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1、shine: 照耀,指光稳定发射;
2、glitter: 闪光,指光不稳定发射;
3、glare: 耀眼,表示光的强度最大;
打破”之说:1、break: 一般用语,经打击或施加压力而破碎;2、crack:出现了裂缝,但还没有变成碎片;3、crush: 指从外面用力向内或从上向下压而致碎;4、demolish: 破坏,铲平或削平(如土壤,建筑物,城堡等);5、destroy: 在肉体上、精神上或道义上彻底摧毁,使之无法复原;6、shatter:突然使一个物体粉碎;7、smash: 指由于突如其来的一阵暴力带一声响而彻底粉碎。
有关“死”之说:1、去世,与世长辞:to pass away;2、寿终:to close (end) one's day;
3、咽气,断气:to breathe one's last;
4、归西:to go west;
5、了解尘缘:to pay the debt of nature;
6、命归黄泉:to depart to the world of shadows;
7、见阎王:to give up the gost;
8、翘辫子:to kick the bucket;
9、蹬腿:to kick up one's heels;10、不吃饭:to lay down one's knife and fork.
有关"怀孕"(pregnant)之说:1、she is having baby;2、she is expecting;3、she is in a family way;4、she is in a deliacate condition;5、she is in an interesting condition;6、she is knitting little booties.
"broken"涵义种种:1、a broken man: 一个绝望的人;2、a broken soldier: 一个残废的军人;3、broken money: 零花钱;4、a broken promise: 背弃的诺言;5、broken English: 蹩脚的英语;
6、a broken spirit: 消沉的意志;
7、a broken heart: 破碎的心。
、he killed the man.杀;2、he killed the dog,宰;3、he killed time down at the park,消磨;4、he killed his chance of success,断送;5、he killed the motion when it came from the committee,否决;6、he killed himself by overwork,致死;7、he killed the spirit of the group,抹杀;8、he killed three bottles of whiskey in a week,喝光;9、kill the peace,扼杀;10、kill the friendship,终止;11、kill a marriage,解除。
“声誉”种种:1、fame:褒义,指关于一个人的人格、行为、才能等方面的优点;2、reputation和repute 差不多,可褒义可贬义,指对人或物的评价、看法,词义较窄;3、distinction,褒义,指因职衔、地位或人格所造成的,通常包含“优越于人,与众不同”;4、renown,褒义,指显赫的声誉或应该得到的荣誉;5、notoriety,贬义,与fame相对应。
“空空如也”:1、hollow,表示“空洞的,虚的,不实的,下陷的‘,可以和tree, voice, sound, cheeks 等连用;2、vacant,表示”没人占用的,出缺的“,常和position, room, house, seat等连用;
3、empty,表示”空的,一无所有的“,可以和house, room, cup, box, stomatch, head, words 等连用.
The exact mechanism of Yutin, or vitamin P as is sometimes called, on the capillary wall is not understood.附译文:路丁,即有时所称的维生素P,其对毛细血管壁的确切作用(机理)还不了解。
Normal temperature in man is 98.6F or 37C(遗憾的时表温度上标我不会)。
Hurry up, or you will be late.
