2021~2022学年上学期白山市高一期末数学试题一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出地四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求地.1. 已知集合{}1,2A =,(){}20|B x x x =-=,则A B ⋃=( )A {}0,1 B. {}2 C. {}0,2 D. {}0,1,2【结果】D 【思路】【思路】解一圆二次方程求集合B ,再由集合地并运算求A B .【详解】由(){}{}200,2B x x x =-==,所以{}0,1,2A B = .故选:D.2.函数()ln 4y x =+-地定义域为( )A. ()4,7B. (]4,7 C. (],7-∞ D. ()4,+∞【结果】B 【思路】【思路】由根式,对数地性质可得7040x x -≥⎧⎨->⎩,即可得定义域.【详解】由题设,7040x x -≥⎧⎨->⎩,解得:47x <≤,故函数定义域为(]4,7.故选:B.3. 已知扇形地面积为9,半径为3,则扇形地圆心角(正角)地弧度数为( )A. 1 B.π3C. 2D.2π3【结果】C 【思路】【思路】利用扇形面积公式即可求解..【详解】设扇形地圆心角地弧度数为()0αα>,由题意得21392α⋅=,得2α=.故选:C.4. “()π2π6k k α=-+∈Z ”是“1sin 2α=-”地( )A. 充分不必要款件B. 必要不充分款件C. 充要款件D. 既不充分也不必要款件【结果】A 【思路】【思路】由()π2π6k k α=-+∈Z 可以得到1sin 2α=-,却反向推导不成立,故可以得到结果.【详解】由()π2π6k k α=-+∈Z 可以得到1sin 2α=-,却由1sin 2α=-,得π2π6k α=-+或()5π2π6k k α=-+∈Z .故选:A.5. 函数()3cos 12f x x x =在[]22-,上地图象大约为( )A. B.C. D.【结果】D 【思路】【思路】应用排除法,结合函数地奇偶性及π02f ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭即可确定函数大约图象.【详解】由()()3311()|cos()||cos |22f x x x x x f x -=--=-=-知:()f x 是奇函数,排除B ,C.由π02f ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭,排除A.故选:D.6. 已知4cos 85πα⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,则sin 24πα⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭( )A. 725-B.725C. 1625-D.1625【结果】B 【思路】【思路】化简sin 2sin[(2)]424πππαα⎛⎫+=-- ⎪⎝⎭即得解.【详解】解:由题得2167sin 2sin[(2)]cos(2)=2cos ()121424482525πππππαααα⎛⎫+=--=---=⨯-= ⎪⎝⎭.故选:B7. 要得到函数πsin 36y x ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭地图象,只需要将函数cos3y x =地图象( )A. 向右平移2π3个单位 B. 向左平移2π3个单位C. 向右平移2π9个单位 D. 向左平移2π9个单位【结果】C 【思路】【思路】依据图象平移前后地函数思路式,结合诱导公式,写出平移过程即可【详解】将πcos3sin 32y x x ⎛⎫==+ ⎪⎝⎭向右平移2π9个单位得到2sin[3()sin 3926y x x πππ⎛⎫=-+=- ⎪⎝⎭.故选:C.8. 假设某地初始物价为1,其物价每年以5%地增长率递增,当该地物价不低于1.5时,至少需要经过地年数为( )(参考数据:取1g 20.3=,lg 30.48=,lg 21 1.32=)A. 8 B. 9C. 10D. 11【结果】B【思路】【思路】应用指数函数表示x 年后该地物价,可得指数不等式213202x⎛⎫≥ ⎪⎝⎭,结合指对数地关系及对数地运算性质求解即可.【详解】经过x 年后该地物价为2120x⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,∴由题意得:213202x⎛⎫≥ ⎪⎝⎭,得21203log 2x ≥,而21203lg3lg 2lg3lg 2log 92lg 21lg 20lg 21lg 21--===---,∴9x ≥,故至少需要经过地年数为9.故选:B.二、多选题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出地选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对地得5分,部分选对地得2分,有选错地得0分.9. 已知函数()log 412a y x =--(0a >且1a ≠)地图象过定点P ,且角θ地终边经过P ,则( )A. ()4,12P - B. 12sin 13θ=-C. 5cos 13θ=- D. π7tan 417θ⎛⎫+=- ⎪⎝⎭【结果】BD 【思路】【思路】先依据对数函数地性质求出定点P ,再依据三角函数地定义及两角和地正切公式计算即可【详解】令41x -=,得5x =,进而12y =-()5,12P ∴-,则12sin 13θ=-,5cos 13θ=,5t n 1a 2θ-=,12πtan 151217tan 41tan 1715θθθ+⎛⎫+===- ⎪-+-+⎝⎭.故选:BD.10. 若函数()e xf x =,则下面函数为偶函数地是( )A ()()y f x f x =-- B. ()1y fx =+.C. ()cos y f x =D. ()()y f x f x =+-【结果】BCD 【思路】【思路】利用函数奇偶性地定义判断各选项函数地奇偶性即可.【详解】(()()()e e )x x g x f x f x g x -=----==-,故()()y f x f x =--是奇函数,A 错误.()()1(||)1()g x f f x g x x --=+=+=,故()1y f x =+是偶函数,B 正确.()()cos()(cos )()g x g f f x x x ==-=-,故()cos y f x =是偶函数,C 正确.()()()()g x f x f x g x -=-+=,故()()y f x f x =+-是偶函数,D 正确.故选:BCD.11. 函数()()sin f x A x ωϕ=+(0>ω,πϕ<)地部分图象如图所示,则( )A. 2ω=B. 3πϕ=-C. ()f x 地单调递减区间为52,12]212[k k ππππ+-+(k Z ∈)D. ()f x 图象地对称轴方程为122k x ππ=-+(k Z ∈)【结果】AD 【思路】【思路】由图知2A =且33π44T =求ω,依据五点法求参数ϕ,即可得()f x 地思路式,再由正弦型函数地性质求递减区间,对称轴方程,即可判断各选项地正误.【详解】由图可得:2A =且311341264T πππ=-=,∴T π=,则22Tπω==,A 正确.由112si 11126n 2f πϕπ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎛⎫=⎪⎭⎝⎭,则115262k ππϕπ+=+(k Z ∈),得223k πϕπ=+(k Z ∈),即23ϕπ=,B 错误.综上,有()22sin 23f x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,由23222232k x k πππππ+≤+≤+,(k Z ∈),得51212k x k ππππ-+≤≤+(k Z ∈),C 错误.由2232x k πππ+=+(k Z ∈),得122k x ππ=-+(k Z ∈),D 正确.故选:AD.12. 设函数()24,12,1x x x x f x a x ⎧-+>=⎨+≤⎩,则( )A. 当1a =时,()f x 地值域为(,4]-∞B. 当()f x 地单调递增区间为(,2]-∞时,1a ≤C. 当13a ≤≤时,函数()()3g x f x =-有2个零点D. 当3a =时,有关x 地方程()72f x =有3个实数解【结果】ABD 【思路】【思路】对A ,先求出函数在每一段地范围,进而求出函数地值域。
