Marginalized Particle Filters for Mixed Linear-Nonlinear State-Space Models




Solids and Slurries - Definition of TermsAPPARENT VISCOSITYThe viscosity of a non-Newtonian slurry at a particular rate of shear, expressed in terms applicable to Newtonian fluids.CRITICAL CARRYING VELOCITYThe mean velocity of the specific slurry in a particular conduit, above which the solids phase remains in suspension, and below which solid-liquid separation occurs.EFFECTIVE PARTICLE DIAMETERThe single or average particle size used to represent the behavior of a mixture of various sizes of particles in a slurry. This designation is used to calculate system requirements and pump performance. FRICTION CHARACTERISTICA term used to describe the resistance to flow which is exhibited by solid-liquid mixtures at various rates of flow.HETEROGENEOUS MIXTUREA mixture of solids and a liquid in which the solids are net uniformly distributed.HOMOGENEOUS FLOW(FULLY SUSPENDEID SOLIDS)A type of slurry flow in which the solids are thoroughly mixed in the flowing stream and a negligible amount of the solids are ~iding along the conduit wall.HOMOGENEOUS MIXTUREA mixture of solids and a liquid in which the solids are uniformly distributed.NON-HOMOGENEOUS FLOW(PARTIALLY SUSPENDED SOUDS)A type of slurry flow in which the solids are stratified, with a portion of the solids sliding along the conduit wall. Sometimes called heterogeneous flow" or "flow with partially suspended solids."NON-SETTUNG SLURRYA slurry In which the solids will not settle to the bottom of the containing vessel or conduit, but will remain in suspension, without agitation, for long periods of time.PERCENT SOLIDS BY VOLUMEThe actual volume of the solid material in a given volume of slurry, divided by the given volume of slurry, multiplied by 100.PERCENT SOLIDS BY WEIGHTThe weight of dry solids in a given volume of slurry, divided by the total weight of that volume of slurry, multiplied by 100.SALTATONA condition which exists in a moving stream of slurry when solids settle in the bottom of the stream in random agglomerations which build up and wash away with irregular frequency.SETTLING SLURRYA slurry in which the solids will move to the bottom of the containing vessel or conduit at a discernible rate, but which will remain in suspension If the slurry Is agitated constantly.SETTLING VELOCITYThe rate at which the solids in a slurry will move to the bottom of a container of liquid that Is not in motion. (Not to be confused with tne velocity of a slurry that is less than the critical carrying velocity as defined above.)SQUARE ROOT LAWA rule used to calculate the approximate increase in critical carrying velocity for a given slurry when pipe size is increased. It states:NOTE: This rule should net be used when pipe size is decreased.VISCOSITY TYPES(For definitions of the various types of viscosities applicable to slurries. see Rheological Definitions.) YIELD VALUE (STRESS)The stress at which many non-Newtonian slurries will start to deform and below which there will be no relative motion between adjacent particles in the slurry.Solids and Slurries - Slurry Pump ApplicationsDetermining the when to use a slurry style centrifugal pump can be a challenging decision. Often the cost of a slurry pump is many times that of a standard water pump and this can make the decision to use a slurry pump very difficult. One problem in selecting a pump type is determining whether or not the fluid to be pumped is actually a slurry. We can define a slurry as any fluid which contains more solids than that of potable water. Now, this does not mean that a slurry pump must be used for every application with a trace amount of solids, but at least a slurry pump should be considered.Slurry pumping in its simplest form can be divided into three categories: the light, medium and heavy slurry. In general, light slurries are slurries that are not intended to carry solids. The presence of the solids occurs more by accident than design. On the other hand, heavy slurries are slurries that are designed to transport material from one location to another. Very often the carrying fluid in a heavy slurry is just a necessary evil in helping to transport the desired material. The medium slurry is one that falls somewhere in between. Generally, the Percent solids in a medium slurry will range from 5% to 20% by weight.After a determination has been made as to whether or not you are dealing with a heavy, medium, or light slurry, it is then time to match a pump to the application. Below is a general listing of the different characteristics of a light, medium, and heavy slurry.Light Slurry Characteristics:•Presence of solids is primarily by accident•Solids Size < 200 microns•Non-settling slurry•The slurry specific gravity < 1.05•Less than 5% solids by weightMedium Slurry Characteristics:•Solids size 200 microns to 1/4 inch (6.4mm)•Settling or non-settling slurry•The slurry specific gravity < 1.15•5% to 20% solids by weightHeavy Slurry Characteristics:•Slurry's main purpose is to transport material•Solids > 1/4 inch (6.4mm)•Settling or non-settling slurry•The slurry specific gravity > 1.15•Greater than 20% solids by weightThe previous listing is lust a quick guideline to help classify various pump applications. Other considerations that need to be addressed when selecting a pump model are: Abrasive hardness •Particle shape•Particle size•Particle velocity and direction•Particle density•Particle sharpnessThe designers of slurry pumps have taken all of the above factors into consideration and have designed pumps to give the end user maximum expected life. Unfortunately. there are some compromises that are made in order to provide an acceptable pump life. The following short table shows the design feature, benefit, and compromise of the slurry pump.Although selecting the proper slurry pump for a particular application can be quite complex, the selection task can be broken down into a simplified three-step process:1. Determine which group of possible pump selections best matches your specific application.2. Plot the system curve depicting the required pump head at various capacities.3. Match the correct pump performance curve with the system curve.Slurry pumps can be broken down into two main categories. The rubber-lined pump and the hard metal pump. However, because of the elastomer lining, the rubber-lined pumps have a somewhat limited application range. Below is a general guideline which helps distinguish when to apply the rubber-lined pumps.It should be noted, however, that a hard metal pump can also be used for services that are outlined for the rubber-lined pump. After a decision has been made whether to use a hard metal pump or a rubber-lined pump, It Is then time to select a particular pump model. A pump model should be selected by reviewing the application and determining which model pump will work best in the service.NOTES:The Model HS pump is a unique pump in that it is a recessed impeller or "vortex" pump. This style pump is well suited to handle light pulpy or fibrous slurries. The recessed impeller used in the HS family of pumps will pass large stringy fibers and should be considered when pump plugging is a concern.The Model AF is a specialized pump with an axial flow design. This design of pump is built specifically for high flow, low head applications. in general, slurry pumps have been designed to handle fluids withabrasive solids, and will give extended lives over standard water or process pumps. Although many features have been designed into the slurry pump, there are still two factors which directly relate to the pump's life that can be determined. The first choice to make is determining the metallurgy of the pump. In most cases, a hard metal slurry pump will be constructed of some hardened metal with a Brine ii hardness of at least 500. Goulds standard slurry pump material is a 28% chrome iron with a minimum hardness of 600 Brinell. This material is used for most abrasive services and can also be used in some corrosive fluids as well. if a more corrosive resistant material is required, then the pump may be constructed out of a duplex Stainless steel Such as CD4MCu. Please check with your nearest Goulds sales office If you are unsure what material will be best suited for a particular application.PUMP RUNNING SPEEDThe other factor that can be controlled by the sales or end user engineer is the pump running speed. The running speed of a slurry pump is one of the most important factors which determines the life of the pump. Through testing, It has been proven that a slurry pump's wear rate is proportional to the speed of the pump raised to the 2 1/2 power.EXAMPLE:If Pump (A) is running at 1000 RPM and Pump (B) is running at 800 RPM, then the life factor for Pump (B) as compared to Pump (A) is (1OOO/80O)2.5 or Pump (B) will last 1.75 times as long as Pump (A).With the above ratio in mind. it can be shown that by cutting a slurry pump speed in half, you get approximately 6 times the wear life. For this reason, most slurry pumps are V-belt driven with a full diameter impeller. This allows the pump to run at the slowest possible running speed and, therefore, providing the maximum pump life.WHY USE A V.BELT DRIVE? In most ANSI pump applications it is a reasonable practice to control condition point by trimming the impeller and direct connecting the motor. However, this is not always sound practice in slurry applications. the abrasive solids present, wear life is enhanced by applying the pump at the slowest speed possible.Another situation where V-belts are beneficial is in the application of axial flow pumps. Axial flow pumps cannot be trimmed to reduce the condition point because they depend on close clearances between the vane tips and the casing for their function. The generally low RPM range for axial flow application also makes it beneficial to use a speed reduction from the point of view of motor cost. The types of V-belt drives available for use in pump applications are termed fixed speed, or fixed pitch, and variable speed. The fixed pitch drive consists of two sheaves; each machined to a specific diameter, and a number of belts between them to transmit the torque. The speed ratio is roughly equal to the diameter ratio of the sheaves. The variable speed drive is similar to the fixed speed except that the motor sheave can be adjusted to a range of effective or pitch diameters to achieve a band of speed ratios. This pitch adjustment is made by changing the width of the Vgrooves on the sheave. Variable speed drives are useful in applications where an exact flow rate is required or when the true condition point is not well defined at the time that the pump is picked.V-belt drives can be applied up to about 2000 horsepower, but, pump applications are usually at or below 350 HP.Solids and Slurries-Useful Formulasa. The formula for specific gravity of a solids-liquids mixture or slurry, S m is:where,S m = specific gravity of mixture or slurryS i = specific gravity of liquid phaseS s = specific gravity of solids phaseC w = concentration of solids by weightC v = concentration of solids by volumeEXAMPLE: if the liquid has a specific gravity of 1.2 and the concentration of solids by weight is 35% with the solids having a specific gravity of 2.2, then:b. Basic relationships among concentration and specific gravities of solid liquid mixtures are shown below:Where pumps are to be applied to mixtures which are both corrosive and abrasive, the predominant factor causing wear should be identified and the materials of construction selected accordingly. This often results in a compromise and in many cases can only be decided as a result of test or operational experience.For any slurry pump application a complete description of the mixture components is required in order to select the correct type of pump and materials of construction.c. Slurry flow requirements can be determined from the expression:EXAMPLE: 2,400 tons of dry solids is processed in 24 hours in water with a specific gravity of 1.0 and the concentration of solids by weight is 30% with the solids having a specific gravity of 2.7 then:d. Abrasive wear: Wear on metal pumps increases rapidly when the particle hardness exceeds that of the metal surfaces being abraded. If an elastomer lined pump cannot be selected, always select metals with a higher relative hardness to that of the particle hardness. There is little to be gained by increasing the hardness of the metal unless it can be made to exceed that of the particles. The effective abrasion resistance of any metal will depend on its position on the mohs or knoop hardness scale. The relationships of various common ore minerals and metals is shown in Fig. A.Wear increases rapidly when the particle size increases. The life of the pump parts can be extended by choosing the correct materials of construction.Sharp angular particles cause about twice the wear of rounded particles.Austenetic maganese steel is used when pumping large dense solids where the impact is high.Hard irons are used to resist erosion and, to a lesser extent, impact wear.Castable ceramic materials have excellent resistance to cutting erosion but impeller tip velocities are usually restricted to 100 ft./sec.Elastomer lined pumps offer the best wear life for slurries with solids under 1/4" for the SRL/SRL-C and under 1/2" for the SRL-XT. Several Elastomers are available for different applications. Hypalon is acceptable in the range of 1-14 pH. There is a single stage head limitation of about 150' due to tip speed limitations of elastomer impellers.See the Classification of Pumps according to Solids Size chart (Fig. C) and Elastomer Quick Selection GuideFig. B Nomograph of the Relationship of Concentration to Specific Gravity in Aqueous SlurriesFig. D Standard Screen Sizes Comparison ChartFig. E Specific Gravities of Rocks, Minerals and OresFig. F Hardness Convertion Table for Carbon and Alloy SteelsFig. G Slurry Pump MaterialsFig. H Slurry Pump Application Guidelines。

2019转载 粒子滤波 PF Particle Filte.doc

2019转载 粒子滤波 PF Particle Filte.doc

转载粒子滤波PF Particle Filte原文地址:粒子滤波(PF:Particle Filter)作者:Geoinformatics粒子滤波(PF:Particle Filter)的思想基于蒙特卡洛方法(Monte Carlo methods),它是利用粒子集来表示概率,可以用在任何形式的状态空间模型上。

其核心思想是通过从后验概率中抽取的随机状态粒子来表达其分布,是一种顺序重要性采样法(Sequential Importance Sampling)。















第51卷 第1期 表面技术2022年1月 SURFACE TECHNOLOGY ·229·收稿日期:2020-11-29;修订日期:2021-05-03 Received :2020-11-29;Revised :2021-05-03基金项目:江苏省高等学校自然科学基金面上项目(19KJB430024);江苏省工业软件工程技术研究开发中心开放基金重点项目(ZK190401);南京工业职业技术大学国家自然科学基金培育项目(YK190109)Fund :Supported by General Program of the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China (19KJB430024), the Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Industrial Software Engineering Research Center (ZK190401), the Natural Science Foundation of Nanjing Vocational University of Industry Technology (YK190109) 作者简介:施渊吉(1989—),男,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为材料加工与表面技术。

Biography :SHI Yuan-ji (1989—), Male, Doctor, Associate professor, Research focus: material processing engineering and surface treatment technology.引文格式:施渊吉, 程诚, 王捍天, 等. 基于分子动力学研究刚性磨粒划擦铝基材料去除行为[J]. 表面技术, 2022, 51(1): 229-239.SHI Yuan-ji, CHENG Cheng, WANG Han-tian, et al. Analysis of Material Remove Behavior Induced by Rigid Abrasive Particle for Aluminum 基于分子动力学研究刚性磨粒划擦铝基材料去除行为施渊吉1,2,程诚2,王捍天1,滕冰妍1, 陈显冰1,何延辉1,张涛1,黎军顽3,郭训忠2(1.南京工业职业技术大学,南京 210046;2.南京航空航天大学 材料科学与技术学院,南京 210016;3.上海大学 材料科学与工程学院,上海 200072) 摘 要:目的 实现材料高效去除,避免亚表层严重滑移,以及改善已划擦区表面形貌质量。