5、”or so “左右;"or more"以上;"or rather"甚至
1、全身麻醉general anesthesia
2、普查,集体检查general check-up
3、一般健康情况general health condition
4、综合性医院general hospital
5、总路线genegral line
6、大纲general outline
7、弥漫性腹膜炎general peritonitis
8、普通医师general practitioner
9、总查(病)房general purpose 10、秘书长general secretary
1、set a date: 决定日期
2、set an example:树立榜样
3、set fruit:结果子
4、set a fire:点火
5、set a severed limb:断肢再接
6、set sail:开航,起航
7、set the camera lens:调整(相机)镜头
8、set a pen to paper::动笔,下笔
9、set a new task:提出新任务
10、set down all items:记下所有项目11、set oneself to learn from:决心向。
例:colour intensity intensity of light
strength of cement(水泥标号) engine strength
working strength
base line 基线base plate 底座cotton base 产棉区data base 数据库paint base 底漆raw material base 原料基地
2、basic:基本的,碱性的basic Bessemer steel 底吹碱性转炉钢basic hole 基孔basic industry 基础工业basic material 碱性材料
3、basis:无形、抽象的基础、根据econimic basis 经济基础hole basis 基孔制scientific basis 科学根据
4、foundation:指大厦建筑物的地基,引申为“根据”foundation bolt 地脚螺栓material foundation of society社会物质基础reinforced concrete foundation钢筋混凝土基础The rumour has no foundation这传闻毫无根据
"charge"涵义知多少?1、费用:service charge服务费;2、责任:in charge of 负责;3、装料:furnace charge炉料;4、电荷:induced charge感应电荷;5、装药:shaped charge锥孔炸药
1、发展:agriculture develpopmentsocial
2、开发water-power development
3、研制advanced development远景产品研制,样机试制
4、开拓ore development
lateral development水平开拓5、展开(用于数学)series development级数展开
development of function函数的展开6、显影chemical development化学显影
over development显影过度time development定时显影
The shade meaning of "power":废物"之说:
1、litter:并不是真正意义上的废物,而是用后散置的“杂物”,相当于odds and ends,或索性说是残余物(leavings)
Always pick up your litter after a picnic.
垃圾篓美国人用trash can;英国用dustbin.美国人把南方的穷苦白人叫the (poor) white trash;可见,此词又可作“无价值的人或物”解释。
That book is mere trash.
英国人常说:That book is all rubbish.
4、厨房残屑:kitchen refuse或refuse:此词做废物或无用之物讲,但一般指固体废物,不指可排泄的垃圾。
5、到垃圾的地方:a dumping ground; a dumping-place for rubbish; a rubbish dump.
His writing is all junk.
7、废人、社会渣滓:human waste; debris; dregs of population; off-scourings of humanity; dross of mankind; hobo
He is now a "has-been"(他现成了废物)=He outlived his usefulness.
1、犯、行、作:commit a crime; commit a blunder; commit murder; commit suicide
2、委托、付诸:commit some funds to the care of trustees(委托资金与保管委员会);commit a bill(议会将议案交付委员审查);commit thoughts to writing(将想法写出来);commit something to memory(暗记某事);
3、承担:If you agreed to give a number of lectures, help to pay your brother’s school expenses, and give $ 500 a year for clothes, you have quite a lot of commitments.
4、(束缚身体之意转为)牵累,陷入,献身:Do not commit yourself(勿自限累);commit oneself to
a promise;
1、In the last decade, however, we have sought to fulfill the goal with greater zeal, greater commitment, and greater success than at any period in our history.
2、(李光耀对新加坡人的定义)A Singaporean is a person who feels committed to upholding society as it is—multi-racial, tolerant, accommodating, forward-looking---and who is prepared to stake his life for the community.
3、I believe that both candidates should make it absolutely clear that they share a basic commitment to the success of the negotiations now taking place in Paris.
4、he second imperative of our policy for peace is that we must meet our commitment and keep our promises to use our strength to oppose aggression.
5、Vietnam may be a bitter hoax or it may be a major commitment in the defense of freedom, but it will go away because we yell “foul”; it will not fade because we blow retreat.
6、The report said that new commitments of US$50.7 million during fiscal year 1968 raised total investments of the International Finance Corporation in private enterprises in its member countries to US$271.8 million in 39 countries.
