第一季:season one,第一集:Episode one英国人的咒骂语经常是bloody,而美国人更多地说damn,英式英語的bloody, 是等於very, 當副詞Bloody wild and sexy nature要用中文翻- "超狂野誘人的自然景觀" P.S. Sexy並不是有性暗示, 是英國人的口語用法(很漂亮的意思)英国人说wee-wee,美国人说pee...美国人喜欢说creepy 和crap美国人喜欢说very,喜欢发r的音,英国人喜欢说pretty,喜欢爆破音。
Weirdo美国人很喜欢用awesome Brilliant,hilarious,AWESOME只要听见人说bloody hell,他一定是英国人因为美国人肯定不说这个。
他们都说damn或者holy crap。
习惯不同:去廁所, 都說, 要去toilet, 美國人腦袋閃過去的畫面是馬桶!!點外賣, 我講take away, 美國人就愣在那邊, 我講什麼東東??美国人怎么说外卖?to-goPrinter = 印表機(台灣) = 打印機(內地)Patato = 馬鈴薯(台灣) = 土豆(內地北方用語)Flash Drive = 隨身碟(台灣) = U盤(內地)Chinese Style: It was so late there was no taxi.American Style: It was so late that there was no taxi available.Chinese Style: Your coat is broken. American Style: Your coat is torn.Chinese Style: Let me help you to do your work.American Style: Let me help you with your work.Chinese Style: Susan didn't make a fault anyway.American Style: Susan didn't make a mistake anyway.Chinese Style: He becomes better. American Style: He got better.Chinese Style: I recommend you to take a long vacation.American Style: I recommend that you take a long vacation.Chinese Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry up!American Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly eleven now, Hurry up!Chinese Style: It was still bright outside.American Style: It was still light outside.Chinese Style: The hall can seat two hundred people.American Style: The hall seats twohundred people.Chinese Style: Anywhere will do. American Style: Any place will do.Chinese Style: Wait here please, I'll come back in a minute.American Style: Wait here please, I'll be back in a minute.Chinese Style: I am uncomfortable. American Style: I don't feel well.Chinese Style: Common students in US don't wear a uniform.American Style: The average students in US don't wear a uniform.Chinese Style: Who cooked this salad?American Style: Who made this salad? Chinese Style: His restaurant attracts lots of customers.American Style: His restaurant attracts lots of guests.Chinese Style: My friend T ony died in a traffic accident.American Style: My friend Tony was killed in a traffic accident.Chinese Style: Different from me, she is proficient in English.American Style: Unlike me, she is proficient in English.Chinese Style: Little children are difficult to understand that.American Style: It is difficult for children to understand that.Chinese Style: Don't step on the grass.American Style: Keep off the grass. Chinese Style: I get my salary twice a month.American Style: I get paid twice a month..Chinese Style: Would you like a drink ?American Style: Would you like something to drink ?Chinese Style: Let me examine your pulse.American Style: Let me feel your pulse.Chinese Style: I have no exercise talent.American Style: I am not athletic. Chinese Style: Don't expect me toomuch.American Style: Don't expect too much from (of ) me.Chinese Style: I know his face. American Style: I know him by sight.Chinese Style: I forget my hat in the house.American Style: I left my hat in the house.Chinese Style: Lend me some money,for instance 500 dollars, Lin American Style: Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, LinChinese Style: I have a free time. American Style: I am free.Chinese Style: The sun rises from the East.American Style: The sun rises in the East.Chinese Style: The thief got in from thewindow.American Style: The thief got in through the window.Chinese Style: Let's begin from page 10.American Style: Let's begin at ( on ) page 10.Chinese Style: Did you attend college ?American Style: Did you go to college ?Chinese Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go. American Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.Chinese Style: I'll go there at