1. — Mike didn’t do well in his maths exam.— ______? He has been working so hard on it.A. How comeB. So whatC. What forD. Why not 【答案】A【解析】考查情景交际。
A. How come怎么会呢;B. So what那又怎样;C. What for为了什么;D. Why not 为什么不呢。
根据上下句句意可知,此处为短语How come表示“怎么会呢”,是惊讶的表现,满足句意要求。
2. Every school into the competition will have a chance to win $2,000 ______ of computing equipment.A. priceB. worthC. valueD. cost 【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。
A. price价格;B. worth值……钱;C. value价值;D. cost花费。
3. The website provides local reports. ______, visitors can download pictures of the city.A. In additionB. As usualC. According toD. In addition to【答案】A【解析】考查介词短语辨析。
《有机化学期末试题》 (1)
《有机化学期末试题》一、单项选择题(共100题,每题1分)1.氯仿的分子式为() [单选题] *A.CHCl3(正确答案)l4C.CH3ClD.CH2Cl22.下列不属于有机化合物的是() [单选题] *A.CO2(正确答案)B.CHCl3C.CH4D.CH3CH2OH3.有机化合物结构理论的基本原则:碳原子为() [单选题] *A.一价B.二价C.三价D.四价(正确答案)4.将乙炔通入硝酸银的氨溶液中产生的沉淀颜色为() [单选题] *A.灰色B.白色(正确答案)C.红色D.黑色5.不对称烯烃与卤化烃的加成反应应遵循() [单选题] *A.反马氏规则B.马氏规则(正确答案)C.扎依采夫规则D.次序规则6.丙烯和溴化氢反应的类型为() [单选题] *A.取代反应B.加成反应(正确答案)C.氧化反应D.聚合反应7.醇.酚.醚属于烃的() [单选题] *A.同位素B.同分异构体C.同系物D.含氧衍生物(正确答案)8.请选择鉴别双键的化学试剂() [单选题] *A.三氯化铁B.高锰酸钾(正确答案)C.异羟肟酸铁D.碳酸氢钠9.“来苏尔”常用于医疗器械和环境消毒,其主要成分是() [单选题] *A.乙烷B.甲酚(正确答案)C.苯酚D.甲醇10.丙三醇的俗称是() [单选题] *A.甘油(正确答案)B.乙醇C.肌醇D.木醇11.下列物质中,属于炔烃的是() [单选题] *A.C6H6B.C2H4C.C2H6D.C2H2(正确答案)12.有机化合物种类繁多的主要原因是() [单选题] *A.有机化合物含有多种元素B.自然界存在大量的有机化合物C.有机化合物有多种官能D.有机化合物普遍存在同分异构现象(正确答案)13.临床上作外用消毒剂的酒精浓度为() [单选题] *A.25%B.50%C.75%(正确答案)D.95%14.可用来区别简单伯醇、仲醇与叔醇的试剂是() [单选题] *A.溴水B.三氯化铁C.卢卡斯试剂(正确答案)D.新配制的氢氧化铜15.生物标本防腐剂福尔马林的成分是() [单选题] *A.40%甲醛水溶液(正确答案)B.40%甲酸水溶液C.40%乙醛水溶液D.40%丙酮水溶液16.乙醇的俗称为() [单选题] *A.木醇B.酒精(正确答案)C.木精D.甘油17.临床上把少量的苯甲醇注射剂称为“无痛水”是因为苯甲醇具有() [单选题] *A.防腐作用B.麻醉作用(正确答案)C.氧化作用D.还原反应18.阿司匹林又名() [单选题] *A.青霉素B.乙酰水杨酸(正确答案)C.扑热息痛D.磺胺类19.苯甲酸俗称() [单选题] *A.醋酸B.蚁酸C.安息香酸(正确答案)D.草酸20.烯烃的通式是() [单选题] *H2n+2(n>1)H2n(n≥2)(正确答案)H2n-2(n≥2)H2n-6(n≥6)21.下列物质中属于有机化合物的是() [单选题] *A.C2H4(正确答案)B.CO2C.H2CO3D.NaHCO322.碳原子位于元素周期表第几号元素() [单选题] *A.4B.5C.6(正确答案)D.723.下列官能团中表示羟基的是() [单选题] *A.—OH(正确答案)B.—COOHC.—CHOD.—NH224.下列官能团中表示羧基的是() [单选题] *A.—OHB.—COOH(正确答案)C.—CHOD.—NH225.蚁酸是指() [单选题] *A.甲酸(正确答案)B.乙酸C.乙醇D.乙醛26.醋酸是指() [单选题] *A.甲酸B.乙酸(正确答案)C.乙醇D.乙醛27.烯烃中含有的官能团() [单选题] *A.碳碳双键(正确答案)B.—COORC.—CHO28.炔烃中含有的官能团() [单选题] *A.碳碳叁键(正确答案)B.—COORC.—CHOD.—NH229.烷烃的分子通式() [单选题] *H2n+2(正确答案)H2nH2n-2Hn30.下列化合物中代表烷烃的是() [单选题] *A.CH4(正确答案)B.C2H2C.C3H6D.C6H631.下列取代基中代表甲基的是() [单选题] *A.—CH3(正确答案)B.—C2H5C.—OCH3D.—C6H532.烯烃和高锰酸钾的反应现象是() [单选题] *A.褪色(正确答案)C.紫色D.黄色33.末端炔烃和硝酸银氨溶液的反应现象是() [单选题] *A.褪色B.白色(正确答案)C.紫色D.黄色34.苯酚和三氯化铁的反应现象是() [单选题] *A.褪色B.白色C.紫色(正确答案)D.黄色35.不对称烯烃和不对称试剂反应遵循什么规则() [单选题] *A.马氏规则(正确答案)B.反马氏规则C.次序规则D.扎依采夫规则36.乙二酸的俗称是() [单选题] *A.石炭酸B.甘油C.生石灰D.草酸(正确答案)37.烷烃所具有的化学性质是() [单选题] *A.卤代反应(正确答案)B.加成反应C.消除反应D.银镜反应38.烯烃所具有的化学性质是() [单选题] *A.卤代反应B.加成反应(正确答案)C.消除反应D.银镜反应39.甲烷的空间构型是() [单选题] *A.正四面体(正确答案)B.四边形C.平行四边形D.直线型40.下列代表硝基化合物的是() [单选题] *A.—NO2(正确答案)B.—SO3HC.—XD.—SH241.下列代表卤素的是() [单选题] *A.—NO2B.—SO3HC.—X(正确答案)D.—SH242.同分异构是指() [单选题] *A.同一类化合物B.同种物质C.分子式相同,结构式不同(正确答案)D.分子通式相同43.苯环中含有()个π键 [单选题] *A.1B.2C.3(正确答案)D.444.下列不属于稠环芳烃的是() [单选题] *A.萘B.蒽C.菲D.苯(正确答案)45.下列属于芳香族化合物的是() [单选题] *A.乙烷B.苯环(正确答案)C.环丙烷D.呋喃46.下列属于羧酸类化合物的是() [单选题] *A.醋酸(正确答案)B.甘油C.酒精D.氯仿47.乙烯与溴化氢发生的反应类型属于() [单选题] *A.加成反应(正确答案)B.取代反应C.消除反应D.氧化反应48.甲烷与卤素在光照条件下发生的反应类型属于() [单选题] *A.加成反应B.取代反应(正确答案)C.消除反应D.氧化反应49.四氯化碳是指() [单选题] *A.CH3ClB.CH2Cl2C.CHCl3l4(正确答案)50.羧酸有() [单选题] *A.弱酸性(正确答案)B.强酸性C.弱碱性51、下列关于有机化合物特性的叙述不正确的是() [单选题] * A.多数可燃烧B.一般易溶于水(正确答案)C.多数稳定性差D.多数反应速率缓慢52、下列物质中属于有机化合物的是() [单选题] *A. C2 H4(正确答案)B. CO2C. H2 CO3D. NaHCO353、乙醇的俗称为() [单选题] *A. 木醇B. 酒精(正确答案)C.木精D. 甘油54、下列物质中,属于一元脂肪醛的是() [单选题] *A. CH3 CHO(正确答案)B.CH3 COCH3C. C6 H5 –CHOD. OHC-CHO55、下列物质中,在常温下是气体的是() [单选题] *A. 