世界经济发展新趋势与新特征一、世界经济发展新趋势1. 数字化经济成为全球经济新引擎2. 全球化和贸易保护主义的博弈3. 新一轮科技冷战和技术竞争4. 绿色经济和可持续发展的兴起5. 防疫全球化和未来生物安全格局的制定二、新趋势分析1. 数字化经济成为全球经济新引擎随着信息技术的大力发展,数字化经济已成为全球经济的新引擎。
2. 全球化和贸易保护主义的博弈全球化的发展已经成为当今世界经济的一个重要特征,贸易保护主义也成为了当前的经济风险。
3. 新一轮科技冷战和技术竞争新一轮科技冷战和技术竞争已经成为当今世界经济的一个重要趋势。
4. 绿色经济和可持续发展的兴起生态文明建设已成为了当今世界经济发展的一个新特征。
3、专业实践1)政策分析和咨询:分析国家政策、国际合作政策、政策咨询、政治经济分析等;2)企业管理:全球经济环境分析、市场预测、市场总体框架分析、海外投资孵化器设计、科技企业管理等;3)研究和报告:市场调研、贸易研究、政策及建议报告、投资分析报告、金融解释和可行性报告;4)全球治理与民族经济:全球治理机构及潜在话语权的分析;民族经济理论、发展理论框架及实践;4、其他课程1) 外国语言学习;2) 全球政治和社会理论;3) 社会科学经济调查研究;4) 企业信息管理;5) 全球企业管理;6) 政策分析、功能模型及数值分析;7) 国际收支框架分析等。
202XUS News世界大学排名 经济学与商科专业.doc
202XUS News世界大学排名经济学与商科专业USNews经济学与商科(economics andbusiness)世界大学排名今年评出二百所高校,哈佛大学位列第一,麻省理工学院第二,斯坦福大学第三。
USNews世界大学top500>202XUSNews世界大学学科排名:经济学与商科排名院校名称国家/地区1哈佛大学美国2麻省理工学院美国3斯坦福大学美国4加州大学-伯克利美国5芝加哥大学美国6伦敦政治经济学院英国7宾夕法尼亚大学美国8哥伦比亚大学美国9纽约大学美国10牛津大学英国11密歇根大学-安娜堡美国12耶鲁大学美国13西北大学美国14鹿特丹大学荷兰15普林斯顿大学美国16杜克大学美国17剑桥大学英国18蒂尔堡大学荷兰19多伦多大学加拿大20康奈尔大学美国21伦敦商学院英国22新加坡国立大学新加坡23明尼苏达大学-双城美国24博科尼大学意大利25华威大学英国26印第安纳大学-布鲁明顿美国27加州大学-洛杉矶美国28密歇根州立大学美国29哥本哈根商学院丹麦30亚利桑那州立大学-坦佩美国31马里兰大学-帕克美国32宾夕法尼亚州立大学-大学城美国32格罗宁根大学荷兰34伦敦大学学院英国35帝国理工学院英国36莫纳什大学澳大利亚38阿姆斯特丹自由大学荷兰39香港科技大学中国香港40巴黎-萨克雷大学法国41曼彻斯特大学英国42俄亥俄州立大学-哥伦布美国42南加州大学美国44新南威尔士大学澳大利亚45天主教鲁汶大学(CUL)比利时46INSEAD商学院法国47加州大学-圣地亚哥美国47华盛顿大学美国49伊利诺斯大学-香槟美国50德克萨斯大学-奥斯汀美国51波士顿大学美国52德克萨斯A&M大学-学院站美国53伦敦城市大学(CUL)英国53达特茅斯学院美国55阿尔托大学芬兰56不列颠哥伦比亚大学加拿大57昆士兰大学澳大利亚58北京大学中国58阿姆斯特丹大学荷兰61苏黎世大学瑞士62澳大利亚国立大学澳大利亚63慕尼黑大学德国64北卡罗来纳大学-教堂山美国65马斯特里赫特大学荷兰65威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊美国67香港城市大学中国香港68香港中文大学中国香港69波士顿学院美国70诺丁汉大学英国71苏黎世联邦理工学院瑞士72兰卡斯特大学英国73清华大学中国74庞培法布拉大学西班牙75新加坡管理大学新加坡76罗格斯州立大学-新布伦瑞克美国77香港大学中国香港78曼海姆大学德国79普渡大学-西拉法叶美国80德克萨斯大学-达拉斯美国81香港理工大学中国香港81圣加仑大学瑞士83阿尔伯塔大学加拿大84约克大学加拿大85巴黎经济学院法国85加州大学-戴维斯美国87佐治亚州立大学美国88蒙特利尔大学加拿大89利兹大学英国90弗吉尼亚大学美国91佐治亚理工学院美国92隆德大学瑞典93上海交通大学中国94马德里卡洛斯三世大学西班牙95卡耐基梅隆大学美国96西安大略大学加拿大97天主教鲁汶大学(UCL)比利时98高丽大学韩国98南卡罗来纳大学美国100维也纳经济大学奥地利101根特大学比利时102巴塞罗那自治大学西班牙103圣母大学美国104亚利桑那大学美国105斯德哥尔摩经济大学瑞典106东北大学美国107波恩大学德国108佐治亚大学美国109奥克兰大学新西兰110图卢兹联邦大学法国111布拉格查理大学捷克共和国112奥胡思大学丹麦112佛罗里达大学美国114BI挪威商学院挪威115圣路易斯华盛顿大学美国116萨塞克斯大学英国117阿斯顿大学英国118南洋理工大学新加坡118爱丁堡大学英国120天普大学美国121卡迪夫大学英国121首尔国立大学韩国121斯德哥尔摩大学瑞典124都柏林大学学院爱尔兰124悉尼科技大学澳大利亚126图卢兹经济学院法国127瓦格宁根大学及研究中心荷兰128IU凯莱商学院美国128麦吉尔大学加拿大128维也纳大学奥地利131洛桑大学瑞士132迪肯大学澳大利亚132乌得勒支大学荷兰134佛罗里达州立大学美国135哥本哈根大学丹麦135谢菲尔德大学英国137复旦大学中国137中国人民大学中国137巴斯大学英国140昆士兰科技大学澳大利亚141博洛尼亚大学意大利142西蒙弗雷泽大学加拿大143哥德堡大学瑞典144乔治城大学美国144格里菲斯大学澳大利亚146巴黎文理研究大学法国147科罗拉多大学-博尔德美国148特拉维夫大学以色列149南澳大学澳大利亚150浙江大学中国151科隆大学德国152约克大学英国153乔治华盛顿大学美国154匹兹堡大学美国155雷丁大学英国156上海财经大学中国156思克莱德大学英国158南丹麦大学丹麦159杜伦大学英国159西澳大学澳大利亚161乔治梅森大学美国161法兰克福大学德国161埃塞克斯大学英国164南安普顿大学英国165格拉斯哥大学英国165厦门大学中国167成均馆大学韩国167休斯顿大学美国169约翰霍普金斯大学美国170伊利诺斯大学-芝加哥美国171台湾大学中国台湾171阿肯色大学美国171伯明翰大学英国174埃克塞特大学英国175希伯来大学以色列176东安格利亚大学英国177加州大学-欧文美国178布鲁塞尔自由大学-法语比利时179爱荷华州立大学美国180延世大学韩国181哥廷根大学德国182爱荷华大学美国183皇家墨尔本理工大学澳大利亚183康涅狄格大学美国183里斯本大学葡萄牙186乌普萨拉大学瑞典187索邦巴黎西岱大学-USPC法国188中山大学中国189瓦伦西亚大学西班牙190范德堡大学美国191纽卡斯尔大学英国192东京大学日本193麻省大学-阿姆斯特美国194汉堡大学德国195科廷科技大学澳大利亚196伦敦国王学院英国196滑铁卢大学加拿大198密苏里大学美国199拉夫堡大学英国200基尔大学德国—— END ——。
通过调整官方利率影响市场利 率,进而影响投资和消费。
通过改变货币供应量影响资产 价格,进而影响经济主体的财 富和投资行为。
利率渠道、信贷渠道、资产价 格渠道、汇率渠道等。
通过控制银行信贷规模,影响 企业和个人的融资条件。
经济学是研究人类社会在各个发展 阶段上的各种经济活动和各种相应 的经济关系及其运行、发展的规律 的学科。
经济学的研究对象包括稀缺性、选 择、资源配置、经济行为和经济现 象等。
研究个体经济单位(如家庭、企业等) 的经济行为,以及这些经济单位之间 的相互作用和影响。
当市场需求等于市场供给时,达到市场均衡,此 时的价格和数量分别为均衡价格和均衡数量。
价格机制是指在市场竞争过程中,价格变动与供求变动之 间相互制约、相互联系的作用过程。
价格机制是市场经济中最基本、最重要的调节机制,它能 够自动调节社会资源的配置,引导企业和居民的经济行为, 实现社会经济的有效运行。
根据经济形势和政策目标,灵活运用财政政 策和货币政策工具进行跨周期和逆周期调节。
在跨周期和逆周期调节过程中,要关注潜在 风险点,及时采取措施进行防范和化解。
国际经济关系与合作发 展
最新-世界经济史课程教学大纲 精品
四、教学内容及要求第一章导论(一)目的与要求1. 阐述经济史学的对象、任务与方法;2. 理解世界经济史的时空范围和时空结构;3. 理解世界经济史的演进逻辑。
(二)教学内容第一节经济史学的研究对象和任务1. 主要内容经济学的经济史与历史学的经济史;经济史与作为实证科学的经济学;经济史与作为历史科学的经济学。
2. 基本概念和知识点在科学哲学意义上经济学家和历史学家所采用的方法并没有本质区别;经济史研究的三个层面-编年经济史、分析经济史、历史方法的经济学;经济史是实证经济学的一部分;实证主义方法包括经验实证方法和逻辑实证方法;理论经济学主要研究短期的经济现象;经济学一开始就具有历史主义的方法论传统;经济学作为一门历史的科学基础理论具有相对性;科学的方法应该是从历史与现实到理论,再从理论到历史与现实。
国际经济学:全球经济格局与发展趋势1. 引言国际经济学是研究不同国家和地区之间的经济交往以及全球经济体系的学科。
2. 全球经济格局的演变2.1 古代贸易网络 2.2 工业革命与资本主义崛起 2.3 战争和冷战影响下的二战后格局 2.4 全球化时代下新兴市场的崛起3. 国际贸易与投资3.1 自由贸易与保护主义之争 3.2 WTO及其对国际贸易的影响 3.3 直接外国投资(FDI) 3.4 跨国公司在全球化中扮演的角色4. 货币与汇率体系4.1 不同货币体系及其优缺点比较 4.2 汇率政策对于出口、进口和外汇市场的影响 4.3 中央银行的角色与货币政策的制定5. 国际金融市场5.1 国际货币体系的演变 5.2 外汇市场和汇率波动的影响 5.3 国际资本流动与外债问题 5.4 全球金融危机对国际金融市场的影响6. 发展中国家在全球经济中的地位与挑战6.1 新兴市场和发展中国家的崛起 6.2 经济增长与人口变化之间的关系 6.3 贸易不平衡和资源分配不均导致的挑战 6.4 发展中国家面临的结构性问题7. 全球经济前景与未来趋势7.1 新科技革命对全球经济格局的重塑 7.2 气候变化和可持续发展对经济影响及应对措施 7.3 区域一体化和多边主义推动全球合作与繁荣8. 结论国际经济学研究全球经济格局及其发展趋势,为国家政府、企业和个人提供了重要的参考和指导。
转口贸易又称中转贸易(intermediary trade)或再输出贸易(Re-Export Trade),是指国际贸易中进出口货物的买卖,不是在生产国与消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国(中转国)转手进行的贸易。
转口贸易又称中转贸易(intermediary trade)或再输出贸易(Re-Export Trade),是指国际贸易中进出口货物的买卖,不是在生产国与消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国(中转国)转手进行的贸易。
