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姓名:___________ 成绩: __________
I.Listening (略)
II ・ Multiple Choice.(选择填空)(0.5%X20 =10%)
21 ・ They looked __ when they heard the good news・
B. happily C・ sad D. sadly
22.It was difficult _____ W ill to buy a ticket ______ the Mash Boys concert.
A.to; for
B. for; of
C. for; for
D. to; for
23.They _________ the dinosaur bones at the bottom of the valley after walking ______ t he thick forest.
A.searched, across B・ found, into
C・ discovered, through D. watched, past
24.We take in oxygen with our __ and plants can grow more plants by exchanging ________
A.hearts, leaves
B. 1 ungs, pollen C・ muscles, plates D. blood, fossils
25.Cavepeople hunted __ big groups and cooked meat _____ a fire・ They also used the
pipe to tell each other ______ dangerous animals.
A. With, with; on
B. with, in, by
C・ in, on, about D. for, on. for
26.Which sentence is not true about rainforests?
A.Rainforests can make rain.
B.Rainforests can control the weather
C・ People discovered a rainforest in North America in 2003・
D. Many of our medicines come from rainforests.
27.As plant-eaters, protoceratopses didn't eat small animals, _____ , they ate the plant leaves・
A. except
B. but C・ so D. instead
28.—How often do you play squash? —_________ ・
A. In two days
B. Every few days ,
C.After two days D・ A week.ago
29.-You are the first in lhe speech -competition! Congralulalions!(祝贺)" ______ ・
A. Don r t say so. B・ Thanks a lol.
C. That's right・
D. How can you say that?
30.Many types of plants and animals _____ n ow in many parts of the world.
A. are leaving B・ are disappearing
C・ are coming D・ are saving
31 ・ Coober is completely underground _________ the terrible weather.
A. because B・ so that C・ because of D. at the same time
32.If you want to know if your answer is correct, Y H ou may say'' to your teacher・
A. Can you repeat that?
B. Can you check this?
C・ I've finished・ D. Can you say this again?
33.The students all stopped _______ when the teacher came in. The classroom became quiet.
A. talking
B. to talk
C. talk
34.Boxing (拳击)is one of _____ energy level sports・
A. the higher
B. the highest
C. the tallest
D. the lowest
35.・-What is !he strange creature doing?
—Oh, ______________ t he flying saucer・
A. it is coming down
B. it will open.
C. it starts
D. it left
36・Which animal sends out a sound and waits for the echo?
A. Cheetah
B. Kangaroo
C. Blue whale
D. Bat
37._______ tells us that there is probably life on other planets.
A. The world of science
B. The world Ofnaturc
C. The world of history
D. The world ofpeople
38.- A: Do you know cave ___ ?
-B: They are some pictures on the wall of the cave・ Cavepeople _ ihem before or after a
big hunt and put their __ in animal bones・
A. painting, painted, paints
B. paintings, painted, paint
C・ painting, paint, paints D. paintings, paint, paint
39.He _______ a bad cold because he _________ a little yesterday.
A. catch; wore
B. catch; wearC・ caught; wear D. caught; wore
40.What do teachers in Lee's Junior High School do in 'home class?
A. Check that cvciybody is there B・ Make things with wood and metal
C. Have hot meals
D. Play in the school band.
III.Tell whether the statements are true or false according to the texts we have learned. Write A if it is true and B if it is false.(根据所学课文内容判断正误)(1%X10=I0%)
41.In aerobic exercises, you move suddenly and quickly. They make your heart stronger.
42.If lhe diameter of a circle is 3cm, the area of this circle is 9.4 cm2 ・
43.Scientists are learning more about the stars and glanets by building powerful radio telescopes.
44.Susan doesn't go out with her friends so much because she has no free time・
45.Rubber and many of our medicines conic from the rainforests.
46.British People celebrate Guy Fawks Night by having a big carnival with music・
47.Leopards usually hunt alone and they spend their mo st of time in trees ・
48.Pat Watts1 children play in the park in Coober.
49.The students in Hillside Junior High School must not bring knives or other weapons to school.
