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Lesson 1 importance of water 水的重要性 (3)
Lesson 2 the Hydrologic Cycle 水循环 (5)
Lesson 3 hydrology 水文学 (7)
Lesson 4 underground water 地下水 (11)
Lesson 5 what causes flooding洪水是怎样形成的 (16)
Lesson 6 nature of water pollution 水污染的性质 (19)
Lesson 7 Planning for water resources development水资源开发规划 (22)
Lesson 8 reservoirs 水库 (26)
Lesson 9 Properties of concrete混凝土的特性 (30)
Lesson 10 basic concepts of reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土基本概念 (35)
Lesson 11 dams 坝 (38)
Lesson 12 embankment dams 土石坝 (42)
Lesson 13 concrete gravity dam on rock foundations 岩基上的混凝土重力坝.. 46 Lesson 14 Arch dams 拱坝 (51)
Lesson 15 spillways溢洪道 (56)
Lesson 16 design forces 设计作用力 (61)
Lesson 17 Significance of infiltration and process of infiltration入渗重要性及过程 (65)
Lesson 18 evapotranspiration 腾发量 (68)
Lesson 19 irrigation methods 灌溉方法 (71)
Lesson 20 irrigation canals灌溉渠道 (79)
Lesson 21 land drainage 耕地排水 (83)
Lesson 22 methods of applications of drip irrigation systems滴灌系统的应用方法 (88)
Lesson 23 hydraulic turbines水轮机 (92)
Lesson 24 hydro-electric power 水力发电 (96)
Lesson 25 differential leveling 水准测量(微差水准测量) (102)
Lesson 26 construction and equipment施工和设备 (107)
Lesson 27 engineering economy in water resources planning水利规划中工程经济 (110)
Lesson 28 soil erosion and soil conservation 土壤侵蚀与土壤保持 (116)
Lesson 29 groundwater and climate change地下水与气候变化 (120)
Lesson 30 irrigation performance evaluation 灌溉运行评价 (124)
Lesson 31 bidding, bid opening and award of contract招标、开标和授予合同 127 Lesson 32 how to write a scientific paper如何撰写科技论文 (131)
Lesson 1 importance of water 水的重要性
Water is best known and most abundant of all chemical compounds occurring in relatively pure form on the earth’s surface. Oxygen, the most abundant chemical element, is present in combination with hydrogen to the extent of 89 percent in water. Water covers about three fourths of the earth's surface and permeates cracks of much solid land. The Polar Regions (原文polar regions) are overlaid with vast quantities of ice, and the atmosphere of the earth carries water vapor in quantities from 0.1 percent to 2 percent by weight. It has been estimated that the amount of water in the atmosphere above a square mile of land on a mild summer day is of the order of 50,000 tons.





All life on earth depends upon water, the principal ingredient of living cells. The use of water by man, plants, and animals is universal. Without it there can be no life. Every living thing requires water. Man can go nearly two months without food, but can live only three or four days without water.





In our homes, whether in the city or in the country, water is essential for cleanliness and health. The average American family uses from 65,000 to 75,000 gallons of water per year for various household purposes.


Water can be considered as the principal raw material and the lowest cost raw material from which most of our farm produces is made. It is essential for the growth of crops and animals and is a very important factor in the production of milk and eggs. Animals and poultry, if constantly supplied with running water, will produce more meat, more milk, and more eggs per pound of food and per hour of labor.




For example, apples are 87% water. The trees on which they grow must have watered many times the weight of the fruit. Potatoes are 75% water. To grow an acre of potatoes tons of water is required. Fish are 80% water. They not only consume water but also must have large volumes of water in which to live. Milk is 88% water. To produce one quart of milk a cow requires from 3.5 to 5.5 quarts of water. Beef is 77% water. To produce a pound of beef an animal must drink many times that much water. If there is a shortage of water, there will be a decline in farm production, just as a shortage of steel will cause a decrease in the production of automobiles.
例如,苹果含87%的水分,苹果树就必须吸收比苹果多许多倍的水分;土豆含75%的水分,那么种植每英亩土豆就需要若干吨水;牛奶含水量为88%,为了生产每夸脱牛奶,母牛需要3.5~5.5 夸脱的水;牛肉含77%的水,为生产1磅牛肉牛必须饮用许多磅水。


In addition to the direct use of water in our homes and on the farm, there are many indirect ways in which water affects our lives. In manufacturing, generation of electric power, transportation, recreation, and in many other ways, water plays a very important role.