Multi-Resolution particlefilter estimation,applied to object recognitionin an office environmentTinne De Laet,Wim Meeussen,Joris De Schutter and Herman BruyninckxAbstract—This paper presents a multi-resolution particle filter,applied to the recognition and localization of objects in an office environment,using a laser scanner.A fast low level particlefilter combines multiple measurements of the Sick laser scanner to localize the legs of tables and chairs in an office environment.This low levelfilter uses a simple leg model to distinguish the legs from other objects in the office environment.A high level particlefilter then combines the estimated leg positions to recognize tables and chairs,and find their position and orientation.The high levelfilter is helped by the knowledge of the geometry of the tables and chairs. This geometric knowledge is modeled using a simple Bayesian network.The estimation of the high levelfilter is used to correct the low level estimation,to add missing legs that where not found by the low levelfilter,and to remove legs that are not part of a table or a chair.The combination of the fast low level tracking with the high level geometric knowledge,increases the performance of the estimation problem,and allows for realtime object recognition and tracking in a50[m2]office environment. Experimental results show the effective recognition of two tables and two chairs in an unstructured office environment.Index Terms—multi-resolution,particlefilter,object recog-nitionI.I NTRODUCTIONMany problems in robotics require the estimation of a high dimensional unknown state,based on sensor measurements that provide indirect and noisy information about this state. In the Bayesian approach,the probability density function (pdf)that represents the unknown state,is updated recur-sively with the available sensor measurements.Each sensor measurement is linked to the unknown state with a measure-ment model.The evolution of the state is described by a system model.For many applications in robotics research, the Bayesian sequential Monte Carlo method,or particle filter[1],[3],is used for non-linear estimation problems.A particlefilter approximates the state pdf with a set of discrete particles.This discrete representation allows a particlefilter to work with multi-modal state pdf’s of any shape,however, at the expense of a high number of particles required.The number of particles required,increases drastically for each extra dimension in the unknown state.Many applications use thousands of particles to represent discrete state pdf.In a particlefilter,the discrete pdf is updated with the mea-surement information by applying the measurement model All authors are with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,Belgium.Corresponding author:Tinne De Laet ( authors gratefully acknowledge thefinancial support by K.U.Leuven’s Concerted Research Action GOA/05/10Tinne De Laet is a Doctoral Fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research–Flanders(F.W.O.)in Belgium to each of the particles.These many measurement updates make particlefilters computationally expensive.For realtime state estimation,this computational cost often prevents the use of particlefilters.To reduce the number of particles required,and hence re-duce the computational cost,it is important to use an accurate prediction model for the unknown state,such as for example in[8].This is of course application-specific and is not always possible.Therefore,many application-independent approaches have been proposed to reduce the computational cost of a particlefilter.Evolutionary approaches apply ge-netic algorithms such as crossover and mutation operations to a particle distribution;this reduces the number of particles required in the particlefilter,and therefore decreases the computational cost of thefilter[6],[9].Doucet et al.[2]show how the structure of a Dynamic Bayesian Network can be used to increase the efficiency of particlefiltering by using a technique known as Rao-Blackwellisation.Essentially,this technique samples some of the variables and marginalizes out the rest of them exactly with anyfinite dimensional optimalfilter such as a Kalmanfilter.A variable resolution particlefilter is proposed in[12],to reduce the number of particles required.The approach dynamically changes the particle resolution,to afine resolution where the belief is strong,and a coarse resolution where the belief is low,while preventing potential hypotheses from beingeliminated. Fig. 1.The multi-resolution particlefilter is applied to localize andrecognize objects in an unstructured office environment.In this paper we propose a multi-resolution particlefilter, where the estimation process is divided into a fast low level filter with a low-dimensional state model,and a high level filter with a higher-dimensional state model.For example,Fig.4.The laser scanner measures the distance the legs of tables and chairs.The left side shows a small part of a laser scan where some of the legs of tables and chairs are visible.The right side shows the same part of the laser scan,with the actual positions and orientations of the four-legged table andfive-legged chairs marked.than the estimate of the low levelfilter.Therefore,after the high levelfilter is updated,the information in the high level is used to correct and complete the low level estimate. The Bayesian network that includes both the low level and the high level estimation problem,is shown in Fig.2.It shows how from time step k−1to k+2only the low level filter is applied to update the low level estimate,based on the laser scan measurements.Between time step k+2and k+3the information contained in the low level estimate isfirst used to update the high level estimate.Then,the high level estimate is used to create a new and corrected low level estimate.Starting from this new and corrected low level estimate the low levelfilter continues for a sequence of updates based on the laser scan updates.III.O FFICE ENVIRONMENT APPLICATIONIn this section,the multi-resolution particlefilter approach is applied to the recognition and localization of objects in an office environment.In this application,a mobile robot navigates in an office environment,while a Sick laser scanner observes the environment.The laser scanner measures the distance to objects in the environment;the laser scanner measures the distance to the legs of tables and chairs.Fig.4 shows a small part of a laser scan where some of the legs of a table and two chairs are visible,expressed in Cartesian space. Thisfigure illustrates it is not a trivial task to recognize tables and chairs from the raw laser scan data,even for this small area.The data in the leftfigure appear to have no structure, and without the geometric knowledge of the tables and chairs many groups of legs could be combined into a table or chair. In afirst step,a low levelfilter estimates the positions of the legs,from the laser scanner data.In the second step,the position and orientation of the tables and chairs is estimated from the estimated leg positions.The same low level based on a leg model,and high levelfilter based on the complete object model,could be used for other applications,such as pallet recognition in an industrial environment[7],[11].A.Low level leg estimationThe low level particlefilter only models the legs of a table or a chair,but does not contain the information that a table has four legs or chair hasfive legs,in a specific configuration. While the complete object model is a hybrid4-dimensional model(continuous x-y positions and orientation,and discrete choice between table or chair),this simplified model is only2-dimensional(x-y positions).Hence the number of particles required—and therefore also the computational power required—is reduced drastically1.On top of that,the computational cost of the measurement model at the low levelfilter is lower,thanks to the simplicity of a leg model. This is important,because a single laser scan contains360 point measurements,and the measurement model links each of these point measurements to each of the particles.The measurement model consists of a number of zones.For a possible leg position,multiple zones around the center of the leg are distinguished,as shown in Fig.5.Each point measurement of the laser scan influences the belief in a pos-sible leg position in a different way,depending on the zone it lies in.A point measurement in zone1indicates that the front of the leg was seen by the laser scanner,and therefore this measurement increases the belief in the leg position. Zone2is the empty space that is assumed around each leg position.A point measurement in this zone decreases the belief in the leg position.A point measurement in zone 3would mean that the laser beam went straight through the assumed leg position,which is physically impossible;a point measurement in this zone therefore also decreases the belief in the leg position.A point measurement in zone4 indicates that an obstacle in between the laser scanner and the assumed leg position blocks the view;therefore such a point measurement provides no information about the assumed leg position.A point measurement in zone5provides no information about the assumed leg position.Unlike what Fig.5suggests,in reality the transitions between the zones are smoothed.This simple zone based measurement model is able to:•distinguish point measurements on the leg of a table of chair from point measurements of for example a wall.When the laser scanner sees a wall,many point measurements lie next to each other on a long line;there will always be point measurements that lie in zone2, and therefore a wall or a large object will be discarded by the low levelfilter.•estimate the position of round legs,as well as the position of differently shaped legs such as for example square legs,as long as the shape can befitted inside zone1.•take into account the complete path of the laser beam, and not only the end point where the beam touches an object.When the path of a laser passes through a 1when for example the average distance between the particles for the orientation is chosen to be2◦,the number of particles required in the low levelfilter is reduced by a factor180.In addition,the legs of a table and a chair are the same,making the low levelfilter360times faster than a full dimensionalfilter.6.The nodes represent a table and its four legs,and the arrows between the nodes contain the table-specific geometric information. For the chair a similar network is used.The high level estimate is updated with the estimated leg positions of the low levelfilter(soft evidence[5]).The measurement model describes,for a position and orientation of a table or chair,what the expected leg positions are.While the low level leg estimate is updated in every time step,the high levelfilter is only updated at a much lower rate.The high levelfilter provides the information that is searched for in this application:the probability tofind a table or a chair at a certain position and orientation.The high level is also able to“correct”the low level estimate.When for example three of the four legs of a table where recognized in the low level estimate,but not the fourth leg,the high levelfilter will still recognize this as a table. Because the high level has the knowledge of the geometry of a complete table,it also knows where the fourth leg should be found.This information about the fourth leg is inserted back into the low levelfilter.This shows how the high level filter can insert new information into the low levelfilter.Also, when the low levelfilterfinds a leg that is not part of a table or a chair,the high levelfilter will identify this leg as“not part of a table or chair”,and remove it from the low level estimate.This shows how the high levelfilter can remove useless information from the low levelfilter.The result is that,from time to time,the low levelfilter is corrected based on the complete geometric knowledge of the objects in the environment.IV.E XPERIMENTSThe presented multi-resolution particlefilter approach has been implemented and verified in a real world experiment. The implementation is based on the Bayesian Filtering Library(BFL)[4].The experimental setup consists of a 50m2office environment(10m×5m),as shown in Fig.1. During a period of10sec the laser scanner moves about 1m in its environment,while it takes measurements of the environment,at a rate of1Hz.Each measurement contains 360point measurements,over an angle of180◦,at0.5◦increments,with a maximum range of8m.Fig.7combines all360measured points of each of the10measurements taken by the laser scanner in this experiment.The scans gives an indication of the leg position of two tables and two chairs around coordinates(2.5m,1m),and the position of the walls at the border of the scan.The scan shows that the experiment is performed in an unstructured environment, since the scan detects many other objects besides the table and the chairs.A.Low level particlefilterIn the50m2environment,the low level particlefilter uses 50,000particles to estimate the unknown leg positions.Each particle represents a2-dimensional x-y position of a leg. The average distance between each two particles is3.0cm. Because no a priori information about the location of the table and the chairs is available,at thefirst time step,the low levelfilter is initialized with a uniform particle distribution over the whole environment.At each time step,each of the particles is updated with all360measured points.When operating in realtime on a2GHz AMD64laptop,the low levelfilter only uses50%of the available computation time. This leaves time for the processing of the high levelfilter, which is not realtime and takes longer than one time step. Fig.8shows the posterior state pdf of the low levelfilter, represented by the particle distribution,after10complete laser scans are processed.The colors indicate the probability of a leg at the x-y position.The legs that are recognized by9. At each of these50leg positions,the leg of a table and chair is attached,and then rotated around360◦in100steps of3.6◦.This results in an initial distribution with50×100 possible table positions/orientations and50×100possible chair positions/orientations.After the initialization,the high level state pdf is updated with the50most probable leg positions and their probability, as estimated by the low levelfilter(soft evidence[5]).The high levelfilter uses the Bayesian Net Toolbox(BNT)[10]. Fig.9shows the50most probable leg positions provided by the low levelfilter as dots,and the most probable table and chair positions/orientations are indicated by their outline. After the high levelfilter is updated,the low levelfilter is corrected with the estimate of the high levelfilter.This is illustrated in Fig.10,where the left side shows the original low level estimate,and the right side shows the corrected low level estimate.The corrected low level estimation is then updated with the next10laser scans,followed by another update of the high levelfilter,etc.。



文章编号:1673-6338(2009)02-0089-04处理有色观测噪声的粒子滤波算法范澎湃,隋立芬,黄贤源(信息工程大学测绘学院,河南郑州 450052)摘要:针对经典K alman 滤波无法直接处理有色噪声的问题,采用多项式长除法将有色观测噪声模型展开成无穷级数,截断取其有限项获得有色噪声的先验信息;然后利用粒子滤波能够处理非高斯噪声的特点对有色观测噪声进行处理。

通过一个GP S 定位算例,将此新方法与观测扩增方法进行了分析和比较。


关 键 词:K alman 滤波;有色噪声;观测扩增法;粒子滤波中图分类号:P207 文献标识码:A D OI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1673-6338.2009.02.004Particle Filter for Colored Measurement NoiseFAN Peng -pai,SU I L-i fen,H U ANG Xian -y uan(I nstitute of Sur vey ing and M ap p ing ,I nf ormation Engineer ing Univer sity ,Zhengz hou 450052,China )Abstract:Po ly no mia-l quo tient has been used,a iming at so lv ing pro blem of the color ed measurement no ises,w hich translates colored observat ion noises into infinit e series,and the v ariances of co lo red observation noises hav e been calculat ed.P article filt er was follo wed to est imate the parameter s.In o rder to v erify the v alidity and ratio nality of this method,a contr ast bet ween this met ho d and t he appr oach of observ at ion ex pand filter w as g iv en.T he result sho wed that the the influences of the color ed o bser vatio n noises effectiv ely could be co nt rolled in t his a ppro ach.Key words:K alman filter ;color ed observ ation noises;o bserv atio n ex pand;particle filter以Kalman 滤波为代表的传统滤波方法一般是针对系统的过程噪声和观测噪声均为已知白噪声序列且方差已知的情况。



SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)OverviewAC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 withSITRANS FM MAG 911/E SITRANS FM (electromagnetic) AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/ESITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with the SITRANS FM MAG 911/E sensor is an AC pulsed alternating field magnetic flowmeter where the magnetic field strength is much higher than conventional DC pulsed magnetic flowmeters.•Wide range of sizes DN 15 to DN 1000 (½" to 40")•Broad range of liner and electrode materials for extreme process medias•Fully welded construction provides a ruggedness that suits the toughest applications and environments.•Automatic reading of SmartPLUG for easy commissioning •Simple menu operation with two-line display •Comprehensive self-diagnostic with self-monitoring and internal simulationThe main applications of the SITRANS FM transmitter TRANSMAG 2 can be found in the following sectors:•Pulp and Paper industry•Mining industryThe patented pulse alternating field technology is ideal for difficult applications like:•High concentrated paper stock > 3 %•Heavy mining slurries up to 70 % solid concentration •Mining slurries with magnetic particles•Low conductive medias ≥1 μS/cm•Available for remote mounting•PROFIBUS PA (profile 2.0) / HART communication•Analog output and digital outputs for pulses, device status, limits,flow direction, frequency outputThe flow measuring principle is based on Faraday’s law of electro­magnetic induction according to which the sensor converts the flowinto an electrical voltage proportional to the velocity of the flow.The TRANSMAG 2 is a microprocessor-based transmitter with abuilt-in alphanumeric display in several languages. The transmittersevaluate the signals from the associated electromagnetic sensorsand also fulfill the task of a power supply unit which provides themagnet coils with a constant current.The magnetic flux density in the sensor is additionally monitored byreference coils.Further information on connection, mode of operation and installa­tion can be found in the data sheets for the sensors.Displays and keypadsOperation of the transmitter can be carried out using:•Keypad and display unit•HART communicator•PC/laptop and SIMATIC PDM software via HART communication•PC/laptop and SIMATIC PDM software using PROFIBUS PA commu­nicationHART communicationPROFIBUS PA communicationFlow Measurement© Siemens AG 2023Flow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic)AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/EFlow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic) AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/E1)20 °C (68 °F), max. 19.6 bar (285 psi) for steel flanges and max. 15.9 bar (231 psi) for stainless seel flanges2)20 °C (68 °F), max. 51.1 bar (741 psi) for steel flanges and max. 41.4 bar (600 psi) for stainless seel flangesFlow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic)AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/EFlow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic) AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/EAccessoriesSpare partsFlow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic)AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/EFlow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic) AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/EFlow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic)AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/ESensor cables between sensor and transmitterSufficient shielding must be provided, as well as fixed routing of the signal cables (electrode and coil cable).Signal cables must be routed free of vibration, and protected against strong magnetic and stray fields. In case of doubt, the sensor cables must be routed in grounded steel conduit. The cable length between the sensor and transmitter must not exceed 100 m (328 ft).Flow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic) AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/EProtection ringFlow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic)AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/EGrounding ringImportant:The rings must be ordered together with the sensor. Gaskets are not included. In case of replacement please include the sensor MLFB code on the order.Classification according to pressure equipment directive (PED 2014/68/EU)SITRANS FM (electromagnetic)AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/E3/153Notes on pressure equipment directiveThe devices are designed for liquids of danger group "Gases of fluid group 1". The categories differ according to the version, and are listed in the table below.Siemens FI 01 · 2023Flow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic)AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/E3/154SITRANS FM transmitter TRANSMAG 2 with wall-mounting bracket, dimensions in mm (inch)SITRANS FM transmitter TRANSMAG 2 with special wall-mounting bracket, dimensions in mm (inch)SITRANS FM flow sensor MAG 911/E, compact version, dimensions in mm (inches)Siemens FI 01 · 2023Flow MeasurementSITRANS FM (electromagnetic)AC powered alternating field flowmeters / SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with SITRANS FM MAG 911/E3/155Built-in length MAG 911/E1)Tolerance for built-in lenght: L + 0.0 mm/-4.0 mm (-0.00/-0.157 inches). With protection rings for > DN 25 +6.0 mm, > DN 200 +10.0 mm (> 1" +0.236 inches,> 8" +0.394 inches)Siemens FI 01 · 2023Flow Measurement。

Eye Tracking System Using Particle Filters

Eye Tracking System Using Particle Filters

gaze using as input a sequence of people images. In [12] are employed Kalman filtering and Mean shift tracking. This proposed eye tracker has the capacity to deal with variable lighting conditions, occlusion, glasses and it is prepared to track multiple efficiency. Some authors employ probabilistic approaches to develop robust eye trackers. In [11], Kalman filter is used to monitor and analyze the movements of the eyes from a set of real-time images. A discrete Kalman filter is developed for the recursive estimation of the eye regions. Its application allows encompass the system information and the measurement noise in its dynamics model, and deal with signals that change with time. The eye tracking system is fast on the control of the eye movements, automated and it needs small computational requirements. Recently, a particle filters approach is applied in [4]. The proposed eye tracking method uses particle filters due to their capacity of defming multi-modal distributions and robustness. On our approach, particle filters are also applied, but we realize the tracking of the two eyes of the human face. On the other hand, a different approach is proposed in Martin et al. [8]. They demonstrate a deformable template method to solve the problem of eye tracking that deals with rapid eye movements. Their experiences prove that the proposed model is fast and effective even when the images present low resolution. In this paper, we propose an eye tracking system based on the application of particle filters. Our system is divided in two parts: eye detection and eye tracking. For eye detection we apply cascaded Haar classifiers in order to fmd the eye regions in a human face. In our method we use the physical properties of pupils and their dynamics to fmd the eye regions in a human face. The eye tracking is implemented through the use of particle filters that are robust in situations of variable light conditions and require small computational resources when compared with other methods. Our eye tracking system can detect and track the human eyes when the face appears in the field view of the camera without any type of marks in the human face or specific light conditions. The obtained results demonstrate the robustness of our architecture even when the conditions are unfavorable. The developed eye tracking system is robust even in presence of variable lighting conditions and is very fast in the detection of the eye regions in the human face. Furthermore, in our contribution we do not require any camera calibration, pre­ registration of the users and the eye tracking system works for all people. The proposed system also detects the eyes of more than one person in a real-time video frame without restrictions. people at the same time without lost of

Particle-Imaging Techniques For Experimental Fluid Mechanics

Particle-Imaging Techniques For Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Pulsed Light Velocimetry PLV
Speckle Patterns
Particulate Markers
Particle Images
Molecular Markers
Particle-Image Velocimetry
A technique that uses particles and their images falls into the category commonly known as particle-image ve/ocimetry, or PI V, which is the principal subject of this article. Before comparing the characteristics of PIV with the other methods displayed in Figure I, it is helpful to examine
NI» l
High Image Density PIV
Low Image Density PlY PlY
Figure 1
Particle-image velocimetry and other forms of pulsed-light velocimetry.
where ilx is the displacement of a marker, located at x at time t, over a short time interval Llt separating observations of the marker images. The particles are usually solids in gases or liquids but can also be gaseous bubbles in liquids or liquid droplets in gases or immiscible liquids. Other types of markers include (a) patches of molecules that are activated by laser beams, causing them either to fluoresce (Gharib et al 1985), or to change their optical density by photochromic chemical reactions (Popovich & Hummel 1967, Ricka 1987), and (b) speckle patterns caused by illumi­ nating groups of particles with coherent light. Regardless of the marker type, locations at various instants are recorded optically by pulses of light that freeze the marker images on an optical recording medium such as a photographic film, a video array detector, or a holographic film. Since these methods share many similarities, it is useful to group them under the single topic of pulsed-light velocimetry, or PLV. The various P LV techniques are organized in Figure I.

