
网易新闻微博邮箱闪电邮相册有道手机邮印像派梦幻人生更多博客博客首页博客话题热点专题博客油菜地找朋友博客圈子博客风格手机博客短信写博邮件写博博客复制摄影摄影展区每日专题窗体顶端年12月17日STC89C51单片机,L297和L298N驱动电路及步进电机的基本原理与功能默认分类2008-12-11 14:43:53 阅读8201 评论6 字号:大中小订阅摘要:本设计首先介绍了STC89C51单片机,L297和L298N驱动电路及步进电机的基本原理与功能;其次,设计步进电机实现起停、转向、速度、位置变化的控制方案;再次,在这些器件功能与特点的基础上,拟出设计思路,构建系统的总体框架;最后利用PROTEL软件绘出电路图,同时写出设计系统的运行流程和相关程序。
关键字:STC89C51单片机;L297; L298N; 步进电机前言步进电机是一种将电脉冲信号转换成相应角位移的控制电机。

下面是本文的主要步骤:1. 原理2. 接线方法3. 控制信号说明4. 优点5. 食用前注意事项1. 原理L298N电机驱动模块是由双桥驱动芯片L298N和其他辅助电路构成的。
2. 接线方法L298N电机驱动模块的接线方法非常简单。
3. 控制信号说明通过在控制端口上连接不同的信号,L298N电机驱动模块可以控制电机的运动。
4. 优点L298N电机驱动模块具有以下优点:(1)承载能力强。
5. 食用前注意事项在使用L298N电机驱动模块时,需要注意以下事项:(1)应使用适当电压的电池或电源。

[关键词]单片机步进电机 L297 L298N中图分类号:TM306 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2008)0710029-01随着工业自动化的发展,步进电机的应用越来越广泛。
步进电机的控制方案也由原来的硬件搭建发展到单个集成芯片的驱动, 本文基于使用L297+L298N联合集成芯片的步进电机驱动器的经典电路设计,具有外围元件简单,工作稳定性好的特点。
传统的控制方法往往采用电阻、电容等这些分立元件与单片机的直接相连接,而这样就有如下的弊端:1. 整个开关系统的可靠性得不到保证,不利长期反复使用。
2. 由分立元件设计的开关触点容易发生氧化,缩短了开关的使用寿命。
3. 过多使用分立元件,浪费大量的单片机I/O资源,降低了CPU的利用率。
4. 大量的使用分立元件,将影响整个系统的读取速度,不利于实时控制。
(三)联合集成芯片控制方案使用L297和L298N 联合集成电路芯片不仅可以避免分立元件控制方案的弊端,又可以大大减化程序,本文就以硬件的构建和软件的编写讨论一下有关联合集成芯片的控制。

1 引言
步进电动机是将电脉冲激励信号转换成相应的角位移或线位移的离散值控制电动机,这种电动机每当输入一个电脉冲就动一步,所以又称脉冲电动机。步进电动机把电脉冲信号变换成角位移以控制转子转动的微特电机。在自动控制装置中作为执行元件。每输入一个脉冲信号,步进电动机前进一步,故又称脉冲电动机。步进电动机多用于数字式计算机的外部设备,以及打印机、绘图机和磁盘等装置。 在数字控制系统中具有精度高,运行可靠。如采用位置检测和速度反馈,亦可实现闭环控制。步进电动机已广泛地应用于数字控制系统中,如数模转换装置、数控机床、计算机外围设备、自动记录仪、钟表等之中,另外在工业自动化生产线、印刷设备等中亦有应用。
图1 典型步进电机控制框图
3 硬件组成
图2 本文提出的步进电机控制驱动器框图

掌握L298N 模块的使用方法,对于熟悉和掌握直流电机的控制具有重要的意义。
1. 简述直流电机在工业和生活中的重要性直流电机,作为一种重要的电能转换和传动设备,在工业和生活中发挥着至关重要的作用。

L297是步进电机控制器,适用于双极性两相步进 电机或单极性四相步进电机的控制,可有半步、整步和 波状三种驱动模式。片内PWM斩波电路允许开关式 控制绕组电流。该器件的一个显著特点是仅需时钟、方 向和模式输入信号。步进电机所需相位由电路内部产 生,大大减轻了CPU的负担。
论文研究了双光束分光光度计的工作原理,及紫外可见光分光光度计的光学特点和紫外可见光的波长范围;介绍了嵌入式单板机、步进电机、光电 倍增管及数据通讯的工作原理;分析了测控系统各部分的要求,并在此基础上选择所需器件。
构建了以基于PC\104总线的嵌入式单板机(SBC84500)和单片机(89C51F020)为硬件控制核心的主从分布式数据采集控制系统,实现了嵌入式单板机与 单片机间的通信、测量过程的自动控制及测量过程中光电信号的采集与处理。为了使测控系统中的几个步进电机可以同时运行,提出了多路定时器中断 方案,同时采用智能速度控制方式,达到系统实时控制的目的。为了保证测量的准确性和稳定性,设计了带自动增益控制的信号放大电路,把得到的电 信号放大成A/D的近满度值,从而充分利用A/D的位数提高运算精度。
Abstract This article introduces how to use L297 and L298 building a stepper motor driver circuit,this design
can make the hardware simple,software easy and the cost low.

