英语精读Unit 7 -unit 10
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Unit 7 Finance
Translation of the Text
1 Reading
1. The activity of finance is the application of a set of techniques that individuals and organizations (entities) use to manage their financial affairs, particularly the differences between income and expenditure and the risks of their investments.
2. The entity can raise capital by borrowing or selling equity claims, decreasing its expenses, or increasing its income.
3. A bank aggregates the activities of many borrowers and lenders.
4. The company’s capital str ucture is the mixture of equity financing with the sale of bonds or any other debt financing.
5. Without proper financial planning, a new enterprise cannot even start, let alone be successful.
2 Comprehension
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. T
7. T
3 V ocabulary
Part 1
1. C
2. E
3. G
4. B
5. F
6. A
7. I
8. J
9. D10. H
Part 2
1. debt
2. balance
3. liability
4. deposit
5. expenditure
6. bond
7. equity
8. balance sheet
Part 3
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
4 Translation
Part 1
1. 权益要求权9. 资产负债表
2. 金融中介10. 股权融资
3. 证券市场11. 债务融资
4. 货币流12. 资本结构
5. 机构投资者13. 非盈利机构
6. 投资银行14. 机构设置
7. 部分所有权15. 流动资产
8. 净差额
Part 2
纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)是全球公认组织结构最健全、设备最完善、管理及上市要求最严格的市场,至今已有二百多年的历史。于纽约证券市场上市的公司包括全球最大型的企业,例如中国电信等中国大型国有企业。很多世界500强(Fortune 500) 企业,选择了在纽约证交所挂牌上市。
纳斯达克,全称是National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation——美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统。它创立于1971年,是世界上第一个电子化证券市场,是全球创业板市场的成功典范,也是中国企业家最熟悉和关注的市场,规模仅次于纽约证券交易所。纳斯达克股市分为全国板(National Market)和小板(Small Cap)。上市的企业多是具有高成长潜力的大中型公司,而不只是科技股。
全美证券交易所(American Stock Exchange)坐落于纽约的华尔街附近,现为美国第三大股票交易所,运行成熟、规范,股票和衍生证券交易突出,其上市标准比纽约交易所要低一些,在此股市上市的公司偏重在中、小企业及传统行业,也有很多国外公司。一般在全美证券交易所上市的股票价格偏低,而且交易量也较小。
OTCBB全称是Over the Counter Bulletin Board——柜台电子报价系统,是直接受纳斯达克股市监管的市场。柜台交易市场对对挂牌企业的要求较为宽松,并且不向挂牌公司收取任何费用,主要服务于成长期的中小企业。
5. Pink Sheet
粉纸市场,又称粉单市场,是比柜台交易市场更低一级的报价系统,属于法人机构The Pink Sheet LLC。粉纸市场挂牌的公司不需有注册会计师的审计财务报告,挂牌的条件也较宽松,而粉纸市场的股票流通性也相应较低。
5 Supplementary Reading
1. finance
2. funds
3. bonds
4. market
5. repay
6. resell
7. interest
8. loans
Text B
Translation of the Text
1. Store Card
零售商合作的联名信用卡,因为这一海外称为store card的产品是它最具优势的业务。
store card最早起源于沃尔玛等大零售商为吸引常客而发行的店内积分卡,并含有信用功能,但只能在其连锁网点使用。
2. Direct Debit
Direct debit is a payment method that allows an organization to instruct their bank to collect varying amounts directly from customers’ accounts.
There are generally two ways to set up a direct debit: one method requires the customer to instruct his or her bank to honor debit notes from the organization, the other one just requires the customer to give an authorization to the organization making the collections. The availability of these methods varies among countries and banks.
3. Credit Rating
An assessment of the credit worthiness of individuals and corporations. It is based upon the history of borrowing and repayment, as well as the availability of assets and extent of liabilities.
Credit is important since individuals and corporations with poor credit will have difficulty finding financing, and will most likely have to pay more due to the risk of default.
1 Comprehension
Part 1
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. B
Part 2
2 V ocabulary
Part 1
1. crisis
2. overcome
4. mortgage
5. repayments
6. arrears
7. cheque
8. Direct debit
9. Fixed10. overdraft
1. assess
2. recreational
3. considerable
4. repaid
5. significant
6. overwhelmed
7. financial
8. combination
Part 3
premium1. C 2. B
mortgage1. B2. A
term 1. C2. B 3. A
3 Translation
Part 1
1. 金融危机8. 月付款
2. 财务状况9. 直接扣账,直接付款
3. 保险费10. 信用等级
4. 消费模式11. 信用历史纪录
5. 债务合并贷款12. 财产价值
6. 支票簿13. 闲置资金,游资
7. (零售店)联名信用卡
Part 2
1. The country now faces an economic crisis.
2. Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.
3. Most people opt for buying their own homes rather than renting them.
4. Both their assessments of production costs were hopelessly inaccurate.
5. I’ve t ried Cantonese, Hunan and Sichuan food and they differ quite considerably.
Real Life Practice
Part 1
1. All Fidelity funds are no load;historically higher yields than CDs or regular bank savings accounts;tax benefits: Some may provide state and federal tax exempt income;liquidity: Buy or sell at any time.
2. Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results.
3. The fund seeks to provide as high a level of current income, exempt from federal income taxes, as is consistent with liquidity and stability of principal.
4. The fund normally invests in municipal money market securities, with at least 80% of its assets invested in municipal securities whose interest is exempt from federal income tax. The fund will normally not invest in municipal securities whose interest is subject to federal income tax or the federal alternative minimum tax. The fund invests in compliance with industry standard requirements for money market funds for the quality, maturity, and diversification of investments. The fund potentially invests more than 25% of total assets in municipal securities that finance similar types of projects.
5. The municipal market is volatile and can be significantly affected by adverse tax, legislative, or political changes and the financial condition of the issuers of municipal securities. Interest rate increases can cause the price of a money market security to decrease. Entities located in foreign countries can be affected by adverse political, regulatory, market, or economic developments in those countries. A decline in the credit quality of an issuer or the provider of credit support or a maturity shortening structure for a security can cause the price of a money market security to decrease. An investment in the fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the fund.
6. $5,000
7. Expense Cap is a limit that Fidelity has placed on the level of the expenses borne by the fund. The cap is voluntary and indicates the maximum level of expenses (with certain exceptions) that the fund would be paying at that time. The Expense Cap may be terminated or revised at any time, which may lower the fund’s yield or return.
Practical Writing
Part 1
l.12m.11n.14 o.8
Part 2
1. dramatically
2. abruptly
3. suddenly
4. moderately
5. slightly
6. rapidly
7. gradually
8. steadily
9. drastically10. constantly
Part 3
a. at
b. by
c. from; to
d. of; between
Unit 8Globalization
Text A
Translation of the Text
1. Free Trade
Trade between countries which takes place completely free of restrictions. Such trade allows specialization in member states of free trade areas, and lowers costs because, together with competition, the markets are increased. Within a free trade area there are no barriers, such as tariffs and quotas. However, there is not necessarily a common policy on trade with countries outside the free trade area.
2. Subsidy
A benefit given by the government to groups or individuals usually in the form of a cash payment or tax reduction. The subsidy is usually given to remove some type of burden and is often considered to be in the interest of the public.
Politics play an important part in subsidization. In general, the left is more in favor of having subsidized industries, while the right feels that industry should stand on its own without public funds.
There are many forms of subsidies given out by the government, including welfare payments, housing loans, student loans and farm subsidies. For example, if a domestic industry, like farming, is struggling to survive in a highly competitive international industry with low prices, a government may give cash subsidies to farms so that they can sell at the low market price but still achieve financial gain.
If a subsidy is given out, the government is said to subsidize that group/industry.
3.Trade Barrier
A trade barrier is a general term that describes any government policy or regulation that restricts international trade.
Trade barriers are usually protectionist; that is, they are erected to protect domestic producers who would not be able to compete successfully with foreign producers in a free market or in free trade.
4. Most Favored Nation Status
A method of establishing equality of trading opportunity among states by guaranteeing that if one country is given better trade terms by another, then all other states must get the same terms.
In the twentieth century, the history of world trade is dominated by the move from protective tariffs to free trade. International agreements have permitted most of the world’s nations to export their products without facing discriminatory duties. A key concept in the liberalization of trade is most favored nation (MFN) status.
MFN status is a method of preventing discriminatory treatment among members of an international trading organization. MFN status provides trade equality among partners by ensuring that an importing country will not discriminate against another country’s goods in favor of those from a third. Once the importing country grants any type of concession to the third party country, this concession must be given to all other countries.
5. National Treatment
A concept of international law that declares if a state provides certain rights and privileges to its own citizens, it also should provide equivalent rights and privileges to foreigners who are currently in the country. This concept of equality can be found in bilateral tax treaties and also in most World Trade Organization agreements.
6. World Bank
The World Bank (the Bank) is a part of the World Bank Group (WBG), is a bank that makes loans to developing countries for development programs with the stated goal of reducing poverty. The World Bank differs from the World Bank Group in that the former only comprises the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association, while the latter incorporates these entities in addition to three others.
The World Bank’s activities are focused on the reduction of global poverty, focusing on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), goals calling for the elimination of poverty and the implementation of sustainable development. The constituent parts of the Bank, the
IBRD and the IDA, achieve their aims through the provision of low or no interest loans and grants to countries with little or no access to international credit markets. The Bank is a market based non profit organization, using its high credit rating to make up for the low interest rate of loans. 7. International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 185 countries dedicated to promoting global monetary cooperation and the health and stability of the international monetary system.
The IMF plays three major roles in the global monetary system. The Fund surveys and monitors economic and financial developments, lends funds to countries with balance of payment difficulties, and provides technical assistance and training for countries requesting it.
1 Reading
1. To create economic peace and stability in the world through a multilateral system among member states and seeking to promote free trade by opening markets through the elimination of import tariffs.
2. Currently there are slightly more than 140 members.
3. The WTO grew out of a provisional legal agreement, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
4. To encourage free trade in the wake of World War II.
5. When a member country grants a trade privilege to another nation, the privilege must be extended to all other member countries.
