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雕塑艺术欣赏Appreciation of Sculptural Art
调节装置Regulati on Equipme nt 动态规戈U Dyn amic Programmi ng 动态无损检测Dy namic Non-Destruction Measureme nt
动态信号分析与仪器Dyn amic Sig nal An alysis & Apparatus
锻压工艺Forg ing Tech no logy
锻压机械液压传动Hydraulic Tran smissi on in Forg ing Machi nery 锻压加热设备Forgi ng Heat ing Equipme nt
锻压设备专题Lectures on Forg ing Press Equipme nts
锻压系统动力学Dy namics of Forgi ng System
锻造工艺Forg ing Tech no logy
断裂力学Fracture Mecha nics
对外贸易概论In troduction to I nter natio nal Trade
多层网络方法Multi-Layer Network Tech nology
多目标优化方法Multipurpose Optimal Method
多项距阵Multi-Nomi nal Matrix
多元统计分析Multi-Variate Statistical An alysis
发电厂Power Pla nt
发电厂电气部分Electric Eleme nts of Power Pla nts
法律基础Fun dame ntals of Law
法学概论An In troducti on to Scie nee of Law
法学基础Fun dame ntals of Scie nee of Law
翻译理论与技巧Theory & Skills of Tran slation
泛函分析Fun cti onal An alysis
房屋建筑学Architectural Design & Con struction
非电量测量Non-Electricity Measureme nt
非金属材料Non-Metal Materials
非线性采样系统No n-Li near Sampli ng System
非线性光学No n-Lin ear Optics
非线性规划Non-Li near Programmi ng
非线性振荡Non-Lin ear Ocsillatio n
非线性振动No n-Lin ear Vibratio n
沸腾燃烧Boili ng Combustion 分析化学An alytical Chemistry 分析化学实验An alytical Chemistry Experime nt
分析力学An alytical Mecha nics
风机调节Fan Regulation
风机调节.使用.运转Regulatio“‘Application & Operation of Fans
风机三元流动理论与设计Tri-Variate Moveme nt Theory & Design of Fa ns
风能利用Wind Power Utilization
腐蚀电化学实验Experime nt in Erosive Electrochemistry
复变函数Complex Variables Fun cti ons
复变函数与积分变换Fun cti ons of Complex Variables & In tegral Tra nsformatio n
复合材料力学Compou nd Material Mecha nics
傅里叶光学Fourier Optics
概率论Probability Theory
概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics
概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process
钢笔画Pen Draw ing 钢的热处理Heat-Treatme nt of Steel
钢结构Steel Structure 钢筋混凝土Rein forced Con crete 钢筋混凝土及砖石结构Rei nforced Con crete & Brick Structure
钢砼结构Rei nforced Con crete Structure 高层建筑基础设计Desig ning bases of High Rising Buildi ngs
高层建筑结构设计Desig ning Structures of High Risi ng Buildi ngs
高等材料力学Adva need Material Mecha nics
高等代数Adva need Algebra 高等教育管理Higher Education Ma nageme nt
高等教育史History of Higher Educatio n
高等教育学Higher Educati on
高等数学Adva need Mathematics 高电压技术High-Voltage Tech no logy
高电压测试技术High-Voltage Test Tech nology
高分子材料High Polymer Material
高分子材料及加工High Polymer Material & Porcess ing
高分子化学High Polymer Chemistry
高分子化学实验High Polymer Chemistry Experime nt
高分子物理High Polymer Physics
高分子物理实验High Polymer Physics Experime nt
高级英语听说Adva need En glish Liste ning & Speak ing
高能密束焊High En ergy-De nse Beam Weldi ng
高频电路High-Fre nque ncy Circuit 高频电子技术High-Fre nque ncy Electr onic Tech no logy
高频电子线路High-Fre nque ncy Electro nic Circuit
高压测量技术High-Voltage Measureme nt Tech no logy
高压测试技术High-Voltage Testi ng Tech no logy
高压电场的数值计算Numerical Calculatio n in High-Voltage Electr onic Field
高压电器High-Voltage Electrical Applia nces 高压绝缘High-Voltage In sulati on 高压实验High-Voltage Experime ntati on 高压试验技术High-Voltage Experime ntati on Tech no logy
工程材料的力学性能测试Mecha nic Test ing of Engin eeri ng Materials
工程材料及热处理Engin eeri ng Material and Heat Treatme nt
工程材料学Engin eer ing Materials
工程测量Engin eeri ng Survey ing 工程测试技术Engin eeri ng Test ing Tech ni que
工程测试实验Experime nt on Engin eer ing Test ing
工程测试信息In formatio n of Engin eeri ng Testi ng
工程动力学Engin eer ing Dyn amics 工程概论Introduction to Engineering 工程概预算Project Budget 工程经济学Engin eeri ng Econo mics 工程静力学Engin eer ing Statics 工程力学Engin eeri ng Mecha nics 工程热力学Engin eeri ng Thermod yn amics 工程项目评估Engin eeri ng Project Evaluati on
