Classical Yang-Mills black hole hair in anti-de Sitter space
Black Hole Thermodynamics from String Theory
a r X i v :h e p -t h /9405185v 1 28 M a y 1994EDO-EP-1May 1994Black Hole Thermodynamics from String Theory Ichiro Oda Edogawa University,474Komaki,Nagareyama City,Chiba 270-01,JAPAN ABSTRACTIn this note we consider a stringy description of black hole horizon.We start with a nonlinear sigma model defined on a two dimensional Euclidean surface with background Rindler metric.By solving the field equations,we show that to the leading order the Bekenstein-Hawking formula of black hole entropy can be produced.We also point out a relation between the present formalism and the ’tHooft formalism.To construct a theory of quantum gravity in four dimensions is one of the most difficult and challenging subjects left in the modern theoretical physics since we have so far neither useful informations from experiments nor consistent quantum field theory.Under such a circumstance,it seems to be an orthodox attitude to attack concrete problems with logical conflicts and then learn the fundamental principle from which in order to construct a full-fledged theory.In the case of quantum gravity,as one of such unsolved problems,we have quantum black holes1. In particular,it is widely known that there are at least three problems which remain to be clarified in quantum black hole,those are,the endpoint of Hawking radiation, the information loss paradox and the statistical origin of black hole entropy2.Recently,there have been some progresses on the last problem3−9.Among them,the authers of Ref.[6]made an interesting observation that superstring theory might play an important role in deriving the Bekenstein-Hawking formula of the black hole entropy1,10.On the other hand,in previous works11,’tHooft has stressed that black holes are as fundamental as strings,so that the two pictures are really complementary.In fact,he has demonstrated that by properly taking account of a leading gravitational back-reaction of the black hole horizon,the gravitational shock wave,from hard particles,his S matrix which describes the dynamical properties of a black hole can be recast in the form of functional integral over the Nambu-Goto string action. Although his formalism has some weaknesses,it is extremely interesting from the physical viewpoint since quantum incoherence never be lost and all information of particles entering into a black hole is transmitted to outgoing particles owing to the Hawking radiation through the quantumfluctuations of the black hole horizon.As it is expected that superstring has many degrees of freedom and hairs associated with its many excited states,the’tHooft formalism might also give us a clue to understanding of a huge entropy10and quantum hairs2of a black hole.In this note,we shall simply assume that the dynamics of the event hori-zon of a black hole can be described by the world sheet swept by a string in the Schwarzschild background,and then would like to discuss what physical conse-quences can be derived from this assumption.However,the Schwarzschild metric is rather complicated,so that we shall confine ourselves to the case of the Rindler spacetime.The case of the Schwarzschild metric will be reported in a separate pa-per.We will see that a nonlinear sigma action leads to the well-known Bekenstein-Hawking formula of black hole entropy,S=12 d2σ√gµν(X)can be identified as the background spacetime metric in which the string is propagating.Note thatα,βtakes values0,1andµ,νdoes values0,1,2,3.The classicalfield equations give us that0=Tαβ=−2√δhαβ,=∂αXµ∂βXνgµν(X)−1hhαβgµν∂βXν)−1hhαβ∂αXρ∂βXσ∂µgρσ.(3)In this note we consider the case that the background spacetime metric gµν(X) takes a form of the Euclidean Rindler metricds2=gµνdXµdXν=+g2z2dt2+dx2+dy2+dz2,(4)where g is given by g=1are the two dimensional diffeomorphisms and the Weyl rescaling byx(τ,σ)=τ,y(τ,σ)=σ,G(τ,σ)=1.(6) At this stage,let us impose an”axial”symmetryr(τ,σ)=r(τ),t(τ,σ)=t(τ).(7) From Eq.s(5),(6)and(7),the world sheet metric hαβtakes the formhαβ= g2z2˙t2+˙z2+1001 ,(8) where the dot denotes a derivative with respect toτ.And the remainingfield equations(3)become∂τ(z2˙th)=0,(9)∂τh=0,(10)∂τ(˙zh)−1hg2z˙t2=0,(11)whereh=g2z2˙t2+˙z2+1.(12)Now it is straightforward to solve the abovefield equations.We have two kinds of solutions.One solution is a trivial one given byz=˙z=¨z=0,t(τ)=arbitrary.(13)which corresponds to a world-sheet surface of the Euclidean string just lying on the black hole horizon.The next solution is the solution of”world sheet instanton”described byz (τ)=c 2,t −t 0=1gc 1(τ−τ0),(14)where c 1,c 2,τ0,and t 0are the integration constants,in other words,”the moduli parameters”.To understand the physical meaning of this solution more vividly,it is convenient to rewrite z in terms of the time coordinate variable t .From Eq.(14),we obtainz (t E )=gc 1c 21time t Lz (t L )=gc 1c 21g whose inverse gives us nothingbut the Hawking temperature T H =12π=1¯h ,(17)where S E denotes the Euclidean action,and the path integral is performed under the boundary condition of being periodic in the Euclidean time with periodβ¯h. Then the black hole thermodynamics can be recovered in the limit¯h→0by expanding S E around its saddle point.Thus evaluating the free energyβto the leading term equals to substituting a classical solution into the Euclidean action.In the model just considered,it is easy to calculate the free energy.To do so we shall consider the solution(14)since this solution gives us the thermal temperature whose situation should be contrasted to the case of the other solution(13).The result isF=−1c2+1T A H,(18)where A H= dxdy which corresponds to the area of the black hole horizon if we consider the Schwarzschild black hole.By the formula which gives us the entropyS=β2∂Fc2+1T A H.(20) Note that the black hole entropy is proportional to the horizon area.Moreover,by selecting the string tensionT=1c2+1G,(21)we arrive at the famous Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula1,10S=1duced by hard particles having a large amount of momenta.Thus let us introduce ”vertex operator”in the original action(1)S E=−Thhαβ∂αXµ∂βXνgµν(X)+ d2σ√√hhαβ∂βXµ)+Pµ,(24)where we have replaced gµνwith theflat metricηµν.This approximation would become good when the black hole mass is large compared to the Planck mass. Moreover,we havefixed the world sheet metric hαβ(τ,σ)to be the metric on S2. Therefore we obtainT∆tr Xµ+Pµ=0,(25) where∆tr=1h∂α(√δXµ(σ).(28)From(25)and(27),we haveXµ(σ),Xν(σ′) =iNotes addedDuring the preparation of this article,we noticed that there is a recent work where the black hole is described by the membrane theory16.AcknowledgementWe are grateful to K.Akama,N.Kawamoto,A.Sugamoto and Y.Watabiki for valuable discussions.REFERENCES1.S.W.Hawking,Comm.Math.Phys.43,199(1975)2.J.Preskill,Physica Scripta T36,258(1991)3.L.Bombellli,R.K.Koul,J.Lee and R.D.Sorkin,Phys.Rev.D34,373(1986)4.G.’tHooft,Nucl.Phys.B256,727(1985)5.M.Srednicki,Phys.Rev.Lett.71,666(1993)6.L.Susskind and J.Uglum,Stanford preprint SU-ITP-94-1,hep-th/94010767.C.Callan and F.Wilczek,IAS preprint IAS-HEP-93/87,hep-th/94010728.D.Kabat and M.J.Strassler,Rutgers preprint RU-94-10,hep-th/94011259.T.Jacobson,Maryland preprint,gr-qc-940403910.J.D.Bekenstein,Nuovo Cim.Lett.4,737(1972);Phys.Rev.D7,2333(1973);ibid.D9,3292(1974);Physics Today33,no.1,24(1980)11.G.’tHooft,Nucl.Phys.B335,138(1990);Physica Scripta T15,143(1987);ibid.T36,247(1991);Utrecht preprint THU-94/02,gr-qc/940203712.L.Susskind,L.Thorlacius and J.Uglum,Phys.Rev.D48,3743(1993);L.Susskind and L.Thorlacius,Phys.Rev.D49,966(1994)13.W.G.Unruh,Phys.Rev.D14,870(1976)14.G.Gibbons and S.W.Hawking,Phys.Rev.D15,2752(1977);S.W.Hawking,From General Relativity:An Einstein Centenary Survey,Cambridge Univ.Press197915.I.Oda,Int.J.Mod.Phys.D1,355(1992)16.M.Maggiore,preprint IFUP-TH22/94,hep-th/940417211。
10. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. 设法做或完成/ 电话接通 get through______________________ 今天我处理了一大批文件. I’ve got through a lot of papers today. ___________________________________ Let’s start, there ________________________________. is a lot of work to get through (有大批工作要做呢) but couldn’t get through I tried several times _________________________. (可就是打不通电话)
她将头靠在他肩上哭泣着. She was weeping, resting her head on his shoulder __________________________________________.
n, 休息 ,剩余部分,其余 rest _______________
Let’s have/ take a rest ___________________________.
mean doing : 意味着 我打算在这儿呆很久. I mean to stay here for a long time _______________________________.
我本打算周日走. I had meant to leave on Sunday. ____________________________. 赶不上火车预示着要再等一个小时. Missing the train means waiting for another hour ___________________________________________.
