Academic Dishonesty on Campus
新核心综合学术英语教程 4 Unit 3 参考答案
Focusing on ReadingTask 11.G2. E3. C4. F5. A6. D7.J8. B9.L10.H 11. N 12. M 13. Q 14.K 15. I 16.R 17.O 18.PTask 21)The reasons are as follows”Firstly, students sometimes view academic dishonesty as a normal incidence and something ordinary. There are many reasons that they use to justify their cheating.Secondly, new techniques of cheating have been developed, including the use of high-tech tools, although the old ones are still dominant on campus, which makes it even more difficult for the faculty to identify.Thirdly, it is a common view to equate grades with the value of the student. Furthermore, grades are used to predict one’s future success. So some students tend to practice academic dishonesty with the aim of getting higher grades.Fourthly, little is known about the degree of academic dishonesty and no methods are devised to combat the problem. Besides, there are no strategies for deterring academic dishonesty for the faculty.Fifthly, honor codes are essential to reducing the level of cheating in colleges and should be established. However, their importance has been neglected.Last but not least, academic dishonesty is no longer a task of classroom management that can well be remedied by a single faulty with teaching responsibility. Administrators and professional organizations are expected to work together to maintain a healthy learning environment with a high level of trust between the faculty and the administration.2)Old techniques include bringing notes to class and having information written on water bottles,pens and gum wrappers. New techniques of cheating include using cell phones to get the information, communicate with others outside the exam room to obtain answers and searching answers on the web during an exam.Other forms include copying test responses from a classmate, taking exams for other people, failure to cite other people’s work, and purchasing research papers and presenting them as his/her work. Also actions such as breaking into the office or teachers files to access the test or answer key, sabotaging peers ongoing work or gaining illegal access to school computers to change official grades are all forms of academic dishonesty. (B)3)There are many reasons that students use to justify cheating: lack of time, poverty, uncaringinstructors, laziness, peer pressure, poor rile models, fear of failure and technology that has allowed cheating to be done easily. (C)Besides, research shows that a common view equates grades with the value of the student.Secondly, grades are used to predict one’s future success. This may cause the students to practice academic dishonesty.4)Studies show that honor codes were essential to reducing the level of cheating in colleges.Honor codes would be more successful when they were combined with a climate that emphasized the importance of academic integrity and an honor system that allowed for strong student involvement in the enforcement of academic integrity initiatives. Therefore, the administration should strive in the creation of the campus environment, seek the full support of all the college constituents, and ensure the implementation of the honor codes at theinstitution. (N)5)Academic fraternity means “all the people who work in academia.”It can stress integrity as a core institutional value that will shape the students’academic success.Task 31. a2. j3. W4. m5. k6. o7. v8. x9.n 10.b 11. u 12.y 13.d14. i 15. f 16. z 17. t 18.p 19. S 20. q 21. e 22. g 23. c 24. h 25. l 26. rTask 51)Another kind of academic dishonesty happens sometimes among researchers when they yieldto the temptation of making a series of great discoveries. So they invent false information to deceive others, and then publish them.2)Bouville(2010) held that the major reason for the students to avoid academic dishonesty wasto obey the rules and escape punishment. Cheaters may get high grades which they do not deserve, and this unfair advantage will tempt them to continue with this fraudulent behaviour.3)Third, in each department there should be experienced faculty members, acting as academicintegrity chairmen, who are responsible for contacting and offering help to their fellow colleagues. Lastly, for faculty members who have tackled the cases of academic dishonesty well, public thanks and admiration should be given to them for what they have done.Task 6Main idea: Students developed new techniques of cheating, while the old ones are still dominant on campus.Task 7In the area of education, academic dishonesty is a chronic problem. Students have developed new techniques of cheating, while the old ones are still dominant on campus. Cheaters follow dishonest practices because of many reasons. Prevention of academic dishonesty demands joint efforts from students, teachers and administrators, of which the students’ contribution is vital for they are the ones to be subjected to the penalties. For the teachers, they can adopt four strategies to maintain academic integrity and meanwhile make efforts to motivate the students. For the administrators, they should strive in the creation of a healthy academic climate and ensure the implementation of the honor codes.Task 8(omitted)Task 9(omitted)Task 10Academic DishonestyAcademic dishonesty occurs when a student uses or attempts to use unauthorized information in the taking of an exam; or submits as his or her own work themes, reports, drawings, laboratory notes, or other products prepared by another person; or knowingly assists another student in such acts or plagiarism. Such behavior is abhorrent to the university, and students found responsible for academic dishonesty face expulsion, suspension, conduct probation, or reprimand. Instances of academic dishonesty ultimately affect all students and the entire university community by degrading the value of diplomas when some are obtained dishonestly, and by lowering the grades of students working honestly.Examples of specific acts of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to:a) Obtaining unauthorized information. Information is obtained dishonestly, for example, bycopying graded homework assignments from another student, by working with another student on a take-home test or homework when not specifically permitted to do so by the instructor, or by looking at your notes or other written work during an examination when not specifically permitted to do so.b) Tendering of information. Students may not give or sell their work to another person who plans to submit it as his or her own. This includes giving their work to another student to be copied, giving someone answers to exam questions during the exam, taking an exam and discussing its contents with students who will be taking the same exam, or giving or selling a term paper to another student.c) Misrepresentation. Students misrepresent their work by handing in the work of someone else. The following are examples: purchasing a paper from a term paper service; reproducing another person’s paper (even with modifications) and submitting it as their own; having another studentdo their computer program or having someone else take their exam.d) Bribery. Offering money or any item or service to a faculty member or any other person to gain academic advantage for yourself or another is dishonest.e) Plagiarism. Unacknowledged use of the information, ideas, or phrasing of other writers is an offense comparable with theft and fraud, and it is so recognized by the copyright and patent laws. Literary offenses of this kind are known as plagiarism.One is responsible for plagiarism when: the exact words of another writer are used without using quotation marks and indicating the source of the words; the words of another are summarized or paraphrased without giving the credit that is due; the ideas from another writer are borrowed without properly documenting their source.Acknowledging the sources of borrowed material is a simple, straightforward procedure that will strengthen the paper and assure the integrity of the wri ter. The Student’s Guide to English 104 —105, provides guidelines to aid students in documenting material borrowed from other sources, as does almost every handbook on writing style.Academic dishonesty is considered to be a violation of the behavior expected of a student in an academic setting as well as a student conduct violation. A student found responsible for academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is therefore subject to the appropriate academic penalty; to be determined by the instructor of the course, as well as sanctions under the university Student Disciplinary Regulations.If an instructor believes that a student has behaved dishonestly in a course, the following steps are to be followed:1. The instructor should confront the student with the charge of dishonesty and arrange a meetingwith the student to discuss the charge and to hear the student’s explanation.2. If the student admits responsibility for academic misconduct, the instructor shall inform the student (a) of the grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred, and (b) how this incident will affect subsequent evaluation and the final grade. Because academic dishonesty is also a student conduct violation under Section 4.2.1 of the Student Disciplinary Regulations, the instructor must report the incident in writing to the Dean of Students.After investigating the incident and discussing it with the instructor, the Dean of Students, or his/her designee, will meet with the student and depending on the severity of the offense as well as on the student’s past conduct record, may handle the matter through an administrative hearing or schedule a hearing before the All University Judiciary (AUJ).This hearing, conducted according to the procedures outlined in the Student Disciplinary Regulations, is to determine the disciplinary action to be taken. In any case, the student’s academic adviser will be informed of the incident but may not insert any record of it in the student’s academic file.3. If the student claims to be not responsible for the alleged violation of academic misconduct, the instructor may not assign the student a grade for the work in question until the question of responsibility is resolved, unless circumstances require that an interim grade be assigned. The instructor shall consult with his or her department chair and report the incident in writing to the Dean of Students.The Dean of Students will refer the case to the Office of Judicial Affairs for investigation. After reviewing the report and completing an investigation, the Office of Judicial Affairs will file aformal complaint against the student if it is determined that there is cause to believe academic misconduct occurred. The case may be adjudicated through an administrative hearing or referred to a hearing before the All University Judiciary (AUJ) depending on the nature and severity of the violation as set forth in the Student Disciplinary Regulations.If the case is referred to the AUJ both the student and instructor will be invited to attend an AUJ hearing and present pertinent information. If the Administrative Hearing Off icer (in a minor case) or the AUJ (in a major case) finds the student responsible for the charge of academic misconduct, the instructor will inform the student (a) of the grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred, and (b) how this incident will affect subsequent evaluation and the final grade. The Administrative Hearing Officer or AUJ will determine the appropriate disciplinary action with respect to the nature of the violation.If the Administrative Hearing Officer or AUJ finds the student “not responsible” for academic misconduct, the instructor will grade the student accordingly on the work in question and the student’s grade in the course will not be adversely affected. If th e student is found responsible the student’s adviser will be informed of the decision but shall not insert any record of the action in the student’s academic file.4. If a student either admits dishonest behavior or is found responsible for academic misconduct by the AUJ, the Off ice of Judicial Affairs (OJA) or AUJ may impose any of the following sanctions:a) Disciplinary Reprimand: An official written notice to the student that his/her conduct is in violation of university rules and regulations.b) Conduct Probation: A more severe sanction than a disciplinary reprimand, to include a period of review and observation during which the student must demonstrate the ability to comply with university rules, regulations, and other requirements stipulated for the probation period.c) Suspension/Deferred Suspension: The suspension is deferred subject to a definite or indefinite period of observation