电机驱动芯片L298N简介(中文资料) 编辑:D z3w.C o m文章来源:网络我们无意侵犯您的权益,如有侵犯请[联系我们]L298N简介(中文资料)LN298引脚图L298N是S G S公司的产品,内部包含4通道逻辑驱动电路。
是一种二相和四相电机的专用驱动器,即内含二个H桥的高电压大电流双全桥式驱动器,接收标准T T L逻辑电平信号,可驱动46V、2A以下的电机。
L298可驱动2个电机,O U T l、O U T2和O U T3、O U T4之间分别接2个电动机。
5、7、10、12脚接输入控制电平,控制电机的正反转,E N A,E N B接控制使能端,控制电机的停转。
表1L298N的逻辑功能E N A(B)I N l(I N3)I N2(I N4)电机运行情况H H L正转H L H反转H同同IN l(I N3)快速停止图9L298引脚图图10L298内部逻辑图L298A B S O L U T E M A X I M U M R AT I N G S绝对最大额定值:S y m b o l 符号P a r a m e t e r参数Va l u e数值单位V S P o w e r S u p p l y50VH压(引脚6,11)SI e n= L L o w Vo l t a g e E n a b l e C u r r e n t(p i n s6,11)低电平启动电流Ve n=L–1μAI e n= H H i g h Vo l t a g e E n a b l e C u r r e n t(p i n s6,11)高电平启动电流Ve n=H≤V S S–0.6V3010μAV C E s at(H)S o u r c e S a t u r a t i o n Vo l t a g eI L =1A0.951.351.7VI L =2A2 2.7V C E s at(L)S i n k S a t u r a t i o n Vo l t a g eI L =1A (5)0.851.2 1.6VI L =2A (5) 1.7 2.3V C E s at To t a l D r o pI L =1A (5)1.83.2VI L =2A (5) 4.9V s e n s S e n s i n g Vo l t a g e电流监测电压(引脚1,15)–1(1)2V。

图9l298引脚示意图图10l298内部逻辑图L298绝对最大额定值:符号parameter参数价值单位vspowersupply电源五十vvsslogicsupplyvoltage电源电压七维恩inputandenablevoltage输入电压和启用 c0。
3到7v木卫一峰值输出电流(每通道)A.非重复性(t=100ms)三重复(80%onc20%off;ton=10ms)二点五直流运行二vsens感应电压c1to2.3五、ptot总功耗(tcase=75℃)25Wtop结工作温度c25to130tstg,tj存储和结温c40to150℃l298pinfunctions(refertotheblockdiagram)引脚功能(请参阅框图):powersoname功能描述1;152.十九sensea;senseb引脚电流监测终端1和15的使用与powerso 2和19相同。
SEN1和sen2分别是两个h桥的电流反馈引脚,不使用时可直接接地2;34.五out1;out21y1,1Y2输出4六vs电源电压、该引脚和接地必须与100nF电容器连接5;77.九input1;input21A1和1A2输入,TTL电平兼容6;118.十四enablea;enablebTTL电平与输入1EN和2EN使能端子兼容,低电平禁止输出 81,10,11,20gnd接地9十二vss逻辑电源电压。

L298N是双H 桥电机驱动芯片,可以驱动两个直流电机或者一个步进电机,能实现电机的正反转以及调速。
这个芯片那么多引脚,对于各引脚的功能定义,我们可以通过数据手册来了解:从下往上数,按照序号,1脚和15脚是:电机电流(或叫桥驱动电流)检测引脚;2、3脚是A桥输出引脚,可接一个直流电机;4脚是负载驱动供电引脚,这个引脚和地之间必须要接一个100nF的无感电容;5脚和7脚是A桥信号输入,兼容TTL电平;6脚和11脚是使能输入,兼容TTL,低电平禁能,高电平使能;8脚是地,GND;9脚是逻辑供电,该引脚到地必须连接一个100nF的电容;10脚和12脚是B 桥信号输入,同样兼容TTL逻辑电平;13脚和14脚是B桥输出,可接一个直流电机。
在这里需要提一下,是关于1脚和15脚:当需要对电机电流进行检测时,分别在sense A、B两个引脚上串接个小电阻,当A、B两个桥的电流(电机电流)流过两个电阻时转换成电压,这个电压被送到控制L298工作的上位机(或控制电路),上位机就根椐这个电压的高低判断L298是否工作正常。
如sense不用,就直接将sense A、B两脚接地。

Unit 单位
Supply voltage 电源电压
Input signals 输入信号
Total power dissipation 总功率耗散(Tamb = 70℃)
Tstg, Tj Storage and junction temperature 储存和结温
-40 to + 150 ℃
Total Power Dissipation (Tcase=75℃)总功率耗散(Tcase=75℃)ຫໍສະໝຸດ 25WTop
Junction Operating Temperature 结工作温度
–25 to 130 ℃
Storage and Junction Temperature 储存温度
图 9 L298 引脚图
图 10 L298 内部逻辑图 L298 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 绝对最大额定值:
Symbol 符 号
Parameter 参数
单 Value 数值 位
Power Supply 电源
Logic Supply Voltage 电源电压
Sense B
SEN2 分别为两个 H 桥的电流反馈脚,不用时可以直接接地
2;3 4;5
Out 1; Out 2 1Y1、1Y2 输出端
功率电源电压,此引脚与地必须连接 100nF 电容器
5;7 7;9
1; 1A1、1A2 输入端,TTL 电平兼容

L298NL298N 是一种双 H-桥电机驱动芯片,可用于控制直流电机或步进电机。
本文将详细介绍L298N 的工作原理、连接方式以及一些常见问题的解决方法。
工作原理L298N 由两个 H-桥组成,每个 H-桥由四个开关管组成。
连接方式L298N 的引脚功能如下所示:•EN1:使能电机1,用于控制电机1的转速。
以下是连接 L298N 的步骤:1.将VM连接到电机的正极,将地线连接到电机的负极。
常见问题与解决方法1. 电机运转不稳定这可能是由于电源供电不稳定或驱动芯片过热导致的。
2. 电机转向错误这可能是由于输入信号控制错误或引脚连接错误导致的。

