高三英语高效课堂资料2.The call of the wild
高三英语高效课堂资料The Call of the Wild书名:野性的呼唤作者:杰克·伦敦简介:在加利福尼亚的家里,巴克过着安逸舒适的生活。
1 To the northBuck did not read the newspapers. He did not know that trouble was coming for every big dog in California. Men had found gold in the Yukon, and these men wanted big, strong dogs to work in the cold and snow of the north.Buck lived in Mr. Miller's big house in the sunny Santa Clara valley There were large gardens and fields of fruit trees around the house, and a river nearby. In a big place like this, of course, there were many dogs There were house dogs and farm dogs, but they were not important. Buck was chief dog;he was born here, and this was his place .He was four years old and weighed sixty kilos .He went swimming with Mr. Miller's sons, and walking with his daughters .He carried the grandchildren on his back, and he sat at Mr. Miller's feet in front of the fire in winter.But this was 1897, and Buck did not know that men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold. And he did not know that Manuel, one of Mr. Miller's gardeners, needed money for his large family. One day, when Mr. Miller was out, Manuel and Buck left the garden together. It was just an evening walk, Buck thought. No one saw them go, and only one man saw them arrive at the railway station. This man talked to Manuel, and gave him some money .Then he tied a piece of rope around Buck's neck.Buck growled, and was surprised when the rope was pulled hard around his neck. He jumped at the man. The man caught him and suddenly Buck was on his back with his tongue out of his mouth. For a few moments he was unable to move, and it was easy for the two men to put him into the train.When Buck woke up, the train was still moving. The man was sitting and watching him, butBuck was too quick for him and he bit the man's hand hard. Then the rope was pulled again and Buck had to let go.That evening, the man took Buck to the back room of a bar in San Francisco. The barman looked at the man's hand and trousers covered in blood.‘How much are they paying you for this?’ he asked.‘I only get fifty dollars.’‘And the man who stole him—how much did he get?’ asked the barman.‘A hundred. He wouldn't take less.’‘That makes a hundred and fifty. It's a good price for a dog like him .Here, help me to get him into this.’They took off Buck's rope and pushed him into a wooden box. He spent the night in the box in the back room of the bar. His neck still ached with pain from the rope, and he could not understand what it all meant . What did they want with him, these strange men? And where was Mr. Miller?The next day Buck was carried in the box to the railway station and put on a train to the north.For two days and nights the train travelled north, and for two days and nights Buck neither ate nor drank. Men on the train laughed at him and pushed sticks at him through the holes in the box. For two days and nights Buck got angrier and hungrier and thirstier. His eyes grew red and he bit anything that moved.In Seattle four men took Buck to a small, high-walled back garden, where a fat man in an old red coat was waiting. Buck was now very angry indeed and he jumped and bit at the sides of his box. The fat man smiled and went to get an axe and a club.‘Are you going to take him out now?’ asked one of the men. ‘Of course,’ answered the fat man, and he began to break the box with his axe.Immediately the four other men climbed up onto the wall to watch from a safe place.As the fat man hit the box with his axe, Buck jumped at the sides, growling and biting, pulling with his teeth at the pieces of broken wood. After a few minutes there was a hole big enough for Buck to get out. ‘ Now, come here, red eyes,’ said the fat man, dropping his axe and taking the club in his right hand.Buck jumped at the man, sixty kilos of anger, his mouth wide open ready to bite the man's neck. Just before his teeth touched the skin, the man hit him with the club. Buck fell to the ground. It was the first time anyone had hit him with a club and he did not understand. He stood up, and jumped again. Again the club hit him and he crashed to the ground. Ten times he jumped at the man, and ten times the club hit him. Slowly he got to his feet, now only just able to stand. There was blood on his nose and mouth and ears. Then the fat man walked up and hit him again, very hard, on the nose. The pain was terrible. Again, Buck jumped at the man and again he was hit to the ground. A last time he jumped, and this time, when the man knocked him down, Buck did not move.‘He knows how to teach a dog a lesson,’ said one of the men on the wall. Then the four men jumped down and went back to the station.‘His name is Buck,’ said the fat man to himself, reading the letter that had come with the box.’Well, Buck, my by,’ he said in a friendly voice,’ we've argued a little, and I think the best thing to donow is to stop. Be a good dog and we'll be friends. But if you're a bad dog, I'll have to use my club again. Understand?’As he spoke, he touched Buck’ s head, and although Buck was angry inside, he did not move. When the man brought him water and meat, Buck drank and then ate the meat, piece by piece, from the man's hand.Buck was beaten(he knew that)but he was not broken. He had learnt that a man with a club was stronger than him. Every day he saw more dogs arrive, and each dog was beaten by the fat man. Buck understood that a man with a club must be obeyed, although he did not have to be a friend.Men came to see the fat man and to look at the dogs. Some-times they paid money and left with one or more of the dogs. One day a short, dark man came and looked at Buck.‘That's a good dog!’ he cried.’ How much do you want for him?’‘Three hundred dollars. It's a good price, Perrault,’ said the fat man.Perrault smiled and agreed that it was a good price. He knew dogs, and he knew that Buck was an excellent dog.‘One in ten thousand,’ Perrault said to himself.Buck saw money put into the fat man’ s hand, and he was not surprised when he and another dog called Curly were taken away by Perrault. He took them to a ship, and later that day Buck and Curly stood and watched the coast get further and further away. They had seen the warm south for the last time.Perrault took Buck and Curly down to the bottom of the ship. There they met another man, Francois. Perrault was a French-Canadian, but Francois was half-Indian, tall and dark. Buck learnt quickly that Perrault and Francois were fair men, calm and honest. And they knew everything about dogs.There were two other dogs on the ship. One was a big dog called Spitz, as white as snow. He was friendly to Buck at first, always smiling. He was smiling when he tried to steal Buck’ s food at the first meal. Francois was quick and hit Spitz before Buck had time to move. Buck decided that this was fair, and began to like Francois a little.Dave, the other dog, was not friendly. He wanted to be alone all the time. He ate and slept and was interested in nothing.One day was very like another, but Buck noticed that the weather was getting colder. One morning, the ship's engines stopped, and there was a feeling of excitement in the ship. Francois leashed the dogs and took them outside. At the first step Buck's feet went into something soft and white. He jumped back in surprise. The soft, white thing was also falling through the air, and it fell onto him. He tried to smell it, and then caught some on his tongue. It bit like fire, and then disappeared. He tried again and the same thing happened. People were watching him and laughing, and Buck felt ashamed, although he did not know why. It was his first snow.2 The law of club and toothBuck's first day at Dyea Beach was terrible. Every hour there was some new, frightening surprise. There was no peace, no rest—only continual noise and movement. And