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01 long sword attack +15
02 sharp attack, +24 sensitive, -2
03 crystal sword attack, +35, magic strike, +5, property attack
04 fly sword attack, +49 sensitive +7, avoid +5% wind attribute attack, wind resistance 30% paralysis, invalid force 2 times
05 holy sword attack, +67, anti +5, -3, magic strike, +7, holy property, attack, paralysis, effect, seal, magic, invalid
06 click the +9 +90 magic attack with the fire attack anti fire water -30% +30%
07 mine sword attack +92 sensitive +2 avoidance +7% wind attack weak wind 130% weak effect is invalid
08 magic sword attack +130 magic strike +4, seal magic effect, the use of MP halved, 2 times the money
09 click the +3 +46 magic attack was anti -50% wind +150% fire +40% 2 attacks
0A Yaodao dragon light attack +183 anti -15 sensitive +10 +4 hates +5% magic hammer blow poisoning poisoning effect invalid
0B Excalibur, +220, anti +20, Dodge, +10% four, anti +40%, force 2 times, HP50% per turn, cannot kill enemy
Anti +35 attack +310 sensitive +35 magic hit +35 random number abnormal state of paralysis Fengmo poisoning feeble auxiliary invalid per turn to restore HP15%. 0C finally mysterious device
0D stick attack +10
0E Crystal Wand attacks +15 ground attributes attack
0F wand attack +21, magic strike, +8, holy property, attack four, anti +10%, magic, invalid force, 2 times
10, the spirit of the stick attack +29 sensitive +2 magic strike +12 fire property, attack water resistance, -40% fire, +30% money 2 times
11 evil spirit stick attack +40 magic strike, +15 poisoning effect poisoning, invalid action 2 times
12 lightning rod attack +12, anti -4 magic strike, +30 wind attribute, attack against ground, -40% wind, +120%
13, crescent bar attack, +78 sensitive, +4 seal magic effect 2 times experience
14 earth attack +89 +2 magic hammer rod anti +14 attack resistance 100% feeble effect.
15 click the +18 +98 magic wand frost of hate water anti blow +10% water attack 60% fire 50% paralysis effect
16 World Branch attack +25, anti +14 sensitive +10 magic strike,
+20 dodge +20% holy property attack, four anti +50% auxiliary, all invalid HP damage halved, each round reply HP5%, move can use magic
17, the staff of the stick attack +124, anti +16, +12, magic strike, +27, wind, -100%, +80% water, +90 fire, -70%, sealed magic, invalid money 2 times, 2 times the power, MP8% per turn reply, you can use magic after moving
It is empty of 18 devil magic +140 anti +10 sensitive +15 +30 +2% anti avoidance magic hammer -100% -100% wind +200% +200% water fire Fengmo feeble using MP half each round reply MP5% HP10% mobile can use magic
19 hot bucket fist attack +17
1A Cat Claws, +14, anti +2, wind attribute, attack, wind, +15% poisoning, invalid attack two times
1B of +40 sensitive +4 magic vindictive fist hit +1 hate +5% fading effect strength 2 times.