APPLICATION NOTEAN470/0392THE L297STEPPER MOTOR CONTROLLERThe L297integratesall the control circuitry required to control bipolar and unipolar stepper ed with a dual bridge driver such as the L298N forms a complete microprocessor-to-bipolar stepper motor interface.Unipolar stepper motor can be driven with an L297plus a quad darlington array.This note de-scribes the operation of the circuit and shows how it is used.The L297Stepper Motor Controller is primarily in-tendedfor use with anL298NorL293Ebridge driver in stepper motor driving applications.It receives control signals from the system’s control-ler,usually a microcomputer chip,and provides all the necessarydrive signals for the power stage.Ad-ditionally,it includestwoPWM choppercircuits tore-gulate the current in the motor windings.With a suitable power actuator the L297drives two phase bipolar permanent magnet motors,four pha-se unipolar permanentmagnet motorsandfour pha-se variable reluctance motors.Moreover,it handles normal,wave drive and half step drive modes.(This is all explained in the section”Stepper Motor Ba-sics”.Two versions of the device are available:the regular L297and a special version called L297A.The L297A incorporates a step pulse doubler and is de-signed specifically for floppy-disk head positioning applications.ADVANTAGESThe L297+driver combination has many advanta-ges:very few components are required(so assem-bly costs are low,reliability high and little space required,software development is simplified and the burden on the micro is reduced.Further,the choice of a two-chip approach gives a high degree of flexibility-the L298Ncan be usedon itsown forDC motors and the L297can be used with any power stage,including discrete power devices(it provides 20mA drive for this purpose.Figure1:In this typical configuration an L297stepper motor controller and L298dual bridge driver com-bine to form a complete microprocessor to bipolar stepper motor interface.1/18Forbipolarmotors withwinding currents up to2Athe L297should be used with theL298N;for winding currents up to1A the L293E is recommended(the L293will also be useful if the chopper isn’t needed. Higher currents are obtained with power transistors or darlingtons and for unipolar motors a darlington array such as the ULN2075B is suggested.The block diagram,figure1,shows a typical system. Applications of theL297can be found almost eve-rywhere...printers(carriage position,daisyposition, paper feed,ribbon feed,typewriters,plotters,nu-merically controlled machines,robots,floppy disk drives,electronic sewing machines,cash registers, photocopiers,telex machines,electronic carbure-tos,telecopiers,photographic equipment,paper tape readers,optical character recognisers,electric valves and so on.The L297is made with SGS’analog/digita lcompa-tible I2L technology(like Zodiacand is assembled in a20-pin plastic DIP.A5V supply is used and all signal lines are TTL/CMOS compatible or open col-lector transistors.High density is one of the key fea-tures of the technology so the L297die is very compact.THE L298N AND L293ESince the L297is normally used with an L298N or L293E bridge driver a brief review of these devices will make the rest of this note easier to follow.The L298N and L293E contain two bridge driver stages,each controlled by two TTL-level logicinputs and a TTL-level enable input.In addition,the emitter connectionsofthe lower transistors are brought out to external terminals to allow the connection of cur-rent sensing resistors(figure2.For the L298N SGS’innovative ion-implanted high voltage/high current technology is used,allowing it to handle effective powers up to160W(46V supply, 2A per bridge.A separate5V logic supply input is provided to reduce dissipation and to allow direct connection to the L297or other control logic.In this note the pins of the L298N are labelled with the pin names of the corresponding L297terminals to avoid unnecessary confusion.The L298N is supplied in a15-lead Multiwatt plastic power package.It’s smaller brother,the functionally identical L293E,is packaged in a Powerdip–a cop-per frame DIP that uses the four center pins to con-duct heat to the circuit board copper.Figure2:The L298N contains two bridge drivers(four push pull stageseach controlled by two logic inputs and an enable input.External emitter connections are provided for current senseresistors.The L293E has external connections for all four emitters.APPLICATION NOTE2/18STEPPER MOTOR BASICSThere are two basic types of stepper motor in com-mon use:permanentmagnet and variable reluctan-ce.Permanent magnet motors are divided into bipolar and unipolar types.BIPOLAR MOTORSSimplified to the bare essentials,a bipolar perma-nent magnet motor consists of a rotating permanent magnetsurroundedby stator poles carrying thewin-dings(figure3.Bidirectional drive current is used and the motor is stepped by switching the windings in sequence.For a motor ofthis type there are threepossibledrive sequences.The first is to energize the windings in the sequence AB/CD/BA/DC(BA means that the winding AB is energize dbut in theopposite sense.This sequence is known as”one phase on”full step or wave drive mode.Only onephaseisenergized atany given mo-ment(figure4a.The second possibility is to energizebothphasesto-gether,sothat the rotor always aligns itself between two pole positions.Called”two-phase-on”full step, this mode is the normal drive sequence for a bipolar motor and gives the highest torque(figure4b. The third option is to energize one phase,then two, then one,etc.,so that the motor moves in half step increments.This sequence,known as half step mode,halves the effective step angle of the motor but gives a less regular torque(figure4c.For rotation in the opposite direction(counter-clock-wisethe same three sequences are used,except of course that the order is reserved.As shown in these diagrams the motor would have a stepangleof90°.Real motors havemultiple poles to reduce the step angle to a few degrees but the numberof windingsand thedrive sequencesare un-changed.A typical bipolar stepper motor is shown in figure5.UNIPOLAR MOTORSA unipolar permanent magnet motor is identical to the bipolar machine described above except that bi-filar windings are used to reverse the stator flux,ra-ther than bidirectional drive(figure6.This motor is driven in exactly the same way as a bi-polar motor except that the bridge drivers are repla-ced by simple unipolar stages-four darlingtons or a quaddarlington array.Clearly,unipolarmotors are more expensivebecause thay have twice as many windings.Moreover,unipolar motors give less torque for a given motor size because the windings are made with thinner wire.In the past unipolar mo-tors were attractive to designers because they sim-plify the driver stage.Now that monolithic push pull drivers like the L298N are available bipolar motors are becoming more popular.All permanent magnet motors suffer from the coun-ter EMF generated by the rotor,which limits the ro-tation speed.When very high slewing speeds are necessary a variable reluctance motor is used.Figure3:Greatly simplified,a bipolar permanentmagnet stepper motor consist of a rota-ring magnet surrounded by stator polesas shown.APPLICATION NOTE3/18APPLICATION NOTEFigure4:The three drive sequences for a two phase bipolar stepper motor.Clockwise rotation is shown. Figure4a:Wave drive(one phase on.Figure4b:Two phase on drive.Figure4c:Half step drive.4/18VARIABLE RELUCTANCE MOTORSA variable reluctance motor has a non-magnetized soft iron rotor with fewer poles than the stator(fig-ure7.Unipolar drive is used and the motor is step-ped by energizing stator pole pairs to align the rotor with the pole pieces of the energized winding. Once again three different phase sequencescan be used.The wave drive sequence isA/C/B/D;two-phase-on is AC/CB/BD/DA and the half step se-quence isA/AC/C/BC/B/BD/D/DA.Note that the step angle for the motor shown aboveis15°,not45°. As before,pratical motors normally employ multiple poles to give a much smaller step angle.This does not,however,affect the principle of operation of the drive sequences.GENERATING THE PHASE SEQUENCES The heart of the L297block diagram,figure8,is a block called the translator which generatessuitable phase sequences for half step,one-phase-on full step and two-phase-on full step operation.This block is controlled by two mode inputs–direction (CW/CCWand HALF/FULL–and a step clock which advances the translator from one step to the next.Four outputs are provided by the translator for sub-sequent processing by the output logic block which implements the inhibit and chopper functions. Internally the translator consists of a3-bit counter plus some combinational logic which generates a basic eight-step gray code sequence as shown in figure9.All three drive sequencescan be generated easily from this master sequence.This state se-quence corresponds directly to half step mode,se-lected by a high level on the HALF/FULL input.Figure6:A unipolar PM motor uses bifilar win-dings to reverse the flux in each phase.Figure7:A variable reluctance motor has a soft iron rotor with fewer poles than the sta-tor.The step angle is15°for this motor.Figure5:A real motor.Multiple poles are norma-lly employed to reduce the step angle toa practical value.The principle of opera-tion and drive sequences remain thesame.APPLICATION NOTE5/18The output waveforms for this sequence are shown in figure10.Note that two other signals,INH1and INH2are ge-nerated in this sequence.The purpose of these si-gnals is explained a little further on.The full step modes are both obtained by skipping alternate states in the eight-step sequence.What happensis that the step clock bypassesthe first sta-ge of the3-bit counter in the translator.The least si-gnificant bit ot this counter is not affected therefore the sequencegenerateddependson the state of the translator when full step mode isselected(the HALF/FULL input brought low.If full step mode is selected when the translator is at any odd-numbered state we get the two-phase-on full step sequence shown in figure11.By contrast,one-phase-on full step mode is obtai-ned by selecting full step mode when the translator is at an even-numbered state(figure12.Figure8:The L297contains translator(phase sequence generator,a dual PWM chopper and output control logic.Figure9:The eight step master sequence of the translator.This corresponds to half step mode.Clockwise rotation is indicated.Figure10:The output waveforms corresponding to the half step sequence.The chopper action in not shown.Figure11:State sequence and output waveforms for the two phase on sequence.INH1and INH2 remain high throughout.Figure12:State Sequence and Output Waveforms for Wave Drive(one phase on.INH1AND INH2In half step and one-phase-on full step modes two other signalsaregenerated:INH1and INH2.These are inhibit signals which are coupled to the L298N’s enable inputs and serve to speed the current decay when a winding is switched off.Since both windings are energized continuously in two-phase-onfull step mode no winding is ever swit-ched off and these signals are not generated.To see what these signals do let’s look at one half of the L298N connected to the first phase of a two-phasebipolar motor(figure13.Remember that the L298N’s A and B inputs determine which transistor in each push pull pair will be on.INH1,on the other hand,turns off all four transistors.Assume that A is high,B low and current flowing through Q1,Q4and the motor winding.If A is now brought low the current would recirculate through D2,Q4and R s,giving a slow decay and increased dissipationin R s.If,on a other hand,Ais brought low and INH1is activated,all four transistors are turned off.The current recirculates in this case from ground to V s via D2and D3,giving a faster decay thus al-lowing fasteroperation of the motor.Also,since the recirculation current does notflow through R s,aless expensive resistor can be used.Exactly the same thing happens with the second winding,the other half of theL298and the signals C,D and INH2.The INH1and INH2signals are generated by OR functions:A+B=INH1C+D=INH2 However,the output logic is more complex because inhibit lines are also used by the chopper,as we will see further on.OTHER SIGNALSTwo other signals are connected to the translator block:the RESET input and the HOME output RESET is an asynchronousreset input which resto-res the translator block to the home position(state 1,ABCD=0101.The HOME output(open collec-torsignals this condition and is intended to the AN-Ded with the output of a mechanical home position sensor.Finally,there is an ENABLE input connected to the output logic.A low level on this input brings INH1, INH2,A,B,C and D low.This input is useful to di-sablethe motor driver when the system is initialized. LOAD CURRENT REGULATIONSome form of load current control is essential to ob-tain good speed and torque characteristics.There are several ways in which this can be done–swit-ching the supply between two voltages,pulse rate modulation chopping or pulse width modulation chopping.Figure13:When a winding is switched off the inhibit input is activated to speed current decay.If this were not done the current would recirculate through D2and Q4in this example.Dissipationin R s is also reduced.The L297provides load current control in the form of two PWM choppers,one for each phase of a bi-polarmotoror one for each pair of windings for a uni-polar motor.