AC输入模块(AIM MI-AIM)设计指南和应用手册
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All In One贴片机AIM安装手册本机器的手册包含以下内容。
AIM 安装手册AIM 系统手册AIM 机械手册FUJI 智能供料器手册AIM程序手册为了您能安全高效的使用本机器,请仔细阅读以上手册,并遵守上面记载的步骤·注意事项。
QD045-03目录目录1. 安全指南 (1)1.1 标记的读法 (1)1.1.1 危险度的定义 (1)1.1.2 图标记号示例 (1)1.2 所有机型共通的注意事项 (2)1.3 各机型特有的注意事项 (5)1.3.1 AIM (5)1.3.2 料盘单元-L (9)1.3.3 料盘单元-M (10)1.4 安全标识 (11)1.4.1 AIM安全标识的含义 (13)1.5 紧急停止 (14)1.6 关于闭锁 (15)1.6.1 如何实施闭锁 (15)1.6.2 如何解除闭锁 (17)2. AIM安装概要 (19)2.1 前言 (19)3. 机器的安装 (21)3.1 移动机器 (21)3.1.1 操作时的注意事项 (21)3.1.2 搬运方法 (22)3.2 拆卸固定支架 (25)3.2.1 拆除方法 (25)3.3 基本布线 (26)3.3.1 电源电缆 (26)3.3.2 网络 (28)3.3.3 供气 (29)3.4 AIM生产线内的连接 (31)3.4.1 将AIM与别的AIM连接 (31)3.4.2 AIM与其他机种连接时 (34)3.5 周围机器的连接 (37)目录QD045-033.5.1 将周围机器连接到AIM之间 (37)3.5.2 将周围机器连接到AIM和其他机种之间 (41)3.6 水平调整 (45)3.6.1 水平调整方法 (45)3.7 料盘单元-L (46)3.7.1 调整高度和倾斜 (46)3.8 PSU(料盘存储器单元)(选项) (49)3.8.1 高度的调整 (49)3.9 网络设定 (50)3.9.1 设定方法 (50)3.10 管理电脑的连接 (51)3.10.1 连接笔记本电脑时 (52)3.10.2 连接台式电脑时 (54)4. 在Flexa中设定AIM (57)4.1 前言 (57)4.2 一般设定 (57)4.2.1 建立工厂 (57)4.2.2 建立生产线 (57)4.2.3 创建机器 (58)5. 安装附属软件 (61)5.1 前言 (61)5.1.1 安装概要 (61)5.2 所需物品 (62)5.2.1 动作环境 (62)5.3 安装Fuji Flexa (64)5.4 安装AIM附属软件 (72)5.5 Realtime Workingrate Buffer Service(RWB服务器)的安装 (81)6. Fujitrax Verifier的设置 (83)6.1 前言 (83)6.2 必要条件 (83)6.2.1 安装并运行Central Server (83)6.2.2 将AIM机添加至Fujitrax的生产线结构 (85)QD045-03目录6.2.3 AIM机的Fujitrax configuration设置 (86)6.2.4 Kit Handy access的用户注册 (87)目录QD045-03 MEMO:1.安全指南本公司是在充分考虑安全的前提下进行机器的设计和制造的。
弥亚微电子电力线载波通讯模块说明书Revision HistoryVersion Author Description Of Change Issued By/Date1.0 Pengsi Xu Initial Draft 2008-9-21目录1 模块简述 (4)2 模块外形尺寸 (4)2.1外形尺寸示意图 (4)2.2 模块引脚定义 (5)2.3 模块硬件框图 (6)2.4 模块规格 (6)3 模块通讯协议 (7)3.1网络协议 (7)3.2 透明传输接口协议 (8)4 测试注意事项 (8)4.1安全事项 (8)4.2其他注意事项 (8)1 模块简述模块采用MI200E 电力线载波通讯芯片,具有通讯可靠,抗干扰能力强等特点。
也可以作为一个简单的透明传输模块使用,通过TTL 电平串行接口,实现数据透明传输。
模块硬件部分采用MI200E+MCU 的方式,所有MI200E 外围电路(包括信号耦合电路)均包含在内。
用户只需将220V 接入到模块,并为模块提供一组+5V 直流电源即可。
2 模块外形尺寸2.1外形尺寸示意图图2.12.2 模块引脚定义引脚编号 引脚名称 功能描述 备注交流220V相线1 AC-L交流220V相线2 AC-L3 NC4 NC5 NC6 NC交流220V零线7 AC-N交流220V零线8 AC-N9 GPIO 扩展I/O10 GPIO 扩展I/O11 GPIO 扩展I/O12 GPIO 扩展I/O13 TXD 数据发送串口数据发送引脚14 RXD 数据接收串口数据接收引脚15 GND 模块地16 VCC 模块电源 +5V±0.5V*使用中无需严格区分相线与零线2.3 模块硬件框图2.4 模块规格名称 参数 备注 交流电压范围 AC 100V~AC 240V ±10% 50Hz/60Hz 同相通讯模块电源 DC 5V ±10% 57.6KHz ±16KHz 76.8KHz ±16KHz载波频率及带宽 115.2KHz ±16KHz 载波频率不同,部分外围滤波电路参数需作微调 200bps~1600bps50Hz PLC 通讯速率240bps~1960bps60Hz 发送功率 ≤0.4W 10Ω负载 接收灵敏度 ≥20mV最大功耗 ≤80mA 发送状态(10Ω负载)静态功耗 ≤30mA 接收状态 工作温度 -10℃~+55℃ 储存温度 -25℃~+70℃数据接口Uart MPPDL/T-645-1997接口通讯协议 ANSI C 12.18EMI 标准 符合EN550223 模块通讯协议3.1网络协议一个可靠的集抄系统除了有优异物理层通讯能力的Modem芯片,还需要配以智能化的网络协议,两者结合才能实现网络的智能组建、自动维护以及通讯的稳定可靠。
接收来自开关、传感 器等设备的数字信号。
建议每季度对系统进行一次全面检查,及时发现 并处理潜在问题。
定期检查设备接线端子是否松动或脱落,及时紧 固。
定期清洁设备表面和内部灰尘,保持设备良好运 行环境。
关注软件版本更新情况,及时升级以获得更好的 性能和稳定性。
在恢复数据前,务必确认备份数据的完整性 和正确性。
从官方网站或指定渠道下 载升级包。
按照升级包中的说明文档 逐步进行升级操作。
备份当前系统数据,确保 升级过程中数据不会丢失。
升级完成后,进行系统测 试和验证,确保系统正常 运行。
针对一个具体应用场景,展示如何利 用AC800M编程实现高效的人机交互 和数据处理。
剖析一个典型故障处理案例,讲解如 何利用人机界面进行故障诊断和快速 恢复。
点块AC8输入 8继电器输出模块说明书
Installation Instructions POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output Module(Cat. No. 1734D-IA8XOW8, -IA8XOW8S) ArrayThis 1734D input/output module is a DIN-rail mounted device with an integrated DeviceNet communication interface, 8 ac inputs and 8 relay outputs, removable terminations, and a PointBus expansion port. The expansion port allows you to add up to a maximum of 12 additional POINT I/O modules.The module includes a non-isolated DeviceNet communication interface. The 24V dc from the DeviceNet connection powers a non-isolated dc/dc converter that generates +5V dc which powers the POINTBlock electronics and connects to the PointBus port to power the expansion I/O electronics.The 1734-IA8XOW8 uses cage-clamp terminations, and the1734-IA8XOW8S uses spring-clamp terminations.2 POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output ModuleWhatever field power you supply is connected to the internal field-power bus. For example, if 120V ac is applied to the power connections, there will be 120V ac applied to the modules through the internal field-power bus.POINT I/O modules to the right of the module will also have that internal power bus voltage applied, unless you use a 1734-FPD to interrupt and change the field power-bus voltage.ConnectorPointBus Expansion Port (allows expansion of up to 12 POINT I/O modules)I/O ConnectionsPower Connections 41971120V acPOINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output Module 3To set the node address, set the combination of 1’s and 10’s tocorrespond to the required address. (For example, for 61, set the 10’s switch to 6 and the 1’s switch to 1.)POINTBlock is designed to be grounded through the DIN rail to chassis ground. To assure proper grounding of POINTBlock and POINT I/O adapters and terminal bases to chassis ground, the recommended DIN rail material is zinc-plated, yellow-chromated steel. Mount POINTBlock, POINT I/O adapters and terminal bases only to zinc-plated, yellow-chromated steel.4200410’s Node Address Rotary Switch4 POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output ModuleWiring120V acRTB 0RTB 1RTB 2RTB 3RTB 4This supply will be connected to the internal power bus. NC = No connectionL2/N = AC Return/Neutral L1 = AC Power41976POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output Module 5Input WiringNote: When connecting more than 1 wire in a termination point, make sure that both wires are the same gauge and type.ChannelInput TerminalReturnVoltageRemote Termination Block 10046115722463357Remote Termination Block 24046515762467357120V ac is supplied through the internal power bus.41967acL1 = 120V ac L2 = Return6 POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output ModuleOutput WiringChannel Output Common SupplyRemote Termination Block 30A 00B 21A 11B 32A 42B 63A 53B 7Remote Termination Block 44A 04B 25A 15B 36A 46B 67A 57B7Supply voltage is 120V ac.12/24V dc power for the module is provided by the internal power bus.L1 = 120V ac L2 = ReturnPOINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output Module 7N ote: When connecting more than 1 wire in a termination point,make sure that both wires are the same gauge and type.DeviceNet Connector WiringDeviceNet connection-V42132+V CAN - High Shield CAN - Low8 POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output ModuleThe following information applies when operating this equipment in hazardous locations:Informations sur l’utilisation de cet équipement en environnements dangereux :Products marked “CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D” are suitable for use in Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D, Hazardous Locations and nonhazardous locations only. Each product is supplied with markings on the rating nameplate indicating the hazardous location temperature code. When combining products within a system, the most adverse temperature code (lowest “T” number) may be used to help determine the overall temperature code of the system. Combinations of equipment in your system are subject to investigation by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction at the time of installation.Les produits marqués "CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D" ne conviennent qu’à une utilisation en environnements de Classe I Division 2 Groupes A, B, C, D dangereux et non dangereux. Chaque produit est livré avec des marquages sur sa plaque d’identification qui indiquent le code de température pour les environnements dangereux. Lorsque plusieurs produits sont combinés dans un système, le code de température le plus défavorable (code detempérature le plus faible) peut être utilisé pourdéterminer le code de température global dusystème. Les combinaisons d’équipements dans le système sont sujettes à inspection par les autorités locales qualifiées au moment de l’installation.EXPLOSION HAZARD •Do not disconnectequipment unlesspower has beenremoved or the areais known to benonhazardous. •Do not disconnectconnections to thisequipment unlesspower has beenremoved or the areais known to benonhazardous.Secure any externalconnections thatmate to thisequipment by usingscrews, slidinglatches, threadedconnectors, or othermeans providedwith this product.•Substitution ofcomponents mayimpair suitability forClass I, Division 2.•If this productcontains batteries,they must only bechanged in an areaknown to benonhazardous.RISQUE D’EXPLOSION •Couper le courant ou s’assurer quel’environnement estclassé non dangereuxavant de débrancherl'équipement.•Couper le courant ou s'assurer quel’environnement estclassé non dangereuxavant de débrancherles connecteurs. Fixertous les connecteursexternes reliés à cetéquipement à l'aidede vis, loquetscoulissants,connecteurs filetés ouautres moyens fournisavec ce produit.•La substitution decomposants peutrendre cetéquipement inadaptéà une utilisation enenvironnement deClasse I, Division 2.