7、The Japanese have faithfully observed their commitments.日本人忠实地遵守了投降条件(条件)。
an all-around commitment(全面的约束)
to give a precipitate commitment(给以轻率的
这个词在美语里用的频率特高,人们常挂在嘴边,比如:At first everyone is gung-ho about this idea.But now no-body even talks about it.(刚开始大家对这个想法都抱有极大的兴趣和热情。
T ai-chi(chuan)——太极或太极拳。
T ao——道。
T aoTeChing——《道德经》。
这些词的拼法大多延用韦氏(Wade Giles)音标。
另外,有一句常用话,虽然里面没有一个中文字,但公认是从中国话里搬来的,这句话就是“Long time no see”———很久不见。
“群”的表达观众a crowd of spectators一群人a crowd of people一群人a throng of people 一群影迷a throng of film fans一群女学生a group of girl students一群旁观者a group of onlookers 一群欢迎者a troop of welcomers一群示威者a troop of demonstrators
注:CROWD:无组织或者无秩序的人群;THRONG:为数众多的挤在一处或向前涌去的群;GROUP:有一定组织的;TROOP:正常行进中的群一群才子a galaxy of talents
一群美女a galaxy of beauties一群匪徒a band of gangsters一群劫匪a gang of robbers
一群建筑物a cluster of buildings一群海岛a cluster of islands
一群羊a flock of sheep一群鸭a flock of ducks一群牛a herd of cattle一群马a herd of horses一群豺狼a pack of wolves一群猎犬a pack of hounds
一群猴子a host of monkeys一群蜜蜂a swarm of bees注:
1. (= a moment ago; just):你怎麼才來就要走?You’ve only just come. Why do you want to leave so soon? /他才回到家裡,湯姆就來找他了.He had just got home when Tom came looking for him.
2. (= not until; 前面加“時間詞”):他九點鐘才來,太晚了.He didn’t come until 9 o’clock. That was too late. /大風到晚上才止住了.The gale didn’t stop until evening. /他走了兩個鐘頭才走到.It took him two hours to get there. /你為什麼這會兒才說呢?How come you didn’t say anything until now?
3. (= not unless; not until; then and only then; for no other reason):他吃了三碗麵才飽.He wasn’t full until he had eaten three bowls. /經他解釋之後,我才明白是怎麼回事.I didn’t understand what was going on until he explained it to me. /他說行才行.It’s O.K. only if he says so. /只有靠群眾,才能把工作做好.Only by relying on the people can we do our work well. /正因為我們有困難,才派我們去.We were sent precisely because there were problems there.
4. (= only;後面跟“數詞”):現在才八點鐘,還早著呢.It’s only
8 o’clock, so there’s still plenty of time. /才五塊錢嗎?真便宜.Only five dollars? That’s really cheap. /這孩子才五歲,已經認得不少字了.The child is only five, and he already knows quite a few characters.
5. (= actually; really; 用於肯定或衝突,強調“才“字之前的詞,通常句尾用”呢“字作語助詞):這才好呢! Now this is really good! /你以為他傻嗎? 他才不傻呢! You think he is stupid? Not him! /我才懶得管呢! I can’t be bothered! 或I couldn’t care less. /你才是撒
謊! You are the one who’s lying. /他要是不知道才怪呢!I’d be really surprised if he didn’t know.
6. (表示事情在前不久發生;剛才):The performance has just started.節目才開始.Why leave so soon?怎麼,才來就要走?
7. (表示事情發生或結束得晚):He left New York only yesterday.他昨天才離開紐約.
8. (表示只有在某種條件下或由於某種原因、目的,然後怎麼樣,前面常有“只有、必須、因為、由於”等配合):非等起重機來了才能裝?#092;嗎?Must we wait till the crane arrives before we start loading.只有肯努力,才能得到好成績.Only you study hard can you get good results.
9. (對比起來表示數量小,次數少,能力插等等;僅僅):1949年以前中國剛年產量最高才90多萬噸.Before 1949, China’s highest annual output of steel was only just over 900,000 tons.當時他才五歲.He was only five years old then.
10. (表示強調所說的事,句尾常用“呢”字):麥子長的才好呢!The wheat is coming along fine.他要是不知道才怪呢!It would be really strange if he didn’t know.屋子裡不熱外面才熱呢!It is not hot in the house, nut it’s really hot outside.
請注意! 在英文中這個“才”字不一定是非要用”某個單字”來表達不可;它可以用一些特別的句型,片語或語氣來表達.所以,學會用這些特別的句型,片語或語氣來表達是很重要的.
“非常, 很, 极其”的英文表达法在英语中用来表达"极其, 非常, 很"的方式有26种:
1) most
(used for giving force)
a. (to an adjective) very
It really is most annoying.
b.(to an adverb) quite; very
Whatever happens, I shall most certainly attend the meeting.
most只能修饰具有主观意见或感情色彩的形容词和副词, 表示"非常, 很"的概念.我们可以说most certainly, 但不能说most tall 或most quick
2) awfully adv.
infml (used to give more force to an expression) very awfully cold, awfully nice
I am awfully sorry for it.
