


动物凶猛波音 F A 18 大黄蜂舰载战斗机F/A-18"大黄蜂"战斗机一直以来是比较让人忽视的一种战斗机,自服役伊始就被F-14"雄猫"的光芒所遮蔽,同时又饱受航程不足等缺陷的指责,被戏称为"塑料虫"。













F-22 Raptor(猛禽)是由美国洛克希德·马丁(Lockheed Martin)、波音(Boeing)和通用动力公司联合设计的新一代重型隐形战斗机。



它配备了可以不发射电磁波,用敌机雷达波探测敌机的无源相控阵雷达和探测范围极远的有源相控阵雷达,AIM-9X(Aerial Intercept Missile-9X)(响尾蛇)近程格斗空对空导弹、AIM-120C(AMRAAM Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile)高级中程空对空导弹、推重比接近10的F-119涡扇引擎、先进整合航电与人机接口等。













AIM-120各批次简介作者:Andreas Parsch70年代后期,美国寻求一种麻雀导弹的后继型号,推动AMRAAM(先进中程导弹)计划,1981年雷声公司的YAIM-120成为该计划的赢家。



AIM-120A射程50-70公里,其他非作战型号的AIM-120A包括CATM-120A机载训练弹,DATM-120A地面手工作业弹(培训地勤),JAIM-120A电子测试弹(telemetry electronics for test and evaluation purposes谁来准确翻译一下)。




AMRAAM项目在某时推动了升级计划P3I,第一阶段(P3I Phase 1)的成果就是AIM-120C,于1996年开始部署。



第二阶段(P3I Phase 2)的型号是AIM-120C4,1999年开始部署,采用新的战斗部WDU-41/B。



第三阶段(P3I Phase 3)的型号是AIM-120C7,在1998年开始设计。




------------------------------------------------------------------项目负责人:阿苏-=第一话=-专用名词、缩写EW: (Electronic Warfare) 电子战,利用电子对抗措施(ECM)及电子反对抗措施(ECCM)展开的战斗Master Arm: 武器管制装置总的开关TFS: (Tactical Fighter Squadron) 战术战斗机中队Seeker: 在选择性攻击里作为探测用的搜索装置IFF: (Identification Friend or Foe) 敌我识别装置Super Sylph: 多目的侦察机FFR-31MR系列的代号----Sylph: 15-16世纪瑞士炼金士Paracelsus假想中生活在空气中的精灵FSQ: (Fire Squadron) 消防中队TARPS: (Tactical Reconnaissance Pod System) 战术侦察辅助系统ECM: (Electronic Counter Measures) 电子对抗措施ARSR: (Air Route Surveillance Radar) 航空路线监视雷达SSR: (Secondary Surveillance Radar) 二次监视雷达PR: (Primary Radar) 一次雷达INS: (Inertial Navigation System) 惯性导航装置EOL: (Engine Off Landing) 无动力状态着陆航空通话术语Merge: 表示地面管制员所见的敌我双方机体图像在雷达上重叠Brovo: 航空无线电通讯中字母B的替代单词----注: 航空无线电通讯中如遇单个字母一般用特定的以该字母为首的单词代替Tanker: 空中加油机Alpha:航空无线电通讯中字母A的替代单词Angel: 高度表示代号,1 Angel表示高度1000英尺Engage: 表示战机确认攻击目标并开始交战Fox 2: 红外诱导导弹发射时提醒友军战机注意的代号Break: 提醒同机战友或友机进行急速转向脱离的代号RTB: (Return To Base) 返回基地Vector: 机首方位的表示,以正北为0/360度,角度顺时针递增,90度即为正东PAN PAN PAN: 国际紧急无线电通讯信号,表示飞机遇到紧急状况,不至于遇难,但已处于需要警戒的状态Uniform: 航空无线电通讯中字母U的替代单词其他Ghoul: 东方神话中的食尸鬼Harpy: 希腊神话中身体是女人而翅膀,尾巴及爪似鸟类的怪物,其性贪婪Valak: 所罗门神话中骑红色双头地狱龙并且长着一对天使翅膀的少年Kraken: 挪威传说中的北海巨妖-=第二话=-专用名词、缩写Auto Throttle: 自动节流阀ALS: (Auto Landing System) 自动着陆装置ADC: (Air Data Computer) 对气数据计算电脑ADCS: (Air Data Computer System) 对气数据计算电脑系统AICS: (Air Inlet Control System) 进气控制系统ASE: (Active Seeker Electronics) 主动搜索电子装置TAB-15: (15th Tactical Air Base) 第15前线战术航空基地AGG: (Air to Ground Gunnery) 空对地射击FAF: (Fairy Air Force) Fairy空军HL: (Helplessness) 不合作倾向DFM: (Defence Mechanism) 自卫意识SSD: (Social Skills Deficit) 社交技巧缺乏瞬间回旋率: 不考虑回旋维持和瞬间失速,取得最大迎角(AOA)时的回旋率DACT: (Dissimilar Air Combat Training) 异机种空战训练SC: (Scramble) 紧急支援机群,具有支援己方干扰敌方的能力,在各基地24小时执行戒备待机任务Escort: 护卫机群航空通话术语Ramp: 停机坪Tower: 机场控制塔台Approach: 轰炸机、战斗机接近目标,或者飞机接近机场准备着陆Romeo: 航空无线电通讯中字母R的替代单词其他Griffon: 希腊神话中狮身鹫首的怪兽Banshee: 爱尔兰民俗中的女妖精,眼泪会化为琥珀,能够预示灾难。








于F-15C 战斗机上带飞学员和利用F-15C对敌作战的职责由第1飞行中队、第2战斗机中队和第95飞行中队承担。





























“蝰蛇”的秘密(三改进)——洛克希德f-16“战隼”战斗机F-16A/B MLU,中期寿命升级历史中期寿命升级的理由1979 年F-16 开始服役时,人们预计从1999 年起“战隼”就会被后继机取代。

但是由于各种政治和经济原因,直到现在还没有出现可以完全取代F-16 的后继机,“战隼”还需要服役许多年。

为了保持F-16 的作战能力和作战效能与苏联先进战斗机处于同一水平,1989 年F-16 各伙伴国开始研究“战隼”大规模的现代化改进项目,即中期寿命升级,简称MLU。

MLU 臂章,背景是五个参与国MLU 旨在对早期的F-16A/B 进行延寿和重大升级,使其具备Block 50/52 F-16C/D 的作战能力,特别增加了AIM-120 AMRAAM 发射能力,以及在夜间和恶劣天候下精确武器的投送能力。