50.Wc people arc the only animals who can communicate. Other animals can f t.
IV.Cloze.(完形填空)(0.5%X10 =5%)
Some countries have 51 numbers of earthquakes・ Others do not have 52 , for example, there are few earthquakes in Britain ・
There is often a great sound during an earthquake・ The ground 53 and the houses fall down. Sometimes
thousands of people arc killed 54 different ways. Earthquakes usually happen undcr the sea, or near volcanos(火山),but this is not 55 true・ The powerful forces inside the earth destroy
(破坏)rocks and great waves 56 ・They _57_ a long way and arc strong enough to break down houses and other buiidings ・ Sometimes they break more buildings than the 58 itself.
A 59 earquake happened in Sichuan, China, in 2008. The land near Yingxiu suddenly moved
1.5 feet to one side, and then back again. It continued to act like this 20 times a minute・ Few buildings could stand(忍受)what was happening and the great stones 60 four feet up into the ai「・
51.A. many B. much C・】arge D. small
52.A. few B. many C.a lot D. much
53.A. moves B. jumps C・ pushes D. beats
54.A. with B. in C. by D. on
55.A. sometimes B. never C・ always D・ once
56.A. liavel B. come C. run D・ appear
57.A. take ・ B. have C・ become D. travel
5& A. rock B. earthquake C・ sea D. volcano
59.A. small B. frightening C. afraid D. famous
60.A. dropped B. cut C. flew D. fell
V.Reading comprehension.(阅读理解)(1%X 10 =10%)
Leeds—London Mondays to Saturday
DEP0645 0725074008450910094510301045
ARR0908 094510141112121912121456C1312
CF=cheap fare(ticket)
C=change at Poncaster MF=Mondav to Friday S=Ssturday only
61.Of all the MF trains, the _____ train takes the least time to,get to Leeds
A. 1045
B. all the same
C. 0845
D. 0725
62.The ___ train takes the longest time as ______ ・
A. 1030;you have to change trains
B. 0910; it is the slowest train
C. 0X45;il is the cheapest
D. 0645; it goes straight to Leeds
63.You can take the _____ train with cheap fare from Monday to Saturday.
A. 1030
B. 0845
C. 1045
D. 0945
64.There are _______ trains to go from Monday to Saturday.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
65.There are ____ MF trains with cheap fare.
A. four
B. five
C. three
D. two
(B) Doug Allan, Wildlife Cameraman(摄影师)
I recently spent two years in the Arctic filming the TV Blue Planet.
I love being in an cnviionmcnt(环境)that hasnY changed for 20,000 years. Of
course, it's chilly, but it must be a healthy place because you never catch colds

When Fm filming, I love to really feel how lonely the environment is・ Filming underwater involves (涉及至U)cutting through thick ice and diving in tied to a line• The person at the other end has to be ready to pull you out fast if necessary(需要).
At beginning, I was a research(研究)diver for the British Antarctic Survey project, but for me science isn*t exciting. I'd always enjoyed photography, and whenever camera teams passed through. they encouraged(鼓励)me to watch and learn. I was then able to move into the filming in 1985 and have focused on Arctic and Antarctic wildlife ever since・
I prefer to be face to face with the animals even they are dangerous・ I've never had problems with polar bears, although once I was frightcned when one tried to get into my tent. Polar bears arc brave, clever and dangerous・ But I nlade this one know that I wasn r t going to attack (攻击)it-fm sure it knew 1 wouldn't hurt it.
Now Fm fifty, filming is harder. The challenge (挑战)for me is to do the high-quality work, as well as before・
66.What was Poug Allan at first?
A. Scientist
B. Diver C・ Cameraman
67.According to the text, which is NOT true about Doug Allan's working environment?
A.Ifs chilly but healthy.
B.The environment is almost the same as that 20.000 years ago.
C・ He doesrft have to face the dangcrous animals.
6& Which is true about Doug Allan?