甲醛(正确答案)C. 乙醛D. 丙醛56、下列物质中,酸性最强的是() [单选题] *A .碳酸B. 苯酚C. 乙醇D.乙酸(正确答案)57、下列关于酰胺的性质正确的是() [单选题] *A.酰胺只能在酸性条件下水解B.酰胺显酸性C.酰胺能与亚硝酸作用生成氮气(正确答案)D.酰胺只能在碱性条件下水解58、直链淀粉遇碘显() [单选题] *A.红棕色B.褐色C.蓝色(正确答案)D.黄色59、临床上用于检验糖尿病患者尿液中葡萄糖含量的试剂是() [单选题] *A.托伦试剂B.Cu2OC.班氏试剂(正确答案)D.CuO60、构成蛋白质的氨基酸中,人体必需氨基酸有() [单选题] *A.6种B.7种C.8种(正确答案)D.9种61、下列物质属于芳香烃的是() [单选题] *CH3 NHCH3B.CH3CH2NH2C.CH3CH2OHD.(正确答案)62、化合物HCOOC2H5的名称是() [单选题] *A. 丙醛B. 丙酸C. 甲酸乙酯(正确答案)D.乙酸甲酯63、下列物质中,广泛用于焊接金属材料的物质是() [单选题] *A.丙烯B.丁炔C.乙炔(正确答案)D.1-丁炔64、能区分芳香醛和脂肪醛的试剂是() [单选题] *A.托伦试剂B.斐林试剂(正确答案)C.希夫试剂D.高锰酸钾65、能与溴水反应产生白色沉淀() [单选题] *A.苯B.乙烯C.乙醇D.苯酚(正确答案)66.对映异构是一种极为重要的异构现象,他与物质的()有关 [单选题] *A.化学性质B.物理性质C.旋光性(正确答案)D.可燃性67、青霉素属于()的衍生物。
选择题1. 在298K 时,某弱电解质溶液的浓度从0.011kg mol -⋅增加到0.11kg mol -⋅,其电导率和摩尔电导率的变化为 2(1)κ减少,m Λ增加 (2)κ增加,m Λ减少(3)κ减少,m Λ减少 (4)κ增加,m Λ增加2. 在298K 下,以下电解质溶液的浓度相同时,离子的平均活度系数最大的是: 2(1)MgSO 4 (2)NaCl (3)MgCl 2 (4)Na 3PO 43. 已知某反应在通常条件下(298K,101.325kPa )进行时,1οm r m ol kJ 191.237-⋅-=∆G ,1οm r m ol kJ 84.285-⋅-=∆H 。
若使该反应在可逆电池中进行时(假定z=2),则 3(1) V 4597.2,m ol kJ 649.48ο1r =⋅=-E Q(2) 无法确定ο1r ,m ol kJ 649.48E Q -⋅=3) 1οr 48.649kJ mol ,Q E -=-⋅=-οm r G ∆/zF(4) V 4597.2,m ol kJ 649.48ο1r -=⋅=-E Q4. 关于电极电势,下列说法中正确的是: 1(1)还原电极电势越高,该电极氧化态物质得到电子的能力越强(2)电极电势是指电极与溶液之间的界面电位差,它可由实验测出(3)电极电势只与电极材料有关,与温度无关(4)电极电势就是标准电极电势5. 当发生极化现象时,两电极的电极电势将发生怎样的变化? 1(1)阳极变得更正,阴极变得更负(2)阳极变得更负,阴极变得更正(3)两者都变得更正(4)两者都变得更负6. 关于物理吸附的下列描述中,哪一条是不正确的? 4(1) 吸附力来源于范德华力,其吸附一般不具有选择性(2) 吸附层可以是单分子层或多分子层(3) 吸附焓小(4) 吸附速率小7. 在蒸馏实验中,常在液体中投入一些沸石或一端封口的毛细管等多孔性物质,这样做是为了破坏哪一个亚稳状态? 3(1)过饱和溶液 (2)过冷液体(3)过热液体 (4)过饱和蒸气8. 某同位素蜕变的半衰期为12h ,则36h 后,它的浓度为起始浓度的 2(1)1/16 (2)1/8 (3)1/4 (4)1/29. 有关气体反应碰撞理论的描述中,哪一个是错误的? 4(1)气体分子必须经过碰撞才能发生反应(2)碰撞必须达到某临界能才能发生反应(3)反应速率与碰撞频率成正比(4)临界能越大,反应速率越大10. 已知某对行反应的反应焓为-150k J ·mol -1,则该正反应的活化能为: 3(1)等于150k J ·mol -1 (2)低于150k J ·mol -1(3)高于150k J ·mol -1 (4)无法确定填空题1.摩尔电导率是指____________________________________时的溶液的电导,常用于测定溶液电导的装置为______________。
地理七年级第一学期人教版(新课标)上册期末测试题(含答案)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13答案题号14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25答案一、选择题(每空2分,共50分)1.本初子午线是()A.东、西半球的分界线B. 南、北半球的分界线B.东、西经度的分界线 D. 南、北纬度的分界线2.读“经纬网图”,判断下列说法正确的是()A. ①②③三点都在西半球B. ①点位于高纬度地区C.②点所在的纬线最长D. ③点所在的经线最长3.毛泽东在《七律二首·送瘟神》中写道“坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河”,“坐地日行八万里”蕴含着的地理知识是()A. 地球公转的速度B. 地球赤道的周长C. 地球的表面积D. 地球的平均半径4.唐诗“白日依山尽,黄河入海流。
”所蕴含的地理知识是()①地球的自转②黄河是外流河③地球的形状④地球的公转A. ①②③B. ②③C. ①②D. ①②③④用手电筒的光线模拟太阳光照,演示地球运动及产生的地理现象,读图,完成5-6题。
5. 此图大致是哪个节气的地球日照图()A. 春分B. 夏至C. 秋分D. 冬至6. 此时,如果家住泉州的小明,想去悉尼旅游,应该带上()A. T恤B. 棉袄C. 羽绒衣D. 长袖衬衣7. 地球公转至春分点时太阳直射在()A. 北回归线上B. 南回归线上C. 北极圈上D. 赤道上8. 地图的基本要素包括比例尺、图例和( )A.信息B. 方向C. 大小D. 材料9. 某行政村东西长2千米,南北宽1千米,主干道从南向北通过,河流自东南向西北流过。
与上述信息相符的是下图中的()A.甲B. 乙C. 丙D. 丁下图为我国东南丘陵某地等高线图。
10. 乙处果树林位于()A. 山谷B. 山脊C. 山峰D. 陡崖11. 图中的耕地分布在()A. 高原地区B. 丘陵地区C. 山地地区D. 平原地区12. 陆地表面地形多种多样,不仅有山地、高原、平原,还有盆地和丘陵。
七年级《科学》下册期末试题(1)含答题卷和答案七年级《科学》下册期末试题(⼀)⼀、选择题1、下列有关地球上淡⽔的叙述中,正确的是()A.⼈类⽬前⽐较容易利⽤冰川⽔和海洋⽔B.地球上淡⽔取之不尽,⽤之不竭C.⼈类能利⽤的淡⽔仅占地球淡⽔资源的0.3%D. 地球的淡⽔资源占地球总⽔量的71%2、下列不属于溶液的是:()A.⽯灰⽔B.纯⽔ C.氢氧化钠溶液 D.紫⾊⽯蕊试液3、由于地球离太阳很远,⼜⽐太阳⼩,所以照射到地球表⾯的太阳辐射⼏乎是()A.会聚的B.平⾏的C.交叉的D.发散的4、夏天从冰箱中拿出⼀瓶饮料,放在空⽓中,外壁会潮湿,这说明空⽓中含有()A.⼆氧化硫 B.稀有⽓体 C.⼆氧化碳 D.⽔蒸⽓5、⾸次通过实验得出空⽓是由氧⽓和氮⽓组成的结论的科学家是()A.⽜顿B. 拉⽡锡C. 普利斯特⾥D.舍勒6、能够⾃⾏发光的物体叫做光源。
下列物体属于光源的是()A.皎洁的⽉亮B.炫⽬的⽩炽灯C.晶莹剔透的⽔滴D.绚丽的彩虹7、下列溶液中哪个不是⽤⽔作溶剂?()A. ⾷盐溶液B.可乐C. 糖⽔D. 碘酒8、⼩红到超市买了⼀瓶矿泉⽔,喝了⼏⼝之后,与原来相⽐,瓶内矿泉⽔不变的是()A.质量 B.体积 C.重⼒ D.密度9、下列实验操作中,不正确的是()10、下列物质在氧⽓中燃烧,能产⽣明亮的蓝紫⾊⽕焰,同时产⽣有刺激性⽓体的是()A. ⽊炭B. 铁丝C. 红磷D. 硫粉11、⽤灯帽盖灭酒精灯的原理是()A. 移⾛可燃物B. 隔绝空⽓C. 防⽌酒精挥发D. 降低酒精着⽕点12、下列变化中,不属于缓慢氧化的是()A. ⽜奶变酸B. 钢铁⽣锈C. 铁丝在氧⽓中燃烧D. 农家肥料腐熟13、⼩明在纸叠的⼩船中加⼊适量的⽔,⽤酒精灯直接加热,纸船安然⽆恙。
纸船没有燃烧的主要原因是()A. 纸不是可燃物B. 没有达到着⽕点C. 没有与氧⽓接触D. ⽔能灭⽕14、⼤千世界,五光⼗⾊,关于光,下列说法错误的是()A.太阳光是由多种⾊光组成的 B.可通过三棱镜使太阳光发⽣⾊散C.⿊⾊物体容易吸收太阳热辐射 D.⽩光是单⾊光15、少先队员们正在湖边进⾏篝⽕晚会以庆贺⾃⼰的节⽇,在⼀⽚银⽩⾊的⽉光照耀下,燃起了⼀堆篝⽕。