and review. If a student is found responsible for a further violation of the university Student Disciplinary Regulations or an order of a judiciary body, suspension will take place immediately.Def i niteThe student is dropped from the university for a specific length of time. This suspension cannot be for less than one semester or more than two years.Indef i nite:The Student is dropped from the university indefinitely. Reinstatement may be contingent upon meeting the written requirements of the AUJ specified at the time the sanction was imposed. Normally, a student who is suspended indefinitely may not be reinstated for a minimum of two years.d) Expulsion: The student is permanently deprived of the opportunity to continue at the university in any status.5. A student accused of academic misconduct has the option to stay in the class or to drop the class if the drop is made within the approved time periods and according to the regulations established by the university. If the student chooses to drop the class, the student will be required to sign a statement of understanding that if the student is later found responsible for academic misconduct, then the student will receive an F for the course.6. Procedures for appeal of either the All University Judi ciary’s conduct decision or theinstructor’s grade are outlined in the Student Information Handbook.7. In instances in which the student admits responsibility or is judged to be responsible by OJA or the AUJ, a staff member of the Dean of Students Off ice will counsel the student in an effort to deter any further such incidents.8. Student records concerning academic dishonesty are maintained in the Dean of Students Office for a period of seven years, after which the file records are purged. These student records are confidential; nothing from them appears on a student’s academic transcript.9. In the event that an instructor is uncertain how to handle an incident of suspected academic dishonesty, the Dean of Students is available at any time to provide advice and assistance to the instructor in deciding a proper course of action to be taken.10. Students enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine are bound by an honor code. A chargeof academic dishonesty may be made by a student or instructor to the Interclass Honor Board chairperson according to the procedures outlined in the Honor Code, or the instructor may follow procedures outlined above. The Interclass Honor Board functions as the judiciary of the College of Veterinary Medicine for the allegations presented to it.Other violations related to academic misconduct may include subsection 4.1.11 Misuse of Computers and subsection 4.2.20 Unauthorized Sale of Others’Intellectual Works.These subsections are located in the Iowa State University Student Disciplinary Regulations under section 4 of the Conduct Code.</~catalog/2005-07/geninfo/dishonesty.html>Short reportAcademic dishonesty occurs when a student uses or attempts to use unauthorized information in the taking of an exam; or submits as his or her own work themes, reports, drawings, laboratory notes, or other products prepared by another person; or knowingly assists another student in such acts or plagiarism. Such behavior is abhorrent to the university, and students found responsible for academic dishonesty face expulsion, suspension, conduct probation, or reprimand. Instances of academic dishonesty ultimately affect all students and the entire university community by degrading the value of diplomas when some are obtained dishonestly, and by lowering the grades of students working honestly.Examples of specific acts of academic dishonesty include obtaining unauthorized information, tendering of information, misrepresentation, bribery, plagiarism, etc. Academic dishonesty is considered to be a violation of the behavior expected of a student in an academic setting as well as a student conduct violation.In Iowa State University, a student found responsible for academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is therefore subject to appropriate academic penalty or to be determined by the instructor of the course, as well as sanctions under the university Student Disciplinary Regulations. If an instructor believes that a student has behaved dishonestly in a course, ten steps are to be followed to handle the problem. The case of Iowa State UniversityResearch Paper WritingTask 1Background part:The introductionObjective:To give an overview of various forms of academic dishonesty, student responses to academic dishonesty when it occurs and the measures taken by the faculty and institutional administrator to prevent its occurrence in their institutions.Synthesis of different views on a particular field: For example, in the section “Forms of Academic Dishonesty,” in Para. B, there are opinions of both Jonson and Martin (2005) and Petress (2003), which are organized by transitional words, such as “Petress noted of other forms of academic dishonesty ...”Similarities or differences of outside sources:For example, in the section “Faculty and Academic Dishonesty”, when it comes to what the faculty should do to reduce academic dishonesty, there are various opinions from Para J to L. Perress (2003) holds that they should set role models for the students and implement the measures that will help prevent academic dishonesty. Whitley and Keith-Spiegel believe that they should be encouraged to form a statement concerning academic integrity in their syllabi and to discuss integrity concerns in their classrooms. Kibler notes four strategies to help the faculty to implement academic integrity. Cole and Kiss suggest that more efforts should be made to motivate the students by the teachers.Task 2a. The forms of cheating.Text 3 deals with students’ new and old techniques of cheating, together with researchers’ practices of academic dishonesty.Reading 1 focuses on academic dishonesty in online courses.Reading 1 gives more updated and reliable information.b. The reasons that students offer for their cheating.In Text 3 the reasons the students use to justify their cheating include: lack of time, poverty, uncaring instructors, laziness, peer pressure, poor role models, fear of failure and technology that has allowed cheating to be done easily. (Para. C)In Reading 1, the reasons are multifold because opinions vary. Some of the reasons are based on a student’s individual characteristics (Gerdeman 2001), some are relevant to peer inf luence or peers’acceptability of cheating (Stephens, 2007), while others have something to do with the existence of an honor code (McCabe, 2002). Meanwhile, there are other common reasons by Chiesl and Bunn, of which seeing other students cheat and the perception of the percentage of students who cheat are the most significant. (Para. I,J,K)Reading 1 gives more updated and reliable information.c. The definition of academic dishonesty.In Text 3, there is no specific definition of academic dishonesty.In Reading 1, the author believes that definitions of academic dishonesty across studies tend to be about the same. Using the scale of Don McCabe (2002), the author defines academic dishonesty from eight aspects. Other studies differentiate planned and panic cheating, e.g., Bunn, Caudill and Gropper (1992). In a comparative study of online versus on-ground academic dishonesty, Stuber- McEwen, Wisely, and Hoggat (2009) believe that there are seven forms. Stephens, Young, and Calabrese (2007) examined various forms of conventional and digital cheating. With regard toe-learning, Underwood (2003) and Rogers (2000) def ine the term respectively, while Howell et al (2009) reviews various forms of technological cheating. (Para.B, C, D, E, F, G)Reading 1Task 31) Serious and formal2) Angry and bitter3) Angry and ironical4) Angry and ironical5) Ironical6) Ironical7) Angry and ironical8) Angry9) Ironical10) Tranquil and formal11) Tranquil12) Tranquil and formal13) Formal and serious14) Formal and serious15) Expressing the speaker’s surprise and attitude against this16) Tranquil17) Expressing surprise, Ironical18) Appealing to the readers’ emotions by the use of questions, Ironical19) Appealing to the readers’ emotions by the use of questions, Angry and ironical20) “You” is used in the sentence to indicate people in general to appeal to their emotions, whichshortens the distance between the speaker and the readers21) Appealing to the readers’ emotions by the use of questions22) Appealing to the readers’ emotions by the use of facts and questions. Expressing the speaker’sdisagreementTask 41) Which one is a stand-alone literature review and which one is a literature review as a partof the paper?Text 3 and Reading 1: stand-alone literature reviewReading 2: literature review as a part of the paper2) What similarities and differences characterize the three papers in terms of writing style?Similarities: All of them follow almost the same pattern, i.e., introduction, body, and conclusion.Differences: Text 3 and reading 1 synthesize other people’s research and f indings to draw the conclusion, while Reading 2 uses the author’s own research and f indings. Therefore, in Reading 2 there is the part of “Methods”, which explains in detail the participants, materials, and design and procedure. The first-person narration is used to describe the process, which makes it less formal than the other two papers.3) What are the objectives of the three papers respectively?Text 3: To give an overview of various forms of academic dishonesty, student responses to academic dishonesty when it occurs and the measures taken by the faculty and institutional administrator to prevent its occurrence in their institutions.Reading 1: Examine perceptions of academic dishonesty in online and face-to-face courses, and discuss methods to reduce academic dishonesty in online courses.Reading 2: To investigate participants’ attitudes toward cheating and the effects of academic motivation, self-eff icacy, and academic integrity on cheating behaviors.4) How many aspects or sections do the two stand-alone literature review contain respectively?What are they?ThreeIntroduction, body, and conclusion5) Is the order of those aspects in each literature review logic al? And what’s the relationship?Yes.The literature review consists of three aspects: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction part may tell the reason one is writing a review; the signif icance of the topic; the scope of the review; the organizational pattern of the review. The body will have a clear classif ication and synthesis of one’s reviewed readings in terms of chronological order or importance order. The conclusion should have a summary of the main agreements and disagreements in the literature and then any gaps or areas for further research. At last one’s overall perspective on the topic should be dealt with.6) How do the two authors illustrate their arguments in each section? Do they use their own research and f i ndings or synthesize other people’s research and f i ndings?By synthesizing other people’s research and f indings.No.Reading 2Task 51) indicate, is, identified, tend, will be2) predicted, was, have suggested, are, showed, appeared, were, wereTask 6A chimera is an individual composed of cells with different embryonic origins. The successful isolation of f ive human embryonic stem cell (HESC) lines in 1998 increased scientists’ ability to create human/non-human chimeras and prompted extensive bioethics discussion, resulting in what has been dubbed “the other stem cell debate” (Shreeve 2005). The debate about chimeras has focused on five main arguments. The Unnaturalness Argument explores the ethics of violatingnatural species boundaries. The Moral Confusion Argument alleges that the existence of entities that cannot be definitively classified as either human or non-human will cause moral confusion that will undermine valuable social and cultural practices. The Borderline-Personhood Argument focuses on great apes and concludes that their borderline-personhood confers a high enough degree of moral status to make most, if not all, chimeric research on them impermissible. The Human Dignity Argument claims that it is an affront to human dignity to give an individual “trapped” in the body of a non-human animal the capacities associated with human dignity. Finally, the Moral Status Framework maintains that research in which a non-human animal’s moral status is enhanced to that of a normal adult human is impermissible unless reasonable assurances are in place that its new moral status will be respected, which is unlikely given the motivations for chimeric research and the oversight likely to be provided.These arguments provide different rationales for restricting chimeric research and have different implications for the range of chimeric research that will be deemed unethical.