MLU 的主要升级内容飞机结构完整性项目由于欧洲的F-16 在实际使用中重量载荷要大于设计时的估计值,结果导致机身的一些隔框出现了不可预知的细小裂纹。

因此在进行MLU 升级之前,先要进行大规模的飞机结构完整性检查项目(PACER SLIP)。

F-16 的所有隔框都要经过检查,如有必要就使用冷加工方式维修。

经过PACER SLIP 后,F-16 的机身寿命延长至5,000 小时,完成其30 年的服役寿命。

每一家升级的F-16 都要对结构进行仔细的维修,以保证剩余使用寿命在飞机设计上是允许细小裂纹产生的,为了预测裂纹的数量和种类是否还在可接受的范围之内,飞机制造商想出了独特的办法。

以F-16 为例,这种轻型高机动战斗机的最大过载9g,机身寿命不低于8,000 飞行小时。

在F-16 的整个寿命周期中,起降次数、载重量、过载等数据都要记录进载荷谱中,以便对裂纹发展和剩余寿命进行预测。

Block 15 的结构延寿项目参与国1991 年5 月3 日美国、比利时、丹麦和荷兰签署了国际MLU 协议,挪威作为参与者列席。



欧陆台风(中)——细品“台风” 细品“台风”欧洲战斗机共有8架原型机,分别是:DA1,DASA制造,于1994年3月27日首飞。









不过“台风”这个名字的确不错,在二战期间就出现了著名的英国“台风”战斗机和德国Bf 108“台风”联络机,具有重要历史意义。














关键词:先进中距空空导弹;AIM-120;研制;试验与鉴定;生产与装备;项目管理中图分类号:TJ760.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-5048(2015)01-0003-070 引言美国的AIM-120“先进中距空空导弹”(AMRAAM)是当今世界上最早进入现役的第四代主动雷达型空空导弹,在近40年的研制和改进过程中,AMRAAM沿袭美国传统的系列化发展思路,吐故纳新,常改常新,在中距空空导弹领域始终保持着领先优势,是目前世界上最先进的空空导弹之一,享有经久不衰的盛名。













驾驶舱内的多功能屏幕的上方所显示的是从后方指挥中心通过AWACS(Airborne Warning And Control System机载报警与控制系统)远距离监控到的战场信息。





根据EMS(Electronic Warfare Support Measure电子支援测量系统)所传来的情报来看,敌方战机也在用尽各种手段寻找我们以求先发制人。




机会来了,FCS(Fire Control System武器控制系统)显示,敌机已经进入了导弹的射程。






起飞按6-7-8-9-0(推力,越往后推力越大)等速度到120的时候就可以按↓键起飞了起飞后按G收起起落架L键平飞R键是雷达开关S、X两个键分别控制雷达侦察范围S侦察范围小适合飞机近身格斗使用X反之-键+键控制飞机减速和加速f22最大能达到200%的加速可以轻易甩掉后面咬着你的飞机还有飞机在天上的时候←键→键不是方向键而是控制飞机左右翻滚要上下左右四个键互相配合才能转弯A键是飞向目标H键是返航但是要配合雷达使用数字键1、2、3、4是武器选择导弹都是自动锁定按空格键就能发射了掌握好发射距离最重要发射早了打不到发射晚了说不准对方先发射把你打下来了还有就是降落很不好掌握在天上对好机场跑道把发动机开到最小掌握好距离然后慢慢下降关闭发动机按5 再打开起落架G 到跑道上按B刹车就这样A 自动驾驶Enter 锁定目标B 刹车/ 显示操作键C 释放金属乾扰物’’ 显示最危险的目标G 放下/拉起起落架; 轮流切换武器H 自动驾驶返回基地. HUD显示颜色的明暗变化L 自动拉平[ 选择上一个目标M 任务简报] 选择下一个目标N 轮流切换到下一个导航点不论是友军还是敌军R 开/关雷达Page Down 右转S 雷达显示范围缩小Delete 左转X 雷达显示范围扩大Ctrl+J 弹射逃生W 给僚机命令1 切换到AIM-120空对空导弹2 切换到AIM-9响尾蛇空对空导弹3 切换到机炮4 切换到JDAM空对地集束炸弹6 发动机60%功率7 发动机70%功率8 发动机80%功率9 发动机90%功率0 发动机100%功率F1-F4 长机的各种视角F5-F8 僚机的各种视角F9-F12 时间加速1、2、4、6倍Keypad2 显示弹药贮藏状况Keypad4/Insert 显示防御系统状况Keypad5/Home 显示导航系统状况Keypad6/PageUp 显示攻击系统状况Keypad7 显示系统损坏状况Keypad8 开启/关闭导航视窗Keypad9 人工驾驶BackSpace 打开加力Tab/Crtl Tab 确定目标为攻击目标SpaceBar 开火Break 暂停游戏1153|评论(1)起飞:按9 这是油门当速度到200以后按向下的光标飞机就飞起来了到一定高度后按a 自动飞行l水平飞行1234是武器选择空格是发射HOME周围是雷达按纽C是铂条干扰盛夏的自己酌么吧每一关的任务不同,你开始游戏前先把武器选好,F-22配备4种武器,1键中距空-空导弹2-响尾蛇格斗导弹3-火神炮4-JDAM激光制导炸弹你在攻击地面目标时要先选4,然后就会出现标靶了. 空-空导弹: 当你目标变红时,证明进入有效射程,但不一定能击中.看好再打.S/X 扩大/缩小雷达显示范围Tab键选择跟踪的目标Enter键选定目标空格给你两个秘籍:开始后按T 然后输入:下面任一段回车ill be back 弹药加满never tell me the odds 不会被击中there can be only one 无敌we can rebuild him 修复按住“+”这个键是增加到100%推动力,“-”是减少到60%。