Maxwell'sches Rad Auslo
3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSAuslösevorrichtung für Maxwell’sches Rad 1018075Bedienungsanleitung01/15 SD/UD1 Auslöser2 Haltestift3 Befestigungsschraube 44-mm-Sicherheitsbuchsen (Ausgang)1. SicherheitshinweiseDie Auslösevorrichtung entspricht den Sicher-heitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steu-er-, Regel- und Laborgeräte nach DIN EN 61010 Teil 1. Sie ist für den Betrieb in trockenen Räu-men vorgesehen, die für elektrische Betriebsmit-tel geeignet sind.Bei bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch ist der sichere Betrieb des Gerätes gewährleistet. Die Sicherheit ist jedoch nicht garantiert, wenn das Gerät unsachgemäß bedient oder unachtsam behandelt wird.Wenn anzunehmen ist, dass ein gefahrloser Betrieb nicht mehr möglich ist (z.B. bei sichtba-ren Schäden), ist das Gerät unverzüglich außer Betrieb zu setzen.∙ Gerät nur in trockenen Räumen benutzen. ∙ Maximale Anschlussleistung von 25 V und0,25 A beachten.2. Technische DatenAnschlüsse: 4-mm-Sicherheitsbuchsen(Ausgang)Befestigung:2 Durchführungen (horizon-tal/vertikal) für Stativstangen 10 mm Ø mit Befestigungs-schraubeAbmessungen: 60 x 50 x 45 mm³ Masse: 250g3. BeschreibungDie Auslösevorrichtung dient dem Auslösen eines definierten Starts des Maxwell’schen Ra-des 1000790. Sie kann über die horizontale oder vertikale Durchführung mit Hilfe einer Be-festigungsschraube an Stativstangen mit 10 mm Durchmesser befestigt werden. Sie ist zum An-schluss an den Starteingang eines Digitalzäh-lers mit 4-mm-Sicherheitsbuchsen ausgestattet. Die Auslösevorrichtung arretiert mit Hilfe des Haltestiftes das Maxwell’sche Rad in der Start-position. Die Schalterstellung ist im arretiertenZustand wie auf dem Gehäuse aufgedruckt. Bei Betätigung des Auslösers werden die Kontakte umgeschaltet, das Rad wird freigegeben und gleichzeitig die Zeitmessung gestartet.4. Aufbewahrung, Reinigung, Entsorgung ∙Gerät an einem sauberen, trockenen und staubfreien Platz aufbewahren.∙Zur Reinigung keine aggressiven Reiniger oder Lösungsmittel verwenden.∙Zum Reinigen ein weiches, feuchtes Tuch benutzen.∙Die Verpackung ist bei den örtlichen Recyc-lingstellen zu entsorgen.∙Sofern das Gerät selbst verschrottetwerden soll, so gehörtdieses nicht in dennormalen Hausmüll,sondern ist in den da-für vorgesehenenElektroschrott-Contai-nernzu entsorgen. Essind die lokalen Vor-schriften einzuhalten.5. Bedienung / BeispielexperimentAbhängigkeit der Fallhöhe h vom Quadrat der Fallzeit t2 des Maxwell’schen RadesBenötigte Geräte:1 Maxwell’sches Rad 10007901 Stativfuß H-Form 10010422 Stativstange, 1000 mm 1002936 4 Universalmuffe 1002830 1 Stativstange 280 mm, 10 mm Ø 1012848 1 Auslösevorrichtung fürMaxwell’sches Rad 1018075 1 Lichtschranke 1000563 1 Digitalzähler mit Schnittstelle(@230 V) 1003123 oder1 Digitalzähler mit Schnittstelle(@115 V) 1003122 1 Satz 3 Sicherheitsexperimentier-kabel zum Freier-Fall-Gerät 1002848 1 Höhenmaßstab, 1m 1000743 1 Satz Zeiger für Maßstäbe 1006494 1 Tonnenfuß, 900 g 1001045 ∙Experiment gemäß Fig. 1 aufbauen.∙Achse des abgewickelten Maxwell’schen Rades mit Hilfe der beiden Einstellschrauben horizontal ausrichten.∙Lichtschranke so ausrichten, dass der Sen-sor von der Achse des Rades unterbrochen wird und nicht z.B. von einer Achsendkappe.Darauf achten, dass eine Kollision des Ra-des mit der Lichtschranke vermieden wird. ∙Lichtschranke an die mini-DIN8-Buchse PHOTO/MIC des Zählereingangs B an-schließen.∙Auslösevorrichtung an horizontaler Stativ-stange 280 mm so befestigen, dass der Hal-testift mittig über dem Rad steht und auf die Achse des Rades zeigt.∙Rote Buchse des Zählereingangs A mit Hilfe des grünen Sicherheitsexperimentierkabels 150 cm mit gelber Buchse der Auslösevor-richtung verbinden. Schwarzes und rotes Si-cherheitsexperimentierkabel 75 cm ineinan-der stecken und schwarze Buchse des Zäh-lereingangs A mit schwarzer Buchse der Auslösevorrichtung verbinden.∙Auslösevorrichtung vorspannen. Dazu Aus-löser mit dem Daumen bis zum Anschlag eindrücken und Rändelschraube mit dem Zeigefinger leicht gegen Uhrzeigersinn dre-hen.∙Maxwell’sches Rad vorsichtig aufwickeln und mit Hilfe des Haltestifts an der vorge-spannten Auslösevorrichtung arretieren.∙Beim Arretieren des Rades dieses nicht durch den Haltestift aus seiner Ruhelage verschieben. Ggf. die horizontale Ausrich-tung des Rades nachjustieren.∙Höhenmaßstab im Tonnenfuß wie in Fig. 1 gezeigt aufstellen.∙Oberen Zeiger so verschieben, dass er die Position der Achse des arretierten Rades anzeigt.∙Unteren Zeiger so verschieben, dass er die Position des Sensors in der Lichtschranke anzeigt.∙Am Zähler mit dem Druckknopf ‘FUNCTION’ die Betriebsart ‘START A – STOP B’ wäh-len.∙Auslösevorrichtung betätigen. Dazu Auslö-ser leicht eindrücken, Rändelschraube mit dem Zeigefinger leicht im Uhrzeigersinn drehen und Auslöser loslassen.Das Rad wird freigegeben und der Zähler startet gleichzeitig die Zeitmessung. Sobald die Achse des Rades die Lichtschranke unterbricht, wird die Messung automatisch gestoppt. Die Fallzeit wird in s oder ms angezeigt.∙Fallzeit t am Zähler und Fallhöhe h als Differenz der beiden Zeigerpositionen am Höhenmaßstab ablesen. Werte notieren.∙Messung für unterschiedliche Fallzeiten und Fallhöhen, d.h. unterschiedliche Positionen von Lichtschranke und unterem Zeiger des Höhenmaßstabs wiederholen.∙Fallhöhe h in Abhängigkeit des Quadrates der Fallzeit t2 auftragen (Fig. 2). Gemäß221()21gh t tIM r=⋅⋅+⋅g: ErdbeschleunigungI: Trägheitsmoment des RadesM: Masse des Radesr: Radius der Achseergibt sich ein linearer Zusammenhang. Aus der Steigung einer Ausgleichsgeraden an die Messpunkte kann entweder I bestimmt werden, wenn g, M und r bekannt sind, oder g, wenn I = 1/2·M·R2 (R: Radius des Rades), M und r bekannt sind.Fig. 1: Experimenteller Aufbau.3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Deutschland ▪ Technische Änderungen vorbehalten0,00,20,40,60,8h / mt 2/ s2Fig. 2: h (t 2 )-Diagramm.。
Black holes in the Brans-Dicke-Maxwell theory
Black Hole Creation in 2+1 Dimensions
a r X i v :g r -q c /9809087v 3 11 D e c 1998MZ-TH/98-55gr-qc/9809087Black hole creation in 2+1dimensionsHans-J¨urgen Matschull Institut f¨u r Physik,Johannes Gutenberg-Universit¨a t Staudingerweg 7,55099Mainz,Germany Abstract When two point particles,coupled to three dimensional gravity with a negative cosmo-logical constant,approach each other with a sufficiently large center of mass energy,then a BTZ black hole is created.An explicit solution to the Einstein equations is presented,de-scribing the collapse of two massless particles into a non-rotating black hole.Some general arguments imply that massive particles can be used as well,and the creation of a rotating black hole is also possible.OutlineThe three dimensional black hole of Banados,Teitelboim and Zanelli [1,2]has turned out to be a useful toy model to study various aspects of black hole quantum physics and thermodynam-ics.It is a solution to the vacuum Einstein equations with a negative cosmological constant.In its maximally extended version,its global structure is very similar to the maximally extended Schwarzschild black hole,or wormhole solution to Einstein gravity in four dimensions.Space-time splits into four regions,the interiors of a black hole and a white hole,and two causally disconnected external regions.They are asymptotically flat in the Schwarzschild case,whereas for the BTZ black hole they are anti-de-Sitter spaces.For the Schwarzschild black hole it is well know that it can be created by,for example,a star collapse.What is necessary for such a collapse is that a sufficiently large amount of matter1is concentrated inside a small region of space.If the black hole is created in this way,then only two of the four regions of spacetime exist:one exterior region,which is asymptoticallyflat and contains the initial matter configuration,and the interior of the black hole,which is separated from the exterior by a future horizon.There is no white hole and no second asymptoticallyflat region.In this sense,the star collapse is more realistic than the wormhole solution,because it can evolve from a singularity free initial condition.Another way to create a Schwarzschild black hole is to start from a collapsing spherically symmetric dust shell,which is somewhat easier to deal with than a star,because there are no matter interactions other than the gravitational ones.The analog solution to the three dimen-sional Einstein equations,describing a circular dust shell collapsing into a BTZ black hole,has in fact been found shortly after the discovery of the BTZ black hole itself[3].Here,I would like to present another way to create a BTZ black hole,starting form a very different initial condition.Instead of a dust shell,which can be considered as a special arrangement of infinitely many particles,it is sufficient to consider just two particles,which approach each other such that at some time they collide.The four dimensional analog of this process would be the collision of two stars,with sufficient masses and center of mass energy to create a black hole.The situation is however much simpler in three dimensions,because the particles can be taken to be pointlike,and we can even choose them to be massless,which simplifies the con-struction of an explicit solution to the Einstein equations even further.This is because pointlike particles in three dimensional gravity are very easy to deal with.Unlike in higher dimensions, they do not themselves form black holes.Their gravitationalfields are conical singularities located on their world lines.Outside the matter sources,spacetime is justflat,respectively con-stantly curved for a non-vanishing cosmological constant[4].Spacetimes containing only such point particles as matter sources can be constructed by cutting out special subsets,sometimes called wedges,from Minkowski space,and then identifying the boundaries of these subsets in a certain way[5,6].After setting up the notation and summarizing some basic features of anti-de-Sitter space in,I will give a brief description of this cutting and gluing procedure and its generalization to anti-de-Sitter space.It is then straightforward to consider a special process where two particles collide and join into a single particle.It turns out that,depending on the energy of the incoming particles,the joint object is either a massive particle or a black hole.More precise,if the center of mass energy of the incoming particles lies beyond a certain threshold,then the object that is created after the collision is not a massive particle moving on a timelike geodesic,but some other kind of singular object,which is located on a spacelike geodesic.A closer analysis of the causal structure of the resulting spacetime shows that this object is the future singularity inside a black hole.The black hole has all the typical features such as, for example,an interior region which is causally disconnected from spatial infinity,and there is also a horizon,whose size is a function of the amount of matter that has fallen in.Finally, reconsidering the same process in a different coordinate system will show that the black hole created by the collapse is indeed the BTZ black hole.21Anti-de-Sitter SpaceThree dimensional anti-de-Sitter space S can be covered by a global,cylindrical coordinate sys-tem(t,χ,ϕ),with a real time coordinate t,a radial coordinateχ≥0,and an angular coordinate ϕwith period2π,which is redundant atχ=0.The metric isd s2=dχ2+sinh2χdϕ2−cosh2χd t2.