•S’assurer quel’environnement estclassé non dangereuxavant de changer lespiles.POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output Module 9Specifications - 1734D-IA8XOW8, -IA8XOW8SInput SpecificationsON-State Voltage65V ac minON-State Current 5.0mA minOFF-State Voltage43V ac maxOFF-State Current 2.5mA maxNominal Input Impedance17.0kΩInput Delay Time OFF to ONON to OFF 20ms hardware + (0-65ms selectable) 20ms hardware + (0-65ms selectable)External AC Power SupplyVoltage120V ac, 60Hz nominalExternal AC Power SupplyVoltage Range85-132V ac, 47-63HzOutput SpecificationsRelay Type Form A, normally open (N.O.)Single Pole, Single Throw (SPST)Output Voltage Range (load dependent)********************* ******************* ********************* ******************** ********************Output Current Rating (at rated power)Resistive2A @ 5-30V dc0.5A @ 48V dc0.25A @ 125V dc2A @ 125V ac2A @ 240V acInductive2.0A steady state @ 5-30V dc, L/R - 7ms 0.5A steady state @ 48V dc, L/R = 7ms 0.25A steady state @ 125V dc, L/R = 7ms 2.0A steady state, 15A make @ 125V ac, PF = cos θ = 0.42.0A steady state, 15A make @ 240V ac, PF = cos θ = 0.410 POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output ModulePower Rating250W max for 125V ac resistive loads480W max for 240V ac resistive loads60W max for 28.8V dc resistive loads24W max for 48V dc resistive loads31W max for 125V dc resistive loads250VA max for 125V ac inductive loads480VA max for 240V ac inductive loads60VA max for 28.8V dc inductive loads24VA max for 48V dc inductive loads31VA max for 125V dc inductive loads Minimum Load10mA per pointInitial Contact Res.30mΩSwitching Frequency 1 operation/3s at rated loadBounce Time 1.2ms averageExpected Contact Life300K cycles resistive; 100K cycles inductive Maximum OFF-State Leakage 1.5mA maxOutput Delay Time10ms max ON/OFFPointbus Output Current1A max @ 5V ac outputDeviceNet Current95mA maximum for POINTBlock350mA for maximum with expansion of12 POINT I/O modulesNumber of POINT I/OExpansion Modules12 maximum added at expansion portIsolation Voltage1250Vrms or 2121V dc for 1s between user powerand DeviceNetIndicators 1 red/ green module status indicator1 red/green network status indicator16 I/O status indicators (8 input/8 output) Power Dissipation 2.0W maximum @ 24V dcPower Consumption8.2W maximum @ 24V dcField Power Bus Supply Voltage Voltage Range Supply Current 24V dc nominal 10-28.8V dc 10A maxDimensions Inches(Millimeters)3.00H x 2.36W x 5.25L (76.2 Hx 60.0W x 133.4L)POINTBlock ac 8 Input/8 Relay Output Module 11Publication 1734-5.23 - February 2000Environmental Conditions Operational Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity Shock Operating Non-operating Vibration-20 to +55o C (-4 to +131o F) -40 to 85o C (-40 to 185o F) 5 to 95% noncondensing 30g peak acceleration, 11(±1)ms pulse width 50g peak acceleration, 11(±1)ms pulse width Tested 5g @ 10-500Hz per IEC 68-2-6Conductors Wire Size Category 14 AWG (2.5mm 2) - 22 AWG (0.25mm 2) solid or stranded max 3/64 inch (1.2mm) insulation max 21Terminal Base Screw Torque 5-7 pound-inches (0.5-0.6 Nm)Field Wiring Terminations DeviceNet 1 - Black Wire -V 2 - Blue Wire CAN Low 3 - Bare Wire Drain 4 - White Wire CAN High 5 - Red Wire +VField Power Supply 0 - No Connection1 - No Connection 2 - No Connection3 - No Connection 4 - AC return 5 - AC return 6 - AC power 7 - AC powerMass 13.87 oz/393.41 gramsAgency Certification (when product is marked)•C-UL Listed •C-UL Class I, Division 2 Groups A, B, C and D certified•UL listed•CE marked for all applicable directives•C-Tick marked for all applicable acts1Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing. Refer to publication 1770-4.1, “Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines for Noise Immunity.”Publication 1734-5.23 - February 2000PN 957236-90© 2000 Rockwell International Corporation. Printed in USA。
18.AC输入电源系统(FlatPAC系列)设计指南和应用手册针对VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器和可配置电源概述电路操作FlatPAC AC-OK和BUS-OK状态输出、MOD-DIS输入(2-UP和3-UP)Vicor 的FlatPAC 由一个离线单相AC 前端和一个、两个或三个VI-26x / VI-B6x 系列DC-DC 转换器模块(1-up、2-up、3-up)组成,组合在一个集成的机械组件中。
该组件提供了一个完整的、高效率、离线开关电源,可提供高达600 W 的功率。
离线前端提供整流和滤波的AC 输入,从而提供一个标称未经稳压的300 Vdc 总线,作为VI-26x / VI-B6x 系列转换器模块的输入。
对于115 Vac 操作,前端控制电路将自动自举(strap)桥接作为一个电压倍增器,或作为230 Vac 操作的全桥。
AC 线电压通过施加一个机构认可的接线端子提供AC 电源(L1、L2/ N 和GND)。
L1引线的电流被加在3-up FlatPAC 的一个15 A/250 V 熔断器上,2-up FlatPAC 采用一个12 A /250 V 熔断器,1-up FlatPAC 采用一个8 A /250 V 熔断器。
这个电流只在FlatPAC 内部的主电源组件发生灾难性故障情况下中断。
流过一个EMC 滤波器的超过熔断器的输入电流旨在满足FCC Part 15 EN55022 Class B 针对2-up 和3-up 版本的传导噪声限值。
在启动时,AC 浪涌电流在传递给主储能电容之前是由PTC 热敏电阻来限制的。
这个PTC 热敏电阻既可作为上电的一个浪涌电流限制器,也可作为线路过压情况下的一个限流关断器件。
在3-up FlatPAC(对1-up 是和2-up FlatPAC 是TRIAC)上的一对反并联SCR 初始上电后不久,PTC 被分流出来,由一个DC 电压检测电路驱动的光电TRIAC 耦合器来控制。
罗克韦尔自动化 FLEX 5000 数字量 16 点 120V AC 输入模块 安装指南说明书
安装指南FLEX 5000 数字量 16 点 120V AC 输入模块产品目录号 5094-IA16、5094-IA16XT产品概述5094-IA16 和 5094-IA16XT 数字量 16 点 120V AC 输入模块用于检测现场设备中的输入转换。
即,这类模块用于检测输入状态何时从 OFF 变为 ON 或何时从 ON 变为 OFF 。
FLEX 5000™ I/O 模块采用生产者 - 消费者通信模式。
FLEX 5000 I/O 模块与一些 Logix 5000™ 控制器配合使用,并通过 Studio 5000 Logix Designer® 应用程序进行配置。
有关Logix 5000 控制器和 Logix Designer 应用程序版本与 FLEX 5000 I/O 模块兼容的更多信息,请参见第12页的“其他资源”中列出的出版物。
主题页码关于模块5准备事宜5所需组件5安装模块7安装终端盖7给端子座接线8断开与端子座的连线9接线图10为系统供电10拆卸模块11更换模块11模块技术参数11其他资源122罗克韦尔自动化出版物 5094-IN025A-ZH-P - 2019 年 12 月FLEX 5000 数字量 16 点 120V AC 输入模块 安装指南ATTENTION:Read this document and the documents listed in the Additional Resources section about installation, configuration and operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice. If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.注意:在安装、配置、操作和维护本产品前,请阅读本文档以及“其他资源”部分列出的有关设备安装、配置和操作的相应文档。
MCB 101 - 通用输入输出选项模块操作指南说明书
MCB 101 - General Purpose I/O Option ModuleOperating Instructions December 2008TR200BAS-SVX28A-ENBAS-SVX28A-ENNote that warnings, cautions and notices appear at appropriate intervals throughout this manual. Warnings are provide to alert installing contractors to potential hazards that could result in personal injury or death. Cautions are designed to alert personnel to hazardous situations that could result in personal injury, while notices indicate a situation that could result in equipment or property-damage-only accidents.Your personal safety and the proper operation of this machine depend upon the strict observance of these precautions.Warnings, Cautions and Notices appear at appropriate sections throughout this literature. Read these carefully.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. It could also be used to alert against unsafe practices.NOTICEIndicates a situation that could result in equipment or property-damage only accidents.NoteIndicates something important to be noted by the reader.✮Indicates default settingIntroductionThis instruction describes the General Purpose I/O option MCB 101 for use in the TR200 expanding the number of input/output in the frequency converter.The MCB 101 option includes 3 digital inputs, 2 analog inputs, 2 digital outputs and 1 analog output.SW firmware version to be installed in the drive control card must be version 3.00 or later versions for series, and version 1.1x for TR200 series. Check par.15-43 Software Version for firmware version.Code Numbers To Be Used At Ordering The Complete Kit For UpgradesStandard version code no. 130B1125.Coated version code no. 103B1212.Illustration 1. 1: Parts for coated/non-coated code nos.Galvanic Isolation in the MCB 101Digital/analog inputs are galvanically isolated from other inputs/outputs on the MCB 101 and in the control card of the frequency converter. Digital/analog outputs in the MCB 101 are galvanically isolated from other inputs/ outputs on the MCB 101, but not from these on the control card of the drive.If the digital inputs 7, 8 or 9 are to be switched by use of the internal 24 V power supply (terminal 9) the connection between terminal 1 and 5 which is illustrated in the drawing has to be established.Digital Inputs - Terminal X30/1-4Analog Voltage Inputs - Terminal X30/10-12Digital Outputs - Terminal X30/5-7Analog Outputs - Terminal X30/5+8Mounting of Option Modules in Slot BThe power to the frequency converter must be disconnected.For A2, A3 and B3 enclosures:•Remove the keypad, the terminal cover, and the keypad frame from the frequency converter.•Fit the MCB 101 option card into slot B.•Connect the control cables and relieve the cable by the enclosed cable strips.Remove the knock out in the extended keypad frame delivered in the option set, so that the option will fit under the extended keypad frame.•Fit the extended keypad frame and terminal cover.•Fit the keypad or blind cover in the extended keypad frame.•Connect power to the frequency converter.•Set up the input/output functions in the corresponding parameters, as mentioned in this document.For A5, B1, B2, B4, C1, C2, C3, C4, D, E and F enclosures:•Remove the keypad and the keypad cradle•Fit the MCB 101 option card into slot B•Connect the control cables and relieve the cable by the enclosed cable strips•Fit the cradle•Fit the keypadA2, A3 and B3 enclosures A5, B1, B2, B4, C1, C2, C3, C4, D, E and F enclosuresMounting Guidelines - Step By StepThese step-by-step instructions describe how to mount the control cables:•The power to the frequency converter must be disconnected.•Remove the keypad, the terminal cover, and the keypad frame from the frequency converter.•Fit the MCB 101 option card into slot B.•Connect the control cables and relieve the cable by the enclosed cable strips.•Remove the knock out in the extended keypad frame, so that the option will fit under the extended keypad frame.•Fit the extended keypad frame and terminal cover.•Fit the keypad or blind cover in the extended keypad frame.•Connect power to the frequency converter.•Set up the input/output functions in the corresponding parameters, as mentioned in the Programming Guide.How To Mount CablesThe graphic below illustrates how to mount the cables.Rev. 2008-12-09130R0477MI11B102*MI11B102*Trane has a policy of continous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.For more information, contact your local Trane ***********************************Literature Order Number BAS-SVX28A-EN DateDecember 2008Supersedes。
