【精选】八年级英语上学期第8周周练试题 人教新目标版
(每小题1分)( ) 1.A. B. C.( ) 2.A. B. C.( ) 3.C.A. B.( ) 4.A. B. C.( ) 5.C.A. B.第二节听对话,回答每段对话后面的问题,每段对话听两遍。
(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( ) 6. The woman is a ________ in the city.A. policemanB. visitorC. cleaner( ) 7. ------ What are they doing now? ------ They are ________.A. making a callB. watching TVC. listening to the radio( ) 8. The woman is _______.A. a doctorB. painfulC. sick( ) 9. What are they talking about? They are talking about _______.A. a traffic accidentB. an earthquakeC. a terrible bus( ) 10. When did Mrs. Wu come to this school? She came here ______.A. six years agoB. five yearsC. five years ago第三节听短文(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。
( ) 11. Li Ming is _______ now.A. writing a letterB.making a callC.writing an e-mail( ) 12. Li Ming went to TiantanPark with his _______ .A. friendsB.parentsC.brother and sister( ) 13. They _______ in the park.A.flew kitesB.rode bikesC.took pictures( ) 14. Li Ming bought a _______for Jenny.A. hatB.coatC.skirt( ) 15. They _______in the evening.A. watched TVB.saw a filmC.drove a car around第四节. 听填信息。
八年级数学周末练习一、选择题1.若方程62-=+x y ax 是二元一次方程,则( ) A.1=a B.1≠a C.2=a D.2≠a2.下列说法中正确的是( )A.已知c b a ,,是三角形的三边,则222c b a =+ B.在直角三角形中,两边的平方和等于第三边的平方C.在R t △错误!未找到引用源。
°,所以222c b a =+D.在Rt △错误!未找到引用源。
°,所以222c b a =+ 3.如图,梯子AB 靠在墙上,梯子的底端A 到墙根O 的距离为3m ,梯子的顶端B 到地面的距离为4m ,现将梯子的底端A 向外移动到A ′,使梯子的底端A ′到墙根O 的距离等于4m .同时梯子的顶端B 下降至B ′,那么BB ′为( ). A .0.5m B .1m C .1.5m D .1.2m4. 方程组⎩⎨⎧=+=+1025y x y x 由② — ①得正确的方程是( )A.103=xB.5=xC.53-=xD.5-=x5.解以下两个方程组,较简便的是( ) ① ②⎩⎨⎧=-=+486172568t s t sA.①②均用代入法B.①②均用加减法C.①用代入法,②用加减法D.①用加减法,②用带入法 6.些列说法中,不能确定位置的是( )A.甲在乙南偏西︒40方向20m 处B.甲在乙东北方向10m 处C.甲距乙50mD.甲在乙正西方向20m 处 7.若()0232=-++b a ,则()b a M ,在( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限8.若点()a a M -+5,1在平面直角坐标系的第一象限,则a 的取值范围是( ) A.1->a B.5<a C.51<<-a D.51≤≤-a 二、填空题1.已知方程0)52(3)(3=++-x y x ,写出用y 表示x 的式子得 ,当11=y 时,x =2.下列方程组中,①⎩⎨⎧=--=022z x y x ②⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=+02211y x y x ③⎩⎨⎧=-=++-70)(3)(2y x y x y x ④⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=+05352y x y x 是二元一次方程组的有3.若点()b a P ,在第二象限,则点()b a Q 32,5---在第 象限4.已知,在△ABC中,∠A = 45°,AC = 2,AB = 3+1,则边BC 的长为 .①②Xy054321-4-3-2-1-19876543211011GF E D CBA5.已知方程组⎩⎨⎧=+=-24by ax by ax 的解为⎩⎨⎧==12y x 则b a 32-的平方根为三、解方程组(1) (2) (3)⎩⎨⎧-=-+=-85)1(21)2(3y x x y四、解答题 1.已知方程组⎩⎨⎧=-+=-3)1(734y k kx y x 的解x ,y 互为相反数,求k 的值2.如图,E 、F 分别是正方形ABCD 中BC 和CD 边上的点,且AB =4,CE =41BC ,F 为CD 的中点,连接AF 、AE ,问△AEF 是什么三角形?请说明理由.3.如图,(1)请写出在直角坐标系中的房子的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 、F 、G 的坐标。
第八周周末练习姓名一、填空题:1、一本书有100页,看了41,看了多少页? 我是这样想的:看了41,是把( )看作单位“1”,( )对应的分率是( ),等量关系式是( )2、两个自然数的倒数和为127,这两个数分别是( )和( )。
3、53小时 =( )分,43千克 =( )克。
4、最小质数的倒数是( ),0.25的倒数是( )。
5、61×( )=137×( )=1317-( )=( )×0.3=1 6、已知53÷□=53×□,□里可以填自然数( )。
7、李明坐在教室里的位置是第4列第1行,可以用(4,1)来表示,你现在坐在教室的位置如果用数对表示是( )。
8、在同一个圆内,半径与直径都有( )条,半径的长度是直径的( )9、小明家的圆桌面的周长是376.8厘米,这个圆桌面的直径是( )厘米。
10、正三角形有( )条对称轴,正方形有( )对称轴,正五边形有( )条对称轴,由此推算,正n 边形估计有( )条对称轴。
11、( )的倒数一定大于1。
12、食堂买来100千克大米,吃了51,还剩下( )千克。
13、一个圆的直径与一个正方形的边长相等,这个圆的面积( ) 正方形的面积。
1÷32= 118÷2= 54×4= 1.25×8=2.5×4= 21-21×21= 74÷118= 9÷91= 72×3= 12×87= 259×35= 53÷9= 2、递等式计算,能简便的用简便方法。
617×3439×1328 534×209×1725 1146×843-1146×4.3751784÷7×6×17 (87+61+32)×481916+67×1983、看线段图列出算式,再解答。
初二数学第八周周末作业 班级:___姓名___范围:前三章 出卷:洪澄 初二数学备课组 时间:一、填空:1、以下各数:-3.14,2,9,32-,27,917, 0, 364,―π, 0..7.6, 0.10010001…中,有理数有 个,无理数有 个,正实数有 个.2、如下图,数轴上点A 表示数 ,点B 表示数 .3、假设22-a 与 | b + 2 | 是互为相反数,那么 ( a - b )2 = ____ .4、一只透明的直圆柱玻璃杯,由内部测得底面半径为3㎝,高为8㎝,今有一支12㎝长的吸管任意斜放于杯中,如果不考虑吸管的粗细,那么吸管露出杯口的长度至少____㎝.5、如图,有一块直角三角形纸片,两直角边AC =6㎝,BC =8㎝,现将直角边AC 沿直线AD 折叠,使它落在AB 上,且与AE 重合,那么CD = ㎝.6、如图,所有的四边形都是正方形,所有的三角形都是直角三角形,其中最大的正方形的边长为7cm,那么正方形A,B,C,D 的面积之和为 cm 2.7、在Rt ABC ∆中,3a =,5c =,那么边b 的长为__ ____.8、一架25dm 的梯子斜立在一竖直的墙上,这时梯足距离墙底端7dm.如果梯子的顶端沿墙面下滑4dm,那么梯足将滑行 dm. 9、计算:〔2-3〕2022·〔2+3〕2022=_ _10、如图,阴影局部是以直角三角形的三边为直径的半圆,两个小半圆的直径之比是3∶4,面积和为100,那么大的半圆面积是___________.二、选择1、化简4)2(-的结果是〔 〕A 、±4 B 、4 C 、-4 D 、无意义2、假设以c b a 、、为边长构造三角形,那么以下各项中不能构成直角三角形的是( )A .10,8,6===c b aB .25,24,7===c b aC .3,2,1===c b aD .n c n b n a 2,3,===〔0n >〕3、对0.000009进行开平方运算,对所得结果的绝对值再进行开平方运算……随着开方次数的增加,其运算结果〔 〕A.越来越接近1B.越来越接近0C.越来越接近0.1D.越来越接近0.34、一座建筑物发生了火灾,消防车到达现场后,发现最多只能靠近建筑物底端5米,消防车的云梯最大升长为13米,那么云梯可以到达该建筑物的最大高度是〔 〕→-1-20-31A B AB C D7cm 第4题 E A 第5题 A B第6题CA D CB A A. 12米 B. 13米 C. 14米 D. 15米5、在数轴上,距离数2有7个单位长度的点所表示的实数为( )A .72+B .27--C .72-D . 72±6、在△ABC 中,AB=13,AC=15,高AD=12,那么BC 的长为( )A. 14B. 8C. 14或4D. 是无理数7、两只小鼹鼠在地下打洞,一只朝前方挖,每分钟挖8cm,另一只朝左挖,每分钟挖6cm,10分钟之后两只小鼹鼠相距( )A. 50cm B. 100cm C. 140cm D. 80cm8、一个三角形的三边长分别为3,4,5,那么它最长边上的高是〔 〕 A. 4 B. 103 C. 25 D. 512 9、正方形网格中,每个小正方形的边长为1,那么网格上的三角形ABC 中,边长为无理数的边数是〔 〕 A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3三、解做题〔1〕假设x 、y 都是实数,且y =3-x +x -3+8,求x +3y 的立方根.〔2〕:m 是2的小数局部,求2122-+m m 的值.〔3〕某农场有块土地,∠B =∠D =90°,AB =20米,BC =15米,CD =7米,请计算这块土地的面积.〔4〕如图,是一个木箱,它的长为3m,宽为2.5m ,高为0.75m, 箱子的中央点B 处有一块糖,在箱底A 处有一只小蚂蚁要找到这块糖,那么它所行走的路线最短是多少★〔5〕在ABC ∆中,5,AB AC P ==是BC 上的任意一点,求证:225AP PB PC +⋅=.★〔6〕今年9月11日,第十五号台风“卡努〞登陆浙江,A 市接到台风警报时,台风中央位于A 市正南方向125km 的B 处,正以15km/h 的速度沿BC 方向移动.〔1〕A 市到BC 的距离AD=35km,那么台风中央从B 点移到D 点经过3A B CD 〔第6题〕多长时间?〔2〕如果在距台风中央40km的圆形区域内都将受到台风影响,那么A市受到台风影响的时间是多长?〔结算结果精确到1分钟〕。
八年级英语下册第八周周练试卷:八年级下册周周练八年级英语下册第八周周练试卷姓名:班级:学号:得分:一、选择填空〔20分〕〔〕26. —Have you returned the book to thelipary ____? —Yes, I have ____ returned it.A. yet, everB. ever, alreadyC. already, yetD. yet, already〔〕27. —____ have you lived here? —Since last year.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How far〔〕28. He has been away ____.A. since a monthB. for a monthC. for a month agoD. in a month 〔〕29. When did your father ____ your mother?A. marryB. marry toC. marry withD. get married〔〕30. London, __________ capital of _________ UK, is a modern city.A. the, theB. a, aC. a, theD. the, a〔〕31. My pother’s never been late for work,__________?A. is heB. isn’t heC. has heD. hasn’t he〔〕32. Not only this boy but also the girls__________ Hawaii before in our class.A. readB. to readC. readingD. have read〔〕34. There __________ great changes in our hometown in the past fifteen years.A. has beenB. have beenC. wasD. were〔〕35. Italy is famous for ________.A. the Eiffel TowerB. the PyramidsC. the Leaning Tower of PisaD. The Thames River 〔〕36. —Can I see the headmaster at the moment, please ?