(1.1) It is useful to replace the radial coordinateχby r=tanh(χ/2),which ranges from zero to one only.Anti-de-Sitter space is then represented by an infinitely long cylinder of radius one in R3. Expressed in terms of the coordinates(t,r,ϕ),the metric becomesd s2= 21−r2 2d t2.(1.2) The time t will be considered as an ADM-like coordinate time,providing a foliation of anti-de-Sitter space.The hyperbolic geometry of a spatial surface of constant t is that of the Poincar´e disc,which is conformally isometric to a disc of radius one inflat R2.Hence,anti-de-Sitter space can be considered as a Poincar´e disc evolving in time.The time evolution is however not homogeneous.The lapse function,that is,the factor in front of the d t-term in the metric,which relates the physical time to the coordinate time t,depends on r.It diverges at the boundary of the disc,indicating that the physical time is running infinitely fast there.GeodesicsThe Poincar´e disc has some nice properties,which allow a convenient visualization of the con-structions made in this article.The geodesics on the disc are circle segments intersecting the boundary at r=1perpendicularly.Figure1shows the construction of such a geodesic.It is determined by two points A and B on the boundary.If the angular coordinates of A and B are α±β,with0<β<π,we call the circle segment AP B the geodesic centered atα,with radiusβ.To derive an equation for the geodesic in terms of the coordinates r andϕ,consider the points in thefigure as complex numbers,such that A=e i(α+β)and B=e i(α−β).It then follows that the center of the circle segment AP B is at C=e iθ/cosβ,and that its radius is tanβ.Using this,it is not difficult to show that,for a point P=r e iϕon the geodesic,we have2rFigure 1:Construction of a geodesic on the Poincar´e discand a velocity 0≤ξ≤∞.The equation specifying such a geodesic in terms of the cylindrical coordinates (t,r,ϕ)is 2r1+ρ2=ξ.(1.5)The test particle starts off from the center of the disc at t =0,moving into the direction ϕ=θwith velocity ξ.At t =π/2,it reaches the maximal distance,and it returns to the center at t =π.Then it moves into the opposite direction,returns at t =2π,and so on.To keep the equations describing this kind motion as simple as possible,we have to allow negative values of r ,with the obvious identification of the point (t,r,ϕ)with (t,−r,ϕ±π).For a lightlike geodesic with ξ=1,the relation (1.4)between r and t simplifies to r =tan(t/2),which holds for −π/2<t <π/2.At the ends of this time interval,r becomes equal to one,which means that the geodesic reaches the boundary of the disc.Unlike a timelike test particle,a light ray is not oscillating forth and back.It travels once through the whole Poincar´e disc,and the amount of time that it takes to travel from one side to the other is π.The existence of lightlike geodesics like this implies that the discs of constant t are not Cauchy surfaces of anti-de-Sitter space.Causal curves enter at any moment of time from the boundary,and they disappear there as well.Being the origin and destination of light rays,the cylindrical boundary of spacetime at r =1is called J .To be precise,it is the boundary of the conformal compactification of anti-de-4Sitter space,which is obtained by multiplying the metric with the conformal factor1Tr(x),x a=12This defines a unit hyperboloid in R(2,2).It is not simply connected,because there is a non-contractible loop in the(x3,x0)plane.To see that anti-de-Sitter space is the covering thereof, we define a projection S→SL(2).In terms of the coordinates(t,χ,ϕ)it is essentially the Euler angle parametrization of SL(2),x=e12(t−ϕ)γ0=coshχ(cos t1+sin tγ0)+sinhχ(cosϕγ1+sinϕγ2).(1.10) The projection is locally one-to-one,but not globally.The right hand side of(1.10)is obviously periodic in t.The time coordinate of anti-de-Sitter space is winded up on the group manifold, with a period of2π.To check that the projection is an isometry,one can show,by straightforward calculation,that the anti-de-Sitter metric given above is equal to the pullback of the Cartan Killing metric on SL(2),which is the same as the induced metric obtained by embedding SL(2) into R(2,2),d s2=11−r2ω(t)+2rwhere the real and analytic functions sn and cs are defined such thatsn s=sinh(s s 1−ξ2)1−ξ2,cs s=cosh(s 1−ξ2).(1.17) Comparing this to(1.12),wefind the following relation between the coordinates and the curve parameter s,1+r21−r2sin t=sn s,2r2ζγ(α)e−12ζγ(α)e11−r2,sinh s=2r1−r2cos(ϕ−α).(1.23) 7Again,one of these equations is redundant,and after eliminating the curve parameter s,we are left with a single relation between r andϕ,2ron the world line,and transporting a vector once around the world line results in the Lorentz transformation(2.2).The complete spacetime can be constructed by cutting out a wedge from Minkowski space. The wedge is bounded by two half planes emerging from the world line,such that one of them is mapped onto the other by the given Lorentz transformation.Note that this requires the points on the world line to befixed.If we identify the two faces according to the Lorentz transformation, we obtain a spacetime that is locallyflat,because the map that provides the identification is an isometry of Minkowski space.There is however a curvature singularity on the world line.By construction,it has the required property.Transporting a vector around the particle results in a Lorentz transformation,which is the same as the one that defines the identification.A convenient way to visualize this construction is to use an ADM-like foliation of spacetime. At a given moment of time t,the space manifold is a plane with coordinates x and y.From this plane,we cut out a wedge,which is bounded by two half lines w±,such that w+is the Lorentz transformed image of w−.It is not immediately clear that the wedge can be chosen like this. It is only possible if the identification takes place within the planes of constant t.It turns out that this can be achieved by choosing the wedge to lie symmetrically in front of or behind the particle.For simplicity,let us consider the following example.We choose a massless particle with a lightlike momentum vector pointing into the x-direction.Its holonomy isu=1+tanǫ(γ0+γ1),0<ǫ<π/2.(2.4)The corresponding isometry of Minkowski space is a lightlike,or parabolic Lorentz transforma-tion.Thefixed points are at x=t at y=0.Hence,the particle is moving with the velocity of light from the left to the right.To construct the wedge,we have tofind a curve w−in the t-plane, such that its image w+also lies in this plane.Let us make the following symmetric ansatz.The world line is invariant under vertical reflections,y→−y.So,we assume that the wedge has this symmetry as well.A point(t,x,y)∈w+then corresponds to the point(t,x,−y)∈w−. The matrix representations of these points arew±=tγ0+xγ1±yγ2,(2.5)and for them to be mapped onto each other,we must have u w+=w−u.Inserting the expres-sions for w±and u,wefind that this is fulfilled if and only if y=(t−x)tanǫ,which means that the faces w±of the wedge are determined byw+:y=(t−x)tanǫ,w−:y=−(t−x)tanǫ.(2.6)For a given value of t,these are two straight lines in the(x,y)-plane,with angular directions±ǫ. They intersect at thefixed point,which is the position of the particle at time t.Figure2shows the lines w+and w−for three different times t.The dot indicates the position of the particle, and the cross represents that origin of the spatial plane at x=0and y=0.9<t 0t =0t >0(a)(c)(b)Figure 2:A particle cutting out a wedge from Minkowski space.We can now cut out the wedge between the two lines,either in front of or behind the particle.Both choices lead to the same spacetime manifold,but covered with different coordinates.Let us choose the wedge behind the particle.The space manifold is then the shaded region shown in the figure,with the boundaries marked by the double strokes identified.The opening angle ǫof the wedge,which is half of the deficit angle of the conical space surrounding the particle,can be considered as the total energy of the particle together with its gravitational field,in units where Newton’s constant is G =1/4π[6].It is bounded from below by zero and from above by π/2.Note that this energy is smaller than the energy of the particle itself,that is,the zero component of its momentum vector,which is tan ǫ.The same construction can be made for massive particles.The holonomy u is then a time-like,or elliptic Lorentz transformation.It represents a rotation of space around a timelike axis,which becomes the world line of the particle.The wedge can be arranged in the same symmetric way,and its opening angle is also equal to the total energy.It is then bounded from below by the rest mass m ,which is equal to half of the angle of rotation.The angle of rotation coincides with the deficit angle if the particle is at rest.The angle of rotation and thus the rest mass of the particle can also be read off directly from the holonomy u ,using the mass shell relation [6],1unit element1is afixed point if and only if g=h.Hence,the isometry has to be of the formx→u−1x u,u∈SL(2).(2.8)So,the relevant isometry group is again SL(2).Indeed,u can be considered as the holonomy of the particle,in the same way as in Minkowski space above.If we are in a neighbourhood of the origin,which is small compared to the curvature radius of anti-de-Sitter space,we can expand x=1+z+...,with z∈sl(2).On the Minkowski vector z,the map(2.8)acts exactly like the one defined by(2.2)above.We can therefore expect that,in the neighbourhood of the particle,spacetime will have the same conical structure.Also in analogy with Minkowski space,thefixed points of the given isometry are those elements of SL(2)that commute with u. They can be found in the same way.We expand u in terms of the gamma matrices,and define a momentum vector p,u=u1+p aγa,p=p aγa.