工程优化方法Engin eeri ng Optimizati onal Method
工程运动学Engin eeri ng Kin ematics 工程造价管理Engin eeri ng Cost Man ageme nt
工程制图Graphi ng of Engin eeri ng 工业分析In dustrial An alysis 工业锅炉In dustrial Boiler 工业会计学In dustrial Accou nti ng 工业机器人In dustrial Robot 工业技术基础Basic In dustrial Tech nology
工业建筑设计原理Pr in ciples of I ndustrial Buildi ng Desig n
工业经济理论In dustrial Econo mic Theory
工业经济学In dustrial Econo mics
工业企业财务管理In dustrial En terprise Fi nan cial Man ageme nt
工业企业财务会计Accou nti ng in In dustrial En terprises
工业企业管理In dustrial En terprise Man ageme nt
工业企业经营管理In dustrial En terprise Admin strative Man ageme nt
工业社会学In dustrial Sociology 工业心理学In dustrial Psychology 工业窑炉In dustrial Stoves 工艺过程自动化Tech nics Process Automati on
公差Common Difference 公差技术测量Tech ni cal Measureme nt with Com mon Differe nee
公差与配合Common Difference & Cooperati on 公共关系学Public Relatio ns 公文写作Docume nt Writ ing 古代汉语An cie nt Chi nese
古典文学作品选读Selected Readi ngs in Classical Literature
固体激光Solid State Laser 固体激光器件Solid Laser Eleme nts
固体激光与电源Solid State Laser & Power Un it
固体物理Solid State Physics 管理概论In troducti on to Man ageme nt 管理经济学Man ageme nt Econo mics 管理数学Ma nageme nt Mathematics 管理系统模拟Man ageme nt System Simulation
管理心理学Man ageme nt Psychology
管理信息系统Man ageme nt In formati on Systems
光波导理论Light Wave Guide Theory
光电技术Photoelectric Tech no logy 光电信号处理Photoelectric Sig nal Process ing
光电信号与系统分析Photoelectric Sig nal & Systematic An alysis
光辐射探测技术Ray Radiatio n Detection Tech nology
光谱Spectrum 光谱分析Spectral An alysis 光谱学Spectroscopy 光纤传感Fibre Optical Sen sors 光纤传感器Fibre Optical Sen sors 光纤传感器基础Fu ndame ntals of Fibre Optical Se nsors
光纤传感器及应用Fibre Optical Se nsors & Applicati ons
光纤光学课程设计Course Design of Fibre Optical
光纤技术实验Experime nts in Fibre Optical Tech no logy
光纤通信基础Basis of Fibre Optical Commu ni catio n
光学Optics 光学测量Optical Measureme nt 光学分析法O ptical An alysis Method
光学计量仪器设计Optical In strume nt Gauge Desig ning
光学检测Optical Detection 光学设计Optical Desig n 光学信息导论In troducti on of Optical In fomatio n
光学仪器设计Optical In strume nt Desig ning
光学仪器与计量仪器设计Optical In strume nt & Gauge In strume nt Desig ning
光学仪器装配与校正Optical In strume nt In stallation & Adjustme nt
广播编辑学Broadcast Editi ng
广播新闻Broadcast Jour nalism
广播新闻采写Broadcast Jour nalism Collectio n & Compositi on
广告学Advertiseme nt 锅炉燃烧理论Theory of Boiler Combusti on
锅炉热交换传热强化Boiler Heat Excha nge,C on dction & Inten sification
锅炉原理Pri nciples of Boiler 国际金融Intern ati onal Finance 国际经济法In ter nati onal Econo mic Law
国际贸易Intern ati onal Trade 国际贸易地理In ter natio nal Trade Geography
国际贸易实务In ter natio nal Trade Affairs
国际市场学In ter natio nal Market ing
国际市场营销In ter natio nal Market ing
国民经济计划Natio nal Eco nomical Pla nning
国外社会学理论Overseas Theories of Sociology
过程(控制)调节装置Process(Control) Adjustment Device 过程调节系统Process Adjustme nt System
过程控制Process Con trol
过程控制系统Process Con trol System
海洋测量Ocea n Survey ing
海洋工程概论In troducti on to Ocea n Engin eeri ng
函数分析Fun cti onal An alysis
焊接方法Weldi ng Method
焊接方法及设备Weldi ng Method & Equipme nt
焊接检验Weldi ng Testi ng
焊接结构Weldi ng Structure
焊接金相Weldi ng Fractography
焊接金相分析Weldi ng Fractography An alysis
焊接冶金Weldi ng Metallurgy
焊接原理Fun dame ntals of Weldi ng
焊接原理及工艺Fu ndame ntals of Weldi ng & Tech nology
焊接自动化Automation of Weldi ng
汉语与写作Chi nese & Composition 汉语语法研究Research on Chin ese Grammar
汉字信息处理技术Tech no logy of Chin ese In formati on Process ing
毫微秒脉冲技术Millimicroseco nd Pusle Tech ni que
核动力技术Nuclear Power Tech nology
合唱与指挥Chorus & Co nduction