—I"m afraid not. He ________ out. He ________ in10 minutes.A. goes; esB. gone; cameC. will go; will eD. has gone; will e back 〔〕37. The students were all tired but ________ of them stopped ________.A. no, to restB. none, to restC. no, restingD. none, resting〔〕38. He fell off the bike ________.A. while he rodeB. while he was ridingC. while he is ridingD. while on bike 〔〕39. Those boys didn’t start the work ________ their teacher came back.A. untilB. whileC. as soon asD. if〔〕40. —Have you _______watched You who came from the star?—No, never. I plan to watch it on the Inter this Sunday.A. everB. stillC. yetD. already〔〕41. Now this small village has _______a big modern town.A. turned upB. turned intoC. turned downD. turned with 〔〕42. My uncle _____ Germany on business many times.A. has been onB. has gone toC. has been toD. has been in〔〕43. We have different pies, _______apple, and strawberry pies.A. so muchB. so onC. such asD. for exle〔〕44. This website can help you learn and have fun _________.A. at the same timeB. from time to timeC. at a timeD. on time〔〕45. —Do you think if Tom ______ the work well? —I think he will if he ______ his best.A. does, will tryB. will do ,triesC. does ,triesD. will do ,will try二、完形填空〔15分〕What es to your mind when you talk about donations? You probably think of a group of way of raising funds -Fun Night.most p opular game was the “jousting ring”〔夺环〕. I “jousted” with several of mythey developed different strategies〔策略〕 to win, such as starting in a crouched position〔蹲姿〕to gather more strength when pushing.Sometimes they attacked me 〔作弊〕, but we didn"t care and 55 playing. After all, it was just a game,not 56 .The best of Fun Night was not the fun activities. The fact was that we raised a lot of money time. A lot of students at my school wouldn’tmoney if they were simply asked to give, but also allowed 2,000 yuan on that night.〔〕46. A. boxes B. books C. schoolbags D.clothes〔〕47. A. another B. different C. silly D. magic 〔〕48. A. seat B. attention C. stationery D. money〔〕49. A. in danger B. in need C. in a hurry D. in love〔〕50. A. rules B. subjects C. games D. lessons 〔〕52. A. However B. Luckily C. Otherwise D. Hopefully 〔〕53. A. before B. unless C. after D. if 〔〕54. A. named B. treated C. called D. discovered 〔〕55. A. finished B. started C. continued D. stopped〔〕56. A. a petition B. an opinion C. a research D. an experience 〔〕57. A. tiring B. hard C. long D. good〔〕59. A. afraid B. glad C. sorry D. angry三、阅读理解〔40分〕AA. they are interested in itB. they can learn better in this way〔〕62. Many teachers and parents are worried about their children because __________.A. the students don’t work so hard as beforeC. the students think lessons are less interesting than beforeD. all of aboveA. AllB. ManyC. SomeD. FewA. 聊天B. 欺骗C. 恩惠D. 鞭打〔〕65. Which of the following is right?C. It’s really h appy that we students do well in school and at home.Bputers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their everyday life. For exle, they can help people save much time, and they can help people work out many problems they can’t do easily. Our c ountryasks everyone to learn to use puters except the old people. Today more and more families own puters. Parents buy puters for their children. They hope puters can help them improve〔进步〕their studies in school. Yet many of the children use puters to play games, to watch video or to sing Karaoke, instead of studying. So many teachers and parents plain 〔抱怨〕that puters can not help children to study but make them fall behind. So puters are locked by parents in the boxes.In some other countries, even some scientists hate puters. They say puters let millions of people lost their jobs or ping them a lot of trouble.Will puters really ping trouble to people or can they ping people happiness? It will be decided by people themselves.〔〕66. Why do we say the puter is a useful machine? Because _______________.A. our country asks us to learn itB. it can help us a lotC. we can use it to play gamesD.it can help us to find jobs〔〕67. What do many teachers and parents plain about? _______________.A. Their students and children use puters to play games.B. puters let them lost their jobs.C. puters make the students and children fall behind.D. puters ping people a lot of trouble.〔〕68. In this passage we know puters_______________.A. also ping us troubleB. ping us happiness onlyC. are hated by peopleD. are bad for people’s health〔〕69. Can puters really help children to study? _______________.A. Yes, they can.B. It’s hard to sayC. No, they can’t.D. Of course not. 〔〕70. How do you understand the last sentence of this passage? I think it means _______.A. puters are used by peopleB. people can livewell without putersC. one must decide how to use putersD. puters are strange machinesCA trip to China Dinosaur ParkLast summer, my family and I went on a trip to the China Dinosaur Park in Changzhou by bus. The one-hour trip seemed very long. We arrived at the park at about 9 a.m.〔〕71.When did the writer get on the bus?A. 9 a.m.B. About 8 a.m.C. About 9 a.m.D. About10 a.m.〔〕72. When the writer looked at the giantyellow machine, he .A. wasn"t afraidB. was too frightenedC. was excitedD. was nervous〔〕73. What did the writer do when the machine took him to the highest point?A. The writer cried.B. The writer screamed.C. The writer looked down.D. The writer did nothing. 〔〕74.From the text, we can know that the game called "Crossing Jurassic" is a trip.A. busB. trainC. coachD. boat〔〕75. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The yellow machine turned around fast and moved quickly at the same time.B. The first game moved for a long time.C. There were many real dinosaurs in the park.D. The second game began with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big lake.DWhat do you think of the most important inventions in the world? The TV? The printing? The telephone? Or the puter? A report shows that they are not the only important inventions. Here are three other important inventions.One of the simplest inventions is the toilet. Before toilets, waste ran into rivers from people’s houses. Illnesses were mon in big cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.Animal food is another important invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed every autumn because there was not enough food for them in winter. After hay became a kind of mon animal food, animals could live through the long winter.The third great invention is glasses. Glasses help people read, write and do “close work” after the age of forty-five. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for the people above1. He usually ___________〔放松〕20 hours every day , can he succeed?2. He studies in an _____________〔国际的〕school.3. We listened to some interesting ______________〔节目〕last night.4. The little girl will travel____________〔在国外〕to learn more about art.5. —Do you know Hong Kong? —Yes, it ____________〔回归〕to China in 1997.6. Everyone was attracted by the natural _________〔beautiful 〕.7. These handbags are their __________〔wife 〕.8. In summer, we can go ____________〔sail 〕in Sanya.9. ______the baby ________〔stop 〕crying yet?10. Who _______________〔peak 〕the glass? It was all right just now.11. My pother often uses his iPad______________〔search 〕for information.12. —How do you get on well with English?—After several _________〔year 〕study, we havelearnt much knowledge.13. She ______________〔borrow 〕this book for two weeks.14. Is your father at home?—No, I’m afraid he ____________〔go 〕out.。
上海市华育中学数学周周爽8年级上学期 初二(上)数学周末练习 8
初二上数学周末作业八班级________学号________姓名________成绩________一、填空题 1、函数2x y =-和函数2y x=的图象有__________个交点。
2、已知正比例函数2y x =-,若66y -≤≤时,x 的取值范围是__________。
3、函数234x y x -=-的定义域为以__________。
4、已知函数()124x f x x -=+,则()3f =__________。
5、到定点O 的距离等于2cm 的点的轨迹是__________。
6、如图,有一块四边形的绿地,其中20AB =米,15BC =米,14CD =米,25AD =米,且90B ∠=︒,那么这块绿地的面积=__________米2。
7、等腰三角形的周长为12cm ,腰长为xcm ,其底边长y =_____cm ,其中x 的取值范围为__________8、一水管向水池内注水,注水量与放水时间成正比例,放水3分钟后,水池内的水面升高15cm ,水池深1米,设注水x 分钟后,本面升高y 厘米。
则函数y 的解析式是__________,自变量x 的取值范围是__________。
9、如图,是甲;乙两人在一次赛跑中路程S (米)与时间t (秒)的图像,那么可以知道①这是一次_____米的赛跑;②甲乙两人中先到终点的是__________; ③乙在比赛中送度是__________米/秒。
二、选择题(每题3分,共12分) 10、下列说法中,正确的是( ) A .每个命题都有逆命题;B .每个定理都有逆定理;C .真命题的逆命题都是真命题;D .假命题的逆命题都是假命题。
11、下列关系成正比例的个数有 ( )①正方形的周长C 与边长a 之间的关系;②长方形面积一定时,长和宽;③圆的周长与π; ④()21y x =+中y 与x 。
A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个 12、圆面积2S r π=中,下面叙述正确的是( )A 、π、r 是变量,S 是r π的函数B 、π、r 是变量,S 是r 的函数C 、π是常量,S 与2r 成正比例D 、π是常量,S 与r 成正比例13、如图1,在矩形MNPO 中,动点R 从点N 出发,沿N →P →Q →M 方向运动至点M 处停止,设点R 运动的路程为x ,MNR ∆的面积为y ,如果y 关于x 的函数图象如图2所示,则当9x =时,点R 应运动到( )A .N 处B .P 处C .Q 处D .M 处14、一个水池接有甲、乙、丙三个水管,先打开甲,一段时间后再打开乙,水池注满水后关闭甲,同时打开丙,直到水池中的水排空。
人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 8 周周清模拟练习
2023—2024学年度下学期周周清八年级英语试卷班级:姓名:分数:I. 选择题.(共10题, 每题1分)( ) 1. The bridge is about long.A. six hundred meterB. six hundred metersC. six hundreds meters( )2. You’d better speak as English as you can.A. moreB. manyC. muchD. little( )3. There were people in the supermarket last Sunday thatit was crowded.A. many tooB. too muchC. so manyD. so much( )4. There are two choices for us to make, one is to go on, andis to give up.A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. the others( )5. he practices, he does.A. Much;betterB. The much; the betterC. The more; the better( )6. Traveling by train is excited than a rushed(仓促的)trip by air.A. muchB. a littleC. far moreD. little( )7. You are now, Victor. So you should wash your clothes by yourself.A. enough youngB. young enoughC. enough oldD. old enough( )8. Alan is as as Lucy in their class.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the taller( )9. is the population of the city?A. WhatB. How muchC. How manyD. How big( )10. The number of the pandas gets smaller, because people the trees.A. put downB. cut downC. sit downD. get downⅡ.选词填空。
江苏省盐城市建湖县汇文实验 汇文校区2021~2022学年八年级上学期 数学校本练习 周末作业8
建湖县汇文实验初中汇文校区2021~2022学年度第一学期八年级数学校本练习 周末作业8 建议完成时间:80分钟班级________ 姓名_____________一、选择题:1.把π≈3.141 592 6…按四舍五入法精确到0.0001的近似值为 ( )A .3.1415B .3.1416C .3.142D .3.1417 2. 在101001.0-, 5, , , , 0中,无理数的个数有 ( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个3.一次函数y =-3x +2的图像不经过...( ) A.第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限4. 已知等腰三角形的周长为15 cm ,一边长为7 cm ,则该等腰三角形的底边长为( )A. 5 cmB. 3cm 或5 cmC.3 cmD. 1 cm 或7 cm5.直线y =kx +3经过点A (2,1),则不等式kx +3≥0的解集是 ( )A .x ≤3B .x ≥3C .x ≥-3D .x ≤06.直线y =ax +b 过点A (0,2)和点B (-3,0),则方程ax +b =0的解是 ( )A .x =2B .x =0C .x =-1D .x =-37.将一次函数y =x 的图像向上平移2个单位后,若y >0,则x 的取值范围是 ( )A .x >4B .x >-4C .x >2D .x >-28.在平面直角坐标系中,将点P (﹣2,1)向右平移3个单位长度,再向上平移4个单位长度得到点P ′的坐标是 ( )A.(2,4)B.(1,5)C.(1,-3)D.(-5,5)9.如图,直线y =-x +c 与直线y =ax +b 的交点坐标为(3,-1),关于x 的不等式-x +c ≥ax +b 的解集为 ( )A .x ≥-1B .x ≤-1C .x ≥3D .x ≤3二、填空题:10.若A (-1,y 1),B (3,y 2)是一次函数y =2x +n 图像上的两个点,则y 1 y 2.(填“>”“<”或“=”)11.已知一次函数y =kx +k -3的图像经过点(2,3),则k 的值为_______________.12.已知二元一次方程组⎩⎨⎧x -y =-52x +2y =-2的解为⎩⎨⎧x =-4y =1,则在同一平面直角坐标系中,直线 l 1:y =x +5与直线l 2:y =-x -1的交点坐标为_______________.13.若一次函数y =2x -4上有一点的坐标是(3,2).则方程2x -y =4必有一个解为 .9cm14cm 第17题图 yxy =-x +cy =ax +(3,-1) O 第9题图 722π-3814.若直线y=x+6与x轴和y轴围成一个直角三角形,则这个直角三角形的面积为______.15.关于函数y=-x+1,下列结论:①图像必定经过点(-1,1);②y随x的增大而减小;③当x>1时,y<0;④图像经过第二、三、四象限,正确的是(填序号).16.将一次函数y=2x+3的图像向右平移1个单位长度,再向上平移4个单位长度,平移后的函数表达式为___________;17. 小明在超市帮妈妈买回一袋纸杯,他把纸杯整齐地叠放在一起,如图请你根据图中的信息,若小明把100个纸杯整齐叠放在一起时,它的高度约是________18. 对任意实数k,直线y=kx+2k+1,恒过一定点,该定点的坐标是;三、解答题:19.已知函数y=-2x+4与函数y=3x-1.(1)在同一平面直角坐标系内,画出这两个函数的图像;(2)这两个函数图像的交点坐标为;(3)根据图像直接写出x在什么范围内取值时,函数y=-2x+4的图像在函数y=3x-1的图像的上方?20.已知:y+2与3x成正比例,且当x=1时,y的值为4.(1)求y与x之间的函数表达式;(2)点(-1,a)、点(2,b)是函数图像上的两点,试比较a、b的大小,请说明理由.21.直线l1经过点(2,3)和(-1,-3),直线l2经过原点,且与直线l1交于P (-2,a).(1)求a的值; (2)问(-2,a)可看作是怎样的二元一次方程组的解?(3)若直线l1与x轴交于A,求△APO的面积.22.如图,过点A(2,0)的两条直线l1、l2分别交y轴于点B、C,其中点B在原点上方,点C在原点下方,已知AB=13.(1)求点B的坐标;(2)若△ABC的面积为4,求直线l2的函数表达式.23.以点A为顶点作两个等腰直角三角形(△ABC,△ADE),如图1所示放置,使得一直角边重合,连接BD,CE.(1)说明BD=CE;(2)延长BD,交CE于点F,求∠BFC的度数;(3)若如图2放置,上面的结论还成立吗?请说明理由.24.如图,A(0,1),M(3,2),N(4,4).动点P从点A出发,沿y轴以每秒1个单位长的速度向上移动,且过点P的直线l:y=-x+b也随之移动,设移动时间为t秒.(1)当t=3时,求l的解析式;(2)若点M,N位于l的异侧,确定t的取值范围;(3)直接写出t为何值时,点M关于l的对称点落在坐标轴上.25.气象研究中心观测一场沙尘暴从发生到结束全过程,开始时风暴平均每小时增加2千米/时,4小时后,沙尘暴经过开阔荒漠地,风速变为平均每小时增加4千米/时,一段时间,风暴保持不变,当沙尘暴遇到绿色植被区时,其风速平均每小时减小1千米/时,最终停止. 结合风速与时间的图像,回答下列问题:(1)在y轴()内填入相应的数值;(2)沙尘暴从发生到结束,共经过多少小时?(3)求出当x≥25时,风速y(千米/时)与时间x(小时)之间的函数关系式.(4)若风速达到或超过20千米/时,称为强沙尘暴,则强沙尘暴持续多长时间?26.如图①,某乘客乘高速列车从甲地经过乙地到丙地,假设列车匀速行驶.如图②表示列车离乙地路程y (千米)与列车从甲出发后行驶时间x(小时)之间的函数关系图像.(1)甲、丙两地间的路程为____________千米;(2)直接写出点A的坐标,并说出图像中点A的实际意义;(3)求高速列车离乙地的路程y与行驶时间x之间的函数关系式,并写出x的取值范围;(4)当行驶时间x在什么范围时,高速列车离乙地的路程不超过100千米.。
