Walking tall 漫步英国乡间
英伦生活|这个假日去走走,伦敦近郊的10个蜂蜜色村庄想要远离都市的喧闹,却又无法远行吗?别担心,这几个位于伦敦近郊的可爱小村庄能够让你的心灵得到慰藉:阿尔弗里斯顿,东萨塞克斯郡Alfriston, East Sussex布莱顿的东边的阿尔弗里斯顿是一个步行者的天堂,坐落在美丽的卡格米勒河谷。
拉文哈姆,萨福克Lavenham, Suffolk拉文哈姆是英国最美丽的中世纪村庄之一,位于萨福克的中央。
希尔,萨里Shere, Surrey这个小村庄主要坐落在树林繁茂的维尔姆斯代尔河谷,拥有许多传统的英国特色,一个老村庄的集群,这里有商店、茶馆、艺术画廊、酒吧和诺曼教堂。
巴克勒哈德,罕布夏郡Brockenhurst, Hants巴克勒哈德是英国汉普郡新森林内最大的村庄,这个田园诗般的地方让每个人都向往,你可能会捕捉到野生小马在布鲁克利路上游荡,或者看到林地上的一只鹿。
另外,你还能在森林的中心找到一个海滩,小型的布罗克汉斯特海滩Brockenhurst Beach位于村庄中心的河岸边,夏日的午后可以在这里惬意的休憩。
6.Three Royal Traditions
• Playing the flute/bagpipe
After the breakfast, the Queen listens to the flute by royal flutist. Since 1843 Queen Victoria set the rule, it had not changed .
Red coats, black trousers, white belt, white gloves, glittering sword at the waist, tall black fur hat
The Queen make a parliamentary speech
Buckingham Palace Westminster
• When men and women together into the room, the men have to help women open the door. • At the beginning of banquet, the men pulled a chair for the ladies to help women seated. • At the banquet, if a guest is a woman, when she entered the living room, most of the men in the hall have to stand up to show respect. • Walking down the street or cross the road, the man should be in the woman's left, by the side of the car. • If a man with two women walking together, he should go in both of them.
高中英语 乡间散步-AWalkintheCountry作文素材
乡间散步-A WalkintheCountryA Walk in the CountryIt was an early summer afternoon. The sun was shining brightly and warmly. Everything on the campus looked as if it had been sleeping for years. Aft er school my roommates and I decided to take a walk along the river near our school, instead of sta ying with our “Mr. Formula”①and “Mr s. Th eorem”② in the classroom.A fresh breeze③ played with our hair. In the blue sky, clouds were drifting④ here and there. We told each other stories and jokes. Songs and laughter could be heard now and then. It seemed that the world belonged to us and the earth was full of joys.We walked and walked. Before we knew it, it was nearly nightfall⑤ and all glowed red in the evening sunlight. Standing on the narrow country road, we felt a bit tired, thirsty and hungry. “Look, what is it?” one of us said, pointing to something red growing by the side of the road. It was a plant, bearing some fruit, which looked so inviting⑥ that we all eager to taste it. I picked one. To my happy surprise, it was a bit sweet. Everyone of us picked a lot. While eating the little red fruit, we talked of the wonderful time we had that afternoon. Then a country woman came. When she saw us eat ing the wild fruit she let out a cry of surprise. She told us it was used to poison snakes. That meant, we thought with horror, that we were in danger.The story that some poison for mice left in the kitchen killed a lovely baby came to my mind. The more we talked, the mor e we were frightened. All of a sudden someone mentioned the word “death”. We looked at each other not knowing what to do.Thinking of the coming death I felt the world was so dear that I was quite unwilling to leave her and time was so precious that I had no right to waste it.“I should have valued my life. How I love li fe!” I thought, “If I am still living tomorrow morning, it will be my second lif e. I will not waste time an y longer.”As soon as we were back at school we showed the red fruit to our biology teacher. She told us with a smile, “That is wild str awberry⑦. It is not poisonous.As the bell rang announcing it was time for self study, we had to enter the classroom without supper. Tho ugh I was hungry, I should waste no time, and I worked harder than ever. How valuable life is! How precious time is!。
A Walk in the Forest 林中漫步
★Tuesday ★周二Going through 1the forest is my favourite part of walk.My dog Benji loves it too.I’m Grace.I live in a farm with my parents and I take Benji for a walk most days after school.While Benji’s playing,I stop to take a photo of a butterfly 2.I’m thinking about posting it on the Internet,then I hear Benji barking 3.He’s jumping and running around a boy.The poor boy looks worried.“Benji,stop!Come here!”I call and throw him his ball.I’m about to say sorry to the boy,but he’s gone.穿过森林漫步是我散步的时候最喜欢的部分。
A Walk in the Forest林中漫步湖北省武汉市胡杨选译cn. All Rights Reserved.★Wednesday ★周三It’s cold today,so Benji and I are walking fast.As we gothrough the forest,it starts raining so I run.Suddenly 4,I fall andI’m on my back.OUCH!That hurt!今天很冷,所以我和本吉走得很快。
71WORLD VISION 2012.NO.06Culture 文化·旅游于1804年,除了在英国湖区,别处很少能看到水仙花,不过每片土地都有其不一样的迷人之处。
文|龙隐 图 | 本刊资料英国永远在路上在《坎特伯雷故事集》里,虔诚的朝圣者在泥泞曲折的小路上艰难跋涉,他们的目的只有一个:让自己的灵魂得到净化,生活得到救赎。
part 2 The English Countryside 英国乡村
Families can gather watercress or grow osiers For basket weaving. Not used any more, but men gather there to watch views, relax.