图说“狂风”ADV——不列颠天空守护者 “狂风”F3战⽃机在四分之⼀世纪⾥⼀直是不列颠天空的守护者。

















1987年9⽉,“狂风”F3 ZE155创造了历史,成为第⼀种不着陆不空中加油飞越⼤西洋的英国喷⽓式战⽃机。


12.-10/OA-10 雷电II
主要任务:近距离空中支援;前线空中管制.航速:420英里/小时.翼展57英尺6英寸,长度53英尺4英寸,高度14英尺8英寸.航程:800英里.装备武器:一门30毫米七管加特林机关枪;最多可载16,000磅的各种军械,包括500磅炸弹,2,000磅普通炸弹,燃烧弹和Rockeye II集束炸弹, 小牛导弹和激光制导/电子成像制导炸弹,红外干扰曳光弹,电子干扰配件及球形吊舱.乘员:一人.装备数量:A-10,123架和OA-10,83架;国民警卫队,A-10,76架和OA-10,26架;预备役,A-10,44架和OA-10,7架.
16.C-17A 全球大亨 III
主要任务:货物/士兵运输.航速:450英里/小时.翼展169英尺10英寸,长度174英尺, 高度55英尺1英寸.航程:经空中加油后可不限时滞空.乘员:3人.装备数量:109架.
17.C-12 休伦
主要任务:乘客/货物空运;pilot seasoning(这词儿不懂).航速:336英里/小时.翼展54英尺6 英寸,长度43英尺9英寸,高度14英尺9英寸.航程:1,026英里.乘员:两人.装备数量:27架.
9.E-8C 联合星
10.AC-130H/U 炮艇



我最喜欢的战机英语作文My Favorite Fighter Jet。

As an aviation enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by fighter jets. Among all the fighter jets in the world, my favorite one is the F-22 Raptor.The F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force (USAF). It was designed to perform air superiority missions, but also has ground attack, electronic warfare, and signal intelligence capabilities. With its advanced avionics, sensor fusion, and weapons systems, the F-22 is considered the most advanced fighter jet in the world.What makes the F-22 Raptor so special is its stealth technology. The aircraft's shape, materials, and coatings are designed to reduce its radar signature, making it virtually invisible to enemy radar. This allows the F-22 topenetrate deep into enemy territory undetected and strike targets with precision. The F-22 is also equipped with advanced sensors and weapons, including the AIM-120 AMRAAM and AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, the GBU-32 JDAM and GBU-39 SDB precision-guided bombs, and the 20mm M61A2 Vulcan Gatling gun.Another impressive feature of the F-22 Raptor is its maneuverability. The aircraft is capable of supercruise, which means it can fly at supersonic speeds without using afterburners, allowing it to cover long distances quickly and efficiently. The F-22 can also perform high-G maneuvers, such as the "Cobra" and the "J-turn," which enable it to outmaneuver most other fighter jets.In addition to its advanced technology, the F-22 Raptor is also a beautiful aircraft. Its sleek lines and angular shape give it a futuristic look that is both intimidating and awe-inspiring. The F-22's distinctive "v-tail" design and twin-engine configuration make it instantly recognizable.Overall, the F-22 Raptor is an amazing aircraft that represents the pinnacle of modern fighter jet technology. Its stealth, speed, maneuverability, and firepower make it a formidable weapon in any conflict. As an aviation enthusiast, I am in awe of the F-22 Raptor and consider it my favorite fighter jet of all time.。