</entries/chimeras/#Int>Task 71) Which sentences provide the background of the paper?Academic dishonesty is a problem that has been plaguing colleges and universities for generations. An investigation of any institution today will certainly reveal some forms of academic dishonesty.2) Which sentences form the literature review?Researchers of academic dishonesty vary in their reports of how many students cheat in college.3) What is the main limitation of the previous studies that the author mentioned?However, most research on academic dishonesty has relied primarily on self-reports of cheating behaviors.4) What’s the objective of the paper?The purpose of the study is to investigate participants’ attitudes toward cheating and the effects of academic motivation, self-efficacy, and academic integrity on cheating behaviors.5) What are the methods that the author will use?The present study includes an empirical portion in which participants are put in a situation in which cheating may be to their advantage.6) What is the author’s hypothesis?The hypothesis is that participants would be most likely to cheat when they are offered a monetary reward for success.Task 8Introduction 11) an introduction of the topic and its background2) a review about the previous studies3) the limitation of the previous studies4) a gap for the signif icance of the study5) the hypothesis of the author6) the objective of the paper7) the methodologyIntroduction 21) an introduction of the topic and its background2) a review about the previous studies and the limitation of the previous studies3) the limitation of the previous studiesTask 91) A2) B3) E4) C5) D6) FTask 10This paper details the strategies used for curbing academic dishonesty in online courses.Task 11Biologists have long known of patterns of inheritance, and eventually of inheritance mechanisms, that go beyond genetic inheritance (Jablonka & Lamb 2005; Sapp 1987). Two fundamental types of arguments led to this conclusion: arguments based on observations regarding patterns of inheritance, and arguments concerned with the localization of hereditary factors inside cells. Arguments of the first kind were based on hereditary relations and inheritance patterns that fail to conform to the rules ofMendelian inheritance (e.g., maternal inheritance). If Mendelian inheritance patterns are the result of the way the chromosomes in the eukaryotic cell nucleus behave, non-Mendelian heredity must depend on separate inheritance processes, mechanisms, or systems (Beale 1966; Sager 1966). Second, there were observations of hereditary phenomena that seemed to depend on factors residing in the cytoplasm of cells, rather than their nucleus, where the genetic material is localized. The interpretation of these observations was highly contested (Darlington 1944; Sapp 1987). Today, we know that some of these observations are related to the (maternal) inheritance of organelles residing in the cytoplasm, such as the mitochondria and chloroplasts, organelles which carry their own DNA. This however does not encompass all the mechanisms which underlie cytoplasmatic inheritance. Paradigmatic work on cytoplasmatic inheritance done by Sonneborn, Beale, Nanney, and their colleagues in the 1950s and 1960s, was concerned with patterns of inheritance in unicellular organisms, and in particular the protist genus Paramecium. It was suggested that the self-sustaining regulatory loops that maintain gene activity or inactivity in a cell would persist through cell division, provided the non-DNA components of the system (many of which reside in the cytoplasm in eukaryotic microogranisms) were shared among daughter cells. In this way, alternative regulatory phenotypic states would be inherited. Among the properties whose inheritance was studied were mating-type variations, serotype variations, and the structural or “surface inheritance” of ciliary structures. Remarkably, microsurgical changes to the ciliary structures on the surface of Paramecium cells are inherited by offspring. The stability of induced characters once the stimulus was removed (called “cellular memory”) and the number of generations characters were maintained varied widely.However, the results indicated that long-term stability and heritability need not be the result of changes to the DNA sequence (Nanney 1958).During the 1950s to 1970s a growing set of observations indicated that determined and differentiated states of cells are transmitted in cell lineages. These observations concerned studies of Drosophila imaginal discs by Ernst Hadorn; Briggs and King’s cloning experiments with amphibians; Mary Lyon’s work on X-chromosome inactivation; and work establishing the in vitro clonal stability of cultured cell lines. Eventually, the term epigenetic inheritance came to refer to hereditary variation that does not involve changes to the DNA sequence.The brief account of some of the early work on unicellular organisms given above illustrates some。
【学术英语】(4)【College English】(Band 4)一、基本信息课程代码:【2020009】课程学分:【4】面向专业:【信息技术学院14级部分专业学生】课程性质:【学术英语必修课】课程类型:【理论教学课】开课院系:【外国语学院】使用教材:主教材:【新核心《综合学术英语教程(4)》,蔡基刚总主编,上海交通大学出版社,2014《全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程(4)》,虞苏美主编,上海外语教育出版社,2014参考教材:【《大学英语语法手册》,张成袆主编,上海外语教育出版社,2004】【《12句作文法与3步翻译法》,王长喜主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2013】先修课程:【大学英语2】后续课程:【学术英语4】二、课程简介大学英语教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语课程是大学生一门必修的基础课程。
校园学术造假的原因及对策英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Academic dishonesty on campus is a growing concern in educational institutions worldwide. The act of academic dishonesty can take on many forms, including plagiarism, cheating on exams, falsifying research data, and more. There are several reasons why students may engage in academic dishonesty, as well as strategies that can be implemented to prevent and address this issue.One of the primary reasons for academic dishonesty on campus is the pressure to excel academically. Students may feel overwhelmed by the demands of their coursework, extracurricular activities, and social lives, leading them to resort to cheating in order to maintain their grades. Additionally, some students may lack the necessary study skills or have a fear of failure, motivating them to cheat in order to avoid negative consequences.Another reason for academic dishonesty is the lack of understanding of the importance of academic integrity. Somestudents may not fully grasp the significance of honesty and ethics in academic pursuits, leading them to engage in dishonest behaviors without fully considering the consequences. In some cases, students may see academic dishonesty as a means to an end, prioritizing short-term success over long-term ethical values.Furthermore, the ease of access to information on the internet has made it easier for students to cheat and plagiarize. With a few clicks of a button, students can find pre-written essays, solutions to homework assignments, and even cheat sheets for exams. The prevalence of technology in education has also made it more challenging for educators to detect and prevent academic dishonesty.To address the issue of academic dishonesty on campus, it is important for educational institutions to implement strategies that promote academic integrity and deter dishonest behaviors. One effective approach is to educate students about the importance of honesty and ethics in academic pursuits. By incorporating discussions about academic integrity into the curriculum and providing resources for students to develop their study skills, institutions can help students understand the value of honest academic work.Additionally, enforcing strict consequences for academic dishonesty can act as a deterrent for students who may be tempted to cheat. By clearly outlining the consequences of cheating and plagiarism in institutional policies and holding students accountable for their actions, educational institutions can send a strong message that dishonesty will not be tolerated.In conclusion, academic dishonesty on campus is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address. By understanding the reasons why students may engage in dishonest behaviors and implementing strategies to promote academic integrity, educational institutions can create a culture of honesty and ethics that fosters a positive learning environment for all students. It is essential for educators, administrators, and students to work together to prevent and address academic dishonesty on campus and uphold the values of integrity in the academic community.篇2Academic Fraud on Campus: Causes and CountermeasuresIntroductionAcademic integrity is a cornerstone of higher education, but unfortunately, academic fraud continues to be a prevalent issueon college campuses. The widespread availability of information and pressure to succeed has made cheating and plagiarism all too common. In this essay, we will explore the reasons behind academic fraud on campus and discuss potential countermeasures to combat this issue.Causes of Academic Fraud on CampusThere are several factors that contribute to academic fraud on campus:1. Pressure to Succeed: The intense competition among students to excel academically can lead to cheating and plagiarism as a means to secure high grades and prestigious internships or scholarships.2. Lack of Time Management Skills: Many students struggle to balance their academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and social obligations, leading some to resort to cheating to meet deadlines.3. Easy Access to Information: The internet has made it easier than ever for students to access and copy academic work without proper citation, leading to a rise in plagiarism cases.4. Inadequate Academic Support: Some students may feel overwhelmed by the demands of their coursework and lack thenecessary resources or support to succeed academically, leading them to cheat out of desperation.Countermeasures to Combat Academic FraudTo address the issue of academic fraud on campus, we must implement effective strategies to promote academic integrity and deter cheating and plagiarism:1. Educate Students on Academic Integrity: Universities should provide clear guidelines on what constitutes academic fraud and the consequences of engaging in such behavior. Workshops, seminars, and online resources can help educate students on the importance of honesty and integrity in their academic work.2. Increase Faculty Oversight: Professors and teaching assistants should be vigilant in monitoring student assignments and exams for signs of cheating or plagiarism. Proctoring exams, assigning unique essay topics, and using plagiarism detection software can help deter fraudulent behavior.3. Promote a Culture of Honesty: Universities should foster a culture of academic integrity by celebrating and rewarding students who demonstrate honesty and ethical behavior. Peerpressure can be a powerful motivator, so encouraging students to hold each other accountable can help discourage cheating.4. Provide Academic Support: Universities should offer academic support services, such as tutoring, writing centers, and time management workshops, to help students succeed without resorting to cheating. By addressing the root causes of academic fraud, we can prevent future incidents from occurring.ConclusionAcademic fraud on campus is a serious issue that undermines the integrity of higher education. By understanding the causes of cheating and plagiarism and implementing effective countermeasures, we can create a culture of honesty and integrity that promotes academic success for all students. It is up to universities, faculty, and students to work together to combat academic fraud and uphold the values of academic integrity.篇3Title: Causes and Solutions to Academic Fraud on CampusIntroductionAcademic fraud has become a growing concern on college campuses, with students resorting to dishonest tactics to achieve academic success. This essay explores the reasons behind this issue and suggests potential solutions to combat academic fraud in educational settings.Causes of Academic Fraud1. Pressure to Succeed: Students face immense pressure to excel in their studies, leading some to resort to cheating or plagiarism as a means to achieve good grades.2. Lack of Ethical Education: Many students have not been adequately taught about the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of cheating.3. Easy Access to Information: The internet has made it easier for students to access information and materials that can be used to cheat on assignments or exams.4. Fear of Failure: Some students cheat because they fear failure and the negative impact it may have on their academic record and future prospects.5. Competitive Environment: The competitive nature of higher education can drive students to cheat in order to stay ahead of their peers.Solutions to Academic Fraud1. Promote Academic Integrity: Schools should emphasize the importance of academic honesty and integrity through educational programs and workshops.2. Improve Monitoring and Supervision: Teachers and professors should maintain a vigilant eye on students during exams and assignments to deter cheating.3. Use Technology to Prevent Fraud: Institutions can leverage technology to detect plagiarism and other forms of academic fraud, such as using plagiarism detection software.4. Foster a Culture of Honesty: Encouraging open communication and fostering a culture of honesty and trust among students can help reduce the prevalence of academic fraud.5. Implement Consequences for Cheating: Schools should have strict penalties in place for students who engage in academic fraud, such as failing the course or expulsion.ConclusionAddressing academic fraud on college campuses requires a multi-faceted approach that involves promoting academic integrity, improving monitoring and supervision, utilizingtechnology to prevent fraud, fostering a culture of honesty, and implementing consequences for cheating. By taking these measures, educational institutions can create a more ethical learning environment where students are motivated to succeed through hard work and dedication rather than dishonest means.。
