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On the Political Philosophy of Hobbes
作 者 姓 名:
学科、 专业:
指 导 教 师:
完 成 日 期:
高慧 外国哲学 21512009 刘鸿鹤教授 2018 年 6 月 5 日
Dalian University of Technology
大文,是本人在导师的指导下进行研究 工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用内容和致谢的地方外, 本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表的研究成果,也不包含其他已申请 学位或其他用途使用过的成果。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献 均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。
Hobbes ’ s political philosophy was based upon a pessimistic theory of human nature , which suggested that self-preservation and vanity are the fundamental motivations of human behavior. According to Hobbes, before civil society, there was a state of nature, which was actually a state of war full of human conflicts. In order to get out of this predicament, the people reached a social contract to establish the state government, and entered a civil society. In this process, in order to achieve the long-term self-preservation, the people would need to transfer all power to the sovereign, who will in turn protect their rights to life, liberty, and prosperity. Thereby Hobbes vindicated the legitimacy of the absolute monarchy.
同时霍布斯反对君权神授,在其政治哲学中论证了国家政府的建立是为了保护个人 权利,成为近代个人主义、近代自由主义的先驱,和近代社会契约论的奠基者。当然霍 布斯的政治哲学中也有着时代和阶级的局限性,如其始终为资产阶级发声、所强调的权 利也只是为了维护资产阶级的生存权与财产权。
霍布斯的思想深刻地影响了洛克、卢梭的社会契约论思想。洛克与卢梭同霍布斯一 样反对君权神授,认为政府的合法性来自于公民的认同和首肯(consent), 主张国家的 建立是为了保护公民的自然权利。但洛克的人性论是认为人无所谓先天的善恶,而卢梭 则是主张性善论。洛克主张君主立宪制,而卢梭的理想政体是主权在民的民主共和国。 他们的思想无疑都超越了霍布斯。
Hobbes’ thought deeply influenced the social contract theories of Locke and Rousseau. Like Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau argued against the divinity of the royal power. They also believed that the legitimacy of state government rest in the consent of the people, and that the establishment of state government was to protect the natural rights of the individuals.However, unlike Hobbes, Locke believed that human nature was originally neither good nor evil, while Rousseau held that human nature was innately good. Furthermore, institutionally, Locke advocated constitutional monarchies, and Rousseau’s ideal government was a republic ruled by the people themselves. In this case, theoretically they both surpassed Hobbes.
学位论文题目: 作者签名:
托马斯•霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes,1588—1679),17 世纪英国著名的哲学家,政治 学家。他所在的欧洲正经历着启蒙运动的洗礼,科学技术的进步,以及资本主义萌芽在 封建制度下的生长。而当时的英国,国王和代表着贵族与新兴资产阶级的议会之间的矛 盾与斗争愈演愈烈,整个国家与社会处于激烈的动荡之中。霍布斯敏锐地感知到时代与 历史的脉动,并用其严谨的逻辑思维,详尽的论证,开创性地阐发出以其社会契约论为 主体的政治哲学。
On the Political Philosophy of Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes was a famous British philosopher and political scientist in the 17th century. At that time Europe was experiencing the baptism of the Enlightenment, and the development of early capitalist elements in the the feudal world. In England there was a fierce conflict between the king and the parliament which represented the nobles and the bourgeoisie, and the country was in turmoil. Hobbes acutely perceived the pulse of the socio-historical movement, and developed his political philosophy centered around his social contract theory with a rigorous logic thinking, thorough argumentation, and great originality.
霍布斯以悲观主义的人性论做为其政治哲学的理论基础。他认为自我保存和虚荣自 负是人性恶的根源,并在人性论的基础上推演出自然状态学说,认为人类在进入政治社 会之前处于一种自然状态,而那是一种人们互相争斗与敌对的战争状态。霍布斯指出为 了走出困境,人们订立契约,转让权力,进入政治社会。霍布斯提出人们必须通过权力 的转让来形成一个集所有权力于一身的主权者,这一主权者拥有绝对的权力,因而使公 民个人的生存,自由与财产权得到保障。这样霍布斯就论证了国家成立的合法性,并提 出君主专制是最优越的国家制度。
In spite of its certain limitations, in the political philosophy of Hobbes there are still some elements relevant to our political practice today. For instance, we need to put more
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emphasis on the individual rights of citizens,to encourage their political participation, and to promote their self actualization. By doing so, we are able to promote the continued development of our country . However, our emphasis on the individual rights does not mean the advocacy of radical individualism. Our aim is to protect the individual rights in accordance with contemporary socialist core values, and to promote the balanced and common development of individual interests and public interests, which is an important characteristic of socialism.
但是霍布斯的思想中依然有可供我们今天的政治实践所借鉴的因素,如鼓励公民积 极的参与政治,重视公民权利,促进公民个人价值的实现,从而为整个国家的发展提供 不竭动力,等等。不过我们今天强调的对于公民个人权利的重视绝对不是要张扬极端的 个人主义,而是要保护与当代社会主义核心价值观相一致的正当的个人权利,是要促进 个人利益和公共利益的均衡协调发展,这也是社会主义的重要特征。
However, at the same time Hobbes argued against the divinity of the king’s power. In his political Philosophy Hobbes held that the establishment of state government was to protect the individual rights, and thereby he is considered a pioneer of modern individualism and liberalism, and the founder of modern social contract theory. In Hobbes’ political philosophy there are certain Limits concerning his time and social position, for instance, the individual rights to life and property he wanted to protect were primarily the rights of the capitalists.