three. American Style: I'll be there at three.Chinese Style: I am going back my home.American Style: I am going home.Chinese Style: His temperature went down.American Style: His temperature came down.Chinese Style: I like green color. American Style: I like green.Chinese Style: Today's newspapers has his articles on T aiwan.American Style: Today's newspapers carries his articles on Taiwan.Chinese Style: Give me money, if you have.American Style: Give me money, if you have any.Chinese Style: You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open. American Style: You'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.Chinese Style: Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who he is. American Style: Somebody's knockingon the door. Go and see who it is. Chinese Style: The head office is in Taipei.American Style: The main office is in Taipei.Chinese Style: He cannot read and write.American Style: He cannot read or write.Chinese Style: Where is here.American Style: Where are we.Chinese Style: How heavy are you ? American Style: How much do you weigh ?Chinese Style: He was talking in a high voice.American Style: He was talking loud. Chinese Style: Most Westerners have high noses.American Style: Most Westerners havelong noses.Chinese Style: Are you home tomorrow.American Style: Are you at home tomorrow.Chinese Style: How does she look like ?American Style: What does she look like ?Chinese Style: This is the way how I did it.American Style: This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.Chinese Style: How do you think about Taiwan.American Style: What do you think about Taiwan.Chinese Style: How can I do ? American Style: What can I do ?Chinese Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ?"" Six months "" How about Chinese food ?" American Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ? "" Six months "" Do you like Chinese food ?" Chinese Style: I visited her ill mother in the hospital.American Style: I visited her sick mother in the hospital.Chinese Style: There is a limit in my patience.American Style: There is a limit to my patience.Chinese Style: Please wait inside the white line.American Style: Please wait behind the white line.Chinese Style: Is your house insured for fire ?American Style: Is your house insured against fire ?Chinese Style: I introduce Mr. Smith to you !American Style: May I introduce Mr. Smith to you !Chinese Style: She was first prize. American Style: She took first prize.Chinese Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes I have it . American Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes, I have one.Chinese Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late.American Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.Chinese Style: She is wearing blue jeans pants.American Style: She is wearing blue jeans.Chinese Style: Keep the right.American Style: Keep to the right. Chinese Style: Last night I didn't keep my diary.American Style: Last night I didn't write anything in my diary.Chinese Style: The train was late about an hour.American Style: The train was about an hour late.Chinese Style: Leave your hand from the end of the wire.American Style: Let go of the end of the wire.Chinese Style: I was ten minutes late for the English lesson.American Style: I was ten minutes late for the English class.Chinese Style: How many Chinese letters do you know?American Style: How many Chinese characters do you know?●含糊其辞的回答也许吧。
此前我们已经给大家带来了BBC精选的各种英国人对美式英语的吐槽,在此来做个汇总,让你更清晰地看到英英与美英间的不同!逼疯英国人的10个英语单词Many have said that sorry is the hardest word but they'd be wrong,linguistically speaking at least。
According to a poll, the word we find hardest to pronounce is 'phenomenon'。