雅思(ielts)听力考试场景词汇:Systempreschool education/pre-elementary education 学前教育elementary education/primary education 基础教育/小学教育secondary education 中等教育tertiary education/higher education 高等教育public education 公立教育private education 私立教育adult education/continuing education 成人教育/深造special education 特殊教育雅思(ielts)听力考试场景词汇:Schoolsday school/day nursery/preschool 日托所/托儿所kindergarten 幼儿园/学前班primary school/elementary school/grade school 小学(1-8年级)grammar school 语法学校(1-6年级)secondary school 中学(9-12年级)high school 中学(10-12年级)junior high school 初中(7-9年级)senior high school 高中(10-12年级)public school (英)私立学校(美)公立学校private school 私立学校technical school 技校vocational school 职校boarding school 寄宿制学校night school 夜校adult school 成人进修学校alma mater 母校,校歌Colleges & Universitiesivory tower 象牙塔,高等学府(喻)college 专科学校,大学,学院state college (美)政府资助的州立大学junior college 两年制社区大学residential college 寄宿制大学community college 社区大学land-grant college 政府资助的低学费大学university 综合大学multiversity 由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校graduate school 研究生院polytechnic/poly (英)工艺技术高等院校雅思(ielts)听力考试场景词汇:Studentsflatmate/dormmate 室友undergraduate/undergrad 本科生graduate 毕业生,研究生postgraduate/graduate student 研究生freshman 大学或高中一年级新生sophomore 大学或高中二年级学生junior 大学或高中三年级学生senior 大学或高中四年级学生underclassman 大学一、二年级学生upperclassman 大学三、四年级学生alumnus/alumni (pl.) (美)校友(男)alumna /alumnae (pl.) (美)校友(女)exchange student 交换学生(留学生为主)overseas student 留学生fellow student 同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生TA/teaching assistant 助教(以研究生为主)peer adviser 高年级学生顾问floor senior 寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主)student union officer 学生会工作人员president of student union 学生会主席vice-president of student union 学生会副主席intern 实习生雅思(ielts)听力考试场景词汇:Teaching Staff考试大雅思站点编辑整理faculty 院系,教职员工tutor/instructor (英)导师,家教(美)助教,讲师lecturer 讲师assistant professor 助理教授associate professor 副教授coordinator 课程协调老师school counsellor/adviser 指导老师,校顾问student teacher 实习教师(在校生)liaison officer 校联络人员departmental head/chairperson 系主任dean (大学学院)院长principal/chancellor/university president (大学)校长headmaster/headmistress (中小学)校长Diploma & Degree certificate 证书diploma 文凭,毕业证书degree 学位bachelor’s degree/undergraduate degree 学士学位master’s degree 硕士学位doctorate 博士头衔B.A./Bachelor of Arts degree 文学学士学位B.S./Bachelor of Science degree 理学学士学位M.A./Master of Arts degree 文学硕士学位M. S./Master of Science degree 理学硕士学位M.D./Doctor of Medicine 医学博士Ph.D./Doctor of Philosophy 博士postdoctoral 博士后(研究人员)honorary degree 荣誉学位雅思(ielts)听力考试场景词汇:Coursesacademic year 学年school calendar/school catalog/academic calendar 校历,大学情况一览year book 毕业留念册term/semester 学期(一学期四个月,一学年两学期)quarter/trimester 学季(一学期三个月,一学年三学期)orientation 新生和老师的见面会course 课程(包括上课,作业,考试等)crash programme/intensive course 速成课程,强化课程major course/mandatory course 主修课程elective course/optional course 选修课程correspondence course 函授课程introductory course 基础入门课程core programme 核心课程syllabus 教学大纲curriculum 全部课程(集合)extracurricular 课外课程major 主修minor 辅修lecture 讲课,讲座tutorial (英)个别辅导课seminar 研讨会,研讨班课程field trip 实地考察课程internship 实习,见习Studies & Testsassignment/project 课外作业,工作任务presentation 陈述,口头作业essay/theme 论文,作文term papers 学期论文thesis 毕业论文dissertation 毕业论文(尤指博士)entrance examination 入学考试assessment 评估achievement test/standardized test 标准化测试placement test 入学分级测试aptitude test 能力测试midterm test/midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试open book exam 开卷考试multiple-choice test 选择题考试defense 论文答辩academic records/transcript 学术成绩,成绩报告research method 研究方法(写论文的前期准备)questionnaire 问卷调查interview 访谈,采访in-depth case study 案例深入分析observation 观察研究(多用于科学实验)bibliography 参考文献,图书目录pass-fail 考查课,有及格分数线的考试credit system 学分系统,积分成绩雅思(ielts)听力考试场景词汇:Problemsattendance 出勤,出席play hooky/play truant 逃课deadline 截止日期(交作业)extension 延期(无法按时交作业)academic dishonesty 学术欺诈行为plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭cheating 考试作弊double submission of papers 试卷重复使用aiding and abetting dishonesty 协助学术欺诈fabrication 伪造成绩,捏造行为falsification of records 篡改成绩雅思(ielts)听力考试场景词汇:Fundingtuition fee 学费living expenses 生活费incidental expenses 学杂费grant 助学金stipend 固定生活津贴,固定奖学金scholarship (本科生)奖学金fellowship (研究生)奖学金financial aid/financial assistance 资助雅思(ielts)听力场景词汇:Campus Lifeaccommodation 住宿homestay 寄宿于当地人家里student hostel 学生公寓,学生宿舍dormitory 寝室room allocation 房间分配flat/apartment 公寓(出租给学生)on campus 住校off campus 不住校student union 学生会auditorium 大礼堂resource centre 资料中心gym 体育馆cafeteria 自助餐厅refectory 学院餐厅canteen 食堂common room (学校)休息室busing 校车接送student union 学生会fraternity (美)大学兄弟会enrollment 入学注册registration 登记,报到commencement/grad雅思(ielts)听力场景词汇:House & HomeHouse & Buildingabode 住所dwelling 住处residence 住宅bungalow/ranch house 平房,小屋,农场房屋terraced houses/row houses 排房semi-detached house/duplex house 双户住宅block of flats/ apartment building 公寓楼skyscraper 摩天大楼complex 综合建筑high-rise 高层mansion 大厦villa 别墅greenhouse 温室,花房pagoda 宝塔pavilion 亭,阁hut 小屋,棚屋shanty 简陋小屋,棚屋Exterior Structurewing 楼房的侧翼,侧楼facade (建筑的)正面,外观TV aerial/TV antenna 电视天线chimney 烟囱tiled roof 用瓦平铺的屋顶dome 圆屋顶skylight 天窗French window 落地长窗bay window 凸窗windowsill 窗台gatepost 门柱archway 拱门,拱道porch 门廊,游廊balcony 阳台veranda 门廊,阳台terrace 露台gateway 门前过道stairs/steps 台阶gutter 檐槽drainpipe 排水管garage 车库drive /driveway 私人车道,汽车道garden/yard 花园backyard 后院,后庭fence 篱笆,围栏hedge 树篱,篱笆dustbin/garbage can 垃圾箱fountain 喷泉Interior Structureattic 阁楼(可用做房间)loft 阁楼(多用于储藏)basement 地下室(可用做房间)cellar 地窖,酒窖fire door/fire escape 消防逃生道storeroom 储藏室study 书房closet 壁橱,储藏室corridor 室内走廊floorboards 地板skirtboard/baseboard 踢脚板banister (楼梯的)扶手,栏杆Entrance Hallintercom 对讲装置lock 锁doormat 擦鞋垫spy hole /peep hole 猫眼chain-guard 防护链条door handle 门把手(长型)door knob 门把手(圆形)rack 架子coat-hanger 衣架umbrella stand 伞架chest 箱子雅思(ielts)听力场景词汇:Sitting Roomsitting room/living room 起居室,客厅air-conditioner/AC 空调heater 加热器radiator 散热器fan 风扇carpet 地毯rug 小毯curtains/drapes 窗帘sofa/couch 沙发cushion 垫子armchair 扶手椅settee 有靠背的长椅stool 凳子bench 长凳子tea table/coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌ashtray 烟灰缸bookcase 书橱fireplace 壁炉stereo system 立体声音响speaker 音箱video cassette recorder/VCR 录象机plasma 等离子rear projector 背投remote control 遥控器vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器power point/outlet (电流)插座socket (灯泡)插口plug 插头switch 开关wall lamp 壁灯floor lamp 落地灯pot plant/house plant 盆栽植物ornament 装饰品雅思(ielts)听力场景词汇:Bedroomsingle room 单人房double bedroom/twin room 标房,双床房single bed 单人床double bed 双人床folding bed 折叠床king-size bed 特大床queen-size bed 大床wardrobe 衣橱chest of drawer 衣柜,五斗橱dressing table/dresser 梳妆台bedside lamp 床头灯mattress 床褥,床垫bedside cabinet 床头柜bed-linen 床上用品sheet 被单quilt 被子duvet 羽绒被tick 被套blanket 毯子pillow 枕头pillow case 枕头套Dining Roomdining table 饭桌dining chair 餐椅place mat/table cloth 台布plate 餐盘bowl 碗tureen 汤碗wineglass 酒杯saucer 茶托dining set 餐具glassware 玻璃器皿silverware 银器china 瓷器coffee set 咖啡用具pitcher 水罐teapot 茶壶sugar bowl 糖钵salt shaker 盐瓶candlestick 烛台knife 刀fork 叉spoon 调羹soup ladle 汤勺serviette/napkin 餐巾,围脖雅思(ielts)听力场景词汇:Kitchenkitchen ventilator 抽油烟机cupboard 碗橱fridge/ refrigerator/freezer 冰箱cooker/stove 炉灶microwave oven 微波炉toaster 烤炉,烤面包机dishwasher 洗碗机mixer/blender/liquidiser 搅拌机whisk 搅拌器kettle 水壶squeezer 榨汁机can opener/tin opener 开瓶器corkscrew 拔软木塞的起子detergent 洗洁精sink 洗涤槽peeler 削皮机grater 擦菜板,磨碎器funnel 漏斗sieve/ skimmer 漏勺,过滤器grill/broiler 烤架chopping board /cutting board 切菜板,砧板rolling pin 擀面棍cleaver 切肉刀vegetable knife 切菜刀tap/faucet 水龙头Bathroom & Toiletbath 浴室bathroom tile 浴室瓷砖toilet 盥洗室,马桶flush/toilet/ lavatory 抽水马桶shower cubicle 淋浴房shower 莲蓬头shower curtain 浴帘water heater/boiler 热水器washing machine 洗衣机drier 干衣机hair-drier 吹风机mirror 镜子basin 脸盆toothbrush 牙刷toothpaste 牙膏towel 毛巾tissue 绵纸,纸巾toilet paper 卫生纸toilet roll 卫生纸卷桶sponge 海绵shampoo 洗发精conditioner 护发素soap 肥皂大shaver 电动剃须刀razor 剃须刀House Rentallandlord/landlady 房东,女房东tenant 房客housing agency 房屋中介,物业location 地段,位置property 财产,物业rent 租金deposit 押金,定金refund 退还,反还weekly 按周(支付租金)monthly 按月(支付租金)house rules 租房规矩agreement 协议,契约contract 合同facility 设施,设备furniture 家具well-furnished (家具)全配partially furnished (家具)简配repairs 报修occupancy 房屋已租vacancy 房屋空置Leisure & Recreation雅思(ielts)听力场景词汇:Accommodationsbed-and-breakfast/B&B 提供床铺和早餐的旅店caravan/trailer/mobilehouse 活动房屋,房车lodgings 出租的房间hostel 青年旅社,招待所hotel 宾馆inn 客栈,小旅馆motel 汽车旅馆resort 度假胜地spa 矿泉疗养地cabin 小木屋tent 帐篷Entertainmentsaquarium 水族馆botanicalgarden 植物园zoologicalgarden/zoo 动物园themepark 主题公园marinepark 海洋公园icerink 溜冰场bullfight 斗牛carnival 嘉年华,狂欢节carousel/merry-go-round 旋转木马casino 娱乐场,俱乐部(以赌博为主)circus 马戏团fireworks 烟火表演freakshow 怪异表演funhouse (游乐园的)奇幻屋magic 魔术表演mimeshow 哑剧表演rollercoaster 过山车shadowplay 影子游戏hotairballooning 乘热气球rockclimbing/mountainclimbing 爬山cliffwalks 攀岩backpacking 背包旅行off-roaddriving 越野驾驶cycling 骑单车horsebackriding 骑马helicopterflights 坐直升飞机(观光)bungeejumping 蹦极跳scubadiving 水肺潜水surfing 冲浪雅思(ielts)听力场景词汇:SpectaclesStonehenge 巨石阵(英格兰南部)trilithon 巨石牌坊(三块石头组成)Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁(澳洲东海岸)algae 藻类,藻coral 珊瑚castle 城堡continent 大陆territory 领土island 岛isle 岛,小岛islet 小岛peninsula 半岛cape 海角bay 海湾gulf 海湾(比bay大)straits 海峡channel 海峡(比strait大)canal 运河,沟渠,水道tributary (江河的)支流coast 海岸shore 海滨,岸sandy beach 沙滩estuary 河口mouth 入口,河港之口delta 三角洲waterfall 瀑布falls 陨石,瀑布fountain 泉水flood 涨潮foam 浪花wave 波brook 小河(小型)stream 小河,溪流(中型)river 河流(大型)plateau 高原cliff 悬崖abyss 深渊cave 洞穴valley 山谷,流域plain 平原,草原desert 沙漠oasis (沙漠中的)绿洲wide mess 荒野(漠)spring 泉geyser 间歇泉,周期性温泉glacier 冰川marsh 沼泽地,湿地hillock 小丘,山丘(小型)hill 丘陵,小山(中型)mountain 山(大型)mountains/mountain range/mountain chain 山脉gorge 峡谷copse 杂树林(小型)wood 树林,森林(中型)forest 森林(大型)rainforest (热带)雨林jungle 丛林bush 矮树林Equipments & Clothingluggage 行李suitcase 衣箱rocket 旅行背包kit 工具箱first aid kit 急救箱adapter 接线板travel plug 转接器compass 指南针helmet 头盔life jacket 救生衣wetsuit 潜水服swim goggles 潜水镜snorkel 潜水通气管swim mask 潜水面具flippers/swim fins 潜水用的脚蹼surfboard 冲浪板long-sleeved T-shirt 长袖衬衫coat 外套suits 套装waistcoat 背心,马甲tank top 女用背心cardigan 开襟羊毛衫jumper 套头毛衣pullover 套衫sweater 毛线衫jeans 牛仔裤blouse 短上衣underwear 内衣裤pyjamas 睡衣bathrobe 浴衣bathing suit/swim suit 游泳衣slacks 宽松轻便长裤long trousers (英)长裤pants (美)长裤shorts (英)短外裤(美)男用内裤socks 短袜stockings 长袜(长及膝盖)tights (英)连裤袜panty hose (美)连裤袜walking boots/hiking boots 步行靴,旅行靴sports shoes 运动鞋trainers/sneakers 帆布胶底运动鞋sandals 凉鞋slippers 拖鞋雅思(ielts)听力场景词汇:Travel & Tourismpackage tour 自助背包旅行group tour 团体组队旅行activity holiday 假日活动旅行exploration 探险,冒险expedition 远征,探险考察excursion 远足,郊游trip 短途旅游journey 旅行,旅程voyage 航海,航程cruise 航游,巡航crossing 横越,穿越sightseeing 观光historical interest 历史遗迹souvenir shop 纪念品商店scene 景色(动态)view 风景(静态)scenery 风景(总称)Travel Agencypassenger 乘客,旅客tourist 旅行者traveler’s check / traveler’s cheque 旅行支票business class 商务舱tourist class 经济舱,普通舱cabin class 二等舱first class 头等舱booking 预定confirmation 确认(机票)boarding gate 登机口boarding pass 登机牌disembarkation card / landing card 入境卡airport tax 机场税(机场建设费)security inspection 安检passport control 验护照immigration control 边检baggage claim 行李认领excess baggage 超过规定重量的行李hand luggage 乘客随身带上飞机的行李waiting hall 候机厅lounge 休闲室transit passenger 过境的旅客transit visa 过境签证check-in 登记入住coach 长途客车(英)巴士,公共汽车(美)four-wheel drive 四轮驱动charter flight 包机jet lag 飞机时差综合症itinerary 行程schedule 时间表tour guide 导游。
Academic Dishonesty on Campus