Part II Reading Activities
• Text illustration
• Comprehension work • Language work
The Coltwolds 科茨沃尔德丘陵[’kɔtswəuld]
The Cotswolds in the heart of England is an area of outstanding beauty and famous picturesque villages made from the golden local stone. It is an area rich in history and one of the most popular regions of England to explore. From Stratford upon Avon in the North, to the beautiful Roman city of Bath in the South, the Cotswold journey takes you through magical little villages and places that have remained untouched and immaculately preserved throughout the ages.
19C 圆舞曲成为主流
英国的布鲁斯、快步舞,美国的 狐步舞,波斯顿华尔兹等舞种十分流 行,音乐多元化、地域化。
20C 爵士乐的出现使交谊舞进入 一个新的时期。
描绘了华丽盛大的舞会上人们相邀 共舞的情态,音乐华丽动听,形象逼真, 渲染出舞厅里热烈辉煌的气氛。
小步舞曲代表:《D大调小步舞曲》 (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) 乐曲采用三部曲式,主题由第一小 提琴和中提琴的八度齐奏呈示,音乐优 美典雅,随后出现的主旋律,柔和舒展, 后来出现的中间部主题,华丽而典雅。 最后再现第一部分,在明快的气氛中结 束。
乡村舞之所以受到英国人的喜爱 , 与英国人的个性气质分不开 , 是英 国男士优雅、高贵、浪漫气质和贤淑、知性、婉约的女性风韵的典型 反映.
在当时的上流社会以跳欧洲宫廷舞为身份的象征,女士要充分在舞会 上体现出淑女的矜持与高贵,而男士,要表现出骑士的潇洒与风度。 参加者利用跳舞的机会展示自己华美的服饰、高贵的风度,以及无上 的地位和荣耀。
乡村舞舞蹈者的修养主要表现在整体的协调感 和礼仪风度等方面。在舞蹈过程中,舞蹈者要身体 保持直立,表现出高贵的气质,双臂垂于两侧,随 音乐自然摆动。 在特定的队形中,按照预先规定的顺序一段接 一段地跳,舞步一般比较简单,但队形的变化和行 进路线却是严格精确的。
其他:十字型、星星型、 亭子型、穿行队形
Country Dance
英国乡村舞蹈是一种以交谊为目的民间舞蹈,是源于伊丽莎白统治时 期的一种独特的舞艺。
英语散文:A Walk In The Woods(林中漫步)
英语散文:A Walk In The Woods(林中漫步)I was puzzled! Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse which was of no use to anybody? She had written letters to the local paper, even to a national, protesting about a projected by-pass to her village, and, looking at a map, the route was nowhere near where she lived and it wasn't as if the area was attractive. I was more than puzzled, I was intrigued.The enquiry into the route of the new by-pass to the village was due to take place shortly, and I wanted to know what it was that motivated her. So it was that I found myself knocking on a cottage door, being received by Mary Smith and then being taken for a walk to the woods."I've always loved this place", she said, "it has a lot of memories for me, and for others. We all used it. They called it 'Lovers lane'. It's not much of a lane, and it doesn't go anywhere important, but that's why we all came here. To be away from people, to be by ourselves " she added.It was indeed pleasant that day and the songs of many birds could be heard. Squirrels gazed from the branches, quite bold in their movements, obviously few people passed this way and they had nothing to fear. I could imagine the noise of vehicles passing through these peaceful woods when the by-pass was built, so I felt that she probably had something there but as I hold strong opinions about the needs of the community over-riding the opinions of private individuals, I said nothing. The village was quite a dangerous place because of the traffic especially for old people and children, their safety was more important to me than an old woman's whims."Take this tree", she said pausing after a short while. "To you it is just that, a tree. Not unlike many others here". She gently touched the bark. "Look here, under this branch, what can you see?""It looks as if someone has done a bit of carving with a knife" I said after a cursory inspection."Yes, that's what it is!" she said softly. "There are letters and a lover's heart".I looked again, this time more carefully. The heart was still there and there was a suggestion of an arrow through it. The letters on one side were indistinct, but on the other an 'R' was clearly visible with what looked like an 'I' after it. "Some budding romance?" I asked, "did you know who they were?""Oh yes, I knew them", said Mary Smith, "it says RH loves MS".I realised that I could be getting out of my depth, and longed to be in my office, away from here and this old lady, snug, and with a mug of tea in my hand.She went on …"He had a penknife with a spike for getting stones from a horse's hoof, and I helped him to carve my initials. We were very much in love, but he was going away, and could not tell me what he was involved in the army. I had guessed of course. It was the last evening we ever spent together,because he went away the next day, back to his Unit. "Mary Smith was quiet for a while, then she sobbed. "His mother showed me the telegram. 'Sergeant R Holmes ….. Killed in action in the 9)invasion of France'"."'I had hoped that you and Robin would one day get married" she said, "He was my only child, and I would have loved to be a Granny, they would have been such lovely babies'- she was like that! ""Two years later she too was dead. 'Pneumonia, following a chill on the chest' was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart. A child would have helped both ofus."There was a further pause. Mary Smith gently caressed the wounded tree, just as she would have caressed him. "And now they want to take our tree away from me." Another quiet sob, then she turned to me. "I was young and pretty then, I could have had anybody, I wasn't always the old woman you see here now. I had everything I wanted in life, a lovely man, health and a future to look forwards to".She paused again and looked around. The breeze gently moved through the leaves with a sighing sound. "There were others, of course, but not a patch on my Robin!" she said strongly. "And now I have nothing - except the memories this tree holds. If only I could get my hands on that awful man who writes in the paper about the value of the road they are going to build where we are standing now, I would tell him. Has he never loved, has he never lived, does he not know anything about memories? We were not the only ones, you know, I still meet some who came here as Robin and I did. Yes, I would tell him!"I turned away, sick at heart.我实在不明白!为什么这个年老女士会对一片毫无用处的老灌木林如此紧张呢?她给当地报纸写了信,甚至给全国性的报纸也写了信,对拟将在她们村子里修建小路的方案表示抗议。
我们先到上斯洛特(Upper Slaughter),把车停在村中心的一棵大树下,就可以在这个只有十几户人家的小村里闲游。
从上斯洛特到下斯洛特(Lower Slaughter)也就两公里左右的路程。