1 Harvard U USA 210.7 1212 U Chicago USA 159.3 943 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) USA 136.8 654 U California - Berkeley USA 134.9 935 Princeton U USA 118.3 526 Stanford U USA 114.3 927 Northwestern U USA 112.9 688 U Pennsylvania USA 110.9 789 Yale U USA 108.9 6010 New York U (NYU) USA 105.1 8211 U California - Los Angeles USA 94.9 7012 London School of Economics UK 94.9 7413 Columbia U USA 93.2 8514 U Wisconsin - Madison USA 69.5 5315 Cornell U USA 68.6 6616 U Michigan - Ann Arbor USA 68.0 6617 U Maryland - College Park USA 67.4 6518 U Toulouse I(Sciences Sociales) France 65.3 3419 U Texas - Austin USA 62.1 4320 U British Columbia Canada 61.6 5221 U California - San Diego USA 61.4 2922 U Rochester USA 58.0 3523 Ohio State U USA 57.7 5424 Tilburg U Netherlands 56.8 5825 U Illinois - Urbana-Champaign USA 56.6 5826 Boston U USA 56.0 2827 Brown U USA 52.8 3028 U California - Davis USA 49.3 4729 U Minnesota USA 48.8 5430 Tel Aviv U Israel 48.0 3531 Oxford U UK 47.8 5632 U Southern California USA 46.7 4233 Michigan State U USA 45.1 5034 Warwick UUK 44.8 3835 Duke U USA 43.8 4436 U Toronto Canada 42.5 3837 U Amsterdam Netherlands 42.0 3538 Penn State U USA 41.9 4739 U Cambridge UK 38.6 3840 Carnegie Mellon U USA 38.0 4141 U North Carolina - Chapel Hill USA 37.8 3842 Boston College USA 37.3 2343 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) USA 37.3 1544 Texas A&M U USA 37.0 4645 European U Institute Italy 36.0 2046 U Carlos III Madrid Spain 35.7 3847 University College London UK 35.3 2548 U Es*** UK 34.8 2549 Indiana U USA 34.2 3450 Hebrew U Israel 33.9 3751 Johns Hopkins U USA 33.6 1852 Rutgers U USA 31.7 3753 U Virginia USA 30.7 2254 Vanderbilt U USA 30.4 2955 Georgetown U USA 30.4 3356 Arizona State U USA 29.8 2457 U Arizona USA 29.4 3058 Dartmouth College USA 29.4 2659 Stockholm U Sweden 29.3 2560 U Washington USA 28.6 2761 Queen's U Canada 28.3 2362 Iowa State U USA 28.2 4163 Washington U St Louis USA 28.1 2964 U Montreal Canada 27.4 1665 U York UK 26.9 3066 U Pompeu Fabra Spain 26.9 2167 Purdue U USA 25.9 4068 U Nottingham UK 25.7 4069 Hong Kong U Science & Technology (HKUST) China 25.6 2670 U Pittsburgh USA 24.8 2371 Stockholm School of Economics Sweden 24.6 3372 U Iowa USA 24.3 2773 Erasmus U Rotterdam Netherlands 24.1 3074 U Copenhagen Denmark 24.1 2875 Rice U USA 23.9 1876 Catholic U Louvain Belgium 23.9 2277 U California - Irvine USA 23.5 2878 U Florida USA 23.5 2679 U Autonoma Barcelona Spain 22.6 2280 Free U Amsterdam (Vrije U) Netherlands 22.4 2981 U Bonn Germany 21.6 2382 Syracuse U USA 21.3 2383 U California - Santa Barbara USA 20.4 2384 Australian National U Australia 20.4 3785 Chinese U Hong Kong China 20.1 2686 U Melbourne Australia 19.8 4187 U Colorado - Boulder USA 19.6 2988 Maastricht U Netherlands 19.6 3089 Humboldt U Berlin Germany 18.4 2490 North Carolina State U USA 18.4 2991 Queen Mary & Westfield College UK 18.2 1792 Southern Methodist U USA 17.9 2093 U Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) France 17.9 2994 U Mannheim Germany 17.7 1895 Virginia Tech USA 17.6 2796 U Southampton UK 17.3 1897 Ecole National Ponts & Chaussees France 17.0 698 U California - Santa Cruz USA 17.0 1599 U Zurich Switzerland 17.0 14100 U Vienna Austria 16.8 19101 U Bocconi Italy 16.7 17102 U Oslo Norway 16.7 19103 U Western Ontario Canada 16.5 17104 Indian Statistical Institute - New Delhi India 15.9 10 105 London Business School UK 15.5 21106 INSEAD France 15.2 17107 U Kentucky USA 15.2 27108 Birkbeck College UK 14.8 16109 George Washington U USA 14.7 21110 U Bristol UK 14.5 15111 U Georgia USA 14.2 28112 U Manchester UK 14.2 28113 U Leicester UK 13.9 15114 U Notre Dame USA 13.7 20115 U Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-U) Germany 13.6 21 116 Simon Fraser U Canada 13.6 19117 U Illinois - Chicago USA 13.5 17118 U Oregon USA 13.3 18119 Academia Sinica Taiwan 13.2 17120 York U Toronto Canada 13.2 19121 U Houston USA 13.1 19122 Bar-Ilan U Israel 13.0 24123 Osaka U Japan 12.9 14124 U New South Wales Australia 12.8 23125 Emory U USA 12.7 19126 U Helsinki Finland 12.4 10127 U Laval Canada 12.3 16128 Tufts U USA 12.3 16129 Georgia State U USA 12.0 23130 Ben-Gurion U Israel 12.0 16131 McGill U Canada 11.9 16132 U Alicante Spain 11.9 16133 George Mason U USA 11.6 22134 Free U Brussels (U Libre) Belgium 11.5 14135 Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) Israel 11.5 10136 U Tokyo Japan 11.5 13137 U Wyoming USA 11.5 14138 U Hong Kong China 11.4 15139 KU Leuven Belgium 11.4 22140 Uppsala U Sweden 11.1 17141 Ecole Polytechnique France 11.1 6142 National U Singapore Singapore 11.1 24143 U Cergy-Pontoise France 11.0 9144 U Edinburgh UK 10.9 10145 Monash U Australia 10.9 24146 U Quebec Canada 10.8 16147 U Aarhus Denmark 10.8 13148 Carleton U Canada 10.6 15149 U Glasgow UK 10.5 12150 SUNY - Albany USA 10.4 11151 U Groningen Netherlands 10.2 23152 U Mississippi USA 10.1 14153 Royal Holloway College UK 10.0 11154 SUNY - Binghamton USA 9.9 13155 U Cyprus Cyprus 9.8 15156 Norwegian School of Economics & Business Norway 9.8 21 157 McMaster U Canada 9.7 19158 U Alberta Canada 9.6 23159 U Wales - Cardiff UK 9.5 13160 U Aix-Marseille II (Mediterranee) France 9.5 11161 Florida State U USA 9.4 15162 College of William & Mary USA 9.4 17163 Tulane U USA 9.3 14164 Imperial College UK 9.3 14165 U Exeter UK 9.2 15166 U Birmingham UK 9.1 13167 U East Anglia UK 9.0 15168 Indiana-Purdue University (IUPUI) USA 8.9 9169 City U New York (CUNY) USA 8.9 18170 Oregon State U USA 8.9 20171 U Paris IX (Dauphine) France 8.9 7172 Free U Berlin (Freie U) Germany 8.8 7173 Montana State U USA 8.8 17174 U California - Riverside USA 8.8 14175 EHESS - Paris France 8.7 4176 U Missouri - Columbia USA 8.6 17177 Ecole Normale Superieure Paris France 8.6 8178 Louisiana State U USA 8.6 15179 Florida International U USA 8.5 11180 Kyoto U Japan 8.4 10181 Athens U Economics & Business Greece 8.4 18182 Kobe U Japan 8.4 11183 Hitotsubashi U Japan 8.4 12184 Claremont U USA 8.4 14185 U Turin Italy 8.3 9186 U Connecticut - Storrs USA 8.3 21187 Mexican Autonomous Institute of Technology (ITAM) Mexico 8.2 10 188 U Oklahoma USA 8.1 13189 Center for Monetary & Financial Studies (CEMFI) Spain 8.0 7190 HEC Montreal Canada 8.0 10191 University College Dublin Ireland 8.0 8192 U Notre Dame Namur (FUNDP) Belgium 