Academic Dishonesty on Campus11录音袁雅110507104 Under the development of technology, the Internet has more sources and knowledge. People can find what they need easily through the search engines. At the same time, a lot of college students download papers from the Internet to finish their work. It seems to me that the behavior may do harm to the development of their abilities and intelligence. I don’t think it’s a good way to accomplish their tasks.Above all, in this way, students are idler than ever before when they use sources on the Internet. With days passing by, the abilities of those students who only use Internet to solve their problems may become lower and lower. Besides, it is a symbol of one’s character, honesty. Also, the practice can make college students reduce the chances of thinking matters and the spirit of questioning. Students may lose their own enthusiasm. Moreover, it seems that students are getting better in daily life, but when they really take examination, they will show their cloven f eet. What’s worse, handing in the homework in aid of Internet, it signifies that students have nothing.In conclusion, students ought to make good use of the Internet because sources and knowledge are universal. However, students should finish their tasks by themselves rather than depending on the Internet. Meanwhile, colleges are supposed to take measures to prevent students from copying words on the Internet.。
关于校园不良现象及建议英语作文Campus life is filled with various activities, opportunities, and challenges. However, it is not exempt from the presence of negative phenomena. In this essay, I will discuss some of the most common bad behaviors on campus and propose suggestions to address them.One prevalent issue is academic dishonesty. It is disheartening to witness students resorting to cheating during exams or plagiarizing others' work. This behavior not only undermines the integrity of academia but also hinders personal growth and learning. To combat academic dishonesty, educational institutions should focus on fostering a culture of integrity and emphasizing the value of originality. This could be achieved by organizing workshops and seminars on academic ethics and implementing stricter penalties for those who engage in dishonest practices.Another disturbing trend is bullying. Bullying on campus can take various forms, including physical, verbal, and cyberbullying. It has detrimental impacts on victims' mental and physical well-being, academic performance, and overall sense of security. Schools need to prioritize creating a safe and inclusive environment by implementing anti-bullying policies, providing counseling services, and promoting empathy and respect through awareness campaigns and peer support initiatives. Additionally, it is crucial to encourage students to report incidents of bullying and ensure swift and appropriate actions are taken to address them.Drug and substance abuse is also a pressing concern on campus. Students who engage in drug abuse not only jeopardize their own health but also pose a risk to the overall campus community. It is essential for educational institutions to establish comprehensive drug education programs that emphasize the negative consequences of substance abuse. These programs should provide accurate information, supportservices for affected students, and guidance on seeking help. Collaboration between schools, parents, and society is vitalto combat this issue effectively.Furthermore, the misuse of technology is another issuethat needs attention. Excessive use of smartphones and social media platforms can lead to addiction, decreased productivity, and social isolation among students. Educational institutions should encourage responsible technology use by organizing workshops on digital well-being, promoting offline activities, and providing spaces for face-to-face interactions. Emphasizing the potential pitfalls of technology and encouraging students to find a balance between online and offline activities can contribute to a healthier and more engaging campus environment.Lastly, the lack of environmental awareness is a problem that needs to be addressed. Many campuses struggle with waste management, improper disposal of garbage, and theoverconsumption of resources. Promoting environmental education, implementing recycling programs, and encouraging sustainable practices such as using reusable items and reducing energy consumption can make a significant difference. In addition, organizing campus-wide events and initiatives focused on environmental issues can help raise awareness and encourage positive behavioral changes.In conclusion, addressing the bad phenomena on campus requires a comprehensive approach. By prioritizing academic integrity, combating bullying, addressing drug abuse, promoting responsible technology use, and fostering environmental awareness, campuses can become safer, inclusive, and more conducive to personal and academic growth. It is essential for educational institutions, students, parents,and society as a whole to collaborate in order to create a positive and nurturing environment for all.。
Academic Dishonesty on Campus 大学校园里的学术诚信缺失It is shown in the recent surveys that many college students copy papers from the Internet to save the trouble of doing their homework. In my opinion,this kind of academic dishonesty is very harmful to these students.First, copying papers from the Internet makes students lazy. Copying papers from the Internet seems easy and can save some time and trouble, therefore, students will do this more and more often and seldom work hard to complete their papers on their own. In other words, students will become lazier and lazier. Second. students can learn little from copying others’ work. Students cannot improve their abilities just by downloading papers from the Internet without their own thinking and working. What’s worse, once students get used to academic cheating, they may also cheat in other cases in the future, which will be very dangerous for them.To prevent academic dishonesty on campus, some punishment by the school may be necessary. But the most important thing is that teachers should talk to those students, and make them aware of the fact that copying others’ work cannot bring them any knowledge and that only by working hard can they improve themselves.。
Cheating on CampusA faculty member began national publicity for the University of Maryland last year by apprehending several students who had taken examinations for others.“The incentives to engage in academic dishonesty on our campus included a lack of attention to precautions in the preparation and proctoring of examinations, vague and troublesome policies and procedures that discouraged faculty members from reporting cases, and lenient penal-ties that suggested to the campus community that academic dishonesty was not regarded as a serious offense. The consequences were predictable. What was also needed was careful attention to the ways in which our own policies and procedures were compounding the problem of academic dishonesty on the campus. Some of our efforts in this direction have progressed to the point that we can share a few suggestions with others.Develop a definition of “academic dishonesty.”It is difficult to discourage academic dishonesty effectively if students and faculty members don‟t know what the term means. At Maryland, for example, we simply had prohibited all “academic irregularities”which if taken literally, could have included chewing gum in class. As a result, we frequently wasted a considerable amount of energy in protracted and frustration debates about whether or not academic dishonesty included negligent as well as in international acts, or whether or not it was improper to submit portions of the same academic work in more than one class.Reaffirm the importance of academic integrity. Academic dishonesty has had relatively strong peer support and acceptance among some students, partly because we did not make a serious effort to explain why such behavior is contemptible. It is urgent to remind ourselves and our students that the university concentrates on learning and that academic dishonesty undermines the very foundation of that concentration .furthermore, academic dishonesty deceives those who may eventually depend upon our knowledge and integrity, even to the point of jeopardizing their lives and property. A recent study reported in the journal of medical education, for example , found a “positive correlation between cheating on campus and cheating in patient care”by young physicians.Reduce temptation. We normally recognize that certain forms of negligence may tempt otherwise decent people to be dishonest. why is it , then , when we hear of students cheating ininsufficiently proctored examinations , or misusing official forms left carelessly outside administrative offices , that we are so inclined to make pronouncements about the decadence of young and decline of western civilization .Colleges and universities across the country are now revising disciplinary regulations. it is important to develop equitable procedures that are compatible with the needs of the academic community.Impose strict penalties. Last year …s report by the Carnegie council on policy studies in higher education contained the observation that “colleges and their faculties have generally tended to be lax in punishing students for academic dishonesty ,” the most common example , on our campus and elsewhere , has been the practice of simply giving the offending students a failing grade .such a policy misleads other schools to which the student might apply , and does not deter those students already in danger of failing the course . Instead, if clear definitions of academic dishonesty have been developed, and if a reasonable effort has been made to inform students that such an offense are treated seriously.Academic dishonesty does indeed reveal the moral deficiencies of those students who engage in it. Responsibility also lies, however, with administrators and faculty members who knowingly tolerate conditions that would allow academic dishonesty to flourish in any generation of students.。
号召大家发现校园里的不文明现象英语作文Call on Everyone to Discover Uncivilized Behaviors on CampusAs university students, we should cherish and take care of our campus environment. However, there are some uncivilized behaviors that have been observed on campus lately. It is crucial for all of us to pay attention to these behaviors and work together to address them.Firstly, littering is a common issue on campus. Many students tend to throw trash on the ground instead of disposing of it properly in trash cans. This not only makes the campus look untidy but also harms the environment. We should all be aware of our surroundings and make an effort to keep our campus clean by properly disposing of trash.Secondly, vandalism is another problem that needs to be addressed. Graffiti on walls, desks, and other surfaces are a form of vandalism that negatively impacts the appearance of our campus. It is important for us to respect the property of the campus and avoid damaging it in any way.Furthermore, rude and disrespectful behavior towards classmates, teachers, and staff members should not be tolerated.Treating others with kindness and respect is essential for creating a harmonious and supportive campus environment. We should all strive to be considerate and polite in our interactions with others.In addition, skipping classes, cheating on exams, and other academic dishonesty behaviors undermine the integrity of our educational institution. We should all prioritize our studies and uphold academic honesty to ensure a fair and respectable learning environment.To address these uncivilized behaviors, we need the participation and cooperation of every member of the campus community. If you observe any of these behaviors or have any concerns about the campus environment, please speak up and report them to the appropriate authorities. By working together, we can create a campus that is clean, safe, and respectful for everyone.In conclusion, it is important for all of us to be vigilant and proactive in addressing uncivilized behaviors on campus. Let us all strive to maintain a positive and welcoming campus environment by respecting each other, taking care of our surroundings, and upholding the values of integrity and respect.Together, we can make our campus a better place for learning and growth. Thank you.。