5、每一个宝宝在自己家的户口本上都有一个属于 自己的身份证号码。某一个小宝宝的号码是 360103201102012712,这个小宝宝出生于( 2011 ) 年( 2 )月( 1 )日,性别是( 男 )。 6、小军有一本连环画,共a页,他每天看h页,看 了3天,还剩( a-3h )页;如果a=100,h=25,那么剩下 ( 25 )页。 7、一个长方形的周长是32米,已知长是宽的3倍, 这个长方形的面积是( 48平方米 )。 9、有5张卡片分别写着5、6、7、8、9,其中6是幸 运号。方方任意抽走一张,她抽到6的可能性是 ( ),抽到大于6的可能性是( )。
一、 填空。(每空1分,共25分) 1. 7.8×5表示( ), 4.6×0.25表示( )。 2. 8.7×2.56的积有( )小数,0.325×0.8的积有 ( )位小数。 3. 4.248248……是( )小数,循环节是( ) ,保留两位小数是( ) 4. 一个两位数,如果用“四舍五入”法把它精确到 0.1,它的近似值是7.0,那么这个两位数最大是 ( ),最小是( )。
三、认真审题,慎重选择。(将正确答案的序号填 入括号内)(4分) 1、下图是由五个相同的正方形拼成的,这两个三 角形(用实线表示)的面积关系是( )。
①相等 ②左边的在于右边 ③左边的小于右边
2、两个( )的三角形可以拼成一个平行四边形。 ①形状相同 ②面积相同 ③完全一样 3、x与y的和除4,列式是( ) ①x+y÷4 ②4÷(x+y) ③x+4÷y 4、下面各题与2.6×6.8的结果相等的算式是( ) ①260×0.68 ②0.26×68 ③26×6.8 四、认真读题,耐心计算。(25分) 1、用竖式计算。(9分) 7.02×1.3 29.83÷9.5 0.54÷3.6 2、计算下面各题。(能简算的要简算)(16分) 38×7.3+27×3.8 32×1.25×0.25 4.5×(10.5-12.06÷1.5) 38.75- (24.5+8.75)
苏科版数学七年级上学期期末测试题 (1)含答案
苏科版数学 七年级上学期 期末测试题一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题所给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项的字母代号填涂在答题卡相应位置.......上) 1. 下列各数中,在-2和0之间的数是A .-1B .1C .-3D .32. 下列判断中正确的是A .3a 2bc 与bca 2不是同类项B .52nm 不是整式C .单项式-x 3y 2的系数是-1D .3x 2-y +5xy 2是二次三项式3. 已知x =y ,则下面变形错误的是A .x +a =y +aB .x -a =y -aC .2x =2yD .x y a a= 4.计算()115555⎛⎫-⨯÷-⨯ ⎪⎝⎭结果正确的是 A .25B .-25C .-1D .15. 已知∠AOB =3∠BOC ,若∠BOC =30o ,则∠AOC 等于A .120°B . 120°或60°C .30°D .30°或90° 6. 如图,是一个几何体从正面、左面、上面看得到的平面图形,下列说法错误的是A .这是一个棱锥B .这个几何体有4个面C .这个几何体有5个顶点D .这个几何体有8条棱 7. 下列叙述不正确的是A .若点C 在线段BA 的延长线上,则BA =AC -BCB .在平面内,两点之间,线段最短C .若点C 在线段AB 上,则AB =AC +BCD .若A 、B 、C 三点在同一条直线上,则AB ≤AC +BC 8. 对于任意有理数a ,下面给出四个结论: (1)方程ax =0的解是x =0; (2)方程ax =a 的解是x =1; (3)方程ax =1的解是x =1a;(4)方程a x =a 的解是x =±1;其中,正确的结论的个数为 A .3B .2C .1D .(第6题)9. 在古代生活中,有很多时候也要用到不少的数学知识,比如有这样一道题:隔墙听得客分银,不知人数不知银.七两分之多四两,九两分之少半斤.(注:古秤十六两为一斤)请同学们想想有几人,几两银? A .六人,四十四两银B .五人,三十九两银C .六人,四十六两银D .五人,三十七两银10.如果一个多项式的各项的次数都相同,则称该多项式为齐次多项式.例如:x 3+2xy 2+2xyz +y 3是3次齐次多项式.若x m +2y 2+3xy 3z 2是齐次多项式,则m 等于 A .1B .2C .3D .4二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答.题.纸.相应位置....上) 11.数轴上与表示-3的点相距4个单位长度的点表示的数是 ▲ . 12.计算72°34′÷2+18°33′×4= ▲ .13.在等式15的两个方格内分别填入一个数,使得这两个数互为相反数且等式成立.则第一个方格内的数是 ▲ .14.已知一个多项式与-2x 2-3x 的和等于-2x 2+4x -1,则这个多项式是 ▲ . 15.方程432-=+x m x 与方程6)16(21-=-x 的解相同,则m 的值为 ▲ . 16.使(ax 2-2xy +y 2)-(-x 2+bxy +2y 2)=5x 2-9xy +cy 2成立的a +b +c = ▲ . 17.若一个角的补角等于它的余角4倍,则这个角的度数是 ▲ .18.一列数:1,-3,9,-27,81,-243,…,其中某三个相邻数的和是-1701,则这三个数中最大的数是 ▲ .三、解答题(本大题共10小题,共96分.请在答题..纸.指定区域....内作答,解答时应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 19.(本小题满分10分) (1)10×(-1)-12÷(-6)(2)()2431(10.5)444⎛⎫⎡⎤---÷-⨯-- ⎪⎣⎦⎝⎭20.(本小题满分10分)(1)4-4(x -3)=2(9-x );(2)21123x x ---=.21.(本小题满分8分)求12x-2(x-13y2)+(-32x+13y2)的值,其中x=-2,y=23.22.(本小题满分10分)新学期,两摞规格相同的数学课本整齐的叠放在讲台上,请根据图中所给出的数据信息,解答下列问题:(1)每本书的高度为▲ cm,课桌的高度为▲ cm;(2)当课本数为x(本)时,请写出同样叠放在桌面上的一摞数学课本高出地面的距离▲ (用含x的代数式表示);(3)桌面上有55本与题(1)中相同的数学课本,整齐叠放成一摞,若有18名同学各从中取走123.(本小题满分9分)如图,已知四点A、B、C、D,按照下列语句画出图形:(1)画线段AB;(2)画线段BD,作线段BD的延长线;(3)线段AC和线段DB相交于点O;(4)反向延长线段BC.A B DC24.(本小题满分8分)整理一批图书,如果由一个人单独做要花60小时。
15.该模拟实验可以用来解释地球同纬度地带( )
16.下图中甲为陆地,乙为海洋,且两点位于同一纬度。请同学们利用该实验的结论,判断此图应为( )
活动二 在春分、夏至、秋分、冬至四个节气日的正午时刻,测量竹竿的影子长度,并做好记录,探究一年中正午影子长度的变化规律。
观测结果 下面是同学们活动观测记录的数据和所绘示意图:左图为冬至日一天中影子长度的变化示意图,右图为晋中市二分二至日正午太阳高度与影子长度的示意图,下表为四个节气正午时刻影子长度统计表。
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共60分)
项目背景 新学年,晋中市初中校开展了指向核心素养的项目式学习。绘制环境地图是地理项目式学习的一种有效方式。在选主题时,某县五座新建人行天桥使用率较低的问题引起了第三中学同学们的关注。同学们分小组就这一问题展开了实地调查,以期能够发现天桥使用率低的原因,并提出一些合理的改进建议。
7.判断北京当天的天气状况( )
8.当天天安门广场红旗的飘扬方向为( )