英国伦敦老城区旅游攻略英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1An Adventure Through Old London Town!Hi everyone! My name is Charlie and I just went on the most amazing trip to London with my family. We spent a whole week exploring the oldest parts of the city and saw so many incredible sights. I can't wait to tell you all about it!Our adventure began right in the heart of London at the Tower of London. This massive stone fortress on the River Thames has stood guard over the city for nearly 1,000 years! Can you believe people have lived and worked inside those ancient walls since way back in 1066? We took a tour led by one of the famous Beefeater guards who still protect the Tower. With their red uniforms and funny hats, the Beefeaters looked just like something out of a storybook.Our guide showed us the towering White Tower which was built by William the Conqueror in 1078. We even glimpsed the incredible Crown Jewels - thousands of real diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires glittering under heavy guard. The mostfamous jewel is the massive 530 carat Cullinan I diamond worth over 600 million! No way could my family afford a gem that pricey. We also saw the sombre execution site on Tower Green where famous historical figures like Anne Boleyn and Lady Jane Grey lost their heads. Standing there gave me chills down my spine.After the Tower, we crossed the iconic Tower Bridge which opened its huge steel arms to let a tall ship sail under. The bridge's two massive towers with their gorgeous blue iron latticework made it look like something from a medieval fairy tale castle. From there, we wandered into the narrow cobblestone streets of the City of London's financial district.At the Bank of England Museum, we saw the很受欢迎的金条展览,一间屋子里全是纯金砖!不敢相信人类居然开采了这么多金子。
介绍英国风景的作文英语100字全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Beautiful Scenery of EnglandEngland is a wonderful country with so many beautiful places to see! One of my favorite parts of England is the gorgeous countryside. The rolling green hills seem to stretch on forever, covered in lush grass and dotted with fluffy white sheep. Tall, ancient trees cast cool shadows over babbling brooks that wind their way through the hills. Little stone cottages with thatched roofs look like something out of a storybook.In the spring, the fields burst into color with wildflowers like buttercups, daisies, and red poppies. Buzzing bees flit from bloom to bloom. In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and gold. I love kicking through piles of fallen leaves that crunch under my feet.The coasts of England are simply stunning too. Massive white cliffs like those at the Seven Sisters rise high above the crashing waves of the sea. Sandy beaches stretch for miles, perfect for building sandcastles and hunting for seashells. Insome places, you can find tide pools filled with tiny sea creatures when the tide goes out.I'll never forget the first time I saw the beautiful Lake District in northwest England. The sparkling blue lakes are surrounded by towering mountains and grassy hills. Grazing sheep dot the slopes and hiking trails wind through the valleys between the peaks. It's a peaceful, picturesque place that makes you feel tiny amidst such grand natural beauty.One of my favorite cities in England is the capital, London. It's a huge, bustling place with so much to see and do. I love wandering through charming neighborhoods like Notting Hill with its rows of colorful houses and quirky boutiques. The River Thames flows right through the heart of the city, spanned by impressive bridges like the iconic Tower Bridge.In London, you'll find world-famous landmarks like Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral, and the Houses of Parliament with its striking clock tower known as Big Ben. The city is filled with fantastic museums too, like the Natural History Museum and the British Museum. You could spend weeks in London and still not see everything!Historic castles and stately manor homes are scattered all across the English countryside as well. Some are crumbling ruinswhile others have been perfectly preserved. I always feel like a medieval knight or princess when I explore the towering stone walls, elaborate gardens, and lavishly decorated rooms of these incredible buildings. Castles like Warwick Castle and estates like Blenheim Palace really give you a sense of England's long, storied history.Whether you explore the peaceful countryside, visit the dramatic coastlines, take in the breathtaking natural beauty of the Lake District, wander the bustling streets of London, or tour the striking historic castles and manors, England has so much incredible scenery to offer. I feel so fortunate to have been able to experience the diverse landscapes and sights of this amazing country. England's scenery is truly second to none!篇2The Gorgeous Landscapes of EnglandEngland is a amazing country with so many pretty landscapes to explore! From rolling green hills to rocky cliffs by the ocean, there are all sorts of beautiful scenery. I went on a trip around England with my family and got to see lots of the lovely landscapes. Let me tell you about some of my favorites!The Lake District is one of the most popular places for hiking and enjoying nature in England. It's in the northwest part of the country and has tons of gorgeous lakes surrounded by huge mountains and hills. My family went on a few hikes around some of the bigger lakes like Windermere and Ullswater. The views were just breathtaking with the bright blue waters sparkling in the sun and the mountains towering all around. We even got to take a boat ride across Derwent Water which was so peaceful and relaxing. I loved looking at the little islands and hearing the ducks splashing in the water. The Lake District has some really cute little villages too with traditional stone houses and friendly people selling tasty treats.Another amazing landscape in England is the sandy beaches and rocky cliffs along the coastline. We visited some areas in Cornwall down in the far southwest corner. The beaches there have the most incredible white sand and the water is this brilliant turquoise color. We had so much fun building sandcastles, collecting seashells, and playing in the waves. But it was also really cool to see the dramatic cliffs rising up from the ocean with wind-swept grass on top. We went on a long hike along the South West Coast Path with views of the cliffs jutting out into the sea. It felt like we were walking on the edge of the world! Thelittle seaside towns in Cornwall were adorable too with cobblestone streets and fishing boats bobbing in the harbors.Up in northern England, we visited the Yorkshire Dales which was another breathtakingly beautiful area of rugged landscapes. There were endless stretches of windswept, heather-covered moorlands with dry stone walls crisscrossing over the hills as far as the eye could see. The lonely valleys felt wild and ancient. We did lots of hiking and saw tons of woolly sheep grazing on the hills. I loved climbing up to look out over the vast, open expanses of moorland stretching in every direction. The villages in the Yorkshire Dales looked pulled from an old storybook with charming pubs, churches, and homes built from the iconic local grey stone. One of my favorite places was the huge limestone cliffs of Malham Cove towering 230 feet tall!England truly has some of the most gorgeous landscapes in the world. From the mountains and lakes to the sandy beaches and seaside cliffs to the rolling hills and moors, there is just endless stunning scenery to explore. The beautiful English countryside fills me with wonder and joy at the amazing outdoors. I feel so lucky to have experienced all these picturesque places and can't wait to go back again someday!England's incredible landscapes will forever hold a special place in my heart.