校园内存在的不文明行为英语作文Understood. Here's a draft addressing the prompt: The idyllic image of a school, a sanctuary of learning and growth, is often marred by the presence of uncivilized behaviors. These actions, ranging from the seemingly trivial to the overtly disrespectful, chip away at the foundation of a harmonious and productive learning environment. Witnessing such behaviors can be disheartening, prompting reflection on their root causes and the collective responsibility we share in fostering a culture of respect within our educational institutions. One of the most prevalent uncivilized behaviors on campuses is littering. Discarded wrappers, plastic bottles, and food waste paint an unsightly picture, transforming pristine grounds into eyesores. This blatant disregard for the shared environment speaks volumes about an individual's lack of consideration for others and their disconnect from the consequences of their actions. It reflects a sense of entitlement, where the responsibility of maintaining cleanliness is conveniently shifted onto someone else. Beyond the visual pollution, littering poses environmental hazards. Plastic waste, for instance, can take centuries to decompose, leaching harmful chemicals into the soil and water. Food waste attracts pests and creates unsanitary conditions. This disregard for the environment extends beyond the campus boundaries, contributing to a larger ecological crisis. It's a stark reminder of the disconnect between individual actions and their broader impact on the planet. Another uncivilized behavior that disrupts the sanctity of the learning environment is noise pollution. Loud conversations in hallways, blaring music from personal devices, and disruptive behavior during lectures demonstrate a lack of respect for others' right to a peaceful and focused atmosphere. This disregard for fellow students and teachers hinders their ability to concentrate, learn, and engage in meaningful academic pursuits. It creates unnecessary stress and frustration, turning a place meant for intellectual exploration into a chaotic and unproductive space. The use of offensive language and disrespectful behavior towards peers and faculty further erodes the fabric of a civilized campus. Insults, name-calling, and discriminatory remarks create a hostile and intimidating environment, where individuals feel unsafe and unwelcome. Such behavior not only inflicts emotional harm but also hinders open dialogue andcollaboration, essential elements of a thriving academic community. It reinforces biases and prejudices, perpetuating a culture of intolerance that contradicts the very principles of education, which should foster understanding and respect for diversity. Cheating, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty are perhaps the most egregious forms of uncivilized behavior within an academic setting. These actions undermine the very foundation of education, devaluing hard work, integrity, and the pursuit of knowledge. Cheating not only gives individuals an unfair advantage but also diminishes the value of genuine learning and achievement. It erodes trust within the academic community, creating an atmosphere of suspicion and doubt. Addressing these uncivilized behaviors requires a multi-pronged approach. Educational institutions must implement clear policies and consequences for such actions, ensuring that rules are consistently enforced. Awareness campaigns can play a crucial role in sensitizing students to the impact of their behavior on others and the environment. Fostering a culture of respect and responsibility requires open dialogue and active engagement from all members of the academic community. Students, faculty, and administrators must work together to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Ultimately, the responsibility for fostering a civilized campus rests with each individual. By choosing to act with consideration, respect, and integrity, we can collectively create a learning environment that is conducive to personal growth, academic excellence, and the pursuit of knowledge. It requires a conscious effort to be mindful of our actions and their impact on others, and to hold ourselves accountable for upholding the values that define a truly civilized society.。
In the context of a school campus,civility and respect are fundamental values that contribute to a positive and conducive learning environment.However,there are instances where certain behaviors can be classified as uncivilized,which can negatively impact the schools atmosphere and the wellbeing of its students and staff.Here are some common examples of uncivilized behaviors observed in school campuses and the importance of addressing them:1.Littering:Dropping trash carelessly around the campus is not only unhygienic but also disrespectful to the shared environment.It is crucial for students to understand the importance of keeping the campus clean by disposing of waste properly.2.Disrespectful Language:Using offensive language or insults towards peers or teachers is a direct violation of the schools code of conduct.Encouraging polite communication and respect for others is essential for maintaining a harmonious school community.3.Bullying:This behavior,which can be verbal,social,or physical,is a serious issue that can lead to severe emotional and psychological consequences for the victims.Schools must have strict policies against bullying and provide support systems for those affected.4.Cheating:Academic dishonesty,such as cheating on exams or plagiarizing assignments,undermines the integrity of the educational process.It is important to educate students about the value of hard work and the consequences of cheating.5.Disruptive Behavior in Class:Talking loudly,using electronic devices without permission,or engaging in other distracting activities during class can hinder the learning process for others.Students should be encouraged to respect the learning environment and the rights of their peers to learn.6.Vandalism:Damaging school property,such as graffiti on walls or breaking furniture, is a form of disrespect towards the institution and its resources.It is important to instill a sense of responsibility and care for the schools assets.7.Inappropriate Dress:Failing to adhere to the schools dress code can be seen as a lack of respect for the institutions rules and the professional learning environment.Students should be aware of and follow the dress code to show respect for the schools standards.8.Cyberbullying:With the prevalence of technology,bullying has extended to online platforms.It is essential to educate students about the responsible use of social media and the impact of their digital footprint.9.Disregard for School Rules:Ignoring or defying school rules,such as being late to class or skipping school events,shows a lack of commitment to the school community.It is important for students to understand the importance of following rules for the smooth functioning of the school.10.Exclusion of Others:Intentionally excluding someone from a group or activity can lead to feelings of isolation and affect a students social and emotional wellbeing. Promoting inclusivity and acceptance is key to fostering a supportive school culture.Addressing these uncivilized behaviors requires a multifaceted approach,including education on ethical conduct,enforcement of school policies,and the creation of a supportive environment where students feel comfortable reporting such incidents.By doing so,schools can work towards cultivating a culture of respect,responsibility,and integrity among their students.。
如何杜绝校园作弊英语作文250字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Prevent Cheating on CampusCheating has become a common problem on many school campuses, causing serious harm to the learning atmosphere and ethical standards. To prevent cheating and promote academic integrity, it is important for both teachers and students to take active measures. Here are some effective strategies to eradicate cheating on campus:1. Cultivate a culture of academic integrity: Teachers should emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity in their classrooms. They should make it clear that cheating is not only unethical but also detrimental to the students' own learning and future success. Students should be encouraged to take pride in their work and strive for excellence through their own efforts.2. Use technology to detect cheating: Teachers can utilize various online tools and software to monitor student activities during exams and assignments. These tools can help preventcheating by detecting plagiarism, unauthorized access to study materials, and other forms of academic dishonesty.3. Design varied and challenging assessments: Teachers should create assessments that require critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis of information. By designing challenging assessments, teachers can discourage students from resorting to cheating as an easy way out. Varied assessments, such as oral presentations, group projects, and open-book exams, can also reduce the opportunities for cheating.4. Teach students the value of collaboration: Rather than viewing their peers as competitors, students should be encouraged to collaborate and support each other in their learning process. Teachers can promote group work and peer evaluation to foster a spirit of teamwork and collective learning. This can help reduce the temptation to cheat for academic gains.5. Provide academic support and resources: Teachers should provide students with the necessary support and resources to help them succeed academically. This includes offering tutoring, study groups, and access to academic support services. By providing students with the tools they need to excel, teachers can reduce the likelihood of cheating out of desperation or lack of understanding.In conclusion, preventing cheating on campus requires a collective effort from teachers and students. By promoting a culture of academic integrity, using technology to detect cheating, designing challenging assessments, fostering collaboration, and providing academic support, schools can create a more ethical and conducive learning environment. It is essential for everyone to uphold the values of honesty and integrity in academia, as they are crucial for the development of responsible and successful individuals.篇2How to Eliminate Cheating on CampusCheating has become a common problem on campuses all over the world. It not only undermines the integrity of the academic system but also prevents students from developing essential skills that will help them succeed in the long run. To combat cheating effectively, both students and educators need to work together to create a culture of honesty and academic integrity. Here are some ways to eliminate cheating on campus:1. Educate students about the consequences of cheating: Many students may not fully understand the impact of cheating on their academic and professional future. Schools shouldeducate students about the consequences of cheating, including failing grades, academic probation, and even expulsion.2. Foster a culture of integrity: Encourage students to value honesty and integrity in their academic work. Educators should emphasize the importance of learning for its own sake, rather than just getting good grades. When students view education as a means of personal growth and intellectual development, they are less likely to resort to cheating.3. Implement rigorous assessment methods: Schools should use a variety of assessment methods, such as essays, presentations, and group projects, to evaluate students' understanding of the material. This makes it more difficult for students to cheat since they need to demonstrate their knowledge in different ways.4. Use plagiarism detection software: Schools can use plagiarism detection software to scan students' work for any instances of plagiarism. This technology can help educators identify and address cases of cheating quickly and effectively.5. Encourage open communication: Create an environment where students feel comfortable discussing academic challenges and seeking help when they need it. When students feelsupported by their teachers and peers, they are less likely to resort to cheating out of desperation.6. Set clear expectations and consequences: Clearly communicate the school's policies on academic integrity and the consequences of cheating. When students know what is expected of them and the repercussions of cheating, they are more likely to adhere to the rules.7. Encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning: Emphasize the importance of self-discipline and hard work in achieving academic success. Encourage students to take ownership of their learning and seek help when needed, rather than resorting to cheating.In conclusion, eliminating cheating on campus requires a collaborative effort from students, educators, and administrators. By fostering a culture of honesty and integrity, educating students about the consequences of cheating, and implementing rigorous assessment methods, schools can create an environment where academic dishonesty is not tolerated. Together, we can work towards a future where all students achieve success through hard work and integrity.篇3How to Eliminate Cheating on CampusCheating is a common problem on many school campuses. Students may cheat for various reasons, such as pressure to get good grades, lack of understanding of the material, or simply because they think they won't get caught. However, cheating is a serious offense that can have long-term consequences for students. Therefore, it is important for schools to take proactive measures to prevent cheating and promote academic integrity among students.One way to eliminate cheating on campus is to create a culture of honesty and integrity. Schools can achieve this by educating students about the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of cheating. Teachers can talk to their students about the negative effects of cheating on their academic and personal development, as well as the impact it can have on their future careers.Schools can also implement strict policies and procedures to prevent cheating. For example, teachers can use plagiarism detection software to check students' work for copied content. They can also use a variety of assessment methods, such as written exams, oral exams, and group projects, to ensure thatstudents are demonstrating their own understanding of the material.In addition, schools can work with students to create a supportive environment where cheating is not tolerated. This can involve encouraging students to report incidences of cheating and providing them with resources and support to help them succeed academically. Schools can also offer tutoring and academic counseling to students who are struggling with their coursework, to reduce the temptation to cheat.Overall, eliminating cheating on campus requires a collaborative effort between schools, teachers, and students. By promoting a culture of honesty and integrity, implementing strict policies and procedures, and creating a supportive environment for students, schools can help to prevent cheating and promote academic success among their students.。