8.0 10193 Brigham Young U USA 7.9 15194 Concordia U Canada 7.9 16195 Southern Illinois U - Carbondale USA 7.7 14196 U Bielefeld Germany 7.7 15197 U Colorado - Denver USA 7.7 10198 City U Hong Kong China 7.7 13199 Bilkent U Turkey 7.6 14200 U Delaware USA 7.4 17201 New U Lisbon (U Nova) Portugal 7.2 13202 U South Carolina USA 7.2 12203 Helsinki School of Economics Finland 7.1 7204 Washington State U USA 7.1 15205 American U USA 7.1 17206 U Bologna Italy 7.0 17207 Ewha U Korea 7.0 5208 U Bergen Norway 7.0 12209 City U London UK 7.0 19210 Auburn U USA 7.0 17211 U Alabama - Tuscaloosa USA 6.9 10212 U Haifa Israel 6.9 7213 U Newcastle upon Tyne UK 6.8 12214 U Texas - Dallas USA 6.6 9215 U St Gallen Switzerland 6.5 6216 Copenhagen Business School Denmark 6.5 10 217 U Venice Italy 6.5 5218 Santa Clara U USA 6.5 14219 Wilfrid Laurier U Canada 6.4 13220 Clemson U USA 6.4 10221 U Calgary Canada 6.4 13222 U Western Australia Australia 6.4 14223 U Kent UK 6.3 10224 U Miami USA 6.3 12225 U Tsukuba Japan 6.2 9226 U Pais Vasco Spain 6.1 21227 HEC Paris France 6.1 6228 U Massachusetts - Amherst USA 6.0 13229 Kansas State U USA 6.0 15230 U Chile Chile 5.8 8231 U New Mexico USA 5.8 10232 Dalhousie U Canada 5.8 8233 Brunel U UK 5.7 11234 U Guelph Canada 5.7 13235 U Arkansas - Fayetteville USA 5.7 16236 SUNY - Buffalo USA 5.6 9237 U Lausanne Switzerland 5.6 5238 U St Andrews UK 5.6 7239 U Sus*** UK 5.6 16240 U Windsor Canada 5.6 6241 Gothenburg U Sweden 5.3 12242 West Virginia U USA 5.3 11243 SUNY - Stony Brook USA 5.2 7244 U Victoria Canada 5.2 14245 Sogang U Korea 5.2 5246 Virginia Commonwealth U USA 5.1 9247 U North Carolina - Greensboro USA 5.0 7248 U Liverpool UK 5.0 9249 Koc U Turkey 4.9 6250 Peking U China 4.8 7251 U Modena & Reggio Emilia Italy 4.8 3252 U Heidelberg Germany 4.7 5253 U Durham UK 4.7 11254 U Waterloo Canada 4.7 10255 Trinity College Dublin Ireland 4.7 5256 Wayne State U USA 4.7 7257 U Paris X (Nanterre) France 4.6 8258 U Kiel (Christian-Albrechts-U) Germany 4.6 13259 U Frankfurt (Johann Wolfgang Goethe) Germany 4.6 8 260 U Strathclyde UK 4.6 7261 National Chengchi U Taiwan 4.5 8262 Swarthmore College USA 4.5 5263 U Padua Italy 4.5 4264 U Reading UK 4.4 14265 Korea U Korea 4.4 7266 Brandeis U USA 4.4 6267 U Dortmund Germany 4.4 13268 U Nebraska - Lincoln USA 4.3 13269 U Rome I (La Sapienza) Italy 4.3 11270 U Sydney Australia 4.3 12271 U Queensland Australia 4.3 9272 U Kansas USA 4.3 8273 U Salerno Italy 4.2 2274 California State U - Fullerton USA 4.2 8275 U Nevada - Reno USA 4.2 11276 U Maryland - Baltimore USA 4.2 8277 Fundacao Getulio Vargas Brazil 4.2 5278 Umea U Sweden 4.2 7279 U Caen France 4.1 6280 U Wisconsin - Milwaukee USA 4.0 9281 U Cologne Germany 4.0 7282 U Constance Germany 4.0 10283 Case Western Reserve U USA 4.0 6284 Texas Tech U USA 3.9 9285 Norwegian School of Management Norway 3.9 7286 Queen's U Belfast UK 3.9 10287 U Valencia Spain 3.9 15288 U Auckland New Zealand 3.9 11289 Utah State University USA 3.8 11290 Williams College USA 3.8 7291 Lancaster U UK 3.8 10292 U Central Florida USA 3.7 11293 National Taiwan U Taiwan 3.7 9294 U Nevada - Las Vegas USA 3.7 11295 Dresden Technical U Germany 3.7 4296 U Surrey UK 3.7 11297 Catholic U Milan (Cattolica) Italy 3.7 7298 U Karlsruhe Germany 3.7 6299 U Geneva Switzerland 3.6 7300 Norwegian U Science & Technology Norway 3.6 7 301 Lund U Sweden 3.6 8302 Tohoku U Japan 3.6 3303 Keele U UK 3.5 7304 U Wales - Swansea UK 3.5 10305 U South Florida USA 3.5 7306 U Torcuato Di Tella Argentina 3.5 6307 U Lille III (Charles de Gaulle) France 3.4 4308 U Florence Italy 3.3 7309 U Bordeaux IV (Montesquieu) France 3.3 3310 Northern Illinois U USA 3.3 7311 Jawaharlal Nehru U India 3.3 5312 U Osnabrueck Germany 3.2 4313 Victoria U Wellington New Zealand 3.2 7314 Institute of Advanced Studies Vienna Austria 3.2 5 315 U Tennessee USA 3.1 11316 U Strasbourg I (Louis Pasteur) France 3.1 8317 Seoul National U Korea 3.1 7318 Georgia Institute of Technology USA 3.1 9319 Wellesley College USA 3.1 5320 U Maine USA 3.1 6321 Portuguese Catholic U Portugal 3.0 5。
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世界经济学A SURVEY OF WORLD ECONOMYIntroductionWhat is WORLD ECONOMY?WORLD ECONOMY refers to the entirety of all the national economies which are linked together with different economic links.What is WORLD ECONOMICS?WORLD ECONOMICS is a branch of ECONOMICS which studies the WORLD ECONOMY.The start of the study:at the end of 1970sIn 1980---China World Economy AcademyThe source of this branch of study:a branch --- Economicsbackground and necessary conditions : International division of labour →international trade → the world market → the world economy.The objects of the branch of study: the international relations of production.1. to study the national economies of the countries in the world, which are parts of the world economy2. to study the international economic relations.mechanism links the national economies togetherdifferent economic linksinternational division of labourgoodsservicecapitaltransfer of technology.3. to study the world economy as a whole.the laws of the changes and development of the world economyworld economy studies the system of economic developmenthuman beings--- the principal part of the systemthe environment and the resources of the earth --- the base for the systemChapter OneScientific Revolution and the World Economy1.the development of productive forces : the scientific and technological revolutionsin the history of human beings; the significance and impact of the revolutions2.the formation and development of the world economy as a result of the scientificand technological revolutionsbibliography:1.Basic Economics, Hailstones & Mastrianna, 9th edition, South-Western Publishing Co. ,Cincinnati, Ohio, 19922.Economics Today, roger Leroy Miller, 9th edition, Adisson-Wesley Education EducationalPublishes Inc., 19973.