篇3The Beautiful Scenery of EnglandHello, my friends! Today, I'm going to tell you all about the breathtaking landscapes of England. Get ready to explore rolling hills, majestic mountains, and stunning coastlines!Let's start our journey in the heart of England, the Cotswolds. This region is famous for its charming villages built withhoney-colored stone. Can you imagine walking through narrow streets lined with thatched-roof cottages and beautiful gardens? It's like stepping into a fairytale! The Cotswolds is also known for its gently rolling hills, called "wolds." These hills are covered in lush, green meadows where sheep graze peacefully.Next, let's head north to the Lake District. This mountainous region is home to some of the most spectacular lakes and mountains in England. The lakes shimmer like mirrors, reflecting the rugged peaks that surround them. Hiking trails wind through ancient forests and past rushing streams. If you're lucky, you might even spot a red squirrel or a majestic deer!Moving on, we come to the Yorkshire Dales, another area famous for its stunning landscapes. Here, you'll find narrow valleys carved by rivers and streams, creating a patchwork of fields and dry-stone walls. The hills rise and fall like giant waves, dotted with tiny villages and grazing sheep. It's a hiker's paradise!Now, let's venture to the coast and explore the Jurassic Coast in southern England. This stretch of coastline is a World Heritage Site, famous for its stunning cliffs and rocky beaches. Can you imagine walking along the beach and discovering fossils that are millions of years old? The Jurassic Coast is a paleontologist's dream!We can't talk about England's landscapes without mentioning the famous White Cliffs of Dover. These chalky cliffs tower over the English Channel, shining bright white in the sun. From the top of the cliffs, you can see all the way across the water to France on a clear day!Speaking of storybooks, we can't forget about the enchanting forests of England. From the ancient oaks of the New Forest to the towering pines of the Forest of Dean, these woodlands are home to all sorts of wildlife. Keep your eyes peeled for deer, badgers, and even wild ponies!Last but not least, let's talk about the stunning gardens of England. From the perfectly manicured lawns and flower beds of royal palaces to the whimsical cottage gardens overflowing with colorful blooms, England is a gardener's paradise. Can you imagine strolling through a rose garden, surrounded by the sweet fragrance of thousands of blooms?Well, my friends, that's just a small glimpse into the incredible landscapes of England. From rugged mountains and pristine lakes to rolling hills and dramatic coastlines, this country has it all. I hope you enjoyed our journey and that it has inspired you to explore the great outdoors!篇4The Lovely Views of EnglandEngland is a beautiful country with lots of pretty scenery to enjoy! One of my favorite places is the Lake District in the northwest part of England. This area has sparkling blue lakes surrounded by tall green mountains and hills. It's so peaceful just sitting by the water and watching the ducks swim around. Sometimes you can even see sheep grazing on the grassy slopes! The little villages in the Lake District are very charming too, with stone cottages and friendly locals.Another spot I love is the beaches along the southern coast. The pebble beaches have a relaxing sound as the waves gently roll in. You can spend hours just walking along collecting pretty shells and colorful rocks. The white cliffs towering above some of the beaches are stunning. My parents told me the cliffs are made of chalk and they've been carved away by the sea over millions of years!The countryside in England has so many delightful places to explore as well. I went on a day trip with my class to the Peak District and we hiked through green rolling hills dotted with fluffy sheep. We even saw an ancient stone circle that was built a long, long time ago. The fresh country air smelled wonderful. I also really enjoyed our visit to the New Forest, which is an awesome wooded area full of ponies roaming around! We got to pet and feed the friendly ponies.My family and I have gone on hiking trails through the gorgeous English countryside in places like the Cotswolds region too. The Cotswolds has quaint villages built from golden-colored stone and surrounded by green meadows. It looks like something out of a storybook! We wandered along babbling brooks and walked through wildflower fields full of colorful blooms. The views in the Yorkshire Dales were breathtaking aswell with dramatic limestone cliffs and winding rivers. I felt so tiny compared to the massive rocky crags towering above.England really does have extraordinarily pretty scenery everywhere you go. From bucolic countryside to rugged coastlines to iconic city landmarks, there's so much natural beauty to admire. The wonderful landscape paintings and photographs I've seen simply can't do justice to how magnificent the views are in person. I'm already eager to go explore more of this picturesque island on my next trip! England's scenery is truly something every nature lover needs to experience.篇5The Beautiful Scenery of EnglandEngland is a really pretty country with lots of nice scenery to see. My family took a trip there last summer and we got to visit many different places. I want to tell you all about the lovely landscapes we saw!First, we went to the Lake District in the northwestern part of England. This is a mountainous region with beautiful lakes, valleys, and hills. We stayed in a little town called Grasmere and went hiking every day. The hikes were tiring with all the ups and downs, but the views were so worth it! We could see glitteringlakes surrounded by grassy slopes and craggy peaks. Sheep dotted the hillsides and the air smelled fresh and clean. One of my favorite spots was by Rydal Water where we had a picnic lunch. The lake was perfectly still like a mirror reflecting the puffy clouds above.After the Lake District, we traveled down to Wiltshire to see the ancient stone circles at Avebury and Stonehenge. The stones at Avebury make a massive circle covering a whole village! You can walk right among the huge standing stones which are taller than a double-decker bus. Stonehenge was even more impressive, with its iconic ring of massive