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1. 病毒感染:Viral Infection
2. 细菌感染:Bacterial Infection
3. 真菌感染:Fungal Infection
4. 寄生虫感染:Parasitic Infection
5. 支原体感染:Mycoplasma Infection
6. 立克次体感染:Rickettsial Infection
7. 衣原体感染:Chlamydial Infection
8. 性传播感染:Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
9. 医院获得性感染:Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)
10. 社区获得性感染:Community-Acquired Infections (CAIs)
11. 抗药性感染:Antibiotic-Resistant Infections
12. 病毒性肝炎:Viral Hepatitis
13. 细菌性痢疾:Bacterial Dysentery
14. 结核病:Tuberculosis (TB)
15. 破伤风:Tetanus
16. 梅毒:Syphilis
17. 性病性淋巴肉芽肿:Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
18. 人乳头瘤病毒感染:Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection
19. 钩端螺旋体病:Leptospirosis
20. 疟疾:Malaria
21. 阿米巴病:Amoebiasis
22. 弓形虫病:Toxoplasmosis
23. 细菌性食物中毒:Bacterial Food Poisoning
24. 病毒性心肌炎:Viral Myocarditis
25. 流行性感冒:Influenza (Flu)
26. 登革热:Dengue Fever
27. 黄热病:Yellow Fever
28. 脑膜炎:Meningitis
29. 败血症:Septicemia
30. 脓毒症:Sepsis
31. 脓肿:Abscess
32. 发热待查:Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO)
33. 抗生素治疗:Antibiotic Therapy
34. 对症治疗:Symptomatic Treatment
35. 免疫疗法:Immunotherapy
36. 支持性护理:Supportive Care
37. 隔离措施:Isolation Measures
38. 预防接种:Vaccination
39. 手卫生:Hand Hygiene
40. 环境清洁消毒:Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection
41. 传染病监测与控制:Infectious Disease Surveillance and Control
42. 人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染:Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection
43. 人乳头瘤病毒疫苗(HPV疫苗):Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV vaccine)
44. 克林霉素抗药性检测:Clindamycin Resistance Testing
45. 卡介苗接种(BCG接种):Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) Vaccination
46. 内毒素检测(Endotoxin Detection):Endotoxin Testing (LPS Testing)
47. 白喉抗毒素治疗(Diphtheria Antitoxin):Diphtheria Antitoxin Therapy (DAT)
48. 结核病预防性治疗(TB Preventive Therapy):TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
49. 人畜共患病(Zoonoses):Zoonoses (Animal-borne Diseases)
50. 人畜共患病预防和控制(Zoonosis Prevention and Control):Zoonosis Prevention and Control
1. 儿科:Pediatrics
2. 儿童生长发育:Child Growth and Development
3. 新生儿:Neonate
4. 婴儿:Infant
5. 学龄前儿童:Preschool Child
6. 学龄儿童:School-aged Child
7. 青春期:Adolescence
8. 儿童营养:Child Nutrition
9. 母乳喂养:Breastfeeding
10. 配方奶喂养:Formula Feeding
11. 断奶:Weaning
12. 幼儿急疹:玫瑰疹:Rubella
13. 水痘:Varicella
14. 手足口病:Hand-foot-mouth Disease (HFMD)
15. 流行性感冒:Influenza
16. 中耳炎:Otitis Media
17. 急性上呼吸道感染:Acute Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)
18. 支气管肺炎:Bronchopneumonia
19. 支原体肺炎:Mycoplasma Pneumonia
20. 百日咳:Pertussis
21. 儿童哮喘:Asthma in Children
22. 过敏性鼻炎:Allergic Rhinitis
23. 肠道寄生虫病:Intestinal Parasitic Diseases
24. 微量元素缺乏症:Trace Element Deficiency
25. 维生素缺乏症:Vitamin Deficiency
26. 新生儿黄疸:Neonatal Jaundice
27. 新生儿窒息:Neonatal Asphyxia
28. 新生儿败血症:Neonatal Sepsis
29. 肠套叠:Intussusception
30. 小儿肺炎:Pneumonia in Children
31. 小儿腹泻病:Diarrhea in Children
32. 小儿营养不良:Malnutrition in Children
33. 小儿肥胖症:Childhood Obesity
34. 小儿糖尿病:Diabetes Mellitus in Children
35. 小儿先天性心脏病:Congenital Heart Disease in Children
36. 风湿热:Rheumatic Fever
37. 川崎病:Kawasaki Disease
38. 幼年特发性关节炎:Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
39. 儿科重症监护病房(PICU):Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
40. 新生儿重症监护病房(NICU):Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
41. 儿童生长发育评估:Child Growth Assessment
42. 儿童免疫接种计划:Child Immunization Schedule
43. 儿童心理咨询与治疗:Child Psychological Counseling and Therapy
44. 儿童康复治疗:Child Rehabilitation Therapies
45. 儿童行为问题咨询与治疗:Child Behavioral Issues Counseling and Therapy
46. 儿童疫苗接种咨询与指导:Child Vaccination Counseling and Guidance
47. 新生儿筛查项目:Neonatal Screening Programs
48. 小儿危重症管理技术:Critical Care Management in Children
49. 儿科药理学和药物治疗学:Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics
50. 小儿外科手术技术:Pediatric Surgical Techniques。