(2.9) The only difference is that now thefixed points are not the vectors proportional to p,but the elements of the one dimensional subgroup generated by p,consisting of the matricesx(s)=e s p,s∈R.(2.10)This is a geodesic on the group manifold.Assuming that p is timelike or lightlike,it is the projection of a world line of a massive,respectively massless particle in anti-de-Sitter space.As an example,we consider the same massless particle once again,with holonomy(2.4),u=1+tanǫ(γ0+γ1).(2.11)Thefixed points lie on a lightlike world line,with r=tan(t/2)andϕ=0.To construct the wedge that the particle cuts out from anti-de-Sitter space,we proceed in the same way as before.First,we switch to an ADM point of view,so that anti-de-Sitter space becomes a space manifold,the Poincar´e disc,evolving in time.Then,we look for a pair of lines w±on the disc of constant time t,which are mapped onto each other by the given isometry.Finally,we cut out the wedge between these lines,and identify the faces according to the isometry.There is however one crucial difference to the Minkowski space example considered above. It only takes afinite amount of time for the particle to travel through the whole disc.It enters at t=−π/2,and it leaves again at t=π/2.Before and after that,there is no matter present,and therefore spacetime is expected to be empty anti-de-Sitter space,with no wedge or whatsoever cut out.Only for−π/2<t<π/2the particle is present,and we expect the space manifold to be a Poincar´e disc with a wedge cut out.For the shape of this wedge,we make the same symmetric ansatz as in Minkowski space.The world line of the particle is invariant under reflections of the vertical axis.In cylindrical coordinates,this is the transformationϕ→−ϕ. So,we assume that a point(t,r,−ϕ)∈w−is mapped onto(t,r,ϕ)∈w+.The matrices11t −π/2 << 0t = −π/2t < π/20 <t < 3π/2π <t π/2 << πt = π/2Figure 3:A massless particle passing through anti-de-Sitter spacerepresenting these points on the group manifold are given by (1.12),w ±=1+r 21−r 2γ(±ϕ).(2.12)Evaluating the equation u w +=w −u ,we find that the faces w +and w −are uniquely deter-mined by the following coordinate relations,w ±:2rworld line.The reason is the same as before.The map that provides the identification is an isometry of anti-de-Sitter space,and therefore there is no extra curvature introduced by gluing together the two faces of the wedge.To see that the matter source is the same as before,it is,as already mentioned,sufficient to consider a small neighbourhood of the world line,where the curvature of anti-de-Sitter space can be neglected.Indeed,if we enlarge the region around the center of the disc infigure3,it looks exactly like the one shown infigure2.So,what we have so far is a piece of spacetime between t=−π/2and t=π/2.The continuation has to be a solution to the vacuum Einstein equations, because there is no matter present outside this time interval.This is not in contradiction with causality,because the foliation of anti-de-Sitter spacetime by discs of constant t is not a foliation by Cauchy surfaces.Matter consisting of massless particles can appear and disappear at the boundary at any time.For t<−π/2,it is more or less obvious how to continue.At t=−π/2,the space manifold is a complete Poincar´e disc,with no matter inside.At this time the particle is still at r=1, which is outside the open disc.Only a small time later the particle is actually there.If we assume that for all earlier times the space manifold is a complete disc as well,then we obtain a continuous solution to the Einstein equations,which is matter free for all t≤−π/2.What is not so obvious is what happens at t=π/2,after the particle has left.The shaded region of figure3(d)does not at all look like a complete disc.Let us consider the further evolution of this space manifold.If we want to stick to t as a global time coordinate,and the vacuum Einstein equations to be fulfilled everywhere,then the time evolution of the boundaries of the shaded regions is uniquely determined.This is because the curves w±defined by(2.13)are the only curves inside the discs of constant t which are mapped onto each other by the given isometry.For times t>π/2,the curves start to move backwards,as shown infigure3(e–f),and then they oscillate between two extremals.The shaded regions start to overlap,but this is just a coordinate effect.One has to consider them as two separate charts covering the space manifold.The only identification takes place along the boundaries w+and w−.As this is always defined by the same isometry,we obtain a continuous solution to the Einstein equations for all t,which is matter free outside the time interval−π/2<t<π/2.Now it seems that after the particle has left,spacetime looks very different from what is was before,although we know that anti-de-Sitter space is the only matter free solution to the Einstein equations on a topologically trivial spacetime manifold.But this is also just a coordinate effect. In fact,the foliation of spacetime by the space manifolds shown infigure3(e–f)is a somewhat skew foliation of anti-de-Sitter space.To see this,let us take a three dimensional point of view. The two shaded regions,evolving in time,then define two subsets of anti-de-Sitter space,whose boundaries are the surfaces w±.By definition,these two surfaces are mapped onto each other by an isometry,which is continuous and one-to-one.Therefore,one of the subsets is isometric to the complement of the other,and thus both together form a complete anti-de-Sitter space.So,finally we see that the whole situation is time symmetric.The spacetime looks like13empty anti-de-Sitter space before and after the particle is there.The asymmetry in the pictures is only due to the fact that it is not possible to cover the whole manifold symmetrically with a single coordinate chart,which locally looks like the standard chart of anti-de-Sitter space.We can reverse the picture if we cut out the wedge in front of the particle instead of the one behind. We then obtain the same spacetime,covered with different coordinates,providing the standard foliation of anti-de-Sitter space after the particle has left,but the skew one before it enters.3Colliding ParticlesLet us now describe the process of two particles colliding,and thereby joining and forming a single particle.The basic idea is as follows.Consider two relativistic point particles inflat Minkowski space,with no gravitational interaction.If they collide,that is,if their world lines intersect at some point in spacetime,then we assume that from that moment on they form a single particle,whose momentum vector is given by the sum of the momenta of the incoming particles.This is consistent with energy momentum conservation,and it is a deterministic clas-sical process,although not time-reversible.All properties of the joint particle can be deduced from the incoming particles.In particular,for a scalar particle the momentum vector is the only relevant quantity.When gravity is taken into account,the situation changes slightly.The process is still deter-ministic,but it is not the sum of the momentum vectors that is preserved.Instead,it is the total holonomy,which is the product of the two holonomies of the incoming particles,and which becomes the holonomy of the joint particle.This has some strange consequences.For exam-ple,unlike the sum of two timelike or lightlike vectors,the product of two timelike or lightlike holonomies is not necessarily timelike.The joint particle can,for example,become a tachyon. To understand this,it is again most convenient to study the process in Minkowski spacefirst, and then apply the same methods to anti-de-Sitter space.Joining particles in Minkowski spaceLet usfirst consider the collision of two massless particles graphically.We can always choose a coordinate system in Minkowski space such that the collision takes place at the origin.The world lines of both incoming particles,and also that of the outgoing particle,are then passing through the origin,and we can apply the methods of the previous section.Furthermore,we can choose a center of mass reference frame,such that the particles come from opposite spatial directions and have the same energy.Hence,without loss of generality,we can assume that the holonomies of the incoming particles are given byu1=1+tanǫ(γ0+γ1),u2=1+tanǫ(γ0−γ1).(3.1)14<t 0t =0t >0(a)(c)(b)Figure 4:Two particles colliding and joining.The first particle is then the same as the one considered in the previous section.The wedge that it cuts out from Minkowski space is bounded by the facesw 1+:y =(t −x )tan ǫ,w 1−:y =−(t −x )tan ǫ.(3.2)The second particle has the same properties,except that it is moving into the opposite direction.The wedge is found by rotating that of the first particle by 180degrees,w 2+:y =−(t +x )tan ǫ,w 2−:y =(t +x )tan ǫ.