rocks. We arrived at sunrise and the morning sunlight streaming through the stones was magical. It made me imagine what rituals the ancient people must have performed there thousands of years ago. The open countryside around the stone circles was covered in fields of golden wheat swaying in the breeze.Next, we went down to the coast in Dorset. The first place we visited was Durdle Door, a naturally formed arched rock formation in the sea cliffs. The turquoise water was so clear and inviting that we couldn't resist going for a swim! I loved exploring the little beach and rock pools nearby too and finding all sorts of shells and sea creatures. We also spent a day at thestunning Lulworth Cove, a circular cove with stacks of layered limestone along the shoreline. The different shades of brown, yellow, and grey made cool patterns in the rocks. Our last stop was Chesil Beach, an enormous 18-mile long shingle beach made up of millions of pebbles. The sound of the waves crunching against all those pebbles was mesmerizing.From the coast, we headed inland to the rolling hills and meadows of the Cotswolds region. We stayed in the most adorable villages made of warm honey-colored stone houses with thatched roofs. Everything was so picturesque, like something from a storybook! We went on walks through the countryside past fields of grazing sheep and dry stone walls crisscrossing the hills. My favorite thing was the miles and miles of stone walls dividing up the pastures. Some of them looked hundreds of years old! We also explored some of the pretty towns like Bourton-on-the-Water, Stow-on-the-Wold, and Chipping Campden. They had old churches, charming tea rooms, and little streams running alongside the streets.Our last stop was London, but in the city we had less time for scenic views and spent more time seeing famous landmarks like Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, and Big Ben. Still, on our day trip to Windsor we enjoyed the lovely views across theRiver Thames of Windsor Castle and Eton College. And we went boating one day in Hyde Park which had gorgeous gardens, meadows, and ponds.England has such a variety of breathtaking scenery packed into a relatively small island. From the craggy peaks and tranquil lakes up north, to the dramatic seaside cliffs and beaches along the coast, to the gently rolling hills and quaint villages inland - there is natural beauty everywhere you look. My family took so many pictures but they just can't capture how magnificent the landscapes were in person. Hopefully someday I'll get to go back and experience England's scenic splendors again!篇6England's Beautiful SceneryHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about the amazing landscapes across England, the country where I live. Get ready to be wowed by rolling green hills, towering cliffs, glistening lakes, and so much more!Let's start our journey in the countryside. One of my favorite places is the Cotswolds, a gorgeous area with little villages built from honey-colored stone. The cottages have thatched roofs and pretty gardens. Surrounded by gentle hills and meadows, it lookslike something out of a storybook! I love exploring the narrow, winding lanes and spotting sheep grazing in the fields.Another amazing countryside spot is the Lake District in northwest England. With its soaring mountains, deep valleys, and glistening lakes, it's a true hiker's paradise. My family and I have climbed to the top of peaks like Scafell Pike and taken in the breathtaking views across the rugged landscape. The lakes like Windermere are perfect for boating, swimming, and picnicking too!While the countryside is beautiful, England's coastline is just as incredible. I'm in awe of the massive white cliffs towering over the ocean at places like the Seven Sisters in Sussex and the White Cliffs of Dover. They look almost glowing against the blue water. My brother and I have so much fun hunting for fossils in the rocks along the beach.Up in Northumberland, you'll find sweeping sandy beaches and mighty castles perched right on the seaside. We visited Bamburgh Castle last summer and I felt like a real princess exploring the ramparts and towers. Just down the coast is the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, only accessible when the tide is out. It's such an otherworldly feeling walking across the ancient pathways!From coastal scenes to rugged moors, England has so many different and amazing landscapes. In the heart of Yorkshire, you can roam for miles across the wild, windswept North York Moors bursting with purple heather. Or head to the rocky peaks and deep valleys of the Peak District, with endless opportunities for rock climbing, caving, and more adventures.My family took a trip to Cornwall recently, all the way down in the southwest corner of England. The coastline there isjaw-droppingly beautiful, with crashing waves, secret coves, and picturesque fishing villages like Port Isaac. We loved exploring the incredible beaches and sea caves. And the area around St. Michael's Mount, with the medieval church perched atop a little tidal island, felt almost magical.I've only scratched the surface when it comes to England's incredible scenery. From the rolling Chiltern Hills to the ancient woodlands of the New Forest, the diversity of landscapes seems never-ending. I feel so lucky to live in a small but amazingly varied country with such natural beauty around every corner.Whether you love hiking up craggy peaks, strolling along sandy shores, or just admiring the patchwork of green fields, England has scenery to suit every taste. I can't wait until I'm old enough to start really exploring more of this country's treasuresfor myself. For now, I'll keep convincing my parents to take me on as many UK adventures as possible. With its history, culture, and landscapes all woven together, England is a real-life storybook waiting to be discovered!。
他乡的童年 以色列中的好句英文
他乡的童年以色列中的好句英文1. "漫步在以色列中的乡间小路,我感受到了宁静和自由的氛围。
" - Walking along the rural paths in Israel, I felt a senseof tranquility and freedom.2. "在夏天,阳光照在果园的树叶上,那是我童年时光中最美的记忆之一。
" - In the summer, the sunlight shining on theleaves of the orchards was one of the most beautiful memories of my childhood.3. "那里的花朵绽放如火焰,在远处闪耀着五颜六色的光芒。
"- The flowers there bloomed like flames, shining with vibrant colors in the distance.4. "我还记得在橄榄树下玩耍的时候,常常闻到淡淡的薄荷香味。
" - I still remember the faint scent of mint that would often waft through the air as I played under the olive trees.5. "我曾经在河边捕鱼,那是我真正感受自然和平和的时刻。
" -I used to go fishing by the river, and it was a moment when I truly felt the peace and harmony of nature.6. "小时候,我常常帮助祖父母在田地里耕种作物,感受到大地的温暖和丰收的喜悦。