ICAM 自动编程系统具有操作简便、编程高效、精度高等特点,广泛应用于航空航天、汽车制造、模具加工等领域。
二、ICAM自动编程系统的基本操作1. 登入系统打开ICAM自动编程系统的软件,输入用户名和密码进行登入。
2. 创建新项目在系统界面上选择“新建项目”,填写项目名称、图纸尺寸等基本信息,创建一个新的数控加工项目。
3. 导入CAD图形选择“导入CAD图形”,将CAD系统生成的零件图形导入到ICAM 自动编程系统中。
4. 设置加工参数根据零件的材料、加工工艺等要求,设置数控加工的参数,包括刀具类型、切削速度、进给速度等。
5. 生成加工路径系统根据导入的CAD图形,自动分析零件的几何形状,并生成数控加工路径。
6. 优化加工路径对于复杂的零件,用户可以对系统生成的加工路径进行优化,以提高加工效率和加工质量。
7. 生成数控程序系统根据生成的加工路径,自动编写数控加工程序,并可以进行手动调整和优化。
8. 模拟加工在确保数控程序没有错误的情况下,可以进行加工模拟,观察零件加工过程并进行验证。
9. 输出数控代码将生成的数控程序输出为机床所需的代码格式,如G代码、M代码等,以便于数控机床进行加工。
三、ICAM自动编程系统的使用技巧1. 熟练掌握CAD软件ICAM自动编程系统需要与CAD软件配合使用,熟练掌握CAD软件的操作方法对于使用ICAM自动编程系统至关重要。
2. 理解加工工艺对于不同的零件,需要根据其材料、几何形状等特点,合理设置加工参数,以确保加工质量和加工效率。
Vicor 输出功率能力和输入衰减模块(IAM)的数据手册说明书
10VU2U1OCOVVref 2Vref 1+OUT –OUT–IN +IN–IN+IN GATE INGATE OUTP ARALLEL Q1Q2D1D2C2VI-A11-xU 24 V (21 – 32 V)200 W VI-AWW-xU 24 V “W” (18 – 36 V)200 W VI-A33-xQ 48 V (42 – 60 V)400 W VI-ANN-xQ 48 V “N” (36 – 76 V)400 W VI-A66-xQ 300 V (200 – 400 V)400 W[a]MI-A22-xU 28 V (16 – 50 V)200 W MI-A66-xU270 V (125 – 400 V)200 W图14-1—输出功率能力图14-2—输出功率能力图14-2—输入衰减模块(IAM)的框图针对VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器和可配置电源概述IAM是一个元件级、DC输入前端滤波器,在结合Vx-200和Vx-J00系列DC-DC转换器使用时,提供了一个输出电压范围1–95 Vdc和功率范围25 – 800 W 功率扩展的高效、高密度电源系统。
AIMCGE指南 map for CGE’s sector and original sector map of original BC and OC sector , and Energy balance flow
CO2_nonorg_source.set CO2 non organic emission source set
fossil fuel extraction cost in excel file TFP growth rate in excel file Non-energy use in data Renewable energy capacity GDP and population scenario data (GEO4) in excel file a directory for set and map files a set file for activities a set file for commodities a set file for countries a set file for economic industrial classification used in EEDD a set file for economic indicators used in EEDD a set file for energy flow used in EEDD a map file of sales tax set to commodities set a set file for sales tax a set file for energy products used in EEDD a map file from the original SAM classification to that of CGE iv
目 录一、概述 (1)二、主要技术参数 (2)三、型号规格 (3)四、执行机构外形及安装尺寸 (7)五、执行机构的接线 (15)六、开箱和产品的陈套性 (20)七、运输和贮存 (20)八、质量承诺 (20)一、概述AI、MI系列智能型电动执行机构是在引进产品ROTORK A、M系列电动执行机构的基础上,采用当今最先进的超大规模数字集成电路研制而成的新一代智能化、数字化、中/英文菜单显示、遥控操作的电动执行机构。
本产品执行的标准代号及名称:Q/YXBM 233 -2004《ID系列智能型电动执行机构》。
菜单式操作,凸现了调试简单、操作方便的优点非侵入式设计——采用双密封结构、无贯通轴设计,无需打开电气端盖即可通过遥控器进行设定和调试,是防护等级IP68的绝对保证2、AI、MI智能型电动执行机构的功能:遥控器设定功能执行机构阀位指示显示功能行程限位保护功能力矩限位保护功能状态指示触点功能1)中途限位 4)执行器正在运行 7)远程控制 10)手轮操作中 13)行程中力矩跳断 2)执行器正在打开 5)就地停止 8)开阀联锁 11)开阀力矩跳断3)执行器正在关闭 6)就地控制 9)关阀联锁 12)关阀力矩跳断阀门报警功能控制系统报警指示1)过力矩报警功能 2)堵转报警功能 a 、关方向过力矩 a 、关方向堵转 b 、开方向过力矩 b 、开方向堵转 c 、全方向过力矩 c 、全方向堵转1)紧急事件(ESD)报警 2)断信号报警执行机构报警指示1)电机过热报警 3)内电源故障报警 5)内部系统故障报警 7)就地接线故障报警 2)电池电量过低报警 4)电源缺相报警 6)阀位信号掉失保护 瞬间反向保护功能就地控制电动/自保持选择功能触点方式选择功能外部联锁设置功能条件控制设置功能两线控制设置功能力矩旁路设置功能ESD超越保护功能中断设置功能附加指示触点功能3、AI、MI智能型电动执行机构的工作原理:AI、MI系列多转式智能型电动执行机构由三相异步电动机驱动,通过蜗轮蜗杆减速,带动空心输出轴转动输出转矩。
ACKU040 核心板用户手册说明书
KINTEX UltraScale开发平台用户手册ACKU040核心板2 / 24芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司文档版本控制文档版本修改内容记录REV1.0创建文档目录文档版本控制 (2)一、ACKU040核心板 (4)(一)简介 (4)(二)FPGA芯片 (5)(三)DDR4 DRAM (5)(四)QSPI Flash (10)(五)时钟配置 (11)(六)LED灯 (12)(七)电源 (12)(八)结构图 (14)(九)连接器管脚定义 (14)3 / 244 / 24芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司一、 ACKU040核心板(一) 简介ACKU040(核心板型号,下同)核心板,FPGA 芯片是基于XILINX 公司的XC7K325系列的XCKU040-2FFVA1156I 。
核心板使用了4片Micron 的1GB 的DDR4芯片MT40A512M16LY-062EIT,总的容量达4GB 。
另外核心板上也集成了2片128MBit 大小的QSPI FLASH ,用于启动存储配置和系统文件。
这款核心板的6个板对板连接器扩展出了359个IO ,其中BANK64和BANK65的104个IO 的电平是3.3V ,其它BANK 的IO 都是1.8V 。
另外核心板也扩展出了20对高速收发器GTH 接口。
对于需要大量IO 的用户,此核心板将是不错的选择。
而且IO连接部分,FPGA 芯片到接口之间走线做了等长和差分处理,并且核心板尺寸仅为80*60(mm ),对于二次开发来说,非常适合。
ACKU040核心板正面图5 / 24(二) FPGA 芯片核心板使用的是Xilinx 公司的KINTEX UltraSacale 芯片,型号为XCKU040-2FFVA1156I 。
此型号为FFVA1156封装,1156个引脚,引脚间距为1.0mm 。
Xilinx KINTEX UltraSacale 的芯片命名规则如下图1-2-1所示:图1-2-1 KINTEX UltraSacale FPGA 型号命名规则定义其中FPGA 芯片XCKU040的主要参数如下所示:名称具体参数 逻辑单元Logic Cells 530,250 查找表(CLB LUTs) 242,400 触发器(CLB flip-flops) 484,800 Block RAM (Mb )大小 21.1 DSP 处理单元(DSP Slices )1,920 PCIe Gen3 x8 3GTH Transceiver20个,16.3Gb/s max速度等级 -2 温度等级工业级(三) DDR4 DRAM核心板上配有四片Micron(美光)的1GB 的DDR4芯片,型号为MT40A512M16LY-062EIT 。
0.01 µF(两个 4,700 pF) Y额定电容器
AIM的DC输出是峰值整流线(VacRMS×√2),因此,85 Vac相当于120 Vdc,而120 Vdc和264 Vac相当于373 Vdc。由 于DC输出范围很宽,需要使用输入电压器件编号标志为“7” (100–375 V)的DC-DC转换器。不过,标志为“5”(100 -200V)的DC-DC转换器器件编号仅适用于美国国内AC输 入,而标志为“6”(200-400V)的仅适用于欧洲的AC输 入,根据输出功率能力,在某些应用中有可能减少所需的模块 数量。
为了获得最大灵活性,外部电容器(图12–2,C)可用于设 置系统的保持要求。对于本应用笔记,保持时间被定义为从 AC电源丧失到DC-DC转换器开始退出稳压的时间间隔(图 12–3、T4至T5)。保持时间是线电压、保持电容、输出负 载,以及AC波形中线路退出跌落(drop out)这一点的函 数。例如,如果AC线路在紧接着保持电容器充电发生之后出 现故障,保持时间会比AC线路恰好处在另一次充电之前出现 故障时大大增加(图12–3,T3至T5)。
800 735.6200
Aimline ALX系列产品手册说明书
ALX ManualAimline ALX SeriesManualDownload the PDF version by scanningthe QR codeALX ManualManual for Aimline ALX seriesMountingPrepare the cabling for the ALX. All connectors are located at the back side behind a plate at the bottom of the enclosure.Mount the speaker to the wall using the L-brackets or the two pieces wallmount for space less mounting.Recommended mounting height should be minimum 1,80 bottom to the ground.Correct orientation is having the input panel at the bottom side.Dimensions ALX 8Dimensions cover plate Dimensions bracketDimensions connecting plateALX connection1: Ground2. GPI: Input: Contact can switch between Dante and analogue input3. GPIO: Output: Gives status report (failure indication) about the system(for surveillance).4: AES-EBU-Digital Input Ground5: AES-EBU Digital-Input minus6: AES-EBU Digital Input plusConnecting the ALX to PANC softwareConnect your computer to the Ethernet port “DATA-IN” of the ALX using a standard CAT-5 cable.Connections to more ALX speaker are made using “DATA-THRU” going to the next ALX speaker.For having more than two devices in a network and using DANTE as audio transmission the use of the IP switch is strongly recommended. Factory default setting of ALX is set to a fixed IP-address your network-adapter at your PC to a fixed IP-address in the range:192.168.10 XX (without using 10)Open “PANC CONTROL.exe”RIGHT-click on “INTERFACES” (top left on the screen)Have a look at IP-RANGE (top-right), be sure the IP-range is set to the correct value ( – “UDP MENUE” NETWORK VIEW you can have a look to all devices that are in your networkIn “UDP MENUE”NETWORK VIEWyou can have alook to all devicesthat are in yournetworkClick “START SCANNING”The software now scans the IP-RANGE and will show all Aimline speaker within the network.Click “ADD ALL”. The scan window will be closed and the main-window shows up.Online-devices appear with a green dot.Maybe a popup appears that offers you to do a firmware-update: Please click “CANCEL”.You can change the IP address of any Aimline speaker in the network using “NETWORK-view” in the TOOLS Menue:Double-click the unit and change the IP address. Notice: Effect appears after restarting the unit. A new network-scan is necessary.Notice that every device has to be set to an individual IP address.Be sure to choose the right audio input source: Analogue, AES or Dante for your audio-input.Factory default setting for ALX is DANTE INPUTYou can name each device individually: Double-click on thedevice in the Interface-window and name your device.Please notice not to use the same name twice.DANTE:Please notice:Factory default setting for the DANTE card is “DHCP”, DANTE does not have a fixed IP-address.You can change thenetwork settings forthe DANTE-cards usingthe software “DANTEcontroller”, that isavailable fromAudinate-website.With the DANTE-controller you canassign the DANTE-signals to the DANTEreceivers. Each AimlineALX offers two DANTE-inputs.In DANTE controlleryou can also changethe network settingsfor the DANTE cards from DHCP to a fixed IP address. Notice that this range has to be separated from the range of the PANC range.To download DANTE controller for Windows orMacOS scan the QR codeIf the connection between PANC software and one ore more devices is lost (caused by mains disconnected or network disconnected) the green bottom top left will turn to RED.RIGHT-click on the speaker and choose RECONNECTNotice:The