APPROVEDNAVY TRAINING SYSTEM PLANFOR THEAIM-120 ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILEN88-NTSP-A-50-8111C/AJUNE 1998June 1998 AIM-120 ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILEEXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) program was established as a result of Joint Service Operational Requirement for an Advanced Air-to-Air Tactical Missile needed in the post-1985 time frame. AMRAAM is managed as a joint Air Force and Navy program. The Air Force, as executive service, established a Joint System Program Office (JSPO) at Air Force Material Command/Aeronautical Systems Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The JSPO is headed by the Air Force Deputy for AMRAAM (Code ASC/YA) and the Navy AMRAAM Program Manager, Air (PMA268). AMRAAM is currently in the Production, Fielding/Deployment and Operational Support Phase of the Weapon System Acquisition Process. Air Force Initial Operating Capability (IOC) was declared in September 1991. Navy IOC was completed in September 1993.Presently, there are three series of AMRAAM: AIM-120A, AIM-120B, and AIM-120C. The AIM-120A is a non-reprogrammable missile, while the AIM-120B/C are reprogrammable through the missile umbilical using the Common Field-Level Memory Reprogramming Equipment. The AIM-120C has smaller aerosurfaces to enable internal carriage on the Air Force F-22 aircraft.Testing was accomplished in a combined Developmental Test and Evaluation and Initial Operational Test and Evaluation program. Successful Navy operational testing on the F/A-18C/D aircraft was conducted by Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force during FY94 and included an evaluation of the missile system’s effectiveness and suitability, maintainability, and supportability in the Navy operational environment.The AMRAAM Training Program consists of initial training for instructors and follow-on training for operators and maintenance personnel. Initial training for All-Up-Round (AUR) loading, handling, processing and LAU-127A/A launcher operation and maintenance was provided by Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), Point Mugu, California in fiscal year (FY) 1993 to: Strike Fighter Weapons School (SFWS), Atlantic, NAS Cecil Field, and SFWS Pacific, NAS Lemoore; Naval Air Maintenance Training Group Detachment (NAMTRAGRUDET) Maintenance Training Unit (MTU)-4030, NAS Mayport, Florida, MTU-4032, NAS Norfolk, Virginia, MTU-4033, NAS North Island, California; MTU-4034, VMAT-203 FREST, MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina; and Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Yorktown, Virginia. Refresher training for AUR loading, handling, processing and LAU-127A/A launcher operation and maintenance was provided by NAWCWD, China Lake, California in FY 1995. Hughes Missile Systems Company provided aircrew instruction via their AMRAAM School in Tucson, Arizona through FY 1995. This responsibility was transitioned to the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) as part of their Strike Fighter Training Program (SFTP).June 1998 AIM-120 ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILETABLE OF CONTENTSPage Executive Summary (i)List of Acronyms (iii)Preface (vii)PART I - TECHNICAL PROGRAM DATAA.Title-Nomenclature-Program..........................................................................I-1B.Security Classification....................................................................................I-1C.NTSP Principals.............................................................................................I-1D.System Description.........................................................................................I-2E.Developmental Test and Operational Test.......................................................I-2F.Aircraft and/or Equipment/System/Subsystem Replaced.................................I-2G.Description of New Development...................................................................I-3H.Concepts........................................................................................................I-6I.On-Board (In-Service) Training......................................................................I-18J.Logistics Support...........................................................................................I-20 K.Schedules.......................................................................................................I-22 ernment Furnished Equipment and Contractor Furnished EquipmentTraining Requirements....................................................................................I-22 M.Related NTSPs and Other Applicable Documents...........................................I-22PART II -BILLET AND PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS...................................II-1 PART III -TRAINING REQUIREMENTS................................................................III-1 PART IV -TRAINING LOGISTICS SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS.......................IV-1 PART V -MPT MILESTONES.................................................................................V-1 PART VI -DECISION ITEMS/ACTION REQUIRED.............................................VI-1 PART VII -POINTS OF CONTACT...........................................................................VII-1June 1998 AIM-120 ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILELIST OF ACRONYMSAFB Air Force BaseAFD Arm/Fire DeviceAIMD Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance DepartmentAMIST Aviation Maintenance In-Service TrainingAMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air MissileAMTCS Aviation Maintenance Training Continuum SystemAO Aviation OrdnancemanASC Aeronautical Systems CenterAT Aviation Electronics TechnicianAUR All-Up-RoundBIT Built-In-TestBUPERS Bureau of Naval PersonnelCAI Computer Aided InstructionCANTRAC Catalog of Navy Training CoursesCATM Captive Air Training MissileCBT Computer-Based TrainingCCRV Captive Carry Reliability VehicleCD-ROM Compact Disk-Read Only MemoryCFMRE Common Field-level Memory Reprogramming Equipment CIN Course Identification NumberCINCLANTFLT Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic FleetCINCPACFLT Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific FleetCMC Commandant of the Marine CorpsCMI Computer Managed InstructionCNET Chief of Naval Education and TrainingCNO Chief of Naval OperationsCOMNAVAIRESFOR Commander, Naval Air Reserve ForceCV/CVN Aircraft CarrierCWTPI Conventional Weapon Technical Proficiency Inspection DOP Designated Overhaul PointEOD Explosive Ordnance DisposalFMS Foreign Military SalesJune 1998 AIM-120 ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILELIST OF ACRONYMSFREST Fleet Replacement Enlisted Skills TrainingFRS Fleet Replacement SquadronFY Fiscal YearGFE Government Furnished EquipmentICW Interactive CoursewareIM Insensitive MunitionsIMSD Inventory Management and Systems DivisionJILSP Joint Service Integrated Logistics Support PlanJRB Joint Reserve BaseJSD Joint Services DepotJSPO Joint System Program OfficeMALS Marine Aviation Logistics SquadronMATMEP Marine Aviation Training Management Evaluation