" - When I was a child, I would often help my grandparents cultivate crops in the fields, experiencing the warmth of the earth and the joy of a bountiful harvest.7. "夜晚的星空在以色列的乡间格外明亮,仿佛眨眼间就能触摸到繁星。
走近爱丁堡大街英文作文Walking down the bustling streets of Edinburgh, I am surrounded by a mix of old and new. The historic buildings stand tall, while modern shops and cafes line the sidewalks. It's a vibrant blend of the past and the present, creatinga unique atmosphere that is both charming and dynamic.The sound of bagpipes fills the air, adding a touch of Scottish tradition to the lively scene. Tourists snapphotos of the iconic Edinburgh Castle in the distance,while locals hurry past on their way to work or errands.The energy of the city is infectious, drawing me in and making me feel like a part of something bigger.As I weave through the crowds, I can't help but notice the diverse array of people around me. There are families with children, students chatting animatedly, and elderly couples strolling hand in hand. Each person has their own story, their own reasons for being here, yet we are all connected in this moment by the shared experience of citylife.The aroma of freshly baked goods wafts from a nearby bakery, tempting me to stop and indulge in a sweet treat. The tantalizing smells mix with the crisp autumn air, creating a sensory symphony that is both comforting and invigorating. I am reminded of the simple pleasures that can be found in the midst of a bustling urban landscape.Turning a corner, I stumble upon a hidden alleywayfilled with street art and graffiti. The vibrant colors and bold designs leap out at me, demanding attention and sparking my curiosity. It's a stark contrast to the polished façade of the main street, a reminder that creativity can thrive in unexpected places.As the sun begins to set, the golden light bathes the city in a warm glow, casting long shadows and painting the buildings in a soft, ethereal hue. The hustle and bustle of the day gradually gives way to a sense of calm and tranquility, as the city prepares to settle into the quiet of the night. I take a moment to pause and appreciate thebeauty of this moment, feeling grateful to be a part of this vibrant and ever-evolving city.。
六年级英语下册英语作文去英国旅游全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Wow! Guess what? I went on a super fun trip to England during the summer vacation! It was so exciting and I can't wait to tell you all about it!First, we flew from China to England on a big airplane. The flight was really long, but I watched lots of movies and ate yummy food, so it wasn't too boring. When we landed in England, I was so amazed at how different everything looked! The houses were so pretty and there were so many green parks everywhere.We visited lots of cool places in England. We went to see the famous Big Ben in London and took a ride on the London Eye. It was so high up in the sky, I felt like I could see the whole city from up there! We also went to Buckingham Palace and saw the guards in their fancy uniforms. They didn't move at all, it was like they were statues!One of my favorite parts of the trip was going to Harry Potter World! I felt like I was really in the wizarding world. I got to try butterbeer and ride on a broomstick. It was so magical!We also went to Stonehenge, which is a really old place with big stones standing in a circle. It was so mysterious and I couldn't believe how ancient it was.Overall, my trip to England was so much fun! I learned a lot about English culture and history. I can't wait to go back and explore more of this amazing country!篇2Last month, I went to England with my family for a holiday. It was super duper awesome! I couldn't wait to tell you all about it.First, we visited the famous Big Ben in London. It's a tall clock tower with a big bell inside. We took lots of selfies in front of it. Then we went to Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives. I was hoping to see the Queen, but she wasn't there. Maybe she was on vacation too!Next, we went to Stonehenge, which is a mysterious ancient stone circle. No one knows exactly why it was built, but it's really cool to see in person. We also visited the Harry Potter WarnerBros. Studio Tour. I felt like I was in Hogwarts! There were so many magical things to see.We also took a trip to the gorgeous countryside and saw sheep grazing in the green fields. It was so peaceful and beautiful. We even had a traditional English tea with scones and clotted cream. Yum!I loved everything about England - the history, the architecture, the people, the food. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I can't wait to go back someday and explore more of this incredible country!篇3My Trip to EnglandHey guys! I want to tell you all about my awesome trip to England during the summer vacation. It was super exciting and I saw so many cool things!First, we flew on a plane to London. The plane ride was so much fun because we got to watch movies and eat snacks. When we landed, we took a double-decker bus to our hotel. I felt like I was in a movie!We visited a lot of famous places in England. We saw Big Ben, the London Eye, and Buckingham Palace. I even saw the Queen from far away! We also went to Stonehenge and it was so amazing to see those big rocks standing there for thousands of years.The food in England was a little different from what I'm used to, but I tried fish and chips and it was delicious! We also had tea at a fancy tea room and ate scones with jam and cream. Yummy!One of my favorite parts of the trip was going to Harry Potter World. I felt like I was in the movies and I even got to try butterbeer! I bought a wand and pretended I was a real wizard.Overall, my trip to England was the best adventure ever. I can't wait to go back and explore more of this amazing country. England, I'll see you soon!篇4Title: My Trip to EnglandHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my amazing trip to England. It was so much fun and I had a great time exploring this beautiful country.First, we flew from our country to England. The flight was long but I was excited to be going on my first international trip. When we landed, we took a train to London, the capital of England. London is such a big city with so many cool things to see. We visited famous landmarks like Big Ben, the Tower of London, and Buckingham Palace. I even got to see the changing of the guards at the palace!After exploring London, we took a bus to the countryside. The English countryside is so green and peaceful. We visited quaint villages with thatched-roof cottages and beautiful gardens. One of my favorite places was Stonehenge, an ancient circle of stones that is over 5,000 years old! It was so mysterious and fascinating.We also visited the city of Oxford, where the famous Oxford University is located. I felt like I was walking in a Harry Potter movie because the buildings looked just like Hogwarts! We took a tour of the university and learned about its history and famous alumni.One of the highlights of my trip was trying traditional English food. I had fish and chips, shepherd's pie, and scones with clotted cream and jam. Everything was so delicious and I couldn't get enough!Overall, my trip to England was amazing and I can't wait to go back someday. I loved every minute of it and I will always cherish the memories I made there. England is truly a magical place and I recommend everyone to visit it at least once in their lifetime. Thanks for reading about my adventure!