every minute there was danger, because these dogs and men were not town dogs and men. They knew only the law of club and tooth.Buck had never seen dogs fight like these dogs;they were like wolves. In a few minutes he learnt this from watching Curly. She tried to make friends with a dog, a big one, al-though not as big as she was. There was no warning. The dog jumped on Curly, his teeth closed together, then he jumped away, and Curly's face was torn open from eye to mouth.Wolves fight like this, biting and jumping away, but the fight did not finish then. Thirty or forty more dogs ran up and made a circle around the fight, watching silently. Curly tried to attack the dog who had bitten her;he bit her a second time, and jumped away. When she attacked him again, he knocked her backwards, and she fell on the ground. She never stood up again, because this was what the other dogs were waiting for. They moved in, and in a moment she was under a crowd of dogs.It was all very sudden. Buck saw Spitz run out from the crowd with his tongue out of his mouth, laughing. Then he saw Francois with an axe, and two or three other men with clubs jump in among the dogs. Two minutes later the last of the dogs was chased away. But Curly lay dead in the snow, her body torn almost to pieces. Curly's death often came back to Buck in his dreams. He understood that once a dog was down on the ground, he was dead He also remembered Spitz laughing, and from that moment he hated him.Then Buck had another surprise. Francois put a harness on him. Buck had seen harnesses on horses, and now he was made to work like a horse, pulling Francois on a sledge into the forest and returning with wood for the fire. Buck worked with Spitz and Dave. The two other dogs had worked in a harness before, and Buck learnt by watching them. He also learnt to stop and turn when Francois shouted.‘Those three are very good dogs,’ Francois told Perrault.’ That Buck pulls very well, and he's learning quickly.’Perrault had important letters and official papers to take to Dawson City, so that afternoon he bought two more dogs, two brothers called Billee and Joe. Billee was very friendly, but Joe was the opposite. In the evening Perrault bought one more dog, an old dog with one eye .His name was Solleks, which means The Angry One. Like Dave, he made no friends;all he wanted was to be alone.That night Buck discovered another problem. Where was he going to sleep? Francois and Perrault were in their tent, but when he went in, they shouted angrily and threw things at him. Outside it was very cold and windy. He lay down in the snow, but he was too cold to sleep.He walked around the tents trying to find the other dogs. But, to his surprise, they had disappeared. He walked around Perrault's tent, very, very cold, wondering what to do. Suddenly, the snow under his feet fell in, and he felt something move. He jumped back, waiting for the attack, but heard on-ly a friendly bark. There, in a warm hole under the snow, was Billee.So that was what you had to do. Buck chose a place, dug himself a hole and in a minute he was warm and asleep. He slept well, although his dreams were bad.When he woke up, at first he did not know where he was. It had snowed in the night and the snow now lay thick and heavy above him. Suddenly he was afraid—the fear of a wild animal when it is caught and cannot escape. Growling, he threw himself at the snow, and a moment later, he had jumped upwards into the daylight. He saw the tents and remembered everything, from the time he had gone for a walk with Manuel to the moment he had dug the hole the night before. ‘What did I say?’shouted Francois to Perrault, when he saw Buck come up out of the snow.’ That Buck learns quickly.’Perrault smiled slowly. He was carrying important papers, and he needed good dogs. He was very pleased to have Buck.They bought three more dogs that morning, and a quarter of an hour later all nine dogs were in harness and on their way up the Dyea Canyon. Buck was not sorry to be moving, and although it was hard work, he almost enjoyed it. He was also surprised to see that Dave and Sol-leks no longer looked bored and miserable. Pulling in a harness was their job, and they were happy to do it.Dave was sledge-dog, the dog nearest to the sledge. In front of him was Buck, then came Solleks. In front of them were the six other dogs, with Spitz as leader at the front. Francois had put Buck between Dave and Solleks because they could teach him the work. Buck learnt well, and they were good teachers. When Buck pulled the wrong way, Dave always bit his leg, but only lightly. Once, when they stopped, Buck got tied up in his harness, and it took ten minutes to get started again. Both Dave and Solleks gave him a good beating for that mistake. Buck understood, and was more careful after that.It was a hard day's journey, up the Dyea Canyon and into the mountains. They camped that night at Lake Bennett. Here there were thousands of gold miners. They were building boats to sail up the lake when the ice melted in the spring. Buck made his hole in the snow and slept well, but was woken up very early and harnessed to the sledge. The first day they had travelled on snow that had been hardened by many sledges and they covered sixty kilometers. But the next day, and for days afterwards, they were on new snow. The work was harder and they went slowly. Usually, Perrault went in front, on snowshoes, flattening the snow a little for the dogs. Francois stayed by the sledge. Sometimes the two men changed places, but there were many small lakes and rivers, and Perrault understood ice better. He always knew when the ice across a river was very thin.Day after day Buck pulled in his harness. They started in the morning before it was light, and they stopped in the evening after dark, ate a piece of fish, and went to sleep in their holes under the snow. Buck was always hungry. Francois gave him 750 grams of dried fish a day, and it was never enough. The other dogs were given only 500 grams;they were smaller and could stay dive on less food.Buck learnt to eat quickly;if he was too slow, the other dogs stole his food. He saw Pike, one of the new dogs, steal some meat from the sledge when Perrault wasn't looking. The next day Buck stole some and got away unseen. Perrault was very angry, but he thought another dog, Dub, had taken it and so punished him instead of Buck.Buck was learning how to live in the north. In the south he had never stolen, but there he had never been so hungry. He stole cleverly and secretly, remembering the beatings from the man with the club.Buck was learning the law of club and tooth.He learnt to eat any food—anything that he could get his teeth into. He learnt to break the ice on water holes with his feet when he wanted to drink He was stronger, harder, and could see and smell better than ever before .In a way, he was remembering back to the days when wild dogs travelled in packs through the forest, killing for meat as they went. It was easy for him to learn to fight like a wolf,because it was in his blood. In the evenings, when he pointed his nose at the moon and howled long and loud, he was remembering the dogs and wolves that had come before him.3 The wild animalThe wild animal was strong in Buck, and as he travelled across the snow, it grew stronger and stronger. And as Buck grew stronger, he hated Spitz more and more, although he was careful never to start a fight.But Spitz was always showing his teeth to Buck, trying to start a fight. And Buck knew that if he and Spitz fought, one of them would die.The fight almost happened one night when they stopped by Lake Laberge. There was heavy snow and it was very cold. The lake was frozen and Francois, Perrault, and the dogs had to spend the night on the ice, under a big rock. Buck had made a warm hole in the snow and was sorry to leave it to get his piece of fish. But when he had eaten. and returned to his hole, he found Spitz in it. Buck had tried not to fight Spitz be-fore, but this was too much. He attacked him angrily. Spitz was surprised. He knew Buck was big, but he didn’ t know he was so wild. Francois was surprised too, and guessed why Buck was angry. ‘Go on Buck!’ he shouted.’ Fight him, the dirty thief!’Spitz was also ready to fight, and the two dogs circled one another, looking for the chance to jump in. But suddenly there was a shout from Perrault, and they saw eighty or a hundred dogs around the sledge. The dogs came from an Indian village, and they were searching for the food that they could smell on the sledge. Perrault and Francois tried to fight them off with their clubs, but the dogs, made crazy by the smell of the food, showed their teeth and fought back.Buck had never seed dogs like these. They were all skin and bone, but hunger made them fight like wild things. Three of them attacked Buck and in seconds his head and legs were badly bitten. Dave and Solleks stood side by side, covered in blood, fighting bravely. Joe and Pike jumped on one dog, and Pike broke its neck with one bite. Buck caught another dog by the neck and tasted blood. He threw himself on the next one, and then felt teeth in his own neck. It was Spitz, attacking him from the side.Perrault and Francois came to help with clubs, but then they had to run back to save the food . It was safer for the nine sledge-dogs to run away across the lake. Several of them were badly hurt, and they spent an unhappy night hiding among the tress.At first light they returned to the sledge and found Perrault and Francois tired and angry. Half their food was gone. The Indian dogs had even eaten one of Perrault's shoes. Francois looked at his dogs unhappily.‘Ah, my friends,’he said softly,’Perhaps those bites will make you ill. What do you think, Perrault?’Perrault said nothing. They still had six hundred kilometres to travel, and he hoped very much that his sledge-dogs had not caught rabies from the Indian dogs.The harness was torn and damaged and it was two hours be-fore they were moving, travelling slowly and painfully over the most difficult country that they had been in.The Thirty Mile River was not frozen. It ran too fast to freeze. They spent six days trying to find a place to cross, and every step was dangerous for dogs and men. Twelve times they found ice bridgesacross the river, and Perrault walked carefully onto them, holding a long piece of wood. And twelve times he fell through a bridge and was saved by the piece of wood, which caught on the sides of the hole. But the temperature was 45°below zero, and each time Perrault fell into the water, he had to light a fire to dry and warm himself. Once, the sledge fell through the ice, with Dave and Buck, and they were covered in ice by the time Perrault and Francois pulled them out of the river. Again, a fire was needed to save them. Another time, Spitz and the dogs in front fell through the ice—Buck and Dave and Francois at the sledge had to pull backwards. That day they travelled only four hundred metres.When they got to the Hootalinqua and good ice, Buck and the other dogs were very, very tired. But they were late, so Perrault made them run faster. In three days they went a hundred and eighty kilometres and reached the Five Fingers.The other dogs had hard feet from years of pulling sledges, but Buck's feet were still soft from his easy life down south. All day he ran painfully, and when they camped for the night, he lay down like a dead dog. He was hungry, but he was too tired to walk to the fish, so Francois brought it to him. One day Francois made four little shoes for him, and this made Buck much more comfortable. Francois forgot the shoes one morning, and Buck refused to move. He lay on his back with his feet in the air, until Francois put the shoes on. Later his feet grew harder and the shoes were not needed.One morning, at the Pelly River, a dog called Delly went suddenly mad. She howled long and loud like a wolf and then jumped at Buck. Buck ran, with Dolly one step behind him. She could not catch him, but he could not escape from her. They ran half a kilometre, and then Buck heard Francois call to him. He turned and ran towards the man, sure that Francois would save him. Francois stood ,holding his axe, and as Buck passed, the axe crashed down on Dolly's head.Buck fell down by the sledge, too tired to move. Immediately, Spitz attacked him and bit his helpless enemy twice, as hard as he could. But Francois saw this, and gave Spitz a terrible beating for it.‘He's a wild dog, that Spitz,’ said Perrault.’ One day he'll kill Buck.’‘Buck is wilder,’ replied Francois.’ I've been watching him. One day he'll get very angry and he'll fight Spitz;and he'll win.’ Francois was right. Buck wanted to be lead-dog. Spitz knew this and hated him. Buck started to help the other dogs when Spitz punished them for being lazy. One morning, Pike refused to get up, and Spitz looked for him everywhere. When he found him, he jumped at him. But suddenly, Buck at-tacked Spitz. The other dogs saw this, and it became more and more difficult for Spitz to lead them. But the days passed without a chance for a fight, and soon they were pulling into Dawson City on a cold grey afternoon.They stayed in Dawson for seven days. When they left, Perrault was carrying some more very important papers, and he wanted to travel back as fast as possible.They travelled eighty kilometres the first day, and the same the second. But it was difficult work for Francois. Buck and Spitz hated each other, and the other dogs were not afraid of Spitz any more. One night Pike stole half a fish from Spitz, and ate it standing next to Buck. And every time Buck went near Spitz, he growled and the hair on his back stood up angrily. The other dogs fought in their harnesses and Francois often had to stop the sledge. He knew that Buck was the problem, but Buckwas too clever for him and Francois never saw him actually starting a fight.One night in camp, the dogs saw a snow rabbit and in a second they were all chasing it, with Spitz in front. Nearby was another camp, with fifty dogs, who also Joined the chase. The rabbit was running fast on top of the snow, but the snow was soft, and it was more difficult for the dogs. When Spitz caught the rabbit, throwing it in the air with his teeth, Buck was just behind. Spitz stopped, and Buck hit him, very hard. The two dogs fell in the snow. Spitz bit Buck very quickly, twice, and then jumped away, watching carefully.The time had come, and Buck knew that either he or Spitz must die. They watched one another, circling slowly. The moon was shining brightly on the snow, and in the cold still air not a leaf moved on the trees. The other dogs finished eating the rabbit and then turned to watch.Spitz was a good fighter. He was full of hate and anger, but he was also intelligent. Every time Buck tried to bite his throat, he met Spitz's own teeth. Then, each time Buck attacked, Spitz moved and bit him on the side as he passed. After a few minutes, Buck was covered in blood.He attacked again, but this time turned at the last minute and went under Spitz, biting his left front leg. The bone broke, and Spitz was standing on three legs. Buck tried to knock Spitz down, and then repeated his earlier attack and broke Spitz's right front leg.There was no hope for Spitz now. Buck got ready for his final attack, while the circle of sixty dogs watched, and crowded nearer and nearer, waiting for the end. At last Buck jumped, in and out, and Spitz went down in the snow. A second later the waiting pack was on top of him, and Spitz had disappeared. Buck stood and watched. The wild animal had made its kill.4 The new lead-dog‘Well, what did I say? Buck’ s a real fighter, all right,’ said Francois the next morning when he discovered that Spitz had disappeared and that Buck was covered in blood.