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第一大类是那些为政治目的或为获得大宗合同所付出的大笔 款项。比如,有一家美国企业曾因可能违反美国商业法规而受调 查,当时它捐出一大笔款项支持一位总统候选人。后来发现,这 家公司也打算资助美国推翻智利政府的秘密行动。
• para6 • In this category, we may also include large payments made to ruling families or their close advisers in order to secure arms sales or major petroleum or construction contracts. In a court case involving an arms deal with Iran,
• 假定在一场与政府官员的谈判中,贸易部长向你明确表示如能 给他一大笔贿赂,那么你的商品拿到进口许可证就会容易得多, 还可能避免他所说的“程序上的延误”。现在的问题是:你是 被迫掏钱呢,还是坚持原则?
• Para3
• It is easy to talk about having high moral standards but, in practice, what would one really do in such a situation? Some time ago a British car manufacturer was accused of operating a fund to pay bribes, and of other questionable practices such as paying a exaggerated commission, offering additional discounts, and making payments to numbered bank accounts in Switzerland.
• 这一事实的披露,使克莱斯勒与其他300多家美国公司一样, 向美国证券交易委员会承认自己近年曾有过某种形式的支出, 像贿赂、额外打折等。为方便讨论起见,我们可将这些支出分 为三大类。
• Para5 • The first category consists of substantial payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts. For example, one US corporation offered a large sum of money in support of a US presidential candidate at a time when the company was under investigation for possible violations of US business laws. This same company, it was revealed, was ready to finance secret US efforts to throw out the government of Chile.
• 这一大类也包括为得到武器销售或重大的石油、建筑等项目 的合同而向权势家族及其身边的顾问所付出的大笔款项。在 一桩涉及对伊朗武器销售的案子中,
• , a witness claimed that £1 million had been paid by a British company to a "negotiator" who helped close a deal for the supply of tanks and other military equipment to that country. Other countries have also been known to put pressure on foreign companies to make donations to party bank accounts.
Unit 6
Bribery and Business Ethics
• Structure analysis
• Para1 • Students taking business courses are sometimes a little surprised to find that classes on business ethics have been included in their schedule. They often do not realize that bribery in various forms is on the increase in many countries and, in some, has been a way of life for centuries.
第二大类包括旨在促使政府加快对某些工程项目的正式批准而作的支 出。关于这一点有个有趣的例子:有个销售经理几个月来一直试图向 加勒比地区一个国家的建工部长推销道路工程机械。后来,他想到了 办法。
• Discovering that the minister collected rare books, he bought a rare edition of a book, slipped $20,000 within its pages, then presented it to the minister. This man examined its contents, then said, "I understand there is a two-volume edition of this work." The sales manager, who was quickwitted, replied, "My company cannot afford a twovolume edition, sir, but we could offer you a copy with a preface!" A short time later, the deal was approved.
partⅠ:Paras1~4 Bribery-a common occurrence in many coutries. 贿赂在许多国家中屡见不鲜。
partⅡ:Paras5~8 Three categories of bribery. 列举了三类贿赂。 partⅢ:Paras9~11 Efforts to prohibit bribery and its prospect. 禁止贿赂的努力及其前景。
• 这家汽车公司否认了这些指控,后来指控也被撤销了。然而,当时 英国汽车业里就有人准备私下里说:“瞧,我们这一行竞争激烈, 每年我们汽车的海外销售额超过10亿英镑。如果花几百万英镑能让 一些客户高兴,谁会有损失呢?我们不这样干,别人也会这样干 的。”
• Para4 • It is difficult to resist the impression that bribery and other questionable payments are on the increase. Indeed, they seem to have become a fact of commercial life. To take just one example, the Chrysler Corporation, the third largest of the US car manufacturers, revealed that it made questionable payments of more than $2.5 million between 1971 and 1976.
• 商科学生有时对课程里包含商业道德课略感吃惊。他 们通常没意识到在很多国家,形形色色的贿赂行为正 日益增多。在某些国家,这已成为人们几百年来的一 种生活方式。
Para2 Suppose that during a negotiation with some government officials, the Minister of Trade makes it clear to you that if you offer him a substantial bribe, you will find it much easier to get an import license for your goods, and you are also likely to avoid "procedural delays", as he puts it. Now, the question is: Do you pay up or stand by your principles?

高尚的道德标准说起来容易,但实际上人们在这种情况下究 竟会怎么做呢?早些时候,一家英国汽车制造商被指控利用一 笔基金行贿,并进行其他一些可疑运作,如给代理商和客户高 额回扣、提供额外折扣、向一些在瑞士银行开的匿名账户汇款 等。
• The company rejected these charges and they were later withdrawn. Nevertheless, at that time, there were people in the motor industry in Britain who were prepared to say in private: "Look, we're in a very competitive business. Every year we're selling more than a £1 billion worth of cars abroad. If we spend a few million pounds to keep some of the buyers happy, who's hurt? If we didn't do it, someone else would."
• 很容易产生这样的印象:贿赂以及其他可疑开支正日渐增多。 的确,这似乎已成为商界的一个事实。仅举一例:美国第三大 汽车制造企业克莱斯勒汽车公司透露,它在1971至1976年间共 发生了250万美元的可疑开支。
• By announcing this, it joined more than 300 other US companies that had admitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission that they had made payments of one kind or another— bribes, extra discounts, etc.—in recent years. For discussion purposes, we can divide these payments into three broad categories.
• 一位证人声称一家英国公司曾付给某“洽谈人”100万英 镑。此人帮忙做成了一笔向伊朗提供坦克和其他军事装 备的交易。据闻其他国家也是如此,向外国公司施压, 要他们向党派组织的账户捐款。
Para7 The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official approval of some project, to speed up the wheels of government. An interesting example of this kind of payment is provided by the story of a sales manager who had been trying for some months to sell road machinery to the Minister of Works of a Caribbean country. Finally, he hit upon the answer.