A. He changed his job in 1985 because he thought science wasn*t exciting. B・ He likes filming wild animals all over the world・
C.He can film underwater without the help of other members・
69. No polar bear has hurt Doug Allan because ___________ ・
A.Polar bears are brave, clever and dangerous・
B.Doug Allan makes polar bears feel he isn*t a danger.
C.Doug Allan r s tent Is strong enough lo keep the* polar bears away.
7(). In this text, Doug Allan tells us _____ ・
A.the challenge(扌兆战)of environment he works in
B.the difficulties of having to work alone
C・ the beautiful scenery of the Arctic
Please write the answers on the answer sheet (请将此卷答案写在答题纸上)
C.Read the letter and the information about Mr. Ando. Fill in the Registration Form.(读一份个人信息完成表格)(1%X5=5%)
Grange Hotel, Leeds
Sunday 14 April
Dear Joe,
We like Oxford and I love my job there. We°re renting (和.借)a nice house at 23 Mount Road. We arrived in Leeds yesterday and will go back to Oxford tomorrow ・ I am here for a meeting and my wife, Keiko, has come loo. She has a job as a teacher in Oxford ・ We will return to Japan next year. Yours,
VI. Vocabulary 20%
A ) Complete each sentence with the first letter given.(首字母填空)(0.5x10=5%) 1 ・ Asia is the largest c ___ in the world.
2. It is c _____ d ark outside.But Tom hasn*t returned home yet, which ・ made her mother extremely anxious (非常着急的).
3. -What f s the t ______ climate in southeast China? —It's terribly hot in summer and fairly cold in winter.
4. The I __ of a slandard (标准)swimming pool is 50 metres.
5. Our school buys a Jot of teaching c __________ such as computers, projectors and microphones.
6. Chinese people had different c ________ t o celebrate their country's sixtieth birthday.
7. In order to carry out scientific researches (科学研究)on the endangered animals, many e __ risked (冒险)going into Amazon rainforests.
8. Junior students, e ______ boy students, have a passion (热'晴)on computer games ・ 9. Any practice involving (涉及)language skills, such as reading, listening, speaking can i ___ your English.
10. A lot of animals are e ______ for ever because of the disappearance of their home-the forest. B ) Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.(用所给词的正确形式填空)
Toshi Ando
Date and place of birth: 12.03.76
Tokyo, Japan
Married, no children
1.As English learners, we should never mind ________ (communicate) in English・
2.In NFLS1 Language Festival, all students actively took part in the activities and did
quite ________ (good).
3.Sometimes we use formulas _______ (work) out mathematics problems.
pared with the cavepeople^ life, modern life is ____ (danger) because we have to
expose(体露)ourselves to more lhreats.(威胁)
5.Snow White became a sleeping beauty after eating a _______ (poison) apple・
6.The government made an ____ (announce) that the talk on nuclear disarmament is
progressing smoothly.(进展顺利)
7.A driver is always driving________ (careless) and dangerously.
lion of years ago, dinosaurs _______ (live) on Earth・
9.The world population _______ (grow) all the lime.
1(). We live in a fantastic _ (nature) world, from which we get food and water.
C)Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions or adverbs.(介副词填空)(0.5%xl0=5%)
1.Some furry (有皮毛白勺)animals disappeared because people hunt them their skin・
2.All students should join this activity ______ t hose who are under age 12, because its
dangerous for them・
3・ The mountain climber finally got to the top of the mountain ______ a rope.
4.The rain water goes into the tree's roots and then goes _____ i nside the tree to the leaves
5.My uncle is an engineer. He works ____ a car manufaciurer•(生产商)
6.The Bristlecone Pine, one often oldest living things on Earth, is ______ four thousand years
7.Scientists arc sending radio messages _____ s pace every few hours ,in ordcr.to discover 讦there
is life on other planets.
7.People always like lo talk about their home affairs(家事)____ l unchtime・
8.Jim doesn't look very happy. No one knows what has happened ______ him・
10.The speed limit(限速)on this road is 80 km per hour, hut the spccdomctc「(时速表)shows
your car runs _ 80 kph・ You must slow down.
