绿洲明珠 学业乐境 从一所学校感受沙漠之都——专访伍伦贡大学迪

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记者_张影 编辑_刘薇禛平 设计_张禹
—专访伍伦贡大学迪拜分校校长Mohamed-Vall Mohamed Salem Zein
绿洲明珠 学业乐境



我们在那里生活会不会非常不习惯?在《留学》记者同样好奇的提问中,伍伦贡大学迪拜分校校长Mohamed-Vall Mohamed Salem Zein教授,用一座学校作为切入点,带所有人走近那个被想象禁锢在空中楼阁中的迪拜。

在2015年前,伍伦贡大学(University of Wollongong,UOW)的中文名还叫“卧龙岗”,因为这名字,它成为了经常出现在“国人不了解的优秀大学”和“奇怪中文名字的大学”名单上的一座“高岗”。



1993年,“Wollongong”把海风带入了沙漠,在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜设立分校,起初名为澳大利亚研究学院(IAS),2004年,大学移至Knowledge Village,并正式整合为伍伦贡大学迪拜分校(University of Wollongong in Dubai,UOWD)。






”Salem 校长表示,他不仅致力于研究信息科技的软件工程、性能分析及可扩展性这些技术性方面,对创新和资讯科技的伦理观等这些更为主观化和人性化的理念同样颇有心得。












所有在 UOWD 学习的学生,无需远赴澳洲,便可以选择获得与澳大利亚伍伦贡本校一致的学位证书,如果想要换个环境深造,还能参加交换生计划前往澳大利亚学习一部分课程。


”Salem 校长解释道,“UOWD的学位来自澳大利亚,是澳大利亚高等教育质量与标准署(TEQSA)认证学位,在本地层面则是由阿联酋高等教育部(MOHE)、阿联酋学术认证委员会(CAA)和迪拜知识与人类发展局(KHDA)认证的。

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在S a lem校长看来,国际化是体现在UOWD方方面面的。




曾在多个国家进修并工作过的Salem 校长认为,在当今竞争激烈的市场中,从人群中脱颖而出正变得越来越重要。




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除了目前可选择的专业外,S a le m校长还特别提到,2020年UOWD将推出新的专业课程,“中国学生对我们的奢侈品管理硕士学位也很有兴趣,这是我们与著名的意大利商学院米兰理工大学商学院合作创立的硕士学位。