‘Spitz fought like a wolf,’ said Perrault, as he looked at the bites all over Buck.‘And Buck fought like ten wolves,’ answered Francois.’ And we'll travel faster now. No more Spitz, no more trouble.’Francois started to harness the dogs. He needed a new lead-dog, and decided that Solleks was the best dog that he had. But Buck jumped at Solleks and took his place.‘Look at Buck!’ said Francois, laughing.’ He's killed Spitz, and now he wants to be lead-dog. Go away, Buck!’He pulled Buck away and tried to harness Solleks again. Solleks was unhappy too. He was frightened of Buck, and when Francois turned his back, Buck took Solleks’ place again. Now Francois was angry.‘I'll show you!’ he cried, and went to get a heavy club from the sledge.Buck remembered the man in the red coat, and moved away. This time, when Solleks was harnessed as lead-dog, Buck did not try to move in. He kept a few metres away and circled around Francois carefully. But when Francois called him to his old place in front of Dave, Buck refused. He had won his fight with Spitz and he wanted to be lead-dog.For an hour the two men tried to harness him. Buck did not run away, but he did not let them catch him. Finally, Francois sat down, and Perrault looked at his watch. It was getting late. The twomen looked at one another and smiled Francois walked up to Solleks, took off his harness, led him back and harnessed him in his old place. Then he called Buck. All the other dogs were harnessed and the only empty place was now the one at the front But Buck did not move.‘Put down the club,’ said Perrault.Francois dropped the club, and immediately Buck came up to the front of the team. Francois harnessed him ,and in a minute the sledge was moving.Buck was an excellent leader. He moved and thought quickly and led the other dogs well. A new leader made no difference to Dave and Solleks;they continued to pull hard .But the other dogs had had an easy life when Spitz was leading. They were surprised when Buck made them work hard and punished them for their mistakes Pike, the second dog, was usually lazy;but by the end of the first day he was pulling harder than he had ever pulled in his life. The first night in camp Buck fought Joe, another difficult dog, and after that there were no more problems with him. The team started to pull together, and to move faster and faster.‘I've never seen a dog like Buck!’ cried Francois,’ Never! He's worth a thousand dollars .What do you think, Perrault?’Perrault agreed. They were moving quickly, and covering more ground every day The snow was good and hard, and no new snow fell. The temperature dropped to 45°below zero, and didn't change.This time there was more ice on the Thirty Mile River, and they crossed in a day. Some days they ran a hundred kilometres, or even more They reached Skagway in fourteen days;the fastest time ever.For three days the dogs rested in Skagway. Then Francois put his arms around Buck's neck and said goodbye to him. And that was the last of Francois and Perrault. Like other men, they passed out of Buck's life for ever.Two new men took Buck and his team back north on the long journey to Dawson, travelling with several other dog-teams. It was heavy work;the sledge was loaded with letters for the gold miners of Dawson. Buck did not like it, but he worked hard, and made the other dogs work hard, too. Each day was the same. They started early, before it was light, and at night they stopped and camped and the dogs ate. For the dogs this was the best part of the day, first eating, then resting by the fire.Buck liked to lie by the fire, looking at the burning wood. Sometimes he thought about Mr. Miller's house in California. More of ten he remembered the man in the red coat and his club, the death of Curly, the fight with Spitz, and the good things that he had eaten But sometimes he remembered other things These were things that he remembered through his parents, and his parents parents, and all the dogs which had lived before him.Sometimes as he lay there, he seemed to see, in a waking dream, a different fire. And he saw next to him, not the Indian cook, but another man, a man with shorter legs, and longer arms. This man had long hair and deep eyes, and made strange noises in his throat He was very frightened of the dark, and looked around him all the time, holding a heavy stone in his hand .He wore the skin of an animal on his back, and Buck could see thick hair all over his body.Buck sat by the fire with this hairy man, and in the circling darkness beyond the fire he could see many eyes—the eyes of hungry animals waiting to attack. And he growled softly in his dream until。
高三英语高效课堂资料周二早读B1U5 B2U1课文9.12
17.president 18.opinion 19.dynasty 20.dragon 21.honey
22.jewel 23.mystery 24.local 25.apart 26.trial 27.sink
28. turn to e to power 30.set up 31.in return
32.take apart 33. think highly of
Challenge I
1. for 2. to whom 3. gave 4. as 5. moved
6. was considered 7. wonders 8. when
9. what 10. studying
Challenge II
1. the black lawyera black 2. guideguidance
3.in their... on their... 4.fewlittle
6. 第四行join in, 去掉in
7. choosechose 8. peacefulpeacefully
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
9.decided后加to 10.makemaking
Challenge II.
1.stage 2.fancy 3.群;组;军队 4.联合会;同盟 5.以前的
6.城堡 7.mean 8.republic 9.invader 10.giant 11.release
12.unfair 13.terror 14.blanket 15.beg 16.sentence
高效课堂精品课件 高三英语
1. 6:40---7:00 巩固B1U5 B2U1词汇
2023年高考考查的熟词生义1.cover熟义:v.覆盖生义:v.涵盖,包括;n.盖子,封面①[2023·新课标Ⅰ卷阅读A]The 2.5hour tour covers the Gooyer Windmill, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery and much more.2.5小时的行程包括Gooyer风车、 Skinny Bridge、 Rijksmuseum、 Heineken Brewery 等等。
②[2023·新课标Ⅱ卷阅读C]To serve its function, a book must be activated bya user: the cover opened, the pages parted, the contents reviewed, perhaps notes written down or words underlined.为了发挥它的功能,一本书必须由用户激活:打开封面,打开书页,查看内容,也许是写笔记或划下划线。
2.trap熟义:n.陷阱;v.设陷阱生义:vt.留存[2023·新课标Ⅰ卷阅读B]John went back to observing nature and asking questions. Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria (细菌)?约翰又回到了观察自然和提出问题的生活中。
为什么某些植物能留存有害细菌?3.treat熟义:vt.对待生义:vt.(利用化学物质或反应)处理4.develop熟义:vt.成长,发育,发展生义:vt.开发,研制[2023·新课标Ⅰ卷阅读B]He developed a g reenhouselike facility that treated sewage (污水) from 1,600 homes in South Burlington.他研制了一个类似温室的设施,可以处理来自南伯灵顿1 600户家庭的污水。
2021年高考考查的熟词生义1.score熟义:n.分数vi.得分;记分生义:n.乐谱,总谱2.flow熟义:v.(使)流动,涌流;流通生义:n.连贯,流畅[2021·新高考Ⅰ卷阅读B]His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn't have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves.他的工作就是坐在钢琴师旁边,翻动乐谱,这样音乐家就不用因自己动手翻动而破坏音乐流畅了。
3.draft熟义:n.草稿vt.起草;制定生义:n.(小股)气流4.stand熟义:vi.站立;位于生义:n.支架[2021·新高考Ⅰ卷阅读B]“I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand,” Mr Tit terman said, “Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back.”蒂特曼先生说:“我正在翻页为下一页做准备,但翻页的风导致备用页从架子上掉了下来,幸运的是我抓住了它们并将它们放了回去。
”5.note熟义:n.笔记vt.注意;记录;注解生义:n.音符;纸币,钞票①[2021·新高考Ⅰ卷阅读B]He's absorbed in the music, feeling every note.他沉浸在音乐中,感受着每一个音符。
②[2021·全国乙卷完形填空]When she reached one nurse, she tried to press a fivepound note into her hand.当她走到一个护士面前时,她试图把一张五英镑的钞票塞到她手里。
• One day, when Daisy woke up, she found a flying carpet by
her bed. The carpet asked her where she wanted to go. Daisy
responded that she’d like to see some 1. _e_n_d_a_n__ge(erenddanger)
le留av下e behindlac由kin于g缺m钱oney=for lack of money t收ak养e in
p和e平ace的ful v暴oil力ence费f用ees 积a极cti地ve op看in法ion 愿wi意lling 受ed过uc教ate育d bl毯an子ket 原p理rin;cip定le律 v投ot票e f正or式ma的l surp使ris吃ed惊amazed f想an象cy su存rvi活ve dec装ora饰ted w值ort的h wor担ry忧aboutcome上to台poawg同reere意d with ble爆w 炸up lo灰se心hea处rt 于in困tro境ub中le 作in为re回tu报rn 交at 战war
s_h_toe__hh_ae_dl_pn(’ht eklnpo)wthneamb.out this and she wondered what to do 3.