1C platinum claw attack, +56 anti -2 magic strike, +5 avoidance, +10% property attack, anti ground 30% winds, -10% invalid invalid
1D seizes the soul ice hook attack +89 water property attacks, anti water +70% paralysis effect paralysis, invalid use MP halve
1E meteor flash claws attack, +140 sensitive +8, anti water,
+150% fire, -150%, sealed magic invalid poisoning, invalid HP damage halved
1F Vulcan blade claw attack, +230 sensitive +14, anti -10 magic strike, +5 fire property, attack water resistance, -130% fire, +100%, use magic after moving
* 20 artifact sky attack +280 anti +25 sensitive +30 +15 -70% anti magic hammer +120% -50% wind water fire +150%
21 thief knife attack +12
22 ice crystal knife attack +27, hate a hit, +5%, steal +4% water property, attack water resistance, +120% power 2 times
23 dagger attack +42 sensitive +5 avoidance was +20% four +30% anti paralysis paralysis effect invalid use of half MP
The 24 secret knife attack +60 +8% snow water attack anti water theft +40% weak effect of sealing the invalid to kill the enemy
25 earthquake thunder dagger attack +95, anti +3 sensitive +2 magic strike +8, hate a blow +10% wind attribute, attack wind, +100% magic effect
26 empty cut knife attack +130 +7 sensitive +12 +15% anti theft attack wind-resistant +150% poisoning is invalid
* 27 +180 anti +12 attack magic cry kill sensitive +20 +14 +20% anti theft magic hit +30% +50% +80% -200% wind water fire any 2 kinds of abnormal state elimination can use magic magic mobile
28 stab gun attack +18
29 flash spear attack +24, avoid +15%
2A harpoon attack, +26 hate strike, +2% water attribute attack, anti water +120% action 2 times
2B instantaneous wind gun attack, +49 sensitive +5, dodge +6% wind attribute attack, wind resistance +30% paralysis effect, sealed magic invalid force 2 times
2C trident attack +70
2D cut dragon spear attack, +37 anti +4 magic strike, +2 hate strike, +7% holy property attack, four anti +40% paralysis, invalid attack 2 times
2E void gun attack, +90 sensitive +8, wind attribute attack, wind resistance, +100% fade effect, poisoning invalid, resume HP10% per turn
2F demon gun, shadow attack, +134 anti -8, magic strike, +12 poisoning, invalid, can not kill the enemy
The 30 air attack against +2 +179 kill sensitive +10 +10% -50% +150% to avoid anti wind sealing effect of experience 2 times
31 dead gun attack +234 -5 +15 aoting anti sensitive magic hammer blow +5% +2 hated holy attacks anti -100% +70% +70% +200%
wind water fire feeble using MP can use magic by mobile
* 32 +280 anti +15 attack gunslinger eternal magic hammer mobile +20 sensitive +20 can use magic
33 Longbow attack +16
34 Crystal Bow attack +21 ground attribute attack against ground +30%
35 sniper bow attack, +30 sensitive +4, hate blow +3%, wind attribute attack, wind resistance, +30% force, 2 times
36 demon spirit bow attack +45 magic strike +4, avoid +7% poisoning invalid invalid magic invalid, use MP halve
37 break cloud bow attack +68, prevent +2 sensitive +6 wind attribute, attack wind resistance +100%, every turn reply MP3%
The 38 day of the +36 -2 -4 anti magic hammer anti fire +30% paralysis paralysis 2 ineffective effect
39 starry night bow attack +146 sensitive +10 water +100% water +40% attack anti wind -100% sealing effect of money moving 2 times can use magic
3A bow dragon kill broken attack +205 -4 anti +8 +8% magic hammer blow hate attack anti -70% wind +100% poisoning cannot kill the enemy is invalid
3B +260 +20 of the world giant ARCH ANTI sensitive +15 +10 +60%
anti magic hammer -50% -80% wind water fire +100% each round reply HP15%
3C steel axe attack +25
3D Tomahawk +39 anti fire -30% paralysis effect
3E Berserker axe attack +40, anti -15 sensitive -10 magic hit -10, hate a hit +40%, avoid +3% property attack, anti +100% water, -100% weak effect paralysis, invalid weak, invalid attack 2 times, 2 times the force can not kill the enemy
3F ray Zhifu +99 anti +10 attack with wind attack resistance to -40% wind +90% Fengmo invalid money 2 times
40 ghost inflammation axe attack +154, prevent +2 sensitive +4, avoid +10% fire attribute, attack water resistance, -30% fire, +80% poisoning effect, poisoning invalid
41 tyrant evil emperor attack +232, prevent +5 sensitive +10 magic strike +15, hate a hit +2%, ground +100% water, -50% wind, -50% fire +150% all abnormal state, every turn reply HP10%
42. Seven dragon attack +338 +20 anti sensitive mobile +10 magic +10 +100% water -100% +200% anti wind fire -200% weak effect after the use of magic
46 self
47 dragon attack +200
48 God's wrath against +500!
49 battle magic attack +100
4A blood sickle attack +20
4B mad jail, +160!
4C forgive +200!