Nextin the top 10 of tongue-twisters are'remuneration', and'statistics'。
Speakers also have a problem getting their tongue around ethnicity, hereditary and particularly, according to the body charged with recording public utterances。
根据一个负责对人们在公共场合讲话进行录音的组织发现,讲话者在发音时会遇到困难舌头打结的还有:ethnicity(种族)hereditary(遗传的)和 particularly(特别地)。
BBC精选了50条,让我们看看吧!1. When people ask for something, I often hear: "Can I get a..." It infuriates me. It's no t NewYork. It's not the 90s. You're not in Central Perk with the rest of the Friends. Really ."当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:“Can I get a...(我能要一个……)”这让我大为恼火。
这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Central Perk里演《老友记》啊,真是的!2. The next time someone tells you something is the "least worst option", tell them th at theirmost best option is learning grammar.下次要是有人跟你讲XXX是the “least worst option”(最好选择),你就告诉他们对于他们来说最最最好的选择是滚回去学语法。
3. The phrase I've watched seep into the language (especially with broadcasters) is "two -time"and "three-time". Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost? Grammati cally it makes nosense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse rises every time I hear or see it. Which is nothealthy as it's almost every day now. Argh!我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是“two-time(两次)”和“three -time(三次)"。
英国人不喜欢English这个词Are citizens of the United Kingdom annoyed when people use the term England to refer to them?当人们用“英格兰”代指整个英国时英国人会生气吗?获得13.2k好评的回答@Peter Hawkins:General rule:通常情况是:?People who are English won't care?英格兰人不介意?Welsh will care and think you're an idiot?威尔士人会介意并认为你是白痴?Scots will really care, and think you an idiot?苏格兰人真的会介意并认为你是白痴?Roughly 50% of people in Northern Ireland will really, really care and think you're either an idiot or being deliberately provocative?几乎50%的北爱尔兰人真的真的会介意,认为你要么是白痴,要么是故意挑衅So it's not a great strategy. Use “British” if you have to use only one word. For Northern Ireland, I'd always say “Northern Irish” though this has the potential to annoy some unionists/loyalists. Better to take that risk than to say “British” to nationalists/republicans though.所以这么说并不合适。
1. Whe n people ask for someth in g, I ofte n hear: "Ca n I get a..." Itinfuriates me. It's not NewYork. It's not the 90s. You're not in CentralPerk with the rest of the Friends. Really."当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:“ Can I get a...(我能要一个……)”这让我大为恼火。
这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Cen tral Perk 里演《老友记》啊,真是的!2. The n ext time some on etells you somethi ng is the "least worst opti on", tell them that their most best option is learning grammar.下次要是有人跟你讲XXX是the “ least worst option ”(最好选择),你就告诉他们对于他们来说最最最好的选择是滚回去学语法。
3. The phrase「ve watched seep into the Ian guage (especially with broadcasters) is "two-time" and "three-time". Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost? Grammatically it makes no sense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse rises every time I hear or see it. Which is not healthy as it's almost every day now. Argh!我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是“ two-time(两次)”和“ three -time(三次)" 。
【美式英语 Or 英式英语】英国人最不能忍的50句美式英语美式英语入侵英国,BBC网站曾发表过一篇文章,引起了很多英国人的共鸣。
1. When people ask for something, I often hear: "Can I get a..." It infuriates me. It's not New York. It's not the 90s. You're not in Central Perk with the rest of the Friends. Really."当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:“Can I get a...(我能要一个……)”这让我大为恼火。
这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Central Perk里演《老友记》啊,真是的!2. The next time someone tells you something is the "least worst option", tell them that their most best option is learning grammar.下次要是有人跟你讲XXX是the “least worst option”(最好选择),你就告诉他们对于他们来说最最最好的选择是滚回去学语法。