Our use of water is increasing rapidly with our growing population. Already there are acute shortages of both surface and underground waters in many locations. Careless pollution and contamination of our streams, lakes, and underground sources has greatly impaired the quality of the water which we do have available. It is therefore of utmost importance for our future that good conservation and sanitary measures be practiced by everyone.




Lesson 2 the Hydrologic Cycle 水循环
In nature, water is constantly changing from one state to another. The heat of the sun evaporates water from land and water surfaces, this water vapor (a gas), being lighter than air, rises until it reaches the cold upper air where it condenses into clouds. Clouds drift around according to the direction of the wind until they strike a colder atmosphere. At this point the water further condenses and falls to the earth as rain, sleet, or snow, thus completing the hydrologic cycle.






The complete hydrologic cycle, however, is much more complex. The atmosphere gains water vapor by evaporation not only from the oceans but also from lakes, rivers, and other water bodies, and from moist ground surfaces. Water vapor is also gained by sublimation from snowfields and by transpiration from vegetation and trees.



Water precipitation may follow various routes. Much of the precipitation from the atmosphere falls directly on the oceans. Of the water that does fall over land areas, some is caught by vegetation or evaporates before reaching the ground, some is locked up in snowfields or ice-fields for periods ranging from a season to many thousands of years, and some is retarded by storage in reservoirs, in the ground, in chemical compounds, and in vegetation and animal life.



The water that falls on land areas may return immediately to the sea as runoff in streams and rivers or when snow melts in warmer seasons. When the water does not run off immediately it percolates into the soil. Some of this groundwater is taken up by the roots of vegetation and some of it flows through the subsoil into rivers, lakes, and oceans.



Because water is absolutely necessary for sustaining life and is of great importance in industry men have tried in many ways to control the hydrologic cycle to their own advantage. An obvious example is the storage of water behind dams in reservoirs, in climates where there are excesses and deficits of precipitation (with respect to water needs) at different times in the year. Another method is the attempt to increase or decrease natural precipitation by injecting particles of dry ice or silver iodide into clouds. This kind of weather modification has had limited success thus far, but many meteorologists believe that a significant control of precipitation can be achieved in the future.




Other attempts to influence the hydrologic cycle include the contour plowing of sloping farmlands to slow down runoff and permit more water to percolate into the ground, the construction of dikes to prevent floods and so on. The reuse of water before it returns to the sea is another common practice. Various water supply systems that obtain their water from rivers may recycle it several times (with purification) before it finally reaches the rivers mouth.



Men also attempt to predict the effects of events in the course of the hydrologic cycle. Thus, the meteorologist forecasts the amount and intensity of precipitation in a watershed, and the hydrologist forecasts the volume of runoff.


Lesson 3 hydrology 水文学
1 history
The first hydraulic project has been lost in the mists of prehistory. Perhaps some prehistoric man found that pile of rocks across a stream would raise the water level sufficiently to overflow the land that was the source of his wild food plants and water them during a drought. Whatever the early history of hydraulics, abundant evidence exists to show that the builders understood little hydrology. Early Greek and Roman writings indicated that these people could accept the oceans as the ultimate source of all water but could not visualize precipitation equaling or exceeding stream-flow. Typical of the ideas of the time was a view that seawater moved underground to the base of the mountains. There a natural still desalted water, and the vapor rose through conduits to the mountain tops, where it condensed and escaped at the source springs of the streams. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (ca. 100 B. C.) seems to have been one of the first to recognize the role of precipitation as we accept it today.






Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was the next to suggest a modern view of the hydrologic cycle, but it remained for Pierre Perrault (1608-1680) to compare measured rainfall with the estimated flow of the Seine River to show that the stream-flow was about one-sixth of the precipitation. The English astronomer Halley (1656-1742) measured evaporation from a small pan and estimated evaporation from the Mediterranean Sea from these data. As late as 1921, however, some people still questioned the concept of the hydrologic cycle.