合金钢Alloy Steel
宏观经济学Macro-Eco no mics
宏微观经济学Macro Micro Eco nomics
红外CCD Infrared CCD
红外电荷耦合器In frared Electric Charge Coupler
红外探测器In frared Detectors
红外物理In frared Physics
红外物理与技术In frared Physics & Tech nology
红外系统In frared System
红外系统电信号处理Process ing Electric Sign als from In frared Systems
厚薄膜集成电路Thick & Thin Film In tegrated Circuit
弧焊电源Arc Weldi ng Power
弧焊原理Arc Weldi ng Prin ciples
互换性技术测量基础Basic Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt
互换性技术测量Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt
互换性与技术测量Eleme ntary Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt
互换性与技术测量实验Experime nt of Excha ngeability Measureme nt Tech no logy
画法几何及机械制图Descriptive Geometry & Mecha ni cal Graph ing
画法几何与阴影透视Descriptive Geometry,Shadow and Perspective
化工基础Eleme ntary Chemical In dustry
化工仪表与自动化Chemical Meters & Automati on
化工原理Pri nciples of Chemical In dustry
化学反应工程Chemical Reacti on Engin eeri ng
化学分离Chemical Decompositi on 化学工程基础Eleme ntary Chemical Engin eeri ng
化学计量学Chemical Measureme nt 化学文献Chemical Literature 化学文献及查阅方法
Chemical Literature & Co nsulti ng Method
化学粘结剂Chemical Felter 环境保护理论基础Basic Theory of En vir onmental Protection 环境化学Environomen tal Chemistry 环境行为概论In troducti on to En vir onmen tal Behavior
换热器Thermal Tran sducer
回旧分析与试验设计Temperi ng An alysis and Experime nt Desig n
回转式压缩机Rotary Compressor
回转压缩机数学模型Mathematical Modeli ng of Rotary Compressors
会计学Accou ntancy
会计与财务分析Accou ntancy & Finan cial An alysis
会计与设备分析Accou ntancy & Equipme nt An alysis
会计原理及外贸会计Prin ciples of Accou ntancy & Foreig n Trade Accou ntancy
会计原理与工业会计Prin ciples of Accou ntancy & In dustrial Accou ntancy
活力学En ergy Theory 活塞膨胀机Pist on Expa nder 活塞式制冷压缩机Pisto n Refrigera nt Compreessor
活塞式压缩机Pisto n Compressor
活塞式压缩机基础设计Basic Design of Pisto n Compressor
活塞压缩机结构强度Structural Inten sity of Pisto n Compressor
活赛压机气流脉动Gas Pulsation of Pisto n Pressor
货币银行学Curre ncy Banking 基本电路理论Basis Theory of Circuit
基础写作Fun dame ntal Course of Compositi on 机床电路Machi ne Tool Circuit 机床电器Mach ine Tool Electric Applia nee 机床电气控制Electrical Con trol of Machi nery Tools
机床动力学Machi ne Tool Dyn amics 机床设计Machi ne Tool desig n 机床数字控制Digital Con trol of Machi ne Tool
机床液压传动Machi nery Tool Hydraulic Tran smissi on
机电传动Mecha ni cal & Electrical Tran smissi on 机电传动控制Mecha ni cal & electrical Tran smissi on Control
机电耦合系统Mecha ni cal & Electrical Combi natio n System
机电系统计算机仿真Computer Simulation of Mecha nic/Electrical Systems
机电一体化Mechanical & Electrical Integration
机构学Structuri ng 机器人Robot
机器人控制技术 Robot Con trol Tech nology
机械产品学 Mecha nic Products
Shape Design of Mecha ni cal Products 机械工程控制基础 Basic Mecha nic Engin eeri ng Con trol
机械加工自动化 Automation in Mecha nical Worki ng
机械可靠性 Mecha ni cal Reliability
机械零件 Mecha ni cal Eleme nts 机械零件设计 Course Exercise in Mach inery Eleme nts
Desig n 机械零件设计基础 Basis of Machi nery Eleme nts Desig n
机械设计 Mecha ni cal Desig ning 机械设计基础 Basis of Mecha nical Desig ning 机械设计课
程设计 Course Exercise in Mecha ni cal Desig n
机械设计原理 Prin ciple of Mecha ni cal Desig ning 机械式信息传输机构 Mecha ni cal In
formati on Tran smissi on Device
机械原理 Pr in ciple of Mecha nics 机械原理和机械零件 机械原理及机械设计 机械原理及应用 机械原理课程设计
机械原理与机械零件 机械原理与机械设计 机械噪声
控制 机械制造概论 机械制造工艺学 机械制造基础 机械制造基础(金属工艺学)Fundamental Course of Mechanic Manufacturing (Meta
机械制造系统自动化 Automation of Mecha ni cal Man ufacture System 机械制造中计算机控制
Computer Con trol in Mecha nical Man ufacture
机制工艺及夹具 Mecha ni cal Tech no logy and Clamps
积分变换 In tegral Tran sformatio n
In tegral Tra nsformation & Mathematical Equati ons 积分变换控制工程
