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Inno setup uses the tutorial packaging tool 2007-06-28 09:43:27 to read the 383 comment 0: large and medium subscriptions
This is a inno setup installation script for my VB6 software "master of Philharmonic disc management"
The script that generated the installer - inno setup V5.19 finished version download address: click here to download
Inno Setup download, please search "Inno Setup" keyword, the Chinese people have finished this software, thanks to the finished Author: Teng Shengguang
Please install Inno Setup and proceed to the next step
. copy this script into the built-in editor of the inno setup and, with minor modifications, become the installation script for your VB6 software
Apricot studio all rights reserved, Liu Fufeng, please keep the file intact when you reprint.
Inno Setup is a free Windows installer production software.
The first publication was in 1997, and Inno Setup today is more competitive in functional settings and stability than may have been in some commercial installation software
It is really free software, even as a commercial application
There is also a feature, compression rate is particularly high, especially for VB software, I install this package only after 3.7M, and other packaging tools 5M more
Setup is created in a compiled script, which is a ASCII code text file similar to the.INI file format. (it's not as complicated as you think!)
Script files can generally be edited using the editor built in by the installer compiler program. After you've written the script, the next final step is to select the installer compiler
Compile in". Once you have created it, you can run the installer that you compiled in your script.
By default, this installer creates the output directory in the directory that contains the script file
This section contains the global settings for the installer and the uninstall program. Some hints are necessary for any installer you created
A necessary instruction to specify the title of the application you are installing. The version number is not included and is indicated with the AppVerName for the same purpose. AppName is always displayed during the installation, in the upper left corner of the installation screen, and in the setup wizard
AppName= Philharmonic disc management master
The required pointer value should be the same as (or similar to) the value of AppName, but it should also contain the version number of the program
AppVerName= Philharmonic disc management master V3.31
This is what is displayed in the "support" information in the add / Remove program control panel dialog box in Windows 2000/XP. These settings are optional and not valid in the earlier versions of Windows
This is what is displayed in the "support" information in the add / Remove program control panel dialog box in Windows 2000/XP. These settings are optional and not valid in the earlier versions of Windows
This required pointer value is used to select the default directory name in the target location wizard surface, which is usually prefixed with a directory constant, and
{pf}\SinyoCDManager will display: C:\Program
The value of this directive is the default start menu folder name used in the wizard's select Start menu folder page. If the instruction is blank or unspecified, it will use the default as its name
DefaultGroupName= Philharmonic disc management master
Specifies the license agreement file name (optional), displayed in.Txt or.Rtf (rich text) format, before the user selects the program target directory
LicenseFile=F:\ data storage \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic Audio CD management guru \Support\Application\License.txt
Specifies that the readme file name (optional) is used in.Txt or.Rtf (rich text) format and is displayed when the installation is complete
InfoAfterFile=F:\ data storage \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic Audio CD management master \Support\Application\, please read my.Txt first
This is the compression method specified in the file, as well as the compression standard
If it is set to yes, solid compaction will be enabled. This will
cause all files to be compressed at once
This paragraph is for election only. It defines all the user - defined tasks during the installation of the installer. These tasks appear in the add - in wizard page in the options box and single options
Note: the following entry contains a Chinese language ("create desktop shortcut" and "add shortcut"). You can translate into other languages if needed.
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "create desktop shortcut"; GroupDescription: "add shortcut": "Flags: checkedonce"
Note: the following entry contains a Chinese language ("create a quick run column shortcut" and "add shortcut"). You can translate into other languages if needed.
Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "create a quick run column shortcut"; GroupDescription: "add shortcut": "Flags: checkedonce"
This is the optional file segment that defines the installer's installation file to the user system
Because this is a VB software, you must also include the relevant link libraries in addition to the files that are included in the software itself
The following is the file of the software itself. Note: there is a subdirectory of "\Data" under the installation directory
Source: "F:\ data storage \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic music disc management master
\Support\Application\CDManager.EXE"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "F:\ data storage \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic music disc management master
\Support\Application\Data\*"; DestDir: "{app}\Data"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "F:\ data save \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic music disc management master
\Support\Application\, please read my.Txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "F:\ data storage \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic music disc management master
\Support\Application\CDManager.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "F:\ data storage \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic music disc management master
\Support\Application\License.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "F:\ data storage \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic music disc management master
\Support\Application\ Philharmonic audio video disc management master.Chm"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "F:\ data storage \ apricot soft studio installation package \ Philharmonic music disc management master
\Support\Application\Data\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
Note: do not use "Flags: ignoreversion" in any shared system file"
The following is the VB6 RunTime, which has been rigorously tested and will guarantee the normal operation of VB6 software under the first edition of Windows98
Source: "F:\ data save \ apricot soft studio installation package \Support\vb6RunTime\ASYCFILT.DLL"; DestDir: "{sys}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder;