MUTE-ALL- bottom mutes ALL devices in your network; the UNMUTE-bottom unmutes ALL devices in your network.DEVICE-MANAGERIn “DEVICE-MANAGER” you have a TAB for each ALX speaker found in the network. Below the TAB you see TABs for editing each speaker:MAIN – GAIN/DELAY – IRR – FIR – BEAM - PRESETS – SYSTEMS SETTINGSThe tab MAIN offers an overview and gives direct access to MUTE – GAIN – DELAY – IIR- and the presetsThe tab GAIN/DELAY gives access to the level and the delay for each input. The delay can be switched from ms to meter to feetThe IIR tab gives access to a full parametric equalizer for each of the two inputs. Note: The inputs can be linked in the main-view, with linked inputs the PEQ-settings will be linked as well.Beam settings:The tab BEAM offers you the complete setup for the beam steering ability of the ALX series.Choose between one or two beams by choosing how many speaker are used for each beam.For each beam the angle (up and down) can be set.For each beam the beam spreading can be set.For each beam the acoustic center can be set.For each beam the gain can be set.Speakers per Beam:Used for multibeam-applications, splits the beam into two beams. Decide, how many driver-units physically are used to build up one beam. Minimum 4 drivers are necessary to build one beam.Possible configurations:ALX4: No multibeamALX8: 4:4 is the only choiceALX16: 8:8, 12:4, 4:12ALX24: 12:12, 20:4, 4:20, 12:8, 8:12ALX32: 16:16, 28:4, 4:28, 20:12, 12:20ALX40: 20:20, 36:4, 4:36, 32:8, 8:32, 28:12, 12:28, 24:16, 16:24ALX48: 24:24, 40:4, 4:40, 36:4, 4:36, 32:8, 8:32, 28:12, 12:28, 24:16, 16:24Angle:Specifies the angle of one or two beams. Using the “Down” arrow the acoustical beam moves down, using the “Up” arrow the acoustical beams moves up.If only one beam is activated use the lower button line.BEAM-Spreading:Specifies the opening-angle for each beam.If only one beam is activated use the lower button line.Acoustic MidSpecifies the acoustical center. This can be moved up and down using the up and down arrows.If only one beam is activated use the lower button line.Gain:Specifies the Gain (volume) for each beamIf only one beam is activated use the lower button line.Testfrequency:Specifies the frequency for the beam graphic.Standard-setting is 1500Hz.Room length:Enter the room dimensions (length)Room height:Enter the room dimensions (height)Install-Pos X:Enter the install position of the ALX-speaker in x-dimension (distance from the wall)Install-Pos Y:Enter the install position of the ALX-speaker in y-dimension (height from the floor, bottom of enclosure)Install Angle:Enter the install-angle of the ALX-speaker if the speaker is mounted in anangle down- or upwards.Working with presetsPresets are to be created in the PANC control software. They will be stored in the hardware-device. Use the Load and Store- button in the MAIN-tab of the device.The current active preset is shown in the left area.using the tab PRESETSAfter you created one or more presets press the button “Store Device Param-eters”. The device will load the last preset after each start.Working with UDP commands to switch presetsThe presets can be recalled using UDP commands coming from a mediacontrol system integrated in the same network.UDP Port for all Aimline devices is: 3022Command has to be send to the fixed IP address of the selected device.#LOAD_PRESET=preset_numberUsing PANC offline:To use PANC in offline-mode without any speaker in a network:RIGHT-click on the symbol ROOT in the GROUP-LIST and select the virtual device from the pull-down menueThe virtual device appears in the DEVICE-Manager as DEVICE0 and can be named and handled as an online-device.With right click on the offline-device the settings can be stored local in a file (Export device settings)Cascading ALX modulesALX8 modules can be cascaded to ALX16 (two modules), ALX 24 (three mod-ules), ALX32 (four modules), ALX40 (five modules), ALX 48 (six modules) to build extended columns.Instruction:Decide which module should be Master (the lower one) and which module should be slaves (the upper ones).Start to open all connection port coverplates.Put he modules straight on the floor, face down. Remove the caps (except the lowest and the upper)Put in the connection plate into the rail (one per two modules)Connect the enclosures by latching them with the two short screws.Slide the connection plate in the centre between the two modules.Cabling:The lower Master module gets power with the mains-connector and network using the ETHERNET DATA in port.Remove the two cables behind the UPPER plate and move them to the next slave-module. Connect the mains clamp to the main input, connect the net-work cable to the ETHERNET DATA THRU-port.Having more than two modules go on in the same way. Notice that all slaves have to be connected to the DATA THRU port.Close the connector port plates and mount the new built column.After starting the ALX (connected with mains) the software in network scan will recognize the new built column as ALX16/24/32/40/48.Notice: Every change of the configuration forces a new start (power off, pow-er on).Networking with cascaded modules:Having modules cascaded the Master module (the lowest one) reassigns the IP-addresses to the slaves (e.g. master, first slave:, next slave: a.s.o.)Audio-signal with cascaded modules:The Master module gets audio, using analogue, AES or Dante.The slaves will automatically be switched to Input AES, signal will be trans-ported via AES from master to slaves internally.Using DANTE: The DANTE-input in the Master module has to get the DANTE input.Notice: If it necessary to rebuilt a cascaded column and use the modules as single ALX the input has been switched to AES, the IP-adress will be the onethat was assigned from the master.Aimline Company contact:Beckumer Str. 348231 WarendorfGermany Phone: 02581 9490 600********************** 。
AIMS Power PWRINV800W DC到AC电源转换器说明书
DC TO AC POWER INVERTERPWRINV800W INSTRUCTION MANUALSAVE THIS MANUALYou will need the manual for the safety warnings and precautions, assembly instructions, operating and maintenance procedures, parts list and diagram. Keep your invoice with this manual. Write the invoice number on the inside of the front cover. Keep the manual and invoice in a safe and dry place for future reference.Basic Operation•Make sure that you choose the right operating voltage for both input and output of the inverter.•When unpacking, make sure that the inverter is in good condition. If any parts are missing or broken, please call AIMS Power, Inc. at the number found on the warranty card.•Place the power inverter on a flat surface. Make sure it has adequate ventilation and is not in direct sunlight. Fasten the inverter securely to the surface, using screws or some othermeans. If holes are to be drilled, follow safe, proper installation techniques.•Before you connect the battery cables, make sure the power switch is in the off position.Connect Red (+) battery cable to Red (+) inverter terminal. Connect Black (-) battery cable to Black (-) inverter terminal. Connect Red (+) battery cable to Red (+) battery terminal. Connect Black (-) battery cable to Black (-) battery terminal. Alligator clamp cables may be used but only to connect to the battery. Do not use clamps on inverter terminals. Alligator clamps are not a permanent solution. You may see a spark during connection.•Connect the ground cable to an earth ground, such as a metal water pipe or to the vehicle ground when used in a vehicle if the inverter includes a ground port.•Turn the power switch to the on position, which is located on the front of the inverter. The green LED light will confirm that AC power is present.•Before plugging the equipment into the inverter, make sure the equipment AND the inverter are off. Turn inverter on first, then turn on the equipment.•The power inverter can be used either while the engine is running or off.Warnings•Unplug the inverter when it is not in use.•If the AC inverter makes a beeping sound, turn off the equipment, unpl ug the inverter and restart the vehicle’s engine. The beeping sound is simply the low-battery warning, which indicates that the voltage of your battery is getting low. If you do not re-start your engine and continue operating the inverter, the inverter will automatically shut off, leavingyour vehicle's battery at about 10. 5 VDC. This will allow you to start your engine and resumeoperation of the inverter. It also reduces the fear of being stranded with a dead battery(dependent on health of battery).•This device should only be serviced by a qualified technician. This item does not have any serviceable parts.•Prevent body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigerator enclosures during installation.•Do not operate the inverter if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Read warning labels on prescriptions to determine if your judgement or reflexes are impaired while taking drugs. Ifthere is any doubt, do not operate the inverter.