英译汉 Lecture 3

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For Venuti, domesticating has negative connotations as it is identified with a policy common in dominant cultures which are “aggressively monolingual, unreceptive to the foreign” and which he describes as being “accustomed to fluent translations that invisibly inscribe foreign texts with [target language] values and provide readers with the narcissistic experience of recognizing their own culture in a cultural other”.
Ex 2. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese.
1. A: Why is the river rich? B: Because it has two banks. 2. A: What does that lawyer do after he
Lecture 3
Translation Strategies
Translation Strategies: 1. Literal Translation & Liberal translation 2. Domestication & Foreignization
Part I
Literal Translation VS
dies? B: lie still.
3.Wasted and withering years 蹉跎岁月 4. Just to reap easy-to-reach profit
5. He bent solely upon profit. 他这个人唯利是图。
6. It indeed makes a good story. 真是无巧不成书。
1. to kill two birds with one stone 直译:一石二鸟 意译:一箭双雕,一举两得
2. a drop in the bucket 直译: 一桶水中的一滴 意译: 沧海一粟;九牛一毛;微不足道
3. You are flattering me.
1) 你吹捧我! 2) 你抬举我! 你拍我马屁!
6. I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age.
我把青春献给了大海,我回到家里,给了我妻子我的 老年。
(我把青春献给了海洋,回到家里时,已经是白发苍 苍。)
If the expression is heavily culture-loaded, the mechanic pursuit of literal translation usually leads to errors.
Instead of “literal translation” and “liberal translation”, Peter Newmark raised another pair of terms “semantic translation” and “communicative translation”. The former refers to the translation of documents, political articles, etc., in which the wording is as important as the meaning, thus requiring more attention to the way of expression, and the latter refers to literature works like stories and novels, thus allowing the translator more “freedom” to choose proper forms as long as the meaning and aesthetic effect are conveyed. This also means the translator can make better use of his capacity in “recreation”, or like the Chinese saying: the translator can give full play to the target language (发挥译语优势).
进行了反驳。) 4. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as
well as the company he keeps, for there is a companionship of books as well as of men. 人们往往可以从一个人所交往的朋友以及所阅读的书中看 到他的为人.因为,人与人、人与书之间都存在着友谊。(所 谓欲知其人,先观其友;观其阅读书目,亦能知其人。因 为人与人为友,亦可与书为友。
Liberal Translation
1. Literal Translation
♣ word-for-word translation ♣ to keep the form and content of the original
language intact. ♣ premise ∶ there is the similar expression both
Ex 1. Correct the following translation.
1. hand in glove with 带者手套和某人合作 (和…狼狈为奸) 2. once in a blue moon 一个蓝色月亮里的一次 (千载难逢) 3. His retort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar. 他的反驳是带着强烈的醋意的。(他用非常尖酸刻薄的口气
过奖了! 哪里哪里! 岂敢,岂敢!
Versions 2 are often used to show one’s politeness rather than real modesty. However, “You flatter me” in English is often used when one feels he is really overestimated, and has been asked or expected to do something really beyond him. So it is an indirect refusal or denial.
target language.
Just as Nida put it: “Translating is the translating of meaning.” The purpose of any and all translation is to convey the meaning of the source text.
③ 我们的旅伴还真不少:坐马车的,骑骡子的, 还有滚滚尘土。
5. “It’s an order from President Bush.” “I don’t care if it is from bush, tree, or grass!”
①“这是布什总统的命令。”“我不在意它来自 灌木、树,还是草。”
②“这是布什总统的命令。”“我才不在乎它 来自布什、树木还是草呢。”
③“这是布什总统的命令。”“我才不管它什 么布什、布头,还是布片呢,与我无关。”
6.But Diana’s champions were overwhelmingly women. Like many of them, she had a heartless husband, in-laws from hell, and fickle boyfriend.
5. The negro lives on a lonely island of பைடு நூலகம்overty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.
黑人依然生活在物质富裕的汪洋大海中贫乏的孤岛上。 (黑人生活在贫困的孤岛上,而孤岛四周广阔的海域却是 一片繁荣的景色。)
Analysis: Versions 1) in the above succeed only in translating the surface meaning or literal meaning; versions 2) bring out the actual meaning, and versions 3) go further to express the meaning smoothly. Versions 3) are what competent translators should aim at.
4. We had plenty of company in the way of wagonloads and mule-loads of tourists—and dust.
① 我们有很多以马车装载和骡子负载的旅游者这 种方式的同伴——和尘土。
② 给我们做伴的还真不少,有乘马车的游客,有 骑骡子的游客——一路尘土飞扬。
A. TL-oriented B. SL-oriented
domestication foreignization
1. Domestication
A term used by Venuti to describe the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopt to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers(归化翻译法旨在尽量减少译文 中的异国情调,为目的语读者提供一种自然流畅 的 译 文 ). According to Venuti, this strategy “leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him(尽量不干扰读 者,请作者向读者靠近)”.
Part II
Domestication (归化) VS
Foreignization( 异化)
1. Linguistic and Cultural Equivalence
A.full equivalent B.partial equivalent C.non-equivalent
2. Default Compensation
in the source language and target language.
2. Liberal Translation
♣ free translation ♣ keep the content but forsake the form of the
original language ♣ premise∶ no similar expression exists in the
• 可是黛安娜的冠军绝大多数是妇女。像她们中的 很多,她有一个无情的丈夫,来自地狱的姻亲, 感情易变的男朋友。
• 可是黛安娜的拥护者绝大多数是妇女。和她们中 的很多人一样,她有一个无情无义的丈夫,地狱 般的姻亲,见异思迁的男朋友。
• 而黛安娜的拥护者绝大多数是妇女。因为她的遭 遇和她们中的许多人相似:丈夫无情无义,婆家 人蛮不讲理,男友个个都是负心郎。