• Then they went to Zimbabwe, where Daisy found 4.
____a_n__elephant which told Daisy that they were once an endangered species. They were hunted 5. ___w__it_h_omuet rcy by
高三英语高效课堂资料必修2 Unit 2
一句多译: 1) 父亲去世后, 他掌管农场。
• He was in charge of the farm after his father’s death.
• =The farm was in the charge of him after his father’s death.
• 2)他们应受惩罚。
15. __ad_v_e_r_t_is_e(vt. &vi. ) 做广告;登广告→__ad__ve_r_t_is_e_r(n. ) 广告
商→__a_d_v_e_rt_i_se_m__en_t_ (n. )广告
Ⅱ. 短语互译
1. 主管;看管
2. 故意地;蓄意地
I also talked about my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge .
(adj. )
(vt. &vi. ) host 3. ____(vt.)
自愿 做东;主办;招待
(n. )
4r.e_p_l_a_c_e__ (vt. ) 5. _s_w_i_f_t(adj. ) 6c. h__a_r_g_e_ (vt. &vi. )
高三英语高效课堂资料Book2 Unit2 一轮导学案
高三英语高效课堂资料Book2 Unit2The Olympic Games基础词句过关学案【Learning aims】1.To recite 5sentences , master the important words, phrases .2.To be devoted to the class with passion and enjoy it..阅读教材★挖掘文本I. 教材与语法填空(passage 1)To find out about the present-day Olympic Games, Pausanias, a Greek 1. (write) about 2,000 years ago, has come on a 2. (magic) journey. He had an interview with a volunteer called Li Yan. Now he realizes great 3. (change) have taken place to the Games.There’re two main sets of Olympic Games 4. (hold) on a regular basis. Only athletes 5. have reached the agreed standard 6. (admit) as competitors. Nowadays any country can take part in the Games. Women play a very important role 7. the Games.Countries compete with each other 8. (host) the Games. It is 9. great honor to be chosen. Even the olive wreath has been replaced. The motto of the Games is “Swifter, 10. ___________(high) and Stronger”.II. 教材与短文改错(passage 2)Atlanta was a Greek princess whom was very beautiful and could run fast than any man in Greece. So she was not allowed run in the Olympic Games. She was so angrily that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. What’s more, if he couldn’t run as fast as her, he will be killed.Hearing of his rules, many of the kings and princes sadly went to home. The man called Hippomenes was determined to run the race with the Greek Goddess of Love helped him.主干回顾★固基础Ⅰ. 阅读单词---- 认一认1.ancient adj. ___________2. magical adj. ___________3. swift adj. ___________4. physical adj. ___________5. fine vt. ___________6.regular adj. ___________7. replace vt. ___________ 8. deserve v. ___________II单词盘点1. _______ (adj. ) 古代的;古老的2. _________(n. ) 志愿者;志愿兵(adj. ) 志愿的;义务的(vt. &vi. ) 自愿3. ____(vt.) 做东;主办;招待(n. ) 主人4. _______ (vt. ) 取代;替换;代替5. _____ (adj. ) 快的;迅速的6. ______ (vt. &vi. ) 收费;控诉(n. ) 费用;主管7. ________ (adj. ) 物理的;身体的8. _______ (vi. ) 讨价还价;讲条件(n. ) 便宜货9. _______(vi. &vt. ) 应受(报答或惩罚);值得10. ____________(vi. ) 比赛;竞争→___________(n. )竞争→__________(adj. )竞争的, 有竞争性的→__________(n. )竞争者11.___________(adj. )规则的;定期的;常规的→_____________(n. )规则;规章制度12. ___________(n. ) 基础;根据→_______(pl. )基础;根据→_________(adj. )基本的, 基础的13. ___________(vt. &vi. )容许;承认;接纳→________________(n. )准入;准许14. ________________(n. ) 责任;职责→________________(adj. )有责任心的15. ___________(vt. &vi. ) 做广告;登广告→_________(n. ) 广告商→_____________ (n. )广告III.短语互译1. 主管;看管___________________2. 故意地;蓄意地___________________3. 与某人达成协议_____________________4. 拾起;接收;搭车;恢复;好转;(偶然)学会_____________________5. 计算出;理解;解决;锻炼__________6. 陆续地;一个接一个地_______________7. compete in _______________8. take part in _________________9. stand for ________________ 10. as well _________________IV.句型透视1. nor放于句首的倒装句No other countries could join in, _______________________(奴隶和妇女也不能参加)!2. not only. . . but (also). . . 不仅……而且……Women are _______________(不但允许), ____________________________(而且在……中发挥重要作用) gymnastics, athletics, team sports and. . .3. as much+不可数名词/a(an)+单数名词+as. . . “和……(程度上)是一样的”There’s __________________ among countries to host the Olympics _____________________(跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈).4. the+比较级(. . . ), the+比较级(. . . ) 越……就越……This is important because ___________________________________________________(你说英语越多, 你的英语就越好).V. 本单元涉及的不规则动词的过去式、过去分词、现在分词。
主题晨背(一)背阅读障碍词汇,背高级表达句式——熟词汇,明句式,助力阅读二轮复习天天挤时背(三十九)——“建议倡议”写作背写作词块]1.I'd like to share my ideas about ... 我想分享有关……的观点2.arouse one's interest 激发某人的兴趣3.get involved in 被卷入,涉及4.be well-received 广受欢迎5.make some suggestions 提一些建议6.be of great benefit to ... 对……大有好处7.get well-prepared (for) 为……做好准备8.keep a good relationship with sb. 与某人保持良好的关系9.Here are my ideas on how to ... 下面是关于如何……的观点10.respect and trust sb. 尊重和信任某人11.What's more/Besides/In addition 此外12.put ourselves in their shoes 换位思考13.Firstly ...Secondly st but not least 首先,其次,最后但同等重要的是14.the right attitude towards ... 对……正确的态度15.develop a habit of ... 养成……的习惯16.make a difference 有意义,重要17.deepen your understanding of Chinese culture加深对中国文化的影响18.be of great help to sb. 对某人很有帮助19.join sb. 加入某人的活动20.had better wear casual clothes and comfortable shoes最好穿便装,舒适的鞋子背题材佳句]1.(2016·石家庄一模书面表达)My classmates and I are planning to plant trees by the river this weekend. We all hope you can join us.我和同学计划周末到河边植树。