In tegral Tran sformatio n Control Engin eeri ng 积分变换与动力工程 In tegral Tran sforms & Dyn amic Engin eer ing
激光电源 Laser Power Devices
激光焊 Laser Weldi ng
激光基础 Basis of Laser
激光技术 Laser Tech no logy
激光加工 Laser Process ing
激光器件 Laser Devices
激光器件与电源 Laser Devices & Power Source
激光原理 Pri nciples of Laser
激光原理与技术 Laser Prin ciples & Tech nology
极限分析 Limit An alysis
Mecha nism & Mach inery Mecha ni cal Desig ning
Mecha ni cal Prin ciple & Mecha ni cal Applicati ons
Course Exercise of Mecha ni cal Pri nciple Mecha ni cal Prin ciple and Mecha ni cal Eleme nts Mecha ni cal Pri nciple and Mecha ni cal Desig Con trol of Mecha ni cal Noise In troducti on to Mecha ni cal Man ufacture Tech no logy of Mecha ni cal Man ufacture Fun dame ntal of Mecha ni cal
Man ufacture
集合论与代数结构Set Theory & Algebraical Structure
技术管理Tech no logical Man ageme nt 技术经济Tech no logical Economy 技术经济学Tech no logical Econo mics 技术市场学Tech no logical Marketi ng 计量经济学Measure Econo mics
计算方法Computatio nal Method 计算机导论In troducti on to Computers
计算机导论与实践In troduction to Computers & Practice
计算机辅助设计与仿真Computer Aided Design & Imitatio n
计算机辅助语言教学Computer-Aided Lan guage Teachi ng
计算机辅助制造Computer-Aided Ma nufacturi ng
计算机概论In troducti on to Computers
计算机绘图Computer Graphics
计算机基础Basis of Computer Engin eer ing
计算机接口技术Computer In terface Tech no logy
计算机接口与通讯Computer In terface & Commu ni cati on
计算机局域网Regio nal Network of Computers
计算机控制Computer Co ntrol ing
计算机设计自动化Automation of Computer Desig n
计算机实践Computer Practice
计算机数据库Computer Database 计算机算法基础Basis of Computer Algorithm
计算机图形显示Computer Graphic Demon strati on
计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机网络C omputer Networks
计算机系统结构Computer Architecture
计算机语言处理Computer Lan guage Process ing
计算机原理Pri nciple of Computer Engin eer ing
计算机在化学中的应用Application of Computer in Chemistry
计算机组成原理Pr in ciples of Computer Composition
计算力学Computatio nal Mecha nics 计算力学基础Basis of Computatio nal Mecha nics 计算流体Fluid Computatio n
继电保护新技术New Tech no logy of Relay Protection
继电保护原理Prin ciples of Relay Protection
继电保护运行Relay-Protected Operation 检测技术Measureme nt Tech ni que 检测系统动力学Detection System Dyn amics
检测与控制Detection & Co ntroli ng
简明社会学Con cise Sociology 简明世界史Brief World History 减振设计Vibrati on Absorpti on Desig ning
PurPoison 2006-03-15 14:56
解析几何介质波导介质测量介质光学An alytic Geometry Medium Wave Guide Medium Measureme nt Medium Optics
金属X 射线学Metal X-Ray Analysis 金属材料焊接Metal Material Weldi ng
金属材料学Metal Material Scie nee
金属材料与热处理Metal Material & Heat Treatme nt
金属腐蚀与保护Metal Erosion & Protecti on
金属腐蚀原理Prin ciples of Metal Erosion
金属工艺学Metal Tech nics
金属焊接性基础Eleme ntary Metal Weldability
金属焊接原理Prin ciples of Metal Weldi ng
金属机械性能Mecha nical Property of Metal
金属力学性能Metal Mecha nic Property
金属切削机床Metal Cutti ng Machi ne Tool
金属切削原理及刀具Prin ciples of Metal Cutti ng & Cutters
金属熔焊原理Prin ciples of Metal Molte n Weldi ng
金属熔焊原理及工艺Prin ciples of Metal Molte n Weldi ng & Tech ni que
金属熔炼Metal Melt ing 金属塑性成形原理Pri nciples of Metal forming
金属物理性能Physical Property of Metal
金属学Metallography 金属学与热处理Metallography & Heat Treatme nt
金属学原理Pri nciples of Metallography
金相分析Metallographic An alysis 金相技术Metallographic Tech ni ques
近代光学测试技术Modern Optical Testi ng Tech nology
近代光学计量技术Modern Optical Measur ing Tech nology
近代经济史Moder n History of Econo mics
近代物理实验Lab of Modern Physics
近世代数Modern Algebra 晶体管原理Pri nciples of Tran sistors
晶体光学Crystallographic Optics 精密测量技术Tech no logy of Precisi on Measureme nt
精密电气测量Precise Electric Measureme nt
精密合金Precise Alloy 精密机械CAD CAD for Precision Machinery 精密机械课程设计Course Design for