3. The phrase I've watched seep into the language (especially with broadcasters) is "two-time" and "three-time". Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost? Grammatically it makes no sense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse rises every time I hear or see it. Which is not healthy as it's almost every day now. Argh!我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是“two-time(两次)”和“three -time(三次)"。
注意:轻易不要使用这个单词!Fucking--可恶的,可鄙的(使整句话加重味道,语气)eg:Give me the fucking telephone! 快给我那个鬼电话Are you fucking nuts? 你他妈的是不是疯了?Fucked--有点搞砸,完蛋的意思!eg:A:The professor found out you cheated on the final. 教授发现你期末考试作弊。
B:Oh, I'm fucked now! 糟了,我这一下可麻烦啦!Fuck you--去你的;他妈的eg:A:Do you want to lend me $100? 你要借我100元吗?B:Fuck you! 去你的!Fuck off--让开,去死吧;偷懒eg:A:May I buy you a drink? 我可以请你喝一杯吗?B:Fuck off! You jerk! 去死吧!你这王八蛋!Arthur worked all day, while Dave fucked off. 亚瑟整天上班,大卫却在偷懒。
Fuck around--胡搞,乱来,瞧不起,混吃等死过日子。
eg:He doesn't fuch around. He gets the job done right away. 他很快把工作做完,决不乱来。
He'd kill you if he thought you were fucking him around. 如果他认为你在瞧不起他的话,他会把你给宰了。
Fuck up--弄糟,弄坏,犯大错,失败,弄糊涂,反对,伤害eg:A:First they fucked up the soup, then they fucked up the main course and the dessert. 他们先后把汤,主菜和甜点都弄坏了。
1. 饼乾Biscuit 在英国英语里是饼乾,美语里则表示 roll (一种小圆面包)。
那么美语中饼乾如何表达呢?你在商店里买饼乾时,有没有注意到一种莫名其妙的叫做“克力架”的饼乾?其实,它就是 cracker 的音译。
这才是美语中的饼乾呦!2. 糖果糖果在英国叫 sweets,在美国叫 candies;与之相对应的糖果店当然分别是:sweet shop 和 candy store 罗。
你要是对英国人说 candy,他可不会认为你要请他吃糖果,他以为你要给他冰糖吃。
当然英文中的各种糖果会有各种不同的表达法:奶糖:cream candies水果糖:fruit drops口香糖:chewing gum怡口莲:eclairs太妃糖:toffee糖果说完了,再说点什么呢?3. 甜点心西方人的饭后一定要吃甜点心的。
像是:apple pie, cakes, ice cream 等。
如果形容一个人是地道美国式的,我们说他 as American as apple pie。
英国人的甜点心是用 pudding (布丁),或者说 afters(最后一道菜),这是相对于第一道菜 starters 而言的。
如果我跟你提起 aubergine,你有没有感到一头雾水?但是,我们换一个字 eggplant,你就有点明白了吧?什么?还是不明白?eggplant,“像蛋的植物”,是美语中的茄子,是不是很形象呢?至于那个古怪的 aubergine,则是古怪的英国人的用法。
其实,说怪也不怪,因为 aubergine 本是个法语字,是法国人说茄子,紫红色等的用法。
法国人一向在吃上很在行,比如美国人最爱吃的炸薯条,就源于法国,被称作:french fries;而英国人则称它做:chips。
英语中容易引起老外反感的两组词很多学生反映在外教课上或者课间与外教沟通时候会经常产生“communication breakdown”的情况,换句话说,经常在英语交流对话中,双方会发生不知所云,甚至尴尬的局面。
其实,很多学生经常用的表达是错误的,有时会引起与老外沟通交流上的困难,如果不慎,甚至会引起误会乃至反感(honest mistake though)。
1. I know很多学生都喜欢说这个词组。
在外教耐心讲解完后,这位学生就回答了一句: “I know”.这位外教显然感觉受到了侮辱,马上收起了笑容,一转身做别的去了,弄得学生也非常尴尬。
当学生后来问我时,我解释道:你明明不知道这句话什么意思来问外国人,当他非常耐心的向你解释完后,你一句“I know”, 就会让外国人认为你是在耍他,会有一种你知道还问他干什么的感觉。
通常在这种情况下,经常用的说法是“got you, cheers” 或者“understood”.2. Judge这是个基本上所有学生都知道的词,表示判断的意思。
外国人通常非常反感甚至说讨厌别人judge自己,那么这里的judge 指的就是告诉自己应该怎么做。
我们经常可以听到老外们说“Don’t judge me. I don’t need to hear that kind of talk. “ 意思就是说,我知道应该怎么做,不要告诉我应该做什么,我不要这样的帮助。
21. 按照字母顺序排 to put a list into alphabetical order I'm sorry for my 22. 我错了。 mistake. 23. 正常状态 normality 24. 盗窃 burgle 25. 经常 often 26. 饭店 restaurant 27. 两周 fortnightly 28. 候选人,替代人 alternative 29. 提高价格 increase a price 30. 今后 in future 31. 150万 32. 询问 33. 你来算。 34. 中杯咖啡
to alphabetize it my bad
35. 截止,满期 36. 苏格兰-爱尔兰 Scot-Irish 后裔 37. 这会让你得到教 That'll teach you. 训的。 38. 它在哪儿? Where is it? 39. 句号 full stop the best/most 40. 最大赢家 successful 41. 问题 problem 42. 赢得奖牌 to win a medal
BBC杂志发表了一篇关于美式英语入侵英国的文章,引起了很多英国 人的共鸣。读者纷纷发来电子邮件,说出最困扰自己、最让自己恼火的 美式英语表达。此前我们已经给大家带来了BBC精选的各种英国人对美 式英语的吐槽,在此来做个汇总,让你更清晰地看到英英与美英间的不 同。 中文 1. 我想要一个…… 2. 最佳选择 3. 两倍,三倍 4. 整天,每天 5. 下飞机 6. 等待 7. 腰包 8. 联系 9. 物质性 10. 交通工具 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 英式 May I have a... the best option double, triple 美式 Can I get a... least worst option two-time, three-time 24/7 deplane wait on Fanny pack touch base physicality transportation turn 20 shopping cart gotten I'm good. bangs take-out ridiculosity a half hour heads up train station