外研版高考英语一轮总复习 晨背语料 第二部分 教材续写佳句精选 七、修辞手法佳句
8.Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves,but no wind could blow them away. 砖块就像秋天的红叶覆盖着地面,但是却没有风能将其吹走。(人教必修1) 9.A traveler without observation is a bird without wings. 没有观察的旅行者是没有翅膀的鸟。(人教必修1) 10.After singing some songs,the competitors danced onto the green field,waving their arms in the air as if they were eagles. 几首歌唱毕,选手们开始在草地上翩翩起舞,他们挥动着双臂,宛如雄鹰。 (人教必修3)
无灵主语句 1.Wednesday night saw the destruction of the very heart of the city. 周三晚上,这座城市的中心被毁。(人教必修1) 2.The solar rays shone through the watery mass easily,and consumed all colour,and I clearly distinguished objects at a distance of a hundred and fifty yards. 阳光轻易地穿过海水,把所有的颜色都吞没了,我在150码外清楚地分辨出 物体。(外研必修3)
14.It felt like my brain had doubled in size. 感觉我的头大了一倍。(人教必修1) 15.The noise they make could wake the dead! Frightening! 它们发出的声音可以吵醒死人!太可怕了!(人教选择性必修4) 16.I work in a tall,glass building.One very hot summer,the sun reflected off it and melted cars parked below! 我在一座高大的玻璃建筑里工作。一个非常炎热的夏天,太阳从楼上反射 下来,把停在下面的汽车都融化了!(外研必修3)
外研版高考英语一轮总复习 晨背语料 第二部分 教材续写佳句精选 四、人物外貌描写佳句
1.There were hundreds of guests,all dressed up in formal,colourful clothes. 有数以百计的客人,个个身着正式的、色彩艳丽的礼服。(译林必修2) 2.I could see a group of around 20 Brazilian dancers and a band in fancy costumes standing in the street. 我能看到一群20岁左右、身着华丽服装的巴西舞者和乐队站在街上。(译 林必修2) 3.In his thirties,he was quite thin and pale,and he had red,bushy hair. 三十多岁时,他很瘦,脸色苍白,有一头浓密的红色头发。(外研必修1) 4.She still has smooth skin and straight black hair,and jogging has kept her slim and fit. 她的皮肤仍然很光滑,头发又直又黑。慢跑使她苗条又健康。(外研必修1)
5.Indeed,his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers,to whom he has devoted his life. 的确,他身体瘦削而强壮,就像他为之奉献了一生的千百万的中国农民一样。 (人教选择性必修1) 6.To the public,he was seen as a sightly odd-looking but kind and funny man.He had a thick moustache and long white hair,which sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock. 在公众眼中,他是一个长得有点丑但善良有趣的人。他胡须浓密,头发又长 又白,有时会像刚遭了电击似的竖起来。(人教选择性必修1)
Unit2 (晨背材料学案)-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册
选择性必修二Unit2晨背材料1. qualify vt.& vi.(使)具备资格;(使)合格→qualification n.资格;学历2.ambitionn.追求的目标;夙愿;野心;抱负→ambitiousadj.有野心的;3.adaptation n.适应;改编本→adapt v.适应;改编→ adapted adj.适应的;改编的→adaptable adj.能适应的fort n.安逸;安慰;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服→comfortvt.安慰;抚慰→ comfortable adj.舒服的5.participationn.参加;参与→ participatevi.参加;参与的6.presentation n.报告;陈述;出示;拿出→present v.把……交给;颁发;提出;提交;表现7.engage vi.参加;参与(活动) →engage vt.吸引(注意力、兴趣)→ engaged adj.忙于;从事于;已订婚的;被占用的8.involve vt.包含;需要;涉及;(使)参加→involved adj.参与的;作为一部分的;有关联的9.edition n.(报纸、杂志)一份;(广播、电视节目)一期,一辑;版次→edit v.编辑→editor n.主编10.h omesickness n.思乡病;乡愁→homesick adj.思乡的,想家的11.motivate vt.成为……的动机;激发;激励→motivated adj.积极的;主动的→motivation n.动力;积极性;动机12 n.advisor (also -ser)顾问→advise v.建议→advice n.建议13.reasonable adj.有道理的;合情理的→reason n.理由;道理;情理reason v.推理;推论;推断;思考;理解14. expectation n.期望;预期;期待→expect vt.预期;期望;预料;要求;期望15. applicantn.申请人→apply vt./vi.应用;使用;运用;施加;涂;敷;施用;用…指称(人或事物)→application n.请;请求;申请书;申请表16. exposure n.接触;体验;暴露;揭露→ expose vt.使接触;使体验;显露17.departure n.离开;启程;出发→depart v.启程;出发18 dramatic adj. 巨大的;突然的;急剧的;喜剧的→dramaticallyadv. 戏剧性地,巨大地19.behave vt.表现;vi.&vt.表现得体;有礼貌→behaviorn.行为20. surrounding adj.周围的;附近的→ n. [pl.]surroundings环境;周围的事物→surround v. 包围21. depressvt.使沮丧;使忧愁→depressed adj.沮丧的;意志消沉的→depression n.沮丧;意志消沉22.strengthen v.加强;增强;巩固→ strong adj.强壮的;强健的→strength n. 力量;力气23. competence n. 能力;胜任;本领→ competent adj.有能力的;称职的24.cooperate vi.合作;协作;配合→cooperation n.合作;协作;配合→cooperative adj.合作的;协作的;配合的25.initiative n.倡议;新方案→initiative n.主动性.26.sincerely adv. 真诚地;诚实→sincere adj. 真诚;诚实27.logical adj.合乎逻辑的;合情合理的→logic n.合乎逻辑;合情合理1)单词表中短语1.参加;参与participate in2. 大声点说;明确表态speak up3.舒服自在;不拘束feel at home4. (使)从事;参与engage in5. 参与;卷入;与......有关联get/be involved in6. 文化冲击culture shock7. 舒适区;舒适范围comfort zone8. (使)花一大笔钱cost an arm and a leg9.支持;站在......的一边side with10.据我所知as far as I know11.就我而言;依我看来as far as I am concerned12.总的来说;总之in summary13.一般来说generally speaking(2)拓展补充短语1. 记住做过某事recall doing sth=remember doing sth2. 实现某人的抱负realize/achieve/fulfill one’s ambition3. 渴望做某事be ambitious for4. 目前at present5. 与......关系密切be involved with6. 文化遗产cultural relics7. 不辜负某人期望live up to one’s expection8. 申请apply for运用apply to9.违反,背离(常规)depart from sth10. 一分耕耘,一份收获。
高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 晨背强化系列二 试题
2021届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料晨背强化系列〔二〕制卷人:歐陽文化、歐陽理複;制卷時間:二O二二年二月七日早读:Ⅰ.词汇短语过关1.respond vi.答复,答复;响应,作出反响response n. 答复,回复;反响respond to sb./sth.答复(比 answer, reply to正式)respond to sb./sth. (with/ by sth.) 用……回应某人(事)respond to (疾病、身体的受伤局部)对医药有良好反响response to sb./sth. (对人/物)的答复/回复/反响in response to 作为对……的反响[即学即练1](1)They still haven't ____________ my letter.他们至今仍没有回我的信。
(2)He ____________ my suggestion ________ a laugh/______ laughing. 他对我的建议报以一笑。
(3)His illness didn't ____________ treatment by drugs.他的疾病对药物治疗没有反响。
(4)My mother opened the door ____________________ the knock, but there was no one outside.听到敲门声后,我妈妈翻开了门,但外面一个人都没有。
