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Module 6 War and Peace
本模块以“ war and Peace ”为话题。
Vocabulary an~:Reading部分由对诺曼底登岸战斗的局部描绘和诺曼底登岸60 周年龄念的报导构成,经过达成有关练习训练学生的阅读技巧,并使学生充足认识到诺曼底登岸战
Reading and Writing部分第一要修业生阅读一篇15 岁外国少年写的对于《挽救大兵瑞恩》的影评并回答有关问题;而后经过剖析影评的构成因素,让学生学写一篇近似题材的影
Everyday English要修业生学习 5 个出此刻听力资猜中的重要表达,明确它们的详细意
Cultural Corner经过阅读有关结合国维和队伍的文章,使学生理解其建立的目的,以
Module File概括了本模块的词汇、语法、句型和平时用语,帮助学生概括总结,提升
(4> 思虑战争给人类带来的影响。
第一、二课时: Introduction,Vocabulary and Reading
第 i 课时: Listening, Everyday English , Function
第四课时: Grammar
第五课时: Cultural Comer, Reading and Writing
第六课时: Workbook, Task, Module File
IV .教学设计步
Periods 1-2 Introduction. Vocabulary and Reading
Teaching Goals:
1. To arouse Ss ’ interest in learning about war and peace. dvzfvkwMI1
2. To develop Ss’ reading skills.
3 . To help Ss to talk about the D — Day landings of the Second World War.rqyn14ZNXI
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 . Introduction
Purpose : To enable Ss to know some quotations about war and peace and something
about Second World War. EmxvxOtOco
1. Leading-in
(1>Ask Ss the following questions:
Q1 . Do you remember the war between America and Iraq?Can you say something
about it?SixE2yXPq5
Q2. What do you think the war will bring?What’ S your feeling about the war?6ewMyirQFL
Suggested Answers:
Various answers are acceptable. (Teacher can introduce two words for Ss to
express their feelings. They are“ horror” and“terrible ”. 1
(2>Let Ss say which one they prefer, War or peace and explain why.y6v3ALoS89 Foryour reference:
① I ’ nl against war, because war will kill people.
② I ’ m for War , because we can sell weapons and get more lands.M2ub6vSTnP
2. Practice
(1>Read the quotations about War and peace and finish Activity1on P51.0YujCfmUCw
Suggested answers:.
① They will take revenge on anyone that does harm to them on purpose. eUts8ZQVRd
② No matter how good the war is, there are many people who will die in the war. War is always bringingpeople misery and poverty.sQsAEJkW5T
③ right: (b> ;left: (b>
,④ Not prepare for war, and try their best to set up friendly relationship
with other countries, ere .GMsIasNXkA
(2>Ask Ss to discuss the quotations in Activity 1 on P5 1 and say which one
they think is the most effective.TIrRGchYzg
Suggested Answer :
I think the second one is the most effective.It tells people that war isn’
t the only way to solve problems and it can bring people great disasters. It shows people the importance of keeping the world peaceful. 7EqZcWLZNX
3. Pair work
Ask Ss some questions about the Second World War in order to let them know
something about it and do some preparation for the reading passage. lzq7IGf02E
(1>How many World Wars have there been until now?
(2>When did World War I happen and how long had it lasted?zvpgeqJ1hk
(3>When did World War II take place and when did it end?NrpoJac3v1
(4>When World War II began, which countries were involved?1nowfTG4KI
(5>The War began when a country was invaded. Do you know which country? fjnFLDa5Zo
Suggested Answers:
(1>Two .
(2>It happened in 1914, and lasted five years.
(3>It happened in 1939. and ended in 1945.
(4>Britain and Germany.
Step 2 . Vocabulary and Reading
Purpose :
● To help Ss to learn something about the D— Day Landings .
● To enable them to improve their reading skills.
1. Leading-in
(1>Let Ss look at the two pictures on P52and answer the questions in Activitv 1.HbmVN777sL
Suggested answers:
①Soldiers .
② Approaching the French coast.
③ They are going to fight across the English channel.V7l4jRB8Hs
(2>Let Ss finish Activity 2 on P52 to study some Hew words.83lcPA59W9 Suggested answers:
① attempted② dangerous③killed④ abandoning
2 . While-reading
(1>Ask Ss to skim the passage and finish Activity 4 on P52.mZkklkzaaP Suggested Answers :
①b ②b ③ a
(2>Ask Ss to decide the following sentences true(T>or false(F>. AVktR43bpw
① Operation Overlord was a mihtary operation in1944 to invade Germany.ORjBnOwcEd
② The soldiers of Britain attempted to land at the most dangerous place. known
as Omaha Beach .
③ Twenty men of Able Company reached the beach where German soldiers were and were killed. gIiSpiue7A
④The poem called For the Fallen by Lawrence Binyon can be seen on war memorials
in many parts ofthe world.uEh0U1Yfmh
Suggested answers:
(3>Ask Ss to scan the passages and make notes.
The Second World War
Lasting time: ______Starting time:_____ Ending time: _____IAg9qLsgBX
Countries involved: ______
Important battle: _____
Event :_______
Number(>I ships crossed the English channel :_____Number of troops to the
French coast :________
The most important dangerous place: _____
Suggested answers:
① 6 years② In 1939③ In 1945
④ Poland , France , US, Britain, Germany, Canada, Italy, Japan(the last two countries are not mentioned inthe text>asfpsfpi4k
⑤ Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.ooeyYZTjj1
⑥Operation Overland
⑦ Operation Overland started when boats full of soldiers landed On the beaches of Normandy in France.BkeGuInkxI
⑧ More than 5,000
⑨ 130,000
⑩Omaha Beach
(4>Ask Ss to 8,earl Passage 2 carefully,and then finish Activity6Oil P53.PgdO0sRlMo
Suggested Answers :
①a ②b ③ b ④ a ⑤ b
(5>Ask Ss to$ean Passage 3 carefully and finish Activity 7 on P54.3cdXwckm15 Suggested answers:
① It was the 60th anniversary of the landings.
② They were drowned Or blown up.
③ It says that they ale not really lost because we will always remember them.h8c52WOngM
3. P0st-reading
Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of each passage.
Suggested answers:
Passage 1 : introduces the reason of the D— Day landings and some detailed information about it. v4bdyGious
Passage2: tells about the history of a company called Able Company.J0bm4qMpJ9
Passage 3 :describes the 60th anniversary of D-Day landings. XVauA9grYP
Step 3 . Language Points
Purpose : To enable Ss to learn80me words and phrases, and understand80me difficult sentence8. bR9C6TJscw
1. Work study
Ask Ss to listen to the text carefully and type out some important words and
phrases . Then discuss them in fourgroups.pN9LBDdtrd
(1>In September 1939,Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded
Poland . 1939 年 9 月,英国在德国入侵波兰后向德国宣战。
①declare Vt 宣告,申明,申报
Eg China declared her foundation on Oct 1 st,1949.’ QF81D7bvUA
② invade vi&vt侵略,侵犯
Eg(a>Troops invaded On August 9th that year.
(b>The town was invaded by a crowd of tourists.
(2>The Will",which lasted until 1945,is known as the Second World War.这场连续到 1945 年的战争就是第二次世界大战。
① last vi&vt连续,连续
Eg(a>These 8hoe~,last well.
(b>Our holiday lasts three days.
(3>During the war,Germany occupied many countries,including France.二战中,德国侵犯了包含法国在内的很多国家。
occupy vt占据,占,住进
Eg How much memory does the program occupy?
(4>Troops from the United States,Britain and Canada took part in the D. Day landings .美国、英国和加拿大的军队参加了 D 日登岸。
① troop
(a> / -g一群 ( 人或野生动物 >;军队,队伍 ( 常用复数形式 >
Eg There is a tempo of monkeys in the woods.
(b>vi(部分 in , out ,of 连用 >群集,结队,成群而行
Eg We trooped into the meeting.
② take part in参加,参加
Eg(a>He will take part in a chess tournament next week. Kp5zH46zRk
(b>She would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals .Yl4HdOAA61
(5>American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach.美军士兵试图在最危险的奥马哈海滩登岸。
attempt to do sth试图干某事
Eg We attempt to finish this report with our teacher’ S help .qd3YfhxCzo
(6>The situation at Omaha beach was SO bad that the US army commanders thought
about abandoning the invasion. E836L11DO5
① think about考虑
Eg I ’ d have to think about it.
② abandon vt放弃;沉迷
Eg(a>The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.
(b>He abandoned himself to despair.
(7>Eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough and the D— Day landings were successful.登岸战士最后获得了打破, D 日登岸得以得胜。
① eventually adv 终于,最后
Eg He worked SO hard that eventually he made himself i11. 501nNvZFis
② make a breakthrough 打破
Eg Scientists predict that they will make a breakthrough next month. jW1viftGw9 (8>Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats. 20 名战士落水后被其余船只上的人救起。
pick up拣起,拾起;(有时>获取,学会;收听;接人
Eg ① She picked up a book on the ground.
( 爹 She soon picked up French when she went to live in France. LOZMkIqI0w
⑧ Turn on the radio and pick up the latest Hews on the World CuD. ZKZUQsUJed
( 少 After school I often drive to pick up my daughter home.dGY2mcoKtT
(9>The soldiers on Boat 1 and Boat 4 jumped into the water, but it was too deep and most 0f them drowned. rCYbSWRLIA
drown vi&vt淹死,淹死
Eg ① She turned up the radio to drown(out>the noise of the traffic.FyXjoFlMWh
② It is cruel to drown the cat in the river.
(10>The other two, Private Jake and Private Thomas Lovejoy, joined a group from another company and fought with them . Two men. Two rifles . This was Able Company’ s contribution to D. Day.TuWrUpPObX
此外两位战士二等兵杰克‘谢弗和二等兵托马斯. 洛夫乔伊加入了另一连队,与他们并肩作
两名战士,两支来复枪,这就是 A 连对 D日登岸所做出的贡献。
①fight with 在本句中的意思是“和并肩作战”。
Eg Did you fight with others?
※ [ 扩展 ]fight against抗衡; fight for为而战
(a>They gathered soldiers to fight against the invading army. llVIWTNQFk
(b>The workers fighted for higher wages.
② contribution n贡献;捐钱,捐资
Eg(a>He has made an important contribution to the company’ s success .yhUQsDgRT1
(b>All contribution, however small,will be gready appreciated. MdUZYnKS8I
(11>The cemetery and memorial are situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel, fromwhere the boats attempted their landings.墓地和纪念碑坐落在一处绝壁之上,从那边能够俯瞰海滩和英吉利海峡,以前一艘艘船只试图从那边
①situate vt使位于;使坐落于
Eg Our school is situated on the bank of Wujiang.
② from where 指引一个定语从旬。
Eg The captain climbed up to the second floor,from where he could see the enemies in the forestclearly.e5TfZQIUB5
2. Sentence study
(1>Ask Ss to join each pair of sentences together.
① (a>The War lasted until1945 . (b>The War is known as the Second World
② (a>More than 5 , 000 ships crossed the English Channel. GXRw1kFW5s
(b>The ships carried 130, 000 Poops to the French coast. UTREx49Xj9
③ (a>The survivors lay on the beach . (b>They were exhausted and shocked .8PQN3NDYyP
Suggested answers:
① The War, which lasted until 1945, is known as the Second World War.mLPVzx7ZNw
② More than 5 , 000 ships crossed the English Channel, carrying 130, 000~oops to the French coast. AHP35hB02d
③ The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked. NDOcB141gT
(2>Ask Ss what the following sentence means.
If they had r~ached the beach, they would probably have been killed. 1zOk7Ly2vA
Suggested Answer:
In fact they were not killed because they didn’ t reach the beach.fuNsDv23Kh
(3>Translate the following poem called For the Fallen. tqMB9ew4YX
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. HmMJFY05dE
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them.‘
Suggested Answers:
Step 4 . Homework
1. Finish the Reading exercises in the Workbook on P99-100. 9eK0GsX7H1
2. Preview Listening and Everyday English in this module. naK8ccr8VI Period 3 Listening, Everyday English, Function
Teaching Goals:
1. To help Ss learn how talk about memories.
2 . To enable Ss to learn how to get some information useful from the listening
materials. B6JgIVV9ao
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 . Revision
1. Check Ss ’ homework first. If necessary give them some instruction. P2IpeFpap5 2. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks according to the passage. 3YIxKpScDM
In September 1939, Britain __________Germany after Germany ______Poland, which was thebeginning of the Second World War . In the War , Germany______ many countries. The most important________was called Operation Overlord . The operation was_______dangerous and many soldiers was_________. American soldiers ______to land at the most dangerous place, _________as OmahaBeach . The situation was SO bad that the commanders thought about_______the ______ . Eventually, the soldiers ______. gUHFg9mdSs
Operation Overland_____ as a story of danger and ______ and _____as a story
of uQHOMTQe79
_________and acts of___________.
Suggested answers:
(1>declared war on(2>invaded(3>occupied(4>military operation (5>extremely(6>killed(7>attempted(8>known (9>abandoning(10>invasion
(11>made a breakthrough(12>started(13>confusion (14>ended(15>bravery(16>heroism IMGWiDkflP
Step 2 . Listening
Purpose : To help Ss learn to get some useful information from the listening materials. WHF4OmOgAw
1. Pre-listening
(1>Ask Ss to read the passage on P55and answer the following questions. aDFdk6hhPd
①What is the main idea of the passage?
②What is Blitz?
③ How many people were killed in the worst single incident?ozElQQLi4T
④How did people get into the underground stations?
Suggested answers :
① The passage tells US during the Second World War, German planes attacked London using Blitz. CvDtmAfjiA
② Blitz means lightning埘 0r , a sudden military attack.QrDCRkJkxh
③ 450.
④ They broke the chains on the doors.
(2>Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the verbs in the past simple in Activity 2 on P55. 4nCKn3dlMX
Suggested Answers:
① shook② flew③ fell④ thought⑤ broke⑥felt
2. While-listening
(1>Ask Ss to listen to Alice and Henry Porter, who lived in London during the Blitz, and answer thefollowing questions. ijCSTNGm0E
① How old were Alice and Henry when the bombing campaign started?vfB1pxanfk
② Where was Alice when she saw the bombing for the first time?JbA9VhEou1
③What did Henry and his brother do?
④Where was Alice when a bomb fell on her street?
⑥ Who was Henry with on the night he remembers best?X7Ahr18pJI
⑥ What else did Alice remember?、
⑦How often did the bombers come?
Suggested answers:
① Alice was 7 and Henry was 12.
②I n her bedroom
③ They went out into the street to watch the planes. b3zqXLCqXo
④ In the underground station.
⑤ His father.
⑥ The firemen.
⑦ Every night,and not just once a night.There was a raid every two minutes for
about an hour.pZyytu5rc5
(2>Listen again and try to fill in some blanks.
Interviewer: I ’ m talking to Alice and Henry Porter , who were both living in London during the Second World War, and who both ____the bombing campaign which
is known as the London Blitz-Alice, whatare your strongest ______0f it?DVyGZezsrM Alice: Well , 1 was only seven years old at the time, and the first bombs fell a
long way from my house .But Iremember that______ , and I looked through my bedroom window .’ ve never forgotten that. London was _____all around me. There were so many fires that the clouds in the sky
_____.Unforgettable. RQxPvY3tFs
Interviewer : Yes, indeed .
Alice :I also remember that my parents were very _____ me. 5MxX1IxuU9
Interviewer: Why?
Alice : Because 1 was looking through my bedroom window. You ____do that. You had to keep yourwindows ______ all the time at night. jIw5xs0v9P
Interviewer: Henry . What are your first memories of the Blitz?xEve2buwnw
Henry : WeU, I ’ m 0lder than Alice, and 1 was 12 when the bombing started. The first thing I remember was____the planes. They flew very low. My brother and 1 went out into the street to watch-We nevertold my parents about that. If I ’ d
told them about that, they_____!
Interviewer: How did you feel when you went into the street?Were you afraid? Ywuu4FszRT
Henry: Well , yes, I suppose1was . But I also remember feeling very ______.cstDApWA6A
Interviewer : And did any of the bombs drop near you?qotL69pBkh
Alice: Not 0n the ______ night, no. and I often wonder why. I suppose because we weren ’ t near any _____and we weren’ t near the ______. A lot of bombs fell on
the _________.EksTCSTCzX
Interviewer: And later?
Alice:Later,yes . A bomb fell on our street.
Interviewer : Did you see it?
Alice: N0 . We were in the air. raid shelter. Otherwise1wouldn ’ t have ______. Actually, we were in the Sgs28CnDOE
underground station. That ’ s right, the underground station. If. I remember
rightly, we_____dothat .
Interviewer: Really?
Alice: Yes . The government thought that it wouldn’ t be safe, so they ______ .A lot of people thought itwould be the safest place, so they _______. After that, a lot of people went there.k8qia6lFh1
Henry :And they were right. It WAS _______ in the underground.y3qrGQOGwI
Alice: Yes. you felt much safer in the underground. There were shelters above the ground as well. And it was______there. MZpzcAiHKo
Interviewer : Henry , what ’ s your strongest memory?
Henry : 0ne night , my father and me_____the house later than everyone else. We
had to run about half amile to the underground station.And it was one of the worst nights.The sky was full of planes,and you could ____falling bombs.That was ____ . I ’ 11 never forget hearing that sound.0VoHIjMIZ5
Interviewer : What else do you remember,Alice?
Alice :The firemen.
Interviewer : The firemen?
Alice: Yes , they were wonderful. As soon as there was a fire, a fire engine
arrived . I can_____ . Very_______ men .
Interviewer : How often did the bombers come?
Henry :Every night.
Interviewer: Really?
Henry : Yes, and not just once a night. I remember counting the time between the
raids one night--there Was a raidevery two minutes for about an hour. rNnYJNKKts Interviewer: Thank you both for______.
Alice:You’ re welcome .
Henry :WE should thank YOU . We_____the opportunity to talk. FJn6fxdLH9
Suggested answers:
(1>experienced(2>memories(3>the house shook(4>in the distance(5>on fire TFmfLhHMWP
(6>turned pink(7>annoyed with(8>weren ’ t supposed to(9>covered(10>the sound of<11) would have killed me<12 ) excited<13 ) first(14>factories (15>docks(16>docks(17>survived(18>weren ’ t supposed to(19>put chains on the doors(20>broke the chains(21>much safer(22>much noisier(23>came out of
(24>hear the sounds of(25>terrible(26>remember them shouting to each other (27>brave(28>sharing your memories with US (29>appreciated7Blnh0bNbw
Step 3 . Everyday English
Purpose:To help Ss understand some sentences in the Listening conversation.lxlvNKFOpd
Ask Ss to read the lines from the listening passage and answer the questions
on P58 . And then check theanswers together. ztkEju9PET
(1>C (2>b (3>b (4>b (5>C
Step 4 . Function
Purpose : To help Ss to learn how to talk about memories. NpjMPeCQTA
1. Individual work
Ask Ss to complete Listening Activity 4 on P56 and then listen again and check their answers. 1ljUlY6R8h
Suggested answers:
(1>window(2>fires(3>annoyed (4>sound
(5>excited(6>supposed(7>shouting(8>counting fhi3RIASmX
2. Pair work
Ask Ss to find what the sentences in Activity l on P56have in common.scibnr4TBE
Suggested Answers:
They are talking about the memories Most of them use one word “ remember”G8hjTbyUQk
Let Ss complete the sentences in their own words
(1>I remember(doing something>_____
(2>IfI rememberrightly______
(3>The first thing I remember(about a person place>was_____ U4gspV1V41
(4>I’ 11 never forget(doing something>_______
(If time is allowed the teacher can ask some of Ss to say their own
sentences >
Step 5 Homework
1 Preview Grammar in this module
2 Finish the Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook on P98mWfIqpZYyo
Period 4 Grammar
Teaching Goals
1 To help Ss learn how to use the subjunctive correctly ASeRW8tZM5
2 To enable Ss tO learn two structures If they had(not>been they
would(not>have OOeZsSX01M
Ifthey had(not>done they would(not>have
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Revision
Check the answers to Vocabulary exercises on P98and give Ss some
Step 2 Grammar
Purpose To enable Ss to use the subjunctive correctly gGcgumU2v9
1 Leading-in
(1>Ask Ss to read the sentences and answer some questions uCco06o3JP
If they had reached the beach they would probably have been killed IybwwQS4Yw Q Did they reach the beach?Were they killed?