有哪些美国常用语让外国人听了神烦1 Whatever随便Non-Americans take offense when someone says,“whatever”because it is insulting.除了美国人以外的其他人都很排斥听到“Whatever”这个词,因为这是种侮辱。
If someone visiting the U.S. asks a question or makes a statement and gets “whatever”as a response,it means the person responding doesn‘t care what the foreigner has to say.如果某人在去美国的时候,问了一个问题或者说了什么话得到“Whatever”这个回答的话,就意味着回答他的那个人根本不在意他说了什么。
When using this word,you‘re basically saying that you don’t care what the person has to say.当你再用这个词的时候,你基本上是在说你根本不在意那个人说了什么。
So please don‘t be rude and don’t channel your inner “Clueless.”所以不要太粗鲁,别将你内心的“自我”心理表现出来。
2 You Know你知道的One popular but confusing phrase is,“you know.”一个常用并且容易混淆的词就是“You Know。
”A popular phrase among the American youth and valley girls,it can be really annoying to the listener,especially if he or she doesn‘t completely understand what you’re talking about.这是个美国青年跟山谷女孩之间常用的词,对听者来说,这个词真的很烦,尤其是用在如果他或者她没有完全明白你在说什么的时候。
令英国人糊涂的美式短语得益于美国文化的全球化传播,世界范围内说英语的人们已经知晓一些奇奇怪怪的美式英语表达,如bury the hatchet、pass the buck 和take a rain check,(有关11 个流行表达方式的解释)。
1. If something jumped the shark, then it:A. Avoided payment of overdue loansB. Began a period of inexorable decline in quality or popularityC. Escaped from a dangerous situationD. Went down to Florida for the winter2. A Monday morning quarterback is someone who:A. Is obsessed with American footballB. Is an early enthusiast for somethingC. Loves getting things done at the start of the weekD. Passes judgment on and criticizes something after the event3. A horse of another color would refer to:A. An unrelated matter with distinctly different meaningB. The odd one outC. A person from a different stateD. A missed opportunity4. Someone who bought the farm has:A. DiedB. Come into new wealthC. Paid off a mortgage。
文章来源: 英美人士最讨厌的5个英文单词,千万别说!有些英文单词是英美人最讨厌的哦,和外国友人交流的时候要慎重!看完这篇文章,你觉得自己讨厌哪些中文单词?1. moist [m ɔɪst] adj. 潮湿的不知道为什么,很多外国人讨厌moist 这个单词。
另外,damp 、wet 等表示潮湿的词也不招人喜欢。
2. pulchritude [ˈp ʌlkr ɪtju:d] n. 美丽I must admit that there can't be an uglier word to mean "physical beauty" than pulchritude. @Viviane Blais 我得说,表示“外表美丽”的单词里,没有比pulchritude 更丑陋的了。
3. vegan [ˈvi:g ən] n. 严格的素食主义者(连鸡蛋、牛奶等动物制品都不吃)Bonita Kyle 不喜欢这个词,原因很傲娇:看上去很丑。
4. redacted [r ɪ'dækt] adj. 编辑过的It's got to be 'redacted' which makes me feel totally sick. It's a brutish sounding word. @Geraldine Monk (我讨厌的单词)是redacted ,它让我感觉很糟。
5. partner [ˈp ɑ:tn ə(r)] n. 伴侣When used in a non-commercial sense. If you mean wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend, then just say that. 当partner 不指商业伙伴时,你要是想说老婆/老公/女朋友/男朋友,你就不能直说?。
英国人讨厌的美式英语大全引导语:英式英语与美式英语也有冲突的时候,以下是店铺分享给大家的英国人讨厌的美式英语大全,欢迎阅读!As an expat living in New Orleans, it is a very long list but “burglarize” is currently the word that I most dislike.作为一名生活在新奥尔良的侨民,我有很长一串清单,但是“burglarize(破门盗窃)”是我目前最不喜欢的词。
(英国用burgle) “Oftentimes” just makes me shiver with annoyance. Fortunately I've not noticed it over here yet.“Oftentimes(经常)”会让我恼怒得直哆嗦。
Eaterie. To use a prevalent phrase, oh my gaad!Eaterie(餐馆)。
经常听到,天呐!!I'm a Brit living in New York. The one that always gets me is the American need to use the word bi-weekly when fortnightly would suffice just fine.我是住在纽约的英国人,让我难受的一点是美国人需要用bi-weekly(每两周一次),fortnightly明明足够好用了。
I hate “alternate” for “alternative”. I don't like this as they are two distinct words,both have distinct meanings and it's useful to have both. Using alternate for alternative deprives us of a word.我讨厌用“alternate”替代“alternative”。
美式英语雷区(2)8.two-time, three-time英国人吐槽:The phrase I've watched seep into thelanguage (especially with broadcasters) is "two-time" and"three-time". Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost?Grammatically it makes no sense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse risesevery time I hear or see it - which is not healthy as it's almost every daynow. Argh!我经历过的渗透到英语里的美式短语(特别是播音员使用的)是"two-time(两倍)"和"three-time(三倍)"。