(In a unipolar motor the A and B windings are never energized together so thay can share a chopper;the same applies to C and D. Each chopper consists of a comparator,a flip flop and an external sensing resistor.Acommon on chip oscillator supplies pulsesat the chopperrate to both choppers.In each chopper(figure14the flip flop is set by each pulse from theoscillator,enabling the output and al-lowing the load current to increase.As it increases the voltage across the sensing resistor increases, and when this voltage reaches V ref the flip flop is re-set,disabling the output until the next oscillator pul-se arrives.The output of this circuit(the flip flop’s Q outputis therefore a constant rate PWM signal. Note that V ref determines the peak load current.Figure14:Each chopper circuit consists of acomparator,flip flop and external senseresistor.A common oscillator clocksboth circuits.PHASE CHOPPING AND INHIBIT CHOPPINGThe chopper can act on either the phase lines (ABCDor on the inhibit lines INH1and INH2.An in-put named CONTROL decides which.Inhibit chop-ping is used for unipolar motors but you can choose betweenphasechopping andinhibit choppingfor bi-polar motors.The reasons for this choice are best explained with another example.First let’s exami ne the situation when the phase li-nes are chopped.As before,we are driving a two phase bipolar motor and A is high,Blow(figure15.Current therefore flows through Q1,winding,Q4and R s.When the voltage across R s reaches V ref the chopper brings B high to switch off the winding.The energy stored in the winding is dissipated by currentrecirculating throughQ1and D3.Current de-caythroughthis path is rather slow becausethe volt-age on the winding is low(V CEsat Q1+V D3(figure 16.Why is B pulled high,why push A low?The reason is to avoid the current decaying through R s.Since the current recirculates in the upper half of the brid-ge,current only flows in the sensing resistor when the winding is driven.Less power is therefore dissi-pated in R S and we can get away with a cheaper re-sistor.This explain why phase chopping is not suitable for unipolar motors:when the A winding is driven the chopperacts onthe Bwinding.Clearly,thisis no use at all for a variable reluctance motor and would be slow and inefficient for a bifilar wound permanent magnet motor.The alternative is to tie the CONTROL input to ground so that the chopper acts on INH1and INH2. Looking at the same example,A is high and B low. Q1and Q4are therefore conducting and current flows through Q1,the winding,Q4and R S,(fig-ure17.Figure15:Phase Chopping.In this example the current X is interrupted by activating B,giving the recir-culation path Y.The alternative,de-activating A,would give the recirculation path Z,increasingdissipation in R S.Figure16:Phase Chopping Waveforms.The example shows AB winding energized with A positive with respect to B.Control is high.Figure17:Inhibit Chopping.The drive current(Q1,winding,Q4in this case is interrupted by activating INH1.The decay path through D2and D3is faster than the path Y of Figure15.In this case when the voltage accross R S reaches V REF the chopperflip flopis reset andINH1activated (brought low.INH1,remember,turns off all four transistors therefore the current recirculates from ground,through D2,the winding and D3to V S.Di-scharged across the supply,which can be up to46V, the current decays very rapidly(figure18.The usefulnessof this second faster decay option is fairly obvious;it allows fast operation with bipolar motors and it is the only choice for unipolar motors. But why do we offer the slower alternative,phase chopping?The answer is that we might be obliged to use a low chopper rate with a motor that does not store much energy in the windings.If the decay is very fast the average motor current may be too low to give an useful torque.Low chopper rates may,for example, be imposed if there is a larger motor in the same sy-stem.To avoid switching noise on the ground plane all drivers should be synchronized and the chopperrate is therefore determined by the largest motor in the system.Multiple L297s are synchronized easily using the SYNC pin.This pin is the squarewave output of the on-chip oscillator and the clock input for the chop-pers.The first L297is fitted with the oscillator com-ponentsand outputs a sqarewavesignal on this pin (figure19.SubsequentL297sdo not needthe oscil-lator components and use SYNC as a clock input. An external clock may also be injected at this termi-nal if an L297must be synchronized to other system components.THE L297AThe L297Ais a special version of the L297develo-ped originally for head positioning in floppy disk dri-ves.It can,however,be used in other applications. Compared to the standard L297the difference are the addition of a pulse doubler on the step clockin-put and the availability of the output of the direction flip flop(blockdiagram,figure20.Toadd these fun-ctions while keeping the low-cost20-pin package the CONTROL and SYNC pins are not available on this version(they are note needed anyway.The chopper acts on the ABCD phase lines.The pulse doublergeneratesa ghostpulse internal-ly for each input clockpulse.Consequentlythe tran-slator moves two steps for each input pulse.An external RC network sets the delay time between the input pulse and ghost pulse and should be cho-sen so that the ghost pulses fall roughly halfway between input pulses,allowing time for the motor to step.This feature is used to improve positioning accura-cy.Sincethe angular position error of a stepper mo-toris noncumulative(it cancelsout to zero every four stepsin a four step sequence motoraccuracy is im-proved by stepping two of four steps at a time.Figure18:Inhibit Chopper Waveforms.WindingAB is energized and CONTROL is low.Figure19:The Chopper oscillator of multipleL297s are synchronized by connectingthe SYNC Inputs together.Figure20:The L297A,includes a clock pulse doubler and provides an output from the direction flip flop (DIR–MEM.APPLICATION HINTSBipolar motors can be driven with an L297,an L298Nor L293Ebridge driver and very few external components(figure21.Together these two chips form a complete microprocessor-to-stepper motor interface.With an L298N this configuration drives motors with winding currents up to2A;for motors up to1A per winding and L293E is used.If the PWM choppers a re not required an L293could also be used(it doesn’t have the external emitter connec-tions for sensing resistorsbut the L297is underu-tilized.If very high powers are required the bridge driver is replaced by an equivalent circuit made with discrete transi stors.For currents to 3.5A two L298N’s with paralleled outputsmay be used.For unipolar motors the best choice is a quad dar-lington array.The L702B can be used if the chop-pers are not required but an ULN2075Bis preferred.This quad darlington has external emitter connec-tions which are connected to sensing resistors(fig-ure22.Since the chopper acts on the inhibit lines, four AND gates must be added in this application. Also shown in the schematic are the protection dio-des.In all applications where the choppers are not used it is important to remember that the sense inputs must be grounded and V REF connected either to V S or any potential between V S and ground.The chopper oscillator frequency is determined by the RC network on pin16.The frequency is rou ghly 1/0.7RC and R must be more than10KΩ.When the L297A’s pulse doubler is used,the delay time is determined by the network R d C d and is approxima-tely0.75R d C d.R d should be in the range3kΩto 100kΩ(figure23.Figure21:This typical application shows an L297and L298N driving a Bipolar Stepper Motor with pha-se currents up to2A.R S1R S2=0.5ΩD1to D8=2Fast Diodes VF≤1.2@I=2Atrr≤200nsFigure22:For Unipolar Motors a Quad Darlington Array is coupled to theL297.Inhibit chopping is used so the four AND gates must be added.Figure23:The Clock pulse doubler inserts a ghost pulseτo seconds after the Input clock pulse.R d C d is closen to give a delay of approximately half the Input clock period. 电子发烧友 电子技术论坛APPLICATION NOTE PIN FUNCTIONS - L297 N° 1 NAME SYNC FUNCTION Output of the on-chip chopper oscillator. The SYNC connections The SYNC connectionsof all L297s to be synchronized are connected together and the oscillator components are omitted on all but one. If an external clock source is used it is injected at this terminal. Ground connection. Open collector output that indicates when the L297 is in its initial state (ABCD = 0101. The transistor is open when this signal is active. Motor phase A drive signal for power stage. Active low inhibit control for driver stage of A and B phases. When a bipolar bridge is used this signal can be used to ensure fast decay of load current when a winding is de-energized. Also used by chopper to regulate load current if CONTROL input is low. Motor phase B drive signal for power stage. Motor phase C drive signal for power stage. Active low inhibit control for drive stages of C and D phases. Same functions as INH1. Motor phase D drive signal for power stage. Chip enable input. When low (inactive INH1, INH2, A, B, C and D are brought low. Control input that defines action of chopper. When low chopper acts on INH1 and INH2; when high chopper acts on phase lines ABCD. 5V supply input. Input for load current sense voltage from power stages of phases C and D. Input for load current sense voltage from power stages of phases A and B. Reference voltage for chopper circuit. A voltage applied to this pin determines the peak load current. An RC network (R to VCC, C to ground connected to this terminal determines the chopper rate. This terminal is connected to ground on all but one device in synchronized multi - L297 configurations. f ≅ 1/0.69 RC Clockwise/counterclockwise direction control input. Physical direction of motor rotation also depends on connection of windings. Synchronized internally therefore direction can be changed at any time. Step clock. An active low pulse on this input advances the motor one increment. The step occurs on the rising edge of this signal. Half/full step select input. When high selects half step operation, when low selects full step operation. One-phase-on full step mode is obtained by selecting FULL when the L297’s translator is at an even-numbered state. Two-phase-on full step mode is set by selecting FULL when the translator is at an odd numbered position. (The home position is designate state 1. Reset input. An active low pulse on this input restores the translator to the home position (state 1, ABCD = 0101. An RC network connected to this pin determines the delay between aninput clock pulse and the corresponding ghost pulse. Direction Memory. Inverted output of the direction flip flop. Open collector output. 2 3 GND HOME 4 5 A INH1 6 7 8 9 10 11 B C INH2 D ENABLE CONTROL 12 13 14 15 16 Vs SENS2 SENS1 Vref OSC 17 CW/CCW 18 19 CLOCK HALF/FULL 20 RESET PIN FUNCTIONS - L297A (Pin function of the L297A are identical to those of the,L297 except for pins 1 and 11 1 11 DOUBLER DIR-MEM 16/18 电子发烧友 电子技术论坛APPLICATION NOTE Figure 24 : Pin connections. 17/18 电子发烧友 电子技术论坛APPLICATION NOTE Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. © 1995 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thaliand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 18/18。