Investigations of Particle Velocities in a Slurry Pump Using PIV

Investigations of Particle Velocities in a Slurry Pump Using PIV

Jaikrishnan R.Kadambi Pathom CharoenngamAmirthaganeshSubramanian Department of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering,Case Western Reserve University,10900Euclid Ave.,Cleveland,OH44106Mark P.Wernet National Aeronautics and Space Administration,John H.Glenn Research Center,21000Brookpark Rd.,Cleveland,OH44135John M.Sankovic Department of Biomedical Engineering,Case Western Reserve University and National Aeronautics and Space Administration,John H.Glenn Research Center,21000Brookpark Rd.,Cleveland,OH44135Graeme AddieRobert CourtwrightGIW Industries,5000Wrightsboro Rd.,Grovetown,GA30813-9750Investigations of Particle Velocities in a Slurry Pump Using PIV:Part1,The Tongue and Adjacent Channel FlowTransport of solid-liquid slurries in pipeline transport over short and medium distances is very important in many industries,including mining related processes.The particle image velocimetry technique was successfully utilized to investigate the velocities and kinetic energyfluctuations of slurry particles at the tongue region of an optically-clear centrifu-gal pump.The experiments were conducted using500micron glass beads at volumetric concentrations of2.5%and5%and at pump speeds of725rpm and1000rpm.The fluctuation kinetic energy increased approximately200%to500%as the pump speed was increased from725rpm to1000rpm.The directional impingement mechanism is more significant at the pressure side of the blade,tongue and the casing.This mechanism becomes more important as the speed increases.This suggests that the impeller,tongue and the casing of the slurry pump can wear out quickly,especially with an increase in speed.In this paper the emphasis is on the tongue region.The random impingement mechanism caused by thefluctuation kinetic energy of the solids can play an important role on the erosion of the tongue area.͓DOI:10.1115/1.1786928͔IntroductionThe transport of solid-liquid slurries over short and medium distances via pipelines is very important in many industrial,min-ing,and fossil-energy related processes.The pump is a critical component of the slurry transport system.In most applications a centrifugal pump is used.Theflow of concentrated slurry is very complicated.Wear and corrosion in centrifugal pumps make it the most vulnerable component of the slurry pipeline.To improve the longevity and performance of the slurry pumps it is important to understand theflow through them.Due to the inherent difficulties associated with makingflow measurements in solid-liquid slurries only non-intrusive techniques can be used.These non-intrusive measuring techniques include acoustic ultrasound,magnetic reso-nance imaging,X-ray tomography,neutron radiography,particle image velocimetry͑PIV͒,laser Doppler anemometry͑LDA͒and holographic interferometry.However,some of the techniques used to visualize theflow have significant limitations.Miner͓1͔modeled theflowfield within the impeller volute using potentialflow theory and also conducted experiments using LDA.Water was used as thefluid.The comparison of blade to blade velocity profiles between the theoretical and the experimen-tal results were good.Liu et al.͓2,3͔used LDA and refractive index matching technique to measure velocity vectors in a cen-trifugal pump.A mixture of tetraline and turpentine was used as a workingfluid to match the refractive index of the pump casing made from acrylic.They observed that unlike a general well-guidedflow at close to designflow rate condition,the impeller flow departs from the curvature of the blade surfaces at off-design conditions which increases blade to blade variations of relative velocity.Dong et al.͓4,5͔used Particle Displacement Velocimetry ͑PDV͒technique to visualize theflow within the volute of a cen-trifugal pump.Neutrally buoyant particles of30␮m mean diam-eter were used as seed.They observed that although most of the blade effects occur near the impeller tip,they are not limited to this region.In addition they stated that the entireflux pulsating within the volute reaches a maximum when the blade lines up with the tip of the tongue.Paone et al.͓6͔used Particle Image Displacement Velocimetry͑PIDV͒to measure theflowfield in a diffuser of a centrifugal pump with clear plexiglas®casing and impeller.Experiments were performed with water as thefluid and metallic coated microspheres͑diameter4␮m,density2.6g/cm3) were used as seed particles.They identified the blade wake path. Oldenburg and Pap͓7͔also used PIV to study theflowfield in the impeller and casing of a plexiglas®casing centrifugal pump.The vanes of the impeller were cylindrically curved to obtain two-dimensionalflow in the impeller.Because of the difficulties associated with measurements in solid-liquid slurryflow in pumps only a few experimental studies are available in the open literature.Roco͓8͔obtained LDA mea-surements of two-phaseflow in a centrifugal slurry pump at low concentrations͑1%͒.Micron size tracers and0.8mm glass beadsContributed by the Petroleum Division for publication in the J OURNAL OF E N-ERGY R ESOURCES T ECHNOLOGY.Manuscript received by the Petroleum Division October2002;revised manuscript received November2003.Associate Editor: S.Shirazi.were used.Fluctuations in angular velocity up to 20%,radial ve-locity up to 90%and axial velocity up to 200%from their mean velocity components over various impeller angular positions were observed.Altobelli et al.͓9͔used nuclear magnetic resonance ͑NMR ͒for measuring velocity in slurry with solid concentration up to 39%by volume.However,the maximum flow velocity that could be measured was 0.25m/s.Roco and Addie ͓10͔developed a numerical model to calculate velocity,concentration and erosion wear in the casing of a centrifugal slurry pump.Empirical param-eters such as a slip factor of the impeller and the experimental ratio of erosion rate for the model were obtained from the avail-able experimental data.Some other studies of solid-liquid slurry flow in centrifugal pumps and pipelines include Roco et al.͓11–14͔,Wilson et al.͓15–17͔Shook and Roco ͓18͔,Addie ͓19͔,and Cader et al.͓20͔.It is an important,but challenging,task to obtain experimental data for higher solid concentration in a centrifugal slurry pump which will result in a better understanding of the flow behavior,pump performance and wear and erosion characteristics.Aslurry flow loop with an optically clear casing and impeller that facili-tates the use of non-intrusive laser based PIV for making two-phase flow measurements in the blade passages and the casing has been developed.In this paper the test results in the tongue region of the pump for a slurry made up of spherical glass particles at 2.5%and 5%volumetric concentrations in sodium iodide solution are presented.The Experimental Set-UpSlurry Pump Loop Facility.The slurry pump loop facility ͑developed by GIW Industries,Inc.͒is located in the Laser Flow Diagnostics Laboratory,Case Western Reserve University,Cleve-land,Ohio,U.S.A.The slurry pump loop facility,described in detail by Charoenngam ͓21͔,consists of 50.8mm I.D.tygon®tubing closed loop,except for a 2.1meter long,75mm I.D.PVC straight section upstream of the pump inlet that provides a swirl free inlet flow to the pump,a 0.6meter long,51mm I.D.PVC straight section at the pump discharge,and a 4.6-meter high,63mm I.D.vertical loop for measuring average concentration deliv-ered by the pump.In order to minimize particle deposition and unnecessary pump head loss in the system,there are no sharp sudden flow area changes.The flow in the loop is delivered by an optically clear centrifu-gal slurry pump.The pump has a transparent casing and a trans-parent three-blade impeller.Control of the timing of the PIV laser firing as a function of impeller blade position was provided by a combination of an optical encoder placed 5mm away from the shaft of the centrifugal pump and a reflective surface marker on the shaft and aligned with one of the blades of the impeller.A digital magnetic flowmeter with an accuracy of Ϯ2%and located downstream of the pump discharge provided the flow rate in theloop.A type K thermocouple was located in the fluid reservoir was used to monitor the fluid temperature to within Ϯ0.5°C.The Optically Clear Centrifugal Slurry Pump.The prime mover for driving the flow in the loop is a single stage,radially split centrifugal pump.The pump was specially designed to pro-vide optical access.The casing of the pump and the impeller ͑Fig.1͒are made from optically transparent acrylic.The ratio of pump casing inlet diameter to the discharge diameter is 2.35.The single-or end-suction impeller with shroud on both sides to enclose the liquid passages was installed in a semi volute casing,specially designed for slurry handling.The impeller has three blades.The ratio of the impeller diameter to the eye tip diameter is 2.49.PIV System.Figure 2shows the PIV setup.The PIV hard-ware consists of a 50mJ/pulse Nd:YAG laser ͑532nm wave-length ͒,laser light sheet optics,a charge coupled device ͑CCD ͒camera ͑Dantec®DoubleImage 700cross-correlation camera;resolution:768ϫ484pixels)equipped with a 60mm Micro Ni-kkor lens ͑Nikon ͒.The laser beam ͑3.5mm diameter ͒is formed into a light sheet ͑0.37mm thick;256mm wide ͒using a combi-nation of cylindrical and spherical lenses.The central 70mm of the light sheet width illuminates the plane of interest in the pump.The CCD camera is mounted on a 3-D traverse with a translation accuracy of Ϯ0.0254mm in each direction,and has its focal axis perpendicular to the plane of the laser light sheet to acquire flow images.A pair of single exposure image frames is required to enable cross-correlation data processing.The image pairs are pro-cessed into vector maps,in real-time,by the DantecFlowMap®PIV 2000processor.The image pair acquisition was synchronized to the impeller rotation using a once per revolution signal.An optical encoder located at the pump shaft generates a signal when the impeller blade reaches a desired location which then triggers the digital delay generator ͑DDG ͒.The DDG in turn sends a sig-nal to the PIV 2000processor,which then fires the laser and acquires the images from the PIV camera.The camera lens is operated at f/#8and the field of view ͑FOV ͒is 54ϫ39.9mm yielding an optical magnification of 0.165.The images were analyzed using a subregion size of 64ϫ64pixels with 50%overlap.This resulted in 23ϫ14vectors in the FOV with a spatial resolution of 2.25ϫ2.64mm/vector.Test set-up de-tails are provided in Charoenngam ͓21͔.Tests were conducted with sodium iodide as the working fluid,which matches the refractive index of the acrylic pump to obtain flow images without any optical distortion.The particles in sus-pension are spherical glass beads of 500micron size ͑density2.5Fig.1Centrifugal slurry pump with clear casing and clearimpellerFig.2The PIV setupg/cc ͒at a volumetric concentration of 2.5%and 5%Ϯ0.05%͑corresponding to 3.7%and 7.2%weight concentration ͒.At these concentration levels,particle interactions may not be ignored.Fig-ure 3shows the regions of interest in the casing and impeller of the centrifugal slurry pump selected for the investigation as well as the laser light sheet plane location.The light sheet is off the center plane by 1mm to avoid the joint between the two parts of the casing.The measurements were conducted at flow rates of 120͑725rpm ͒and 170͑1000rpm ͒gallons per minute.The corre-sponding Reynolds number ͑based on the impeller diameter and linear velocity of the impeller tip ͒were 3.1ϫ106and 4.3ϫ106,for these two flow rates.The frame grabber and the pump impeller were synchronized so that the images could be captured at a specific blade position.The effect of blade angular position is studied by acquiring the images at different blade angular positions varying from 0to 120degrees in increment of 5degrees.Figure 4shows the convention of the position of the blade ͑counter-clockwise ͒.Uncertainty in blade position was estimated to be 2%.Results and DiscussionThe velocity distribution for the particles and the fluctuation kinetic energy maps were obtained at three locations,which cover the discharge region ͑location 0͒,the tongue region ͑location 1-1͒and the impeller passage region ͑location 1-2͒.Measurements were obtained at particle volumetric concentrations of 2.5%and 5%.Five hundred image frame pairs were acquired for each op-erating condition.Cross-correlation processing and Chauvenet’s criterion were used to obtain the ensemble averaged velocity vec-tor maps for particle flow.The fluctuation kinetic energy was then calculated using the velocity vector data.The uncertainties in the measurements of velocity and kinetic energy fluctuation were de-termined to be Ϯ5.1%and Ϯ7.8%,respectively.Themeasure-Fig.3Locations of the field of view in the centrifugal slurry pump and the laser light sheetplaneFig.4Blade angularpositionFig.5Velocity field for particle flow ...00blade position ...,2.5percent volumetric concentration,...a ...725rpm....b (1000)rpmFig.6Fluctuation kinetic energy map …00blade position …,2.5percent volumetric concentration,…a …725rpm.…b …1000rpmment uncertainties reported are to a confidence level of 95%.They were computed by taking a quadrature of the random error and the full-scale bias error associated with the PIV measurements,further details of the uncertainty analysis are provided in Charoennegam͓21͔.The velocities obtained from this study are the velocity fields for the solid particle flow.The particle settling velocity is com-paratively high ͑9.62cm/s ͒as compared to normal 15␮m mean diameter seed particle ͑0.0086cm/s ͒.Because of the large inertia,the particles do not follow the flow verywell.Fig.7Streamlines and stagnation point for various operating conditions.…a …725rpm,2.5percent concentration,…b …1000rpm,2.5percent concentration,…c …725rpm,5percent concentration,…d …1000rpm,5percentconcentration.Fig.8Velocity field for particle flow ...00blade position ...,5per-cent volumetric concentration,...a ...725rpm....b (1000)rpm Fig.9Fluctuation kinetic energy map …00blade position …,5percent volumetric concentration,…a …725rpm.…b …1000rpmBlade Position at 0Degrees2.5%Volumetric Concentration.Figure 5shows the particle flow fields for 725rpm and 1000rpm pump speeds respectively,while the fluctuation kinetic energy map of the solid particles is provided in Fig.6.The fluctuation kinetic energy was determined by finding the mean of the square of the individual fluctuations at each subregion.Only the fluctuation kinetic energy in the x-direction is reported,since it is assumed to be isotropic.The flow is separated by the tongue into two streams and is similar for both pump speeds.The stagnation point occurs on the tongue.Location of the stagnation point virtually remains the same for both pump speeds as shown in Figs.7͑a ͒and 7͑b ͒.The large impact angle of the particles on the tongue may result in substan-tial erosion,since the material of an actual industrial pump would be brittle,and brittle materials have been found to be more sus-ceptible to erosion at high impingement angles ͓18͔.The particle velocities in the impeller passage area ͑between the passing and the up-coming blade ͒are high compared to that of the particles moving out to the discharge region.This suggests that the lower part of tongue region could wear out quicker relative to upper part of the tongue because of the frictional ͑cutting ͒wear due to solid particles,and the higher pump speed may result in greater wear as higher velocities are observed.The tangential component of the velocity vector is dominant in the discharge region resulting in a predominantly horizontal flow as the particles move out through the discharge region.The fluctuation kinetic energy of solid par-ticles relates to the random impingement wear mechanism.The contour plot in the fluctuation kinetic energy map is smaller than velocity vector field in the particle velocity map due to the inter-polation technique.As the pump speed increases to 1000rpm,the fluctuation kinetic energy increases approximately 300%.The highest fluctuation kinetic energy is observed at the lower part of tongue as well as the impeller passage area.This could imply that the lower part of tongue region may erode faster than other areas due to the random impingement particle mechanism.5%Volumetric Concentration.From Fig.8,it can be ob-served that the flow patterns for a 5%volumetric concentration are similar to those described for the 2.5%concentration case at both pump speeds.The difference is in the magnitudes of the particle velocities,which are slower for higher concentration due to supplementary inertial effects.Figures 7͑c ͒and 7͑d ͒show that the stagnation point still occurs on the tongue,and the change in location is insignificant with respect to speed and concentration.From Fig.9,it can be noted that the highest fluctuation kinetic energy was obtained at the lower part of the tongue and is higher than that for the 2.5%concentration,approximately 300%–450%.This may be attributed to higher particle interactions,which are possibly caused by higher local volumetric concentration.Local concentration becomes higher when the total concentration in-creases as shown by Charoenngam ͓21͔.The wearmechanismFig.10Velocity field for particle flow,725rpm,5percent volu-metric concentration,…a …500blade position,…b …600bladepositionFig.11Velocity field for particle flow,1000rpm,5percent volumetric concentration,…a …500blade position,…b …600blade positioncaused by directional and random impingement also occurs in the tongue region,similar to the 2.5%volumetric concentration case.Blade Positions at 50°and 60°.Because the velocity and the fluctuation kinetic energy of the solid particles at the lower region of the tongue were found to be higher than the other regions at a 0degree blade angle,further investigations were conducted in this specific region to examine the effects of blade angular position at a volume concentration of 5%.Figure 10shows the particle ve-locity fields for a pump speed of 725rpm at blade angular posi-tions of 50and 60degrees.Figure 11presents the particle veloci-ties for the same location at 1000rpm at identical blade angular positions.For both pump speeds,higher velocities were observed on the suction side of the blade as well as in the blade trailing edge region as the blade swept through the field of view.Unlike the discharge region ͑upper half ͒,the flow in the impeller passage ͑lower half ͒has substantial radial and tangential velocity compo-nents.The impact of particles on the tongue may cause erosion.On the pressure side of the blade,the frictional wear pattern can be caused by the particles that can not be maintained in the sus-pension and accumulate into sliding layers.Particle velocities on this side are slower than the blade tip velocity–e.g.,8.96m/s for 725rpm pump speed and 12.36m/s for 1000rpm pump speed.The directional impingement wear mechanism can also occur on the pressure side of the blade,resulting from the particles with velocities that are slower than the blade velocity.At pump speeds of 725rpm and 1000rpm,the high fluctuation kinetic energy was observed in the impeller passage area for all blade angular positions.Figures 12and 13show that at 725rpm,the fluctuation kinetic energy is very low compared to 1000rpm for all areas.The high fluctuation kinetic energy occurs on the suction side and at the lower area near the tongue.At 725rpm,the wear mechanism due to the random impingement of particles could occur on the suction side of the blade at 60°blade position as shown in Fig.12.However,Fig.13shows that at 1000rpm,the fluctuation kinetic energy in the impeller passage region and in the discharge region increases approximately 250%–500%on the pressure side and on the suction side of the blade,for all observed blade positions.This can result in greater wear on both sides of the blade.The erosion due to the random impingement on the suction side could be higher than other regions and may increase as the speed increases.The random impingement may result in a greater wear on the pressure side of the blade and at the lower region of the tongue when the speed increases from 725rpm to 1000rpm.From the data provided in Figs.10–13,it is possibletoFig.12Fluctuation kinetic energy map 725rpm,5percent volumetric concentration,…a …500blade position …b …600bladeposition Fig.13Fluctuation kinetic energy map 1000rpm,5percent volumetric concentration,…a …500blade position,…b …600blade positionestimating the velocityfluctuation magnitude from the ratio of the square root of the kinetic energyfluctuation and the mean veloc-ity.The maximum value occurred on the suction side of the blade and was determined to be0.37,showing significant velocityfluc-tuations in that region.ConclusionsThe particle image velocimetry technique was successfully uti-lized to investigate the velocities and kinetic energyfluctuations of slurry particles at the tongue region of an optically-clear cen-trifugal pump.The tongue region separates theflow into two streams where the location of the stagnation point on the tongue was not significantly affected by either the pump speed or the solid concentration in the ranges tested.In the impeller passage region,the highest velocities are generated on the suction side of the blade and in the blade trailing edge region as the blade sweeps through.However,these particle velocities are slower than the circumferential velocity of the blade tip͑8.96m/s for725rpm pump speed and12.36m/s for1000rpm pump speed͒.The tan-gential velocity component and the radial velocity component are significant in this region.In contrast,the particles that are moving through the discharge region are much slower and are nearly tan-gential͑horizontal͒.The up-coming blade does not appear to sub-stantially affect theflow velocity.Thefluctuation kinetic energy increased approximately200%to500%as the pump speed was increased from725rpm to1000rpm.The maximumfluctuation kinetic energy typically occurs on the suction side of the blade. The directional impingement mechanism is more significant at the pressure side of the blade,tongue and the casing.This mechanism becomes more important as the speed increases.This suggests that the impeller,tongue and the casing of the slurry pump can wear out quickly,especially with an increase in speed.The random impingement mechanism caused by thefluctuation kinetic energy of the solids can play an important role on the blade surface͑pres-sure side and suction side͒and the casing wall erosion.Frictional wear mechanisms can be caused by the particles that do not stay suspended in theflow and accumulate into sliding beds along the pressure side of the blade.PIV measurements in the slurry pump model can add significantly to the understanding of theflow through the pump.The information aids in the understanding of the wear mechanisms in such pumps and can be used for the design,modification,and calibration of computer codes for the development of long-life,efficient slurry pumps. AcknowledgmentsThe assistance of Mr.D.Conger of the Dept.of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Case Western Reserve University,in making the experimental apparatus operational is greatly appreci-ated.The support provided by GIW Industries Inc.,Grovetown, Georgia, gratefully acknowledged.The support of NASA Glenn Research Center and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Case Western Reserve University is also acknowledged.References͓1͔Miner,S.M.,1988,‘‘Potential Flow Analysis of a Centrifugal Flow:Compari-son of Finite Element Calculation and Laser Velocimetry Measurement,’’Uni-versity of Virginia.University of Virginia Report No-UV A/643092/MAE88/ 369,Charlottesville,V A.͓2͔Liu,C.H.,Nouri,J.M.,Vafidis,C.,and Whitelaw,J.H.,1990,‘‘Experimental Study of Flow in a Centrifugal Pump,’’5th Intl.Symp.Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,Lisbon,Portugal.pp.114–129.͓3͔Liu,C.H.,Vafidis,C.,and Whitelaw,J.H.,1994,‘‘Two-Phase Velocity Dis-tributions and Overall Performance of a Centrifugal Slurry Pump,’’ASME J.Fluids Eng.,116͑2͒,pp.303–309.͓4͔Dong,R.,Chu,S.,and Katz,J.,1992,‘‘Quantitative Visualization of the Flow Within the V olute of a Centrifugal Pump.Part A:Technique,’’ASME J.Fluids Eng.,114͑3͒,pp.390–395.͓5͔Dong,R.,Chu,S.,and Katz,J.,1992,‘‘Quantitative Visualization of the Flow Within the V olute of a Centrifugal Pump.Part B:Results and Analysis,’’ASME J.Fluids Eng.,114͑3͒,pp.396–403.͓6͔Paone,N.,Riethmuller,M.L.,and Van den Braembussche,R.A.,1988,‘‘Ap-plication of Particle Image Displacement Velocimetry to a Centrifugal Pump,’’Proc.4th Intl.Symp.Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon,Portugal.͓7͔Oldenburg,M.,and Pap,E.,1996,‘‘Velocity Measurement in the Impeller and in the V olute of a Centrifugal Pump by Particle Image Velocimetry,’’Proc.8th Int.Symp.Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,Lisbon,Por-tugal,pp.8.2.1–8.2.5.͓8͔Roco,M.C.,1993,‘‘Particulate Two-Phase Flow,’’Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston,Chapter10:Instrumentation.͓9͔Altobelli,S.A.,Givler,R.C.,and Fukushima,E.,1991,‘‘Velocity and Con-centration Measurements of Suspensions by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Im-aging,’’J.Rheol.,35͑5͒,pp.721–772.͓10͔Roco,M.C.,and Addie,G.R.,1983,‘‘Analytical Model and Experimental Studies on Slurry Flow and Erosion in Pump Casings,’’Proc.8th Intl.Tech-nical Conf.on Slurry Tech.,Slurry Transport Association,Washington,DC,p.263.͓11͔Roco,M.C.,Addie,G.R.,Danis,J.,and Nair,P.1984,‘‘Modeling Erosion Wear in Centrifugal Pumps,’’Proc.9th Intl.Conf.Hydraulic Transport of Solids in Pipes,pp.291–316.͓12͔Roco,M.C.,Addie,G.R.,and Visintainer,R.,1985,‘‘Study on Casing Per-formances in Centrifugal Slurry Pumps,’’Part.Sci.Technol.,3,pp.65–88.͓13͔Roco,M.C.,Addie,G.R.,Visintainer,R.,and Ray,L.,1986,‘‘Optimum Wearing High Efficiency Design of Phosphate Slurry Pumps,’’Proc.11th Intl.Conf.Slurry Technology,Hemisphere,Washington,DC,pp.65–88.͓14͔Roco,M.C.,Marsh,M.,Addie,G.R.,and Maffett,J.R.,1986,‘‘Dredge Pump Performance Prediction,’’J.Pipelines,5͑3͒,pp.171–190.͓15͔Wilson,K.C.,1986,‘‘Effect of Solid Concentration on Deposit Velocity,’’J.Pipelines,5͑4͒,pp.251–257.͓16͔Wilson,K.C.,Addie,G.R.,and Clift,R.,1992,Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps,Elsevier,New York.͓17͔Wilson,K.C.,Addie,G.R.,Sellgren,A.,and Clift,R.,1997,Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps,2ed,Blackie Academic and Professional,London, UK.͓18͔Shook, C.,and Roco,M.,1991,Slurryflow:Principles and Practice, Butterworth-Heinemann,Boston.Chapter8:Wear in Slurry Equipment.͓19͔Addie,G.R.,1996,‘‘Slurry Pipeline Design for Operation with Centrifugal Pumps,’’Proc.13th Intl.Pump Users Symposium,College Station,TX,pp.193–211.͓20͔Cader,T.,Masbernet,O.,and Roco,M.C.,1994,‘‘Two-Phase Velocity Dis-tributions and Overall Performance of a Centrifugal Slurry Pump,’’ASME J.Fluids Engineering Conf.,Washington,DC,June20–24.116͑2͒,pp.176–186.͓21͔Charoennegam,P.,2001,‘‘Particle Image Velocimetry Investigations of a Slurry Flow in a Centrifugal Pump,’’M.S.Thesis,Case Western Reserve Uni-versity,Cleveland,Ohio.Dr.Jaikrishnan R.Kadambi is Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Case Western Reserve University,Cleve-land,Ohio.Prior to joining Case,he was a Senior Research Engineer in the Fluid Mechanics branch at the Westinghouse Research Laboratories,Pittsburgh,Pa from1971to1985.He received his Mechanical Engineering from University of Pittsburgh.His primary areas of interest include turbomachinery,cardiovascular biofluid mechanics,multiphaseflow in porous media,laser basedflow diagnostic techniques(PIV,LDA)and geological sequestration of carbon dioxide.Mr.Pathom Charoenngam is a graduate student at Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland,Ohio.He completed his M.S. (Mechanical Engineering)degree in2001and is now pursuing his Ph.D.Dr.A.Subramanian received his Ph.D.from the Indian Institute of Science,India.He was Senior Research Associate and Manager of Laser Flow Diagnostics Laboratory in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland,Ohio from1998through2001.At present he is a Research Scientist at B.D.Biosciences Inc.,San Francisco,Ca.。