3) badly adv.
(与"want", "need"连用) a great deal; very much
They want help badly.
He is badly in need of a haircut.
4) more than ...
fml, to a degree at which "..." is no longer a strong enough
or suitable word. 与中文的"无以名状"差不多
We were more than happy to hear of your escape.
I think his offer is more than fair.
5) ever so/such
infml. esp. BrE very
It's ever so cold.
She's ever such a nice girl.
6) immensely adv.
apprec very much
I enjoyed it immensely.
7) much adv.
to a great degree
I don't much like that idea.
I'm much surprised to hear that.
8) mighty adv.
infml. very
It was a mighty good meal, and everyone enjoyed it.
9) highly adv.
(esp. before adjectives made from verbs) to a high degree; very
highly pleased, highly skilled, highly interesting, highly
This is a highly amusing film.
10) greatly adv.
(with verb forms, esp. the past p.)
to a large degree; very
greatly moved by his kindnes
greatly to be feared
We are greatly obliged to you for your help.
11) mortally adv.
very greatly; deeply
She is mortally afraid of walking home alone on a
dark night.
He is mortally jealous.
12) deeply adv.
We are deeply obliged to you for your help.
13) like anything
very hard; fiercely
When they arrived, the house was burning like anything.
The maid wanted like anything to try on her mistress's clothes. He is brave like anything.
14) only too
only too happy to come
I am only too glad to go there.
15) a thousand
It is a thouand pity.
A thousand thanks!
16) one hundred percent
I am sure the figure is one hundred percent correct.
17) to the world
He was tired to the world.
18) up to the handle
I am enjoying my trip up to the handle.
19) to a large extent
I agree with what you say to a large extent.
20) not half
BrE infml very
It isn't half windy today!
They didn't half support my proposal.
21) extremely
I am extremely sorry
22) exceedingly adv.
very; to an unusual degree
They were exceedingly kind.
23) terribly adv.
infml. very
I've been terribly worried about you all day.
We were terribly lucky to find you there.
24) quite adv.
more than usually; rather
It's really quite good; much better than we expected.
25) utterly adv.
I found the books utterly charming, instructive, and
26) completely adv
wholly; altogether; in every way; totally
The army made a completely successful attack
on the enemy capital.
(1)All night long: 整夜Some stores stay open all night long.
(2)Call it a day: 一天工作完毕Every day, we have class from 9am and will call it a day at 4.30pm.
(3)Day after day: 每天Schooling could be very boring, as the students do the same things day after day.
(4)Day in day out: 一天又一天Henry wears the same old jeans day in day out. Isn't he going to buy some new clothes ?
(5)For a rainy day: 为困难的日子作准备When a person gets older, he will realise the importance of saving for a rainy day.
(6)In this day and age: 在现在这时代In this day and age, no one can expect to get something out of nothing.
(7)Have an off day: 不大成功或顺利的一天Tom did not do well in yesterday's test.He considered him unlucky euough to have an off day.
(8)The order of the day: 一般的惯例In a petroleum station here, payment by credit card is the order of the day.
(9)The other day: 几天前I bumped into an old friend the other day.
(10)To this day: (指日期)准确地It is 40 years to this day that I left university.
(11)Have seen better days: 曾经历过好日子Palmer was departmental head in that university before he came here. He has seen better days.
(12)Some day: 将来Everyone hopes to be great some day.
(13)One's days are numbered: 末日将临:Under computerisation, unskilled workers become redundant. Their days in a company are numbered.
(14)Carry the day: 胜利的一天Our team lost at first, but later, it carried the day with two goals to one.
(15)Someone's day: 幸运的一天Jim was promoted. Furthermore, he was given a performance bonus yesterday. It was his day.
(16)T ake a day off: 休息一天Janet was unwell and took a day off.
(17)Have a night out: 夜间出去消遣It's time to have a change. We must have a night out at the weekend.