2021-2022学年度上学期泉州市高中教学质量监测高一数学一,选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出地四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求地.1. 如图所示,已知全集U =R ,集合{1,3,5,7},{4,5,6,7,8}==A B ,则图中阴影部分表示地集合为( )A. {1,3}B. {5,7}C. {1,3,5}D. {1,3,7}【结果】A【思路】【思路】依据文氏图表示地集合求得正确结果.【详解】文氏图表示集合为()U A B ∩ð,所以(){}1,3U A B = ð.故选:A2.函数3()=-f x x 地零点所在地区间为( )A. (0,1)B. (1,2)C. (2,3)D. (3,4)【结果】C【思路】【思路】思路函数()f x 地单调性,再利用零点存在性定理判断作答.【详解】函数3()=-f x x 地定义域为(0,)+∞,且()f x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增,而3(2)02f =-<,(3)10f =>,所以函数()f x 地零点所在地区间为(2,3).故选:C3. 函数2()22x x x f x -=+地图象大约是()的A. B.C. D.【结果】D【思路】【思路】依据函数地奇偶性排除AC 选项,特殊值检验排除排除B 选项,进而可求出结果.【详解】由于函数2()22x x x f x -=+地定义域为R ,且()()22()2222x x x x x x f x f x ----===++,所以()f x 为偶函数,故排除AC 选项。
5525800(5)221025f -==+,4416256(4)22257f -==+,由于()(5)4f f <,因此()f x 在()0,∞+上不是单调递增,故排除B 选项,故选:D.4. 将整体一分为二,较大部分与整体部分地比值等于较小部分与较大部分地比值,这样地分割被称为黄金分割,黄金分割蕴藏着丰富地数学知识和美学价值,被广泛运用于艺术创作,工艺设计等领域.黄金分制地比,该值恰好等于2sin18︒,则cos36︒=( )A. 2-B.C.D. 【结果】C【思路】【思路】依据余弦二倍角公式即可计算求值.【详解】∵2sin18︒,∴sin18︒∴22cos3612sin 1812=-=-⨯=.故选:C.5. 下面命题中正确地是()A. 若ac bc >,则a b> B. 若22a b >,则a b >C. >则a b > D. 若11a b<,则a b >【结果】C【思路】【思路】利用不等式性质逐一判断即可.【详解】选项A 中,若ac bc >,0c >,则a b >,若ac bc >,0c <,则a b <,故错误。
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徐州市2008-----2009 学年度第二学期期末考试高一英语试卷听力(略)第二部分;英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节:单选21 According to ____report I have just read ,the building was completed in____ September of1950A the theB / theC a /D the /22__ listen ! there is someone at the door . who _____it be ?---It ____be Gorge . he said he would comeA may canB should mustC can mustD might should23 Was it at the village_____he often talked of ____he spent his summer vocation ?A where thatB which thatC that whereD which where24 when I sat down on the chair , I found a message on the table ____ “I will call you later ”A readB it readsC to readD reading25 ---The room is dirty----Since we seldom use it , it ____for weeksA hasn’t cleanedB didn’t cleanC wasn’t cleanedD hasn’t been cleaned26 he said he would come to the party . But he hasn’t ____by nowA turned upB turned downC turned inD turned to27 ---What’s that terrible noise ?----the neighbors ____playing tennisA have practicedB are practisingC practiceD will practise28 “watch out ___the dog !’’mother shouted , ____to the coming dogA at pointedB for pointedC for pointingD at pointing29 I found myself ___in the magazine , for it is intended to appeal ___middle school studentsA interested atB interesting toC interested toD interesting at30 whenever you are to walk on the ice ,_____that is solid and safe enoughA exmineB checkC tryD make31 Bob _____to New York before . He seems to know everything about the placeA can have beenB should have beenC might Have beenD must have been32 ---Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game ?-----Oh ,that’s ____A what makes me feel excitedB whatever I feel excited aboutC how I feel about itD when I feel excited33 ____the day went on ,the weather got worseA WithB whileC SinceD As34 As ___-known to us all , the Olympic Games in the year 2012 ___-in an important countryA is is to holdB is are to be heldC is are to holdD was is to be held35 ----why don’t we take a little break ?----Didn’t we just have _____?第二节:完型填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)I climbed the stairs slowly , carrying a big suitcase , my father following with two more . By the time I got to the third floor , Dad missed a _36__and fell , sending my new suitcases rollingdown the stairs . “Dammn ! he screamed , his face turning red . I knew ___was ahead . whenever Dad’s face turns red , look out !How could I ever get him to finish unloading the car _____shouting at me and making a scenein in front of the other girls , girls I have to spend the ____of the year with ? Doors were opening and faces peering out , as