responded to , responded to , with , by , respond to , in response to2.certain adj. 确定的;无疑的;某(种)(1)作“某(种)〞讲时,同义于 some.但 some 前不加冠词。
for a certain reason=for some reason 由于某种原因certain professors=some professors 某些教授a certain amount of time 相当一段时间是(2)作“确信的,有把握的〞讲时,同义于 sure.但是 certain 的主语既可以是人,也可用于It is certain that...句型,而 sure 主语只能是人。
高中英语真题:晨背话题二) 语言学习
晨背话题(二) 语言学习已会词汇·一眼掠过(一)熟记单词1.vocabulary n.词汇量2.study v. 学习;研究3.dictionary n. 词典4.phrase n. 短语5.practise v. 练习,训练6.discuss v. 讨论7.recite v. 背诵8.habit n. 习惯9.master v. 掌握10.fluent adj. 流利的fluently adv. 流利地;流畅地fluency n. 流利;流畅11.copy n. 抄本,副本;一本(份、册)v. 抄写;复印;拷(备份盘)12.grammar n. 语法13.idiom n. 习语,成语14.speech n. 演讲15.spoken adj. 口语的16.write v.(wrote, written) 写,书写;写作,编写17.topic n. 题目,话题18.use vt. 使用,利用useful adj. 有用的,有益的useless adj. 无用的user n. 使用者;用户usage n. 使用,用法19.spell vt. 拼写spelling n. 拼写,拼法20.spend v.(spent, spent) 度过;花费(钱、时间等)21.waste n.& vt. 浪费22.actual adj. 实际的;现实的actually adv. 实际上;事实上23.lesson n. 课;功课;教训24.like prep. 像,跟……一样vt. 喜欢,喜爱25.likely adj. 很可能的unlikely adj. 没有可能的26.limit vt. 限制;减少limited adj. 有限的27.learn vt.(learnt, learnt或learned, learned)学,学习learned adj. 有才华的learner n. 学习者28.saying n. 谚语;格言29.retell vt. 重讲,重复,复述30.difficult adj. 困难的;艰难困苦的difficulty n. 困难,费力(二)熟记短语1.take notes 做笔记2.attend a lecture 听讲座3.teach oneself 自学4.pick up (偶然)习得5.make full use of 充分利用6.turn to sb. (for help) 求助于某人7.keep/bear ... in mind 记住……8.enrich one's knowledge 丰富某人的知识9.go over one's lessons 复习功课10.focus/concentrate one's attention on/upon 把某人的注意力集中在11.refer to a dictionary 查词典12.make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事表达词汇·背练通过(一)常用单词1.absorb v. 吸收;吸引2.gradual adj. 逐渐的gradually adv. 逐渐地3.graduate v. 毕业n. 大学毕业生graduation n. 毕业;毕业典礼4.grade n. 等级;(中小学的)学年;成绩,分数5.improve vt. 改进,更新;提高;改善6.effect n. 影响;效果effective adj. 有效的effectively adv. 有效地7.differ vi. 相异,有区别difference n. 不同;差异different adj. 不同的,有差异的8.explain v. 解释,说明explanation n. 解释,说明9.goal n. 目标10.fail v. 失败;不及格;衰退failure n. 失败11.succeed vi. 成功success n. 成功;成功的人或事successful adj. 成功的,有成就的successfully adv. 获得成功地12.knowledge n. 知识,学问13.loud adj. 大声的loudly adv. 大声地14.approach n.& v. 方法,建议;接近15.translate vt. 翻译translation n. 翻译;译文translator n. 翻译家,译者(二)常用短语1.be absorbed in 专心于……2.keep a diary 写日记3.have difficulty/trouble in doing sth.在做某事方面有困难4.have a good knowledge/command of通晓;精通5.take part in the English Corner 参加英语角6.step by step 逐步地,一步步地7.give sb. some advice on 就……给某人一些建议8.enlarge/expand one's vocabulary 扩大某人的词汇量(三)记牢练通1.We are supposed to learn English well because having_a_good_knowledge/command_of_English (精通英语) means more opportunities in the future. 2.With English becoming more and more important, we sho uld be_absorbed_in_learning_it (专心学习它).3.I'm sorry to know that you have_some_difficulty_in_getting _along_with_your_classmates (在与同学相处方面有困难).4.I can_enlarge/expand_my_vocabulary (能扩大词汇) as well as learn more about the cultures and customs of E nglish speaking countries by reading works in English. 5.There is no doubt that keeping_an_English_diary (写英语日记) helps you a lot with your written English.6.As an athlete, he is really a success. He has successfully overcome some difficulties and succeeded in winning the race . What a successful athlete he is!(success)阅读词汇·一站全过1.accent n. 口音,腔调2.accomplish v. 完成,实现3.pronounce vt. 发音pronunciation n. 发音4.review vt. 重新调查;回顾;复习n. 复查;复习;评论reviewer n. 评论者;书评家5.revise vt. 复习revision n. 复习,温习6.standard n.& adj. 标准(的) 7.accumulate vt.& vi. 积累8.memorize vt. 记忆memory n. 记忆9.attain v. 获得,达到10.consult v. 查阅,咨询consultant n. 顾问11.dictation n. 听写12.distinguish v. 辨别;区别13.gain v. 获得14.grasp v. 抓住;紧握15.overcome v. 战胜,克服16.puzzle n. 疑问;难题,(字、画)谜puzzled adj. 迷惑的,困惑的17.recognise vt.(美recognize) 认出recognition n. 认出18.recommend v. 推荐;建议19.target n. 目标,对象20.preview vt.& n. 预习;预览21.skim v. 跳读;略读22.scan v.& n. 扫描;浏览23.thorough adj. 彻底的thoroughly adv. 彻底地,详尽地24.timetable n. (火车、公共汽车等)时刻表;(学校)课程表25.title n. 标题,题目26.vain adj. 徒劳的,自负的27.vary vi. 不同,改变28.vital adj. 极重要的29.talent n. 才能;天才30.summary n. 摘要,概要31.skill n. 技法skilled adj. 熟练的;有技能的skillful adj. 熟练的,精湛的;灵巧的skillfully adv. 精湛地,巧妙地32.significance n. 重大,重要性significant adj. 重大的,重要的significantly adv. 重大地33.simple adj. 简单的,简易的simply adv. 简单地,的确simplify v. 简化34.seminar n. 研讨会35.senior adj. 年长的,资深的,高年级的n. 上级,长辈,高年级生36.Russia n. 俄罗斯,俄国Russian adj. 俄国人的,俄语的n. 俄国人,俄语37.respond v. 反应,回答response n. 反应,回答38.remark n.& v. 陈述;谈论;议论39.refer vi. 谈到,提到,涉及,有关reference n. 提及,参考40.refuse vi. 拒绝,不愿refusal n. 拒绝靓点词汇·佳句背过1.(2018·烟台适应性练习书面表达)Like most other Chinese Senior 3 students, I have learnt E nglish for more than 7 years and I've learned basic grammar r ules and vocabulary.像中国大多数其他高三学生一样,我学英语已经七年多了,并且我已学了基本的语法规则和词汇。