4D void attack +300
50 scarves protect against +3
51 anti +4 anti +5% cap
52 iron helmet, anti +8, theft, +8%, ground resistance, +15%
53 heavy helmet, anti +17 sensitive, -5 avoidance, -2% resistance, 20% winds, -5% weakness, invalid HP damage by half
54 Berserker helmet anti +9 magic hit +3 HP+20 hate a hit +30% hit -2%, avoid -1% four, anti -30%
55 rock helmet, anti +13, theft, +8%, ground, +30%, wind, -12%, fire, -10% experience 2 times
56 magic war helmet, anti +16 magic strike, +2 hate a hit, +2% avoid +2%, fire +45% water, -30% paralysis invalid, increased attack distance, attack 2 times
57 Aurora protection wheel, anti +22 magic strike, +2 MP+5 hit, +2% anti water, -16% wind, +50% fire, +32%, use MP, reduce HP3% per turn
58 ghost surface, anti +44, sensitive, -10, magic, -5, theft, +14%, Dodge, +3%, weak effects, moving distance, +1
59 click the +3 +28 magic helmet xingzhiguang anti HP+30 +5% +20% hit +3% a hate theft anti +25% -32% +60% water fire action 2 times per round to MP1%
5A dragon helmet flash, anti +33 sensitive, +2 hit, +5% Dodge, +5%, ground resistance, -50% wind, +100% fire, +45% paralysis, invalid money, 2 times per time, and recovery HP5%
5B magic helmet anti +40 sensitive +3 HP+40 nothing +6% +50% -100% to avoid anti water fire +120% poisoning attack 2 times paralysis feeble mobile can use magic
5C headband, anti +2
5D magic headband, +3 magic strike, +1 hit, +2% avoidance, +2%, wind resistance, +20%
5E priests head ring, anti +6 sensitive, +1 magic strike, +3 anti water, +24% seal magic invalid force 2 times
5F magic gold head ring anti +9 magic strike +4 MP+30 hate a hit +4% hit -10%, ground +36% weak invalid experience 2 times
The 60 dragon Linguan anti +11 sensitive +1 magic hit +2 -45%
+3% HP+20 to avoid anti wind water +32% +91% poisoning invalid HP half damage
61 ice crystal crown, anti +14, anti water, +45% wind, +32% money, 2 times moving distance, +1
62 north head ring, anti +19 sensitive +2, magic strike, +6 Dodge, +5% anti water, +40% wind, +53%, increase attack range, move 2 times, recover HP2% every time
63 anti +24 magic hammer +9 crown was MP+60 a +10% hit +4% hate anti fire -14% paralysis invalid use of half MP
64. The Holy Spirit made crown anti +29 sensitive +3 +12 HP+40 anti +100% magic hammer -40% +50% -20% wind water fire Fengmo invalid 2 attacks each turn to restore HP10% MP5% mobile can use magic
78 leather, anti +4
The 79 light armored anti +8 sensitive +1 +1% +1% +7% to avoid anti theft
7A lock a, anti +12 sensitive -1
7B knight armor, anti +16, hate, hit, +1%, peep, +2%, Dodge, +2%, ground, +30%, wind, -22%, experience 2 times
7C +21 +4% anti theft anti soft armor -30% wind +72% poisoning invalid strength 2 times
7D +3 +27 Zhanjia night thunder attack anti avoidance +4% +25% +25% MP half wind fire
7E rigid armor, anti +34, sensitive -5, hate a hit, +2% hit, -2% Dodge, -2%, wind, -33%, +80%, paralysis, HP damage, half damage
7F magic armor blood kill attack +4 anti +43 +3 +6% +3% to avoid stealing magic hammer feeble to kill the enemy
80 Wu Shenkai attack +6 anti +53 sensitive +3 hate blow +4% paralysis invalid action 2 poisoning
81 dragon Kaiya blade anti magic +64 hit +5 +5% -45% +90% to avoid anti wind fire attack 2 times 2 times the money +60%
82 anti armor domineering +76 hates blow +6% +10% theft hit +2% increase attack distance pneumatic 2 times each round reply HP5%
83 King armor attack +7 anti +88 sensitive +6 +7% four anti avoidance magic hammer +2 75% Fengmo paralysis 2 attacks each turn invalid reply MP3%
84. God clothes of anti +100 sensitive +10 HP+240 +20% hit +4% +8% to avoid stealing four anti +80% poisoning recovery HP15% invalid per round moving distance +1