Dad walked ____close behind ,I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n) _____start“_____the room ,quickly ,” I thought . “Get him into a chair and calmed down .”But then again , would there be a chair in Room 316 ?Or would it be a(n) _____room_____ I turned the key in the lock and _____the door open , with Dad ____complaining about a hurting knee or something . I put my head in , expecting the _____. But to my _____, the room wasn’t empty at all ! It had furniture , curtains , a TV ,and seven painting s on the walls And there on a well—made bed sat Amy , my new _____, dressed neatly ,Greeting me with a nod , she said in a soft voice , “hi, you must be Cori.”Then , she _____the music amd looked over at ____, “And of course , you’re Mr Faber ,”she said ______. “Would you like a glass of iced tea ?”Dad’s face turned ____before he could bring out a “yes”I knew ____that Amy and I would be ______and my first year of college would be a success36 A step Bsuitcase Cfloor Dbag37 Asuffering Bdifficulty Ctroubles Ddanger38 A after Bwithout Cwhile Dbesides39 Abest B beginning Cend Drest40 A with difficulty Bin a hurry C with firm steps D in wonder41 Afresh Blate Cbad Dunfair42 A Search BFind C Discover DBook43 A small B empty C new Dclean44 AFinally B Meanwhile CSooner or later DAt the moment45 A knocked B forced C pushed Dtried46 A yet Bonly Ceven D still47 A worst B chair Cbest Dtea48 A regret Bdisappointment C surprise D knowledge49 A roommate B classmate C neighbour Dcompanion50 A turned on Bturned down Cplayed Denjoyed51 A Dad B Me Cthe door Dthe floor52 Aquestioning Bwonding Csmiling Dguessing53 A red B less pale C less red D pale54 Asoon Bthere C later Dthen55 A sisters B friends C students D fellows第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2 分,满分40分)AThis is news on the hour. Ed Wilson reporting .the President and First Lady will visit Africa on a good will tour in May .they plan to visit eight African countriesReports from Chair say the Chinese want closer ties between China and the US and Western Europe.A group of Chinese scientists starts their ten—nation tour next monthHere in Miami , the mayor is still meeting with the leaders of the Teachers’Union to try to find a way to end the strike .City schools are still closed after two weeksIn the news about heath, scientists in California of a relationship between the drinking of coffee and the increase of heart diseases among women .Acording to the report in the American Medical Journal , the five ---year study shows this : Women who drink more than two cups or coffee a day have greater chance of having heart diseases than women who do not In sports , the Chargers lost again last night .The BBS beat them 1 to nothing ,The Wingers had better results . They beat the Rifles 7 to 3. It was their first win in their last five matches That’s the news of the hour . And now back to more easy listening with Jan Singer56 who gave the news on the floor ?A The mayor in MiamiB Ed WilsonC Scientists in CaliforniaD Jan Singer57 To improve the ties between China and the US and Western European , China _____A will send a group of Chinese scientists to visit the US and the Western EuropeB will send some scientists to visit the US onlyC has expected its strong wishesD has given many reports in Medical Journal58 From the news in Miami we know ______A a peaceful way will soon be foundBthe teachers’ strikes will last longC students haven’t been to school for two weeksD students can’t go into the school because the classrooms are tightly locked59 The news about health tells us that _______A no heart diseases will be found on people who don’t drink coffeeB no one should drink