高中英语早读材料(二)Reading Aims:1)朗读课本Unit2单词及其相关短语2遍2)熟读课文中重点短语2遍一、单词及其相关短语1.persuade v.劝说;说服=convincepersuasion n.劝说;说服persuasive adj.有说服力的☆①persuade sb.of sth.使某人相信......②persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade sb.into doing sth.劝服某人做某事③persuade sb.not to do sth.=persuade sb.out of doing sth.劝服某人不要做某事2.switch v.转换;改变;转变n.转换器;开关;秋千switch on=turn on打开(灯、电器等)switch off=turn off关闭(灯、电器等)turn off a switch关掉开关3.distant adj.①遥远的;疏远的=remote②心不在焉的=absent-minded=absence of mind distance n.距离☆distant relatives=remote relatives远亲☆in the distance在远处distance education远程教育distance learning远程学习4.remote adj.远程的;遥远的;疏远的☆a remote village一个偏远的村庄remote control远程控制5.secure adj.①安全的=safe②可靠的=reliable③无忧无虑的=ease v.获得;拴牢;保护☆secure against......保护......以防......☆security n.安全=safetysecurity of person人身安全network security网络安全6.prefer-preferred-preferred v.较喜欢;宁愿preference n.爱好;偏爱;优待☆prefer doing to doing=prefer to do rather than do=would rather do than do宁愿做某事而不愿做某事☆have a preference for偏爱/喜爱......=have a passion for☆give preference to sb./sth.给...以优惠☆in preference to而不是◆温馨提示:prefer-preferred-preferred v.较喜欢;宁愿(双写r)refer-referred-referred(refer to涉及)v.涉及(双写r)infer-inferred-inferred v.推断(双写r)不同:☆offer-offered-offered v.提供(不双写r)mand v.命令;控制n.指令command sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事☆command that+(should)do命令......应该做某事+(should)be done☆have a good command of熟练掌握☆in command of=take command of=take control of控制☆under sb's command在某人的控制下;在某人的管辖范围内二、课文中出现的重点短语1.keep us secure=keep us safe使我们安全2.save energy节省能源(energy不可数)3.provide a more comfortable environment to live in提供一个更舒适的居住环境4.the advanced technology先进技术5.an energy-efficient mode节能模式6.daily routine and preferences日常习惯和偏好7.be ready for为......做好准备8.prepare for为......做准备9.respond to=reply to=react to对......做出回应10.in addition=besides=moreover此外;另外11.send a warning to向......发送警告12.keep constant track of持续追踪13.prevent......from......阻止......远离......14.in the absence of在没有......的情况下15.advocate a simple life提倡一种简单的生活16.care about关心17.the natural environment自然环境18.potential natural disasters潜在的自然灾害19.social media社交媒体20.make+it+adj.+(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人来说)使得做某事......21.provide sb.with sth.=provide sth.for sb.提供某人某物22.be beneficial to对......有益23.benefit from从......中受益24.many benefits许多益处25.lead a life of luxury过着奢侈的生活26.an exciting prospect令人兴奋的前景27.good career prospects美好的事业前途28.There is(no)prospect of doing sth.有/没有做某事的可能性29.a prospective buyer潜在的买家30.waste resources浪费资源31.in the not-too-distant future在不远的将来32.resist doing sth.反对/抵制做某事33.resistance to对......的反对34.can't resist doing sth忍不住做某事=can't help doing sth.35.be occupied in/with doing sth.=be busy doing sth.忙于做某事36.occupy oneself in/with doing sth.使得某人自己忙于做某事37.oppose doing sth.=be opposed to doing sth.反对做某事38.be available to sb.对某人来说是......39.cease doing sth.停止做某事(可能是暂时)40.cease to do sth.不再做某事。
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2018届高三晨背( 八) 日积月累增分无形
1. attend v. 出席;参加/ 照顾
attend school/class/ a meeting 上学、上课、出席参加会议
attend (on)the patient 照料病人
2. valuable adj. 很有用的;宝贵的value n.价值/ vt. 重视
3. noise Un. 声音;噪音noisy a. 吵闹的
make much noise 制造噪音
4. sleepy /sli:pi/ adj. 困倦的;瞌睡的
5. express v. 表示;表达express oneself 表达自我
expression n. 表达;表情;词语words and expressions 词语
6. not only … but(also)不但⋯⋯而且
7. circle n. 圆圈v. 圈出
8. receive v. 收到accept v. 接收
9. prevent v. 阻止;阻挠prevent...from doing / being done
10. energy n. 精力;力量energetic a. 精力充沛的
11. position n. 位置;地方
12. honor v. (honour) 尊重;表示敬意n. 荣幸honored a. .光荣的:荣幸的
It is an honor for sb. to do / It is an honor that...干…是一件荣幸的事
I am/feel honored to do...干...感到荣幸
13. victory n. 胜利;成功
14. period n. 一段时间;时期in a short period 在短时间内
15. mystery n. 奥秘;神秘事物mysterious a. 神秘的
II 经典句式:倒装句
1. Out rushed the little children.
2. South of the river lies a beautiful village.
3. Only in this way can we learn English well.
4. Never have I seen such a moving film before.
5. Lily can’t speak Chinese, neither /nor can Lucy.
6. Not until he returned home could his wife fall asleep.
7. They love having a lot of friends; so do those with disabilities.
8. Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20thcenturys greatest scientist.
9. Not only did they lose all their money, but they also came close to losing their lives.
10. So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood.
III 经典作文
Nowadays, the Peking Opera audience continues to shrink and it has become less popular with younger generations. So what should we do to preserve the treasure of Chinese culture ? If I were the Minister of Culture, I would take the following measures.
Firstly, we can add the Peking Opera in the high school’s music appreciation class in order to raise awareness of it. Secondly, to make it more accessible, we should also carry out the Peking Opera class as an optional course in the university. Thirdly, it has to continue to move because Peking Opera should keep up with times. Only in this way can we widen the audience for Peking Opera and inspire young people’s interest in it.
What I am hoping to accomplish is that the Peking Opera will be a new trend among younger generations.
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