Key Words:Social contract theory; Human nature; Natural state; The rights of the individual
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摘 要............................................................................................................................. I Abstract..............................................................................................................................II 1 绪论...............................................................................................................................1
On the Political Philosophy of Hobbes
作 者 姓 名:
学科、 专业:
指 导 教 师:
完 成 日 期:
高慧 外国哲学 21512009 刘鸿鹤教授 2018 年 6 月 5 日
Dalian University of Technology
大文,是本人在导师的指导下进行研究 工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用内容和致谢的地方外, 本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表的研究成果,也不包含其他已申请 学位或其他用途使用过的成果。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献 均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。
Hobbes ’ s political philosophy was based upon a pessimistic theory of human nature , which suggested that self-preservation and vanity are the fundamental motivations of human behavior. According to Hobbes, before civil society, there was a state of nature, which was actually a state of war full of human conflicts. In order to get out of this predicament, the people reached a social contract to establish the state government, and entered a civil society. In this process, in order to achieve the long-term self-preservation, the people would need to transfer all power to the sovereign, who will in turn protect their rights to life, liberty, and prosperity. Thereby Hobbes vindicated the legitimacy of the absolute monarchy.
同时霍布斯反对君权神授,在其政治哲学中论证了国家政府的建立是为了保护个人 权利,成为近代个人主义、近代自由主义的先驱,和近代社会契约论的奠基者。当然霍 布斯的政治哲学中也有着时代和阶级的局限性,如其始终为资产阶级发声、所强调的权 利也只是为了维护资产阶级的生存权与财产权。
霍布斯的思想深刻地影响了洛克、卢梭的社会契约论思想。洛克与卢梭同霍布斯一 样反对君权神授,认为政府的合法性来自于公民的认同和首肯(consent), 主张国家的 建立是为了保护公民的自然权利。但洛克的人性论是认为人无所谓先天的善恶,而卢梭 则是主张性善论。洛克主张君主立宪制,而卢梭的理想政体是主权在民的民主共和国。 他们的思想无疑都超越了霍布斯。
Hobbes’ thought deeply influenced the social contract theories of Locke and Rousseau. Like Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau argued against the divinity of the royal power. They also believed that the legitimacy of state government rest in the consent of the people, and that the establishment of state government was to protect the natural rights of the individuals.However, unlike Hobbes, Locke believed that human nature was originally neither good nor evil, while Rousseau held that human nature was innately good. Furthermore, institutionally, Locke advocated constitutional monarchies, and Rousseau’s ideal government was a republic ruled by the people themselves. In this case, theoretically they both surpassed Hobbes.
学位论文题目: 作者签名:
托马斯•霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes,1588—1679),17 世纪英国著名的哲学家,政治 学家。他所在的欧洲正经历着启蒙运动的洗礼,科学技术的进步,以及资本主义萌芽在 封建制度下的生长。而当时的英国,国王和代表着贵族与新兴资产阶级的议会之间的矛 盾与斗争愈演愈烈,整个国家与社会处于激烈的动荡之中。霍布斯敏锐地感知到时代与 历史的脉动,并用其严谨的逻辑思维,详尽的论证,开创性地阐发出以其社会契约论为 主体的政治哲学。
On the Political Philosophy of Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes was a famous British philosopher and political scientist in the 17th century. At that time Europe was experiencing the baptism of the Enlightenment, and the development of early capitalist elements in the the feudal world. In England there was a fierce conflict between the king and the parliament which represented the nobles and the bourgeoisie, and the country was in turmoil. Hobbes acutely perceived the pulse of the socio-historical movement, and developed his political philosophy centered around his social contract theory with a rigorous logic thinking, thorough argumentation, and great originality.
霍布斯以悲观主义的人性论做为其政治哲学的理论基础。他认为自我保存和虚荣自 负是人性恶的根源,并在人性论的基础上推演出自然状态学说,认为人类在进入政治社 会之前处于一种自然状态,而那是一种人们互相争斗与敌对的战争状态。霍布斯指出为 了走出困境,人们订立契约,转让权力,进入政治社会。霍布斯提出人们必须通过权力 的转让来形成一个集所有权力于一身的主权者,这一主权者拥有绝对的权力,因而使公 民个人的生存,自由与财产权得到保障。这样霍布斯就论证了国家成立的合法性,并提 出君主专制是最优越的国家制度。
In spite of its certain limitations, in the political philosophy of Hobbes there are still some elements relevant to our political practice today. For instance, we need to put more
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emphasis on the individual rights of citizens,to encourage their political participation, and to promote their self actualization. By doing so, we are able to promote the continued development of our country . However, our emphasis on the individual rights does not mean the advocacy of radical individualism. Our aim is to protect the individual rights in accordance with contemporary socialist core values, and to promote the balanced and common development of individual interests and public interests, which is an important characteristic of socialism.
但是霍布斯的思想中依然有可供我们今天的政治实践所借鉴的因素,如鼓励公民积 极的参与政治,重视公民权利,促进公民个人价值的实现,从而为整个国家的发展提供 不竭动力,等等。不过我们今天强调的对于公民个人权利的重视绝对不是要张扬极端的 个人主义,而是要保护与当代社会主义核心价值观相一致的正当的个人权利,是要促进 个人利益和公共利益的均衡协调发展,这也是社会主义的重要特征。
However, at the same time Hobbes argued against the divinity of the king’s power. In his political Philosophy Hobbes held that the establishment of state government was to protect the individual rights, and thereby he is considered a pioneer of modern individualism and liberalism, and the founder of modern social contract theory. In Hobbes’ political philosophy there are certain Limits concerning his time and social position, for instance, the individual rights to life and property he wanted to protect were primarily the rights of the capitalists.
Key Words:Social contract theory; Human nature; Natural state; The rights of the individual
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摘 要............................................................................................................................. I Abstract..............................................................................................................................II 1 绪论...............................................................................................................................1