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1. 资产 Asset
2. 负债 Liability
3. 所有者权益 Owner's Equity
4. 收入 Revenue
5. 费用 Expense
6. 利润 Profit
7. 资本资本公积 Capital Surplus
8. 实收资本 Paid-in Capital
9. 盈余公积 Surplus Reserve
10. 本年利润 Profit for the Year
11. 利润分配 Profit Distribution
12. 应付账款 Accounts Payable
13. 应收账款 Accounts Receivable
14. 存货 Inventory
15. 固定资产 Fixed Asset
16. 无形资产 Intangible Asset
17. 流动资产 Current Asset
18. 流动负债 Current Liability
19. 长期负债 Long-term Liability
20. 所有者权益合计 Total Owner's Equity
21. 主营业务收入 Main Business Revenue
22. 其他业务收入 Other Business Revenue
23. 投资收益 Investment Income
24. 营业外收入 Non-operating Income
25. 营业成本 Operating Cost
26. 营业税金及附加 Tax and Additional Expense
27. 期间费用 Periodic Expense
28. 管理费用 Administrative Expense
29. 销售费用 Sales Expense
30. 财务费用 Financial Expense
31. 所得税费用 Income Tax Expense
32. 其他业务支出 Other Business Expense
33. 营业外支出 Non-operating Expense
34. 利润总额 Total Profit
35. 净利润 Net Profit
36. 未分配利润 Undistributed Profit
37. 外币报表折算差额 Translation Adjustment of Foreign Currency Statements
38. 关联方交易 Related Party Transaction
39. 非货币性交易 Non-monetary Transaction
40. 或有事项 Contingencies
41. 债务重组 Debt Restructuring
42. 会计政策变更 Accounting Policy Change
43. 会计估计变更 Accounting Estimate Change
44. 前期差错更正 Correction of Prior Period Errors。