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NUMBER 5 Chateau Valandraud Saint-Emilion 1995 – app. $668
瓦朗德鲁酒庄(Château Valandraud)是最重要的车库葡 萄酒产地之一。与拉梦多酒庄一样,瓦朗德鲁堡酒庄同样 非常袖珍,其拥有者也为之付出全部心血。瓦朗德鲁酒庄 由10小块土地组成,总面积为35英亩。Château Valandraud Saint-Emilion 1995酿造过程讲究,产量很少, 因此价格不菲。强烈的单宁口味与层次丰富的香料味相得 益彰;与稍后年份的葡萄酒相比,它更为浓烈。 This vineyard is one of the most important of the garage wines. Basically, it is to wine what microbreweries are to beer. Like La Mondotte, it occupies a small patch of land and its owners pour their artistic hearts into it. Valandraud comprises approximately 10 small parcels of land totaling 35 acres. This wine has been made with care and is quite rare, hence the price. Firm tannins define its rich and spicy structure; it is bolder than later vintaБайду номын сангаасes.
Talk about being at the right place at the right time. In the mid-18th century, a French politician was about to be shipped off overseas, but not before visiting a physician. The doctor prescribed him some Lafite wine as a tonic. This politician enjoyed it so much that he offered some bottles to King Louis XV, and before long this wine became the star of Versailles and was dubbed “the King’s wine.” Remarkably dark, it sports mineral aromas of mint and black currant. Flavorful, its texture is silky and lingers in the mouth.
两美元一瓶的Night Train可不能代表 葡萄酒的全部。80年代中期,亿万富 豪马尔科姆福布斯(Malcolm Forbes )以约15.5万美元的价格拍下一瓶葡 萄酒。这瓶葡萄酒据称原为托马斯杰 斐逊的珍藏,其年份可追溯到1787年 ;但福布斯居然将它放到强光下展示 ,摆放的角度也不对,最终造成软木 塞掉入瓶中,这瓶葡萄酒也就变得一 文不值、被一扔了之。 当然,您没必要为一瓶葡萄酒而一掷 千金,但您应记住:一分价钱一分货 。如果您真想打动您心仪的女士,向 她展示您的酒窖—或展现您的葡萄酒 知识,您就有必要阅读以下内容,了 解市场上十大最名贵的葡萄酒。注意 ,所有价格均为一瓶750ml葡萄酒的零 售美元价格。
Top 10 Most Expensive Wines
At the time of preparing this post I can honestly say that I would not be able comfortably afford even the #10 bottle of wine, which is well over $250. I think before I’d WANT to spend so much on a bottle someone out there should treat me to a taste or three so that I even have a frame of reference as to why these bottles surpass the $40-$60 wines I so rarely treat myself to.
NUMBER 9 Chateau Margaux 1995 – app. $402
它色泽近乎黑色,乍看起来有些像墨水。它具有扑鼻的黑莓和黑醋栗浓香 ,顺滑活泼,果香厚重而精致。玛歌酒庄(Château Margaux)拥有一千 年的悠久历史,在葡萄酒界享有盛誉。Château Margaux 1995不仅具有 Château Margaux 1986的复杂度,还具有Château Margaux 1990的优雅。 1994年份的Château Margaux同样价格不菲。 Its color is almost black, yet it couldn’t taste farther from ink. Containing passionate fragrances of blackberry and cassis, this smooth and racy vintage is powerful but still manages to be compact in its fruit structure. This vineyard goes back a thousand years and it has definitely mastered the art. The 1995 vintage recalls the 1986 for its complexity but it’s also a good reminder of the 1990 for its elegance. The 1994 version is also quite expensive.
NUMBER 7 Chateau Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1986 – app. $592
木桐酒庄(Château Mouton)与前面提到的拉菲酒庄系出同 门,于19世纪中期由家族在英国的分支成立。二战后,该酒 庄首先先例,邀请夏加尔、毕加索和沃赫尔等艺术名家设计 专门的标签。Château Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1986曾被 《葡萄酒观察家》(Wine Spectator)杂志评选为1986年十 大美酒,它具有独特的巧克力、覆盆子和香料味以及令人难 以置信的悠长后味。 Remember the Lafite Rothschild? The Chateau Mouton originated from the English branch of the same family in the mid-19th century. They were the first to launch special labels designed by famous artists such as Chagall, Picasso and Warhol after World War II. Selected as one of the top ten wines of 1986 by Wine Spectator magazine, this Chateau Mouton will recall memories of chocolate, raspberries and spices. This palatable vintage leaves an incredibly elongated aftertaste.
NUMBER 8 Chateau Haut Brion Pessac -Lognan 1982 – app. $528
世界上年份最久的波尔多葡萄酒就出自奥比昂酒庄( Haut Brion)。该酒庄成立于1550年,从整地到葡萄酒 酿造,所有事情均由Jean de Pontac一手缔造。之后, 他在伦敦开设了一家酒馆,专卖自产的葡萄酒,并大获 成功。Château Haut Brion Pessac- Lognan 1982红酒 尽管年份不甚久远,但却风味十足,是一款不可多得的 佳酿。它已熟到不能再熟,所以要喝趁快! What distinguishes Haut Brion is the fact that it produced the oldest Bordeaux in the world. Founded in 1550, Jean de Pontac built everything from the ground up for the sole purpose of winemaking. Soon after, he opened a tavern in London to serve his wine exclusively. It was an undeniable success. This red 1982 vintage is still youthful and quite spectacular, holding its own against the best wines in the world. It has matured well with time but isn’t expected to improve in years to come. So drink it soon!
NUMBER 10 Chateau Lafite Rothschild Pauillac 1996 – app. $287
好千里马也需遇伯乐。18世纪中期,一位法国政治 家被派往外国,临行前,医生建议他带上几瓶拉菲( Lafite)葡萄酒作为滋补品。这位政治家非常喜欢这 种酒,就向国王路易十五进献了几瓶,不久这种葡萄 酒就在凡尔赛一举成名,被称为“御酒”。Chateau Lafite Rothschild Pauillac 1996色泽深沉,薄荷和黑 加仑香味灵动怡人,口感如丝般顺滑,回味悠长。
NUMBER 6 Chateau La Mondotte Saint- Emilion 1996 – app. $608
拉梦多酒庄(La Mondotte)与嘉芙丽酒庄(Château Canon-La- Gaffelire)和克罗斯罗哈托酒庄(Clos de l'Oratoire)同时被Neipperg家族收购。因此,只有11多英亩 的拉梦多酒庄多年来一直被视为配角。直到1996年,拉梦多 才在葡萄酒界一鸣惊人。Château La Mondotte SaintEmilion 1996具有浓郁奇妙的果香和悠长的余味。人们常将 它与里鹏(Le Pin)葡萄酒相提并论。 莫急,再来一杯…… La Mondotte was purchased by the Neipperg family at the same time that they bought Chateau Canon-La- Gaffelire and Clos de l’Oratoire. Therefore, this tiny vineyard of little more than 11 acres was condemned to play second fiddle for a number of years. But in 1996, La Mondotte reached maturity and exploded on the wine scene. Fairly fruity and exotic, this vintage is lavish and has a lengthy finish. It is often compared to Le Pin.