唉!英式表达:double, triple9.24/7英国人吐槽:Using 24/7 rather than "24 hours, 7days a week" or even just plain "all day, every day".不用"24 hours, 7 days a week",也不用简单直接的"all day, every day"来表达"全天候",非要用24/7。
英式表达:all day, every day10.a million and a half英国人吐槽:The most annoying Americanism is "amillion and a half" when it is clearly one and a half million! A millionand a half is 1,000,000.5 where one and a half million is 1,500,000.最让人恼火的美式英语是"a million and a half",正确的说法明明是one and a half million. A million and a half是1000000.5,one and a half million是1500000。
英美大不同 300个英国人不说的单词总结
aluminium aluminumaniseed aniseanticlockwise counterclockwise articulated lorry tractor-trailer asymmetric bars uneven bars aubergine eggplantbaking tray cookie sheetbank holiday legal holiday beetroot beet(s)bill checkbiscuit cookie; cracker black economy underground economy blanket bath sponge bathblind(window) shade block of flats apartment building boiler suit coverallsbonnet (of a car)hoodboob tube tube topboot (of a car)trunkbottom drawer hope chestbowls lawn bowlingbraces suspendersbrawn (the food)headcheese breakdown van tow truckbreeze block cinder block bridging loan bridge loan bumbag fanny pack candyfloss cotton candycar park parking lot casualty emergency room catapult slingshotcentral reservation median stripchemist drugstorechips French friescinema movie theater; the movies cling film plastic wrapcommon seal harbor sealconsumer durables durable goodscornflour cornstarchcos (lettuce)Romainecot cribcot death crib deathcotton bud cotton swabcotton wool absorbent cottoncouncil estate(housing) project courgette zucchinicourt card face cardcrash barrier guardrailcrisps chips; potato chips crocodile clip alligator clipcross-ply bias-plycrotchet (music)quarter notecurrent account checking accountdanger money hazard paydemister (in a car)defrosterdialling tone dial tonediamante rhinestonedouble cream heavy creamdraughts (game)checkersdrawing pin thumbtackdressing gown robe; bathrobedrink-driving drunk drivingdrinks cupboard liquor cabinetdrinks party cocktail partydriving licence driver’s license dual carriageway divided highway dummy (for a baby)pacifierdust sheet drop cloth dustbin garbage canearth (electrical)groundengaged (of a phone)busyestate agent real estate agent, realtor (trademark)estate car station wagonex-directory unlistedfaith school parochial school financial year fiscal yearfire brigade/service fire company/department first floor second floorfish finger fish stickfitted carpet wall-to-wall carpeting flannel washclothflat apartmentflexitime flextimeflick knife switchbladeflyover overpassfootball soccerfootway sidewalkfringe (hair)bangsfull board (in hotels)American planfull stop (punctuation)periodgarden yard; lawngearing (finance)leveragegear lever gearshiftBritish English American Englishgoods train freight traingreaseproof paper wax paper/waxed paper green fingers green thumbgrill (noun)broilergrill (verb)broilground floor first floorgroundsman groundskeeperhairslide barrettehatstand hatrackhen night bachelorette partyhire purchase installment planhoarding billboardhob stovetopholdall carryallholiday vacationholidaymaker vacationerhomely homeyhosepipe(garden) hosein hospital in the hospitalhot flush hot flashhousing estate housing development hundreds and thousands sprinkles (for ice cream) ice lolly Popsicle (trademark)icing sugar confectioners’ sugar indicator (on a car)turn signalinside leg inseamjelly babies jelly beansJoe Bloggs Joe BlowJoe Public John Q. Publicjumble sale rummage salejump lead jumper cablejumper sweaterjunior school elementary school