Precipitation was measured in India as early as the fourth century B.C., but satisfactory methods for measuring stream-flow were a much later development. Frontinus, water commissioner of Rome in A.D. 97, based estimates of flow on cross-sectional area alone without regard to velocity. In the United States, organized measurement of precipitation started under the Surgeon General of the Army in 1819, was transferred to the Signal Corps in 1870, and finally, in 1891, to a newly organized U.S. Weather Bureau, renamed the National Weather Service in 1970.Scattered stream-flow measurements were made on the Mississippi River as early as 1848, but a systematic program was not started until 1888, when the U.S. Geological Survey undertook this work. It is not surprising, therefore, that little quantitative work in hydrology was done before the early years of the twentieth century, when men such as Hortan, Mead, and Sherman began to explore the field. The great expansion of activity in flood control, irrigation, soil conservation, and related fields which began about 1930 gave the first real impetus to organized research in hydrology, as need for more precise design data became evident. Most of today’s concepts of hydrology date from 1930.







2 hydrology in engineering水文学在工程中的应用
Hydrology is used in engineering mainly in connection with the design and operation of hydraulic structures. What flood flows can be expected at a spillway or highway culvert or in a city drainage system ? What reservoir capacity is required to assure adequate water for irrigation or municipal water supply during droughts? What effects will reservoirs, levees, and other control works exert on flood flows in a stream? These are typical of questions the hydrologist is expected to answer.

Large organization such as federal and state water agencies can maintain staffs of hydrologic specialists to analyze their problems, but smaller offices often have insufficient hydrologic work for full-time specialists. Hence, many civil engineers are called upon for occasional hydrologic studies. It is probable that these civil engineers deal with a larger number of projects and greater annual dollar volume than the specialists do. In any event, it seems that knowledge of the fundamentals of hydrology is an essential part of the civil engineer’s training.




3 subject matter of hydrology水文学研究的主要内容
Hydrology deals with many topics. The subject matter as presented in this book can be broadly classified into two phases: data collection and methods of analysis. Chapter 2 to 6 deals with the basic data of hydrology. Adequate basic data are essential to any science, and hydrology is no exception. In fact, the complex features of the natural processes involved in hydrologic phenomena make it difficult to treat many hydrologic processes by rigorous deductive reasoning. One can not always start with a basic physical law and from this determine the hydrologic result to be expected. Rather, it is necessary to start with a mass of observed facts, analyze these facts, and from this analysis to establish the systematic pattern that governs these events. Thus, without adequate historical data for the particular problem area, the hydrologist is in a difficult position. Most countries have one or more government agencies with responsibility for data collection. It is important that the student learn how these data are collected and published, the limitations on their accuracy, and the proper methods of interpretation and adjustment.









Typical hydrologic problems involve estimates of extremes not observed in a small data sample, hydrologic characteristic at locations where no data have been collected (such locations are much more numerous than sites with data), or estimates of the effects of man’s actions on the hydrologic characteristics of an area. Generally, each hydrologic problem is unique in that it deals with a distinct set of physical conditions within a specific river basin. Hence, quantitative conclusions of one analysis are often not directly transferable to another problem. However, the general solution for most problems can be developed from application of a few relatively basic concepts.




Lesson 4 underground water 地下水
Of all the earth’s water 97% is found in the oceans, 2% in glaciers and only 1% on land. Of this 1% almost all (97%) is found beneath the surface and called sub-surface or underground water. Most of this water eventually finds its way back to the sea either by underground movement or by rising into surface streams and lakes.



These vast underground water deposits provide much needed moisture for dry areas and irrigated districts. Underground water acts in similar ways to surface water, also performing geomorphic work as an agent of gradation.


Even though man has been aware of sub-surface water since earliest times, its nature, occurrence, movement and geomorphic significance have remained obscure. Recently, however, some answers have been found to the perplexing questions about underground water’s relationship to the hydrological cycle.


1 source of underground water地下水资源
Since the days of Vitruvius at the time of Christ, many theories have been presented to explain the large volume of water underneath the earth’s surface. One theory was that only the sea could provide such large quantities, the water moving underground from coastal areas. Vitruvius was the first to recognize that precipitation provided the main source of sub-surface water, although his explanations of the mechanics involved were not very scientific.