more than two cups of coffee a dayC the more coffee people drink , the more chance they’ll get to have heart diseaseD women’s heart diseases has something to do with their coffee60 From the last news , we don’t know ______A the results of the two matchesB the teams which played last nightC how many wins the BBS has had altogetherD the Wingers had one win and four defeatsBJules Verne was a Frenchman who was burnt in 1828 and died in 1905 , He read a great many scientific books and wrote a number of exciting books about the things which he thought that scientists and inventors would one day be able to do . Years later , many of the things really happened . At that time , however , his stories seemed like fairy tales .Jules Verne’s most famous book is20,000 League Under the sea. (A league is an old word meaning a diseases of about three miles ) in those days submarines had not been invented but he described an underwater ship very like a modern oneM any of the things Verne wrote about in his books more than a hundred years ago , however ,Were surprising exact . In his book from the earth to the moon he wrote at the age of about forty , three men and a dog made a journey around the moon in a hollow ship fired froma gun . After going around the moon ,they returned to the earth and splashed down into the seanot far from where the first real moon traveler landed in July ,1969.61 Verne wrote a lot of exciting books partly because he _____A liked to do much reading in scienceB liked reading fairy talesC was a great inventorDwas a famous scientist62 What’s special about Jules Verne’s book?A His books were very excitingB His books were about scienceC He wrote it a hundred years agoD What he wrote in the book really happened years later63 Many of the things really happened _________A as soon as Verne’s books were publishedB some years after his books were publishedC at that timeD when Verne was in his forties64 The thing Verne described in his book from the earth to the moon is ________A as large as the spaceship todayB similar to the spaceship todayC a gun used to send up a shipD an underwater ship65 The underlined word “splashed”in the last paragraph means______Afell B moved C floated D hitCI don’t know how many good teachers there are in the world . but I feel it is deeplyimportant for a student who is in trouble to meet a good teacherI had a match teacher who hates to see struggling math students .He always ridicules theslow students when he get a chance .for example , the teacher looks down unpon a student due to his failure in math. It’s not that this student is stupid but rather she has no interest in math .the math teacher always gives the girl the cold should and says this girl is the stupidest student who got the lowest score in a math exam , the teacher made fun of her and then let the other students guess who had the worst score .when that student has some questions to ask the teacher ,he was impatient with herFinally , the girl said to me that paradise is very far from her . Every day she feels Eden m but there is no way to reach it , She feels that she is a tiny lantern which is placed into the water and will slowly drift out to the sea until it can’t be seen . what a lonely vision that is !All students have different abilities because each of them is unique .No one can foretell their future ,The teacher should learn how to treat the slower students properly . how to encourage them and not hurt their feelings , please leave a bit of love for these special students “It is not how much we do , but how much love we put in the ngiving “ said Mother Teresa. After all, love can create power66 In the article , the writer