PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 Read and write教学设计

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PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 Read
and write教学设计
Activity 2: Review the verbs we learned in the us unit by playing a game of charades。

One student acts out a verb while the others guess what it is.
Step 2 n:(呈现)
T: Today we are going to learn about different animal ns。

Let's look at some pictures and see if we can guess what the animals are doing.
Show pictures of animals dancing。






and swimming)
T: Can you tell me what the animals are doing in these pictures。

(Allow students to answer and encourage them to use the -ing form of the verb)
T: Great job。

Now let's read a story about some animals at the zoo.
Read the story aloud while showing the pictures on the PPT)
Step 3 Practice:(练)
Activity 1: Role-play
T: Let's practice asking and answering ns about what we and the animals are doing。

(Demonstrate with a student)
T: Now I want you to work with a partner and take turns asking and answering ns using the sentence patterns we just learned.
Activity 2: Writing)
T: Now let's practice writing the sentences we just learned。

I will give you some sentences from the story and you need to write them correctly on a piece of paper.
Step 4 n:(表现)
Activity 1: Zoo visit
T: Imagine that we are going to visit the zoo。

What should we do when we see the animals。

(Discuss with students and emphasize the importance of not feeding the animals and being respectful)
Activity 2: Show and tell
T: Now I want each group to choose an animal and prepare a short n about what it does。

You can use pictures。

real objects。

or even act it out。

(Allow time for students to prepare and present)
Step 5 Assessment:(评估)
T: Great job today。

Now I want you to write down one thing you learned today and one thing you still need to practice。

(Collect papers and review for understanding)
T: Remember。

if you do well in this class。

you can earn a prize。

Keep up the good work!
Do you like animals。

In this lesson。

we will be exploring the world of animals through us activities。

Let's start with a
brainstorming n。

Look at the picture and quickly say what the animals are doing。

Great job。


let's chant and act like
some of these animals.
As students stand up。

they can act like an elephant。




and bird。

This activity not only creates an active classroom atmosphere but also helps students review us knowledge before delving into a new story.
Moving on to the main focus of the lesson。

we will be reading a story called "Robin at the Zoo." Let's take a look at the cover and discuss the title。

What can you see on the cover。

Some students may n animals。


and even Sarah and Robin。

By discussing the cover and title。

we are creating a n een the students and the story。

This will help in leading into the story and creating interest among the students.
Let's fix the formatting errors and rewrite the paragraphs:
T: "Yes。

They are Sarah and Robin。

They are at the zoo。

Robin will meet some animal friends。

Robin is excited."
Activity 2: Predict the story
T: "Guess what animals they are going to see。

Please guess."
S1: "Maybe a tiger."
S2: "Maybe a panda."
The purpose of this activity is to introduce new vocabulary and lead students into the story through Robin's excitement。

gradually guiding them towards the plot.]
Step 3: Picture Walk of the Story
Activity 1: Bear
T: "Now let's go into the story with Robin and Sarah。

Look at the picture。

What animals are they going to see first。

What can you see in the picture?"
S1: [insert response]
T: "What is the bear doing?"
S2: [insert response]
T: "Robin is dancing。


Sarah has a n。

What does Sarah ask。

Let's read the sentence."
Ss: "What are you doing here。

T: "What does Robin answer。

What does he say。

Let's read the sentence."
Ss: "I am looking at a bear。

I am dancing like a bear."
Activity 2: Rabbit
T: "Well。

look at the picture。

What animals are they going to see next。

What can you see in the picture?"
S1: [insert response]
T: "What are the rabbits doing?"
S2: [insert response]
T: "Robin is eating。

Sarah asked Robin what he was doing there。

Robin replied that he was looking at something like a rabbit。

They then moved on to see a tiger。

and the students were asked what the tiger was doing。

They then saw an elephant and were asked what it was doing。

Robin was also walking with them at this point。


Sarah asked Robin again what he was doing there.
Activity5: Monkey
In this activity。

the teacher shows a picture of some animals and asks the students what animals they will see next。

One student answers。

and then the teacher asks what the bear in the picture is doing。

Another student answers。

The teacher then points out that Robin is also climbing and asks the students to read
a sentence where Sarah asks Robin what he is doing。

Robin responds that he is looking at something。

using the phrase "like a。


After this。

the teacher moves on to the next activity。

is about monkeys。

The same format is followed。

with the teacher showing a picture and asking ns about it。

The students read a sentence where Robin is tired。


and thirsty。

and then the teacher introduces the idea of not feeding animals in the zoo and taking care of them。

Activity6: Bird
In this activity。

the teacher shows a picture of some animals and asks the students what animals they will see next。

student answers。

and then the teacher asks what the bear in the picture is doing。

Another student answers。

The teacher then points out that Robin is also flying and asks the students to read a sentence where Sarah asks Robin what he is doing。

Robin responds that he is looking at something。

using the phrase "like a。

Teacher: Let's analyze the sentence structure。

What did Robin say。

"I like。

I want to be a/an。

Is Robin swimming like a fish。

How can you tell。

Activity 7: Fish。

Teacher: Look at the picture。

What can you see in the picture。

Student 1: I see。

Teacher: What are the fish doing。

Student 2: They are。

Sarah has a n。

What does Sarah ask。

Let's read the sentence。

Students: "What are you doing here。

What does Robin answer。

Let's read the sentence。

The story ends here。

Design intent: The teacher uses the pictures and n chain to guide the students to gradually understand the meaning of dancing。






and swimming through context。



and existing knowledge and experience。


in the big scene of the zoo。

the students gradually establish a nship with the text and understand the story.]
Step 4: Read the story aloud。

Activity 1: Listen to the story。

Teacher: Let's listen to the story。

Pay n to your n and n。

[Design intent: Correct n and n.]
Activity 2: Read by yourself。

Teacher: Now。

it's your turn。

You can read the story by yourself。

Here are three ns:
1.What animals does Robin see。

2.What are the animals doing。

3.What is Robin doing?
Step 5: Group Work: Reading and n
In this step。

students will discuss and answer three ns related to the story。

The ns are:
1.What animals does Robin see?
2.What are the animals doing?
3.What is Robin doing?
The purpose of this activity is to encourage group n and mutual learning。

By discussing the ns from different perspectives。

students can deepen their understanding of the story and express their own ideas.
Step 6: Writing Output
In this step。

students will complete two activities:
Activity 1: Mind Map
Students will discuss and circle key words related to the story。

and then fill in a mind map。

This activity helps students to organize and summarize the main points of the story。

and develop their thinking skills.
Activity 2: Writing Exercise
Students will imagine themselves as Robin and write down other animals they want to see。

This activity encourages students
to use context clues。


and their own knowledge and experiences to continue the story.
Step 7: Show Time: Performance Output
In this step。

students will act out the story in groups。

Each group will choose one or two scenes to perform。

imitating the ns
of the animals in the story。

The purpose of this activity is to help students experience the joy of Robin and deepen their understanding of the story.

these activities aim to engage students in the story。

encourage group n and n。

and develop their reading。


and performance skills.
What did you learn today。

For this lesson。

we read a story about a group of animals who worked together to save their home from n。

Through this story。

we learned the importance of teamwork and taking n to protect our environment.
For homework。

there are two tasks。


read the story again to rce your understanding of the language and themes。


act out the story with your classmates to further connect
with the ns and messages of the story。

By doing so。

we not only develop our English language skills but also cultivate a sense of empathy and responsibility towards the natural world.。