kennel doghouseladybird ladybuga lettuce a head of lettuce level crossing grade crossinglift elevatorlolly Popsicle (trademark) lollipop lady (or man)crossing guardloo (toilet)johnloose cover slipcoverlorry truckloudhailer bullhornlow loader flatbed trucklucky dip grab bagluggage van baggage carmaize cornmangetout snow peamarket garden truck farm marshalling yard railroad yardmaths mathmetalled road paved roadmilometer odometerminim (music)half notemobile phone cell phonemonkey tricks monkeyshines motorway expressway; highway mum/mummy mom/mommynappy diaperneedlecord pinwalenewsreader newscasternoughts and crosses tic-tac-toenumber plate license plateoff-licence liquor store; package store opencast mining open-pit miningordinary share common stockoven glove oven mittpaddling pool wading poolparacetamol acetaminophenparting (in hair)partpatience solitairepavement sidewalkpay packet pay envelopepedestrian crossing crosswalkpeg clothespinpelmet valancepetrol gas; gasolinephysiotherapy physical therapypinafore dress jumperplain chocolate dark chocolateplain flour all-purpose flourpolo neck turtleneckpositive discrimination reverse discrimination postal vote absentee ballotpostbox mailboxpostcode zip codepotato crisp potato chippower point electrical outletpram baby carriage; stroller press stud snappress-up pushupprivate soldier GIpublic school private schoolpublic transport public transportationpunchbag punching bag pushchair strollerpylon utility pole quantity surveyor estimatorquaver (music)eighth note British English American English queue lineracing car race carrailway railroadreal tennis court tennis recorded delivery certified mail registration plate license plate remould (tyre)retreadreverse the charges call collect reversing lights back-up lights right-angled triangle right triangle ring road beltwayroom only European plan roundabout (at a fair)carousel roundabout (in road)traffic circle rowing boat rowboatsailing boat sailboatsaloon (car)sedansandpit sandboxsandwich cake layer cake sanitary towel sanitary napkin self-raising flour self-rising flour semibreve (music)whole note semitone (music)half stepshare option stock option shopping trolley shopping cart show house/home model homesilencer (on a car)mufflersilverside rump roastskeleton in the cupboard skeleton in the closet skimmed milk skim milkskipping rope jump ropeskirting board baseboardsledge sledsleeper railroad tiesleeping partner silent partner slowcoach slowpokesnakes and ladders chutes and ladders solicitor lawyersoya/soya bean soy/soybean splashback backsplashspring onion green onionstag night bachelor partyStanley knife utility knifestarter appetizerstate school public schoolstorm in a teacup tempest in a teapot surtitle supertitleswede rutabagasweet(s)candytakeaway (food)takeout; to gotaxi rank taxi standtea towel dish towelterrace house row housetick check markticket tout scalpertights pantyhosetimber lumbertitbit tidbittoffee apple candy appletouch wood knock on woodtrade union labor uniontrading estate industrial park trainers sneakerstram streetcar; cable car transport cafe truck stoptrolley shopping carttwelve-bore twelve-gaugeunalike unlikeunderground subwayvacuum flask thermos bottleverge (of a road)shouldervest undershirtveterinary surgeon veterinarianwagon (on a train)carwaistcoat vestwalking frame walkerwardrobe closetwater ice Italian ice weatherboard clapboardwhite coffee coffee with cream white spirit mineral spirits wholemeal bread wholewheat bread windcheater windbreaker windscreen windshieldwing (of a car)fenderworktop countertopYale lock cylinder lockzebra crossing crosswalkzed (letter Z)zeezip zipper。
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BBC 精选了50条,我们先看看前25条吧。