《世界经济学》张伯里主编中共中央党校出版社 2004年7月第1版4.《当代世界经济》王广信赵丽娜主编人民出版社 2002年3月第1版5.《世界经济新论》庄起善主编复旦大学出版社2004年8月第1版6.《世界经济概论》池元吉主编高等教育出版社2003年8月第1版I. the development of the Productive Forces and the Formation of the World Economy1. the influence of the Renaissance and of the Discovery of the new continentthe primitive economic system--- low productive forces--- no world economy Renaissance liberated peoplethe beginning of the Renaissance---Dante’s Commedia (14th century) Renaissance: the intermediate between the Middle Ages and the modern times;the beginning of capitalist cultural ideasthe product of the new, rising capitalist relations of productionideological feature: humanism,the enlightenment: in 18th centuryIn 1492, Columbus discovered the new continent.the new sea routeEuropean ports ---international trade centers: London, Antwerp, Lisbona solid base for the big jump of the economy.2. the impact of the first scientific and technological revolution on the world economyIn 18th century, the first scientific and technological revolutionsteam engine --- work continuouslymachine makes machinesmore products for the marketsteam boat and steam engine train --- revolution in the transport industrythe capitalist mode of productionIndustry was totally separated from farming.object of the capitalist mode of production: profit-pursuingmarkets--- raw materialsthe world market--- the world economy3. the impact of the second scientific and technological revolution on the world ecnomyTime: in the 19th centuryGermany and the United States : the heroesElectricity : a new kind of powerOther things: radio, cable, telephone, internal combustion engine, new skills for steel-making, new technology in chemical industry → heavy industryautomobile industry --- the oil industryThe second scientific and technological revolution started in heavy industryIndustry →the most import section in the national economies.More industrialized countriesimport raw materials and export finished productsfarming countries export agricultural products and other raw materials, import industry goodsthe international division of labour developed furtherScience and technology acted and reacted on each other.the study on the basic theories and the scientific research worknew inventions: new communication methods, big steel-made boat, cars and trucks, and even airplanetransport(more quick, safe, convenient and cheep) →international exchange of goods →the world market →the system of the international division of labour → more efficient production →the world market (for raw materials and finished goods )→ closer relation of the countries tied together by the world market4. the formation and development of the world economya)The development and formation of the world economy was a result of thescientific and technological revolutionsb)The system of international division of labourThe economic ties between the suzerain states and its colonies or between theadvanced industry countries and the countries producing raw materials became more strengthened. a world market formed.c)the industry capital --- the banking capital →financial capital → financialoligarch →the export of capitald)the international monetary system establisheda world currency or currenciesgold and silver acted as the world currenciesthe gold standard was establishedThe gold standard had 3 featuresFirst: It established a system of fixed exchange rate between participating countries. Stable exchange rates were considered a necessary ingredient to increase trade among nations. Second: the gold standard limited the rate of growth in a country’s money supply. This was due to the fact that all “money” had to be backed by gold, and the supply of gold in the world increased slowly during this period of time in history.Third: Gold served as an automatic adjustment tool for countries experiencing balance ofpayments problems. If a country was running a balance of payments deficit, gold would, by market forces, flow out of the country, decreasing economic activity and pushing the balance of payments back toward balance.II. the third scientific and technological revolution caused great improvement in productive forces1.The factors which caused the third scientific and technological revolutiona.the development of science and technologyb.the motivation of capital for profitsc.the government’s support for the scientific researchd.cold war made the west and the east compete for the military equipments2. the impact of third scientific and technological revolutiontime: started at the end of 1940splace: from the US --- the former Soviet Union, Japan, and the west Europe and then the other countries.Peak: at the end of 1960s.symbols : nuclear power, computer and space technologyNew power,new materials and electronic technology made the third revolution much more remarkable than the first two ones.nuclear power --- the shortage of energy and resources --- supports quicker development of the science, technology and the production.Man-made new materialscomplex materials --- in the aviation or space technology, now even in car industry.Plastic--- used in many placesComputer totally changes our life.computer to operate machinethe improvement of