(3.3)For times t <0,before the collision,the space manifold is the shaded region of figure 4(a).It is a plane with two wedges cut out behind the two particles,both with opening angle ǫ.The identification along the boundaries,indicated by the double and triple strokes,is again such that points with the same x -coordinate correspond to each other.The resulting space manifold looks like a double cone,that is,a cone with two tips,moving towards each other with the velocity of light.At t =0,when the particles collide,the space manifold becomes a simple cone with a single tip.Assuming that this is also the case at any later time,the further evolution of spacetime is uniquely determined by the Einstein equations,without making any additional assumptions about the joint particle itself.The argument is very similar to the one used in the end of the previous section.It is sufficient to know that spacetime is everywhere flat,except at one point in space,which is the position of the joint particle.If we want to stick to the foliation of spacetime by surfaces of constant t ,then there is only one way how the lines w 1±and w 2±can evolve.They must be given by (3.7)and (3.8)for all times,because these are the only lines inside the surface of constant t ,which are mapped onto each other by the given isometries.In figure 4(c),we can see what they look like after the collision.If we require that there is only one point in space where the curvature is non-zero,then this can only be the point where w 1+and w 2−,respectively w 2+and w 1−intersect.Note that due to the identification,these two points in the picture represent the same physical point in space.The space manifold is then covered by two charts,the two separate shaded regions,glued together along their boundaries.15The positions of the joint particle in the two charts can be found as the intersections of the lines w1±and w2±.They lie on the y-axis,at y=±t tanǫ.Hence,in the upper chart the particle is moving upwards with a velocity of tanǫ,and in the lower chart it is moving downwards with the same velocity.Energy momentum conservationAs we should have expected,the velocity of the joint particle depends on the energy of the incoming particles.What is however somewhat peculiar is that,for sufficient high energies, the velocity becomes bigger than one and thus the outgoing particle is moving faster than the speed of light.In other words,two incoming massless particles with sufficient high energy can form a tachyon.This is impossible for relativistic point particles in Minkowski space,without gravitational interaction.The sum of two lightlike momentum vectors is always a timelike vector.What makes the situation different if gravity is present,is,as already mentioned,that it is not the sum of the momentum vectors of the particles which is preserved,but the product of their holonomies.In particular,the holonomy of the outgoing particle is given by the product of the two holonomies of the incoming particles.To see this,consider once againfigure4(c). If we transport a vector once around the joint particle,then we have to pass once over the left wedge and once over the right wedge.The result is that we have to act on the vectorfirst with the Lorentz transformation represented by u1,and then with the one represented by u2. The holonomy of the joint particle is therefore the product of two individual holonomies of the incoming particles.We can multiply them in two different ways,u+=u2u1=(1−2tan2ǫ)1+2tanǫ(γ0+tanǫγ2),u−=u1u2=(1−2tan2ǫ)1+2tanǫ(γ0−tanǫγ2).(3.4) There are two representations of the holonomy of the joint particle,because spacetime is covered by two coordinate charts,the upper and lower shaded region in thefigure.Each expression rep-resents the holonomy in one of the charts.Tofind out which is which,consider the momentum vectorsp+=2tanǫ(γ0+tanǫγ2),p−=2tanǫ(γ0−tanǫγ2).(3.5) Obviously,p+describes a particle that is moving upwards with a velocity of tanǫ,and p−corresponds to a particle moving downwards with the same velocity.This implies that the quantities with a plus index are the ones corresponding to the upper chart.We can now also see is that the joint momentum vector is timelike for0<ǫ<π/4.Only in this case,the resulting joint object can be considered as a massive particle.Its mass is given by the formula(2.7). Inserting either u+or u−,wefind thatsin(m/2)=tanǫ.(3.6)16。
Fermion Scattering off Dilatonic Black Holes
a rXiv:h ep-th/94532v12M a y1994SINP/TNP/94-05hep-th/9405032Fermion scattering offdilatonic black holes A.Ghosh and P.Mitra 1Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Block AF,Bidhannagar Calcutta 700064,INDIA Abstract The scattering of massless fermions offmagnetically charged dila-tonic black holes is reconsidered and a violation of unitarity is found.Even for a single species of fermion it is possible for a particle to disappear into the black hole with its information content.In recent years there has been a lot of interest in the physics of black holes.The issue which has engaged the attention of most workers is that of possible information loss.Matter falling into a black hole carries some information with it.This becomes inaccessible to the rest of the world,but may in principle be supposed to be stored insidethe black hole in some sense.A problem arises when the black hole evaporates through the process of Hawking radiation.The information does seem to be lost now [1].Although there have been attempts at studying this problem in its full complexity [2],most authors have considered simplified models of black holes as in [3,4];see [5]for a review.We shall consider the extremal magnetically charged black hole solution of dilatonic gravity.This is a four dimensional model involving an extra field –the dila-ton –but for s-wave scattering of particles in the field of this black hole,the angular coordinates are not relevant and a two dimensionaleffective action can be used[6].If the energies involved are not too high,the metric and the dilatonfield can be treated as external clas-sical quantities and an amusing version of electrodynamics emerges, where the kinetic energy of the gaugefield has a position dependent coefficient[7].The scattering of massless fermions has been considered in this context.The model admits a solution which is very close to the con-ventional solution of the Schwinger model,i.e.,two dimensional mass-less electrodynamics.In this solution,there is a massive free particle, but in the present case its mass becomes position dependent[7,8]. To be precise,the mass vanishes near the mouth of the black hole but increases indefinitely as one goes into the throat.(The dilatonicfield increases linearly with distance in the throat.)This is interpreted to mean that massless fermions proceeding into the black hole cannot go very far and have to turn back with probability one.Thus the danger of information loss is averted very simply.In this note,we reexamine the model by taking into account the possibility of alternative solutions.The Schwinger model possesses other solutions besides the conventional one,although this is not very well realized by everyone.These correspond to different quantum the-ories built from the same classical theory.Different quantum theories can be constructed without violating gauge invariance by changing the definition of the point split fermionic currents[9,10].By considering this freedom,we shall demonstrate that the problem of information loss can in fact appear even in the extremal magnetically charged black hole in a dilatonic background.The model is described by the Lagrangian density[7,8]L=4e−2ϕ(x)FµνFµν,(1) where the Lorentz indices take the values0,1corresponding to a (1+1)−dimensional spacetime,e measures the coupling of the vec-tor current corresponding to the massless fermionψto the gaugefield A,and there is a dilatonic backgroundϕ(x)whose dynamics we do not go into.It is clear that ifϕ(x)vanishes,we get the well-known Schwinger model[11,12,13].The model with nonvanishingϕ(x)has also been solved[7,8]with the help of the usual scheme of bosoniza-tion.Here we discuss a solution in a different framework,which leads to vastly altered physical consequences.2In two dimensions we can always setAµ=−√e( ∂µσ+∂µ η),(2)where∂µ=ǫµν∂ν,(3) withǫ01=+1andσ, ηare scalarfields.We shall restrict ourselves to the Lorentz gauge.From(2)we see that thefield ηcan be taken as a masslessfield with2 η=0.We introduce its dual through∂µη(x)=∂µ η(x).(4) These masslessfields have to be regularized[12]but we shall not need the explicit form of the regularization.The Dirac equation in the presence of the gaugefield is[i∂/+eA/]ψ(x)=0.(5) This equation is satisfied byψ(x)=:e i√ψ(x+ǫ)γµ:e ie x+ǫx dyρ{Aρ(y)−2∂ν[Φ(y)Fρν(y)]}:ψ(x)−v.e.v.](7) whereΦ(y)is a nondynamical function of spacetime coordinates which we shallfix later on.The addition of a term containing this function in the exponent represents a generalization of Schwinger’s regularizing phase factor[9,10].It preserves gauge invariance,Lorentz invariance and even the linearity of the theory.The explicit coordinate depen-dence ofΦmay come as a surprise,but it must be remembered that3the model under discussion does not possess translation invariance be-cause of the factor containingϕ(x)in the Lagrangian density(1).In fact this freedom can be used to simplify the solution of the model enormously,as we shall see.Now using(2)and(6)together withFµν=√eǫµν2σ(8)we obtain the current which,upto an overall wavefunction renormal-ization,is equal toJ reg µ(x)≈:πlimǫ→0 0|ψ(0)(x)γµψ(0)(x):−1π[ǫµǫν− ǫµ ǫνǫ2 ∂ν(Φ2σ)],(10)where we have used the identity0|2πǫ2.(11) Now we take the symmetric limit i.e.average over the point splitting directionsǫandfinally obtainJ reg µ(x)=−1π ∂µ(φ+σ+Φ2σ+η),(12)whereφis a free massless bosonicfield satisfying−1π ∂µφ=:√√Note now that Maxwell’s equation with sources,viz.,∂ν Fνµg2+e2π σ=0(19)andφ+η=0.(20) Thefirst equation(19),which depends on the choice ofΦ,deter-mines the spectrum of particles in the theory.The other equation (20),relating two massless freefields,has to be satisfied in a weak sense by imposing a subsidiary condition(φ+η)(+)|phys =0(21) to select out a physical subspace of states.One can ensure thatφ+ηcreates only states with zero norm by takingηto be a negative metric field,i.e.,by taking its commutators to have the“wrong”sign.The subsidiary condition then separates out a subspace with nonnegative metric as usual.Φis as yet undetermined.We shall consider a few possible choices. The conventional choice[7,8]is zero.(19)then becomes2+e2g2√the black hole and proceeds inwards.The fact that the mass involved in the equation of motion rises indefinitely means that the fermion cannot go arbitrarily far and is reflected back with unit probability. Thus the scattering of the fermion offthe black hole is unitary and information is not lost.On the other hand,ifΦis chosen to satisfy the conditione2σ=0.(24)π(g2+g−2)The mass of the particle now vanishes not only at the mouth,but also asymptotically in the interior of the black hole.In fact,the mass has a maximum somewhere in between.Therefore it is possible for a massless fermion to exist both at the mouth and in the interior,and the height of the barrier beingfinite,there is afinite amplitude for the fermion to go in and get lost.Thus the danger of information loss is not averted in this case.A somewhat mundane case is whenΦis such that1πΦ =1,(25)and(19)simplifies to2+e2of fermion bilinears.We point-split the current which is formally defined as the product of two fermionic operators.Schwinger has pre-scribed the insertion of an exponential of a line integral of the gauge field to make the product gauge invariant.However,his choice was only one of many possible choices;see,e.g.