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2.2.1设计记录 2.2.1 Design record
组织必须具备所有可销售产品/零件的设计记录,包括组 件的设计记录或可销售产品/零件的详细信息。
The organization shall have the design record for the saleable product/part, including design record for components or details of the saleable product/part.
生产件批准程序 Production part approval process
第四版 Fourth edition
黄建平 Jacky Huang
PPAP—生产件批pproval process
生产件批准程序(PPAP)定义了生产件批准的一般要求,包括 生产件和散装材料(见术语)。 Production part approval process (PPAP) defines generic requirements for production part approval, including production and bulk material (see glossary). PPAP的目的是用来确定组织是否已经正确理解了顾客工程设计 记录和规范的所有要求,以及该制造过程是否具有潜力,在实 际生产运行中,依报价时的生产节拍,持续生产满足顾客要求 的产品。 The purpose of PPAP is to determine if all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the organization and that the manufacturing process has the potential to produce product consistently meeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.
第二部分 PPAP的过程要求 Section 2 PPAP process requirements
2.1 有效的生产 Significant Production Run
对于生产件,用于PPAP的产品,必须取自有效的生产。该生产过程必须是1 小时到8小时的量产,且规定的生产数量至少为300件连续生产的零件, 除非有经授权的顾客代表另有规定。 For production parts, product for PPAP shall be taken from a significant production run. This significant production run shall be from one hour to eight hours of production, and with the specific production quantity to total a minimum 300 consecutive parts, unless otherwise specified by the authorized customer representative.
第一部分 总则 Section 1 General
1.1 PPAP的提交 Submission PPAP 下列情况,组织必须获得经授权的顾客代表的批准: The organization shall obtain approval from the authorized customer representative for : 1. 一种新的零件或产品(即:以前未曾提供给某个顾客的某种零件、材料或颜色 )。 A new part or product (e.g. a specific part, material, or color not previously supplied to the specific customer). 2. 对以前提交零件不符合的纠正。 Correction of a discrepancy on a previous submitted part. 3. 由于设计记录、规范或材料方面的工程变更从而引起产品的改变。 Product modified by an engineering change to design records, specifications, or materials,. 4. 第3部分要求中的任一种情况。 Any situation required by Section 3 注:任何有关生产件批准的问题,请与经授权的顾客代表联系。 Note: If there is any question concerning the need of production part approval, contact the authorized customer representative.
2.2.3 顾客工程批准 2.2.3 Customer engineering approval
顾客要求时,组织必须具有顾客工程批准的证据。 Where specified by the customer, the organization shall have evidence of customer engineering approval. 注:对于散装材料,在《散装材料要求检查表》(附录F)―工程 批准‖一栏有签署即可满足本要求,和/或在顾客批准材料清单 上有此种材料,也可满足本要求。 Note: For bulk materials, this requirement is satisfied by a singed ―Engineering approval‖ line item on the bulk material requirements checklist (see appendix F) and/or inclusion on a customer maintained list of approved materials.
PPAP必须适用于提供生产件、服务件、生 产原料或散装材料的组织的内部和外 部现场(见术语)。散装材料不要求 PPAP,除非由经授权的顾客代表规定。
PPAP shall apply to internal and external organization sites supplying productions parts, service parts, productions material, or bulk material. For bulk materials, PPAP is not required unless specified by the authorize customer representative.
对于任何尚未录入设计记录中,但已在产品、零件或工装上呈现 出来的工程变更,组织必须有该工程变更的授权文件。 The organization shall have any authorized engineering change documents for those change not yet record in the design record but incorporated in the product, part or tooling.
第二部分 PPAP的过程要求 Section 2 PPAP process requirements
该有效的生产,必须在生产现场使用与量产环境同样的工装、量具、过程、 材料和操作人员。来自每个生产过程的零件,如:可重复的装配线和 /或工作站、一模多腔的模具、成型模、工具或模型的每一个位置, 都必须进行测量,并对代表性零件进行试验。 This significant product run shall be conducted at the production site, at the product rate (see glossary) using the production tooling, production gaging, production process, production materials and production operators. Parts of each unique production process, e.g. duplicate assembly line and/or work cell, each position of a multiple cavity die, mold, tool or pattern, shall be measured and representative parts tested. 对于散装材料:“零件”没有具体数量的要求。提交的样件必须出自“稳 定”的加工过程。 For bulk materials: No specify number of “parts” is required. The submitted sample shall be taken in a manner as to assure that it represents “steady-state” operation of the process. 零件材质报告 Report of part material composition 聚合物的标识 Marking of polymeric parts
2.2.2 任何授权的工程变更文件 2.2.2 Authorized engineering change documents
2.2 PPAP要求 2.2 PPAP requirements
组织必须满足2.2.1至2.2.18所列的PPAP规定的要求,还必须满足顾客规定的其它 PPAP要求。 The organization shall meet all specified PPAP requirements list below (2.2.1 through 2.2.18). The organization shall also meet all customer-specified PPAP requirements. 生产件必须符合所有顾客工程设计记录和工程规范要求(包括安全性和法规的要 求)。 Production parts shall meet all customer engineering design record and specification requirements (including safety and regulatory requirements). 《散装材料要求检查表》中,定义了散装材料的PPAP要求。(见附录F)。 Bulk PPAP requirements are defined by a completed Bulk Material Requirements Checklist (see Appendix F). 任何零件若未达到规范要求,组织必须书面记录解决问题的方案,并联系经授权的 顾客代表,以决定适当的纠正措施。 If any part specification can not be met, the organization shall document their problem-solving efforts and shall contact the authorized customer representative for concurrence in determination of appropriate corrective action.