Dubai is a familiar and mysterious place among many people’s impres-sion. Becoming more familiar with the city, I’ve heard too many stories and legends about Dubai. The desert oasis is full of sparkling gold. The world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa, stands here. The Burj Al Arab is shining in the sun, waiting for tourists all over the world to explore more novelty and lux-ury.
Dubai has become more familiar for many of us, but still remain mys-terious. The familiarity comes from hearsay and facts -- the floor of Dubai is paved with gold bricks; the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa, stands here; the most luxury hotel is shining in the sun; it is a wonderland for tour-ists.
Naturally, Dubai is surrounded by desert and sea. While it is actu-ally the stories of Dubai attract peo-ple’s attention as the going said that
The heaven of academia, the pearl in oasis Learn this desert city from a University Reporter_ZhangYing Editor_LiuWeizhenping Design_ ZhangYu
Figure 44人物
the distance generates strangeness. If someone decides to study in Dubai, his courage certainly will ignite oth-ers curiosity – Is t serious to choose Dub a i a s t he desti n ation to study abroad? Why Dubai? What to study in Dubai? Taking consideration of the same curious questions, the journalist of Studying Abroad Magazine cordially interviewed Professor Mohamed Vall Mohamed Salem Zein, the President of the University of Wollongong in Dubai, and listened to his story in Dubai by spotting from a university in Dubai, which is like a castle in the wonderland of imagination.
UOWD: a sea breeze from Australia
Before 2015, the Chinese name of the University of Wollongong (UOW) was also called “Wollongong”. Be-cause of this name, it became a fre-quent occurrence in “excellent uni-versities with unknown to Chinese” and “universities with a weird Chi-nese name”. Due to the localization of translation, many people misunder-stood it as a Chinese university but ac-tually it is a university from Australia which situated only one hour away from Sydney. “Wollongong” was originally related to the sea, meaning five islands on the coastline.
In 1993, “Wollongong” brought the sea breeze into the desert and a bra nch ca mpus was esta blished in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It was originally called the Institute of Aus-tralian Studies (IAS). The University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD) is the first foreign university in the UAE and the first Australian university in the Persian Gulf. Since then, the ocean and the land have held hands. With the solid foundation of higher education resources and the unique geographical advantages of Dubai, a skyscraper me-tropolis, the University of Wollongong Dubai has gradually become one of the most prestigious universities in Dubai.
Prior to be appointed as the Pres-ident of the UOWD in 2015, Profes-sor Salem joined this fast-growing, emerging college early. He has worked in software engineering for many years in Mauritania and Canada. After re-ceiving his doctorate, President Salem came to Dubai in 2004.
“My interests and expertise lie in both technical and non-technical as-pects of computers, and academia has always been of great interest to me.” President Salem said that he is not only devoted to the research of software en-gineering, performance analysis and scalability of information technology, but also has experience in innovation, in for mation tech nology ethics a nd other more dominant and humanized concepts. In his mind, academic teach-ing and industry development do not conflict with each other, and he has his own pursuit of both.
T he Un iversit y of Wol longong Dubai is just such a place that can satisfy his two pursuits. “ The Uni-versity of Wollongong Dubai (UOWD), located at the heart of the vibrant city of Dubai where all major international key players in the industry are located, presented to me a unique opportuni-ty to pursue both my interests. I never looked back.”
In 2008, Salem served as the Dean of the School of Information Technol-ogy and was appointed Dean of the School of Engineering and Information Science at the end of 2009. Until 2015, he became the President of this school. He has witnessed most of the devel-opment of UOWD. Exerting his efforts, P resident S a lem h a s ac compa n ie d UOWD’s “infant” and “adolescent” periods. “We have grown immense-ly over the past 26 years – beginning with eight students in 1993 to cur-rently more than 3,500 students. We look forward to moving into our new campus later this year where we will have room for more.”Salem is also very pleased about the achievements of the university over the years.
As the President Salem said, at UOWD, you can not only learn tech-nical subj ects such as in for mation technology, computer science, en-gineering, but also understand the non-technical aspects of these indus-tries. UOWD offers not only science and engineering programs, but also business finance, media communica-tion and other popular disciplines for international students.
Due to its native Australian ances-try, the university naturally has unique advantages in subject resources and
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academic qualifications. All students studying at UOWD do not need to travel to Australia and gain the same degree certificate as Wollongong, Australia. If they want to study in another environ-ment, they can also take the exchange program to learn a part of courses in Australia.
“UOWD follows the Australian education system. However, we are tri-ple accredited. This means that our de-grees are accredited locally, regionally and internationally. “The President of Salem explained, “UOWD degrees come from Australia and are TEQSA Australia Quality-Assured degrees. On a local level, within the UAE, UOWD is accredited and attested by the high-est bodies within the country – the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) UAE, Commission for Academic Ac-creditation (CAA) UAE and Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Dubai. “