2 Comprehension
3 V ocabulary
Part 1
1. C
2. A
3. H
4. F
5. B
6. I
7. D
8. J
9. G10. E
Part 2
1. privileges
2. concession
3. Regarding
4. veto
5. multilateral
6. oversee
7. adopt
8. administered
9. forum10. representation
Part 3
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. B
4 Translation
Part 1
1. 世界贸易组织
2. 成员国
3. 自由贸易
4. 进口关税
5. 贸易协定
6. 国际贸易政策
7. 知识产权
8. 贸易壁垒
9. 最惠国待遇
10. 贸易特权
11. 国民待遇
12. 否决权
13. 世界银行
14. 国际货币基金组织
15. 国际经济系统
Part 2
5 Supplementary Reading
1. body
2. from
3. freely
4. member
5. international
6. consensus
7. resolve
8. barrier
9. against10. negotiations
Text B
Translation of the Text
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Trade group established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence of Asia Pacific economies and the advent of regional economic blocs (such as the European Union and the North American Free Trade Area) in other parts of the world. APEC works to raise living standards and education levels through sustainable economic growth and to foster a sense of community and an appreciation of shared interests among Asia Pacific countries. At the end of the 1990s APEC’s membership included its 12 founding members —Australia, Brunei, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States — as well as Chile, China (including Hong Kong), Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Russia, and Vietnam; Taiwan also participates as “Chinese Taipei.” The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, the South Pacific Forum, and the secretariat of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations maintain observer status. The APEC group represents about 40% of the world’s population, 40% of global trade, and 50% of the world’s gross national product.
1 Comprehension
Part 1
1. The prosperity in America depends on trade with Asia’s growing economies.
2. As long as the playing field is level, America’s farmers, small businesses, and workers can compete with anyone, so America will continue to pursue free and fair trade at every level with individual countries across the whole regions and through the World Trade Organization.
3. Asia and America should work together to develop new energy technologies that will make us less dependent on oil, including clean coal and ethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen fuel cells.
4. Avian flu has the potential to claim many lives and inflict terrible damage on our societies if it breaks out. People should share information and put wise preparedness plans in place to help ensure that we can contain the spread of avian flu and be ready if a pandemic ever occurs.
5. Since September the 11th, the terrorists have attacked a nightclub in Bali, a hotel in Jakarta, a ferry packed with passengers in Manila Bay, a school full of children in Russia, Australia’s embassy in Indonesia and many other targets.
6. Terrorists could get their hands on weapons of mass destruction and use them to blackmail free nations or kill on an unimaginable scale.
7. In the long run, the surest path to security is the expansion of freedom.
Part 2
Main idea:
the expansion of freedom and opportunity
Four Issues that President Bush addresses:
1. trade
free and fair trade at every level;the World Trade Organization.
2. energy
clean coal and ethanol, bio diesel and hydrogen fuel cells.
3. Avian flu
contain the spread of Avian flu and be ready if a pandemic ever occurs
4. terrorist threat
a risk to our entire civilization
defend our free way of life, confront the challenges of a new century, and build a more hopeful, peaceful, and prosperous future for our children and grandchildren.
2 V ocabulary
Part 1
1. inflicted
2. summit
3. transcended
4. pursue
5. committed
6. outlined
7. ally
8. tolerance
9. violence10. rejected
Part 2
1. to
2. on
3. to
4. of
5. on
6. in
7. to
8. to
9. on10. on
3 Translation
Part 1
1. I committed an error in handling the business.
2. The war inflicted heavy losses on the country.
3. Western nations imposed tough sanctions on the country.
4. Training is offered at every level in the department.
5. The rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities.
Part 2
Practical Writing
Part 1
1. investing in China
2. business relationship
3. foreign sole investment firms
4. targeted sectors
5. domestic and abroad areas
6. highway construction
7. domestic market demand8. most favorable polices
9. investment projects 10. investigation and business tour
Part 2
Dear Sirs,
We have your name and address through the introduction of Mr. A.G. TopWorth of Swanson & Bros., of Hamburg, who is one of our old clients. We wish to inform you that we specialize in exporting chinaware and shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.
If our above desire coincides with yours, please let us know and also keep us informed of your specific enquiries so that we can send our illustrated catalogue and price list for your reference without delay.
In the meantime, we shall appreciate it very much if you will furnish us with the name of your bank prior to the conclusion of an initial transaction between us.
We are looking forward to receiving your first enquiry.
Yours sincerely
Unit 9 Intercultural Communication
Translation of the Text
1 Reading
1. Because cultures provide people with ways of thinking —ways of seeing, hearing, and interpreting the world. Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the “same” language.
2. To stop, listen, and think. This means withdraw from the situation, step back, and reflect on what is going on before you act.
3. Active listening can sometimes be used to check this out — by repeating what one thinks he or she heard, one can confirm that one understands the communication accurately.
4. They can translate both the substance and the manner of what is said. They can also adjust the timing of what is said and done.
5. This gives the appearance of bias.
2 Comprehension。