types of maternal-fetal genotype combinations(AA AA,AA AB,AB AA,AB AB,where the main text and subscript represent the maternal and fetal genotypes,respectively).In this model,the fetal fraction was determined through the maximum likelihood estimation.The predicted result of this method is very close to the one deduced by the parental genotypes-based approach(the correlation coefficient is not available).However,the limitation of this approach would be that the sequencing depth is required to be as high as~120×by targeted sequencing to robustly determine the fetal alleles[31]. 2.4.Shallow-Depth Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing Data with Maternal Genotype-Based ApproachAs an extended version of FetalQuant,FetalQuant SD[32]was recently developed based on shallow-depth sequencing data coupled with only maternal genotype information.The rationale of this approach is to take advantage of the fact that any alternative allele(non-maternal alleles)present at an SNP locus where the mother is homozygous would theoretically suggest a fetal-specific DNA allele. Briefly,the homozygous sites in a pregnant woman were identified by genotyping her blood cells using microarray technologies.Then,plasma DNA molecules with alleles different from the maternal homozygous sites(i.e.,non-maternal alleles)were identified,which were specifically derived from the father in theory.Thus,the fractions of such non-maternal alleles were hypothesized to correlate with fetal DNA fractions under the assumption that the error rates stemmed from sequencing and genotyping platforms are relatively constant across different cases.Therefore,a linear regression model wasfirst trained between the fraction of non-maternal alleles and actual fetal DNA fraction estimated by parental genotypes-based approach,and then the fetal DNA fractions were predicted with the use of the trained model in an independent validation dataset,exhibiting a very high accuracy(r=0.9950, p<0.0001,Pearson correlation)even using1million sequencing reads.However,the parameters in this model might be varied according to sequencing and genotyping platforms,because various platforms are characterized with different error properties,which may contribute to the measured non-maternal alleles.On the other hand,the extent of heterozygosity might be different in different ethnic groups,which could confound the accuracy of fetal DNA fraction prediction.The advantage of this model is that once thefinal well-trained model is achieved,it could be readily applied to any datasets,as long as they are generated from the same platform and population.2.5.Shallow-Depth Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing Data-Based ApproachRecently,a new approach,named SeqFF,has been developed,attempting to make it possible to directly estimate fetal DNA fraction from the routine data of NIPT without any additional effort. In this approach,using single-end random sequencing of the maternal plasma,read count within each50KB autosomal region was analyzed tofit a high-dimensional regression model[33].The normalized read counts in50KB bins originating from chromosomes except chromosomes13,18,21, X,and Y were used as predictor variables,and the model coefficients were determined by making use of elastic net(Enet)and reduced-rank regression model[33].SeqFF showed a good correlation with Y chromosome-based method in two independent cohorts(r=0.932and0.938,respectively,Pearson correlation)[33].However,such high-dimensional model would require large-scale samples during training,and the performance appeared to be greatly deteriorated when the fetal DNA fraction isbelow5%,possibly because the number of cases with fetal DNA fraction<5%was not sufficient to train the Enet model.2.6.Fetal Methylation Marker-Based ApproachDNA methylation is a process by which a methyl group is added to cytosine nucleotides[42,43]. In mammalian somatic cells,the DNA methylation of cytosine in CpG dinucleotides is frequently methylated(~70%of the CpGs)[44].Different organs have been suggested to show variable methylation profiles,which would allow us to identify the tissue of origin analyzing the regions with differential methylation states[17,45].Indeed,researchers used the placenta-specific methylation markers to estimate the fetal DNA concentration[26,34].For example,a methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme has been used to digest hypomethylated maternal-derived RASSF1A promoter sequences,while it left the methylated counterparts of the fetal-derived sequences unaffected, thus allowing the discrimination of the methylated fetal DNA molecules from the unmethylated maternal background for the calculation of fetal DNA fraction[34].Similarly,based onfive differentially methylated regions comparing placental tissue and maternal buffy coat mined by using methyl-cytosine immunoprecipitation and CpG island microarrays,Nygren et al.developed a fetal quantitative assay(FQA)permitting the calculation of fetal DNA fraction in a plasma sample[26]. In FQA,by measuring the copy number of total DNA(maternal and fetal)and fetal methylated DNA after methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme digestion,the assay achieved good agreement with Y chromosome-based quantification(r=0.85,p<0.001,Pearson correlation).However,the analytical process used for quantifying these epigenetic markers involves digestion with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes,and thus its stability needs to be further verified in large-scale datasets generated from different research centers.Furthermore,massively parallel bisulfite sequencing provides an alternative way to estimate the fetal DNA fraction according to the ratio of fetal-derived DNA molecules within differentially methylated regions[35].Using such bisulfite sequencing,the placenta has been demonstrated to exhibit a different methylation profile compared with other tissues[17,35].Therefore,a general approach, referred to as plasma DNA tissue mapping,for disentangling tissue contributors to cell-free DNA has been developed by leveraging the principle that different tissues within the body show different DNA methylation ing whole-genome bisulfite sequencing,the methylation profile of cell-free DNA across over5800DNA