篇5My Trip to EnglandHi everyone, I want to share with you about my amazing trip to England during the summer holiday. It was the best trip ever! Let me tell you all about it.Firstly, my family and I flew to London, the capital city of England. We visited many famous landmarks such as Big Ben, the London Eye, and Buckingham Palace. I was so excited to see all these iconic places in real life!We also went to Oxford, a beautiful city known for its prestigious university. I felt so smart just walking around the campus! After that, we visited Stonehenge, a mysterious ancient monument. It was really cool to see those huge stones standing there for thousands of years.One of my favorite parts of the trip was visiting Harry Potter filming locations. I felt like I was really in the magical world of Hogwarts! We even went to Warner Bros. Studio Tour to see the sets and props from the movies. It was like a dream come true for me!Overall, my trip to England was absolutely amazing. I saw so many incredible things, ate delicious food, and met friendly people. I can't wait to visit again someday. England, I will never forget you!篇6Hey guys, do you know what I did during the summer vacation? I went to England for a holiday with my family! It was so cool and fun! Let me tell you all about it.First, we flew to London, the capital of England. We visited the famous Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. The buildings were so tall and beautiful, and the people were so nice to us. We also went to the Tower of London to see the crown jewels, and it was amazing!Next, we took a train to Stonehenge, where we saw the mysterious ancient stone circle. It was so big and old, and no oneknows how it was built! We also went to Bath, where we saw the Roman baths and the beautiful Georgian architecture.After that, we went to Cambridge and Oxford, where we saw the famous universities. The buildings were so old and grand, and it made me want to study there when I grow up. We also went punting on the river in Cambridge, it was so fun!Lastly, we went to the Lake District, where we saw the beautiful mountains and lakes. We went hiking and boating, and the views were so breathtaking. We also visited Beatrix Potter's house, where we saw all her cute little animals.Overall, my trip to England was so amazing! I learned a lot about British culture and history, and I made so many great memories with my family. I can't wait to go back again someday! England is definitely a must-visit country for everyone.篇7Title: My Trip to EnglandHello everyone! I want to tell you about my trip to England during the summer vacation. It was super exciting and I had a lot of fun!I went to England with my family. We took a long flight from our country to London, the capital of England. The plane ride was so long, but I was so excited to finally be in a new country.When we arrived in London, the first thing we did was visit Big Ben. It's a really big clock tower and it looks so cool in real life! We took lots of pictures in front of it. Then we went to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards. The guards were wearing funny hats and they didn't move at all!We also went to see the Tower of London, where they keep the Crown Jewels. They were so shiny and sparkly, I wish I could wear them!One day, we took a train out of London to visit Stonehenge. It's a big circle of stones that are really, really old. It was so cool to see something that was made so long ago!I also tried some traditional English food while we were there.I had fish and chips, which is fried fish and potatoes. It was yummy! I also tried a scone with cream and jam for afternoon tea. It was so delicious!Overall, my trip to England was amazing. I saw so many cool things and I learned a lot about English history. I can't wait to go back someday and explore more of this beautiful country!That's all for now, thanks for reading about my trip to England! Bye bye!篇8Title: My Trip to EnglandHi everyone! I just came back from a super cool trip to England and I can't wait to tell you all about it! It was so much fun and I saw so many amazing things.First, we visited London, the capital city of England. We went to see Big Ben, the famous clock tower, and it was even more impressive in person. We also walked around the Tower of London and saw the crown jewels – they were so shiny and sparkly!Next, we took a trip to Stonehenge, which is a mysterious circle of huge stones. No one knows for sure how it was built, but it was really cool to see it up close. We also visited the city of Bath and saw the ancient Roman baths – they were so big and had steam coming out of them!One of my favorite parts of the trip was going to the Harry Potter Studios. We got to see all the sets and props from the movies and even got to try some butterbeer – it was so yummy!Overall, my trip to England was amazing and I can't wait to go back someday. I learned so much about the history and culture of the country, and I made so many great memories with my family. I definitely recommend visiting England if you ever get the chance – you won't regret it!篇9Title: My Trip to EnglandHey everyone! I want to tell you all about my awesome trip to England! It was so cool and I had so much fun.First, we flew on a big airplane to get to England. It was my first time on a plane and it was really exciting. I looked out of the window and saw the tiny houses and cars below. It was like we were flying in the sky!When we got to England, we went to lots of famous places. We visited Big Ben, which is a really tall clock tower. It made a bonging sound every hour, and it was so loud! We also saw Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives. I even saw a guard with a tall hat and a red coat. He didn't move at all, it was so funny!One day, we went to Stonehenge. It's a bunch of big rocks standing in a circle. Nobody knows how they got there, but it was so cool to see them up close. I felt like I went back in time!Another fun thing we did was try fish and chips. It's a traditional English food and it was yummy. The fish was crispy and the chips were so salty. I think I ate too much because I felt really full afterwards!Overall, my trip to England was amazing. I saw so many new things and met lots of friendly people. I can't wait to go on another adventure soon! England, I'll be back!