the international division of labour --- the vertical one and the horizontal onethe specialization of the multinational corporations (MNCs)the global operative strategies : the international arrangement for the R&D projects, production and marketing, the flow of capital and so on.the reproduction cycle →international : production→ distribution →exchange and consume --- internationalthe factors of production → international: capital, technology, raw materials and labour →international.The internationalization of production may push the productive forces to rise to a new level.Conclusion:division of labour →rise of productive forces →efficiency of the production →frequency of exchange of goods →the early system of the capitalist international division of labour ---the first scientific and technological revolution→ the world market, the world currency, the system of the capitalist international division of labour →the beginning of world economy the second scientific and technological revolution→the improvement of the system of the capitalist international division of labour (early stage of internationalization of production) →theworld market →(barriers to trade and surplus of capital →the export of capital) →international monetary system→world economyThen the world economy finally established.the third scientific and technological revolution→the (mature) system of the capitalist international division of labour (internationalization of production) →the world market →world economyThree steps for world economy: goods (international) (or the internationalization of goods)→capital(international) (or the internationalization of capitals) →production(international, after the 3rd scientific and technological revolution) (or the internationalization of production)Now the world economy becomes so important that almost every country is involved in it and has its own roles in it. Of course, some countries have more important roles in it. Others may have less important roles in it.III. the intenerating of the capitalist industry structurethe reproduction cycle --- the comparative decreasing input ---the comparative increasing inputlabour-intensive and resources-intensive industries →knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive industries.There are two kinds of intenerating of the industry:1.Intensive intenerating : within one industry, the input of manual labour decreases, but theinput for R&D, information service and so on increase.2.Extensive intenerating : sections which may provide other sections with services ofinformation and knowledge appear to be more important.IV. the trends and laws of the scientific and technological revolution.1.the trends:the changes become quicker and quickerthe result of the changes provides a base for a new revolution.2.the laws:1)the progress of science and technology becomes quickere.g. steam engine: from research to putting into production--- 100 yearstelephone---56 yearsradio---35 yearsairplane---14 yearstelevision---12 yearstransistor--- 5 yearssolar cell--- 2 years2)the leading industries:The time for the exchange of the leading industries becomes shorter.3)the change of scientific structure:Scientific structure:a)people (their number, their age, and their level)b)their specialization (the basic theory, applying theory, natural science, social science,hardware, and software etc. )c)the lab and the equipments and so ond)the information resources and education levelThe scientific structure is always in a dynamic state.Questions:1.How do you un derstand “the world economy”?2.How the world economy was formed?3.Please illustrate the impact of the first and the second scientific and technologicalrevolution on the formation of the world economy.4.Please illustrate the impact of the third scientific and technological revolution on theworld economy.5.How the third scientific and technological revolution promoted the globalization of theeconomy?Chapter TwoThe Productive Forces and the cycle of the world economy1.business cycle2.the economic cycles of the world economy after the World War II the features ofthe cycles3.the new economy and the cyclebibliography:1.Basic Economics, Hailstones & Mastrianna, 9th edition, South-Western Publishing Co. ,Cincinnati, Ohio, 19922.Economics Today, roger Leroy Miller, 9th edition, Adisson-Wesley Education EducationalPublishes Inc., 19973.Economics, N.Gregory Mankiw, 3rd edition, Tsinghua University Press 20064.《世界经济学》张伯里主编中共中央党校出版社 2004年7月第1版5.《当代世界经济》王广信赵丽娜主编人民出版社 2002年3月第1版6.《世界经济新论》庄起善主编复旦大学出版社2004年8月第1版7.《世界经济概论》池元吉主编高等教育出版社2003年8月第1版1.business cyclebasic problem for the capitalism--- the development of industry is always interrupted by periodic economic crisis. This makes the economic growth in the capitalist countries unstable.striking feature --- instability, fluctuationsBusiness cycle: the rise and fall of economic activity relative to the economy’s long-term growth trend. As the cycle progresses, all parts of the economy display marked changes in activity as they move through distinctive periods usually called trough, expansion, peak, and contraction. Production, prices, income, and employment activities all show characteristic changes during the cycle; in fact, no part of the economy is free from this cycle. Extensive studies have shown that these cyclical fluctuations are found in economies throughout the world.1. Real or physical causes :❖Innovation Theory: the theory that business cycles are caused by breakthroughs in the form of new products, new methods, new machines, ornew techniques.