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ntation of the centr
al aut horiti es of the eight
provisi ons. Improvi ng resear ch, impr oving resear ch methods, but there are le
primary first-hand an i
onme nt. All admini
nistrative charge
s and preferential policies. In the area
strative law enforcement de
partments to a
of taxation, and settled i
ppoint a full
ctivity. F ive is to impr ove new
s reporti ng, for pr
opaga nda w ork strictly accor
ding to t he regulati ons. Six is strictly your prese
ntation published stri
nts, but further cl
oser t o the grass r oots, close t
o reality,
close to the masses and also ina
Especially ba sed on rational thinki
ng on major issue
s, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enoug
nade quate grasp of the
probl em, whi ch is t o be stre ngthe ned in t he future. Second, construction, strictly i
n accor dance with t
he provi sions to streamli
Propaganda and ide
ologi cal work
of the new situati on and ne w requirements of the new task
s, ha d done a lot of fruitful work, ha
s made many achieveme
Since the educati
onal practi ce of the mass li
ne of the party,
himself seri
ously i n the e ducation, practi
cal control central " eight r ules" and opposing "the four winds" and practi
party's political
disci pline, abi
de by the Constituti
on a nd th e rules a nd reg ulations of the
party, i n the political, ide
ologi cal and maintai
n highly consiste nt with the
A 社会舆论
B 传统习惯
C 内心信念
D 评价方式
7、国家干部遵纪守法,教师平等对待学生,售货员公平对待顾客。 。。。。。这是
streamlining. Four are standard visits, exce
pt as required to
participate i
n traini ng, no other a
nd decrease, repla
cement i ndi cators for pri
ority areas
proje ct. Charges, int
o the pr oje cts of water, ele
ctricit y, admi
the area under development envir

A.男女平等 B.勤俭持家
C.邻里团结 D.尊老爱幼
A 办事公道的基本要求
B 爱岗敬业的基本要求
C 诚实守信的基本要求
D 服务群众的基本要求
6、个人能否按道德要求去做。 关键在于
nd m oder nization of the inve
stment and financing
platform; effective Ba
ble area buil ding a gree n light, easy li
ne. o further reduce a
nd standardi
ze administrative examination a
A 家庭礼仪
B 交往礼仪
C 职业礼仪
D 个人礼仪
2. 职业礼仪的最高境界是
A 敬业
B 奉献 C 守业
D 文明
3.上课迟到 ,说脏话 ,乱扔垃圾 ,等等 .你如何看这些现象 ?( )
A. 个人小事 ,没必要小题大做
nci pation did
ppl y, to a certain extent, affect the devel
not e nd, i nnovation
doe s not exist.
opment a In practical
nd impleme ntation work, not your head,
CPC Ce ntral Committee on the acti
on, there is
pital into t he Park, to raise industry development fund. 5,
no viol ation of the party's
politi cal discipline
sse nce of the scientific
Outl ook on devel opme
r, but no ta ngibl e results. Thir
d, innovation, lack
nt, di d not tr uly achieve mastery, to a
of motivation. Ema
the principl
e of simplified E
IA of construction pr
ojects i n the regi on. In terms of land, linke
d to the im plementation of ur
ban a nd r ural construction t
he quality of meetings
of the Conference. T
hird, streamlining file briefs,
cult ure involve s all aspects of propaganda a
nd ideol ogy, sometimes due to the practi
ctly accor ding to the regulations.
Seven is strictly thrift, required the
use of vehicle s and office space a
nd cor porate hospitality. 3,
cha nge the styl
of ideas a nd i nitiatives. Se cond, w ork arrangement
cal nee ds of invention notifications, thi
s area nee ds furt her
he goal, t o optimize
ss grass -root s unit
单项选择题( 15×2= 30 分)只有一个备选答案是正确的
1. 下列哪项礼仪能够打造良好“第一印象” ( )
he party's
politi cal disciplines.
ces, a nd construct "Governme
son, in-person
push tangi
nt credit +
busi ness credit" cre
dit system, establi
shment of marketization, commercialization a
nd appr oval items, simplify examinati
on and approval li
nks, impr
nk-enter prise
docking, encourage s private ca
ove efficiency; accor
ding to t he ...
Conscienti ously a bide by the
ng and solving pr
n 5 years after the completion of fiscal i
oblems a ssociated
with busi nesse s in thi
nce to t he party's politi cal discipline, e
sic situation of 1, in
of land, tax, fina
ncial a nd other resour
s, se ctor lea ders arrange
d to personal ly intervene, in-per
compliance with t
-time personnel stati
cing "three S
uns", and
che ck the spirit of Jiao Yul
u, ideol ogy, solicit opi
nions based
on outsta ndi ng problems che
cked swi ng, careful a
nitiative to take up, t nts, the effect is real. Second hard
he lack
of spirit of dari
drive less. On hard a
ng to, resulting i
n some job
he spirit and e had a lot of powe
s and refle ction. Will now che
ck report i
n areas of industry and its one d in areas dedi cated to
s as follow
s: first, adhere
production company, withi
h, not really understand and grasp t
less. For example, r
ural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the i
typical, a nd la ck of high sta ndar ds a nd stri ct requireme
ight in the ce
ntral provisi on, cha
nce ntives to e nterprises. In terms of financing, i
s se ctor. When ther e are substantial i
nge the style of the ba
optimize the environment
a nd service i ndustr ies. T o create "poli cy low lands, Hig
hlan ds, i ntegrity of service land, devel
opme nt land" as t
probl ems. 2, i n the impleme