The objective of this paper is to clarify the effect of the rubber particle size on the toughening behaviour of rubbertoughened PMMA under different fracture test methods, i.e. the impact test and the three- point bending test. For this purpose, a systematic model study has been carried out using core-shell type particles, which are made up of a poly(n-butyl acrylate) (PBA) core and a PMMA outer shell with a uniform particle size and composition. The fracture surfaces and the deformation region were observed by using various microscopy techniques. The deformation mechanism is also discussed in connection with the test method. EXPERIMENTAL
(Keywords: poly(methyl methacrylate); toughening behaviour; particle size)
INTRODUCTION It is well known that poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) can be toughened by the addition of rubbery particles. The deformation and fracture behaviour of rubber-toughened PMMA has been the subject of much study ~-~l. Although many studies have been reported on the mechanical behaviour of rubber-toughened PMMA, the deformation mechanism for rubber-toughened PMMA is still ambiguous, and contradictory results have been reported. PMMA itself is deformed mainly by crazing t2-14, but the deformation mechanism of rubber- toughened PMMA is influenced by the strain rate, the specimen geometry and the test method. Different deformation mechanisms, i.e. shear yielding ~'2'4 and crazing 3"6'9, have been proposed according to the different test methods. Therefore, the deformation of rubber-toughened PMMA may possibly show different behaviour as the test conditions are changed. The effect of the rubber phase fraction on the toughening behaviour is still unclear. Some authors have reported that the fracture toughness (Klc) showed a sharp transition from 7 and brittle to ductile with increasing rubber phase content, others have found that the Ktc values increased monotonically with rubber content to a maximum value and then decreased with further increase of the rubber phase fraction8. With respect to the effect of the particle size, the optimum panicle size for maximum toughness of rubber-toughened PMMA is known to be around



2018年4月第45卷第2期西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)J O U R N A L OF X ID IA N U N IV E R S IT YApr. 2018Vol. 45 No. 2doi : 10.3969/j. issn. 1001-2400.2018.02.024万有引力优化的粒子滤波算法刘润邦,朱志宇(_江苏科技大學电予狺息:学院,江苏缜訌21.2®拉摘要:针:t经典粒子滤波中_存在的粒子易退ft、易丧失多样性以及滤波精度严重狀赖于粒子数量的问题,提出一种万有|丨力优ft的粒子滤波算法,,.巍过万有||.右拿法优ft粒子滤波中的粒子集来提高滤波精.歲,f.=舞将每个粒子看做.质量小正比于粒子权丨直的点.粒子间的a力吸引着粒竽_向高似然区域移动.从而优[.匕粒子集.然后利用精英粒子策略加快万有引力优_t算奢中粒子收敛速度.并避免粒子陷入躊=_最优入感知模型防止过眞收敛导致翁粒子拥挤或重叠方真实验表明,该算法在:親署■数馨_少的情赛下与经典粒竽滤波算邊和粒子群优®粒子滤波象讀相比,保持了更好的粒子滤波锖虞和速.度,关键词:粒子滤赛粒子退化;粒子贫化;万有?丨_力;状态估计中图分类号T.P2 7 3 文献标识码:A文章编号:10.e.;l-2/10._〇._(2W.f)02-01.i>|) 7Gravity optimized particle filter algorithmLI U R u n ba n g,Z H U Zhiyu(School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu Univ. of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003, China)Abstract:As the traditional particle filter has problems of particle degeneracy and particle diversity lossand filter accuracy depends heavily on the particle number, a gravity optimized particle filter algorithm isproposed. The particle swarm is optimized by the gravity algorithm in the particle filter to improve thefiltering accuracy. P'ach particle is regarded as a mass point and the mass is proportional to the particleweight. The gravity attracts particles moving toward the high likelihood region which optimizes the particleswarm. Then elite particle strategy is introduced to accelerate the particle convergence rate and avoid thelocal optimum in the gravity algorithm. The perceptual model is used to prevent particles from crowding oroverlapping due to excessive convergence. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has a betterfiltering accuracy and speed in the ease of few particles compared with the classical particle filter algorithmand particle swarm optimization particle filter algorithm.Key Words:particle filter; particle degeneracy; particle impoverishment; gravitation; state estimation粒子滤波(Particle Filter,PF)是一种基于_特卡罗仿真的近似贝叶斯滤坡算法.可以有效地处理非线 性非高斯间题,目前已应用于_标跟踪、轨迹规划、故障检测等领域,经典粒子滤波主要存以下3个缺陷:① 粒子退化;②粒子多样性匮乏;③滤波精度严重依赖子粒子数量智能算法是一类模拟自然界生物规律的算法•近年来被广泛地应用于粒子滤波优化问题中,并取得了良 好的滤波改进效果.目前•已有学者将蝙蝠算法_[|、粒子群算法[3-f i:1.、萤火虫算法&)]、人工物理优化算法[1"-11]与粒f滤波算法相结合,预防粒子退化的同时提高T粒子滤波的精度和粒f的多样性.万有引力捜索算法(Gravitational Search Algorithm,GSA).屬Esmat..馨人:5s 2(_ .提出的一种新型智能■•优算:法,该算法运收稿日期:2017-04-20 网络出版时间:2W7-0:於28基金项目:国象倉然翁孪基金资劢项与(41修省貪然f t眷塞金资肋项g lS I M201502:W«Si>!t l:苏:翁拼免&_稱概翁计划资肋.顼 自:(KY(:m7JS43 科.技大学撤究生创薪賢划資:助讓&..作(:芄10&〇9 >作者简介:刘猶邦〖丨=991 .v男露料技大学碩_±研懿ft:j E-n m U.f i U3 S i歡92 ®如.:.e〇.m.网络出版地址:http://kns. enki. net/kcms./detail/61. 1076. TN. 20170928. 2210. 048. html142西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)第45卷行的机制源于对牛顿万有引力定律的模拟,已有文献证明其全局寻优能力明显优于粒子群等智能优化算法[1^3«为此,笔者提出一种万有引力优化的粒子滤波算法(GSA-PF).该算法将每个粒子看做一个具有质.量的 点.引力大小正比于粒子的权值,它吸引着粒子向高似然K域移动,从而改善似然分布的建议密度,克服粒子 退化问题;同时对G S A进行改进,引人精英策略以加快粒子的收敛速度.并避免粒子集陷入勗部最优;引人感知模型以防止过度优化而导致粒子拥挤或重叠,预防了粒子多样性的丧失.仿真实验表明■该算法具有 较高的精度速度性价比.1粒子滤波算法系统状态模型和观测模型可描述为心=/(丨4—i,《>):,_z't=.hXxt,v.t),.⑴.其中•心为系统状态向量A为观测向量为过程噪声,v4为观测噪声,函数/为系统状态转移概率密度 夕(心为系统观测似然概率密度f I心).粒子滤波的核心思想是采用一组含有权值的随机粒爭来近似^(心| Z l|).利用贝叶斯公式 修疋粒子的权值•最后将粒f集加权融合求取目标的估计状态^.初始化的粒子集则是从一个容易抽样的 建议分布g(心U w.)中采祥椿到.后验概率密度可近似表示为p(xk I z l:k) ^—x k),(2)其中,W;为归一化的权值.9(心1;中采样粒子的权值为-,-,P^i l P(xl1=^k-l.,1,、•q(xk\X k_{ 9z k)(3)归一化权值为=z v\/Y j w tk•(4)最后,估计出目标的状态为Nx k=Y j w lk x\•(5)为克服粒子退化,常规粒子滤波流程需要对粒子集进行重采样运算.2基于精英策略和感知模型的万有引力优化算法G S A的机理車要源于对万有引力定律和牛顿加速度定律的模拟.从G S A的运行机制和P F存在的问题 上看,可以考虑利用G S A优化粒子滤波中的粒子集.为此•文中提出一种基爭精英策略和感知模型的万有引 力优化算法.G S A中:每个粒子均包含:位置、惯.性遗.震M.、惠动_引.力赓霪,M a.和被动:弓_:丨力赓量_这.4个特征,粒子的 位亶就是问题的解.假设^维空间中IV个粒f的位置状态X,…,^).由万有引力定律可知.则第;个粒f作用f第/个粒乎的引力为K=GR,, +'£(H,)(6>其中,e基很小的常蟄为粒子间的欧氏距离.G为引力常数:G=G…exp(—at/T)<(7)其中,G。