❖Agricultural Theories: theories of the business cycle that relate the general level of business activity to the weather.2. psychological causes:❖Psychological Theory: the theory that when investors and consumers react according to some belief about future conditions, their actions tend totransform their outlook into reality.Rational Expectations Theory: an economic theory suggesting that individuals and business act or react according to what they think is going to happen in the future after considering all available information.3. monetary causes:Monetary Theories: theories that the business cycles is caused by the free and easy expansion of the money supply.4. spending and saving causes:Under-consumption Theories: theories that the business cycle is caused by the failure to spend all national income, resulting in unsold goods, reduced total production, and consequent reductions in employment and income.❖The economy does not distribute enough income among thefactors of production to permit purchase of all the goods andservices produced by the economy.❖The economy does distribute enough purchasing power to buythe total goods and services produced but that not all theincome or purchasing power is used.Circular flow of income❖Circular flow of income is the cyclical operation of demand, production, income, and new demand.❖Income =demand →production →distribution (enough) (income)= new demand❖Income ≠spending ( less demand) →leakages❖Leakages are flows out of the circular flow that occur when factor income is received and not spent directly on purchases.❖Injections are added spending in the circular flow that are not paid for out of factor income.❖Underinvestment Theory: the theory that recessions occur because of inadequate investment in the economy.❖spending on consumption is less than total income❖ the difference must take the form of investmentPhases of the Cyclestwo phases: contraction 扩张 and expansion 收缩The top: peakThe lowest point: troughfour phases:prosperity 繁荣;recession 衰退, 不景气;depression 萧条;recovery 复苏recession: GDP ↓continuously for two quarter (demand, investment, employment, production output, profit, even stock price and interest rate ↓)depression: long and continuous recession spreadA peak exists whenever an overall high level of economic activity prevail.A contraction occurs whenever the level of business activity drops noticeably.The trough is the period when the level of business activity has dropped as far as it is going to drop in a particular cycle.Expansion occurs when the level of business activity begins to rise.Trough: low income →low demand →price down →profit low (in spite of low cost ) →employment low → levels of investment low → interest rate downIndustries: less need to replace worn-out capitalConsumers : less need for durable goodsExpansion:Production increase →employment and income increase →demand increase →price rise (but cost rise slower) → profit rise → levels of investment increase → interest rate rise slowly →expansion is on its way to peakPeak:A peak generally has favorable social and political consequences as well as a good economic effect on society e.g. high-level prosperity.Contraction: As production increase, the economy eventually reaches the bottleneck stage. Downswings are certain to occur.Pattern of cycles:contraction → trough → expansion → peak → contractionOnce a contraction has started, a cumulative action among several elements in the economy tends to augment the downswing. During the trough, however, other forces eventually arrest the contraction and start an upward movement. Once this upward motion begins, reactions of individuals and businesses tend to augment the expansion. During the peak, however, forces build up that eventually cause a new contraction.four forces or types of economic change affect the level of business activity:(1)the trend,(2)seasonal variations,(3)random fluctuations,(4)cyclical fluctuations.The trend is the directional movement of the economy over an extended period of time, such as 20 to 30 years.Seasonal variations are recurring fluctuations in business activity over a given period, usually 1 year. The cause of the fluctuations may be natural and artificial.Random fluctuations in business activity resulted from unexpected or unusual events. A serious flood or drought can affect certain portions of the economy or even the economy as a whole. Cyclical fluctuations are changes in the level of business activity that come about regardless of the trend, seasonal variations, or random forces.internal forces of business cycles: are elements within the very sphere of business activity itself and include such things as production, income, demand, credit, interest rates, and inventories. external forces of business cycles: are elements outside the normal scope of business activity and include population growth, wars, basic changes in the nation’s currency, and national economic policies, as well as floods, droughts, and other catastrophes (disasters) that have a pronounced effect on business activity.Types of business cyclethe Kitchin inventory cycle (3–5 years) — after Joseph Kitchin(约瑟夫.