Program MCAS Marine Corps Air StationMCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development CommandMOS Military Occupational SpecialtyMRL Missile Rail LauncherMTIP Maintenance Training Improvement ProgramMTU Maintenance Training UnitNA Not ApplicableNAMTRAGRUDET Naval Air Maintenance Training Group DetachmentNAS Naval Air StationNATOPS Naval Air Training and Operating ProceduresStandardizationNAVAIRSYSCOM Naval Air Systems CommandNAVSCOLEOD Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal SchoolNAVICP Naval Inventory Control PointNAWCWD Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons DivisionNAWMU Naval Airborne Weapons Maintenance UnitNCEA Non-Combat Expenditure AllocationNEC Navy Enlisted ClassificationNSAWC Naval Strike and Air Warfare CenterNTSP Navy Training System PlanJune 1998 AIM-120 ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILELIST OF ACRONYMSNWS Naval Weapons StationOOLD Out-Of-Line DeviceOPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval OperationsOPNAVINST OPNAV InstructionOPO OPNAV Principle OfficialPEST Practical Explosive Ordnance Disposal System Trainer PICA Primary Inventory Control ActivityPMA Program Manager, AirP3I Pre-Planned Product ImprovementRF Radio FrequencyRFT Ready For TrainingRSP Render Safe ProceduresSFTI Strike Fighter Tactics InstructorSFTP Strike Fighter Training ProgramSFTS Strike Fighter Training SystemSFWS Strike Fighter Weapons SchoolSFWSL Strike Fighter Weapons School AtlanticSFWSP Strike Fighter Weapons School PacificSFWT Strike Fighter Weapons and TacticsSICA Secondary Inventory Control ActivitySIST Serviceable-In-Service-TimeTBD To Be DeterminedTD Training DeviceTDD Target Detection DeviceTIVS Thermally Initiated Venting SystemTM Technical ManualT&R Training and Readiness (matrix)TTE Technical Training EquipmentUSAF United States Air ForceUSMC United States Marine CorpsUSN United States NavyWCU Weapons Control UnitJune 1998 AIM-120 ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILELIST OF ACRONYMSWDU Weapons Detonation UnitWGU Weapons Guidance UnitWPU Weapons Propulsion UnitWSO Weapon and Sensor OfficerWTT Weapon and Tactics TrainerJune 1998 AIM-120 ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILEPREFACEThis Approved Navy Training System Plan (NTSP) has been prepared to update the AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to Air Missile (AMRAAM) Navy Training Plan, A-50-8111B, dated August 1994. The update of this document was accomplished through a thorough review of the life-cycle manpower, personnel, and training requirements associated with the AMRAAM program.The major changes and updates to this NTSP consist of:PART I: Outdated information was deleted and all elements of this part were modified to include the Air-launched, Aerial-Intercept Guided Missile (AIM) design seriesAIM-120B and AIM-120C. Also, information on the Strike Fighter TrainingProgram’s AMRAAM Computer-Based Training (CBT), developed by the NavalStrike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC), NAS Fallon, Nevada, was added. PART II:This part was recalculated to depict current billet requirements for operational and fleet support units through FY02.PART III:In addition to reflecting the changes above, this part has been recalculated to identify chargeable student billets through FY02.PART IV:This part has been updated to reflect the new requirements in training and training logistics support resulting from the AIM-120B and AIM-120C.PART V:This part has been updated to show completion of milestones and includes new milestones supporting the AIM-120B and AIM-120C.PART VII:This part has been updated to reflect current Points of Contact.June 1998PART I - TECHNICAL PROGRAM DATAA.TITLE-NOMENCLATURE-PROGRAM1.Nomenclature-Title-Acronym. AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM).2.Program Element. 24162N and 26138M.B.SECURITY CLASSIFICATION1.System Characteristics.................Unclassified2.Capabilities...................................Secret3.Functions.......................................UnclassifiedC. NTSP PRINCIPALSOPNAV Principal Official (OPO)Program Sponsor.............................................. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) (N88) OPO Resource Sponsor.......................................................................... CNO (N880C7) Functional Mission Sponsor ................................................................... CNO (N880C7) Marine Corps Mission mandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) (APW-31) Developing Agency......... Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIRSYSCOM) (PMA268) Training Agency.......................... Commander in Chief Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANTFLT)Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT)Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET)Commander, Naval Air Reserve Force (COMNAVAIRESFOR)Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) (C463)Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) (N7) Training Support Agency................................................ NAVAIRSYSCOM (PMA205) Manpower and Personnel Mission Sponsor..................................................... CNO (N1)BUPERS (PERS-4, -40, -512E) Director of Naval Training ............................................................................. CNO (N7) CMC Manpower Management.................................................................... TFS DivisionJune 1998D.SYSTEM DESCRIPTION1.Operational Uses. Presently, there are three series of the AMRAAM mission design: AIM-120A, AIM-120B, and AIM-120C. Hereafter, AMRAAM will be used when referring collectively to all AMRAAM configurations, and the mission-design-series will be used when referring to specific AMRAAM configurations. AMRAAM is an all weather, radar guided, all-environment missile used on the F-15, F-16, F/A-18C/D, and in the future, the F/A-18E/F and F-22 aircraft. It incorporates active radar with an inertial reference unit and micro-computer system which makes the missile less dependent upon the fire control system of the host aircraft. The missile offers far greater lethality than most series of the AIM-7 Sparrow and significantly improves operational capability while reducing the missile's weight and drag on aircraft performance. The AMRAAM program is a joint United States Air Force (USAF) and United States Navy (USN) procurement, with the USAF designated as the executive service.2.Foreign Military Sales. The USAF established a Joint System Program Office (JSPO) at Air Force Material Command/Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), Eglin Air Force Base (AFB), Florida, to manage the AMRAAM program. The JSPO is headed by the USAF Deputy for AMRAAM, code ASC/YA, and the USN AMRAAM Program Manager, Air(PMA268). The USAF, as the executive service, is responsible for Foreign Military Sales (FMS). AMRAAM is sold to approved FMS customers.E. DEVELOPMENTAL TEST (DT) AND OPERATIONAL TEST (OT). All AMRAAM testing is coordinated by the AMRAAM JSPO. Navy-specific testing is relegated to PMA268.1. DT and OT Not Completed. Not Applicable (NA).2. DT and