Campus Rules: What Not to DoThe campus is a vibrant and diverse environment where students come to learn, grow, and form meaningful relationships. However, with this freedom comes a set of responsibilities and rules that must be followed to ensure a safe and harmonious learning atmosphere. Here are some things that students should avoid doing on campus.**1. Breaking Academic Honesty**The foundation of any educational institution is academic integrity. Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited on campus. Students should always strive to complete their work independently and honestly, upholding the values ofintegrity and authenticity.**2. Disrespecting Faculty and Staff**Faculty and staff members are the pillars of the academic community. They deserve respect and courtesy atall times. Students should avoid being rude ordisrespectful in any form, whether it's through their words or actions.**3. Violating Campus Safety Rules**Campus safety is paramount, and there are specific rules and regulations designed to ensure everyone's well-being. Students should adhere to these rules, such as not trespassing restricted areas, following fire safety protocols, and reporting any suspicious activities.**4. Damaging Campus Property**Campus facilities and property are shared resourcesthat need to be treated with care. Students should avoid vandalizing or causing any harm to buildings, equipment, or other property. Respecting public property reflects a sense of responsibility and maturity.**5. Engaging in Unsafe Behaviors**The campus is a place where students should feel safe and secure. Engaging in unsafe behaviors, such as drinking and driving, fighting, or participating in dangerous activities, is not acceptable. Students should always prioritize their safety and the safety of others.**6. Discriminating or Bullying**Campus is a diverse melting pot where students from different backgrounds come together. It is essential to maintain a culture of inclusivity and respect. Discriminating against or bullying any individual based on their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other factor is unacceptable. Students should actively promote a positive and inclusive environment.In conclusion, the campus is a place where students should strive to uphold high standards of ethics, respect, and safety. By avoiding the aforementioned behaviors, students can contribute to creating a positive and supportive learning environment for everyone.**校园规则:不能做什么**校园是一个充满活力且多元化的环境,学生们在这里学习、成长并建立深厚的友谊。
严禁手机进校园英语作文The debate over the use of mobile phones in schools has been a contentious issue for years. On one side, proponents argue that mobile phones can be a valuable educational tool, providing access to information and facilitating communication. On the other hand, opponents contend that mobile phones are a distraction that can hinder learning and disrupt the academic environment. In my opinion, the benefits of banning mobile phones in schools outweigh the drawbacks, and schools should implement strict policies to prohibit their use on campus.One of the primary arguments in favor of banning mobile phones in schools is the potential for distraction. In today's digital age, students are constantly bombarded with notifications, social media updates, and other digital stimuli that can divert their attention from the task at hand. When students are allowed to use mobile phones during class, they are more likely to engage in non-academic activities, such as texting, browsing the internet, or playing games, rather than focusing on the lesson. This can lead to a decline in academic performance, as students struggle to retain informationand complete assignments.Moreover, the presence of mobile phones in the classroom can disrupt the learning environment for both the individual student and their classmates. The ringing of a phone or the sound of a student typing on a device can be a significant distraction, interrupting the flow of the lesson and making it more difficult for other students to concentrate. This can be particularly problematic in settings where students are expected to engage in group discussions or collaborative activities, as the presence of mobile phones can hinder effective communication and teamwork.In addition to the academic concerns, the use of mobile phones in schools can also raise issues related to student safety and well-being. Mobile phones can be a target for theft, and the presence of valuable devices on campus can increase the risk of criminal activity. Furthermore, the use of mobile phones can facilitate cyberbullying, as students may use their devices to harass or intimidate their peers. By banning mobile phones, schools can create a safer and more secure environment for their students, reducing the potential for these types of incidents.Another important consideration is the potential for mobile phones to be used for cheating on exams or other assessments. With access to the internet and various apps, students may be tempted to usetheir phones to look up answers, share information with classmates, or engage in other forms of academic dishonesty. This can undermine the integrity of the educational system and make it more difficult for teachers to accurately assess student learning. By banning mobile phones, schools can help to ensure the fairness and validity of their assessments, promoting academic honesty and integrity.Despite these concerns, some argue that mobile phones can be a valuable educational tool, providing students with access to information and resources that can enhance their learning experience. For example, students may use their phones to conduct research, access educational apps, or communicate with their teachers and classmates. However, these benefits can be achieved through the use of school-provided devices or other technology that is specifically designed for educational purposes, without the distractions and potential risks associated with personal mobile phones.Furthermore, the argument that mobile phones can be a valuable educational tool is not universally applicable. The effectiveness of mobile phones in the classroom can vary depending on the subject matter, the teaching methods employed, and the age and maturity level of the students. In many cases, traditional teaching methods and resources may be more effective in promoting student learningand engagement.In conclusion, the evidence suggests that the benefits of banning mobile phones in schools outweigh the potential drawbacks. By prohibiting the use of mobile phones on campus, schools can create a more focused and productive learning environment, reduce the risk of academic dishonesty and cyberbullying, and promote student safety and well-being. While there may be some educational benefits to the use of mobile phones, these can be achieved through the use of school-provided technology that is specifically designed for educational purposes. Ultimately, the decision to ban mobile phones in schools should be based on a careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits, with the goal of providing the best possible learning experience for all students.。
大学不诚实现象英语作文和解决方案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dishonesty in College: Causes and SolutionsIntroductionHonesty is one of the core values that is promoted in educational institutions, including colleges and universities. However, in recent years, there has been a growing concern about the prevalence of dishonesty among college students. This phenomenon, known as academic dishonesty, includes behaviors such as cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication of data. In this essay, we will explore the reasons behind this issue and propose some solutions to address it.Causes of Dishonesty in CollegeThere are several factors that contribute to the prevalence of dishonesty among college students. One of the main reasons is the pressure to excel in academics. In today's competitive academic environment, students are often under immense pressure to achieve high grades in order to secure scholarships, internships, or graduate school admissions. This pressure canlead students to resort to dishonest means to improve their grades.Another factor that contributes to academic dishonesty is the lack of understanding of academic integrity. Many students may not be fully aware of what constitutes plagiarism or cheating, and may inadvertently engage in these behaviors without realizing the consequences. Additionally, the normalization of cheating in some college cultures can also contribute to the prevalence of dishonesty among students.Finally, the rise of online resources and technology has made it easier for students to cheat or plagiarize. With a few clicks of a mouse, students can access pre-written essays, solutions to homework assignments, or even answers to exams. This ease of access to unethical resources can tempt students to cheat rather than put in the effort to complete their assignments honestly.Solutions to Address Dishonesty in CollegeIn order to tackle the issue of dishonesty among college students, it is important for colleges and universities to take proactive measures to promote academic integrity. One way to do this is through education and awareness programs. Colleges can implement workshops or seminars that educate students about the importance of academic honesty and theconsequences of dishonesty. By raising awareness about the issue, colleges can help students understand the importance of maintaining academic integrity.Another solution is to create a culture of honesty and integrity on campus. Colleges can reinforce the values of honesty and integrity through policies and codes of conduct that explicitly prohibit dishonest behaviors. By creating a culture that values honesty and holds students accountable for their actions, colleges can deter students from engaging in dishonest behaviors.Additionally, colleges can implement measures to detect and prevent academic dishonesty. This can include using plagiarism detection software to scan for copied content in student assignments, or proctoring exams to ensure the integrity of the testing environment. By implementing these measures, colleges can send a strong message that dishonesty will not be tolerated.ConclusionIn conclusion, the issue of dishonesty among college students is a complex problem with multiple causes. However, by implementing proactive measures to promote academic integrity, colleges can work towards creating a campus culturethat values honesty and integrity. Through education, awareness, and enforcement of policies, colleges can help students understand the importance of maintaining academic integrity and deter them from engaging in dishonest behaviors. By working together to address this issue, colleges can create a more ethical and honest academic environment for all students.