Behind the triple accreditations are triple regulations. The Dubai campus is accredited by both the Australian and The UAE governments. President Salem is confident of this: “our university is heavily regulated to ensure the highest quality of degrees possible.”
Why study in Dubai
Studying at UOWD means learning and living in Dubai. The city is lit-tle-known to Chinese people but fa-mous world widely. What kind of charm lets Dubai attract foreign students? Will parents and students be satisfied with the answers in terms of learning environment, living habits, personal safety and so on?
President Salem’s answer is YES. “Dubai is a great city for students and graduates. With the advent of the in-ternet and businesses going global, we live in a global village, and Dubai is a perfect example of this universal model. Citizens of more than a hundred nationalities have turned the city into a melting pot of culture and traditions.” he said. “ If you study in Dubai you ca n lea r n a bout multiculturalism, which is so valued in the professional world across multiple industry sectors.
At the same time, more than 80% of the foreign population contributes Dub ai’s high ly i nclusive
which en a bles most of the foreign people to find their own lifestyle and cultural experience. Dubai, located in the center of the Middle East, is one of the most important transportation core cities in the world, just like a pearl inlaid in the Eurasian continent. Here, the busy airports welcome flights from and to all over the world, and endless vehicles transport people from all over the world. The mature system and per-fect geographic location make interna-tional students convenient to take set out? from here to explore the world.
“It is much easier to obtain a study visa for the UAE compared to America, the UK and Canada, making the study abroad process seamless.” When it comes to visa issues that many stu-dents worry about, President Salem is quite optimistic about the employment prospects of graduates in Dubai. “ Dubai is also one of the top five grow-ing economies in the world and events such as Dubai Expo 2020 are creating more jobs in industry sectors such as hospitality, tourism, healthcare, man-ufacturing, transport and logistics. The city is also home to multinational organizations which pose great op-portunities for young graduates. The UAE’s regulatory authority has also opened up opportunities for graduates, as exceptional students are now able to get a visa for up to ten years, should they wish to remain in the country.”
President Salem, who has three young children studying in Dubai, ful-ly understands the importance of safe-ty for international students and their parents. “According to Crime Index 2019 by Numbo, The UAE is ranked as one of the top 3 safest country in the world and is also stable on politics. At the same time, Dubai is also quite welcoming to international students, so parents and students can rest as-sured that international students will be well taken care of here. “
Infiltration of international learning envi-ronment shapes the leadership advantage Even with the fashion of globaliza-tion and internationalization, “seeing is believing” will never be out out-dated. Experience in person is signif-icant for one to give respect, to accept cultural difference, to seek common
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ground in the collision of distinct kinds of cultural thinking. When students step out of school and enter the society in the future, it will be their foundation to fully understand different civiliza-tions and values in the world.
UOWD not only brings together international students from all over the world, but also forms a group of teach-ers from different cultures and fields. “UOWD takes pride in being a centre of excellence for learning and research. Today, we have a team of qualified academics who are not only leaders in their respective fields but are also helping shape the leaders of tomor-row. “ President Salem told Studying Abroad Magazine that UOWD’s 104 professors come from 29 countries, including Australia, UK, US, India, Singapore, Europe and the Gulf Co-operation Council countries. They are divided across three major faculties, including business and finance, engi-neering and computer science, human-ities and social sciences. Speaking of the teaching team, President Salem is very confident about the international-ization and professional capabilities of the team. “As part of our accreditation requirements from the UAE Ministry of Education, all of our lecturers are PhD holders. To address the industry de-mand, currently, we have more than 30 PhD’s involved in research activities across 100 different fields. “
In President Salem’s view, in-ternationalization is reflected in all aspects of UOWD. For UOWD stu-dents, they can enjoy far more than the educational resources of the city of Dubai. In addition to the branch cam-pus in Dubai, UOW has expanded to regions including Malaysia and Hong Kong SAR” . Students also stand to benefit from the UOW global family of educational institutions in Asia – thereby giving them access to a much wider network of resources and alum-ni. Globally recognized degrees that enhance the employment outcomes of UOWD graduates both in Dubai and internationally.”
Because of learning and working in many countries, President Salem believes that in highly competitive market, it is becoming increasingly crucial to stand out from the crowd. “When students are still in college,
they will not be encouraged to pay at-
tention solely on academics. In order to be considered more valuable by em-ployers, students should participate in internships and volunteer activities willingly, trying to master their ac-ademic knowledge in their work, and develop their interchangeable skills in areas such as technology, communica-tion, leadership and teamwork. “