[9,10].We have inserted an extra factor which involves thefield strength of the gaugefield and a nondynamical function of spacetime coordiantes and therefore does not interfere with the gauge invariance of the product.This is not the most general gauge invariant regularization possible in this approach, but is enough to illustrate the range of possibilities.By varying the regularization,the equations of motion of the Schwinger model can be converted to freefield equations with the mass exactly as in the usual case,or going to zero at both ends of the spatial axis or even vanishing everywhere.In thefirst case,there is no fermion in the spectrum at all and the question of scattering does not arise.In the other two case,the massless fermion is not totally reflected,so that the problem of information loss appears unless further gravitational effects can change the scenario.There is one question which may arise here.Have we,in changing the definition of the current,changed the model?To be more specific, the introduction of theΦ−dependent term in addition to just Aµin the phase factor entering the point-split current may be suspected to amount to the addition of an extra interaction.This is not really the case,as the equations of motion of the dilatonic Schwinger model itself are satisfied.The change is only in the definition of fermion bilinears as composite operators and this is well known to have a lot offlexibility.Formally,in the limitǫ→0,the phase factor does reduce to unity,so that the definition of the bilinears adopted in this paper cannot be thought of as changing the underlying classical theory.Only the quantum theory,which is not fully defined until the definition of composite operators is specified,is altered.This alteration takes the form of a renormalization of the effective coupling constant in the theory.The dilatonicfield,which entered the model through this coupling constant,can thus be said to get effectively transformed in the quantum theory.However,this change is not a real one as far as the dilatonicfield is concerned.This can be seen by considering the kinetic energy term of the dilatonfield,which does not get altered. However,in the approximation made by us following[7,8],this term is neglected and the dilaton appears purely as a backgroundfield.7Lastly,it should be mentioned that if several species of fermions are included,the problem of information loss appears automatically [7].This is in keeping with ourfinding that magnetically charged black holes do not necessarily behave like elementary particles in scattering incident fermions.Therefore,the S-matrices envisaged by[2,8]cannot always be constructed.The two dimensional model considered here has no horizon,but the four dimensional model from which it is derived does have one.There,the passage of the fermion into the black hole amounts to a loss of unitarity.References[1]S.Hawking,Comm.Math.Phys.,43,199(1975);Phys.Rev.D14,2460(1976)[2]G.‘t Hooft,Nucl.Phys.B335,138(1990)[3]D.Garfinkle,G.Horowitz and A.Strominger,Phys.Rev.D43,3140(1991)[4]C.Callan,S.Giddings,J.Harvey and A.Strominger,Phys.Rev.D45,R1005(1992)[5]J.Harvey and A.Strominger,Lectures given at1992SpringSchool on String Theory and Quantum Gravity,Trieste[6]S.Giddings and A.Strominger,Phys.Rev.D46,627(1992);T.Banks,A.Dabholkar,M.Douglas and M.O’Loughlin,Phys.Rev.D45,3607(1992)[7]M.Alford and A.Strominger Phys.Rev.Lett.69,563(1992)[8]A.Peet,L.Susskind and L.Thorlacius,Phys.Rev.D46,3435(1992)[9]C.R.Hagen,Nuov.Cim.(Ser.X)51B,169(1967);51A,1033(1967)[10]G.Bhattacharya,A.Ghosh and P.Mitra,hep-th9310146[11]J.Schwinger,Phys.Rev.128,2425(1962)[12]J.Lowenstein and J.A.Swieca,Ann.Phys.68,172(1971)[13]A.Casher,J.Kogut and L.Susskind,Phys.Rev.D9,706(1974)[14]S.Coleman,R.Jackiw and L.Susskind,Ann.Phys.93,267(1975)8。
Credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO) - Very Large Telescope
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Mid-Mass: Scientists are finding these in the centers of large, dense star clusters.
“Weird” motions of objects nearby
Movie courtesy Max-Planck-Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, Germany.
How do we know it’s there?
Hot material falling into the black hole.
Credit: European Southern Observatory
Where do black holes come from?
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A Galaxy Full of Black Holes
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 1 Origins Education Forum - STScI Navigator Public Engagement Program - JPL
1915: Einstein’s Theory of Gravity predicted the possibility of black holes, but no one believed they actually existed! 1967: Term “Black Hole” coined 1970’s: Convincing evidence that black holes are real Today: NASA space telescopes have discovered evidence for black holes throughout the universe
高中英语 第一部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第8课(文本)素材
高中英语第一部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第8课英语翻议讲解:1. slavery n. 奴隶身份;奴隶制度Its people were thus reduced to slavery.就这样它的人民都沦为奴隶了。
He struck a blow against slavery.他反对奴隶制度。
2. rebel n. 反政府的人; 反叛者; 造反者Few people knew exactly what the rebels planned to do.没有人知道叛军究竟打算做什么。
3. headstone n. 墓石,基石Even if ML's bones were not at Old Beaverdam, he was in his place with the simple granite headst one and now the ring I had returned to his family. 虽然曼梯·里的遗骸并不在这个墓地里,但他也可说是叶落归根并和这块朴素的花岗岩墓碑以及现在我交还给他家的这枚戒指安眠在一起了。
4. injustice n. 不公平; 非正义They complained of injustice in the way they had been treated.他们抱怨受到不公平的对待。
5. small pox 天花6. pastime n. 消遣, 娱乐Play-ing chess is his favourite pastime.下棋是他最喜爱的消遣。
7. curator n. 管理者, 管理人, 图书馆馆长8. memento n. 纪念品, 令人回忆的东西He keeps a lock of her hair as a memento. 他保留著她的一束头发作纪念。
9. souvenir n. 纪念品The local shopkeepers sell souvenirs to the tourists.当地的店主向旅游者出售纪念品。
热点11 诺贝尔奖的相关情况(原卷版)-备战2023年中考英语热点话题解读+关键能力(题型)强化专练
备战2023年中考英语热点话题解读+关键能力(题型)强化专练热点11 诺贝尔奖的相关情况以量子计算和量子通信为代表的第二次量子革命、曾被爱因斯坦质疑的量子纠缠、中国在全球率先发射的量子卫星……这些都是与刚刚揭晓的2022年诺贝尔物理学奖相关的热门话题。
高中英语 双语美文阅读 西式幽默 Western Humour素材
高中英语双语美文阅读西式幽默 Western Humour素材西式幽默冯骥才学院请来一位洋教师,②长得挺怪,红脸,金发,连鬓大胡须,有几根胡子一直逾过面颊,挨近鼻子,他个子足有二米,③每迸屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击,叫人误以为他进门先鞠躬,这不太讲究礼貌了吗?顶怪的是,他每每与中国学生聊天,聊到可笑之处时,他不笑,脸上也没表情,好象他不喜欢玩笑;④可是有时毫不可笑的事,他会冷不防放声大笑,笑得翻江倒海,仰面朝天,几平连人带椅子要翻过去,喉结在脖子上乱跳,满脸胡子直抖。
写作文的学生来自郊区农村,人很老实,胆子又小, 生伯得罪校方,妨碍将来毕业时的分数、评语、分配工作等等,便不顾真假,胡编乱造,竭力美化,唱赞歌。
⼀、考试概述: 本次考试的⽂章两篇旧题⼀篇新题,第⼀篇是关于托马斯杨这个⼈的⼈物传记,第⼆篇是跟仿⽣科学相关的,讲⼈们可以利⽤⾃然中的现象改善⽣活,第三篇介绍了四种不同的性格和它们对团队合作的影响。
⼆、具体题⽬分析 Passage 1: 题⽬:Thomas Young 题型:判断题7 +简答题6 新旧程度:旧题 ⽂章⼤意:关于托马斯杨的个⼈传记 参考⽂章: Thomas Young The Last True Know-It-All A Thomas Young (1773-1829) contributed 63 articles to the Encyclopedia Britannica, including 46 biographical entries (mostly on scientists and classicists) and substantial essays on "Bridge,” "Chromatics," "Egypt," "Languages" and "Tides". Was someone who could write authoritatively about so many subjects a polymath, a genius or a dilettante? In an ambitious new biography, Andrew Robinson argues that Young is a good contender for the epitaph "the last man who knew everything." Young has competition, however: The phrase, which Robinson takes for his title, also serves as the subtitle of two other recent biographies: Leonard Warren's 1998 life of paleontologist Joseph Leidy (1823-1891) and Paula Findlen's 2004 book on Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), another polymath. B Young, of course, did more than write encyclopedia entries. He presented his first paper to the Royal Society of London at the age of 20 and was elected a Fellow a week after his 21st birthday. In the paper, Young explained the process of accommodation in the human eye on how the eye focuses properly on objects at varying distances. Young hypothesized that this was achieved by changes in the shape of the lens. Young also theorized that light traveled in waves and he believed that, to account for the ability to see in color, there must be three receptors in the eye corresponding to the three "principal colors" to which the retina could respond: red, green, violet. All these hypothesis were subsequently proved to be correct. C Later in his life, when he was in his forties, Young was instrumental in cracking the code that unlocked the unknown script on the Rosetta Stone, a tablet that was "found" in Egypt by the Napoleonic army in 1799. The stone contains text in three alphabets: Greek, something unrecognizable and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The unrecognizable script is now known as demotic and, as Young deduced, is related directly to hieroglyphic. His initial work on this appeared in his Britannica entry on Egypt. In another entry, he coined the term Indo-European to describe the family of languages spoken throughout most of Europe and northern India. These are the landmark achievements of a man who was a child prodigy and who, unlike many remarkable children, did not disappear into oblivion as an adult. D Born in 1773 in Somerset in England, Young lived from an early age with his maternal grandfather, eventually leaving to attend boarding school. He had devoured books from the age of two, and through his own initiative he excelled at Latin, Greek, mathematics and natural philosophy. After leaving school, he was greatly encouraged by his mother's uncle, Richard Brocklesby, a physician and Fellow of the Royal Society. Following Brocklesby's lead, Young decided to pursue a career in medicine. He studied in London, following the medical circuit, and then moved on to more formal education in Edinburgh, Gottingen and Cambridge. After completing his medical training at the University of Cambridge in 1808, Young set up practice as a physician in London. He soon became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and a few years later was appointed physician at St. George's Hospital. E Young's skill as a physician, however, did not equal his skill as a scholar of natural philosophy or linguistics. Earlier, in 1801, he had been appointed to a professorship of natural philosophy at the Royal Institution, where he delivered as many as 60 lectures in a year. These were published in two volumes in 1807. In 1804 Young had become secretary to the Royal Society, a post he would hold until his death. His opinions were sought on civic and national matters, such as the introduction of gas lighting to London and methods of ship construction. From 1819 he was superintendent of the Nautical Almanac and secretary to the Board of Longitude. From 1824 to 1829 he was physician to and inspector of calculations for the Palladian Insurance Company. Between 1816 and 1825 he contributed his many and various entries to the Encyclopedia Britannica, and throughout his