基于隐马尔可夫Particle Filter实现突变运动智能监控研究

基于隐马尔可夫Particle Filter实现突变运动智能监控研究

而实现对目标的智能追踪。根据蒙特卡罗理论, 粒子的权 重与粒子所代表区域的 目标直方图与目标模板直方图的
p I=p I 』(1i ( l) ) ( (一 ‘tp ~ : 一1 一 ) ) X)_I- ( - Y1 t
其 中初始状态P X) ( 表示 目标初始的状态 ( o 位置和大

的办法则是考虑前面状态的速度和加速等信息。 (, ) Pyx 表 l
示观察模型, 描述了目标处于某种状态( 即位于某位置和
大小 ) 的相 似程 度 。
些自然连接到目标移动部分的感兴趣区域。 H 主要用 M I
来描述图像中物体运动的状态 , 其每一个像素采用颜色深
浅来表示最近变动的情形。 首先, 通过背景 R B的平均值 G 来区分和标识前景和后景, 然后通过膨胀和区域生长的方
的权重 .把粒子 的权重通过 线性求 和来获取新 的位置 , 从
是目 标的隐藏状态如大小、 位置等, 如图 1 所示。 每个粒子由 状态与相应的权重( 概率) 组成, 可表示为{ . , ,

) , 其
ei F 表示粒子的编号, 而 表示粒子的数量 , 在每一个时
刻, i X¨ 表示第1 厂 个粒子所预测的目标状态,r  ̄e , a目标跟踪 的目的在于使用贝叶斯滤波分布估计P Y , (I )见式() 1。
景 的方 法来 直接 检测 到 这些 目标 . 法 直接 获 得 这些 目 无
法来去除噪声点和提取轮廓线 ,最后 M I H 的表示按照
式( ) 2进行更新。
删 , , ,f ) ( )否 y j 2 y 则 )) ) < ( 一
MI H 的梯度( 运动方向) 可以通过 Sbl oe算子在 X和 Y方向上产生的空1 9导数来有效地计算 P( 和 x, , X 。

Particle Filters for Mobile Robot Localization

Particle Filters for Mobile Robot Localization
2 Monte Carlo Localization
2.1 Bayes FiltБайду номын сангаасring
Particle lters have already been discussed in the introductory chapters of this book. For the sake of consistency, let us brie y derive the basics, beginning with Bayes lters. Bayes lters address the problem of estimating the state x of a dynamical system from sensor measurements. For example, in mobile robot localization the dynamical system is a mobile robot and its environment, the state is the robot's pose therein (often speci ed by a position in a two-dimensional Cartesian space and the robot's heading direction ), and measurements may include range measurements, camera images, and odometry readings. Bayes lters assume that the environment is Markov, that is, past and future data are (conditionally) independent if one knows the current state.

Risk sensitive particle filters

Risk sensitive particle filters

Submitted to NIPS2001School of Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh,PA15213thrun,jcl,vandi@AbstractWe propose a new particlefilter that incorporates a model of costs whengenerating particles.The approach is motivated by the observation thatthe costs of accidentally not tracking hypotheses might be significant insome areas of state space,and irrelevant in others.By incorporating a costmodel into particlefiltering,states that are more critical to the system per-formance are more likely to be tracked.Automatic calculation of the costmodel is implemented using an MDP value function calculation that esti-mates the value of tracking a particular state.Experiments in two mobilerobot domains illustrate the appropriateness of the approach.1IntroductionIn recent years,particlefilters[3,8,9]have found widespread application in domains with noisy sensors,such as computer vision and robotics[2,5].Particlefilters are powerful tools for Bayesian state estimation in non-linear systems.The key idea of particlefilters is to approximate a posterior distribution over unknown state variables by a set of particles,drawn from this distribution.This paper addresses a primary deficiency of particlefilters:Particlefilters are insensitive to costs that might arise from the approximate nature of the particle representation.Their only criterion for generating a particle is the posterior likelihood of a state.To illustrate this point,consider the example of a Space Shuttle.Failures of the engine system are extremely unlikely,even in the presence of evidence to the contrary.Should we therefore not track the possibility of such failures,just because they are unlikely?If failure to track such low-likelihood events may incur high costs—such as a mission failure—these variables should be tracked even when their posterior probability is low.This observation suggests that costs should be taken into consideration when generating particles in thefilter-ing process.This paper proposes a particlefilter that generates particles according to a distribution that combines the posterior probability with a risk function.The risk function measures the importance of a state location on future cumulative costs.We obtain this risk function via an MDP that calculates the approximate future risk of decisions made in a particular state. Experimental results in two robotic domains illustrate that our approach yields significantly better results than a particlefilter insensitive to costs.2The“Classical”Particle FilterParticlefilters are a popular means of estimating the state of partially observable controllable Markov chains[3],sometimes referred to as dynamical systems[1].To do so,particlefiltersrequire two types of information:data,and a probabilistic generative model of the system.The data generally comes in twoflavors:measurements(e.g.,camera images)and controls (e.g.,robot motion commands).The measurement at time will denoted,and denotesthe control asserted in the time interval.Thus,the data is given byandFollowing common notation in the controls literature,we use the subscript to refer to an event at time,and the superscript to denote all events leading up to time.Particlefilters,like any member of the family of Bayesfilters such as Kalmanfilters and HMMs,estimate the posterior distribution of the state of the dynamical system conditioned on the data,.They do so via the following recursive formula(1) where is a normalization constant.To calculate this posterior,three probability distribu-tions are required,which together are commonly referred as the probabilistic model of the dynamical system:(1)A measurement model,which describes the probability of measuring when the system is in state.(2)A control model,which char-acterizes the effect of controls on the system state by specifying the probability that the system is in state after executing control in state.(3)An initial state distribution ,which specifies the user’s knowledge about the initial system state.See[2,5]for examples of such models in practical applications.Eqn.1is easily derived under the common assumption that the system is Markov:(2) Notice that thisfilter,in the general form stated here,is commonly known as a Bayesfilter. Special versions of thisfilter includes the Kalmanfilter,the hidden Markov model,binary filters,and of course particlefilters.In many applications,the key concern in implementing this probabilisticfilter is the continuous nature of the states,controls,and measurements .Even in discrete versions,these spaces might be prohibitively large to compute the entire posterior.The particlefilter addresses these concerns by approximating the posterior using sets ofstate samples(particles):(3) The set consists of particles,for some large number of(e.g,). Together,these particles approximates the calculated recursively. Initially,at time,the particles are generated from the initial state distribution. The-th particle set is then calculated recursively from as follows: 1set2for to do3pick the-th sample4draw5set6add to7endfor8for to do9draw from with probability proportional to10add to11endforLines2through7generates a new set of particles that incorporates the control.Lines8 through11apply a technique known as importance-weighted resampling[10]to account for the measurement.It is a well-known fact that(for large)the resulting weighted particles are asymptotically distributed according to the desired posterior[11]In recent years,researchers have actively developed various extensions of the basic particlefilter,capable of coping with degenerate situations that are often relevant in prac-tice[3,7,8,9].The common aim of this rich body of literature,however,is to generate samples from the posterior.If different controls at different states infer dras-tically different costs,generating samples according to the posterior runs the risk of not capturing important events that warrant action.Overcoming this deficiency is the very aim of this paper.3Risk Sensitive Particle FiltersThis section describes a modified particlefilter that is sensitive to the risk arising from the approximate nature of the particle representation.To arrive at a notion of risk,our approach requires a cost function(4) This function assigns real-valued costs to states and control.From a decision theoretic point of view,the goal of risk sensitive sampling is to generate particles that minimize the cumu-lative increase in cost due to the particle approximation.To translate this into a practical algorithm,we extend the basic paradigm in two ways.First,we modify the basic particle filters so that particles are generated in a risk-sensitive way,where the risk is a function of.Second,an appropriate risk function is defined that approximates the cumulative ex-pected costs relative to tracking individual states.This risk function is calculated using value iteration.3.1Risk-Sensitive SamplingRisk-sensitive sampling generates particles factoring in a risk function,.Formally,all we have to ask of a risk function is that it be positive andfinite almost everywhere.Not all risk functions will be equally useful,however,so deriving the“right”risk function is important. Decision theory gives us a framework for deciding what the“right”action is in any given state.By considering approximation errors due to monte carlo sampling in decision theory and making a sequence of rough approximations,we can arrive at the choice of,which is discussed further below.The full derivation is omitted for lack of space.For now,let us simply assume are given a suitable risk function.Risk sensitive particlefilters generate samples that are distributed according to(5) Here is a normalization constant that ensures that the term in (5)is indeed a probability distribution.Thus,the probability that a state sample is part of is not only a function of its posterior probability,but also of the risk associated with that sample.Sampling from(5)is easily achieved by the following two modifications of the basic particlefilter algorithm.First,the initial set of particles is generated from the distribution(6) Second,Line5of the particlefilter algorithm is replaced by the following assignment: set(7) We conjecture that this simple modification results in a particlefilter with samples dis-tributed according to.Our conjecture is obviously true for the base case,since the risk function was explicitly incorporated in the construction of(see eqn.6).By induction,let us assume that the particles in are distributed according to.Then Line3of the modified algo-rithm generates.Line4gives us.Samples generated in Line9are dis-tributed according to(8) Substituting in the modified weight(eqn.7)wefind thefinal sample distribution:(9) This term is,up to the normalization constant,equivalent to the desired distribution (5)(see also eqn.1),which proves our conjecture.Thus,the risk sensitive particlefilter successfully generates samples from a distribution that factors in the risk.3.2The Risk FunctionThe remaining question is:What is an appropriate risk function?How important is it to track a state?Our approach rests on the assumption that there are two possible situations, one in which the state is tracked well,and one in which the state is tracked poorly.In the first situation,we assume that any controller will basically chose the right control,whereas in the second situation,it is reasonable to assume that controls are selected anywhere between random and in the worst possible way.To complete this model,we assume that with small probability,the state estimator might move from“well-tracked”to“lost track”and vice versa.These assumptions are sufficient to formulate an MDP that models the effect of tracking accuracy on the expected costs.The MDP is defined over an augmented state space, where is a binary state variable that models the event that the estimator tracks the state with sufficient()or insufficient()accuracy.The various probabilities of the MDP are easily obtained from the known probability distributions via the natural assumption that the variable is conditionally independent of the system state:(10) The expressions on the left hand side define all necessary components of the augmented model.The only unspecified terms on the right hand side are the initial tracking probability and the transition probabilities for the state estimator.The former must be set in accordance to the initial knowledge state(e.g.,1if the initial system state is known,0if it is unknown).For the latter,we adopt a model where with high likelihood the tracking state is retained()and with low likelihood it changes().The MDP is solved via value iteration.To model the effect of poor tracking on the control policy,our approach uses the following value iteration rule(stated here without discounting for simplicity),in which denotes the value function,and is an auxiliary variable:ifif(11)This value iteration rule considers two cases:When,i.e.,the state is estimated suffi-ciently accurately,it is assumed that the controller acts by minimizing costs.If,however, the controller adopts a mixture of picking the worst possible control,and a random control. These two options are traded off by the gain factor,which controls the“pessimism”of the(a)AB35.220337.6 steps to re-localize when ported to Cnumber of violations after global kidnapping(a)LFigure 3:(a)The Hyperion rover,a mobile robot being developed at CMU.(b)Kinematic model.(c)Rover position at time step 1,10,22and 35.Figure 4:Tracking curves obtained with (a)plain particle filters,and (b)our new risk sensitive filter.The bottom curves show the error,which is much smaller for our new approach.the fact that it appears to be mathematically more accurate.A second reason for not using POMDPs lies in the fact that the risk function is modeled as a function of states,and not of belief states,which suggests an MDP solution.AcknowledgmentThe authors thank Dieter Fox and Wolfram Burgard,who generously provided some the localization software on which this research is built.References[1]X.Boyen and D.Koller.Tractable inference for complex stochastic processes.In Proceedings of Uncertainty in ArtificialIntelligence ,pages 33–42,Madison,WI,1998.[2] F.Dellaert,D.Fox,W.Burgard,and S.Thrun.Monte carlo localization for mobile robots.In Proceedings of the IEEEInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),1999.[3] A.Doucet, Freitas,and N.J.Gordon,editors.Sequential Monte Carlo Methods In Practice .Springer Verlag,NewYork,2001.[4]S.Engelson.Passive Map Learning and Visual Place Recognition .PhD thesis,Department of Computer Science,YaleUniversity,1994.[5]M.Isard and A.Blake.Condensation:conditional density propagation for visual tracking.International Journal of ComputerVision ,29(1):5–28,1998.In press.[6]L.P.Kaelbling,M.L.Littman,and A.R.Cassandra.Planning and acting in partially observable stochastic domains.ArtificialIntelligence ,101(1-2):99–134,1998.[7]S.Lenser and M.Veloso.Sensor resetting localization for poorly modelled mobile robots.In Proceedings of the IEEEInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),San Francisco,CA,2000.IEEE.[8]J.Liu and R.Chen.Sequential monte carlo methods for dynamic systems.Journal of the American Statistical Association ,93:1032–1044,1998.[9]M.Pitt and N.Shephard.Filtering via simulation:auxiliary particle filter.Journal of the American Statistical Association ,94:590–599,1999.[10] ing the SIR algorithm to simulate posterior distributions.In M.H.Bernardo, DeGroot,D.V.Lindley,and A.F.M.Smith,editors,Bayesian Statistics 3.Oxford University Press,Oxford,UK,1988.[11]M.A.Tanner.Tools for Statistical Inference .Springer Verlag,New York,1996.3nd edition.。