methylation markers was used to correlate the tissue-related methylation profiles,for the inference of the proportional contributions from different tissues in plasma[17].Using this new approach,placenta contribution was verified by genotype-based approaches.However,this genome-wide bisulfite sequencing-based tissue mapping algorithm in the present version would be too expensive for routine NIPT.2.7.Cell-Free DNA Size-Based ApproachFetal-derived and maternal-derived DNA molecules in a plasma sample have been observed to exhibit different fragmentation patterns,namely,fetal DNA being generally shorter than maternal DNA[9,46].Therefore,a higher fetal DNA fraction should be theoretically associated with an increased percentage of short DNA ing paired-end sequencing,Yu et al.developed a new method to estimate fetal DNA concentration based on the ratio between the count of fragments ranging from 100to150bp and from163to169bp[36].These size cutoffs gave their optimal performance among multiple size combinations.In the training dataset consisting of36samples,a linear regression model was established between the size ratio and fetal DNA concentration determined by the proportion of chromosome Y sequences(r=0.827,p<0.0001).Then using the derived model,the size ratio was translated to the fetal DNA fraction for each sample in the validation dataset.Intriguingly,the authors also proposed to calculate the size ratio using capillary electrophoresis of sequencing libraries directly, which is readily available before sequencing without additional costs.2.8.Cell-Free DNA Nucleosome Track-Based ApproachRecently,the investigation of nucleosomal origin of plasma DNA has been increasingly recognized as an appealing direction,which has been discussed in a number of studies[9,36,37,47].One important clue directing to such origin has been unravelled in two studies with the use of the high-resolution size profiling of maternal plasma DNA[9,36].It has been reported that the size distribution of the total maternal plasma DNA is characterized by a166bp major peak with a series of small peaks occurring at10bp periodicities,suggesting that a predominant population of plasma DNA molecules have a size of166bp.In contrast,fetal DNA molecules were found to have a dominant population with 143bp in size.It has been speculated that the166bp molecules would represent cfDNA containing the nucleosome core plus the linker[9].However,the143bp molecules would suggest molecules subject to the trimming of linker DNA[9].On the basis of this hypothetical model,Straver et al.pooled maternal plasma DNA from298cases to generate a hypothetical“nucleosome track”[37].Interestingly, the frequency of reads starting within73bp upstream and downstream regions of the inferential center of nucleosome was found to be positively correlated with the fetal DNA fraction,however,giving a relatively lower correlation coefficient than other methods(r=0.636,p=1.61×10−18,Pearson correlation).Thus,further development of a“nucleosome track”-based approach is needed for the clinical requirement.3.ConclusionsThe past decade has witnessed a tremendous advance in the technologies and bioinformatics algorithms for the analysis of circulating cfDNA.With the availability of massively parallel sequencing, noninvasive prenatal testing has become increasingly popular and presented itself as an exemplar in translational medicine research.In NIPT,a rapid,simple,accurate and cost-effective way to estimate fetal DNA fraction is highly desired,typically for the endeavors to make NIPT for single-gene diseases clinically practical.In particular,the accuracy of the estimation of low fetal DNA fraction is essential for determining the QC states and interpreting the clinical outcomes.On the other hand,the fetal DNA fraction could be related to pregnancy outcome;for example,the low fetal DNA fraction may be associated with small or dysfunctional placentas[48],suggesting its potential diagnostic value.Therefore,a large-scale validation for the accuracy of low-fetal DNA fraction estimation would still be needed for some aforementioned approaches,for example,size-,count-and nucleosome profile-based methodologies.We may expect that further in-depth analyses for such properties regarding size and nucleosome profiles would shed new insights into the mechanisms of cell-free DNA generation.As reported in the latest ultra-deep plasma DNA study[49],it was revealed that a number of preferred DNA ends in maternal plasma carry information directing to their tissue of origin(fetal-or maternal-derived DNA).The ratio of the number of fetal-preferred ends to maternal-preferred ends is positively correlated with the fetal DNA fraction in maternal plasma[49].This novel direction of cfDNA exploration regarding fragment ends has opened up new possibilities to study the complexity associated with non-randomness of plasma DNA ends,providing a new way to investigate the highly orchestrated cfDNA fragmentation patterns.More studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between the various factors as well as their interactions,for example,methylation[17],nucleosome footprints[47],and the underlying mechanisms governing the end-cutting patterns of plasma DNA. More studies in such new directions will lead to a better understanding toward the principles of fetal DNA generation,as well as the factors governing the fetal DNA fraction in different physiological and pathological conditions.Acknowledgments:This work was supported by the Research Grants Council Theme-based Research Scheme of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(T12-403/15N).Conflicts of Interest:Peiyong Jiang is a consultant to Xcelom and Cirina.Peiyong Jiang hasfiled a number of cell-free DNA based patent applications.References1.Lo,Y.M.D.;Corbetta,N.;Chamberlain,P.F.;Rai,V.;Sargent,I.L.;Redman,C.W.;Wainscoat,J.S.Presence offetal DNA in maternal plasma and ncet1997,350,485–487.[CrossRef]2.Chiu,R.W.K.;Chan,K.C.A.;Gao,Y.;Lau,V.Y.;Zheng,W.;Leung,T.Y.;Foo,C.H.;Xie,B.;Tsui,N.B.;Lun,F.M.;et al.Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal chromosomal aneuploidy by massively parallel genomic sequencing of DNA in maternal A2008,105,20458–20463.[CrossRef] 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