OT Completed. Testing was accomplished in a combined Developmental Test and Evaluation and Initial Operational Test and Evaluation program. Successful USN OT on the F/A-18C/D aircraft was conducted by Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force during FY94. Maintainability and supportability demonstrations on the F/A-18C/D aircraft were also performed. Ground test, loading and unloading, and captive flights were also completed successfully.3. Follow-on Test and Evaluation. The United States Marine Corps (USMC) are considering integration of AMRAAM with their AV-8BC1 aircraft. Successful integration, procurement, and introduction will impact USMC AV-8BC1 aircrew and Organizational-level maintenance personnel training curriculum.F. AIRCRAFT AND/OR EQUIPMENT/SYSTEM/SUBSYSTEM REPLACED. The AMRAAM system does not replace any existing missile system in the Navy or Marine Corps inventory, although it does share the medium-range, air-to-air missile mission with the AIM-7 Sparrow.June 1998G.DESCRIPTION OF NEW DEVELOPMENT1.Functional Descriptiona. Missile. AMRAAM is a supersonic, air launched, aerial intercept, guided missile employing active radar target tracking, proportional navigation guidance, and active Radio Frequency (RF) target detection. It employs active, semi-active, and inertial navigational methods of guidance to provide an autonomous launch and leave capability against single and multiple targets in all environments.The AIM-120A is a non-reprogrammable missile (requires a hardware change to upgrade the missile software). The AIM-120B/C is reprogrammable through the missile umbilical using Common Field-level Memory Reprogramming Equipment (CFMRE). The USAF All-Up-Round (AUR) container houses an internal cable which enables up to four missiles to be reprogrammed while in the container. USN containers are not equipped with the cable and must be opened to reprogram the missile. All three AMRAAM variants are currently approved for use on the F-15C/D/E, F-16C/D, and F/A-18C/D aircraft.AMRAAM consists of the following major sections: Guidance, Armament, Propulsion, and Control. Other components include a wiring harness, harness cover, Thermally Initiated Venting System (TIVS), and wing and fin assemblies. A functional description of the launcher is also provided.(1) Guidance Section, Weapons Guidance Unit. The Weapons Guidance Unit (WGU) consists of the radome, seeker, servo, transmitter-receiver, electronics unit, Inertial Reference Unit, Target Detection Device (TDD), the harnesses, and frame structure. All units except the TDD are contained within a sealed structure composed of the pyroceramic radome, titanium skin sections, and aluminum aft bulkhead. The TDD, RF and video processor, and the antennas are attached to the aft skin section as a complete testable assembly. Electronics group functions include radar signal processing, seeker servo control, and all of the computations performed in the central data processor. The WGU-16B is used on AIM-120A missiles, the WGU-41/B is used on AIM-120B missiles, and the WGU-44/B is used on AIM-120C missiles. Guidance sections on AIM-120B and AIM-120C missiles contain Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory which allow reprogramming of the missile software. Missile software versions are denoted by Tape and Revision Numbers, e.g., Tape 4 Revision 16.(2) Armament Section, Weapons Detonation Unit. The Weapons Detonation Unit (WDU)-33/B forms an integral part of the tactical missile airframe and includes the warhead, the FZU-49/B (modified Mk 3 Mod 5) safe-arm fuze device, and the Mk 44 Mod 1 booster. The armament section also includes the forward missile hook and hanger. The WDU-33/B warhead meets the Insensitive Munitions (IM) program requirements.June 1998(3) Propulsion Section, Weapons Propulsion Unit. The Weapons Propulsion Unit (WPU)-6/B consists of an airframe, integral rocket motor, a blast tube and exit cone, and an Arm/Fire Device (AFD) with a visible safe-arm indicator. The high performance rocket motor utilizes a reduced smoke, hydroxyl terminated, polybutadiene propellant in a boost sustain configuration, an asbestos-free insulated case (an integral part of the airframe), and an integral aft closure, blast tube, and nozzle assembly with a removable exit cone to facilitate control section installation/removal. Wings are attached in wing sockets at the forward end of the propulsion section. Provisions are included within this section for mounting the filter rectifier assembly.(4) Control Section, Weapons Control Unit. The Weapons Control Unit (WCU)-11/B consists of four independently controlled electro-mechanical servo actuators, four lithium-aluminum batteries connected in parallel, and a steel fuselage section that is bolted to the propulsion section aft skirt. Each actuator consists of a brushless DC motor ballscrew, an infinite resolution potentiometer directly coupled to the output shaft, and pulse width modulated control electronics. The output shaft is engaged directly to a squib actuated lock so that it does not interfere with the fin (control surface) installation and removal.(5) Wiring Harness, Harness Cover, and Thermally Initiated Venting System. The wiring harness cover extends from the aft end of the guidance section to the forward end of the control section. Its primary purpose is to provide protection for the wiring harness. The main wiring harness electrically connects the umbilical connector, guidance section, and control section. The wiring harness cover also houses the TIVS. The TIVS is designed to vent rocket motor pressure in the event the missile is exposed to a fuel fire. The TIVS consists of an external thermal cord which, when ignited, triggers an Out-Of-Line Device (OOLD) that ignites a Linear Shape Charge that weakens the rocket motor, allowing the rocket motor to vent without exploding. The OOLD prevents the shaped charge from detonating should the booster in the OOLD inadvertently detonate due to causes such as high impact. The unit has an additional safety feature that causes it to “reset” within nine to thirteen units of gravity, such as the acceleration experienced during missile launch. This feature prevents the system from functioning during missile free flight so that the associated aerodynamic pressures do not inadvertently enable the TIVS and thereby degrade missile performance. An indicator is on the wiring harness cover showing the condition of the TIVS, either “ENABLE” or “DISABLE”. Only TIVS equipped missiles are deployed aboard Aircraft Carriers (CV/CVN).The WPU-6/B Propulsion Section (with TIVS) meets the fast cook-off and sympathetic detonation requirements of the IM program and the policy delineated in OPNAV Instruction (OPNAVINST) 8010.13B. The other requirements (bullet impact, fragment impact, and slow cook-off) have not been met with the current configuration. However, the WPU-6/B has been granted the appropriate waivers for shipboard use.