篇2Dishonesty in universities is a phenomenon that has become increasingly common in recent years. Students cheating on exams, plagiarizing papers, and fabricating data are just a few examples of the ways in which dishonesty manifests itself in academic settings. This behavior not only undermines the values of honesty and integrity that universities are supposed to uphold, but also creates an atmosphere of mistrust and unfair competition among students.There are several reasons why dishonesty is prevalent in universities. One of the main reasons is the pressure to perform well academically. With the rising cost of tuition and the competitive job market, students feel the need to excel in their studies in order to secure a good job after graduation. This pressure can lead some students to resort to dishonest means to achieve good grades.Another reason for the prevalence of dishonesty in universities is the lack of proper supervision and enforcement of academic integrity policies. Many universities have weak ornon-existent systems in place for detecting and punishing academic dishonesty, which makes it easier for students to cheat without fear of consequences. Some students may also see cheating as a way to level the playing field if they perceive that their peers are also engaging in dishonest behavior.Despite these challenges, there are steps that universities can take to address the issue of dishonesty among students. One possible solution is to strengthen academic integrity policies and make sure that students are aware of the consequences of cheating. This can include implementing honor codes, educating students about ethical behavior, and providing resources for students who may be struggling academically.Universities can also work to create a culture of honesty and integrity on campus by promoting ethical values and rewarding students who exhibit these qualities. This can involve recognizing and celebrating academic achievements that are earned through hard work and dedication, rather than through cheating or deception.Finally, universities can also invest in technologies and tools that can help detect and prevent academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism detection software and exam proctoring services. By using these resources, universities can deter students from engaging in dishonest behavior and ensure a level playing field for all students.In conclusion, dishonesty in universities is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach to address. By implementing stronger academic integrity policies, promoting ethical values, and investing in technology solutions, universities can work towards creating a culture of honesty and integrity on campus. Only by working together can we ensure that our universities are places where academic excellence is achieved through hard work and dedication, rather than through dishonest means.篇3Dishonesty in Universities: Causes and SolutionsIntroductionDishonesty in universities has become a prevalent issue in recent years, with students engaging in various forms of academic dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, andfabricating research data. This behavior not only undermines the integrity of the education system but also hinders the development of critical thinking and ethical values among students. In this essay, we will explore the root causes of dishonesty in universities and propose effective solutions to address this pressing issue.Causes of Dishonesty in UniversitiesThere are several factors that contribute to the prevalence of dishonesty in universities. One of the main reasons is the pressure to excel academically. In an increasingly competitive job market, students feel the need to achieve high grades in order to secure a good job or gain admission to a prestigious graduate school. This pressure can lead some students to resort to dishonest means in order to achieve their academic goals.Another factor that contributes to dishonesty in universities is the lack of academic integrity education. Many students are not fully aware of the consequences of dishonest behavior and may not understand the importance of upholding ethical values in their academic work. Without proper guidance and education on academic integrity, students may be more likely to engage in dishonest practices.In addition, the culture of cheating and plagiarism in some academic institutions can also perpetuate dishonesty among students. If cheating is widespread and goes unpunished, students may see it as a normative behavior and be more inclined to engage in dishonest practices themselves.Solutions to Address Dishonesty in UniversitiesTo combat the problem of dishonesty in universities, it is important to implement a multi-faceted approach that addresses the root causes of the issue. One effective solution is to promote a culture of academic integrity on campus. This can be done through education and awareness campaigns that emphasize the importance of ethical behavior in academia. Universities can also implement honor codes and policies that clearly outline the consequences of academic dishonesty and encourage students to uphold ethical values in their academic work.Another solution is to provide students with the support and resources they need to succeed academically without resorting to dishonest practices. This can include offering tutoring services, study skills workshops, and academic counseling to help students improve their academic performance in a legitimate way.Furthermore, universities can also take proactive measures to prevent cheating and plagiarism, such as using plagiarism detection software to identify instances of academic dishonesty. By holding students accountable for their actions and enforcing academic integrity policies, universities can send a strong message that dishonesty will not be tolerated.ConclusionIn conclusion, dishonesty in universities is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive and proactive approach to address. By promoting a culture of academic integrity, providing students with the support they need to succeed, and actively preventing cheating and plagiarism, universities can work towards creating a learning environment where honesty and ethical behavior are valued. Only through these collective efforts can we ensure that students are able to achieve academic success in a manner that is honest and ethical.。
教授与学生的学术抄袭英语作文1.当前,学术抄袭现象泛滥2.学术抄袭的危害3.怎样杜绝学术抄袭范文示例Academic Dishonesty on Campus大学学术诚信缺失It is known to all,an academic credential reflects a student's academic knowledge and expertise,with which he becomes qualified for performing certain professional responsibilities at certain professional positions.While,according to a survey,many college students as well as professionals copy papers from others,just avoiding the trouble of doing the research by themselves,which is a shame of college education.Academic dishonesty can't be tolerate.It's an infringement,without respecting others efforts.Moreover,academic dishonesty is dangerous sometimes might even cause a severe social trouble.For example,a medical graduate with false credentials can kill his patients rather than rescuing them.It's easy to cheat in academics,but one shall never learn the truth and have their own thinking on their work.To prevent academic dishonesty on campus,a combination of measures by the school may be necessary. We should evaluate students by their comprehensive quality, not solely by his academic performance.For, teachers, we should keep exposing and denouncing so that they can no longer fool us. In this way, our campus will become purified and credibility will ultimately prevail.。
1 我们应该欢迎“宅”生活吗?题目要求The popularization of computer and Internet service has created a group of people called “indoorsy men”or “indoorsy women”. They prefer to spend most of their time at home rather than going outdoors and having face-to-face contact with others. Should people choose to become indoorsy? The following are opinions from both sides. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your views on the issue.Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.审题思路本题讨论“宅”生活是否可取。
英语专四写作优秀作文欣赏及亮点解析下面是店铺整理的英语专四写作优秀作文欣赏及亮点解析,欢迎大家阅读!题目1:Certification: A Way to Prove Oneself写作要求Nowadays many students will choose to study for some kind of certifi cation and it has been recognized as a way to prove one’s ability. Write on Answer Sheet Two a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:Certifi cation: A Way to Prove OneselfYou are to write in three parts.In the fi rst part, state specifi cally what your idea is.In the second part, provide reasons to support your opinion OR describe your idea.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.审题思路本题是一道分析利弊/差异型的题目,要求论述证书对学生的重要性:证书是证明自己的一种方式。
校园规则英文作文英文:As a student, I believe that campus rules are essential for maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment. These rules help to ensure that everyone can focus on their studies and feel comfortable in their surroundings. For example, one important rule is the prohibition of smoking on campus. This not only protects non-smoking students and staff from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, but also prevents littering and keeps the campus clean.Another important rule is the dress code. While some students may find it restrictive, I believe it is necessary to maintain a professional and respectful atmosphere. For instance, wearing appropriate attire to class and other school events shows respect for oneself and others. It also prepares students for the expectations of the professional world after graduation.In addition, rules regarding academic honesty are crucial. Cheating and plagiarism not only undermine the value of education, but also harm the integrity of the entire academic community. By enforcing strict consequences for academic dishonesty, the school demonstrates its commitment to upholding high ethical standards.Overall, campus rules are put in place to create a positive and productive learning environment for everyone. By following these rules, students can focus on their studies and personal growth without unnecessary distractions.中文:作为一名学生,我认为校园规则对于维护安全有序的学习环境至关重要。
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Academic Dishonesty on Campus (draft)
Along with the development of technology, there are many ways for us to develop our own knowledge and ability, among which Internet is considered to be the most convenient way throughout the world. Since recently some students in the university often use the essays or theses on the Internet as their own academic report. As far as I am concerned, it is not so much learning as plagiarism, because there are more and more people using this way to finish their tasks. And it is a pressing problem to solve.
To start with, students are lazier than before when they began to use the sources on the Internet. If they use the essays on the Internet only, as time goes by they will lose ability of thinking. Also, it is dishonesty to use these essays on the Internet. And those who are accustomed to plagiarize can easily go astray. What’s more, the essays or theses are not students’ opinions or thoughts. Obviously, it means nothing.
All in all, I think learn through the Internet is a good idea because there are many knowledge. But we should do things by ourselves, not rely on the Internet. And should come up with immediate actions to stop students from plagiarizing through the Internet.
Academic Dishonesty on Campus (revised)
Along with the development of technology, there are many ways for college students to develop their own knowledge and ability, among which Internet is considered to be the most convenient way throughout the world. Since recently some students in the university often use the essays or theses on the Internet as their own academic report. As far as I am concerned, it is not so much learning as plagiarism, because there are more and more people using this way to finish their tasks. And it is a pressing problem to solve.
To start with, students are lazier than before when they began to use the sources on the Internet. If they use the essays or theses on the Internet only, as time goes by they will lose ability of thinking. Also, it is dishonesty to use these essays on the Internet. And those who are accustomed to plagiarize can easily go astray. What’s more, the essays or theses can not express students’opinions or thoughts. Students’intellects have no improving. Obviously, it means nothing.
All in all, I think learn through the Internet is a good idea because there are many
knowledge. But university students should do things by themselves, instead of relying on the Internet. And university should come up with immediate actions to stop students from plagiarizing through the Internet.。