1. When people ask for something, I often hear: "Can I get a..." It infuriates me. It's not New York. It's not the 90s. You're not in Central Perk with the rest of the Friends. Really."1. 当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:"Can I get a...(我能要一个……)"这让我大为恼火。
这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Central Perk里演《老友记》啊,真是的!2. The next time someone tells you something is the "least worst option", tell them that their most best option is learning grammar.2. 下次要是有人跟你讲XXX是the "least worst option"(最好选择),你就告诉他们对于他们来说最最最好的选择是滚回去学语法。
3. The phrase I've watched seep into the language (especially with broadcasters) is "two-time" and "three-time". Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost? Grammatically it makes no sense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse rises every time I hear or see it. Which is not healthy as it's almost every day now. Argh!3. 我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是"two-time (两次)"和"three -time(三次)"。
我去!4. Using 24/7 rather than "24 hours, 7 days a week" or even just plain "all day, every day".4. 使用24/7来表达"全天候",而不是"24 hours, 7 days a week",或者就朴实地说"all day, every day"。
5. The one I can't stand is "deplane", meaning to disembark an aircraft, used in the phrase "you will be able to deplane momentarily".5. 我不能忍受的就是"deplane"这个词,意思就是下飞机,用法是这样的:"You will be able to deplane momentarily(您很快就能下飞机了)"。
6. To "wait on" instead of "wait for" when you're not a waiter - once reada friend's comment about being in a station waiting on a train. For him, the train had yet to arrive - I would have thought rather that it had got stuck at the station with the friend on board.6. 用"wait on"而不是"wait for",而且你还不是服务员。
有次我读了一段朋友就在车站等车(waiting on a train)发表的评论。
7. "It is what it is". Pity us.7. "It is what it is.(这就是事实。
)" 同情同情我们吧!8. Dare I even mention the fanny pack?8. 敢不敢提fanny pack(腰包)啊?9. "Touch base" - it makes me cringe no end.9. "Touch base(联系)"这让我不停地哆嗦。
10. Is "physicality" a real word?10. "Physicality(物质性)"真的是一个词吗?11. Transportation. What's wrong with transport?11. Transportation(交通工具)。
就不能用transport吗?12. The word I hate to hear is "leverage". Pronounced lev-er-ig rather than lee-ver-ig. It seems to pop up in all aspects of work. And its meaning seems to have changed to "value added".12. 我讨厌听到的词是"leverage"。
(leverage在美式英语中有"举债经营"的意思,英式英语用gearing表达此意)13. Does nobody celebrate a birthday anymore, must we all "turn" 12 or 21 or 40? Even the Duke of Edinburgh was universally described as "turning"90 last month. When did this begin? I quite like the phrase in itself, but it seems to have obliterated all other ways of speaking about birthdays.13. 难道没人庆祝生日(celebrate a birthday)了吗?我们一定都要"turn"12岁或者21岁或者40岁吗?连爱丁堡公爵过生日也统统说成上个月他"turning"90岁。
14. I caught myself saying "shopping cart" instead of shopping trolley today and was thoroughly disgusted with myself. I've never lived nor been to the US either.14. 我发现现在自己会说:"shopping cart(购物手推车)"而不是shopping trolley ,我非常讨厌这一点。
15. What kind of word is "gotten"? It makes me shudder.15."Gotten(get的过去分词,美式用法)"到底是个什么词?它总是让我不寒而栗。
16. "I'm good" for "I'm well". That'll do for a start.16. 用"I'm good(我很好)"替代"I'm well"。
17. "Bangs" for a fringe of the hair.17. 用"bangs"表示刘海。
18. Take-out rather than takeaway!18. 说take-out(外卖)而不是takeaway!19. I enjoy Americanisms. I suspect even some Americans use them in a tongue-in-cheek manner? "That statement was the height of ridiculosity".19. 我喜欢美式英语。
"20. "A half hour" instead of "half an hour".20. 说"a half hour(半小时)"而不是"half an hour"。
21. A "heads up". For example, as in a business meeting. Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. I have never been sure of the meaning.22. A "heads up(提醒)"。