来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \安。

来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \ expsrv .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \ msrepl35 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \ MSVBVM60. DLL”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \ msvcrt40 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \ oleaut32 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \ olepro32 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \ stdole2. TLB”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包支持vb6runtime \ vb6chs .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
来源:“F:\资料保存\杏软工作室安装包\支持\系统\的dao350. DLL”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver
diskid32 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
flxgdchs .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
mscc2chs .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
mscmcchs .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
来源:“F:\资料保存\杏软工作室安装包\支持\系统\ mscomct2。

ocx”;DestDir:“{ }”系统;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver

msflxgrd .ocx”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver
msjet35 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
msjint35 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
msjter35 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
msrd2x35 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver
来源:“F:\资料保存\杏软工作室安装包\支持\系统\ vb5db .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:
vbajet32 .dll”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包爱乐影音光盘管理大师支持\用户\ mageanbuttonv1_2_0 .ocx”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver
来源:“F:\ \ \ \资料保存杏软工作室安装包爱乐影音光盘管理大师支持\用户\ picclp32 .ocx”;DestDir:“{系统}”;CopyMode:alwaysskipifsameorolder;标志:restartreplace共享文件regserver


文件名:“{程序} \访问我们。

名称:“{组} \爱乐影音光盘管理大师”;文件名:“{程序} \ cdmanager .exe”
名称:“{组} \爱乐影音光盘管理大师帮助”;文件名:“{程序} \爱乐影音光盘管理大师帮助.chm”
名称:“{组} \请先读我”;
Filename: "{app}\, read me first,.Txt.""
Note: the following entries contain a Chinese language ("website"). You can translate into other languages if needed.
Name: "{group}\ access home page"; Filename: "{app}\ access our.Url""
Name: "{userdesktop}\ Philharmonic disc management guru"; Filename: "{app}\CDManager.EXE"; Tasks: desktopicon
Name:, "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet, Explorer\Quick, Launch\, Philharmonic, video disc management guru"; Filename: "{app}\CDManager.EXE"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon
Note: the following entries contain a Chinese language ("run"). You can translate into other languages if needed.
The [Run] segment is optional, which specifies the program to be executed before the program completes the installation and the installer displays the final dialog box
Filename: "{app}\CDManager.EXE"; Description: "running master of Philharmonic video disc management"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
This can be defined from; you want to uninstall the program delete installation / [Files] or [Dirs] and other items to create a file or directory, or by your application to create some public use.INI file. The uninstall program processes these entries at the end of the uninstall process
Type: files; Name: "{app}\ access our.Url"
Software introduction
ISTool is a tool that helps you create a Inno Setup compiler script produced by Jordan Russell. Inno Setup is an excellent compiler, and even for some professional installation programs, the only drawback is that its scripts must be written manually.
ISTool supports the following functions:
1. All instructions support Inno Setup
The towing operation. You can drag the file from the Windows explorer to the ISTool text
Piece section
The use of syntax highlighting script.
The most section has been completely support the clipboard
The save the script notes.
6. You can import the Visual file and InstallShield.Iwz file Basic.Lst
It has been translated into multiple languages.
Click the menu "File" - "Preferences" - "Language File", and then select "simplified Chinese.LNG", close the program and reopen it to display Chinese
The general procedure for using the Inno setup installer
Step 1: install Inno setup
It's a beta version, but very stable and free of charge. It's a freeware, written by DELPHI. The utility model has the advantages that the compression ratio is small, the installation speed is fast, and the engineering document is
made once and for all.
What I'm using now is the 5.11 Chinese version. Download it and install it.
The second step: organize your program to a directory, this directory is needed in the future program installed in the PROGRAM directory, the directory name can not be installed after the name of the directory, just a can. As in the SETUP directory, put all your programs and resource files under this directory. Easy language programs can be completely compiled independently. The source file can be stored in other directories.
Here you can also take the directory, anyway, in the official installation, these will be restored to the original PROGRAM directory.
The third step: to make an installation of their own pictures, is BMP format, index way to save, so that the file size will be smaller, size is: 164X314 pixels. You can design the pictures yourself, and finally, this BMP file is placed under the Inno setup installation directory.
Fourth step: put a ISS extension project file in the SETUP directory of the directory, this is a text file, if the ISS at the end, can directly use the mouse to click the setup setup by Inno directly after opening.
Inno setup installation directory comes with sample version of the project file routines, so that you can easily take it
directly to use, but I still give you a ready-made bar. Fortunately, the project documentation once will not often change, sometimes change what version upgrade.
Inside the content, we change according to the line, and more functions such as changes to the registry and so on, which requires everyone to see his own model.
Finally, compile and build the installation file. How about that? It's very convenient. Later, as long as you want to generate a new installation package, double-click the project file, compile the point on the OK.。