D)Choose right phrase to complete each sentence. Change the form if necessary.(选用词组并用其适当形式填空)(1%X5=5%)
1 ・ The police __ the bushes ______ the missing child, and finally the poor boy was
2.The government stops any construction site(建筑工地)from ____ during the exam
3・ The fake(伪造的)painting. ___ as the genuine one・ Only the experts can tell the
4.More policemen are sent into the quake-stricken area(震区)(o _ the worse situation.
5.A car _____ the tree because of the drivers careless driving, fortunately, nobody was hurt. plete the conversation.(完成对话)(l%x 5=5%)
What does the tourist say to the shop assistant?
For questions 1・5, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet.
Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
Tourist: _____ 0 D ・
Assistant: For children or adults?
Tourist: _____ [ ___________ ・
Assistant: A lot of tourists buy this one.,
Tourist: _____ 2 ___________ ・
Assistant: What about this one with fewer pages?
Tourist: _____ 3 ■
^Assistant: The hardback is £8. and (he paper back is £3.50.
Tourist: _____ 4 ___________ .
Assistant: Fine. Shall I put it in a bag for you?・
Tourist: _____ 5 ___________ ・
Assistant: Here you are・ Thank you.
Tourist: Thanks・ Goodbye・
A.I'll take the cheaper one.
B.Oh, it*s for me・ I want a guide book・
C・ I havegot any children・
D.Yes, please・ I'd like a book about London.
E.No, thank you. I want to use it now.
F.That's very hcavy. Have you got a smaller one?
G.Is it a good book?
H.That looks better. How much is it?
VID. Sentence transformation.(句型转换)(0.5%X14=7%)
LA lot of people said that they saw strange lights in the sky last night.(对划线部分提问)
1 _______ a lot of people say?
2.An adult elephants eats 136kg of food in a day.(对划线部分提问)
3 _______
4 food does an adult elephant eat in a day?
3.The weather in Cooper is hot dry and dusty.(对划线部分捉问)
_____ 5 _____ the weather like in Cooper?
4.The zebra runs up to 64 km per hour and the cheetah about 120km per hour.(用一句话改写)The cheetah 6 __________ 7 _________ 8 the zebra.
5.Susan Spencer swims every day.(用现在进行时改写)
Susan Spencer ___ 9 ___________ IQ at the moment.
6.They usually take a walk after lunch and they come back their office at 1 pm.(同义句改写)They usually take a walk after lunch and they 」] come back their office 12 1 pm.
7.They bring a map with them because they are afraid to lose their way.(同义句改写)
They bring a map with them ]3 ___________ 14 they won't lose their way.
IX. Translation.(翻译)(O・5%xl6=8%)

Whales are __ 1 _____ b ecause people hunt them and sell their rrieat and skin.
The dinosaur 3 ________ 4 nearly 80 percent of the lake's 5 ・

As a 6 _________ 7 , Kathy believes that swimming is an ___ 8 __ way to 9
10 •
1 don't know whether I will be free tomorrow afternoon. I need to 11 ________ 12
13 .
Students J4 ___________ I j the world hate tests or 16 .
X. Read the passage and fill in tbe blanks with the first letters given •(短文首字母填空)(0.5%xl0=5%)There are two t 1 of sports. They are team sports and individual(个人白勺)sports. Team sports・ such as baseball, basketball and volleyball, need to teams・ They compete(竞赛)against each other in order to get h 2 scores・ For example; in a football game, if team A gets 7 points and team B gets 3 points, team A w 3一the game・ Team sports are sometimes c _4_ competitive (竞争)sports.
Besides team sports, there is a 5 kind of sporting activities. That is in dividual sports.I n individual sports like swimming, skiing, jogging and r 6 there are no teams・ There isn't any c 7 ・ People play individual sports in order to* keep h 8 ,Of course it is possible to compete in individual sports・ The main difference, however, b 9_ teams sports・ and
in dividual sports is that individual sports carr be done(可完成)a」0 ・ Team sports need
more than one person.
XL Short composition.(作文)(5%)

Dear John
Yours faithfully