篇10When I was in sixth grade, I had the chance to go on a trip to England with my family. It was super exciting because I had never been to another country before. We went to many cool places and saw lots of interesting things.First, we visited London, the capital of England. We saw Big Ben, which is a huge clock tower. It looks so pretty in real life! We also went to Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives. We saw the guards in their funny hats standing still like statues. It was so funny!Next, we went to Stonehenge, which is a mysterious circle of big stones. Nobody knows how they got there or what they were used for. It was really cool to see them up close and touch them.After that, we went to Shakespeare's hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. We saw the house where he was born and grew up. I even got to see a play by Shakespeare at the theater there. It was a bit hard to understand, but still fun to watch.Finally, we went to Harry Potter World at Warner Bros. Studios. I felt like I was in the magical world of Hogwarts! I got to ride on a broomstick and see all the cool props and costumes from the movies.Overall, my trip to England was amazing! I learned a lot about the history and culture of the country. I can't wait to go back someday and explore even more. Traveling is the best way to learn and have fun at the same time!。
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Take Away English 随身英语22 November 2012Walking tall 漫步英国乡间Vocabulary: countryside 词汇:乡村An estimated eight million people in Britain Array enjoy rambling in the Peak District everyyear.But what many who enjoy outdoor pursuitsdon't know is that their "right to roam" waswon by men who sacrificed their own freedomto gain access to the countryside for all.In 1932 wealthy landowners had exclusiveuse of large areas of moorlands for grouseshooting.Walkers were kept out by guards, until a group of 400 people from Manchester and Yorkshire, led by Benny Rothman, engaged on a mass trespass. The campaigner was jailed with four other men.The event is credited by many with starting a movement that paved the way for the establishment of national parks.Mr Rothman died in 2002 but he is now being honoured for his contribution with the unveiling of a blue plaque on his former home in Crofton Avenue, Timperley, Greater Manchester.Retired professor, Harry, who followed in his father's footsteps by specialising in environmental issues, says: "He was a very optimistic man and he made the best of it when he went to prison. It didn't put him off campaigning, he went on campaigning on environmental issues most of his life."Mr Rothman did live to see the Countryside Rights of Way Act passed by Parliament in 2000, ensuring the freedom of the countryside for future generations.Roly Smith, a friend of Mr Rothman and an author of walking guidebooks, said: "It is down to them that we have got what we have today."Councillor Jonathan Coupe, of Trafford Council, said: "The honour of having a blue plaque attributed to you means you have really made an impression on society.""Mr Rothman contributed to the changing of history and it is because of him that we are able to enjoy the local countryside as often and freely as we can today."词汇表请参看答案与词汇部分Take Away English 随身英语 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2012Page 2 of 4/learningenglishQuiz 测验阅读短文并回答问题。
1. According to the article, what were large areas of countryside used for by the 1930s?2. How will Benny Rothman be honoured?3. Is the following statement true, false or not given? Benny Rothman had a son who is interested in the same issues as himself.4. What expression in the article means activities carried out in open air?5. What word means the act of entering into private property without permission?Exercise 练习请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。
1. The Australian state of Queensland has lifted a 23-year ban on mining uranium, _______ the way for exports to India .cleaning following paving walking2. The day of celebration started with the _______ of a memorial stone in tribute to one of Teesside's all-time Olympic heroes.uncovering campaigning rambling unveiling3. Sometimes a pupil's performance is _______ to the way his teachers motivate him to study.down under below about4. Mary is ready to _______ her dreams of travelling the world in order to earn a living in a boring job so that she can feed her children.pursuit sacrifice trespass ramble5. Tom Hanks has been _______ with an Arts for Humanity Award at the New York Public Library.honoured unveiled given campaigningTake Away English 随身英语 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2012Page 3 of 4/learningenglishAnswers and Glossary 答案与词汇Quiz 小测验1. According to the article, what were large areas of countryside used for by the 1930s? Grouse shooting.2. How will Benny Rothman be honoured? With a blue plaque put on his former home in Crofton Avenue.3. Is the following statement true, false or not given? Benny Rothman had a son who is interested in the same issues as himself. True. Environmental issues interested both men.4. What expression in the article means activities carried out in open air? Outdoor pursuits.5. What word means the act of entering into private property without permission? Trespass.Exercise 练习1. The Australian state of Queensland has lifted a 23-year ban on mining uranium, paving the way for exports to India .2. The day of celebration started with the unveiling of a memorial stone in tribute to one of Teesside's all-time Olympic heroes.3. Sometimes a pupil's performance is down to the way his teachers motivate him to study.4. Mary is ready to sacrifice her dreams of travelling the world in order to earn a living in a boring job so that she can feed her children.5. Tom Hanks has been honoured with an Arts for Humanity Award at the New York Public Library.Glossary 词汇表to ramble漫步outdoor pursuits户外运动to roam 游逛to sacrifice 牺牲a landowner 一个地主the moorlands荒野grouse shooting捕猎松鸡a trespass一次非法入侵to pave the way 为某事铺平道路a national park一个国家公园to unveil揭开a blue plaque 一个蓝色牌匾to follow in his father's footsteps跟随父亲的足迹an environmental issue 一个环境问题the Act 一项法案、法令a guidebook 一本旅行指南to be down to (someone) 归功于(某人)a councillor 一名议员a Council 政务会、议会Take Away English 随身英语© British Broadcasting Corporation 2012Page 4 of 4/learningenglish。