•People with pacemakers should consult their physician(s) before using this product.Electromagnetic fields in close proximity to a heart pacemaker could cause interference to or failure of the pacemaker.•Keep children away. Children must never be allowed in the work area. Do not let them handle machines, tools, or extension cords.•Store idle equipment. When not in use, inverter must be stored in a dry location to prevent rust. Always lock up tools and the inverter and keep out of reach of children.•Size the inverter properly. Size the inverter for the surge rating of your equipment. The inverter’s continuous rating should be MORE than the surge rating of your equipment.Example: Power tool runs at 1500 watts but surges at 2500 watts. You should use an inverter >3000 watts.•Keep the inverter well-ventilated. Do not place any objects on top of or next to the inverter or allow anything to cover the cooling fans; doing so can cause the inverter to overheat,causing a potential fire hazard and/or damage to the inverter. Leave adequate ventilationspace underneath the inverter as well; thick carpets or rugs can obstruct air flow, causing the inverter to overheat.•Avoid unintentional starting. Be sure the switch is in the OFF position when not in use and before plugging in any appliance.Note: Performance of this unit may vary depending on the available battery power or appliance wattage.Warning: The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by operator. Guard against electric shock. Do not open the metal case; risk of electric shock.Battery Use•To avoid over-discharging your vehicle battery, we recommend running your engine for 10-20 minutes to recharge the vehicle's battery if battery voltage drops <11V.•To properly size your battery, use the following formula: Volts * Amps = Watts or Watts/Volts = Amps. Example: 1000 watt inverter / 12 volts DC = 83.3 DC amps. In this example, you willneed 83.3 amps to power a 1000 watt load for 1 hour. If you need to power 1000 watts for 2hours you will need 83.3 * 2 = 166.66 DC amps available. A 100 amp hour battery will giveyou 100 amps / 166.66 = .6 hours so you will need two batteries if using 100 amp battery.This is if you fully deplete your batteries. We do NOT recommend fully depleting yourbatteries. This is just an example. Your power requirements may be different.•If you choose to use a female 12 Volt DC adapter for your inverter or to the inverter make sure wire size is correct.•IF YOU CONNECT THE WIRES TO THE INCORRECT TERMINALS, YOU WILL REVERSE THE POLARITY AND DAMAGE THE INVERTER.•REVERSED POLAR ITY WILL INSTANTLY VOID THE WARRANTY OF YOUR INVERTER, SO BE CAREFUL TO CONNECT YOUR INPUT WIRES PROPEPLY.•If you choose to operate a battery charger to replenish your battery’s voltage, be sure to check with charger manufacture before damaging the charger.•CONNECTING THE INVERTER’S DC INPUT TO A BATTERY CHARGER WILL VOID THE WARRANTY, AND MAY DAMAGE THE INVERTER.•Make sure that the battery voltage does not exceed 15 volts DC.•CONNECTING THE INVERTER TO A DC POWER SOURCE GREATER THAN 15 VDC WILL VOID THE WARRANTY, AND MAY DAMAGE THE INVERTER.CablesWe recommend that you refrain from using battery cables longer than 12 feet between the DC power source and the DC input of the inverter. Longer battery cables on the DC input will create a voltage drop which results in a reduction of efficiency and output. If you require more than 12 feet, use a bigger cable. We recommend using an extension cord between the AC output and AC appliance. You may use up to 100ft, high quality extension cord. A longer cord may result in reduced output. See Specifications chart for recommended battery cable size.Remote On/Off SwitchSome models include a remote port. An AIMS remote on/off switch may be connected to the remote port. The optional remote on/off switch is a convenient option to turn the inverter on/off if the inverter is installed in a hard to reach area.Make sure the inverter is turned off before installing the remote switch. Plug the switch into the remote jack and then turn the main switch to the OFF position for the remote to work properly.Measuring The AC VoltageThe output waveform of the inverter is a MODIFIED SINE WAVE. If you choose to measure the AC output voltage, you must use a TRUE RMS MULTI METER. Using any other type of voltage measuring device will result in an AC voltage reading of 10 to 30 volts lower than actual voltage. When using a true RMS multi meter, you will get an accurate reading.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS•Do not open the case of the inverter. The high voltage inside the unit is the same type of power as your electrical outlets at home.•Do not let the cord of the inverter, or any appliance cord get wet. If you are operating the inverter in a moving vehicle, we recommend that you secure the inverter to prevent it fromshifting around while the vehicle is moving.•Do not operate this inverter in or around water. Water can damage the inverter, and water damage is not covered under warranty. Also, do not operate the inverter with wet hands. The AC voltage of the unit makes it an electrical shock hazard if operated with wet hands.•Allow at least 12 inches of clearance around the Inverter for air flow. Ensure the ventilation openings on the rear and bottom of the unit are not obstructed.•Do not connect the inverter directly to another AC power source. Damage may result, and such damage will void the inverter warranty.•Know the wattage requirements of your appliance. Use only those appliances which are limited by the capacity of this unit.•Use common sense. This device produces power just like your wall outlets at home and should be treated seriously. Keep it away from children.•Reversed polarity of AC power outlet LINE /NEUTRAL will void the warranty.•If there is anything wrong with the inverter, disconnect all of the power and contact technical support.If the Inverter does not appear to be functioning properly, check the following possible causes:•Poor contact: Clean contact parts thoroughly.•If the low battery alarm sounds, this means the input voltage is too low and battery needs to be recharged.•If you are getting a low output voltage, try reducing the load to minimize watts. You may have overloaded the inverter. Reduce your load. Also, keep input voltage above 10.5 volts tomaintain a constant flow of power.•If you are not getting any power output, turn the power switch Off and On again, until the green power light comes on. Your devices may draw too much power to operate them. Theinverter may be in thermal shutdown. Let it cool down and make sure there is adequateventilation around the unit.•If the green light turns red one of the following has happened:A.input voltage is too lowB.input voltage is too highC.short circuitD.inverter is close to overload•Battery voltage is too low: Start the engine to recharge the battery. Replace or recharge battery if needed.•Shuts down on overload: Reduce the wattage of your load.•Thermal shutdown: Under heavy loads for extended period, the inverter will shut down to prevent damage from excess heat. Simply reduce your load and allow theInverter to cool down.•Low-battery shutdown: Recharge your battery and resume operation.Very little maintenance is required to keep your inverter operating properly. You should disconnect input power first and then clean the exterior of the unit periodically with a dry cloth to prevent accumulation of dust and dirt. At the same time, tighten the screws on the DC input terminals.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLYNeither the manufacturer nor distributor makes any representation or warranty of any kind to the buyer that he or she is qualified to make any repairs to the product or that he or she is qualified to replace any parts of the product. In fact, the manufacturer and/or distributor expressly states that all repairs and parts replacements should be undertaken by certified and licensed technicians and not by the buyer. The buyer assumes all risk and liability arising out of his or her repairs to the original product or replacement parts thereto, or arising out of his or her installation of replacement parts thereto.WARRANTYAIMS Corp., Inc. dba AIMS Power Warranty Instructions:This product is designed using the most modern digital technology and under very strict quality control and testing guidelines. If, however, you feel this product is not performing as it should, please contact us:**************************(775)359-6703We will do our best to resolve your concerns. If the product needs repair or replacement, make sure to keep your receipt/invoice, as that will need to be sent back along with the package and RMA# prepaid to AIMS. You have a full 1 year warranty from date of purchase.This warranty is valid worldwide with the exception that freight and duty charges incurred outside the contiguous 48 United States will be prepaid by customer.Except as provided above, AIMS makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall AIMS be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages. This warranty only applies to AIMS Power branded products. All other name brand products are warranted by and according to their respective manufacturer. Please do not attempt to return non-AIMS Power branded products to AIMS Power.For additional products such as:-Modified sine wave inverters-Pure sine wave inverters-Low Frequency Inverters-Solar Charge Controllers-Micro Grid Tied Inverters-Inverter Chargers and Automatic transfer switches-Converters DC-DC-Custom cut cables-Batteries-Solar Panels & RacksPlease visit our web site: Tofindoutwheretobuyanyofourproducts,youmayalsoe-mail:************************ (775)359-6703.。