初二数学第八周周末作业初二数学第八周周末作业1.如右图,若AC:BC=3:2,则AB:BC=( )A.1:2B.1:3C.2:1D.3:12.若 ,则3_﹣2y=()A.3B.2C.1D.03.如果mn=ab≠0,则下列比列式中错误的是()A. B. C. D.4.若点C是线段AB的黄金分割点,且AB=2,则AC=( )A.B. C.D.或5.下列图形中相似的多边形是( )A.所有的矩形B.所有的菱形C.所有的等腰梯形D.所有的正方形6.△ABC的三边长分别是.2,△A′B′C′的两边长分别为1和,若△ABC∽△A′B′C′,则△A′B′C′的第三边长为( )A.B. C.2D.7.,则k=( )A.2B.﹣1C.2或﹣1D.无法确定8.一个钢筋三角架,三边长分别为20cm.50cm.60cm,现要做一个与其相似的钢筋三角架,而只有长30cm和50cm两根钢筋,要求以其中一根为一边,从另一根截下两段(允许有余料),作为另两边,则不同的截法有()种A.1B.2C.3D.49.正方形的对角线与边长的比为.10.若,则=.11.电视节目主持人主持节目时,站在舞台的黄金分割点处最自然得体,舞台AB长为20m,试计算主持人应走到离A点至少m处较恰当.若他向B点再走m,也处在比较得体的位置.(结果精确到0.1m,≈2.24)12.如图1,△ABC中,∠AED=∠B,DE=6,AB=10,AE=8,则BC=.13.如图2,已知D.E两点分别在△ABC的两边AB.AC的延长线上,且DE∥BC,则=,= .图1图214.把一个矩形剪去一个正方形,若所剩矩形与原矩形相似,则原矩形的长边与短边之比为.15.已知数组2.3.4,请你再添上一个数,使它们构成一个比例式,则这个数可能是.(写一个即可)16.如图,若∠1=∠2=∠B,则图中相似三角形有对.17.如图,平行四边形ABCD中,E为DC边上一点,连接AE并延长交BC的延长线于F,在这个图形中,有哪几对相似三角形?若,AD的长为6,求BF的长及的值.18.如图,⊿ABC是等边三角形,点D,E分别在BC,AC上,且BD=CE,AD与BE相交于点F.(1)试说明⊿ABD≌⊿BCE.(2)⊿AEF与⊿ABE相似吗?说说你的理由.(3)BD2=AD·DF吗?请说明理由.。
Unit8 语法练习-基础知识-周末训练单元语法专练一、语法点单句特训。
( )1. —Have you read the book I lent you?—No, I . I heard it is very interesting.A. haveB. hasC. haven’tD. hasn’t( )2. —Look! How clean the classroom is!—Yes. I’m sure someone it up.A. cleansB. is cleaningC. will cleanD. has cleaned( )3. I the book club last week and I two books already.A. joined; have readB. join; readC. have joined; have readD. joined; has read( )4. —W hy is Miss Chan still in the teachers’ office?—Maybe she her work yet.A. doesn’t finishB. hasn’t finishedC. haven’t finishedD. has finished( )5. I in this school since I graduated from university.A. teachB. taughtC. is teachingD. have taught二、小语篇特训(语法选择)。
All the attendees(参加者)are watching TV to wait for the result. The presenter(节目主持人)says, “Boys and girls, last week we held a writing competition. Now let’s see who will win 6competition. Seven hundred and eighty⁃five students entered the competition, but only one of you can win.Since Monday, we 7marks to you. The one who got the top mark is the winner. And the winner will get the holiday in Hong Kong Disneyland. OK. Now let me tell you who the winner is. It’s Li Ling. I hope you 8TV now, too. Congratulations! You 9the competition. ”Li Ling is my friend. We are in the same school called Yuying Middle School. I’m proud of her so much.I hope I can be as 10as her one day and win the competition too.( )6. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )7. A. give B. are giving C. will give D. have given( )8. A. are watching B. watch C. watched D. have watched ( )9. A. have won B. will win C. are winning D. was winning( )10. A. excellent B. more excellent C. best excellent D. the best excellent三、语法选择。
人教版英语八年级上册初二英语 周练(Unit8)
初二英语周练(Unit8)一、选择填空(30分)( )1. Cut up these apples and pears and then .A. mix up itB. mix up themC. mix it upD. mix them up( )2. Please cut two apples and put them the blender.A. up, inB. up, onC. in, upD. on, up( )3. There are two in the basket. A. potatos B. potatoes C. potato D. zoos ( )4. Please add these vegetables the sandwich. A. for B. to C. up D. of ( )5.--Would you like football with us ?-- Sure , I like football very much .A. to play, playingB. playing, playC. to play, playD. playing, to, play( )6. Don’t forget to the blender when you use it .A. turn onB. turn offC. turn downD. turn up( )7. There two slices of turkey on the plate and there some relish in the bowl .A. are, areB. are, isC. is, isD. is, are( )8. -- _ milk do we need ? --Two glasses .A. How much B, How many C. How often D. How far( )9. -- _______ teaspoons of salt do we need? --Two.A. HowB. How muchC. How manyD. How many of( )10. If you want to make dumplings, you should ______ the meat.A. cookB. cut downC. cut upD. cut off( )11. Please give us________. A. two glasses of milksB. two glasses of milkC. two glass of milkD. two glass of milks( )12. Would you like ______ meat ? A. some B. any C. many D. no( )13. -- would you like _______ ? A. an apple milk shakeB. a apple milk shakeC. an apple milk shakesD. apples milk shake( )14. Let Mary ______ a book . A. to have B. having C. has D. have ( )15. “ Finally “ has the same meaning as “______” .A . at last B. in end C. last D. at the end( )16. -- Let’s make fruit salad . --_______ .A. No, I’m notB. Thank youC. That’s all rightD. That’s a good idea( )17. He usually gets up _____ six in the morning and leaves _____ school at seven .A. around, toB. about, forC. at about, forD. at, to( )18. My parents ______ in the same post office .A. are allB. all areC. are bothD. both are( )19. He is not full .He wants to eat _____ piece of bread .A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. another( )20. Turn on the blender______ about two minutes . A. in B. at C. for D. to ( )21.The pool man needs help, ______ he ?A. needsB. doesC. does n’tD. needn’t( )22. Could you ______ me something to eat when you come here ?A. takeB. bringC. carryD. put( )23. Finally drink the milk shake .This is going to ______ great !A. taste B .make C. cook D. eat( )24.--______ do you make a banana milk shake ? -- Peel the bananas.A. WhenB. HowC. WhatD. Why( )25. --Do you have ______ milk ? --Yes, I have ______ .A. any, anyB. some, someC. any, someD. some, any( )26. I’m hungry ,Mum .I want ______ to eat .A. nothingB. everythingC. anythingD. something( )27. --Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon ?-- I’d love to. But I’m afraid I ______. I have too much work to do.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may not( )28. It is ______ today than yesterday . Shall we go swimming this afternoon?A. hotB. hotterC. much hot D .much too hot( )29. -- Please ______ quiet ! I’m trying ______ study. --Oh , I’m sorry .A. do, toB. be, toC. do, /D. be, /( )30.-- Can you tell me why Susan and John can’t come to the match ?-- Susan can’t come because she’s too busy. ______ John, I don’t know exactly.A. AsB. SoC. As forD. Because of二、按要求转换句型(20分)1.You must put these things into the blender . (改为祈使句)_________ put these things into the blender.2. Mary has two cups of milk for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)_________ _________milk _________ Mary_________ for breakfast?3. I need two oranges, some yogurt and milk to make an orange milk shake.(对划线部分提问) _________ _________ _________ you _________ to make an orange milk shake?4. It’s ten minutes’ walk from here to the hospital. ( 改为同义句)_________ _________ ten minutes_________ _________ from here to the hospital.5. Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? (改为同义句)Do you like sandwiches_________ lettuce _________ them?6. Pour hot water into the blender. (改为否定句)_________ _________ hot water into the blender.7. You can make an apple milk shake for me. Thank you .(合并为一句)_________ you _________ _________ an apple milk shake for me.三、用所给词的适当形式填空:(21分)1. I like ___________ (tomato) and ___________ (chicken).2. ___________ (final), they finished their work .3. I feel like ___________ (go) on a trip to Beijing tomorrow.4. What ingredients do we need _________ (buy)?5. He is _________ (one ) to come here every day.6. Honey _________ (be) good for our health.7. Add some honey and _________ (mix) up the ingredients.8. My aunt played the music to make the baby ___________ (stop) ___________ (try).9. _____________ (swim) in the river is dangerous.10. It is about two _________ (hour) ride from school to the park.11. Could you cut the pear into two ___________ (half)?12. It’s necessary for us _________ (learn) English well.13. You ___________ ( not must ) be late for school.14. I like Chinese tea ___________ (with) anything in it.15. There is no need ___________ (worry) about his study.16 The word “water” is an ____________ noun but “book” is a ____________ (count) noun.17. How _________ you _________ (sleep) last night?四、改错:(10分)1. Can you do a banana milk shake? ( ) ___________A B C2. Do you have a recipe on cooking chicken? ( ) ___________A B C3. I’m hungry. Please give me three turkeys sandwiches. ( ) ___________A B C4. This book is different as that one. It’s more interesting. ( ) ___________A B C5. Mary feels very happily. ( ) ___________A B C五、汉译英:(20分)1. 这有一份美味的火鸡三明治的食谱。
八年级英语第八周周末作业一、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( ) 1. — Would you please not speak so loudly in_________public?— Sorry. I will remember to speak in_________lower voice.A. the; aB. /; aC. the; theD. /; /( )2. After the long walk, we both leaned(倚靠)_________ the tree to have a rest.A. ontoB. intoC. withD. against( ) 3. — Have you decided what to write about Gulliver’s Travels in the report?— I’m not sure. Maybe I need to read some _________about it before writing.A. reasonsB. rewardsC. resultsD. reviews( ) 4. — Did James invite you to his party? — Yes. But I had to_________it because I was busy.A. acceptB. refuseC. returnD. receive( ) 5. — May I keep the library book for a few more days? — Sure. But you_______renew it.A. canB. needsC. mayD. must( ) 6. English people are usually _________to push past you. They don’t mind waiting.A. too gentleB. gentle enoughC. too impatientD. patient enough( )7. — Could you tell me how to learn English well?— Learn it in the_________way and I’m sure you will learn it well.A. publicB. possibleC. properD. polite( )8. Never put off _________ tomorrow what you can do today.A. untilB. beforeC. whenD. as( ) 9. — _________good advice Jim has offered! — Yes. He always has so many good ideas.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a( ) 10. — My grandparents don’t know_________to order food online.— That’s your fault(过错). You should teach them.A. howB. whichC. whenD. what( )11.— Boy, didn’t you see people were waiting in line? Don’t _________ in! — I am sorry, sir.A. pushB. pullC. putD. carry( )12. — Must I wait here all morning? I have much work to do. — No, you _______. You may come back later.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. don’t have toD. shouldn’t( ) 13.— Did your grandfather teach in that middle school for a long time?— Yeah. He taught there_________he was 60 years old.A. whenB. sinceC. tillD. after( ) 14. — If you have finished your report, please_________to Mrs Li. — OK. It is almost done.A. hand it inB. hand in itC. hand it outD. hand out it( )15. — Do you mind my listening to music here? —_________But you must listen to it with your earphones.A. No, do it if you like.B. Yes, please.C. Yes, please don’t.D. You’re welcome.二、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Something that I learnt from both my parents was the importance of having respect(尊重) for other people. I remember one day when we were travelling on a bus, 1 sat down while other people were standing. My mother reminded me, “ 2 immediately! You have young legs and you don’t need to sit down.” At the time I felt embarrassed about being told off 3 , but now I understand. I think children nowadays have 4 that respect and it really makes me angry if I see children sitting down while 5 people are standing.One area in which we had a lot of rules was table 6 . For example, we weren’t allowed to start our meal 7 the oldest person had started. We had to say “thank you”when our food was 8 , and eat everything on our plates before we could 9 the table. We couldn’t make any noise when eating. Worse than that, we were only 10 to have sweets at the weekend, as a special 11 if we had been good.Although my upbringing(养育) was perhaps a bit 12 compared with modern children, I’m very thankful to my parents for giving me a clear 13 in life. Even though I was sometimes 14 , I think it has made me a better person. In my view, children need clear rules, but more than that they need to learn how to get on with 15 people and realize they are not the centre of the world.( )1. A. they B. you C. I D. she( )2. A. Get up B. Sit up C. Give up D. Look up( )3. A. in order B. in public C. in surprise D. in person( )4. A. won B. shown C. wasted D. lost( )5. A. older B. richer C. taller D. heavier( )6. A. designs B. manners C. materials D. sizes( )7. A. if B. because C. until D. though( )8. A. cooked B. eaten C. prepared D. served( )9. A. move B. book C. leave D. lay( )10 A. allowed(允许) B. forced C. warned D. advised( )11. A. lesson B. treat C. choice D. need( )12. A. simple B. interesting C. normal D. strict( )13. A. direction B. answer C. introduction D. plan( )14. A. protected B. encouraged C. fooled D. punished(惩罚)( )15. A. some B. other C. few D. several三、阅读理解(本题共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)AAt the back of King’s College, Cambridge, there is a stone. Its purpose is to commemorate Xu Zhimo, a famous Chinese poet(诗人). Two parts of his poem “Second Farewell to Cambridge”(《再别康桥》) are on the stone.Moving to Britain in 1921, Xu spent a year studying at King’s College. He soon fell in love