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摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

第1章基本资料 (3)

1.1地理位置 (3)

1.2流域概况 (3)

1.3水文 (3)

1.3.1气象特性 (3)

1.3.2径流 (4)

1.3.3洪水 (4)

1.3.4河流泥沙 (5)

1.4地形地质条件 (5)

1.5电站基本参数 (6)

1.5.1 电站动能参数 (6)

1.5.2 水库特性 (6)

1.5.3 泥沙特性 (7)

第2章水轮发电机组的选择 (8)

2.1机组台数的确定 (8)

2. 2水轮装置方式及水轮机型号的确定 (8)

2.3水轮机主要参数的确定 (9)

2.3.1确定水轮机的转轮直径 (9)

2.3.2效率修正值的计算 (9)

2.3.3确定水轮机的转速 (10)

2.3.4确定水轮机的吸出高 (10)

2.3.5水轮机的检验计算 (11)

2.4蜗壳和尾水管的选择计算 (12)

2.4.1蜗壳的水力计算及外轮廓的确定 (12)

2.4.2尾水管主要参数的选择 (14)

2.5发电机外形尺寸估算 (16)

2.5.1主要尺寸计算 (16)

2.5.2外形尺寸估算 (17)

2.6调速器和油压装置的型式及尺寸的确定 (18)

2.6.1判断调速器的型式 (19)

2.6.2接力器的选择 (19)

2.6.3主配压阀直径的选择 (20)

2.6.4油压装置选择 (20)

第3章电站枢纽布置 (22)

3.1电站厂房 (22)

2.2 开关站 (23)

2.3 引水系统 (23)

第4章引水系统设计 (24)

4.1引水线路初拟 (24)

4.2进水口设计 (25)

4.2.1进水口型式的选择 (25)

4.2.2有压进水口位置、高程的确定 (25)

4.2.3进水口尺寸的拟定 (26)

4.2.4进口设备 (27)

4.3引水隧洞设计 (28)

4.3.1有压引水隧洞断面形式及断面尺寸 (28)

4.3.2隧洞衬砌的主要类型选择 (29)

4.4压力管道的布置 (30)

4.4.1压力管道类型的选择 (30)

4.4.2压力管道引进及供水方式 (30)

4.4.3压力管道直径、管壁厚度及抗外压稳定的计算 (31)

4.4.4压力管道抗外压稳定校核 (32)

第5章水电站厂房设计 (33)

5.1主厂房主要尺寸的确定 (33)

5.1.1主厂房的长度计算 (33)

5.1.2主厂房的宽度计算 (35)

5.1.3主厂房的各层高程计算 (37)

5.2 副厂房布置 (41)

第6章调压室设计 (43)

6.1是否设置调压室判断 (43)

6.2调压室位置的选择 (43)

6.3调压室的布置方式与型式的选择 (44)

6.4调压室的水利计算 (44)

6.4.1调压室断面面积的计算 (44)

6.4.2调压室最高涌波水位计算 (46)

6.4.3计算调压室最低涌波水位计算 (46)

第7章调节保证计算 (48)

7.1调保计算目的 (48)

7.2调节保证计算的容 (48)

7.3调节保证计算的标准 (48)

7.3.1转速变化率容许值 (48)

7.3.2水击压力容许值 (49)

7.4已知计算参数 (49)

7.5调节保证计算的过程 (50)

7.5.1在设计水头下甩全负荷的调节保证计算 (50)

7.5.2在最大水头下甩全负荷的调节保证计算 (55)

谢辞 (59)

参考资料 (60)

外文文献 (62)

附录 (71)





Guanmenliang Hydropower Station (scheme A) —Regulation to ensure that the calculation


The first chapter of this paper is the basic information for the power station,Introduces the basic parameters of the plant's location, hydrologic and sediment, engineering geology and plant. The second chapter is to determine the main parameters of the turbine, the turbine model is determined by the scope of the installed capacity and power stations working head has been determined, the number of units and the main parameters, volute, tail pipe type and outline dimensions, as well as a generator, governor other options. Chapter III power plant project layout, respectively, to determine the relative position of the main plant and auxiliary plant and high voltage switch stations.Chapter IV of water system design, including determining the type, size and resistance to outside pressure pipeline inlet pressure, high-pressure pipeline stability analysis. Chapter V of plant design, including the main plant to determine the size, arrangement of the plant equipment, structural arrangement and layout of the plant, such as plant vice-hub arrangement, plant.Chapter VI of surge chamber design, including the calculation of the location and type of surge chamber choice, surge chamber area, maximum and minimum water level surge waves.Chapter VII of the regulation to