Precision Mach in ery
精密机械零件Precisi on Machi nery Eleme nts
精密机械设计基础Eleme ntary Precisio n Mach inery Desig n
精密机械学Precisi on Machi nery
精细有机合成Mi nute Orga nic Syn thesis
经济地理Econo mical Geography 经济法Law of Economy 经济法学Law of Economy 经济分析基础Basis of Econo mic An alysis
经济控制论Econo mical Cyber netics
经济社会学Econo mic Sociology
经济新闻Econo mic News
经济学说史History of Econo mics
经济学原理Pri nciples of Econo mics
经济预测Economic Predicting
经济预测与管理奖惩Eco no mic Predict ing & Man ageme nt
经济原理Pr in ciples of Economy 经济运筹学Econo mic Operati on Research
经济增长理论Theory of Eco no mic Growth 经营管理Operati on Man ageme nt
经营管理学Operatio n Ma nageme nt
静力学Statics 纠错编码Error Correction of Codi ng
决策分析An alysis of Policy Mak ing 绝缘在线检测In sulation Live Test ing
军事理论Military Theory 抗干扰技术An ti-Jam ming Tech ni que
科技翻译Scie ntific En glish Tran slati on 科技管理Tech no logical Man ageme nt 科技史History of Scie nee & Tech no logy 科技史及新技术知识Historry of Scie nee & Kn owledge of New Tech ndogy
科技写作Scie ntific Writi ng 科技新闻Scie ntific News 科技英语Scie ntific En glish 科技英语基础Eleme ntary Scie ntific En glish
科技英语阅读Read ings of Scie ntific En glish
科技与社会Scie nee & Society
科学方法论Scie ntific Methodology
科学技术史History of Scie nee & Tech nology
科学计量Scie ntific Measureme nt
科学社会学概论In troduction to Scie ntific Socialism
科学社会主义Scie ntific Socialism
科学思维方法Methods of Sci netific Thi nki ng
科学学Scientology 可计算性Calculability 可靠性Reliability 可靠性及故障诊断Reliability & Error Diag no sis
可靠性技术导论In troduction to Reliability Tech nology
可靠性数学Reliable Mathematics
可靠性物理Reliability Physics
可逆式机组Reversible Machi nery Group
可逆式水力机械Reversible Hydraulic Machi nery
空气调节与通风Air Regulation & Ven tilation
空气动力学Aerod yn amics
控制电机 Electrical Machi nes for Con trol
控制工程 Con trol Engin eeri ng
控制工程基础 Basis of Control Engin eeri ng
控制理论 Theory of Co ntrol
控制理论基础 Eleme ntary Theory of Co ntrol
控制理论基础与水轮机调节 Eleme ntary Theory of Con trol & Water Turbi ne Regulat
控制系统设计 Co ntrol System Desig n 控制系统数字仿真 Con trol System Digital Imitatio n
口译 Oral Intepretation 口语实践 Oral Practice 快速阅读 Fast Readi ng 劳动工资管理 Ma nageme nt of Labor Wages 乐理 Music Theory 雷达原理 Pr in ciples of Radar 雷电静电及环境 Radar Static Electricity & En viro nment 冷冻干燥技术 Freeze Drying Tech ni que 冷冻技术 冷库设计 离散数学 Cen trifugal Pumps & Axial Pumps
Cen trifugal Compressor Imitati on Cen trifugal Compressor Inten sity
Prin ciples of Cen trifugal Compressors
伦理学Ethics 论文写作 Thesis Writing 论文指导 Thesis Supervisi on 螺杆压缩机 Spiral
Lobe Compressor 逻辑设计 Logic Desig n
逻辑学 Logic Theory
马克思主义原理 Pr in ciples of Marxism
马列(社会学)原著选读 Selected Readings of Marx's & Lenin's Original Wor 马列哲学原著
选读 Selected Readi ngs of Marx's & Le nin's Origi nal Wor
马列主义原理 Prin ciples of Marxism & Lenin ism
马氏规划 Marte nsitic Pla nning
脉冲功率放大 Pulse Power Mag ni ficati on
脉冲与数字电路 Pulse & Digital Circuit
毛泽东思想哲学研究 Research on Mao Zedon g's Thi nking Philosophy
理论力学 Theoretical Mecha nics 力热学 Mecha nics & Thermology 力学,热学 Mechanics & Thermology
力学性能测试 Mecha nics Performa nee Testi ng 两相流动和传热
Two-phase Flow & Thermal Con duction 量子力学 Quantum Mecha nics 劣质煤燃烧与利用
Tin pot Coal Combustion & Use 零件设计 Eleme nt Desig n 领导科学 Leadership Scie nee
流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculatio n of Flow Field
流态化工程 Fluidizati on Engin eeri ng 流体力学 六朝文论 鲁迅研究 轮机概论
Fluid Mecha nics Articles of Six Dyn asties Research on LU Xun
In troducti on to Turb
Refrigerati on Tech ni que
Refrigerati ng House Desig
Discrete Mathematics 离心泵与轴流泵 离心式压缩机模拟
离心式压缩机强度 离心式压缩机原理
煤粉燃烧技术及测量技术Coal Power Combustion & Tech nology and Measureme nt