thinks that when a student is in trouble,it is very important that _____A the student gets a good teacher’s helpB people should give the student some moneyC the student should do with the problems by himselfD the student should do his best to turn to some teachers67 The underlined word “ridicule”in the second paragraph means__________A praiseB laugh atC speak louldlyD smile happily68 Why does the girl fail in every maths exam ?A she is really stupidB she has no interest in mathsC she is tired of the maths teacherDthe maths teacher hates the girl69 What the girl tells the writer shows ______A the girl has a good futureB the girl doesn’t like her maths teacherC the girl is mentally sufferingD the maths teacher often asks the girl some questions70The writer attacks the maths teacher strongly , but he asks _______A teachers to treat the poor students as their own sons and danghtersB all people to collect money to support the special studentsC teachers to leave their love for the slower studentsD educational department to fire those teachers who don’t care for the poor studentsDYour parents always tell you that a solid education is the key to successful future . For those of you who will be graduating fron high school , the commitment you made to complete you schooling has been finished . Another few years in some college classroom just doesn’t sound too attractive ; so what are your choices ? Let’s see. Choose 1-----You can live with your parents , leech on to them , and basically do nothing . Or Choice 2---you could get youself a job . Of course , but for this little discussion , we’ll just suppose that they aren’t connected .Okey , so Choice 2 is clearly going to be more productive . You’re finally going into the workforce and will be entering the real world . what would be a good place to start ?Well, hopefully high school helped to give you some sort idea of what type of job you would like to enter . If not , then it would be a good idea to speak with an advisor or even a person working in the field you may be interested in before you jump into a job that you won’t like . Gaining knowledge on a particular line of work beforehand can be very effective and helpful .If you are ready to begin a job after high school , the main benefits will clearly be saving money from high college expense and happily making a living your chosen jobs.From another point of view , jumping into the workforce is sometimes the only way to see for yourself if you are ready to work a 40—hour work yet . If you decide that full time work is not what you are ready for , then this may suggest that you should go back to school and get a degree . Besides ,a college degree will usually equal higher wages.71 Then underlined part “leech on to” in the first paragraph might mean _________A put up withB depend onC quarrel withD take care of72 The best title for this passage might be ______A Jump into Work After HighSchoolB Going to CollegeC The Advantage of Starting Work EarlierD When School I Start73 The advantage of starting work right after high school includes the followingEXCEPT_________A to save moneyB to make sure if you are really ready to workC to get higher wagesD to get to know if you should go back t school74 The passage is intended for reader who are ________A high school studentsBcollege graduatesC graduates from high schoolsD graduating high school students75 The last sentence means ________A If you get a college degree , you can earn more moneyB A college degree is the only way to earn more moneyC People who get college degree can earn as much as people who don’tD Without a college degree , you can’t have higher wages第二卷(共35 分)第一节:用适当的词填空。