基钦)In 1923---article :"Review of Economic Statistics"---outlining his discovery of a 40-month cycle resulting from a study of U.S. and UK statistics from 1890 to 1922--- based on a stocking /destocking cycleInventory--- production---economythe early phases of a contraction---- inventories: rather high levelretailers supply goods out of inventory and cut orders from producersproduction--- low leveltrough--- inventories depletedcompanies --- replace inventoriesmost current sales --- ordering goods from the producerproduction increases to stimulate the economy to expandsales increase---the size of inventories increasesproduction increase --- greater demand by consumers + build up inventoriesprice increases are anticipated--- firms build up inventories and increase the ratio of inventory to sales--- increase in production (beyond the actual consumer demand)the reverse situation--- contractionthe Juglar fixed investment cycle (7–11 years) — after Clement Juglar (朱格拉)business cycle --- recovery and prosperity are associated with increases in productivity, consumer confidence, aggregate demand, and prices.The French economist identified four phases to each wave: prosperity, crisis, liquidation and recessionthe Kuznets infrastructural investment cycle (15–25 years)— after Simon Kuznets (库兹涅茨), Nobel LaureateRussian-born American economist who carried out research on the U.S. real-estate cycle. analyzed and quantified the cyclical nature of production and prices in spans of fifteen to twenty yearsThe Kondratiev wave or cycle (45–60 years) (grand supercycles)— after Nikolai Kondratiev (尼古拉·康德拉季耶夫)cycles of boom followed by depressionvisible in international production data than in individual national economiesconcerns output rather than pricesKondratiev wave --- two 'seasons': the Kondratiev Fall--- and the Kondratiev Wintera bull market is associated with 'fall' and a bear market with ‘winter’the Forrester cycles (200 years) - after Jay Wright Forrester.the Toffler civilization cycles (1000-2000 years) - after Alvin Toffler.Joseph Alois Schumpeter (约瑟夫·阿洛伊斯·熊彼特) suggested a model in which the four main cycles, Kondratiev(54 years), Kuznets (18 years), Juglar (9 years) and Kitchin (about 4 years) can be added together to form a composite waveform.A Kondratiev wave could consist of three lower degree Kuznets waves. Each Kuznets wave could, itself, be made up of two Juglar waves. Two (or three) Kitchin waves could form a higher degree Juglar wave.the four waves can be added together to form a composite waveformActually there was considerable professional rivalry between Schumpeter and Kuznets. The wave form suggested above might not include the Kuznets Cycle simply because Schumpeter did not recognize it as a valid cycle.❖Schumpeter suggested such a model.❖Contemporary opinion is that there is insufficient evidence decisively to determine whether or not the cycles do synchronize (同步) in this way.❖Schumpeter argued that long waves stemmed from innovation.2. the economic cycles of the world economy after the World War IIfive economic crisis since the end of World War II,(1) the first economic crisis: 1957---1958 started from the US in April 1957 and soon spread to Canada, countries in west Europe and Japan. It lasted for about one year.remarkable features: at the same time; the prices did not fall but rise.(2) the second economic crisis: 1973-1975The first “oil shock” occurred in the last quarter of 1973.a good example for an aggregate supply shock → a world economic crisis(any unanticipated shift in aggregate demand or supply are called aggregate demand shocks or aggregate supply shocks) .features for this crisis:a)it lasted a long time and the production fell down dramatically: 22 months for UK, 15months for Japan, 14 months for west Germany and 9 months for France and America.The industrial production decreased by 15.4% in the US, 11.2% in UK, 16.3% in France.b)bankruptcy and unemployment: about 120 thousand large firms with property more than1 million US dollars went bankrupt. The number for jobless people even reached 18.5million.c)the stock market fell drastically. (stock price index ↓76%~32%) Investment ↓20%,180 banks went bankrupt in America,d)serious inflation → stagflationtrade protection → decrease of the international trade(3) The third economic crisis: 1979~1982features:a)stagflation;b) a long time and had an intricate progress:c)bankruptcy and unemployment reached the highest record. e.g. in 1981, firms wentbankrupt: in Britain: 14,000; in France: 20,900; in west Germany: 8,500; in 1982,in the US 25,000 firms went bankrupt. At the end of 1982, the US and EC had 120million people out of work.d)the developing countries were hurt terribly.(4) The fourth economic crisis: 1990~1993features: a short crisis in America . a long time for the crisis in the world.(5) The fifth economic crisis: 2001~2002 imports of the US decreased continuously from the first quarter of 2001, which impacted on the exports of EU and Japan(6) The six economic crisis: 2008~❖In 2007,subprime crisis occurred in US❖Sept. 15 2008, Lehman Brothers applied for bankruptcy protection.❖Sept. 16, US stock market ↓❖Crisis started❖April 28 2008❖Bufflet: recession---more serious than most people expect❖700 billion USD❖bailoutUS $700 billion for financial bailout❖October 3, 2008--- the US Senate passed the $700 billion bank bailout bill.❖$85.3 billion in loans to automakers and their financing arms through the Automotive Industry Financing Program❖$79.3 billion to Financial firms❖$69.8 billion to purchase preferred shares of American International Group (AIG)❖$55 billion to back any losses that the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility might incur;❖$50 billion to Citigroup❖$50 billion to back any losses that the homeowners faced❖$45 billion in stock purchases of Bank of America❖$15 billion to small business❖$100 billion to Public-PrivateThe government has provided money to hundreds of banks and a handful of insurers and automakers as part of the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. Some small firms have repaid the government, and many big banks have announced they intend to return the money.China's 4 trillion yuan stimulus package❖On 9 November 2008, the Chinese government announced a two-year 4 trillion-yuan (us$ 586 billion ) stimulus plan to bolster economic expansion.