85 cloth, protect against +4
86 silk robe, anti +7, wind resistant +5%
87 magic robes of anti +11 anti -15% MP+30 magic hit +1 +15% -15% +15% fire water seal
88 holy robe, +16 sensitive, +1 avoidance, +1% four, +30% shield, void, void 2 times
89 dragon scales robe, anti +22, MP+60, anti earth, -55% wind, +71% fire, +24% poisoning, ineffective force 2 times
8A +29 sensitive +2 anti frost soft robe magic hit +4 +1% +3% anti avoidance hit water +80% wind +35% fire -60% feeble experience 2 times per round to HP3%
8B fierce robe, attack +2, defend +38 + magic strike +3, hate a hit, +1% hit, +2%, water, -75%, fire, +100%, HP, damage, half, move, use magic
8C dragon pants attack +4 anti +41 sensitive +4 +7 +2% on the hit hate evil shot fire resistant +50% action 2 times per round to MP5%
8D evening fog robe, prevent +52 MP+120 hit, +1 avoid +4%, water resistance, +60% fire, +13%, weak effect, can not kill the enemy
8E King garments anti +64 +6 four anti magic hammer +64% paralysis sealing the feeble poisoning cannot kill the enemy
8F holy robe, bright, anti +75, sensitive, +7, magic, +10, Dodge, +5% four, anti +70% poisoning, invalid attack 2 times, MP7% per turn
90 evil Wraith attack -8 +59 anti magic clothes hit +22 +4% hate
a hit -4% -2% -50% using MP four anti avoidance half money two times after moving can use magic moving distance +1
* 91 +7 anti +99 attack Cang Yu garments sensitive +9 magic hit +14 +6% four +90% MP+200 to avoid anti Fengmo invalid per turn to restore HP10% MP8%
92 -999 anti +999 attack aoting T-shirt sensitive -999 click the +999 +999% anti theft HP+9999 magic +300% -300% wind +300% -300% fire water poisoning Fengmo paralysis feeble using MP half action 2 times 2 attacks experience money 2 times the mobile +1 mobile power distance can use magic
A1 boots, min +2
A2 iron boots sensitive +2 hit +2%, dodge -1%, ground resistance, +12% wind, -8%
A3 warrior boots, agile, +10, magic, +1, +3%, +2%, avoidance, paralysis, void, increased range of attack
A4 Berserker shoes attack +7, anti -1, sensitive, -2, magic, -4, hate a hit, +25% hit, +2%, water, +16%, fire, +24%, paralysis, weakness, invalid HP, damage halved
A5 light sensitive +21 +4% +2% to avoid stealing boots anti fire +30% MP halved
A6 dragon boots anti +3 sensitive +37 +2 MP+10 magic hammer blow
+2% +6% hit +3% hate theft anti -30% wind +60% fire +45% Fengmo ineffective 2
A7 hero's boots, +2, anti +5, sensitive, +69, HP+50, hate a hit, +3% hit +2%
A8 God enough anti +10 sensitive +80 +5 HP+70 +20% anti theft magic hammer +75% wind +90% moving distance +2
A9's shoe sensitive +1 magic strike +2 MP+2 anti water +15%
AA magic shoes anti +2 sensitive +3 +4 hit +1% +1% to avoid evil shot wind-resistant +22% feeble attacks 2 times
AB shadow kill boots agile +11 magic strike +3 MP+10 hate a hit +2% hit +3%, avoid -2% water resistance, +30% paralysis invalid, increased attack distance, action 2 times, distance +1
AC holy foot shoes, anti +4, sensitive, +22, magic, +5, HP+20, Dodge, +3% four, anti +45%, use MP, halve money, 2 times
AD dragon boots +7 MP+30 sensitive +41 magic hammer blow +4% hit +2% hate -100% +30% +64% anti wind fire poisoning invalid HP half damage each round reply HP5% MP10% mobile can use magic
The spirit of shoes. AE anti +7 sensitive +65 +10 hit +4% +5% magic hammer to avoid anti -60% water -30% +70 +50% wind fire Fengmo invalid feeble
AF, +999 anti -999 attack aoting slippers sensitive +999 MP+999 -999% anti theft magic hit -999 +300% -300% +300% -300% wind