(6) Wing and Fin Assemblies. Wing and fin assemblies provide for flight control of the missile. The four wings are detachable, stationary flight surfaces with ball fastenersJune 1998to facilitate quick installation and removal. The four fins provide the movable control surfaces. The AIM-120C has “clipped” wings and fins which are not interchangeable with AIM-120A and AIM-120B missiles. The AIM-120C utilizes “clipped” wings and fins in order to meet the internal carriage requirements of the F-22.b. Launchers. The AMRAAM system includes three new Missile Rail Launchers (MRLs): the LAU-127A/A, in conjunction with the LAU-115, used on the F/A-18C/D aircraft; the LAU-128A/A, and the LAU-129A/A, used on the F-15 and F-16 aircraft, respectively. Additional interface cables are not required between the aircraft and the launcher. The MRL can be installed and operated at all current AIM-9 Sidewinder positions on all candidate aircraft, except F/A-18C/D wing tip stations; and is also capable of launching AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles. The MRL supplements the Sidewinder launchers (except F/A-18C/D wing tip) on AMRAAM capable aircraft.2.Physical Description. AMRAAM has the physical properties listed below. Four wings, four fins (control surfaces), and the wiring harness cover are mounted externally, providing additional distinguishing features from other similar missiles, such as AIM-7 Sparrow. The AIM-120C utilizes “clipped” wings and fins in order to meet the internal carriage requirements of the F-22.Tactical Missile:Length ..........................144.0inchesDiameter .......................7.0inchesWing Span ....................21.0inches*Wing Span ....................19.0inches**Fin Span.........................25inches*Fin Span.........................19inches**Weight ..........................348.1pounds* AIM-120A and AIM-120B** AIM-120C3.New Development Introduction. AMRAAM was introduced through new production. The Navy began receiving AIM-120A deliveries in 1991, but delayed Fleet introduction until integration with the F/A-18 aircraft was completed in 1993. Fleet introduction coincided with F/A-18 IOC when CV/CVN load-outs began to include AIM-120A. AIM-120B deliveries began in FY 94, and AIM-120C deliveries began in FY 96. AMRAAM Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I) missile deliveries are anticipated to begin in FY 00 and continue through FY 12.4.Significant Interfaces. Power for Built-In-Test (BIT) of the pre-launch dormant missile is provided by converting aircraft power in the AMRAAM Electronic Control Unit. TheJune 1998 filter rectifier assembly is mounted at the forward end of the missile propulsion section and provides the conversion of aircraft power required by the missile. Prior to launch, signal and data transfer between missile and aircraft is accomplished through a buffer connector that is in-line between the launcher cable and the missile umbilical connector. Similarly, the CFMRE interfaces with AMRAAM using the buffer connector and the missile umbilical connector, and supplies the power in lieu of the aircraft for off-aircraft BIT and reprogramming operations.H.CONCEPTS1.Operational Concept. AMRAAM is employed by the aircrew of F-15, F-16, F/A-18C/D aircraft, and in the future, will be employed by the aircrew of F/A-18E/F and F-22 aircraft, against threat aircraft and cruise missiles. The host aircraft radar, missile radar, and data link are used to acquire and track single or multiple targets.2. Maintenance Concept. Maintenance of AMRAAM employed on various aircraft is accomplished using the basic maintenance philosophy outlined in OPNAVINST 4790.2 (series), and specific weapons maintenance instructions outlined in OPNAVINST 8600.2 (series).a. Organizational-level. Organizational-level maintenance units receive AMRAAM as an AUR, four per container. Organizational-level maintenance is performed by Work Center 230 USN Aviation Ordnanceman (AO) with Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) codes 8342 and 8842, and USMC personnel with Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 6531. The AN/AWM-54 Aircraft Firing Circuit Test Set is used to test for stray voltage in aircraft weapons circuits prior to loading ordnance. The AN/AWM-96 Aircraft Weapons Control Test Set is used primarily by Aviation Electronics Technicians (ATs) to test the functionality of the aircraft weapons circuit prior to loading AMRAAM, but is also used by AOs in squadrons employing the Integrated Weapons Team concept. On-aircraft testing is accomplished using the BIT capability of the missile. Organizational-level maintenance tasks include:• Visual inspection for damage and corrosion• Visual inspection of missile launcher assembly interface• Cleaning of external surface and corrosion control• Attaching wings and fins• Aircraft Weapons Control System Check• Uploading and downloading on aircraft• Returning launcher to Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (AIMD) or Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS)b. Intermediate-level. Intermediate-level maintenance is performed on AURs and LAU-127 launchers. AIMD Weapons Departments, both shipboard and NAS, and MALS Ordnance Departments, Work Centers 710, perform intermediate-level maintenance on AMRAAM AURs. AIMD Weapons Departments, both shipboard and NAS, and MALSJune 1998 Ordnance Departments, Work Centers 71B, perform intermediate-level maintenance on LAU-127 launchers.(1) AURs. AIMD Weapons Departments, both shipboard and NAS, and MALS Ordnance Departments, Work Centers 710, receive AURs from the NWS, MCAS, or Naval Airborne Weapons Maintenance Unit (NAWMU). Missile maintenance is performed by Weapons Department USN AO personnel with NEC 6801 and USMC personnel with MOS 6541. Weapons/Ordnance Department AUR intermediate-level maintenance tasks include:• Storing and handling• Unpackaging Inspection• Visual inspection for damage and corrosion• Performing corrosion control procedures• Performing ready service inspection• Lubricating missile hook• De-canning and canning of AUR• Delivering missile to organizational-level• Returning AUR to NWS, NAWMU, or MCAS• Technical Direction Compliance actions, when appropriate(2) LAU-127. AIMD Weapons Departments, both shipboard and NAS, and MALS Ordnance Departments, Work Centers 71B, receive launchers from the supply system or AIMD. Launcher maintenance is performed by Weapons Department USN AO personnel with NEC 6802 and USMC personnel with MOS 6541. USN AO 6802 and USMC MOS 6541 functionally test the LAU-127 using the AN/AWM-90 series Intermediate Maintenance Guided Missile Launcher Test Set. Weapons/Ordnance Department launcher intermediate-level maintenance tasks include:• Storing and handling• Visual inspection for damage and corrosion• Performing corrosion control procedures• Performing ready service inspection• Delivering launcher assembly to organizational-level• Returning launcher to NWS, NAWMU, or MCAS• Technical Direction Compliance actions, when appropriate• Launcher testing using the AN/AWM-90 series IntermediateMaintenance Guided Missile Launcher Test Setc. All-Up-Round Depot-level. NWS Yorktown, Virginia, and NWS Fallbrook, California, are the AUR depot-level maintenance activities. Launchers are not processed through the NWSs or NAWMU. Depot-level AUR maintenance tasks include:。



美军现役先进空空导弹AIM2021 年 3 月 3 日,美军在卡塔尔阿尔乌代德空军基地举行的综合战斗转弯训练活动中,来自第379 远征维修中队弹药飞行的飞行员将AIM-120D 先进中程空对空导弹装载到 F-15E 攻击鹰上.AIM-120D AMRAAM 自 1991 年开始服役,最高速度可达 4 马赫。

AMRAAM 是一款主动雷达制导的中程超音速空对空导弹。

是美国空军-海军联合AIM-7 Sparrow 的后续产品,具有发射和机动能力。

AIM-120B 是原始导弹的升级、可重新编程变体。

AIM-120C 为 F-22 和 F-35 的内部托架配备了较小的控制空间,并具有高角度偏离准星 (HOBS) 发射能力。

AIM-120D 除了更大的杀伤力外,还提供改进的射程、GPS 辅助制导、更新的数据链路和抗干扰能力。


AIM-120D 系统改进计划(SIP II)的第二阶段完成了运行测试,于2020 年投入使用。

网络安全测试已于 2019 年年中结束。

2020 年美空军采购了 414 枚 AIM-120D 导弹。

2019 年,美国空军宣布正在与海军合作开发 AIM-260 联合空中战术导弹 (JATM),以用射程更远、能力更强的武器取代 AMRAAM,以应对高端威胁。

承包商:雷神;诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司;Nammo 集团(推进系统)。

首飞: 1984 年 12 月。

交付时间: 1988 年至今。


AIM-120A 的升级、可重新编程变体。


为 F-22/F-35 优化的生产型。


具有 GPS 引导、改进的射程、杀伤力和抗干扰性的最新变体。

尺寸:跨度 1.7 英尺(0.518米),长度 12 英尺(3.65米),直径 7 英寸(177.8mm)。




AIM-120开发介绍我们Eagle Dynamics为您带来尽可能逼真的飞行模拟而自豪,而对于现代空战,其中一个重要方面就是空空导弹模拟。

























图 1. 导弹在2马赫时的零升阻力与诱导阻力极曲线。




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IntroductionThe AIM-120 AMRAAM (Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile) is a high-supersonic, day/night/all weather Beyond Visual Range (BVR), fire-and-forget air-to-air missile. It has a high-explosive warhead and relies on active radar homing for the final stages of flight, being launched on inertial mid-course guidance without the need for the fighter to keep the target illuminated. Its capabilities include look-down, shoot-down, multiple launches against multiple targets, and intercepts at very short range in dogfight situations.the AIM-120 is used by a variety of Western fixed-wing combat aircraft, and is a decisive factor in most ongoing Middle East aircraft procurement programs. Unit cost is about USD $386,000 (FY 1999).HistoryIn the mid-1970s, it was recognized that the AIM-7 Sparrow would be in urgent need of replacement in the 1980s. Even the upgraded AIM-7F/7M was becoming long in the tooth, and the AMRAAM program was initiated in 1976. A joint USAF/USNavy program, it aimed at producing a high performance air intercept missile, featuring a higher probability of kill than any conceivable advanced version of Sparrow, packed in a smaller, lighter, cheaper, and more reliable airframe. On top of that, the new missile had to be compatible with existing fire control radars, and physically fit where a Sparrow was previously located.Ambitious research projects were started, to investigate into all-new guidance and target-detection methods, such as target classification by aerodynamic noise, laser scanning of the external shape, or decomposition of the engine sound harmonics in the frequency domain. None of these techniques materialized however.AIM-120 launch sequence by an USAF F-16A. (USAF photo)The original list of five proposals was narrowed down to 2 in February 1979. Both contractors received a contract for ten prototype missiles each, which were to be fired from F-14, F-15 and F-16 aircraft. At the end of 1981, after only 6 missiles were fired (3 each), Hughes Aircraft & Missile Systems Group was picked over Raytheon to build 94 test missiles, with an option for 924 full production missiles. The AMRAAM program entered FSD (Full Scale Development) in September 1982, and test firing of the missile started in that same year at Holloman AFB and NAS Pt. Mugu, with the missile proving itself against increasingly tougher targets. The fact that no European counterpart for the AMRAAM exists, is due to an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) signed by West Germany and the UK, assigning AMRAAM to the USA and ASRAAM (Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missile) to Europe.By 1985, AMRAAM was in serious trouble: huge cost overruns and delays meant that not a single test round was fired in a hostile ECM-environment until October 1986. By this time, some of the problems were solved and low-rate initial production (LRIP) was approved for FY 1987. Production is split (under Caesar's 'Devide and Conquer' motto) between two contractors, Hughes and Rate. Of the initial 180 missile, USD $537.4 million (four times higher than estimated) order, Raytheon produced 75 and Hughes 105 rounds. The subsequent FY 1988 order for 630 missiles was split 55/45 with the biggest share for Hughes. Continued LRIP was approved in May 1991.In September 1991, IOC (Initial Operational Capability) was achieved for the AMRAAM on USAF F-15 aircraft. The F-16 followed in January 1992, and the Navy in October 1993. Full-rate production of the missile was approved in April 1992, marking Milestone III.ConstructionThe AMRAAM is housed in a light-weight structure of steel and titanium. The airframe is divided into four major sections: guidance, warhead, propulsion and control. The four wings and fins are detachable. The guidance section features an active X-band radar terminal seeker using a highpower solid-state transmitter with alow-sidelobe, wide-gimbal antenna, and a built-in radio-frequency processor. Navigation, autopilot, radar, datalink, fuzing, sequencing, and self-test functions are allhandled by a single 30MHz microprocessor. The propulsion section consists of an advanced solid-fuel rocket motor to achieve a speed of Mach 4 and a range in excess of 30 miles.Key to drawing:1.Radome2.Active Radar Antenna3.Batteries/ Transmitter Section4.Main micro-electronics Section5.Inertial Reference Unit, Target Detector and fuze6.Armament section with warhead7.Fixed forward wings8.Igniter9.Twin suspension lugs10.Solid rocket motor11.Control actuator group12.Moving fins13.Data Link (for mid-course guidance update)14.NozzleIn long-range engagements AMRAAM heads for the target using inertial guidance and receives updated target information via data link from the launch aircraft. It transitions to a self-guiding terminal mode when the target is within range of its own monopulse radar set, operating in high-PRF mode. Since this seeker uses its own active radar (unlike the Sparrow), it does not require the launch aircraft to illuminate the target or to track the target. In case the target tries to protect itself with active jamming, AMRAAMs seeker switches to a medium-PRF "home-on-jam" mode. With its sophisticated avionics, high closing speed, and excellent end-game maneuverability, chances of escape from AMRAAM are minimal. Upon intercept an active-radar proximity fuze detonates the 40-pound high-explosive warhead to destroy the target. At closer ranges AMRAAM guides itself all the way using its own radar, freeing the launch aircraft to engage other targets. The lethal range of the 40lbs. blast fragmentation warhead has not been disclosed.VersionsAIM-120AAs described above.AIM-120B, Rb 99The AIM-120B missile was the result of the two block AMRAAM Producibility Enhancement Program. TheB-model incorporates a new digital processor, erasable programmable read only memory, and five major electronic unit hardware chassis upgrades. The Swedish AIM-120B's, carried by the 'Gripen', are designated as Rb 99.AIM-120CThe AIM-120C will include a redesigned warhead and improvements to the rocket motor, fuzing logic, guidance algorithms, and ECCM logic. Modified for internal carriage on the F-22, the AIM-120C will have "clipped wings" to reduce its box size from 17.4 to 12.5 inches.F-16 InstallationA Shaw 79th Tiger FS (see markings on gunport cover) carrying dummy wingtip AIM-120s, AIM-9L/Ms and AGM-88s. ( photo)The APG-66 radar fitted to the F-16A/B was not originally intended to have the capabilities of handling BVR missiles such as the Sparrow or the AMRAAM. Indeed, the whole concept of the cheap, light-weight fighter excluded fitting of SARH or ARH missiles. However, the need for a BVR capability became apparent soon after the F-16A/B entered service. The long-term solution was to be the AMRAAM missile, which was originally scheduled to enter service in the mid-1980s, but was delayed by a protracted series of developmental difficulties. Possible interim solutions were considered, amongst others the British Aerospace Skyflash or the Raytheon AIM-7 Sparrow. The first tests of a Sparrow-armed F-16 were made by General Dynamics with inert rounds attached to the wingtip, to the underwing pylons, and even to a pylon being attached to the mainwheel door. The undercarriage door location was used for some test firings with the Sparrow in November of 1977, and a test launch with a BAE Skyflash was made a year later. Ultimately, F-16A/B aircraft were modified into the F-16A/B ADF aircraft, and were capable of firing the Sparrow.This testfiring of an AIM-120 by an Eglin F-16C (39th FTS Squadron Commanders aircraft) shows the typical diamond-shaped exhaust gasses. (USAF photo)When the MSIP Stage II was approved for the F-16, AMRAAM was far from ready. However, the associated ECP350 (Engineering Change Proposal) included changes to the wiring of the wings and aircraft structure, so that the AIM-120 could be retrofitted easily later on. block 10 introduced the stronger wing structure necessary to carry the missile, the wiring and software came later. Some Block 10 and 15's got retrofitted with the software/wiring, but others didn't. So basically all F-16s from Block 10 onwards are structurally AMRAAM-capable, although some A/B models lack both the wiring and the software, and although the C/D models have the wiring, some of them do not have the necessary software. The latter depends on whether the customer is subject to export restrictions or not.F-16 LoadoutOn the F-16, AIM-120 AMRAAMs can be loaded on stations 1 and 9 (1 missile each, wingtip), 2 & 8 (1 missile each) and 3 & 7 (1 missile each).Operational UseThe first-ever launched AIM-120 scored a direct hit agains the QF-102 drone (USAF photo)The first ever fully guided AIM-120 to be fired, was fired from an F-16 and scored an almost central hit on the QF-102 target drone, which burst into flames and crashed. The missile did not even carry a warhead.A small number of AMRAAMs were carried by F-15 aircraft during Operation Desert Storm, though none were actually fired. The AIM-120 was redeployed to the Persian Gulf in 1992 for use on F-15 and F-16 fighters. In December 1992 (Operation Southern Watch), an F-16 pilot fired the first AMRAAM in actual combat, shooting down a MiG-25 Foxbat during a confrontation over southern Iraq. The AIM-120 was also used in another engagement in Southern Iraq, and successfully downed the target. The F-16 Fighting Falcon scored a third AMRAAM kill in Bosnia.SpecificationsPrimary Function: Air-to-air tactical missileContractor: Hughes Aircraft Co. and Raytheon Co.Power Plant: High performanceLength: 143.9 inches (366cm)Launch Weight: 335 pounds (150.75kg)Diameter: 7 inches (17.78cm)Wingspan: 20.7 inches (52.58cm)Range: 30+ miles (48+ km)Speed: Mach 4 capableGuidance System: Active radar terminal/inertial midcourse Warhead: 40 lbs, Blast fragmentationUnit Cost: $386,000 (FY 1999)。