(18)A night owl: 迟迟不睡者The moment Jack entered the university, he was a night owl.
(19)At the dead of night: 深夜Our managerial officers attended the emergency meeting at the dead ofnight.
(20) Save the day: 使情况变佳.Frank saved the day by kicking in a goal during the last five minutes of the match.
(21)Every dog has its day: 凡人都有得意日I have seen ordinary people suddenly become important. This is a case of every dog has its day.
(22)What is done by night appears by day: 若要人不知,除非己莫为"Crime does not pay. Criminals will be found out. That's why we say : What is done by night appears by day.
《联合早报》"Not" 的巧用
1. Not me. 不是我
2. Not today. 不要今天啦.
3. Not a word. 保持安静.
4. Not so fast. 不要那么快啦.
5. Not a chance. 一点机会也没有.
6. Not at all. 一点也不.这句话通常是用来回答别人的问题, 例如别人问你, "Do you like American food?" 你就可以回答"Not at all". 这句话强调出一点也不喜欢. 如果只说"No, I don't like it." 可能多少还会吃一点, 可是"Not at all" 可能就是连吃都不会想去吃了, 算是全部否定对方的回答.如果是部份否定的话, 你可以说"Not really" 表示你不全然同意对方所说的话. 像是同样如果别人问你, "Do you like American food?" 你说"Not really." 就表示出你不是那么喜欢.
8. Not again 不会再来一次吧.当有什么倒霉事第一次发生时, 你可以笑笑地说bad luck 或是rotten luck. 但是当第二次又接著发生了, 你大概就会说, "No, not again" 例如车子爆胎了, 你刚拿去补完才出汽车修理店门口又被一根铁钉刺到, 我想任何正常人的反应一定都是No, not again 吧!
10. Not a soul in sight. 半个人影也没有.这句话算是固定的用法. Soul 在这里就是指人而言. 如果讲的不是人而是其它的东西的话, 则用"Not a thing." 例如别人问你, "Did you see anything in the bush?" 要是你什么也没看到, 你就可以回答, "Not a thing."
Ⅰ.be+at引导的介词短语be at war(正在交战):The two countries are at war now.两国正在交战。
(相当于:The two countries are waging a war now.)
be at work(正在工作):Jim is at work on his car now.吉姆正在修自己的车。
(相当于:Jim is repairing his car now.)
be at peace(处于和平或平静状态):Thus Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years.于是欧洲在十年以后第一次进入和平状态。
be at table(正在吃饭):When I arrived my friends were already at table.当我到达时,我的朋友们正在吃饭。
常见的这类结构还有:be at meeting正在开
会;be at school正在上学;be at breakfast(lunch /supper)正在吃早(午/晚)饭;be at church 正在做礼拜,等等。
Ⅱ.be+in引导的介词短语be in progress(正在进展):The building of the bridge is in progress.这座桥梁正在施工中。
(相当于:The bridge is being built now.)be in trade(正在做买卖):Some people of this country are in gold and ivory trade.这个国家的有些人正在做黄金和象牙买卖。
be in fashion(流行):Long hair is very much in fashion now.如今,留长发正时兴。
be in trouble(处于困境/困难之中):I am in great trouble.My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself.我遇上点麻烦,我的小儿子从梯子上掉下来,并且摔伤了。
常见的这类结构还有:be in danger处在危险中;be in operation正在运行;be in action在活动(运转/战斗)中;be in peril在危险之中;be in office在执政;be in tears正在流泪;be in milk正在产奶;be in issue正在争论之中;be in church正在做礼拜;等等。
Ⅲ.be+on引导的介词短语be on strike(正在罢工):The electricity workers have been on strike for several weeks now.电力工人到目前已经罢工好几个星期了。
(即现在仍在罢工)be on leave(正在休假):Several soldiers are on leave in our village.几位军人正在我们村子里休假。
be on the rise (正在上涨):Prices of vegetables are on the rise.蔬菜价格正在上涨。
常见的这类结构还有:be;be on the stumps处在困难之中
Ⅳ.be +under引导的介词短语。