美国文学作品选读Selected Readi ngs of America n Literature
美术粉彩Art Powder Pai nt
美术室外建筑写生Outdoors Architectural Sketch
美术素描Art Sketch
美学概论In troducti on to Aesthetics
秘书学Secretary Scie nee 密圭寸技术Seali ng Tech nology 免疫学Immu nity
敏感元件及材料Se nsors & Materials
明清小说研究Research on NOVELS OF mING & Qi ng Dy nasties
名篇赏析Appreciati on of Master Pieces
模糊数学Fuzzy Mathematics
模具计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Design of Models
模拟电子技术An alog Electr onics Tech ni que
模拟电子技术基础Basic An alog Electro nics
模拟电子线路An alog Electrical Circuitry
模拟集成电路An alog In tegrated Circuitry
模式识别Matrix Recog nition 模型辨识Model Dist in guish 磨削原理Prin ciple of Grin di ng and Cutti ng 耐腐蚀非金属材料Erosio n-Resisti ng No n-metallic Materials
内燃机测试技术IC En gi ne Test Tech nology
内燃机调节IC En gi ne Regulation
内燃机动力学IC En gi ne Dyn amics
内燃机概论In troduction to IC Engine
内燃机排气净化Purification of IC Exhaustive Gas
内燃机设计IC En gi ne Desig n
内燃机原理Pri nciples of Intern al-Combusti on Engine
内燃机制造工艺学IC Man ufacturi ng Tech nology
能源工程En ergy Source Engin eeri ng
扭转振动Torque Vibrati on
排压力波计算Computati on of Pressure Extracti on Wave
配位化学Coord in ation Chemistry
疲劳断裂力学Fatigue Fracture Mecha nics
偏微分方程Partial Differe ntial Equation
偏微分方程数值解Numerical Solution of Partial Differe ntial Equation
评报Commentary Report 评论写作Comme ntary Writing 普通化学Gen eral Chemistry 普通生物学General Biology 普通物理Gen eral Physics 普通物理实验Lab of General Physics
企业供销管理Man ageme nt of En terprise Supply & Sales
企业管理En terprise Man ageme nt
企业管理与技术经济En terprise Man ageme nt & Tech no logical Economy
企业经营经济学En terprise Man ageme nt Econo mics
企业社会学En terprise Sociology
企业生产物流Productive Physical Distributi on of En terprise
企业物流Physical Distribution of Enterprise 气阀原理Pri nciples of Air Valves
气固两相流Dual-Phrase Distribution of Gas % Solid 气体放电及应用Gas Discharge &
气体激光器Gas Laser Devices 气体制冷机Gas Refrigerator 气压传动Pn eumatic Tran smissi on 汽车驾驶技术D rivi ng Skills
汽轮机调节Steam Turhi ne Adjustme nt 汽轮机调节与仿真Steam Turhi ne Adjustme nt & Simulation
汽轮机热力特性Steam Turbi ne Thermal Property
汽轮机原理Pr in ciples of Steam Turbi ne 汽轮机振动Steam Turbi ne Vibrati on 钎焊Soldering 强电流技术Str ong Curre nt Tech nology 青年伦理学Ethics for Youth 青年社会学Sociology for Youth 情报检索In formati on Searches 全过程设计Whole Process Desig n 燃气轮机Steam Turbi ne Engin es 燃烧理论Theory of Combustio n 燃烧学Combusti on 热处理工艺Tech no logy for Heat ing Process ing 热处理设备Equipme nt for Heat ing Process ing 热处理设备设计Desig n of Heat Treatme nt Equipme nt
热处理新工艺New Tech no logy of Heat Treatme nt
热处理原理Pri nciples of Heat ing Process ing 热处理原理及工艺Pri nciples & Tech no logy for Heat ing Process ing
热工测量及仪表Thermal Measureme nt & Meter
热工过程自动调节Thermal Process Automatic Adjustme nt
热工设备 Thermal Equipme nt
热力发电厂 Thermal Power Statio ns
热力发动机 Thermal Motors
热力机械测试技术 Thermo-Mecha nic Measureme nt Tech ni que
Course Design for Thermo-Mecha nic Measureme nt Tech niq ue
热力学 Thermodynamics
热力学与统计物理 Thermody namics & Statistical Physics
Measureme nts & Experime nts of Thermal Scie nee 热物理量测技术 Measureme nts of Thermal Scie nee
人工智能 Artificial In tellige nce
人和自然 Man & Nature
人口经济方法 Eco no mical Method for Populati on
人体生理 Human Physiology
日本物流 Material Flow of Japa n
日语阅读 Japa nese Read ing
熔焊原理及工艺 Pr in ciple & Tech nique of Melt ing and Weldi ng
熔炼原理 Pri nciple of Melt ing
容错与诊断 Tolera nce & Diag no sis
容积式压缩机数学模型 Mathematical Model of Displaceme nt Compressor 软件工程 Software Engin eeri ng
软件技术基础 Basis of Software Tech ni que
软件开发工具与环境 Tools & En vir onment for Software Developi ng 弱信号检测 Test ing of Feeble Sig nals
色谱 Color Spectrum
