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morning. 幸运的是,他及时赶上了早上的第一班火车。
(1) Do
come early tomorrow morning,or you will be
(2)The new exchange student
二、内容充实,语言流畅 要点齐全,内容充实,词数符合规定,这是高分作文的 “硬指标”。因 此,动笔前要认真审题,找齐要点,分好段落,然后紧扣主题,规范地进 行表述。 高考作文提示往往很简要,如果按照提示逐一翻译要点,则很难达 到词数要求,恰似一副“空架子”,缺少“血肉”,完不成规定的任务,造 成失分。下面两招包你文章充实,有血有肉,丰满有质感。
拓展阅读 Movies can inspire.They can make you think out of the box.Sometimes they can make you question yourself and look back at your life or perhaps even see your future.When we grow older,often we get so serious that we forget the wonder of life. 1.Yes Man:Take your life easy. “The world’s a playground.You know that when you are a kid,but somewhere along the way everyone forgets it.” —Allison We are so tired of our lives,of duties,of never ending stress that without thinking,often the first answer to anything is NO.Take a life a bit easier,lighter and say YES to all opportunities which come along.
2.Peaceful Warrior:Sometimes,you need to listen to your heart. When you think you have everything you need and want,when you think you are happy and successful and there is nothing else but you in the world,you will lose it all to realize how little you know about life.This movie will make you stop whatever you are doing,stop pretending and finally listen to yourself,not your thoughts,but your heart.It will make you start thinking what you want. 3.Rise of the Guardians:Believe in yourself. This movie is about fear and faith.Believing in and accepting yourself.Watch this movie if you have lost faith in yourself or you want remind yourself—everything is connected.
some fun time together singing,dancing and playing games,which we hope will make them happy.We should be back around 4 o’clock in
the afternoon. 该段按时间顺序进行写作,从活动到返回时间安排得井然有序;同 时Here are some detailed arrangements during our stay there.承上启 下,下文还使用了also等。可以说这个段落结构紧凑,语言规范,脉络 清晰。
(1)I have never seen such 我从没见过如此懒惰的人。
a lazy person.
(2) So
angry was he that he couldn’t speak.
(3)Fortunately,he was just
in time for the first train in the
John wore his best suit to the dance last night.
(1) It was John who(that) wore his best suit to the dance last night. 是约翰昨晚穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会的。(强调主语)
约翰是昨晚穿着他最好的衣服去参加舞会的。(强调状语last night)
(4) It was to the dance that John wore his best suit last night. 约翰昨晚穿着他最好的衣服是去参加舞会的。(强调状语to the
a film’s quality meets our standards,we include it.
2.Nowadays,if a film wins an award at Sundance, there is a good chance
高中英语Unit4Filmsandfilmevents单元重点小结课件牛津译 林版选修8
1.We make no restrictions on the kinds of films we show— as long as
in tther things.
5.I think this is more to show off the special effects than to help the film’s plot. 我认为这是为了炫耀特效,而不是有助于表现电影的情节。
3.成文——巧用过渡,浑然一体。 有效使用连词或过渡词,可使文章连贯通顺,浑然一体,这样的文章 才能在高考中拿高分。不仅句与句之间有过渡,段与段之间也要考 虑使用过渡词或过渡句。 Here are some detailed arrangements during our stay there.We’ll make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people.We’ll also spend
(3)It’s really wonderful.真是太好了。 I’ve enjoyed it so much.我非常欣赏它。 It’s too lovely for words.这太可爱了,无法用言语来形容。 (4)I can’t stand(bear) that woman.我受不了那个女人。 He may be all right but I don’t like him.他也许不错,但是我不喜欢 他。
(2)However,some volunteers claim that they have been tired of the life
on the earth and they want to experience the life on the Mars,adding that they will be the heroes of mankind if they succeed.(并列句、复 合句、非谓语动词的使用丰富了语言,增加了表现力)
1.增加细节。根据行文需要,紧扣主题适当发挥。这些发挥一定要 合理、与主题和行文有关,否则会冲淡主题。 2.扩充句子。写作要点的提示很宽泛,有的根本就不是句子,这就需 要根据主题和要点间的逻辑关系“添枝加叶”造句。常见手段是在 要点(句)的基础上添加诸如原因、目的、条件或示例等细节。如 活动可以包括包饺子、表演节目等。 a:We’ll make dumplings and perform there. b:We’ll make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people.We’ll
did hope to go to the evening
party with us.
Likes and dislikes喜好和厌恶 (1)I like(love) English (very much).我(非常)喜欢英语。 I like(love) singing.我喜欢(或:热爱)唱歌。 I like(love) to sleep late on Sundays.星期天我喜欢睡懒觉。 (2)I don’t like(I hate) that man.我不喜欢那人。 I don’t like(I hate) to trouble you.我不愿打扰你。 I don’t like asking for help.我不愿求人帮助。
2.造句——鲜活多变,句式多样。 句式单一、缺乏生气,即使没有任何错误也很难得高分。句子的长 度影响到句子的多样化,该长则长,该短则短,不能“一刀切”。在书 面表达中,阅卷老师期望看到的高级语法有倒装、强调、从句、独 立主格和分词结构、省略等。
(1)Not only will I keep from littering up or spitting anywhere,but I will help clean up the roadside whenever possible.(倒装和省略结构 以及并列句等同时出现,句子间自然、巧妙相连,避免了平淡乏味)
走近高考 高考作文得高分的几个要素
在高考中胜人一筹,冲击写作高分是每个同学的期盼。要想得高分, 就要亮出你的“撒手锏”,要写出得高分的若干个“理由”。 一、结构清晰,卷面整洁 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。英语写作文章虽短,但仍具备各类型文章共 有的结构特征。动笔前要考虑好框架,合理分段,绝不能把所有要 点“一锅炖”。 字迹端正、书写规范的卷面,令人赏心悦目,有助于成绩档次的提 高;而卷面脏乱到一定程度,会“降低一个档次”,无形中会被扣掉几 分。
it will become famous!
3. Not all
films are made in real places.
4.They include a list of people who worked on the film and the songs
also spend some time singing,dancing and playing games. 【分析】 a.照本宣科,不展不扩;b.分为两句表述,同时进行了细化, 如表演分为唱歌、跳舞、玩游戏等。显然,b充实了文章,且表达高 级。
三、拒绝平庸,凸显亮点 写得精彩,出现“亮点”是高分作文的“最爱”。 阅卷老师会根据亮点 的多少调整档次。因此在确保准确、得体的前提下,再花些心思, 设计和使用一些“亮点”,譬如高级词汇和语法、修辞、名言或谚语 等。 1.用词——准确得体,标新立异。 使用一些较高级词汇或一些常见词汇的“高级用法”,是提高得分档 次的关键。如: 我以前不喜欢英语,但现在喜欢它了。 English was not my cup of tea,but now I’m crazy about it. 【分析】句中使用了谚语(not) one’s cup of tea和极具色彩的be crazy about(迷恋)明显与众不同,生动形象。
(2) It was his best suit(that)
John wore to the dance last night.
(3) It was last night(that) John wore his best suit to the dance.