His theory, now firmly established, is termed the infiltration theory, and states that underground water is the result of water seeping downwards from the surface, either directly from precipitation or indirectly from streams and lakes. This form
of water is termed meteoric. A very small proportion of the total volume of sub-surface water is derived from other sources. Connate water is that which is trapped in sedimentary beds during their time of formation. Juvenile water is water added to the crust by diastrophic causes at a considerable depth, an example being volcanic water.





2 distribution of sub-surface water地下水的分布
During precipitation water infiltrates into the ground, under the influence of gravity, this water travels downwards through the minute pore spaces between the soil particles until it reaches a layer of impervious bedrock, through which it cannot penetrate. The excess moisture draining downwards then fills up all the pore spaces between the soil particles, displacing the soil air. During times of excessive rainfall such saturated soil may be found throughout the soil profile, while during period of drought it may be non-existent. Normally the upper limit of saturated soil, termed the water table, is a meter or so below the surface, the height depending on soil characteristics and rainfall supply.





According to the degree of water-occupied pore space, sub-surface moisture is divided into two zones: the zone of aeration and zone of saturation, as illustrated in Fig 4.1.
2.1 zone of aeration包气带
This area extends from the surface down to the upper level of saturation-the water table. With respect to the occurrence and the circulation of the water contained in it, this zone can be further divided into three belts: the soil water belt, the intermediate belt and the capillary fringe (Fig.4.1)

Fig 4.1 zone of aeration and saturation
(1) Soil water belt 土壤水分带
Assuming that the soil is dry, initial rainfall allows water to infiltrate, the amount of infiltration depending on the soil structure. Soils composed mainly of large particles, with large pore spaces between each particle, normally experience a more rapid rate of infiltration than do soils composed of minute particles. No matter what the soil is composed of some water is held on the soil particles as a surface film by molecular attraction, resisting gravitational movement downwards. The water held in this manner is referred to as hygroscopic water. Even though it is not affected by gravity, it can be evaporated, though not normally taken up by plants.





(2) Intermediate belt 中间带
This belt occurs during dry periods when the water table is at considerable depth below the surface. It is similar to the soil water belt in that the water is held on the soil particles by molecular attraction, but differs in that the films of moisture are not available for transpiration or for evaporation back to the atmosphere. In humid areas, with a fairly reliable rainfall, this belt may be non-existent or very shallow. Through it, gravitational or vadose water drips downwards to the zone of saturation.





(3) Capillary belt 毛细饱和带
Immediately above the water table is a very shallow zone of water which has been drawn upwards from the ground-water reservoir below by capillary force. The depth of this zone depends entirely on soil texture, soils with minute pore spaces being able to attract more water from below than soils with large pore spaces. In the latter types of soil the molecular forces are not able to span the gaps between soil particles.
Thus, sandy soils seldom exhibit an extensive capillary fringe, merging from soil water through to the zone of saturation.




2.2 zone of saturation饱和带
The zone of saturation is the area of soil and rock whose pore spaces are completely filled with water, and which is entirely devoid of soil air. This zone is technically termed ground water even though the term broadly includes water in the zone of aeration. The upper limit of the zone of saturation is the water table or phreatic surface. It is difficult to know how deep the ground-water zone extends. Although most ground water is found in the upper 3km of the crust, pore spaces capable of water retention extend to a depth of 16 km. this appears to be the upper limit of the zone of rock flowage where pressures are so great that they close any interstitial spaces.






The upper level of the saturated zone can be completely plotted by digging wells at various places. Studies suggest two quite interesting points (Fig.4.2).

1) The water table level is highest under the highest parts of the surface, and lowest under the lowest parts of the surface. Hills and mountains have a higher level phreatic surface than valleys and lakes. The reason for this is that water continually percolating through the zone of aeration lifts the water table, while seepage from the ground-water zone into creeks and lakes lowers the level.



2) The depth of the water table below the land surface is greatest in upland areas where the water moves quite freely downhill under gravity. Close to streams, lakes。