该系统以微机作为上位机,AT89C 51单片机作为下位机。
关键词:计算机串行口MSComm 51单片机步进电机IAbstractAbstractThis paper, we introduces a stepper motor system which controlled by SCM. In the Electrical era today, Motor has been playing a very important role in the modernization of production and life. Stepper motor is a common used implementing agency in motor control. The principle is by switching the coil current and the order in its each phase to make a step-by-step rotary motor.The outstanding advantages of step motor are that it can realize speed regulation, quick startup and stop, positive-reverse control, brake and so on by changing the frequency of pulse. In addition, the open-loop system that consisted of the step motor is simple, cheap and reliability. Therefore its application is very extensive in many fields.Though system testing, it can be very convenient to control the stepper motor, such as acceleration , deceleration,exigency stop so as to achieve the desired objectives. The whole system is simple in structure with characteristics of high reliability, low cost and practicality which has a higher universal characteristic and the promotional and applied value.Keywords: computer MSComm Single-chip microprocessor Stepper motoII目录目录摘要 ····································································································错误!未定义书签。
L298 中文资料 说明

L297-L298中文资料介绍L298简介:L298N 为SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics 所出产的双全桥步进电机专用驱动芯片( Dual Full-Bridge Driver ) ,内部包含4信道逻辑驱动电路,是一种二相和四相步进电机的专用驱动器,可同时驱动2个二相或1个四相步进电机,内含二个H-Bridge 的高电压、大电流双全桥式驱动器,接收标准TTL逻辑准位信号,可驱动46V、2A以下的步进电机,且可以直接透过电源来调节输出电压;此芯片可直接由单片机的IO端口来提供模拟时序信号,但在本驱动电路中用L297 来提供时序信号,节省了单片机IO 端口的使用。
L298N 之接脚如图9 所示,Pin1 和Pin15 可与电流侦测用电阻连接来控制负载的电路;OUTl、OUT2 和OUT3、OUT4 之间分别接2 个步进电机;input1~input4 输入控制电位来控制电机的正反转;Enable 则控制电机停转。
图9 L298引脚图图10 L298 内部逻辑图L298 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 绝对最大额定值:Symbol符号Parameter 参数Value数值单位VS Power Supply 电源50 VVSSLogic Supply Voltage 电源电压7 VVI,VenInput and Enable Voltage输入电压和启用–0.3 to 7 VIO 峰值输出电流(每通道)A 非重复性(t= 100ms) 3重复(80% on –20% off; ton= 10ms)2.5L298 PIN FUNCTIONS (refer to the block diagram) 引脚功能(请参阅框图):L298 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VS=42V;VSS=5V,Tj=25℃; unless otherwise specified)电气特性:图11 L298 外形图L297/L298组合应用实例:297加驱动器组成的步进电机控制电路具有以下优点:使用元件少,组件的损耗低,可靠性高体积小,软件开发简单,并且计算机(或单片机)硬件费用大大减少。