career he authored numerous books, essays and papers. F Young is a perfect subject for a biography - perfect, but daunting. Few men contributed so much to so many technical fields. Robinson's aim is to introduce non-scientists to Young's work and life. He succeeds, providing clear expositions of the technical material (especially that on optics and Egyptian hieroglyphs). Some readers of this book will, like Robinson, find Young's accomplishments impressive; others will see him as some historians have - as a dilettante. Yet despite the rich material presented in this book, readers will not end up knowing Young personally. We catch glimpses of a playful Young, doodling Greek and Latin phrases in his notes on medical lectures and translating the verses that a young lady had written on the walls of a summerhouse into Greek elegiacs. Young was introduced into elite society, attended the theatre and learned to dance and play the flute. In addition, he was an accomplished horseman. However, his personal life looks pale next to his vibrant career and studies. G Young married Eliza Maxwell in 1804, and according to Robinson, "their marriage was a happy one and she appreciated his work." Almost all we know about her is that she sustained her husband through some rancorous disputes about optics and that she worried about money when his medical career was slow to take off. Very little evidence survives about the complexities of Young's relationships with his mother and father. Robinson does not credit them, or anyone else, with shaping Young's extraordinary mind. Despite the lack of details concerning Young's relationships, however, anyone interested in what it means to be a genius should read this book. 参考答案: 判断题: 1.“The last man who knew everything” has also been claimed to other people. TURE 2. All Young’s articles were published in Encyclopedia Britannica. FALSE 3. Like others, Young wasn't so brilliant when grew up. FALSE 4. Young's talents as a doctor are surpassing his other skills. NOT GIVEN 5. Young's advice was sought by people responsible for local and national issues. TRUE 6. Young was interested in various social pastimes. TRUE 7. Young suffered from a disease in his later years. NOT GIVEN 填空题: 8. How many life stories did Young write for Encyclopedia Britannica? 46 9. What aspect of scientific research did Young do in his first academic paper? human eye 10. What name did Young introduce to refer to a group of languages? Indo-European 11. Who inspired Young to start the medical studies? Richard Brocklesby 12. Where did Young get a teaching position? Royal Institution 13. What contribution did Young make to London? gas lighting (答案仅供参考) Passage 2: 题⽬: Learn the nature 题型:段落细节配对4+填空题5+⼈名理论配对 4 新旧程度:新题 ⽂章⼤意:讲仿⽣科学的,写出⼤⾃然⾥有很多现象可以被学习和利⽤,⽤于科学研究改善⼈类社会和⽣活。
七下英语作文白头叶猴Here is an essay on the topic of the white-headed langur, with a word count of over 600 words, written in English:The Enigmatic White-Headed LangurNestled deep within the lush forests of southern China, a remarkable primate species thrives, captivating the hearts and minds of those who are fortunate enough to witness its enchanting presence. The white-headed langur, a member of the colobine monkey family, is a true gem of biodiversity, possessing a unique blend of physical features and behavioral adaptations that set it apart from its counterparts.At first glance, the white-headed langur commands attention with its striking appearance. Its long limbs and lithe build provide the perfect balance for navigating the intricate network of trees and vines that make up its arboreal domain. The most striking feature, however, is the langur's distinctive head, adorned with a mane of pure white fur that contrasts strikingly with its dark brown body. This captivating coiffure not only adds to the langur's visual appeal but also serves a functional purpose, helping to regulate body temperature andprovide protection from the sun's glare as it leaps from branch to branch.The white-headed langur's habitat is a testament to its exceptional adaptability. These primates thrive in the rugged limestone karst formations that dot the landscape of southern China, taking advantage of the abundant resources and relative isolation that these unique geological features provide. From the lush, verdant valleys to the towering, fractured cliffs, the white-headed langur has mastered the art of survival, moving with grace and agility through its challenging environment.One of the most fascinating aspects of the white-headed langur is its intricate social structure. These primates live in close-knit family groups, with a dominant male serving as the leader and protector of the group. Within the group, there is a strict hierarchy, with each individual occupying a specific role and position. This social structure not only ensures the survival of the group but also fosters a deep sense of community and cooperation among the langurs.The white-headed langur's diet is another testament to its remarkable adaptability. These primates are mostly folivorous, meaning they primarily consume leaves, which are a notoriously difficult food source to digest. To overcome this challenge, the white-headed langur has evolved a specialized digestive system,complete with a large, multi-chambered stomach that allows it to effectively break down the tough, fibrous leaves that make up the majority of its diet.Despite the white-headed langur's impressive adaptations, this species faces a number of significant threats to its survival. Habitat loss and fragmentation, driven by human activities such as logging, mining, and urban development, have severely reduced the available habitat for these primates. Additionally, the white-headed langur is prized for its vibrant fur, leading to poaching and illegal trade, further jeopardizing the species' already precarious existence.In recent years, conservation efforts have been undertaken to protect the white-headed langur and its habitat. These initiatives involve a combination of research, education, and on-the-ground protection measures, all aimed at ensuring the long-term survival of this remarkable primate. Through the dedicated efforts of scientists, conservationists, and local communities, there is hope that the white-headed langur will continue to thrive in the rugged and beautiful landscapes of southern China.In conclusion, the white-headed langur is a true wonder of the natural world, a testament to the incredible diversity and resilience of life on our planet. Its unique physical features, behavioral adaptations, and social dynamics captivate all who have the privilegeof encountering this enigmatic primate. As we continue to explore and understand the white-headed langur, we are reminded of the importance of preserving and protecting the delicate balance of our natural world, for the sake of this species and countless others that share our world.。
The vacuum polarization around an axionic stringy black hole
a r X i v :h e p -t h /9207059v 1 16 J u l 1992ROM2F-92-36February 1,2008The vacuum polarization around an axionic stringy black holeA.Carlini ⋆and A.TrevesSISSA,Strada Costiera 11,34014Trieste,ItalyF.Fucito†Dipartimento di Fisica,Universita’di Roma II “Tor Vergata”,Via Carnevale,00173,Roma,ItalyM.Martellini‡Dipartimento di Fisica,Universit`a di Milano,Via Celoria 16,20133Milano,ItalyABSTRACTWe consider the effect of vacuum polarization around the horizon of a 4dimen-sional axionic stringy black hole.In the extreme degenerate limit (Q a =M ),the lower limit on the black hole mass for avoiding the polarization of the surrounding medium is M ≫(10−15÷10−11)m p (m p is the proton mass),according to the assumed value of the axion mass (m a ≃(10−3÷10−6)eV ).In this case,there are no upper bounds on the mass due to the absence of the thermal radiation by the black hole.In the nondegenerate (classically unstable)limit (Q a <M ),the blackhole always polarizes the surrounding vacuum,unless the effective cosmological constant of the effective stringy action diverges.If string theory is to describe a quantum theory of gravity,it is certainly im-portant to investigate what happens to it around black holes and cosmological solutions and how such backgrounds are generated.Recently low energy string the-ory solutions have been obtained in which gravity is coupled to the Kalb-Ramond field.[1][2]In this context,one of the main problems concerns the stability of these kinds of axionic black strings(ABS).In a previous work,[3]it was shown that the ABS’s are classically and thermodynamically stable only in the extreme degenerate limit Q a=M,where Q a(M)is the axionic charge(mass).However,it is well known that electrically charged black hole solutions of General Relativity,even in the degenerate case,may spontaneously loose their charge because of vacuum polarization effects.[4]The purpose of this letter is to investigate under what circumstances a de-generate4-D ABS is stable against particle production from the surrounding vac-uum.The method employed is a generalization of the effective action approach of Ref.5developed for the semiclassical quantum electrodynamics.Our unexpected result is that the degenerate ABS is‘almost’stable for a wide range of black hole masses.The lower bound which we found crucially depends on the experimental and astrophysical-cosmological estimates of the axion mass coupling.We conclude the paper by performing a similar calculation for the non-degenerate ABS solution (Q a<M).In this case the black hole always polarizes the surrounding vacuum, loosing its axion charge.This can be seen as the semiclassical counterpart of the classical instability shown in Ref.3.At the leading order in the string tension expansionα′,the ABS solution is characterized by(see Ref.3),ds2=− 1−M Mr dx2+dy2+k dr2,(2)r2Φ=ln(r)+Φ∞,(3)where H˙=dB,B is the Kalb-Ramond gaugefield,Φis the dilaton andΦ∞its asymptotic value.In this context,our strategy is to study the vacuum polarization phenomena by treating the dilaton,the axion and the geometry in the externalfield approx-imation.In particular,wefind the probability amplitude for the decay processes of the axionfield itself in a region close to the horizon,where we expect that the vacuum polarization effects are dominant.In the effective4-D string theory,the leading decay process is dictated by the coupling of the axion to the electromag-netic(quantum)field Fµν,which appears in the orderα′.Fµνis associated with a U(1)subgroup of E8×E8(Spin(32)/Z2)of the superstring or coming from somekind of string compactification.At this string order,there are also vertices involv-ing couplings of the graviton and the Kalb-Ramondfield,[6]but in this semiclassical approximation for gravity such couplings give only a‘dressing’of the basic ABS solutions(1-3).Since we are interested in the vacuum polarization effects around the ABS horizon at r=M,we assume for the dilaton the constant value:Φ≃Φr=M= ln(M)˙=Φ0(see eq.