摄影技巧 Tech ni ques for Photography
涉外企业管理 Enterprise Administration Concerning Foreign Natio
社会调查的理论与方法 Theories & Methods for Social In vestigati on 社会调查方法 Methods for Social In vestigatio n
社会工作 Social Work
社会统计分析与 SYSTAT 应用 Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application 社会统计学 Social Statistics
社会问题研究 Research on Social Problems
社会心理学 Social Psychology 社会学概论 In troduction to Sociololgy
社会学简论 Brief I ntroduction to Sociology
Curre nt Issues in Theories of Socilolgy Research on Problems of Sociology Research Methods of Sociology Finance of Socialism 社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 D iscussion on Political & Eco nomic Systems in Socialism
审计学 Scie nce of Audit ing
社会学理论专题 社会学问题研究 社会学研究方法 社会主义财政学
生产管理Admini strati on of Man ufacturi ng 生产过程计算机控制Computer Con trol in Man ufacturi ng Process
生产过程自动化Water-Turbi ne Engine
生理学Physiology 生命科学与无机化学Life Scie nee and In orga nic Chemistry
生物工程产品Bio-e ngin eeri ng Products
生物工程导论In troducti on to Bio-e ngin eer ing
生物化学Biochemistry 生物化学工程Biochemical Engin eeri ng
生物化学及实验Biochemistry Experime nt
生物检测技术Measureme nt for Biotech ni que
生物控制论Biocybernetics 生物流变学Biorheology 生物物理Biophysics 生物学专题Curre nts Issues in Biology 生物医学超声学Biomedical Superso nics
失效分析In validati on An alysis 诗歌美学Aesthetics of Poetry 时间序列Time Seque nee 实变函数Fun cti ons of Real Variable
实验分析Experime ntal An alysis 实验力学Experime ntal Mecha nics 实验力学基础B asis of Experime ntal Mecha nics
实验流体Experime ntal Flow ing Object 实验应力分析An alysis of Experime ntal Stress 世界近现代经济史Modern History of World Eco nomy
世界近现代史Modern History of the World
世界文化史History of World Culture 世界政治经济与国际关系World Politic Ecomo ny &ln ter natio nal Relatio nship
适应控制系统Adaption Co ntrol System
市场学Scienee of Market 市场研究Research on Market 市场预测Market Predicting 输入输岀设计原理Pr in ciple of I nput and Output Desig ning
书法Handwriting 数据结构Data Structure 数据库概论In troduction to Database 数据库基础Basis of Database 数据库技术Tech ni que of Database 数据库设计与分析Design & An alysis of Database
数据库系统原理Prin ciples of Database System
数据库应用Applicati on of Database
数据库原理及应用Pri nciple & Applicatio n of Database
数控机床Digit Con trol Machi ne Tool 数控技术Digit Co ntrol Tech ni que 数理方程Mathematical Equati ons
数理方程积分变换In tegral Tran smissi on of Mathematical Equati on
数理方程与特殊函数Equatio ns of Mathmatical Physics & Special Fun ctio ns
数理逻辑Mathematical Logic 数理统计Mathematical statistics 数量经济Quan tity Econo mics 数学分析Mathematical An alysis 数学规划Mathematical Pla nning 数学模型Mathematical Mode ning 数学物理方法Method of Mathematical Physics
数值电路Digital Circuit 数值分析Numerical An alysis 数值计算Digital Computatio n 数字测量技术Digital Measur ing Tech ni que
数字测量实验技术Experime ntal Tech ni que of Digital Measuri ng
数字测试实验技术Experime ntal Tech ni que of Digital Test ing
数字电路Digital Circuit 数字电路及微机原理Digital Circuit & Computer Pr in ciples
数字电视Digital Televisio n 数字电子基础Fun dame ntal Digital Electio nics
数字电子技术Digital Electr on ic Tech ni que
数字电子技术基础Fun dame ntal Digital Electro nic Tech ni que
数字电子技术设计与实验Experime nt & Design of Digital Electro n Tech ni que
数字电子线路Digital Electrical Circuitry
数字电子与微机原理Digital Electr on ics & Prin ciple of Microcomputer
数字仿真Digital Simulation 数字化测量技术Digital Measuri ng Tech ni que
数字控制及微机控制技术Digital Control & Microcomputer Co ntrol Tech ni que
数字逻辑Digital Logic 数字图象处理Digital Image Process ing
数字系统逻辑设计Logical Design of Digital System
数字系统设计Design of Digital System
数字信号处理Digital Sig nal Process ing
双曲线方程Hyperbolic Equati on
水电能源学Scie nee of HydrOelectric En elgy
水电站过渡过程的特殊问题Special Problems in the Tran sition of a Hydropower St
ation 水电站计算机控制C omputer Co ntrol in Hydropower Station
水电站经济运行Econo mic Operati on in Hydropower Stati on
水电站控制系统分析An alysis of Control System in Hydropower Stati on
水电站自动化Automation of Hydropower Stati on
水动力学Water Dyn amics
水机工艺结构分析Tech nics Structure An alysis of Hydraulic Mach in ery
水力机械测试技术Test Tech ni que of Hydraulic Machi nery
水力机械的汽蚀Gas Etchi ng of Hydraulic Machi nery
水力机械调节Adjustme nt of Hydraulic Machi nery
水力机械强度计算Inten sity Calculatio n of Hydraulic Machi nery
水力机械原理Pri nciples of Hydraulic Machi nery
水力机械制造工艺及结构分析Man ufactur ing Tech ni que & Structure An alysis of Hyd raulic Mach inery
水力机械制造工艺学Man ufacturi ng Tech ni que for Hydraulic Machi nery
水轮机Water-Turbine Engine
水轮机调节Water-Turbi ne En gi ne Adaption
水轮机调节系统Adaptive System of Water-Turbi ne Engine
水轮机水力设计Hydraulic Design of Water Engine
水轮机原理及水力设计Prin ciples of Water-Turbi ne En gi ne & Design of Water En gi
水轮机原理与CAD Prin ciple of Water-Turbi ne Engine & CAD
水轮水力设计Hydraulic Design of Water Engine
水现代控制理论Modern Theory of Water Con troli ng
水质稳定技术Stability Tech nique of Water Quality
思想教育Virtue Educatio n 素描Pencil Sketch 速冻技术Tech ni que of Speed Freez ing 塑性力学Plastic Macha nics 算法语言Algorithmic Lan guage
随机过程Stochastic Process & Time Series An alysis 随机运筹学Ran domized Operati onal Research 锁相技术Phase Lock Tech ni que 谈判技巧Negotiation Skills
唐宋诗词Poetry & Prose of Tang & Song Dyn asties 陶瓷材料学Scie nee of Ceramic Material 陶瓷工艺原理Pri nciple of Pottery Tech nology
特种泵Special Pump 特种加工工艺Special Worki ng Tech no logy
特种压缩机Special Compressor 特种铸铁Special Cast ing Iron
特种铸造Special Processes of Metal Casti ngs
体育Physical Education
天线原理Prin ciple of Antenna 铁磁学Ferromag netics 铁电半导体Ferro-Electric Semic on ductor 铁电材料与器件Ferro-Electric Material and Eleme nt
铁电压电材料与器件Ferro-Voltage Electric Material and Eleme nt
铁氧体材料Ferrite Material
听说训练Practice on Liste ning & Speak ing 通风机Ventilator 通信电子线路Electro nic Circuit of Commu ni catio n
通信原理Prin ciple of Commu ni cati on 通讯写作专题Curre nt Issues on Report Writ ing 同步控制原理Pr in ciple of Syn chro nic Control
统计Statistics 统计计算Experime nt of Applied Physics 统计检查与质量控制Statistic Check and Quality Con trol
统计物理Statistical Physics 统计信号分析An alysis of Statistical Sig nal
统计学Statistics 统计学原理Prin ciple of Statistics
统计学原理与工业统计Prin ciple of Statistics & In dustrial Statistics
统计原理Statistics 投入产岀分析An alysis of I nput and Output
投入产岀技术In put and Output Tech ni que
透平机械三元流动Three-dime nsio nal Flow of Turbi ne Machi nery
透平膨胀机Turbi ne Expa nsion Engine 透平式压缩机特性模拟An alog of Performa nee of Turbi ne Compressor
透平压缩机强度Ten sile of Turbi ne Compressor
图论Graph Theory 图论算法Algorithm on Graph Theory 图论与组合Graphi ng & Group ing
图论与组合优化Graphi ng & Optimal Group ing
土力学与地基Soil Mecha nics and Fou ndati ons
托福测试Test of En glish as a Foreig n Lan guage 拓朴学Topology 夕卜部设备讲座
Lectures on Peripherial Equipme nt
夕卜部设备维修Repairme nt of Peripheral Equipme nt
外国古代建筑史History of Western An cie nt Architecture
夕卜国文献阅读Readi ngs of Foreig n Literature
夕卜国文学史History of Foreig n Literature
夕卜国文学作品选译Selected Tran slati ons of Foreig n Literary Works
外国物流Foreig n Material Flow 外国物资管理Overseas Material Man ageme nt
外国新闻事业史History of Overseas Jour nalism
夕卜贸会计Foreig n Bus in ess Accou ntancy 夕卜贸英语Foreig n Bus in ess En glish 夕卜设概论Introduction to Peripheral Equipment 夕卜设实验Experime nt on Peripheral Equipme nt 往复泵及其它类型泵Reciprocat ing Pump & Other type Pumps
微波测量技术Microwave Measureme nt Tech ni que
微波电路计算机辅助设计CAD of Microwave Circuit
微波技术Microwave Tech ni que 微波技术基础Basis of Microwave Tech ni que。