电机驱动芯片L298N简介(中文资料) 编辑:D z3w.C o m文章来源:网络我们无意侵犯您的权益,如有侵犯请[联系我们]L298N简介(中文资料)LN298引脚图L298N是S G S公司的产品,内部包含4通道逻辑驱动电路。
是一种二相和四相电机的专用驱动器,即内含二个H桥的高电压大电流双全桥式驱动器,接收标准T T L逻辑电平信号,可驱动46V、2A以下的电机。
L298可驱动2个电机,O U T l、O U T2和O U T3、O U T4之间分别接2个电动机。
5、7、10、12脚接输入控制电平,控制电机的正反转,E N A,E N B接控制使能端,控制电机的停转。
表1L298N的逻辑功能E N A(B)I N l(I N3)I N2(I N4)电机运行情况H H L正转H L H反转H同同IN l(I N3)快速停止图9L298引脚图图10L298内部逻辑图L298A B S O L U T E M A X I M U M R AT I N G S绝对最大额定值:S y m b o l 符号P a r a m e t e r参数Va l u e数值单位V S P o w e r S u p p l y50VH压(引脚6,11)SI e n= L L o w Vo l t a g e E n a b l e C u r r e n t(p i n s6,11)低电平启动电流Ve n=L–1μAI e n= H H i g h Vo l t a g e E n a b l e C u r r e n t(p i n s6,11)高电平启动电流Ve n=H≤V S S–0.6V3010μAV C E s at(H)S o u r c e S a t u r a t i o n Vo l t a g eI L =1A0.951.351.7VI L =2A2 2.7V C E s at(L)S i n k S a t u r a t i o n Vo l t a g eI L =1A (5)0.851.2 1.6VI L =2A (5) 1.7 2.3V C E s at To t a l D r o pI L =1A (5)1.83.2VI L =2A (5) 4.9V s e n s S e n s i n g Vo l t a g e电流监测电压(引脚1,15)–1(1)2V。