(3)).This turns out to imply that the H equation of motion at the leading order inα′becomes∇µHµνλ=0,and then one can write,Hµνλ=ǫµνλρ∇ρθ,(4) whereθis the axion pseudoscalarfield.Therefore,the low energy string action relevant for this problem has the form, S= d4x√k+14 −F2+λθF∗F ,(5)whereλ=m ais the cosmological constant term corresponding to the central‘charge deficit’kfor the superstring,[7]⋆and∗Fµν=1−g −λ24 H212Hµνσ∇2Hµνσ +3λ2(xµxµ+iǫ) H2 xµxµ+iǫ=P 1√r3δ(gµνxµxν)+nλ4M48k3πM p d4x1⋆In the case of the(SUSY)string coset-model G/K,where G=SL(2,R)×R×R and K=U(1)of Ref.2,one has that(k=14/3)k=25/11.†Eq.(7)can be obtained by the covariant generalization of Ref.8,after a rescaling of H and F by eΦ0/2and having reabsorbedα′in the definition of F.conformally rescaled classical metric˜gµν=e sΦgµν,with s arbitrary.In this case, however,the new effective action(7)would correspond to a different quantum theory,[9]and would not be trivially related to eq.(4).It is convenient to perform the integral over t in thefirst term of the right hand side of(8)using the delta function expansion,δ(t+[1+ˆx2+ˆy2]1/2µ)δ(gµνxµxν)=M2p r |t|,(9) where we have defined,µ= 81M2p r −3/2,xˆx=µ 1−M,(11)M4pwhere lθis the Compton wavelength of the axion pseudoscalar.Moreover,using (9),(10)in thefirst term of the right hand side of(8)one can evaluate the double integral,ˆβdˆxˆγ dˆy[1+ˆx2+ˆy2]−1/2≃ˆβˆγ r≃M/M2p,(12) which may be a fairly good approximation since,ˆβ r≃M/M2p=M8r 3/2 r≃M/M2p≃0,ˆγ r≃M/M2p=M8r r≃M/M2p≃0.(13)Therefore,reinserting back all relevant dimensional parameters(mπ=135MeV and fπ=93MeV).Considering the following recent(astrophysical-cosmological) bounds for the axion mass,m a=(10−3÷10−6)eV(see Ref.10),thefinal resultfor the Schwinger effective action is,2ImΓ1≃1M2p r 1/2r≃M/M2p k1/2+6.2(10143÷10134) Mn1/2(1.610−15÷4.810−11)m p,(15) where m p is the proton mass.In the case of the extreme ABS solution,the temper-ature T=0(see Ref.3),and therefore one does not expect a thermal production of(virtual)particles around the horizon.Therefore,the lower bound for M which is given by(15)is the only relevant condition on the mass in order to avoid vacuum polarization of the medium surrounding the extreme ABS solution.The condition given by eq.(15)is by far much weaker than the usual bounds on the general relativity black hole masses described in the literature(see Ref.4).In the non-degenerate(Q a<M)case of ABS,one can repeat similar calcula-tions starting from eq.(7),and it is quite straightforward to obtain the following estimate for the one loop effective action,2ImΓ1(Qa <M)≃k−3/2 7(1020÷1014)1−Q2a M2pM 2.(16)For this set of ABS solutions,the temperature T=M p2kπ 1−Q2a M2pM2 1/2≪7√5.J.S.Schwinger,Phys.Rev.82(1951),664.6.B.A.Campbell,N.Kaloper and K.A.Olive,Classical hair for Kerr-Newmanblack holes in string gravity,CERN-TH-6332/91, Alwis,J.Polchinski and R.Schimmrigk,Phys.Lett.B218(1989),449.8.C.Coriano’,Mod.Phys.Lett.A7(1992),1253.9.N.D.Birrell and P.C.W.Davies,Quantumfields in curved space,CambridgeUniversity Press,Cambridge,198210.Review of particle properties,Phys.Rev.D45(92)V.17.。
The old man The old man, the devil, appears to be a common person,
which suggests that every person including Goodman Brown has the probability for evil. By emphasizing the resemblance to Goodman Brown, Hawthorne suggests that the devil is the embodiment of the dark side of man.
澳大利亚 Australia
Platypus (鸭嘴兽)
Often described as the world’s most unusual animal because it is a small , web-footed (长蹼足动物) , egg-laying mammal (产卵哺乳动物) with a bill(鸟嘴) like a duck and can stay under water for as long as 14 minutes .
Another marsupial but one which looks like a small wooly , grey and white bear . It lives mainly in the branches of trees , especially the eucalyptus (桉树)whose leaves comprise the koala’s main diet .
The Peoples of the Dreaming belonged to over 500 different groups or nations with different languages and cultures but they were bound together by their belief in the Dreaming . “The Dreaming” or “The Dreamtime” is the most enduring religion in Australia today .
Torres Straits
The distinctive features of the land
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Elizabeth Winstanley
According to the no-hair conjecture, black holes are therefore extraordinarily simple objects, whose geometry (exterior to the event horizon) is a member of the Kerr-Newman family and completely determined by just three quantities (mass, angular momentum and charge). Furthermore, these quantities are global charges which can (at least in principle) be measured at infinity, far from the black hole event horizon. If a black hole is formed by the gravitational collapse of a dying star, the initial star will be a highly complex object described by many different parameters. The final, equilibrium, black hole is, by contrast, rather simple and described by a very small number of quantities. During the process of the formation of a black hole, an enormous amount of (classical) information about the star which collapsed has therefore been lost. Similarly, if a complicated object is thrown down a black hole event horizon, once the system settles down, the only changes in the final state will be changes in the total mass, total angular momentum and total charge. Advances in astrometry [173] and future gravitational wave detectors [5] may even be able to probe the validity of the “no-hair” conjecture for astrophysical black holes by verifying that the mass, angular momentum and quadrupole moment Q2 of the black hole satisfy the relation Q2 = J 2 /M which holds for Kerr black holes. The “no-hair” conjecture, stated above, has been proved by means of much complicated and beautiful mathematics (as reviewed in, for example, [51, 52, 77, 78, 79, 117]), subject to the assumptions of stationarity, asymptotic flatness, fourdimensional space-time and the electrovac Einstein equations. It is perhaps unsurprising that if one or more of these assumptions is relaxed, then the conjecture does not necessarily hold. For example, if a negative cosmological constant is included, so that the space-time is no longer asymptotically flat but instead approaches antide Sitter (adS) space at infinity, then the event horizon of the black hole is not necessarily spherical, giving rise to “topological” black holes (see, for example, [18, 64, 97, 102, 111, 164]). More recently, the discovery of “black ring” solutions in five space-time dimensions ([60], see [61] for a recent review) and the even more complicated “black Saturn” [59] solutions indicates that Einstein-Maxwell theory has a rich space of black solutions in higher dimensions, which are not given in terms of the Myers-Perry [120] metric (which is the generalization of the KerrNewman geometry to higher dimensions).
Classical Yang-Mills Black Hole Hair in anti-de Sitter Space
as the extremal Reissner-Nordstr¨ om black hole but possesses a conformally coupled scalar field. However, this solution is controversial due to the divergence of the scalar field on the event horizon [157] and is also highly unstable [48]. Therefore, in some ways the first “hairy” black hole is considered to be the Gibbons solution [71], which describes a Reissner-Nordstr¨ om black hole with a non-trivial dilaton field. While there are many results which rule out scalar field hair in quite general models, particularly in asymptotically flat space-times (see, for example, [14] for a review), in recent years many other examples of black holes with non-trivial scalar field hair have been found. For example, minimally coupled scalar field hair has been found when the cosmological constant is positive [160] or negative [161] and non-minimally coupled scalar field hair has also been considered (see, for example, [175, 176] and references therein). In this short review, we will focus on another particular matter model, EinsteinYang-Mills theory (EYM), where the matter is described by a non-Abelian (YangMills) gauge field. It is now well-known that this theory possesses “hairy” black hole solutions, whose metric is not a member of the Kerr-Newman family (see [170] for a detailed review). Furthermore, unlike the Kerr-Newman black holes, the geometry exterior to the event horizon is not determined uniquely by global charges measureable at infinity, although only a small number of parameters are required in order to describe the metric and matter field (see section 3 for further details). All of the asymptotically flat black hole solutions of pure EYM theory discovered to date are unstable [47] (however, there are examples of asymptotically flat, stable hairy black holes in variants of the EYM action, such as Einstein-Skyrme [22, 58, 80, 81], Einstein-non-Abelian-Proca [73, 109, 158, 159, 162] and EinsteinYang-Mills-Higgs [1] theories). This means that, while the “letter” of the no-hair theorem is violated in this case (as there exist solutions which are not described by the Kerr-Newman metric), its “spirit” is intact, as stable equilibrium black holes remain simple objects, described by a few parameters if not exactly of the KerrNewman form (see [21] for a related discussion along these lines). The situation is radically different if one considers EYM solutions in asymptotically adS space, rather than asymptotically flat space. For su(2) EYM, at least some black hole solutions with hair are stable [25, 26, 174]. These stable black holes require one new parameter (see section 4) to completely describe the geometry exterior to their event horizons. Therefore, one might still argue that the true “spirit” of the “no-hair” conjecture remains intact, that stable equilibrium black holes are comparatively simple objects, described by just a few parameters. One is therefore led to a natural question: are there hairy black hole solutions in adS which require an infinite number of parameters to fully describe the geometry and matter exterior to the event horizon? In other words, is there a limit to how much hair a black hole in adS can be given? This is the question we will be seeking to address in this article.