with Cambridge. In 1928, he wrote his famous poem “Second Farewell to Cambridge”when he revisited(重游) King’s College. In the poem, Xu described the beauty of King’s College and the River Cam and his love for his time in Cambridge. The famous poem is now included in the textbooks in China and middle school students across the country learn it every year. It has attracted a big number of Chinese tourists to visit Cambridge.Not long ago, King’s College Choir(合唱团) invited the famous musician John Rutter to create music according to “Second Farewell to Cambridge”. On 26 January, 2018, King’s College Choir released the album(音乐专辑), “Second Farewell to Cambridge”. There are nineteen songs in the album and two of them are in Chinese. One is “Second Farewell to Cambridge”and the other is “Jasmine Flower”. This is the first time in its 500-year history that King’s College Choir has released songs in Chinese.The leader of the college says, “The King’s is proud that Xu Zhimo was once a student of the college, and we felt great to create a new piece of music about his time in Cambridge.”( ) 1. The underlined word “commemorate”is close to “_______” in meaning.A. interviewB. expressC. describeD. remember( )2. Which of the following is TRUE about Xu Zhimo?A. He was not only a poet but also a famous musician.B. He studied at King’s College from 1921 to 1928.C. Many Chinese people visit Cambridge because of his poem.D. His famous poem appears in primary school textbooks.( )3. What’s the third paragraph mainly about?A. The Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”.B. The famous musician John Rutter.C. The history of King’s College Choir.D. The album “Second Farewell to Cambridge”.( )4. What’s the best title for the passage?A. A great poet—Xu ZhimoB. Xu Zhimo’s poem turns into musicC. A special stone at King’s CollegeD. Xu Zhimo’s lifetimeBWhen you feel a sneeze(喷嚏) or cough coming on, covering your mouth prevents the spread of germs(细菌). You probably know that.But how to cover your mouth is very important. You might use tissues(纸巾), and put your used tissues into the bin. “If you don’t have tissues, you should sneeze into your elbow, not your hand, even if you are used to doing that,”the doctors advised.“If somebody sneezes into their hands, those germs will be passed on to other people, or other objects that people touch,”said Dr Hill.Germs are most commonly spread by sneezing and coughing. When they land on your hands, they are passed from hands to things like bills, doorknobs(球形门把手), elevator buttons(电梯按钮) and other surfaces. At the same time, the people around you can touch them.This isn’t nagging(唠叨). The Centres for Disease Control also suggest that sneezing and coughing into yourelbow be necessary. Even the New York City subway officers ask the passengers to cough or sneeze into the elbow or use a tissue.“The suggestion was taken seriously about 10 years ago. However, most people didn’t pay much attention to it. That means the adults may have missed the advice. But children are often taught in school the right way to cough or sneeze,”Dr Benjamin said.To be clear, people can’t keep away from all the risks in this way, but it’s the best choice. At the same time, we’d better wear masks(口罩) and often wash our hands. “Hand-washing is one of the most important things people can do to keep healthy,”Dr Hill said.( )5. If you sneeze or cough into hands, germs can spread through the following activities EXCEPT .A. B. C. D.( )6. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. The New York City subway officers ask passengers to use a tissue when coughing or sneezing.B. The adults may be used to sneezing into their elbow.C. The children are often taught in school the right way to cough or sneeze.D. Wearing masks is a good way to keep away from germs.( )7 40. What’s the main purpose of this passage?A. To tell us the correct way to cover our mouth when sneezing or coughing.B. To tell us how to prevent the spread of germs.C. To tell us it’s necessary to sneeze or cough into the elbow.D. To tell us how to keep away from all risks.( )8. In which layout(布局) of the newspaper can we find this kind of passage?A. Health.B. Sports.C. Business.D. Education.四、词汇(本题共24小题;每小题1分,满分24分)A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。
八年级物理周末练习班级姓名得分1、下列物体中质量约为2kg的是A.两个鸡蛋B.一只老母鸡C.一头大绵羊D.一张课桌2、一枚一元硬币的质量最接近A.0.5 g B.5 g C.50 g D.500 g3、使用已调好的托盘天平,按规范的操作来称量某物体的质量,添加了一些砝码后,若指针偏右,则下一步应该A.往右盘中加砝码B.从右盘中减砝码C.向右移动游码D.向左调平衡螺母4、下列测量工具中,能够直接称量物体重力的是A.天平B.弹簧秤C.杆秤D.磅秤5.下列物体中物重中最接近1N的是A.一袋方便面B.一张学生课桌C.一枚大头针D.一块砖6、甲、乙两种液体的质量之比为1:2,密度之比为5:4,则体积之比为A.5:2 B.2:5 C.1:2 D.2:17.小东用一个最多能装4 kg水的塑料桶装满植物油,则桶内植物油的质量A.一定等于4kg B.可能等于4kg C.大于4kg D.小于4kg8、玻璃棒跟丝绸摩擦后,它们带电的情况是()。
A.玻璃棒和丝绸都带正电B.玻璃棒和丝绸都带负电C.玻璃棒带正电,丝绸带负电D.玻璃棒带负电,丝绸带正电9、下列不具有弹性势能的是A. 拉长弹簧B. 橡皮筋C. 拉开的弓D.被压弯的竹枝10、小兰同学将食用油、一元硬币、食盐水、陶瓷、铜钥匙和玻璃分为两类(如下表),依据的物质属性是A.硬度B.物态C.磁性D.导电性11、三个完全相同的杯子,里面装满了水,把质量相等的铜块、铁块、铝块分别投入三个杯子里,则从杯子里溢出水量最多的是A.放铜块的杯子B.放铁块的杯子C.放铝块的杯子D.溢出的水一样多12、下列实例中,是通过改变压力大小来改变摩擦力的是A.在行李箱下安装滚轮 B.骑自行车刹车时用力捏闸C.体操运动员比赛前在手上抹镁粉 D.在轴承上加润滑油13、下列例子中,不能说明分子在不停地做无规则运动的是A.室内扫地时,在阳光下看见灰尘在空中飞舞B.晒衣服时,水蒸发,衣服变干C.卫生球放在箱里,过几天整个箱子充满了樟脑味D.把一块方糖投入一杯开水中,隔一会整杯水变甜了14、下列摩擦属于滚动摩擦的是A .铅笔与卷笔刀间的摩擦B .花样滑冰鞋的冰刀与冰再面间的摩擦C .旱冰鞋与地面间的摩擦D .自行车刹车时闸皮与钢圈间的摩擦15、如图所示.用弹簧秤拉着木块在水平桌面上作直线运动,实验记录如下表。
仁爱英语八年级第8周周末练习第9周八年级英语Unit 2topic3 (总分50分)姓名:班级:______一、翻译下列短语(10分):1.开始,开始做________________________2.增强…体质______________________3. 一直________________4. 急救____________________5. 代替______________6. 阻止某人做某事___________________7. 远离_________________8.打电话给…____________________9.留口信____________________10.作报告__________________二、用所给词的适当形式填空:(10分)1. I don’t feel like ________(eat) hot food.2. Her father told her __________(do)her homework and ____________(not play) football.3. It’s necessary for you ______________(work) hard.4. Mr. Li lives ____________(happy).He thinks ______________(happy) is important for health.5.____________(smoke) is bad for your healthSo you ‘d better _______(give)it up.6. We walked too long,we should stop _______________(have) a rest.7. Why not _________(help) her?8.I can’t finish _______(do)the work on time by _________(me)9.Look!He is ___________(lie) under the tree.10. Lucy is listening to the teacher ________________(care).三、短文填词。