Simplifier MKI手册说明书
Main Features2 Signal Flow Schematic2 Preamp Section3 Gain Knob3 PreAmp Type3 Tone Stack3 Power Amp Section3 Power Drive Knob3 Effects Loop4 FX Send4 FX Return R5 FX Return L5 Reverb5 Reverb Knob5 Cabinet simulation5 Cab Type Switch5 Outputs5●Right and Left Balanced DI outputs:5●Right¼”Unbalanced out:6●Left¼”Unbalanced:6●Headphone amp6●Sample Settings6●Tech Specs6DSM HUMBOLDT SIMPLIFIER MKII MANUALThank you for acquiring the Simplifier MKII,the most advanced analog amp emulation device.Main FeaturesThe Simplifier MKII is an all analog,zero-watt guitar amplifier with stereo reverb,fully packed with routing and tone sculpting options.These features include:●Preamp with3amp types(MS Brit,USA,and AC Brit).●Stereo FX loop Return.●Stereo Reverb.●Power amp simulation with Power amp Type,Power amp Drive,presence and resonance.●Cabinet simulation with cab type and Speaker color for each channel.●Two Balanced DI outs with ground lift.●Powerful headphone amplifier with volume control and aux input.Signal Flow SchematicPreamp SectionThe Simplifier MKII features a state of the art,low noise,and ultra versatile preamp that reproduces the character of3of the most iconic classic amplifiersGain KnobSets the gain/overdrive of the preamp.It ranges from very clean(below noon),up to mid/high gain at full bine this gain with the power amp gain to achieve the desired level of compression and drive.PreAmp TypeSelects the following Amp Types:AC BRIT:Classic AC30top boost sparkly and three-dimensional sound,bridging the normal and bright channel.A true British heritage since the60's.USA:Classic Bassman tones.Sweet and dynamic with a balanced response.By far the most used amp on studio recordings.MS BRIT:Classic clean-to-crunch vintage plexi style amp with bridged hi/lo inputs.The sound that defined rock music.Tone StackA key part of a tube amp sound and response is the tone stack behavior.The tone stack on the Simplifier is a genuine configurable three band classic amplifier topology,keeping the same feel, response and interaction of the original amp.NOTE:On the AC BRIT type preamp,the MID control is disabled(as the original amp does not have a mid control)Power Amp SectionThe Power amp section models the behavior of a true push-pull all tube amp,including the compression,clipping,bias drift and variable frequency response that makes Tube power amps so special.The Power amp type selector now changes the whole topology of each power amp,changing the tube type,bias and feedback characteristics of each model.Power Drive KnobThe power amp drive allows you to dial the perfect amount of power amp compression for that sweet-spot that only a tube amp can achieve.A Clip indicator will visually show when the virtual power tubes start clipping,helping you find the perfect balance between pre and power amp gain.Complement your preamp gain with this Power Drive.Low preamp gain needs high power drive to make up the volume loss and add sweetness to the d clipping preamp tones benefit a lot from a compressing power amp,which softens the transients and adds body to the final tone. High preamp gains are also modulated by the power drive.Lower the power drive for tighter, brighter tones,and raise it for singing,creamier tones,and find the sweet spot for your guitar where you get the best of both worlds and can control the distortion with the guitar volume control.Power Type SwitchThe Power type switch selects between3power amp types:-AC BRIT:Very hot biased class AB amplifier with no feedback,based on the venerable AC30power amp.Big low end and low headroom with a response that varies fromscooped on clean settings,to mid rich when pushed,and this happens dynamically.Very dynamic response.-USA:Class AB6L6GC with a lot of feedback.Very flat and balanced,but it screams when overdriven.-MS Brit:Class AB EL34with less feedback.Rich low-mids,and responds more consistently to overdrive.Presence KnobThe presence knob is implemented just like the real amps.It works by reducing the high end feedback,thus boosting the treble into the power amp.If AC Brit power amp type is selected,the presence acts as the High cut control,like the original amps.Resonance KnobThe resonance controls the amount of low end feedback into the power amp.Although this control is not present on the original amps,we added it to allow the user to adjust the low end response to different PA speaker sizes to avoid e it at max for the original amp tone.Level KnobThe Level Knob controls the final level into the FX loop.Effects LoopThe Simplifier MKII features a mono Send/Stereo Return effects loop.If only the RIGHT return is used,the LEFT channel will take the RIGHT signal.If Only the LEFT return is used,the RIGHT signal will not be affected.FX SendThe FX send is a mono TS jack.The level is controlled by the Level knob.Adjust this control according to the input level of the effects you put on the loop.If the effects clip,reduce the Level.FX Return RThe FX Return R jack is the input for the Right channel Reverb and Cabinet Simulator path.If only the RIGHT return is used,the LEFT channel will take the RIGHT signal.FX Return LThe FX Return L jack is the input for the Right channel Reverb and Cabinet Simulator path.If Only the LEFT return is used,the RIGHT signal will not be affected.ReverbThe Simplifier MKII integrates a lush stereo digital plate reverb with Reverb mix control.Reverb KnobThe Reverb knob controls the reverb mix for both channels.Cabinet simulationTweakable Cabinet simulator that takes the heritage and experience of©DSM Noisemaker developing the most useful and innovative cabsims of the market.You can easily dial two independent cabinet simulators panned LEFT-RIGHT.Cab Type SwitchA three way toggle switch allows you to choose independent cabinet STYLE for each side.1x12 Combo,2x12or big4x12cabinet simulations that you can combine with any of the3preamps per channel,adding an extra dimension to your sound development.Now you can combine the different Cabinet sizes with different speaker types(Eminence blackface,Celestion Blue Alnico, Celestion Greenbacks,or even the points between them).Speaker Color KnobThe speaker color knob sweeps between the characteristic high-mid response of the different speaker type.This control is crucial to get the desired texture out from the cabinet.Black is based on vintage Eminence high power speakers,typical of fender combos.These are smooth and balanced,great to compensate for the shrill from single coils and fender preamps.Blue is based on alnico blue speakers,midrangey and defined,but not harsh.And Green is based on greenbacks,great for those marshall jangly tones,or extra definition is required.Outputs●Right and Left Balanced DI outputs:Low Impedance(150Ohms)XLR outputs for left and right signals,with Ground Lift.These outputs carry the final output with cabsim always ON.NOTE:The DI outs can withstand phantom power voltage without damage,but it will affect the quality of the sound,mainly causing low-end distortion and/or lack of bass frequencies.Make sure to have Phantom Power Off before using the unit.●Right¼”Unbalanced out:Unbalanced TS output for right signal.You can Bypass the cabinet simulation for the Right side with the“Cabsim Bypass”switch.If Cabsim is Bypassed,the signal will include Preamp+FX loop+Reverb stages.●Left¼”Unbalanced:Unbalanced TS output for Left signal.You can Bypass the whole device with the“Through”switch.If“Through”is selected,the signal will be taken from the input and buffered.●Headphone ampThe unit includes a powerful135mW stereo headphone amplifier with stereo AUX input,for those silent late night practice sessions,or even in-ear monitoring.The Amplifier works best with Headphones between32and96OhmsNOTE:Ground noise issues may occur if the power supply used is not referenced directly to ground when using only headphones.Since the device will not have a reference to earth potential,unwanted noise may occur.Please use a ground referenced supply,a battery pack,or simply connect any output to a device that is connected to earth(like an amp or mixer input,even if powered off).Sample Settings●Tech Specs●Weight:360grs(0,8lb)●Dimensions:120x70x45mm(4,7x2,7x1,8inches)●Power supply requirements:Voltage:9to18V DC regulatedConnector:2.1mm DC jack,Center negativeCurrent consumption:120mARecommended supply current:200mA and up●Input Impedance:Input:1Meg OhmL&R return:1Meg Ohm●Output impedance:Send:1K OhmUnbalanced Outputs:4.7K OhmsBalanced Outputs:100Ohms●Headphone amp specs:Power:135mW into32Ohms.●Use with16,32,64and96Ohm Headphones.Loss of power can occur with higherimpedance headphones.Powering upBefore powering up the unit,turn down the receiving device(PA,interface,headphones,etc)in order to avoid power up“pop”.The best way to power up a Simplifier,is to use a9V REGULATED DC adapter,make sure you are using a clean voltage source and you are not daisy chaining the power supply with high current digital units.Recommended Power supply:The Power supply specs should be:-9V to12V DC voltage-Regulated(designed for low noise,musical instruments use)-150mA minimum current rating.You can use higher current rating supplies.-Center negative.Do not use cheap wall wart adapters not intended for pedal use.These are not filtered or regulated and will introduce hum and other unwanted noises.*DO NOT USE CENTER POSITIVE SUPPLIES,IT MAY DAMAGE THE UNIT AND IT WILL NOT BE COVERED BY WARRANTY.PLEASE MAKE SURE THE POLARITY IS CORRECT BEFORE POWERING UP.。