Accordingly, in order to cultivate students’ literacy in these aspects, UOWD has a rigorous and comprehen-sive system to ensure that students re c eive conti nuous fe e d b ack f rom exams, essays, seminars, case stud-ies, and assignments throughout the year. “These assessments also help our faculty to keep track of student’s progress in addition to offering course corrections where needed.” President Salem told Studying Abroad Magazine that the purpose of various assess-ments in the school is to optimize the curriculum and promote the overall quality of students. “Our Master’s students a lso h ave t he adde d ad-vantage of participating in business pitches a nd industr y engagements which help them to assimilate into the workplace.Chinese students in Dubai
China in the 21st century is still on the road of reforming and open-ing. Nowadays, many students have regarded it as a common experience to study abroad in another country or region. In President Salem’s eyes, compared to studying in which coun-try, Chinese students’ value more on the learning experience, the prospects after graduation, and helpfulness to career development.
“In our university, currently there are 150 Chinese students. It is our fastest growing sector of students. They are enrolled in both undergrad-uate and post graduate courses, the most popular degrees being MBA, Master of Business and Master of Edu-cation.” President Salem told Studying Abroad Magazine that with the further development of bilateral relations be-tween China and The UAE, the number of Chinese students in the school has increased significantly in recent years, and China’s status as a student source country is increasing as well. “We have signed agreements with multi-ple Chinese academic counsellors and regularly visit cities around China to
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meet with potential students. China is our number one growth market and as Dubai’s Chinese population increas-es, so does demand for our degrees from Chinese students. The growing Chinese population in Dubai increases demand for our degrees. No doubt that China is our biggest growth market. “Besides the currently available ma-jors, President Salem also specifically mentioned that UOWD will launch new courses in 2020. “ There has also been an increased interest from Chinese students for our Global Executive Mas-ter in Luxury Management (GEMLux) Master’s degree created in partnership with the prestigious Italian business school, Politecnico di Milano’s Grad-uate School of Business (MIP). Set to launch in August 2020, the degree ca-ters to the growing worldwide luxury market, driven by increased spending from Chinese consumers. “
As a n i nter n ation al Australia n university based in Dubai, under the KHDA, Chinese students in UOWD re-ceive visas on arrival and degrees are automatically verified by the Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) and the Ministry of Education in China. Therefore, Students don’t need to worry about the degree verifi-cation after graduation.
As T he UAE ’s second la rgest trading partner, China, which has pro-posed “the Belt and Road” initiative, also attaches great importance to po-litical and economic relations with The UAE. “More than 4,000 Chinese com-panies operate in The UAE and their headquarters are in Dubai, including technology giants Huawei, Tencent and HORNOR. Chinese students will play an important role in the economic growth of The UAE nation in the future. As the China - UAE bilateral relations strengthen seeing an influx of Chinese businesses grow as well as Chinese visitors to the region. The need for qualified graduates with Dual English/ Mandarin language skills is extremely advantageous in the UAE.”
Speaking about this topic, Pres-ident Salem said that Chinese stu-dents can find suitable internships or jobs in Dubai, which is easier to ach ieve i n UOWD. “We a lso h ave agreements in place to provide grad-uate students and interns with com-panies such as Huawei, which has an office located directly opposite our
current campus.”
Australian Bushfire---The Common homeland make people closer
Experiencing Chinese New Year in Dubai
Learning About Dubai by a School--- University of Wollongong in Dubai
Sneak Peek
From 2019 to 2020, Australian Bushfire have been continued for several mouths. This catastrophe caused many creatures lost their habitat, smaze fill the earth, people’s life also under the influence. In addition, Chinese students who study in Australia also felt the power of fire in past months. Australia is such a country with magnifi-cent natural scenery. Good natural environ-ment bring fresh air and diversified animals to this country, however, because of large vegetation coverage, bushfire is not rare in Australia.
In Dubai, there exist kinds of different cultures, Chinese culture is one of the most influential cultures here. At the date of Chinese New Year, you can feel the New Year atmosphere in the street of Dubai.each university in Dubai also hang up Spring Festival’s garniture. Even foreigners would say“Happy New Year” in this day when they meet Chinese people. As international students, Chinese students always have dinner together in this special date which is worth celebrating, they prepare food mate-rial and cook by themselves.
Dubai is a legendary city in many people’s impression. When people talk about Dubai, they always mention the petroleum, seven-star hotel and such priceless things. However, Dubai is also an ideal city for studying abroad. Mo-hamed-Vall Mohamed Salem Zein, as president of university of Wollongong in Dubai, had been in this mysterious place for around sixteen years. In 2004, Salem came to Dubai and started his new life, and in 2015, he became the president of the school.

换发新闻记者证名单:云阳 李钰延期声明:

