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刘海滨 莫少明
关键词:加氢装置 湿硫化氢环境 管线 腐蚀 防护
1 胺液再生塔顶空冷器出口管线的腐蚀
操作介质:H2S、水蒸气、DE A、NH3,C O2;
空冷器出口管线原设计采用20号无缝钢管(G B8163—87),规格为Φ89mm×5mm。
1994年检修时将上述管线全部更换为S US321不锈钢管线,使用5年多未发生泄漏事故。
2000年2月该管线一DN300mm立管弯头穿孔,大量硫化氢泄漏,为此进行了停工处理,将上述管线、管件及阀门全部更换为S US321材质。
2 临氢高压空冷器出口管线的腐蚀
操作压力:7.0~6.6M pa
E103/C、D出口管线于1988年投用,规格为Φ89mm×7mm,材质为20号无缝钢(G B8163-87)。
s=P D0/(2[σ]tΦ+P)+C
装置・设备 石油化工腐蚀与防护
3 腐蚀原因分析
管线腐蚀损坏的根本原因是加氢反应中生成了大量硫化氢,与再生塔内的水蒸气或高压空冷器的注入水经过冷却后形成了H2S-NH3-H2O-C O2的腐蚀环境。
对空冷器出口20号钢内表面腐蚀产物进行X射线衍射定性相和能谱分析表明,腐蚀产物主要是含铁的硫化物FeS、FeS2和铁的氧化物FeO(OH)、FeO、Fe2O3,说明腐蚀主要是由H2S、C O2引起的。
根据设计核算结果,在正常操作条件下,蜡油加氢E103/C、D出口管线(Φ89mm×7mm)的介质流速为9.6m/s,重油加氢E1703出口管线的介质流速为31m/s,而美国腐蚀工程师学会(NACE)在对几十套加氢装置反应馏出物空冷器的腐蚀情况进行调查、分析后,提出在H2S-NH3-H2O-C O2的腐蚀环境下,介质流速要控制在4.6~6.1m/s的范围内,介质流速若超过6.1m/s则腐蚀+冲蚀速率将急剧增大[1]。
在重油加氢装置E1703出口管线部位安装的挂片、探针腐蚀监测表明:当介质流速小于5m/s时,20辆钢的腐蚀率小于1mm/a;流速大于5m/s时,腐蚀率显著上升,当流速大于7m/s 时,腐蚀率高达9mm/a。
图1 20号钢腐蚀率与介质流速关系曲线
第5期 刘海滨等.湿硫化氢环境下管线的腐蚀及防护
有一定的溶解氧,会以FeS 为阴极形成闭塞电池,产生坑蚀。
3.4材料的影响 根据重油加氢E1703出口挂片探针腐蚀试验,当流速为7.1m/S 时,20号钢腐蚀率达9mm/a ,因此操作条件下20号1钢是不耐腐蚀的(见表1)。
表1 空冷出口挂片探针腐蚀试验数据
/mm ・a -1
/m ・s -120号0.81减薄并有蚀坑 4.4ND 0.66减薄并有蚀坑 4.120号9.00减薄至0.5mm 7.10Cr13 2.20减薄7.108Cr2AlM o 1.54减薄7.41Cr18Ni9T i 0.30均匀减薄7.01Cr18Ni9T i
在此操作条件下,ND 钢的耐蚀性与碳钢差别不大,0Cr13不锈钢与碳钢相比耐蚀性提高了4倍以上,但不如抗硫化氢腐蚀新钢种08Cr2AlM o 。
1Cr18Ni9T i 耐蚀性最好,但随流速的增加,腐蚀率也有一定程度的升高。
各种钢抗蚀性能的顺序为:1Cr18Ni9T i >08Cr2AlM o >0Cr13>ND >20号。
而蜡油加氢装置改造时,新增的E103/A 、B 出口管线规格变为Φ89mm ×10mm ,利旧的E103/C 、D 出口管线规格仅为Φ89mm ×7mm (若考虑倒壁厚减薄因素则管内径更大),破坏了工艺配管对称的设计准则,造成了E103/A 、B 出口管线内径小、阻力降大,E103/C 、D 的介质流量要大于E103/A 、B ,致使E103/C 、D 的出口弯头产生严重的
E103/A 、B4个出口弯头的局部最大腐蚀率分别为0.5mm/a 、0.81mm/a 、0.87mm/a 、0.56mm/a ;而E103/C 、D4个出口弯头本周期局部最大腐蚀率分别为0.94mm/a 、1.56mm/a 、0.94mm/a 、1.12mm/a ,说明由于介质流量发生了较大偏流,E103/C 、D 出口弯头腐蚀率远高于E103/A 、B 的弯头腐蚀率。
4 湿硫化氢环境下工艺管线的防护措施4.1控制介质流速
设计配管时应借鉴NACE 有关规范要求,注意控制介质流速在0.4~0.61m/s ,并据此确定合适的管线规格;生产中在满足工艺操作条件下要尽量控制介质流速不超标,以免发生严重的冲刷腐蚀。
国内20号无缝钢(G B8163-88)与国外A106G rB 钢质量指标相当,按NACE 的规范,只要控制合理的介质流速可减缓冲刷腐蚀,但管线焊缝必须进行焊后消除应力热处理,否则容易发生应力腐蚀开裂事故。
4.3注缓蚀剂 胜利炼油厂曾于1994年在重油加氢装置溶剂再生塔顶挥发线进行注缓蚀剂试验,通过E1703出口管线20号钢挂片腐蚀监测情况看,缓蚀效果很好(结果见表2)。
表2 再生塔顶空冷出口注缓蚀剂试验结果
/mm ・a -1S 2-/M g ・L -1
Fe 总
/M g ・L -1NH 3-N /M g ・L -1
pH 值
5.35×105 3.49
0.005 4.29×105
1.95 1.56×105
0.005mm/a ,系统中的总铁含量下降,缓蚀率达到99.9%。
此外,试验还证明缓蚀剂不会引起DE A 溶液的降解和发泡,对装置正常操作无不利影响。
23・ 石油化工腐蚀与防护 第18卷
Corrosion Protection T echnologies for the Process U nits Pro2 cessing Imported H igh-sulfur Crudes
Jia Penglin
In processing high-sulfur crudes,such problems as wet low -temperature H2S corrosion,high-temperature sulfur corrosion, polythionic acid corrosion and dew point corrosion of sulfuric acid, etc often occur.The practical measures for corrosion protection in processing high-sulfur crudes were discussed and several aspects demanding attention in the technology development were present2 ed.
K eyw ords high-sulfur crude,corrosion,protection mea2 sure,technology development
Corrosion Protection Coating and Ni-P P lating for H eat Ex2 ch angers in Petrochemical Services and T echnology Develop2 ment
Yu Cunye
The application techniques and process of organic coatings and Ni-P plating for anti-corrosion and anti-fouling of Petro2 chemical heat exchangers were reviewed.The development trend of corrosion resistant heat exchangers using composite plating and coating was introduced.
K eyw ords heat exch anger,erosion protection,organic coat2 ing,Ni-P plating,application,plating
Polymer Type Anti-fouling I nhibitor for Cooling W ater and R esearch Development
Yu Xianguo,Li Guoxi,Li Qingsong
The types,characteristics and the research development of polymer type anti-fouling inhibitors were introduced in detail. The major polymer type anti-fouling inhibitors were natural high polymers,C A,PC A,sulfonic based copolymers and environmen2 tally friendly copolymers etc.Environmental protection demanded that great efforts should be put into the development and applica2 tion of biologically degradable non-phosphorus non-nitrogen and environmentally friendly new anti-fouling inhibitors.
K eyw ords polymers,anti-fouling inhibitor,cooling w ater Corrosion of Crude Distillation U nit in Ch angling R efinery Gong Desheng,Chen Xuebin
The variation trend of crude oil properties and variation laws of acid value and sulfur content in distillates in Changling Refinery were described.The equipment corrosion and corrosion patterns in the distillation unit were summarized.It was concluded that the se2 lection of16MnR+316L composite steel plate,18-8stainless steel and A3+316L composite plate for could reduce the corrosion in corrosive low-temperature light oil and high-temperature heavy oil service.
K eyw ords distillation unit,m aterial selection
Corrosion of Crude Distillation U nit Processing H igh-acid-value Crude and H igh-sulfur Crude
An Hui,Zhaoyan
The corrosion environment,corrosion status,corrosion mech2 anisms and corrosion protection measures for the crude distillation unit processing Liaohe high-acid-value crude and high-sulfur imported crudes in Jinxi Petrochemical C ompany were introduced. One overhaul in tw o years could be realized by upgrading materi2 als,selecting aluminum diffused steels,applying high-tempera2 ture corrosion inhibitors and strengthening”one rem oval and three injections”.
K eyw ords Liaohe crude,high acid value,corrosion,alu2minum diffused steel,GX-195high-temperature corrosion inhibitor,”one removal and three injections
Corrosion of the Delayed Coker in Maoming Petrochemical Comp any and Protection
Liu Xiaohui
The coker drum,furnace,vessels and piping of the delayed coking unit in Maoming Petrochemical C ompany su ffered corrosion of different degrees.The30years old unit is now operating very sm oothly and reliably after spray of aluminum on the internal wall of the coker drum,replacement of carbon steel high-temperature piping with Cr-M o one,application of aluminum diffused furnace tubes and strengthened m onitoring of corrosion.
K eyw ords coking,corrosion,m aterial selection,monitoring Corrosion of FCCU,Delayed Coker and Sulfur R ecovery U nit and Protection
Yuan Junguo
As the high-sulfur crude oil accounted to half of the total crude oil processed by Zhenhai Refining&Refining C ompany,the fluid catalytic cracking unit,delayed coking unit and sulfur recov2 ery unit were corroded in different degrees.The material selection, process corrosion protection measures and precautions in equipment fabrication for the corrosive section of above units were described. K eyw ords high-sulfur crude,corrosion,m aterial selection, process measure
C ause Analysis of Overhead S alt Deposit of FCC Main Frac2 tionator
Guan Xiaozhen,Zhang Guangqing
The analysis of the salt depositing on the overhead of heavy oil FCC main fractionator concluded that the heavier feedstocks of the upgrading units and increase of the impurities like chloride, sulfur and nitrogen etc were the culprits.The salt depositing could be prevented by strengthening”one rem oval and three injections”, applying new catalyst and improving the corrosion m onitoring.
K eyw ords fluid catalytic cracking,salt depositing,measure C ause Analysis of Corrosion B locking of Crude Oil Stabilizer and Countermeasures
Zhao Qingping,Yan Weiyou
The analysis of the corrosion blocking of the crude oil stabi2 lizer has found that the corrosion and blocking were mainly caused by HCl,H2S,NH3,H2O and O2etc.The corrosion blocking could be eliminated by improving”one rem oval and tw o injec2 tions”,injecting amine instead of amm onia and enhancing sulfur rem oval rate,etc.
K eyw ords blocking,,corrosion,fouling H S-2000neutraliz2 ing corrosion inhibitor
Corrosion of Piping in Wet H ydrogen Sulfide E nvironment and Protection
Liu Haibin,Mo Shaoming
The corrosion of the outlet piping of high-pressure air cooler of the hydrotreating unit and the outlet piping of the overhead air cooler of amine regenerator of the low-pressure acid gas desulfur2 izer of the heavy oil hydroprocessing unit was analyzed.It was concluded that H2S content,fluid velocity,temperature and con2 struction of material were the major factors for the corrosion.The corrosion could be prevented by controlling the flow velocity within 0.40.61m/s,selecting proper materials,injecting corrosion in2 hibitors and strengthening corrosion m onitoring.
K eyw ords hydroprocessing unit,w et hydrogen sulfide envi2
Corrosion Cracking of R egenerator and S afe Operation Wang Yujue,Zhang Xiaolu
Corrosion F ailure of R efinery Process Piping and Material Se2 lection
Rao Xinghe
S ince the fluid in m ost of the refinery process pipelines is flammable hydrocarbons,the corrosion failure of the pipeline can easily cause fire emergency.4corrosion failure cases(s ome were the results of inappropriate selection of materials and s ome were the outcome of misusing welding materials)were introduced and the principles of material selection for refinery operation were dis2 cussed.
K eyw ords refinery,process piping,corrosion,failure,m ate2 rial selection
C ause Analysis of Rupture of Pressure G auge N ozzle of Q uench H ydrogen Pipeline
Li Yahong
The pressure gauge nozzle of quench hydrogen pipeline of the hydroprocessing unit in T ianjin Petrochemical C ompany’s refinery ruptured in June20,2001.The chemical,metallographic and SE M testings con firmed that the rupture was the result of stress corrosion cracking in the wet hydrogen sulfide environment because of inappropriate material selection.The selection of austenitic stainless steel and proper protection in unit shut-down could pre2 vent the incident.
K eyw ords hydrotreating,nozzle,w et hydrogen sulfide,stress corrosion cracking,1Cr18Ni9Ti
BC-2072N eutralizing Corrosion I nhibitor for Condensing System of H ydrotreating U nit
H e Qiuxia,Zheng Wenlong,Wang Jianjun
The trial of BC-2072neutralizing corrosion inhibitor in the condensing system of the hydrotreating unit showed that the corro2 sion inhibition efficiency could reach90%and the corrosion rate of the carbon steel was only0.1mm/yr if the dosage was150μg/g. K eyw ords hydrotreating,neutralizing corrosion inhibitor, corrosion rate
Application of GX-195H igh-temperature Corrosion I n2 hibitor in Atmospheric-vacuum Distillation U nit
Wang Wenting,An Hui
When10μg/g G X-195high-temperature corrosion in2 hibitor was injected into the high temperature sections of the crude distillation unit of Jinxi Petrochemical C ompany,the corrosion rate of equipment was markedly reduced and the operating cycle was extended by over tw o times.G reat economic benefit has been achieved.
K eyw ords atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit,corrosion, GX-195corrosion inhibitor,application
Optimization of Process Conditions for E lectrostatic Desalting Luo Wanming,Li Jun,Liu Changqing
The FC-9302emulsion breaker was selected for Y an’an blended crude which contained higher salt and water for the elec2 trostatic desalter operation.A fter the optimization of the process parameters,the salt content of the desalted oil was reduced to less than3mg/L.
K eyw ords high-salt crude oil,electrostatic desalting,FC-9302emulsion breaker,process p arameter Some Problems in C athodic Protection Operation
Wang Zhifang
The filed investigation has found several problems in cathodic protection operation,such as proper conditions for power supply facilities,high-efficiency reference electrode and the sacrificing anode etc.These deserve detailed discussion.
K eyw ords cathodic protection,impressed current,problems in sacrificing anode operation.
Corrosion Protection Design for Large Steel Crude T ank Guo Mengfei
The corrosion protection design options including coating de2 sign and cathodic protection design for large steel crude tanks were described.The combined coating and cathodic protection option was the m ost cost effective measure of corrosion protection.
K eyw ords crude oil tank,corrosion protection,coating,ca2 thodic protection,option
Application of RG W ater-proofing Coating in H ouse R oofing Wang Wei,Shi Wenjie
RG water-proofing coating was suggested to replace the ex2 isting felt paper and other materials in roofing of the civil and in2 dustrial buildings.The application proved that this coating had very g ood performances and theoretical life of the coating could be as long as20years.The cost of unit area of the coating was com2 parable with that of other conventional materials.
K eyw ords building roofing,w ater leak age,RG w ater-proof2 ing coating
Study on the Corrosion of16MnR,316L Steels in Sulfur-containing Crude
Dong Shaoping,Yuan Junguo,Zhang Kangda,Fang Deming The study on the corrosion of16MnR,316L stainless steels in sulfur-containing crude showed that the equipment manu factured with16MnR material could continue to operate at a total sulfur content of less than2.0%and the uniform corrosion rate was about1.6mm/yr.The slow tensile stress corrosion testing dem on2 strated that the initial concentration of Cl-1when the stress corro2 sion cracking of316steel began to appear was250mg/L while H2S and pH content had little effect.
K eyw ords sulfur-containing crude oil,16MnR,316L,cor2 rosion,testing
Assessment of Static Corrosion of Sour W ater in Visbreaker Zhou Junfang
The static corrosion assessment of s our water in visbreaker was performed by both probe and coupon testings.It was found that the corrosion of s our water was mainly the pitting corrosion. The error of these tw o testings was only1.2%.
K eyw ords sour w ater,static corrosion assessment,corrosion probe,coupon testing,pitting corrosion
Construction of F Class Corrosion Pipeline in HF Alkylation U nit
Peng Jin
The codes&standard,welding specifications and keeping, installation and inspection of the materials were introduced.The measures for ensuring the construction quality of the F class pipeline were discussed.
K eyw ords pipeline construction,stand ard,processing,in2 spection,acceptance。