英可瑞科技 IARM系列监控AC10说明书用户手册资料版本:V1.0版本日期:2019.6.28深圳市英可瑞科技开发有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利。
Copyright byShenzhen Increase Science and Technology Development Co.,Ltd.All rights reserved.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may in any form or by any means (electronic,mechanical,micro-copying,photocopying,recording or otherwise) be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission from Shenzhen Increase Science and Technology Development Co.,Ltd.出版说明内容介绍为指导相关电源设备生产厂利用我公司的相关产品设计生产电源系统,特编制本技术指导书。
目录1 引用标准.................................................................................................................................. - 4 -2 型号命名规则.......................................................................................................................... - 5 -3 产品系列.................................................................................................................................. - 5 -3.1 产品分类 .............................................................................................................................................. - 5 -3.2 CPU平台分类 ..................................................................................................................................... - 5 -3.3 系列型号 .............................................................................................................................................. - 5 -3.4 版本升级 .............................................................................................................................................. - 5 -4 使用环境条件要求.................................................................................................................. -5 -5 电磁兼容技术指标.................................................................................................................. -6 -5.1 电磁兼容抗扰度 .................................................................................................................................. - 6 -5.2 电磁发射限制要求 .............................................................................................................................. - 6 -6 主监控模块.............................................................................................................................. -7 -6.1 外形尺寸图 .......................................................................................................................................... - 7 -6.2 安装开孔尺寸图 .................................................................................................................................. - 7 -6.3 设备接口定义 ...................................................................................................................................... - 8 -6.4 功能介绍 ............................................................................................................................................ - 11 -6.4.1 AC10功能配置表 .................................................................................................................................................. - 11 -6.4.2 系统特点 ............................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -6.4.3 保护功能 ............................................................................................................................................................... - 12 - 电压异常告警.......................................................................................................................................... - 12 - 过流保护.................................................................................................................................................. - 12 - 零序保护.................................................................................................................................................. - 12 - 母联过流保护(仅支持三开关方案)................................................................................................... - 12 -6.4.4 切换功能说明........................................................................................................................................................ - 12 - ATS方案................................................................................................................................................... - 12 - 三开关方案.............................................................................................................................................. - 15 -6.4.5 数据测量 ............................................................................................................................................................... - 17 -6.5 IARM-AC10界面操作说明 .............................................................................................................. - 18 -6.5.1 AC10面板介绍 ...................................................................................................................................................... - 18 -6.5.2 AC10显示界面介绍 .............................................................................................................................................. - 19 - 实时数据.................................................................................................................................................. - 19 - 当前告警.................................................................................................................................................. - 21 - 历史告警.................................................................................................................................................. - 21 - 系统日志.................................................................................................................................................. - 22 - 参数设置.................................................................................................................................................. - 22 - 自定义功能.............................................................................................................................................. - 31 - 主页面相关信息配置.............................................................................................................................. - 32 - 不同模式下的硬件配置 .......................................................................................................................... - 33 -6.6 IARM-FC10/FC05馈线检测模块..................................................................................................... - 35 -6.6.1 产品介绍 ............................................................................................................................................................... - 35 -6.6.2 外形结构与接口.................................................................................................................................................... - 36 - 外形结构(单位:mm) ............................................................................................................................. - 36 - 端口定义图.............................................................................................................................................. - 36 - 安装方式.................................................................................................................................................. - 37 - 端口引脚定义表...................................................................................................................................... - 37 -6.6.3 开关跳闸检测........................................................................................................................................................ - 38 -6.6.4 开关状态检测........................................................................................................................................................ - 39 -6.6.5 绝缘检测 ............................................................................................................................................................... - 39 -6.6.6 支路电流检测........................................................................................................................................................ - 40 -6.6.7 拔码开关置 ........................................................................................................................................................... - 40 - 地址设置.................................................................................................................................................. - 41 - 一二段选择.............................................................................................................................................. - 41 - 合控母支路数设置.................................................................................................................................. - 41 - 主从机设置.............................................................................................................................................. - 41 - 自动传感器零点校正.............................................................................................................................. - 41 - CAN通信波特率设置.............................................................................................................................. - 42 - 后台通信地址偏移设置 .......................................................................................................................... - 42 - 软件段位选择设置.................................................................................................................................. - 42 - 支路平均分配设置.................................................................................................................................. - 42 - 从机独立工作设置................................................................................................................................ - 42 - 兼容第一版程序设置 ............................................................................................................................ - 42 - 系统电压等级设置................................................................................................................................ - 43 -6.6.8 通讯端口 ............................................................................................................................................................... - 43 - CAN通讯端口 ......................................................................................................................................... - 43 - 一二段主机同步通讯口 .......................................................................................................................... - 43 - 本地显示通讯端口.................................................................................................................................. - 43 -6.6.9 屏内进线切换信号................................................................................................................................................ - 43 -6.6.10 总开关跳闸报警.................................................................................................................................................. - 43 -6.6.11 母线信号采集端口.............................................................................................................................................. - 44 -6.6.12 CAN通信匹配电阻 ............................................................................................................................................. - 44 -6.6.13 接口上拉电阻选择跳针...................................................................................................................................... - 44 -6.6.14 指示灯说明.......................................................................................................................................................... - 44 -6.6.15 系统架构图.......................................................................................................................................................... - 44 -6.6.16 关于CAN通信说明 ........................................................................................................................................... - 45 - 1引用标准DL/T 856-2004 电力用直流电源监控装置DL/T 459 电力系统直流电源柜订货技术条件DL/T 781 电力用高频开关整流模块DL/T 1074-2007 电力用直流和交流一体化不间断电源设备DL/T 1100.1-2009 电力系统时间同步系统Q/GDW 576-2010 国网站用交直流一体化电源系统技术规范GB/T 17626 电磁兼容试验和测量技术GB/T 14598.16-2002 量度继电器和保护装置的电磁发射试验Q/ICR004-2012 英可瑞交直流一体化电源系统监控技术规范企标2型号命名规则版本升级CPU平台产品分类产品系列图2-13产品系列IARM:智能一体化系列Intelligent And Reliable Monitor3.1产品分类S:表系统监控模块(System module) F:表示馈线检测模块(Feeder)D:表示直流采集模块(Direct) A:表示交流采集模块(Alternating)T:终端显示模块(Terminal)3.2CPU平台分类M:表示单片机(Microprocessor) A:表示(Arm)C:表示(Cortex) D:表示(Dsp)3.3系列型号同一系列、同类功能、同一平台下的系列化产品,采用本位区分,1~9顺序表示。
TriStation 1131 A I∕AO转换模块调用与使用方法沈阳鼓风机集团自动控制系统工程有限公司AI输出控制AI_DISP模块目的这个AI_DISP模块主要用于模拟量值转换,把通过PLC踩上来的机器码(DINT型)转换成我们经常使用的功能码(REAL型),也可以在里面设定量程值、低限报警值、高限报警值、低低报警值、高高报警值、通过模块内部判断是否发出报警、联锁等信号输出。
调用模块在1131编程界面下,选择左下方“Application”标题栏,在该界面下打开“User Documents”→“Application Workspace”→“Function Blocks”,然后把AI_DISP模块拖入左边编辑画面中。
双击该模块,然后在“Item Properties”对话框中,在Instance中输入模拟量位号。
在“Width”中“+ -”可以改变模块宽度,把“Double Space”打勾可以增加模块宽度。
模块描述“RAW_IN”转换成“ENG_V ALUE”,当“ENG_VALUE”大于“KHH_SP”时,则“HH”输出为0,否则为1。
Variable Parameter Type DescriptionOUT/INPUT ENG_V ALUE REAL 功能值,通过PLC采集上来机器码转换后的值INPUT RAW_IN REAL PLC直接采上来的机器码值MAX_ENG REAL 最大量程值MIN_ENG REAL 最小量程值RAWOPN DINT 断线报警的高限位RAWSHP DINT 断线报警的低限位KHH_SP REAL 高高报警设定值KH_SP REAL 高报警设定值KL_SP REAL 低报警设定值KLL_SP REAL 低低报警设定值DB REAL 报警死区百分比TRIP BOOL 联锁停车总输出,0为联锁,1正常TRIP_STA BOOL 联锁状态位OUTPUT INV BOOL 断线报警,如果RAWIN不在RAWSHP~RAWOPN之间,输出为0,否则为1HH BOOL 当“ENG_V ALUE”大于“KHH_SP”时,则“HH”输出为0,否则为1H BOOL 当“ENG_V ALUE”大于“KH_SP”时,则“H”输出为0,否则为1L BOOL 当“ENG_V ALUE”小于“KL_SP”则“L”输出为0,否则为1LL BOOL 当“ENG_V ALUE”小于“KLL_SP”则“LL”输出为0,否则为1REM STA REAL 联锁记忆位,当TRIP由“1”转换成“0”时,该位记录TRIP_STA状态TRIP REM REAL 联锁记忆值,当TRIP由“1”转换成“0”时,该位记录ENG_V ALUE数值。
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设计指南和应用手册 针对VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器和可配置电源
通用 AC输入
0.47 µF
D1, D2: 1N4148 C2: 470 pf / 500 V D3: 1N4006
[a] 请参阅本应用开始部分的,为 AIM模块选择电容器。参照采用 AIM的Vicor转换器的典型应用; 图12–5是推荐的外部元件。
AIM的GATE OUT必须连接到唯一一个DC-DC转换器的GATE OUT。至AIM的这个输入信号可控制一个用于偏置Q1栅极的电 荷泵(D1、D2、C2),其源极在10 V以上,它导通Q1来分流 限制浪涌的PTC热敏电阻。用一个AIM操作多个DC-DC转换 器,可能很难保证DC-DC转换器在上10%负载时,为AIM提供 GATE OUT信号。在这种情况下,通过为每个Driver模块增加 两个二极管和一个电容器的方法,其他DC-DC转换器即可通 过PARALLEL引脚为FET充电(图12–4)。
60 Hz
180 Vac 210 Vac
66 µF
34 µF
100 µF
50 µF
130 µF
67 µF
200 µF 100 µF
262 µF 135 µF
50 Hz
180 Vac 210 Vac
74 µF
38 µF
110 µF 60 µF
150 µF 75 µF
220 µF 115 µF
300 µF 150 µF
必须将所有“Driver”DC-DC转换器GATE IN引脚连接到AIM 的GATE IN引脚。这个GATE IN至GATE IN的连接可用在开机 时禁用转换器,帮助AIM的正确启动。然后,当输出母线电压 处于113 – 123 Vdc范围内时,DC-DC转换器通过GATE IN引 脚启用。
L1 EMI Filter
效率% / 100
从断电时算起,AIM一直提供能量(焦耳),直到输出丧失 (图12–2,T5):
能量(焦耳)= PIM x (T5 - T4) (瓦特 / 秒)
T2 T3
其中: POM = 来自所有模块的输出功率
时间 图12-3 — AC波形
PIM = 模块的输入功率 (来自AIM的输出功率)
50 Hz 90 Vac 105 Vac 300 µF 150 µF 440 µF 230 µF 600 µF 300 µF 890 µF 455 µF 1,180 µF 600 µF
图12-1—适用于VI-270/VI-J70和VI-250/VI-J50 DC-DC转换器的 保持电容器值。
C1值是线电压、频率和输出功率的函数,使用“7”输入标志的 DC-DC转换器(AIM输入为90–264 Vac)或有“5”输入标志 (AIM输入为90–132 Vac)的DC-DC转换器。
注意:有“7”输入的DC-DC转换器以90–264Vac的 AIM输入范围工作,必须使用400 V电容器(Vicor器件编 号30240)。有“5”输入的DC-DC转换器用于90–132 Vac的AIM输入范围,必须使用200 V电容器(Vicor器件 编号30769)。
模块 输出功率
50 W 75 W 100 W 150 W 200 W
注意:重要的是用一个电流探头来验证C1中的rms纹波电 流。
Vdo = 在这个电压,DC-DC转换器开始退出稳压。这个电 压来自相应模块的数据表,它针对的VI-270系列是 100 Vdc。在正常工作条件下,VV必须超过Vdo。
T1 = 整流AC线路的峰值,或C1被完全充电的点。对于 85 – 264 Vac输入范围,这个电压会在120 - 373 V 变化。
1 2
x C1 x Vp2 = 焦耳
1 x C1 x Vdo2 = 焦耳
PIM x (T2 – T1) = 焦耳
12. AC输入模块(AIM /MI-AIM)
Vref 1 U2
OV Vref 2
Q1 D2 C2 D1
图12-1 — AIM / MI-AIM框图
0.47 µF AC IN
1 2
X C1 X
Vp2 –
1 2
Vdo2 =
– T3)
C1 = 2
PIM x (T5 – T3) Vp2 – Vdo2
Vp Vv Vdo
模块输出功率 模块效率
设计指南和应用手册 针对VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器和可配置电源
12. AC输入模块(AIM /MI-AIM)
在VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器模块的组合中,交流输 入模块(AIM)为需要总输出功率高达200 W的系统提供了一 个高密度、低高度、通用AC输入离线式开关电源。AIM可接受 85–264Vac,具有与AC线路的峰值成正比的DC输出电压。 AIM开始工操作所需的输入电压为82 V和90 Vrms(非失真正弦 波)之间。
AIM的DC输出是峰值整流线(VacRMS×√2),因此,85 Vac相当于120 Vdc,而120 Vdc和264 Vac相当于373 Vdc。由 于DC输出范围很宽,需要使用输入电压器件编号标志为“7” (100–375 V)的DC-DC转换器。不过,标志为“5”(100 -200V)的DC-DC转换器器件编号仅适用于美国国内AC输 入,而标志为“6”(200-400V)的仅适用于欧洲的AC输 入,根据输出功率能力,在某些应用中有可能减少所需的模块 数量。
Bussman 熔断器,
PC Tron
图12-1—适用于VI-260 / VI-J60DC-DC转换器的保持电容器值。
C1是线电压、频率和输出功率的函数,使用“6”输入标志的 DC-DC转换器(AIM输入范围是180 – 264 Vac)。
注意:有“6”输入的DC-DC转换器以180 – 264 Vac的 AIM输入范围工作,必须使用400 V电容器(Vicor器件编 号30240)。
当输出母线电压处于406 – 423 Vdc范围时,输入过压条件可 导致AIM的GATE IN引脚禁用转换器。当输出母线电压下降到 68–89 Vdc范围内时,输入欠压条件可导致GATE IN禁用转换 器。
注意:AIM不是隔离的。请勿将示波器探头同时放在AIM 的输入和输出端。不要将AIM的输出接地。
0.01 µF(两个 4,700 pF) Y额定电容器
Universal AC In
0.47 µF
VI-200和VI-J00系列设计指南 35 / 98
12. AC输入模块(AIM /MI-AIM)
设计指南和应用手册 针对VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器和可配置电源
为了获得最大灵活性,外部电容器(图12–2,C)可用于设 置系统的保持要求。对于本应用笔记,保持时间被定义为从 AC电源丧失到DC-DC转换器开始退出稳压的时间间隔(图 12–3、T4至T5)。保持时间是线电压、保持电容、输出负 载,以及AC波形中线路退出跌落(drop out)这一点的函 数。例如,如果AC线路在紧接着保持电容器充电发生之后出 现故障,保持时间会比AC线路恰好处在另一次充电之前出现 故障时大大增加(图12–3,T3至T5)。
F2 C1[a]
VI-200/J00 Driver
12. AC输入模块(AIM /MI-AIM)
为AIM模块选择合适的值 示例计算实例:
转换器输出功率(POM)= 100 W 线频率 = 60 Hz 线范围 = 105–264 Vac 效率 = 82% 所需保持时间 = 5 ms(最小值) 因此: PIM = 100 = 122 W