© 2006 Velcon Filters, Inc.1933 04/04Pure Fuel: How to make sure that’s all you ever deliverEVERY TIME YOU RECEIVE FUEL:• B efore you accept it, take a sample from the lowest point in each compartment into a clean white bucket. If it’s clear, bright and free of water, it’s okay. If you’re not sure about “clear and bright,” see the section at the top right.EVERY DAY:• D rain the sump of each filter vessel and storage tank into a white bucket. Take filter samples with the pump on. Inspect samples for contamination particles and discolored water. Be sure all accumulated water is drained off.• C heck and record the pressure differential across each filter housing under normal flow conditions.ONCE A MONTH:• D o a membrane filter test downstream from each jet fuel filter vessel.• C heck nozzle screens for particles. If you find any, check out the refueling equipment to find out why.ONCE A YEAR:• Inspect your storage tanks and clean them if they need it.• C heck the water defense system in the filter/separator. Be sure the float control is buoyant and is still able to shut down the slug valve.• C hange your coalescer elements and any pleated paper separator elements. Y our Velcon representative can help you get the right element sets and conversion information to meet API/IP 1581.• C lean, inspect, and test any Teflon ® coated screen separators. (See Velcon data sheet 1242)• U se water-absorbent filter cartridges in your Avgassystem. We recommend Velcon’s Aquacon ® cartridges, but we’re prejudiced.® Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.1. “Clear and bright” doesn’t mean the color of jet fuel, which can range from colorless to straw color. It means no free water, no sediment and nothing clouding the fuel or floating in it.2. I f you’re not sure whether you’re looking at water or colorless jet fuel, pour in some coffee. It separates from the fuel, but it mixes with any water in the jar.3. F or water contamination control, don’t ever put your faith in an automatic water drain valve or a sightglass. Automatic drain valves won’t get out all the water and bacteria grows where the fuel and water surfaces meet. And sightglasses are useless unless they show you both fuel and water and the line between them. Otherwise, you don’t know whether you’re looking at pure fuel or pure water.4. D ifferential pressure is the difference between the pressure upstream and downstream of a filter/separator. Differential pressure increases whencontaminant is filtered by the first-stage cartridges and causes a flow restriction.5. A sudden decrease in pressure differential across a filter housing may mean trouble. The vessel should be opened immediately and inspected for ruptured elements, seals or mounting hardware. It’s also possible to get a decrease in pressure differential without any of these failures. It can happen if cartridges that have been separating water from the fuel now are exposed to dry fuel. The water is slowly pushed out of the coalescer, resulting in decreased differentialpressure.Five Simple things that tell you what you’re looking at:Follow these simple steps and you won’t start a fire when you fill a filter vessel:Fires start from sparks caused by electrostatic buildup. Here’s how you can prevent them.1. C lose the outlet valve and the drain valves.2. C rack open the inlet valve slightly so that the vessel will fill slowly to prevent charge buildup.3. S tart the pump.4. I f you have a manual air eliminator, open it completely.5. A llow about 10 minutes to fill the vessel. If it fills faster than that, you’re taking a chance.6. R emember to close the air eliminator when the vessel is full.7. I f the vessel has an automatic air eliminator with acheck valve, you had to remove the check valve before you could drain. Remember to put it back.Some simple ways to stay out of trouble when you change cartridges..• D rain the filter housing completely. Otherwise, the dirt can fall out of the cartridge and contaminate the fuel. If you open the air eliminator, the vessel drains faster. Remove the used cartridges.• D on’t touch the new coalescer and separator cartridges. Leave the polybags on the cartridges as you install them. And before you close the vessel, take the bags off slowly to avoid building up an electrostatic charge. If you have to handle the cartridges, wear clean cotton or rubber gloves. Don’t touch the separator’s T eflon ® screen. Handle it by the endcaps.• A lways use a torque wrench for installingcartridges. Read the manufacturer’s specified torque value in the installation instructions.• W hen you clean the inside of a filter vessel, use the product being filtered or diluted bleach. Do not use soap or another type of fuel.• C lose all the drain valves before you refill. Obvious, but easy to forget!Some Sound Information, Useful and Readily Available:The Manual of Aviation Fuel Quality Control Procedures, ASTM Manual Series MNL5, Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Phone: (610) 832-9585.Standards for Jet Fuel Quality Control at Airports, A T A Specification No. 103, ATA Distribution Center, PO Box 511, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 U.S.A., Phone: (800) 497-3326 / (301) 490-7951.。