❖1.5 trillion yuan to invest in railways, highways, airports, water conservancy and other major infrastructure facilities construction and urban power grids;❖1 trillion yuan for the Sichuan Earthquake Restoration and Reconstruction;❖400 billion yuan to invest in protective housing construction; rural water circuit❖370 billion yuan to invest in housing and other livelihood projects and gas infrastructure;❖150 billion yuan to invest in health care, education, health and other social undertakings;❖210 billion yuan in energy-saving emission reduction and eco-engineering❖370 billion yuan in self-innovation and structural adjustment.Most remarkable features about the economic crises after the Second World Wara)mild crises:b)Stagflationc)No very serious monetary credit crisismild crises: in 1929, industrial production↓46.2% in the US, ↓32.3% in UK, ↓32.9% in France.In 1973~1975, the industrial production↓15.4% in the US, ↓11.2% in UK, ↓16.3% in France.reasons for such a result: modern monetary, fiscal, and other measuresautomatic stabilizersmodern scientific technologyAutomatic, or built-in, stabilizers (in US): Special provisions of the tax law that cause changes in the economy without the action of Congress and the president. In other words, automatic stabilizers counter ups and downs in fiscal activity without the necessity for legislative action. e.g: the progressive income tax system , Social Security system : unemployment compensation and pension for old people.the progressive income tax system: in US, maximum rate: 40%.For an individual, as taxable income rises, the marginal tax rate rises, and as taxable income falls, so does the marginal tax rate. The average tax rate falls when less is earned.Unemployment Compensation:unemployment compensation stabilizes aggregate demand. Stabilizing Impact: The key stabilizing impact of the progressive income tax and unemployment compensation is their ability to mitigate changes in disposable income, consumption, and the equilibrium level of national income.the “visible hand”---the intervention of the government.Fiscal policy: is defined as the discretionary change in government expenditures and /or taxes in order to achieve such national economic goals as high employment or reduced inflation.(National goals may be: high employment, price stability, economic growth, and improvement in the nation’s international payments balance)❖Changes in the government’s fiscal stance (that is, the difference between government spending and taxation) will change the level of aggregate demand.❖If economy is at equilibrium output, increases in spending (or tax cuts) will lead to an inflationary boom, which eventually will lead only to higher prices.❖If economy is below equilibrium output, increases in spending (or tax cuts) will tend to raise output (as well as prices) and shift the economy back to equilibrium.Time lags tend to reduce the effectiveness of fiscal policy.Time lags includes the recognition time lag (a lag between the start of a recession and the availability of relevant data), the action time lag ( a lag between the recognition of a need for a fiscal policy and putting one in motion), and the effect time lag (a lag between policy implementation and tangible results).the recognition time lag + the action time lag = the inside lag (this is how long it takes to get a policy from inside the institutional structure of the federal government.)Fiscal policy has typically been associated with the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes and what is now called traditional Keynesian analysis.Kennedy-Johnson tax cut of 1964.In 1964, federally collected taxes were cut by $11 billion. From 1964 to 1965, the unemployment rate fell from 5.2% to 4.5%.Monetary policy: is defined as the discretionary change of the supply of money ( or the rate at which it grows ) in order to achieve national economic goals. Monetary policy works in a variety of ways to change the willingness of firms, individuals, governments and foreigners to buy domestically produced goods and services, both directly and indirectly.❖Monetary policy can be implemented through either changes in the money supply or interest rate, or through direct controls on lending.❖Changes in the interest rate will affect the interest-sensitive components of aggregate demand. The exact size and timing of these effects will differ from country to country.❖If economy is at equilibrium output, interest rate cuts will lead to an inflationary boom, which eventually will lead only to higher prices.❖If economy is below equilibrium output, interest rate cuts will tend to raise output (as well as prices) and shift the economy back towards equilibrium.e.g. the Federal Reserve System (Fed) seeks to alter consumption, investment, and aggregate demand as a whole by altering the rate of growth of the money supply.The Fed uses three tools as part of its policymaking action: open market operations, discount rate changes, and reserve requirement changes.open market operations: the Fed changes the amount of reserves in the system by its purchases。