water fire poisoning Fengmo feeble paralysis using MP half action 2 times 2 attacks experience money 2 times the mobile +2 mobile power distance can use magic
BE acupuncture Bracelet attack +15
BF +15 anti body Bracelet
C0 speed Bracelet sensitive +15
C1 Glass Bracelet magic strike +15
C2 water wave ring waterproof +30%
C3 fire ring, fire resistance, +30%
C4 wind dance ring wind resistant +30%
C5 ground ring, ground +30%
It C6 time ring 2 times display screen
C7 gold necklace magic strike -5
C8 silver bracelet poisoning invalid
C9 rainbow Necklace paralysis is invalid
CA dark mirror sealed magic invalid
CB the ring of the moon is feeble and ineffective
CC Black Sunglasses hate a hit, +30% hits -25% CD thief stealing +54% ring
CE detect glasses hit +38%
CF contact lenses avoid +42%
I D0 very dark heart attack 2 times
D1 reverse cross uses MP halved
D2 hates heartache, hates a hit, +35%
D4 brings a blessing like HP15% per round
D5 Trinity as each round reply MP15%
D6 condensate pneumatic Bracelet 2 times
D7 magic spell jade magic hit +60
To D8 speed wind plume moving distance +1 Wing of the 2 action / D9 Aurora
I DA experience 2 times lucky ribbon
DB gold, Holy Grail, money 2 times
I DC colorful stone forever good state
DD ground rock ring anti earth +300%
DE snow magic ring anti water +300%
DF north wind magic ring wind resistant +300%
E0: fire resistant +300% Balrog ring
E1 doubles Necklace HP damage halved
E2 Ming Hui mobile can use magic wheel
E3 ice chain, anti water, +300% fire, -300%
E4 winds, rocks, chains, wind, +300%, -300%
E5 inflammation, ice chain, fire, +300%, water, -300% E6 rock wind chain against earth +300% wind -300%
E7 red crystalline blue, anti water, +50%, fire, +50% E8, blue brown, crystalline, wind resistant, +50%, +50% E9 red brown crystalline anti ground +50% fire +50%
EA Blue Crystal wind water +50% +50%
EB brown crystal, fire resistance, +50%, wind, +50%
EC blue brown crystalline water resistant +50% ground +50%
The ED card increase attack range
When the jade four anti +300%. EE
I turned the heart of Gulu turned props EF
FA reply HP+40
FB reply HP+30% Potion
FC cure HP+60%
FD the power of life, HP+100%
FE Angel dew, MP+30
FF Angel spring MP+30%
0001 Angel hearts, MP+60%
The dew of the 0101 World Tree MP+100%
* 0201 world tree leaf HP MP+100% abnormal state of full recovery
0301, detoxification of grass poisoning recovery
0401 broken magic seal demon recovery
0501 Elven paralysis recovery
0601, stimulate the weak recovery
0701 the abnormal state of holy incense has been restored 0801 tree leaf +10% pneumatic power
0901. Fruit strength +33%
The wine strength +99%. 0A01.
0B01 +1~5 of power.
The source of anti +1~5. 0C01
0D01 the source of magic MP+1~5
0E01 speed is the source of sensitive +1~5
0F01 soil source, soil resistance, +1%
1001 fire source fire resistance +1%
1101 wind source, wind resistant +1%
Anti +1% 1201 water source
1301. The source of the four anti +1% St.
1401, knowing the essence of attack +20%
The anti +20% 1501 iron wall
1601 elf magic strike +20%
1701 Lingbi prime magic anti +20%
1801, the fast and sensitive +20%
1901 resurrection medicine resurrection HP+20%
1A01 the power to resurrect HP+50%!
1B01 returns the source of life, resurrection HP+100% 3601 pieces of artifact
3701 the magic book of the giant
3801 the Maiden's badge
3901 boundary artifact
3A01 - artifact
3B01 celestial artifact
3C01 S Silver
3D01 B gold coins
3E01 lettering coin pile 3F01 F. Coin Pouch
4001 locked diary
4101 mysterious key
The 4201 towers.
4301 Faro shiven.
4401 Forest.
4501 exotic charm
The 4601 wing man Charm 4701 amphibious.
4801 heaven Talisman 4901 giant Talisman
4A01 dragon Amulet
4B01 - the brave card。