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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 53, NO. 7, JULY 20052279Marginalized Particle Filters for Mixed Linear/Nonlinear State-Space ModelsThomas Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson, Member, IEEE, and Per-Johan NordlundAbstract—The particle filter offers a general numerical tool to approximate the posterior density function for the state in nonlinear and non-Gaussian filtering problems. While the particle filter is fairly easy to implement and tune, its main drawback is that it is quite computer intensive, with the computational complexity increasing quickly with the state dimension. One remedy to this problem is to marginalize out the states appearing linearly in the dynamics. The result is that one Kalman filter is associated with each particle. The main contribution in this paper is the derivation of the details for the marginalized particle filter for a general nonlinear state-space model. Several important special cases occurring in typical signal processing applications will also be discussed. The marginalized particle filter is applied to an integrated navigation system for aircraft. It is demonstrated that the complete high-dimensional system can be based on a particle filter using marginalization for all but three states. Excellent performance on real flight data is reported. Index Terms—Kalman filter, marginalization, navigation systems, nonlinear systems, particle filter, state estimation.and the following time recursion: (2c) [20]. For linear Gaussian initiated by models, the integrals can be solved analytically with a finite dimensional representation. This leads to the Kalman filter recursions, where the mean and the covariance matrix of the state are propagated [1]. More generally, no finite dimensional representation of the posterior density exists. Thus, several numerical approximations of the integrals (2) have been proposed. A recent important contribution is to use simulation based methods from mathematical statistics, sequential Monte Carlo methods, commonly referred to as particle filters [11], [12], [16]. Integrated navigation is used as a motivation and application example. Briefly, the integrated navigation system in the Swedish fighter aircraft Gripen consists of an inertial navigation system (INS), a terrain-aided positioning (TAP) system and an integration filter. This filter fuses the information from INS with the information from TAP. For a more thorough description of this system, see [32] and [33]. TAP is currently based on a pointmass filter as presented in [6], where it is also demonstrated that the performance is quite good, close to the Cramér–Rao lower bound. Field tests conducted by the Swedish air force have confirmed the good precision. Alternatives based on the extended Kalman filter have been investigated [5] but have been shown to be inferior particularly in the transient phase (the EKF requires the gradient of the terrain profile, which is unambiguous only very locally). The point-mass filter, as described in [6], is likely to be changed to a marginalized particle filter in the future for Gripen. TAP and INS are the primary sensors. Secondary sensors (GPS and so on) are used only when available and reliable. The current terrain-aided positioning filter has three states (horizontal position and heading), while the integrated navigation system estimates the accelerometer and gyroscope errors and some other states. The integration filter is currently based on a Kalman filter with 27 states, taking INS and TAP as primary input signals. The Kalman filter that is used for integrated navigation requires Gaussian variables. However, TAP gives a multi-modal un-symmetric distribution in the Kalman filter measurement equation and it has to be approximated with a Gaussian distribution before being used in the Kalman filter. This results in severe performance degradation in many cases, and is a common cause for filter divergence and system reinitialization.I. INTRODUCTIONTHE nonlinear non-Gaussian filtering problem considered here consists of recursively computing the posterior probability density function of the state vector in a general discretetime state-space model, given the observed measurements. Such a general model can be formulated as (1a) (1b)Here, is the measurement at time is the state variable, is the process noise, is the measurement noise, and are two arbitrary nonlinear functions. The two noise densities and are independent and are assumed to be known. The posterior density , where , is given by the following general measurement recursion: (2a) (2b)Manuscript received October 9, 2003; revised August 21, 2004. This work was supported by the competence center ISIS at Linköping University and the Swedish Research Council (VR). The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Paul D. Fiore. T. Schön and F. Gustafsson are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden (e-mail:; P.-J. Nordlund is with the Department for Flight Data and Navigation, Saab Aerospace, Linköping, Sweden (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2005.8491511053-587X/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE2280IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 53, NO. 7, JULY 2005The appealing new strategy is to merge the two state vectors into one, and solve integrated navigation and terrain-aided positioning in one filter. This filter should include all 27 states, which effectively would prevent application of the particle filter. However, the state equation is almost linear, and only three states enter the measurement equation nonlinearly, namely horizontal position and heading. Once linearization (and the use of EKF) is absolutely ruled out, marginalization would be the only way to overcome the computational complexity. More generally, as soon as there is a linear sub-structure available in the general model (1) this can be utilized in order to obtain better estimates and possibly reduce the computational demand. The basic idea is to partition the state vector as (3)A. Standard Particle Filter The particle filter is used to get an approximation of the posin the general model (1). This approxiterior density mation can then be used to obtain an estimate of some inference , according to function, (4) In the following, the particle filter, as it was introduced in [16], will be referred to as the standard particle filter. For a thorough introduction to the standard particle filter, see [11] and [12]. The marginalized and the standard particle filter are closely related. The marginalized particle filter is given in Algorithm 1 and neglecting steps 4a and 4c results in the standard particle filter algorithm.ALGORITHM 1: The marginalized particle filter 1) Initialization: For i = 1; . . . ; N , initialize the particles n;(i) l;(i) (i) n x l  0 j 01  px (x0 ), and set fx0 j 01 ; P0 j 01 g = fx0 ; P0 g: 2) For i = 1; . . . ; N , evaluate the importance weights (i) n; qt = p(yt j Xt (i) ; Yt01 ) and normalizeqtwhere denotes the state variable with conditionally linear dydenotes the nonlinear state variable [14], [32]. namics and Using Bayes’ theorem we can then marginalize out the linear state variables from (1) and estimate them using the Kalman filter [22], which is the optimal filter for this case. The nonlinear state variables are estimated using the particle filter. This technique is sometimes referred to as Rao-Blackwellization [14]. The idea has been around for quite some time; see, e.g., [2], [7], [8], [12], [14], and [31]. The contribution of this article is the derivation of the details for a general nonlinear statespace model with a linear sub-structure. Models of this type are common and important in engineering applications, e.g., positioning, target tracking and collision avoidance [4], [18]. The marginalized particle filter has been successfully used in several applications, for instance, in aircraft navigation [32], underwater navigation [24], communications [9], [37], nonlinear system identification [28], [37], and audio source separation [3]. Section II explains the idea behind using marginalization in conjunction with general linear/nonlinear state-space models. Three nested models are used in order to make the presentation easy to follow. Some important special cases and generalizations of the noise assumptions are discussed in Section III. To illustrate the use of the marginalized particle filter, a synthetic example is given in Section IV. Finally, the application example is given in Section V, and the conclusions are stated in Section VI.~(i) =qtN(i)qtj =1(j ):3) Particle filter measurement update (resampling): Resample N particles with replacement Prxn;(i) t n;(j ) ~(j ) j t = xt j t01 = qt :4) Particle filter time update and Kalman filter: a) Kalman filter measurement update: Model 1: (10), Model 2: (10), Model 3: (22). b) Particle filter time update (prediction): For i = 1; . . . ; N , predict new particles,xn;(i) t+1jt  pxt+1 tnjXtn;(i); Yt:II. MARGINALIZATION The variance of the estimates obtained from the standard particle filter can be decreased by exploiting linear substructures in the model. The corresponding variables are marginalized out and estimated using an optimal linear filter. This is the main idea behind the marginalized particle filter. The goal of this section is to explain how the marginalized particle filter works by using three nested models. The models are nested in the sense that the first model is included in the second, which in turn is included in the third. The reason for presenting it in this fashion is to facilitate reader understanding, by incrementally extending the standard particle filter.c) Kalman filter time update: Model 1: (11), Model 2: (17), Model 3: (23). 5) Set t := t + 1 and iterate from step 2.The particle filter algorithm 1 is quite general and several improvements are available in the literature. It is quite common to introduce artificial noise in step 3 in order to counteract the degeneracy problem. Depending on the context various importance functions can be used in step 4b. In [11], several refinements to the particle filter algorithm are discussed. B. Diagonal Model The explanation of how the marginalized particle filter works is started by considering the following model.SCHÖN et al.: MARGINALIZED PARTICLE FILTERS FOR MIXED LINEAR/NONLINEAR STATE-SPACE MODELS2281Model 1: (5a) (5b) (5c) The gaps in the equations above are placed there intentionally, in order to make the comparison to the general model (18) easier. The state noise is assumed white and Gaussian distributed according to. A formal proof of (8) is provided in [13] and where in [14]. For the sake of notational brevity, the dependence of , and are suppressed below. Lemma 2.1: Given Model 1, the conditional probability denand are given by sity functions for (9a) (9b) where(6a) (10a) The measurement noise is assumed white and Gaussian distributed according to (6b) Furthermore, is Gaussian (6c) can be arbitrary, but it is assumed known. The The density of and matrices are arbitrary. Model 1 is called the “diagonal model” due to the diagonal structure of the state equation (5a) and (5b). The aim of recurcan be accomsively estimating the posterior density plished using the standard particle filter. However, conditioned on the nonlinear state variable, , there is a linear sub-structure in (5), given by (5b). This fact can be used to obtain better estimates of the linear states. Analytically marginalizing out the and using Bayes’ theorem linear state variables from gives (7) and (11a) (11b) and . The recursions are initiated with Proof: We use straightforward application of the Kalman filter [21], [22]. The second density in (7) will be approximated using the standard particle filter. Bayes’ theorem and the Markov property inherent in the state-space model can be used as to write (10b) (10c) (10d)(12) is provided by the where an approximation of previous iteration of the particle filter. In order to perform the update (12) analytical expressions for and are needed. They are provided by the following lemma. and Lemma 2.2: For Model 1 are given byis analytically tractable. It is given by the where Kalman filter (KF); see Lemma 2.1 below for the details. Furcan be estimated using the particle filter thermore, (PF). If the same number of particles are used in the standard particle filter and the marginalized particle filter, the latter will, intuitively, provide better estimates. The reason for this is that is smaller than the dimension of the dimension of , implying that the particles occupy a lower dimensional space. Another reason is that optimal algorithms are used dein order to estimate the linear state variables. Let note the estimate of (4) using the standard particle filter with particles. When the marginalized particle filter is used the corresponding estimate is denoted by . Under certain assumptions the following central limit theorem holds:(13a) (13b) Proof: We utilize basic facts about conditionally linear models; see, e.g., [19] and [36]. The linear system (5b)–(5c) can now be formed for each particle , and the linear states can be estimated using the Kalman filter. This requires one Kalman filter associated with each particle. The overall algorithm for estimating the states in Model 1 is given in Algorithm 1. From this algorithm, it should be clear that the only difference from the standard particle filter is that the time update (prediction) stage has been changed. In the standard particle filter, the prediction stage is given solely(8a) (8b)2282IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 53, NO. 7, JULY 2005by step 4b in Algorithm 1. Step 4a is referred to as the measurement update in the Kalman filter [21]. Furthermore, the predicis obtained in step 4b. tion of the nonlinear state variables According to (5a), the prediction of the nonlinear state variables does not contain any information about the linear state variables. cannot be used to improve the quality This implies that of the estimates of the linear state variables. However, if Model 1 is generalized by imposing a dependence between the linear and the nonlinear state variables in (5a), the prediction of the nonlinear state variables can be used to improve the estimates of the linear state variables. In the subsequent section, it will be elaborated on how this affects the state estimation. C. Triangular Model Model 1 is now extended by including the term in the nonlinear state equation. This results in a “triangular model” defined below. Model 2: (14a) (14b) (14c) with the same assumptions as in Model 1. Now, from (14a), it is clear that does indeed contain information about the linear state variables. This implies that in there will be information about the linear state variable . To underthe prediction of the nonlinear state variable stand how this affects the derivation, it is assumed that step 4b in Algorithm 1 has just been completed. This means that the are available, and the model can be written predictions (the information in the measurement has already been used in step 4a) (15a) (15b) where (15c)second measurement update with the time update to obtain the predicted states. This results in (17a) (17b) (17c) (17d) For a formal proof of this, see the Appendix. To make Algorithm 1 valid for the more general Model 2, the time update equation in the Kalman filter (11) has to be replaced by (17). The second measurement update is called measurement update due to the fact that the mathematical structure is the same as a measurement update in the Kalman filter. However, strictly speaking, it is not really a measurement update, since there does not exist any new measurement. It is better to think of this second update as a correction to the real measurement update using the information in the prediction of the nonlinear state variables. D. General Case In the previous two sections, the mechanisms underlying the marginalized particle filter have been illustrated. It is now time to apply the marginalized particle filter to the most general model. Model 3: (18a) (18b) (18c) where the state noise is assumed white and Gaussian distributed with (19a) The measurement noise is assumed white and Gaussian distributed according to (19b)as a measurement and as the It is possible to interpret corresponding measurement noise. Since (15) is a linear statespace model with Gaussian noise, the optimal state estimate is given by the Kalman filter according to (16a) (16b) (16c) (16d) where “ ” has been used to distinguish this second measurement and are given update from the first one. Furthermore, by (10a) and (10b), respectively. The final step is to merge thisFurthermore,is Gaussian (19c)can be arbitrary, but it is assumed known. The density of In certain cases, some of the assumptions can be relaxed. This will be discussed in the subsequent section. Before moving on it is worthwhile to explain how models used in some applications of marginalization relate to Model 3. In [23], the marginalized particle filter was applied to underwater navigation using a model corresponding to (18), save the fact that . In [18], a model corresponding to linear state equations and a nonlinear measurement equation is applied to various problems, such as car positioning, terrain navigation,SCHÖN et al.: MARGINALIZED PARTICLE FILTERS FOR MIXED LINEAR/NONLINEAR STATE-SPACE MODELS2283and target tracking. Due to its relevance, this model will be discussed in more detail in Section III. Another special case of Model 3 has been applied to problems in communication theory in [9] and [37]. The model used there is linear. However, depending on an indicator variable the model changes. Hence, this indicator variable can be thought of as the nonlinear state variable in Model 3. A good and detailed explanation of how to use the marginalized particle filter for this case can be found in [14]. They refer to the model as a jump Markov linear system. Analogously to what has been done in (7), the filtering distriis split using Bayes’ theorem bution (20) The linear state variables are estimated using the Kalman filter in a slightly more general setting than which was previously discussed. However, it is still the same three steps that are executed in order to estimate the linear state variables. The first step is a measurement update using the information available in . The second step is a measurement update using the infor, and finally, there is a time update. mation available in The following theorem explains how the linear state variables are estimated. Theorem 2.1: Using Model 3 the conditional probability density functions for and are given by (21a) (21b) where (22a) (22b) (22c) (22d)in (20) is taken care of acwork, the second density cording to (12). The analytical expressions for and are provided by the following theorem. Theorem 2.2: For Model 3, and are given by(25a)(25b) Proof: For the basic facts about conditionally linear models, see [19]. The details for this particular case can be found in [36]. The details for estimating the states in Model 3 have now been derived, and the complete algorithm is Algorithm 1. As pointed out before, the only difference between this algorithm and the standard particle filtering algorithm is that the prediction stage is different. If steps 4a and 4c are removed from Algorithm 1, the standard particle filter algorithm is obtained. In this paper, the most basic form of the particle filter has been used. Several more refined variants exist, which in certain applications can give better performance. However, since the aim of this article is to communicate the idea of marginalization in a general linear/nonlinear state-space model, the standard particle filter has been used. It is straightforward to adjust the algorithm given in this paper to accommodate e.g., the auxiliary particle filter [34] and the Gaussian particle filter [26], [27]. Several ideas are also given in the articles collected in [11]. The estimates as expected means of the linear state variables and their covariances are given by [32] (26a)and(23a)(26b) (26c) are the normalized importance weights, provided by where step 2 in Algorithm 1. III. IMPORTANT SPECIAL CASES AND EXTENSIONS(23b) (23c) (23d) where (24a) (24b) (24c) Proof: See the Appendix. It is worth noting that if the cross-covariance between the two noise sources and is zero, then and . The first density on the right-hand side in (20) is now taken care of. In order for the estimation toModel 3 is quite general indeed, and in most applications, special cases of it are used. This fact, together with some extensions, will be the topic of this section. The special cases are just reductions of the general results presented in the previous section. However, they still deserve some attention in order to highlight some important mechanisms. It is worth mentioning that linear substructures can enter the model more implicitly as well, for example, by modeling colored noise and by sensor offsets and trends. These modeling2284IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 53, NO. 7, JULY 2005issues are treated in several introductory texts on Kalman filtering, see e.g., [17, Sec. 8.2.4]. In the subsequent section, some noise modeling aspects are discussed. This is followed by a discussion of a model with linear state equations and a nonlinear measurement equation. A. Generalized Noise Assumptions The Gaussian noise assumption can be relaxed in two special cases. First, if the measurement equation (18c) does not depend , the measureon the linear state variables, , i.e., ment noise can be arbitrarily distributed. In this case, (18c) does not contain any information about the linear state variables and, hence, cannot be used in the Kalman filter. It is solely used in the particle filter part of the algorithm, which can handle all probability density functions. in (18a), the nonlinear state equation Second, if will be independent of the linear states and, hence, cannot be used in the Kalman filter. This means that the state noise can be arbitrarily distributed. The noise covariances can depend on the nonlinear state variand . This is useful for ables, i.e., instance in terrain navigation, where the nonlinear state variable includes information about the position. Using the horizontal position and a geographic information system (GIS) onboard the aircraft, noise covariances depending on the characteristics of the terrain at the current horizontal position can be motivated. We will elaborate on this issue in Section V. B. Important Model Class A quite important special case of Model 3 is a model with linear state equations and a nonlinear measurement equation. In Model 4 below, such a model is defined. Model 4: (27a) (27b) (27c) with and . The distribution for can be arbitrary, but it is assumed known. The measurement equation (27c) does not contain any information about the linear state variable . Hence, as far as the Kalman filter is concerned, (27c) cannot be used in estimating the linear states. Instead, all information from the measurements enter the Kalman filter implicitly via the second measurement update using the nonlinear state equation (27a) and the predic, as a measurement. This means tion of the nonlinear state that in Algorithm 1, step 4a can be left out. In this case, the second measurement update is much more than just a correction to the first measurement update. It is the only way in which the information in enters the algorithm. Model 4 is given special attention as several important state estimation problems can be modeled in this way. Examples include positioning, target tracking, and collision avoidance [4], [18]. For more information on practical matters concerning modeling issues, see, e.g., [4], [29], [30], and [32]. In the applications mentioned above, the nonlinear state variableusually corresponds to the position, whereas the linear state corresponds to velocity, acceleration, and bias variable terms. If Model 4 is compared to Model 3, it can be seen that the , and are independent of in Model 4, matrices which implies that (28) This follows from (23b)–(23d) in Theorem 2.1. According to (28) only one instead of Riccati recursions is needed, which leads to a substantial reduction in computational complexity. This is, of course, very important in real-time implementations. A further study of the computational complexity of the marginalized particle filter can be found in [25]. If the dynamics in (18a)–(18b) are almost linear, it can be linearized to obtain a model described by (27a)–(27b). Then, the extended Kalman filter can be used instead of the Kalman filter. As is explained in [29] and [30], it is common that the system model is almost linear, whereas the measurement model is severely nonlinear. In these cases, use the particle filter for the severe nonlinearities and the extended Kalman filter for the mild nonlinearities. IV. ILLUSTRATING EXAMPLE In order to make things as simple as possible, the following two-dimensional model will be used: (29a) (29b) . Hence, the state conwhere the state vector is sists of a physical variable and its derivative. Models of this kind are very common in applications. One example is bearings only tracking, where the objective is to estimate the angle and angular velocity and the nonlinear measurement depends on the antenna diagram. Another common application is state estimation in a DC-motor, where the angular position is assumed to be measured nonlinearly. As a final application terrain navigation in one dimension is mentioned, where the measurement is given by a map. A more realistic terrain navigation example is discussed in Section V. Model (29) is linear in and nonlinear in . The state vector , which implies that can thus be partitioned as (29) can be written as (30a) (30b) (30c) This corresponds to the triangular model given in Model 2. Hence, the Kalman filter for the linear state variable is given by (22)–(24), where the nonlinear state is provided by the particle filter. The estimate of the linear state variable is given by (23a), which, for this example, is (31)SCHÖN et al.: MARGINALIZED PARTICLE FILTERS FOR MIXED LINEAR/NONLINEAR STATE-SPACE MODELS2285Fig. 1. Integrated navigation system consists of an inertial navigation system (INS), a terrain-aided positioning (TAP) system, and an integration filter. The integration filter fuse the information from INS with the information from TAP.Fig. 2. Using the marginalized particle filter for navigation. The terrain information is now incorporated directly in the marginalized particle filter. The radar altimeter delivers the hight measurement y .where (32) Intuitively, (31) makes sense, since the velocity estimate is given as a weighted average of the current velocity and the estimated momentary velocity, where the weights are computed from the Kalman filter quantities. In cases where (29a) is motivated by Newtons’ force law, the unknown force is modeled as a distur. This implies that (31) is reduced to bance, and (33) Again, this can intuitively be understood, since, because it is conditioned on the knowledge of the nonlinear state variable, (30a) can be written as (34) Thus, (30b) does not add any information for the Kalman filter since is a deterministic function of the known nonlinear state variable. V. INTEGRATED AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION As was explained in the introduction, the integrated navigation system in the Swedish fighter aircraft Gripen consists of an inertial navigation system (INS), a terrain-aided positioning (TAP) system, and an integration filter. This filter fuses the information from INS with the information from TAP; see Fig. 1. The currently used integration filter is likely to be changed to a marginalized particle filter in the future for Gripen; see Fig. 2. A first step in this direction was taken in [18], where a six-dimensional model was used for integrated navigation. In six dimensions, the particle filter is possible to use, but better performance can be obtained. As demonstrated in [18], 4000 particles in the marginalized filter outperform 60 000 particles in the standard particle filter. The feasibility study presented here applies marginalization to a more realistic nine-dimensional submodel of the total integrated navigation system. Already here, the dimensionality has proven to be too large for the particle filter to be applied directly. The example contains all ingredients of the total system, and the principle is scalable to the full 27-dimensional state vector. The model can be simulated and evaluated in a controlled fashion; see [32] for more details. In the subsequent sections, the results from field trials are presented.A. Dynamic Model In order to apply the marginalized particle filter to the navigation problem a dynamic model of the aircraft is needed. In this paper, the overall structure of this model is discussed. For details, see [32] and the references therein. The errors in the states are estimated instead of the absolute states. The reason is that the dynamics of the errors are typically much slower than the dynamics of the absolute states. The model has the following structure: (35a) (35b) (35c) There are seven linear states and two nonlinear states. The linear states consist of two velocity states and three states for the aircraft in terms of heading, roll, and pitch. Finally, there are two states for the accelerometer bias. The nonlinear states correspond to the error in the horizontal position, which is expressed and longitude . in latitude The total dimension of the state vector is thus 9, which is too large to be handled by the particle filter. The highly nonlinear nature of measurement equation (35c), due to the terrain elevation database, implies that an extended Kalman filter cannot be used. However, the model described by (35) clearly fits into the framework of the marginalized particle filter. The measurement noise in (35c) deserves some special attention. The radar altimeter, which is used to measure the ground clearance, interprets any echo as the ground. This is a problem when flying over trees. The tree tops will be interpreted as the ground, with a false measurement as a result. One simple, but effective, solution to this problem is to model the measurement noise as (36) where is the probability of obtaining an echo from the ground, and is the probability of obtaining an echo from the tree tops. The probability density function (36) is shown in Fig. 3. Experiments have shown that this, in spite of its simplicity, is a , and quite accurate model [10]. Furthermore, in (36) can be allowed to depend on the current horizontal po. In this way, information from the terrain data base sition can be inferred on the measurement noise in the model. Using this information, it is possible to model whether the aircraft is flying over open water or over a forest.。