Suggested answer
Nothey didn ’ t reach the beach So they were not killed VubF2zm5dd
If they hadn ’ t been on the boats they would have survived9paNyjP6rT Q Were they on the boats?Did they survive?
Suggested Answer
Yesthey were on the boats but they didn ’ t survive
If their backpacks had been small they would not have drowned Bh94ANN8Vh Q Were their backpacks small?Did they drown?
Suggested answer
No their backpacks were big So they drowned
If the Germans had not been near the beach the soldier would not have had any
problems Pd8c6xh9aX
Q Were the Germans near the beach?Did the soldiers have problems?397kCgKaoE Suggested Answer
Yes the Germans were near the beach and the soldiers did have
problems .h57t70ebDk
(2>Guide Ss to draw a conclusion of them . Ask them the followingquestion
first .v16BDKIcS1
Do these sentences describe something that really happened7. JX6J9ucd6I Suggested Answer:
No , they don’ t .
The conclusion:
用虚构语气表示与过去事实相反,条件从句用过去达成时(had done / been>;结果主句用 would / could / might+have done XT5SFeGelo
2. Practice
(1>Let Ss join the sentences together by using the above structure. aP40bY9fA5
① a. Germany invaded Poland.
b .The British declared War.
⑦ a. The soldiers reached the beach.
b .They were attacked by the Germans.
③ a. The waterwas very deep.
b.It was impossible for the soldiers to walk to the beach.oL48HHDgOM
④a. The invasion of Normandy was successful_
b .The war ended soon afterwards.
Suggested answers:
① If Germany hadn ’ t invaded Poland , the British wouldn ’ t have declared war.CH3hdr7h3s
② If the soldiers hadn’ t reached the beach, they wouldn ’ t have been attacked
bv the Germans .
③ If the water hadn’ t been SO deep , it would have been possible forthe soldiers
to walk to the beach. 4y2xfV5jxP
④ If the invasion of Normandy hadn’ t been successful, the way wouldn’ t have ended s00n afterwards.iu1GLFylLw
(2>Let Ss draw a conclusion of all the subjunctive we have learnt.wq1Oho2m0d The Conclusion :
表示与此刻事实相反的动词的过去式 (be 动词一般用 were>would /could / might+ 动
表示未来不大可能实现动词的过去式 (be 动词一般用would /could / might+ 动
的事情were>/ were to/ should+ 动词原形词原形
表示与过去事实相反的动词的过去达成时 (had done>would/ could / might
have done
3. Exercise
(1>When a pencil is partly in a glass of water , it looks as if it____. Km0WN8wnfT
A .breaks
B . has broken C. were broken D. had been broken YiZ5iS0otA
(2>I didn’ t see your sister at the meeting. If she____ , she would have met my brother. ceZdOCupIh
A .has come B.did come C.CalTle D.had come
(3> 一 If he____,he____ that food.
-Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.
A.was warned ; would not take
B.had been warned ; would not have taken
C.would be warned ; had not taken
D.would have been warned; had not taken
(4>If there were no subjunctive, English_____much easier .
D6XuQ6rrbE A.will be B. would have been C.could have been D.would be
(5>一 Alice,why didn ’ t you come yesterday?
— I_____ , but I had an unexpected visitor.
A . had B.would C. was going to D . did
(6>1 wish I_____you yesterday.
A.seen B . did see C.had seen D . weIle t0 see
(7>I didn ’ t see your uncle at the party. If he____, he would have said “ hello ”to me .R2XCmPVsqk
A.would come B. had come C. came D.did come
(8>You didn’ t let me drive. If we____in turn,you____so tired.
A.drove ;didn ’ t get B.drove :wouldn ’t get
jUWTojTuUI C.were driving; wouldn ’ t get D. had driven ; wouldn ’ t have got
(9>Mr Smith was badly ill, or he___our dinner party. xQV1U3mv8o
A.should come to B. would have attended
C. would come to D . should have attended
(10>She suggested we____here at once
A.1eave B . 1eaving C. were leaving D. had left
(11>The guard at the gate insisted that everybody____the rules. LLU9qNQwn5
A.obeys B . obey C. will obey D . would obey
(12>Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only I____your advice.ZHUiWwkxCM
A.follow B.had followed C.would follow D .have followed dDTqsgOyQs
(13> 一 Do you mind ifI open the window?
一 _____I feel a bit cold.
A.Of course not.B. I ’d rather you didn’ t .
C.Go ahead. D. Why not?
(14>____it____for your help, I couldn ’ t have made any progress. rzSyY0iz59
A.Had: not been B. Should ; not be
C.Did ; not be D . Not ;
be Suggested answers:
(1>-(5>CDBDC (6>-(10>CBDBA (11>-(14>BBBA
此中第 10题, suggest 表示建议的时候,其用法为: suggest doing sth / that sb(should>do sth FvSHuKLAkP
近似的词有: advise , demand,require , insist, order 。
第12 题,if only 意为“希望;假如就好了”。
第 13 题,在口语中, would rather后边从句中的谓语动词常用过去式来表示一种委宛
在 wouldrather后边的从句中,谓语动词用过去式表示此刻的梦想,用“had+过去分词”表示过去的梦想。
第 14 题,条件句中若有 were, had, should , could时,能够省略if ,但句子要部分倒装。
Step 3 . Homework
1. Finish the Grammar exercises in the Workbook.
2. Preview Reading and Writing,Cultural Corner in this module.6nRXvdJCNd Period 5 Cultural Corner,Reading and Writing
Teaching Goals :
1. To help Ss learn how to talk about the United Nations peacekeepers.kjQ61XdD2T 2. To enable Ss to learn how to write a film review. yfPexHHEhA
3. To enable Ss to say their feelings about way.
Teaching Procedures :
Step 1 . Revision
Check Ss ’ homework and give them some instruction.. MbPm3raFvh
Step 2 . Cultural Corner
Purpose : To help Ss learn how to talk about the United Nations 07OvzbEGKX
peacekeepers .
1. Leading-in
Ask Ss the following questions:
(1>If we suffer a lot from a war at present time, what ways do you think can
help prevent the War and savethe people who suffer from it?e3ND5V8IZE ( 图 6—6— 1>( 图 6—6—2>
(2>What forces are they?
(3>What is their duty?
Suggested Answers:
(1>Various answers are acceptable.
(2>They are the United Nations peacekeeping forces.sYNLBECJdk
(3>They are from all over the world and try to keep the world peaceful .GUMU7o6Ks1
2. Skimming
Ask Ss to skim the passage and try to find out the answers to the following
questions .
(1>When did the idea of UN peacekeepers begin?
(2>Whose idea was it?
(3>When and where were the first UN peacekeepers sent?7MLa9S3MWo
(4>From what countries have the personnel come since 2007lIKjFCxNa5
Suggested answers:
(1>It began more than 60 years ago.
(2>Canadian Foreign Minister Lester Pearson’ S idea .zEKrbl1OpM
(3>They were sent to the Middle East in 1948.
(4>Pakistan, Bangladesh , India, Ghana, China , Sweden, Denmark, Norway ,Finland , Canada, Ireland, Italy and Australia.NAJzG5uPEs
3. Scanning。