随 着工 业自 动化 的发 展, 步进 电机 的 应用 越来 越广 泛。 步进 电机 的控 制方案也由原来的硬件搭建发展到单个集成芯片的驱动,本文基于使用 L2 97+L298 N联合集成芯片的步迸电机驱动器的经典电路设计,具有外围元 件简单 ,工作稳定 性好的特 点。
一、 步进 电机 的控 制方 案 ( 一) 分立控制方案 所 谓分 立控 制就 是用 电阻 、电 容、 电 感等 一些 元器 件的 组合 实现 一定 的 控制 功能 。传 统 的控 制方 法往 往采 用 电阻 、电 容等 这 些分 立元 件与 单片 机的 直接相连 接,而这 样就有如 下的弊端 : 1. 整个开 关系统 的可靠 性得不 到保证 ,不利 长期反 复使用 。 2.由分立元件设计的开关触点容易发生氧化,缩短了开关的使用寿 命。 3.过多使用分立元件,浪费大量的单片机I /O资源,降低了cPu的利 用率。 4.大量的使用分立元件,将影响整个系统的读取速度,不利于实时 控制。 ( 二) 单个集成芯片控制方案 随 着社 会制 作工 艺的 发展 ,驱 动电 路 部分 已经 做了 很大 的改 进, 开始 由 集成 芯片 替代 分 立元 件的 控制 方案 , 较分 立元 件控 制 方案 而言 单个 集成 芯片 的可 靠性 、读 取速 度、 cPu的 利用 率都 有了很 大的 提高 ,但 是, 对于 程 序的 而言 并没 有太 大方 便性 可言 。就 拿单 个L298N芯片 对电 机驱 动为 例, 需 花 费大 量的 语句 在 A、B、c、 D四 个口 上 ,反 而加 大了 的 工作 量, 提高 了控 制难度,不利于推广。 ( 三) 联合集成芯片控制方案 使用L297 和L298 N联合集成电路芯片不仅可以避免分立元件控制方案 的 弊端 ,又 可以 大 大减 化程 序, 本文 就 以硬 件的 构建 和 软件 的编 写讨 论一 下有关联合集成 芯片的控制。 =、步迸电机的控翻电路 ( 一) L297 与L298 N联合控制电路 L2 98是双H桥式驱动器。L29 8内含的功率输出器件设计制作在一块石 英 基片 上, 由于 制 作工 艺的 同一 性, 因 而具 有分 立元 件 组合 电路 不可 比拟 的性能参 数一致性。工作 稳定。 L2 98 N驱动两相双极步进电机4 2BYG2 28 的驱动电路( 如图1 ) ,每相流 过的电流为2A。它采用了L2 97来产生步进脉冲,当然,这也可以通过单 片机的I /o口软件编程实现。