八年级英语周周练(Unit8-Unit9)出卷人:邓莉审核人:邹牡凤班级__________姓名___________成绩_____________一、英汉互译(10分)1.闲逛,闲荡___________________2.一首曲子________________________3.开车兜风_____________________4.在......岁时______________________5.参加,参与____________________6. too…to…______________________7.major in_____________________8.sleep late______________________9.win first prize_________________ 10.national team__________________二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
(10分)11. My friend_________________ (not do) his homework yesterday.12. Did you ________________(study) for math test yesterday?13. My father ______________(become) a lawyer when he was 30 years old.14. In winter, many people have fun _________________(skate) on the lake.15. Donna Green started ________________(hiccup) on January 13,1981.三、单项选择(40分)16. They__________ some photos of the sharks yesterday.A.takeB.is takingC.tookD.was taking17. What did you _________yesterday ?A.buyB.boughtC.buysD.Buying18. There _________some popcorn in the kithchen last night.A.wereB.hadC.areD.was19.Do you have __________to say about this ?A. something elseB.anything elseC.else somethingD.else anything20.Gina hung out with her friends _________.st SundayB.on SundayC.every SundayD.next Sunday21.After I________my homework ,I went out to an apuarium.A. was doingB.did C .does D.would do22.We _________any sharks on our last school trip .A.sawB.didn’t sawC.didn’t seeD.see23.Turn right ________the end of the road.A.byB.inC.atD.on24.Finally,__________ , we took the bus back to school.A.tired and happyB.exciting but happyC.tired but happyD.tiring and happy25.Did you buy_________in the supermarket ?A.somethingB.everythingC.anything D,nothing26.He is ______university student and he comes form ______village in America.A.an;anB.an;aC.a;anD.a;a27.Tom ________the competition and won the first prize last year.A.joinB.took part inC.tookD.got28.My sister was born on _________.A.1980B.June,1980C.June 10th,1980D.June29.John began to learn the violin ___________eight.A.When heB. at the age ofC.he wasD.when he is30.—When were you born?—I_______born in 1981.A.amB.wasC.wereD.do31.How old were you when you started _______ English?A.learnedB.learnC.learningD.learns32.-- __________did he hiccup? —For 5 months.A.How longB.How manyC.WhenD.What time33.She could not go to school __________illness.A.because ofB.because forC.becauseD.because to34.Peter is an __________ boy.A.17-year-oldB.17-years-oldC.18-year-oldD.18-years-old35.Deng Yaping is________ a ping-pang player.A.famous forB.famous asC.famous withD.famous in四、按要求改写句子,每空一词(10分)36.They went back to school by subway.(改为同义句)They _________ the _____________ back to school.37.We watched a movie in a cinema last Sunday.(对画线部分提问)What ______ you ________last Sunday?38.He is so weak that he can’t carry the computer.(同义句)He is______ weak ______ ____________ the computer.39.Deng Yaping was born in 1973.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ Deng Yaping ___________ ?五、完成句子(10分)40.你什么时候开始打喷嚏的?When ________you start __________?41.活到老,学到老。
八年级(下)周末英语学习 ( 8 )
八年级(下)周末练习(8)Name:___________I. 语法填空:Kate ________(miss) the school basketball ___________(compete) yesterday. Here was her experience.She didn't take her phone with her. When the __________(act) started, she was still making her way ____ school. When she _______ at the bus stop, she r_______ her bag was_______(leave) at home. While she was running back home, she saw a dog by the side of the road and it was_______(hurt). She wanted to call the Animal Helpline, but she had no phone with her. L________, with the help of a passer-by, she _____ __. Although she didn't make it ____ the competition, she felt happy that John's team _____ other teams at last.II. 能力训练:Oxford Street is one of the busiest and __________________(famous) streets for shopping in the UK. About nine million f__________ visitors visit the street every year and about sixty thousand people work there. Oxford Street is 2 km long and goes _______ Marble Arch in the west of London to Soho in the center. There are more than 300 shops _______ it. A______ its most most famous shops are the department store, Selfridges, and the HMV record and multimedia store(音像店) at 363 Oxford Street. This is the ____________(old) record shop in the world.A________ you can go to the most exclusive(专门的) houses in Oxford Street, there are also many cheaper shops. There are also lots of good shoe shops and they sell 10 million pairs of shoes each year. That ’s a _______ number.So w_______ you are in London, be adventurous and go to explore Oxford Street.III 语法填空(1)In China , more and more school students are tired because their sleep is getting shorter and shorter. Most students can sleep ___ than eight hours every night , because they have too much homework to do . Some from their teachers, and some from their parents . Also , some students don ’t know __ to save time. They are not careful enough _ they do their homework , it takes them more and more time to finish it. Some students spend too much time __ (watch)TV. They stay up very late. Some students have to get up earlyevery weekday __ (get) to school on time by bus or by bicycle. It may be a long way from home to school .The homework should be cut down ______ ______ the students can feel more (relax) , for the children , they should use their time well. More than eight hours of sleep every night (be) necessary for their health . If they have enough sleep time , they will find ________ much better for both their study and health .(2)Liu ’s World of Magic.Liu Qian is a magician (魔术师) from Taiwan. For the CCTV Spring Festival Gala(春晚), he put on two magic shows. They were very ______ . Now _____ is mad about magic. We ________want to know how to do a magic.Liu didn’t go to _____ magic school. He learned by ______ . He worked hard at it. Now he is a great magician.When Liu was seven, he saw a coin trick ______ a big store. At that moment Liu decided __________ magic.Liu practiced hard ______ his skills. Then one day he was able to put on a show ________ his class.“I________ the surprise on everyone’s face. It was cool.”Liu still practices hard today. He may spend three years working on a new show.IV.阅读理解:Joan worked in a hospital as a nurse. One evening there was a big dance at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of course somebody had to be left to look after the sick children, and Joan was not of the lucky ones. She liked dancing very much, so when she had to start work that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance, she felt very sorry for herself.She went to each sick child one after another and said good-night, until she came to one little boy, Dicky. He was eleven years old, but he was already able to talk like an adult. Poor Dicky had a very serious illness, and now he was hardly able to move any part of his body except his hands. Joan knew he would never get any better, but he was always happy and always thinking about other people instead of thinking about himself.Dicky knew that Joan loved dancing, so now when she said good-night to him, he greeted her with thewords, “I’m very sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a party for you. If you look in my drawer(抽屉), you’ll find a piece o f cake. I saved it from my supper today, so it’s quite fresh. And there is also a dollar there. you can buy something to drink with that. And I’d get up and dance with you myself if I was able to”, he added.Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Joan.( )1. Joan felt unlucky that evening because _____.A. there was a dance ball at the hospital.B. of her unpleasant job.C. she was obligated(被迫) to look after the sick childrenD. she would lose the chance to go to the big dance at the hospital.( )2. Poor Dicky _____.A. was no more than a boy of eleven.B. fell seriously ill.C. was clever at talking though he was very young.D. all the above.( )3. Dicky was lovely because _____.A.he was a nice, kind boy of eleven.B.he was always thinking about others more than about himself.C.he saved a piece of cake for his nurse.D.he could foresee(预知) that he would never get any better.( )4. Which of the following is not true?A. Dicky knew why Joan was unhappy.B. Dicky heard about the dance.C. Dicky showed sympathy(同情) for Joan.D. Dicky rose up to greet Joan when she came. ( )5. At that party arranged(安排) for Joan, Dicky probably ____.A. got up and danced with her.B. gave Joan some cake he had saved.C. brought her something to drink.D. lost the dollar which he was going to give Joan.[2015 •长沙] Li Ting,15. from Shanghai,was preparing a talk on some western festivals. She searched online for certain information and made Power Point presentations (展示) .Wu Qiang,her classmate,was doing his chemistry homework carefully. But he couldn’t work out the last problem even he tried his best. So he took out his mobile phone,opened a special app (应用软件) ,and searched the problem. Answers soon appeared on the screen in several seconds.Nowadays,many students do homework online with the help of the Internet like Li and Wu. They search information online,use apps or discuss through QQ and WeChat.“It's convenient. You don't have to wait for your teacher to explain it to you face to face. ” According to Wu. “You can also learn by seeing how others work them out. What's more,it improves students’abilities. And it's especially true for new kinds of homework. I am quite skilled at finding information online and using Microsoft Office. ”However,this trend (趋势) also causes problems. Some lazy students just copy the answers online without thinking. Even some ask their classmates to do homework for them. And their teachers don't know the fact.Anyhow,knowing how to use the Internet is important. The key is to have good self-control. When you come across (遇到) a difficult problem,think about it by yourself first. Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answers after you have turned to the Internet,or you won’t make progress. If you are not sure about your self-control,ask your parents for help.( ) 6. Both Li Ting and Wu Qiang used the Internet toA. play gamesB. search informationC. take exams( ) 7. Paragraph 4 is mainly about of doing homework with the help of the Internet.A. the advantagesB. the disadvantagesC. the problems( ) 8. Which problem is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 5 ?A. Some students only copy the answers online.B. Some cheat their teachers by asking their classmates to do homework for them.C. Nobody is able to finish their homework now without the Internet.( ) 9. _______ is the key to using the Internet to study.A. Self-respectB. Self-controlC. Self-development( ) 10. In this passage the writer wants to tell us thatA. the Internet can be a good helper if we use it properlyB. the Internet has made all the students lazyC. it's not necessary to learn to use the InternetV 用送给单词的正确形式填空1.It _______(report) that China has made some useful plans to fight against natural disasters..2.It _________(say) that he has started two companies and made much money.3.It has _____________(mean) to each freshman on September 1st every year.4.A group of ______________(terrorism) started this horrible _________ attack.5.What a mess in the neighborhood, with so many trees ________(fall) down on the ground and windows _________ (break) into pieces.6.He left with the windows ________ so that a thief came in.7.These buildings were __________________(take down) by some terrorists.8.Her dog was playing with another dog when Linda ______(get) out of the station.9.(2015•长沙)—I called you last night,but you didn’t answer.—Sorry,Grace.I __________(watch) I Am A Singer when the phone rang.10. The ground was covered with __________(fall) ________(leaf). Still there were many leaves ________(fall) off the trees.11 Although he has learned English for several years, he still has trouble c___________ with others in English.12 Firstly, you should go to bed earlier. S___________, exercise more often to keep fit.13 Our class were playing soccer a____________ Class 2 when the bell r_________.14 I didn’t r_____________ it snowed until I got out of the office.15 I understand ________________(完全)16.We should help each other in times of ________________(difficult).VI. 分类:come, go, leave, move, borrow, live, read, write, join, learn, practice, die, arrive, sit down, discuss, think, stay, start, begin, finish, stop, buy, ...延续性动词:______________________________________________________________非延续性动词:__________________________________________________________VII. 书面表达(15分)根据表格信息,描述昨天晚上停电时汤姆一家人正在做的事情。
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分别写出了黄山松的什么特点?(2分)a处: b处:20.第⑤段中画线句子运用了的修辞手法,表现出黄山云海的特点。