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1. Please _______ the window. (close/open)

- Answer: close

2. I like to eat ____________. (apple/orange)

- Answer: apple

3. What is your name?

- Answer: [student should fill in their own name]

4. Can you __________ Chinese? (speak/write)

- Answer: speak

5. 2 + 2 = ?

- Answer: 4


1. I __________ (am/are/is) a student.

- Answer: am

2. My favorite color is _________.

- Answer: [student should fill in their own favorite color]

3. My father _________ (like/likes) to read books.

- Answer: likes

4. I have ________ (one/two/three) cats.

- Answer: [student should fill in the correct number]

5. There are __________ (four/five/six) seasons in a year. - Answer: four


I have a dog. His name is Max. Max is a friendly dog. Max likes to play fetch. I throw a ball and Max brings it back to me. Max also likes to take naps. He sleeps for 2-3 hours a day. Sometimes Max barks at strangers but he never bites them.


1. What is the name of the dog?

- Answer: Max

2. What does Max like to play?

- Answer: fetch

3. How long does Max sleep each day?

- Answer: 2-3 hours

4. Does Max bite strangers?

- Answer: no


1. What is your favorite subject?

- Answer: [student should fill in their own favorite subject]

2. Do you like to play sports?

- Answer: [student should answer yes or no]

3. What is the weather like today?

- Answer: [student should describe the current weather]

4. What did you eat for breakfast today?

- Answer: [student should describe their breakfast]

5. What do you want to be when you grow up?

- Answer: [student should describe their future career aspirations]


[student should write a short essay on a topic of their choice, with a minimum of 100 characters]

答案请参考以上内容,具体分数以老师为准。Good luck!