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CONTROL 为高电平时,对A,B,C,D有抑制作用;为低电平时,则对抑制线INH1和INH2有抑制作用,从而可对电动机和转矩进行控制。
图1 L297引脚图图2 L297内部方框电路图图3 L297变换器换出的八步雷格码(顺时针旋转)图4斩波器线路图5 多个L297同步工作连接图L297 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS绝对最大额定值:Symbol 符号Parameter 参数Value 数值Unit单位Vs Supply voltage电源电压10V Vi Input signals 输入信号7VPtot Total power dissipation 总功率耗散(Tamb = 70℃)1WTstg, Tj Storage and junction temperature 储存和结温-40 to +150℃L297 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the block diagram Tamb = 25℃, Vs = 5V unless otherwisespecified) L297 电气特性:Symbol符号Parameter 参数Test conditions测试条件最小典型最大单位VsSupply voltage (pin12) 电源电压4.757VIs Quiescent supplycurrent静态电源电流(引脚12)Outputs floating58mAVi Input voltage输入电压(引脚11,17,18,19,20)Low.6VHigh2V VIi Input current输入电流(引脚11,17,18,19,20)Vi = L1μAVi = H1μAVen Enable input voltage使能输入电压(引脚10)Low1.3VHigh2VsVIen Enable input current使能输入电流(引脚10)Ven = L1μAVen = H1μAVo Phase output voltage相输出电压(引脚4,6,7,9)Io = 10mA VOL.4VIo =5mA VOH 3.9VVin h Inhibit outputvoltage (pins 5, 8)抑制输出电压(引脚5,8)Io = 10mA Vinh L.4VIo =5mA Vinh H 3.9VVSY NC Sync Output Voltage同步输出电压Io = 5mA VSYNC H 3.3VIo = 5mA VSYNC V.8Ile ak Leakagecurrent(pin3)泄漏电流(引脚3)VCE = 7 V1μAVsa t Saturation voltage饱和电压(引脚3)I = 5 mA.4VVof f Comparators offsetvoltage比较器的偏移电压(引脚13,14,15)Vref = 1 V5mVIoComparator biascurrent 比较器偏置-1001mA电流(引脚13,14,15)Vre f Input referencevoltage输入参考电压(引脚15)03VtCLK Clock time 时钟时间0.5μstS Set up time 建立时间1μstH Hold time保持时间4μstR Reset time复位时间1μstRC LKReset to clock delay重置时钟延迟1μs L297各引脚功能说明1脚(SYNG)——斩波器输出端。
15脚(Vref )——斩波器基准电压输入端。
一个RC网络接至此引角以决定斩波器频率,在多个L297同步工作时其中一个接到RC网络,其余的此引角接地,各个器件的脚 I (SYNC)应连接到一起这样可杂波的引入问题如图5所示。
此引脚输入负脉冲时,变换器恢复初始状态 (ABCD=0101)。
图6 四相八拍模式波形图通过交替跳过在八步顺序中的状态就可以得到全步工作方式,此时需在脚19接一低电平,前已述及根据变换器的状态可得到四拍或双四拍2种工作模式,如图7,8所示。
图7 单四拍模式波形图图8 双四拍模式波形图L298简介:L298N 为SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics 所出产的双全桥步进电机专用驱动芯片( Dual Full-Bridge Driver ) ,内部包含4信道逻辑驱动电路,是一种二相和四相步进电机的专用驱动器,可同时驱动2个二相或1个四相步进电机,内含二个H-Bridge 的高电压、大电流双全桥式驱动器,接收标准TTL逻辑准位信号,可驱动46V、2A以下的步进电机,且可以直接透过电源来调节输出电压;此芯片可直接由单片机的IO端口来提供模拟时序信号,但在本驱动电路中用L297来提供时序信号,节省了单片机IO 端口的使用。
L298N 之接脚如图9 所示,Pin1 和Pin15 可与电流侦测用电阻连接来控制负载的电路; OUTl、OUT2 和OUT3、OUT4 之间分别接2 个步进电机;input1~input4 输入控制电位来控制电机的正反转;Enable 则控制电机停转。
图9 L298引脚图图10 L298 内部逻辑图L298 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 绝对最大额定值:Symbol符号Parameter 参数Value数值单位VS Power Supply 电源50VVSS Logic Supply Voltage电源电压7VVI,Ven Input and EnableVoltage 输入电压和启用–0.3 to 7VIO 峰值输出电流(每通道)A 非重复性(t= 100ms)3重复(80% on –20% off; ton = 10ms)2.5直流运行2Vsens Sensing Voltage 感应电压–1 to 2.3VPtot Total PowerDissipation(Tcase=75℃)总功率耗散(Tcase=75 ℃)25WTop Junction OperatingTemperature 结工作温度–25 to 130℃Tstg,TjStorage and JunctionTemperature 储存温度–40 to 150℃L298 PIN FUNCTIONS (refer to the block diagram)引脚功能(请参阅框图):引脚PowerSO Name Function 功能说明1;152;19Sense A; SenseB 电流监测端,1、15和PowerSO的2、19用法一样,SEN1、SEN2分别为两个H桥的电流反馈脚,不用时可以直接接地2;34;5Out 1; Out 21Y1、1Y2输出端46VS功率电源电压,此引脚与地必须连接100nF电容器5;77;9Input 1; Input21A1、1A2输入端,TTL电平兼容6;118;14Enable A;Enable B TTL电平兼容输入 1EN、2EN使能端,低电平禁止输出81,10,11,20GND GND地912VSS逻辑电源电压。