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‗The Good Wife‘ Season 2, Episode 16 ‗Great Firewall‘: TV Recap
In a candidate debate, Wendy Scott-Carr apologizes for hiring an illegal nanny. Glenn Childs is up next and he slams her. Monitoring voters‘ reactions, Eli and Matt note that the attack ma kes Childs‘ ―negatives go up.‖ Gold has primed Peter with a whole different tack—speak directly to the young and mention his time in the slammer.
在一轮候选人的辩论中,Wendy Scott-Carr为他雇佣了一名非法移民的保姆而向选民们道歉。

Glenn Childs紧跟其后对其进行了严厉的抨击。

而通过观察这两名参选人的行为反应,Eli和Matt发现这种抨击反而使得Childs的负面影响越来越大了,Gold已事先安排Peter 用一种完全不同的方式进行还击—对话直接针对青少年并提起他自己在监狱那段生涯。

Will asks Alicia to join an initial meeting with Viola, attorney for the Chumhum site, and
―look angry and intense.‖ The firm‘s client, Shen Yuan (Ken Leung, from ―Lost‖), was imprisoned and tortured for an anonymous blog he wrote arguing that democracy would come to China; Chumhum had provided authorities with his information.

公司的客人Shen Yuan(Ken Leung,电视剧“迷失”中有扮演角色)由于一篇匿名博客(主张中国将实现民主制度)因此被监禁并被严刑拷问。


Diane offers to settle for $28 million and an agreement by Chumhum to not turn over any more names to the Chinese government. But Viola argues that an international company has to follow the l aws of each individual country in which it operates. Also: ―Chumhum could not have anticipated the results of our actions.‖ She‘ll take her chance with the suit.



There is a very funny scene where conspirators Diane, Will, Julius Cain and David Lee huddle outside over a heating vent in the brutal Chicago cold. ‖We‘re like homeless lawyers,‖ complains Lee, before turning on some hapless building employee who tries to join them: ―This is not a smoking section. This is a secret section.‖ The subterfuge is necessary to plot Bond‘s defeat: So far, Derrick is ahead by two votes.
剧中有意思的一处镜头是,在芝加哥寒冷的天气里,Diane, Will, Julius Cain 以及David Lee他们一起围在一个楼顶通风口周围。




―I want some more assurances about the minority hiring program,‖ Julius says, to David‘s annoyance. Left alone, Will tells Diane, ―It‘s not exactly the Continental Congress.‖ But she has a brilliant idea. It turns out that when partner Stern left a year ago, Lockhart, Gardner had to keep his ―gang of three‖ equity partners on payroll. Aren‘t they all de ad? Will wants to know. ―One of them is dead,‖ she says cooly. ―Two of them aren‘t.‖ And
that‘s all they need: Two more votes.




Kalinda gives Alicia a change of address notice (I wonder why, if she‘s spooked enough to move, she‘s handing out that info). At the Florrick apartment, Zach overhears his father strategizing with Eli and Matt. Wendy‘s wings have been clipped, but she‘s not out—women sympathize with her–and an investigation into Childs‘ childcare arrangements yields only a perfectly legal Swedish au pair. Hearing that, Zach p hones Becca.
Kalinda 给了Alicia一张地址变更通知(我想知道为什么,如果她被吓到要离开,她应该会交出那些资料的?)在Florrick的部门里,Zach无意中听到他爸爸和Eli,Matt的谈话:Wendy

Neil Gross, CEO of Chumhum, arrives for his deposi tion to testify, ―We had no foreknowledge of what the Chinese would do.‖ And clearly I am way too invested in this show, because just as I‘m noting how perfectly the costume designer has outfitted Gross—he sits in tee, sweatshirt and scruffy beard—Will wan ts to know, ―How old are you?‖―50.‖
―Don‘t you think it‘s a little old to be wearing a hoodie?‖ asks Will.
Neil Gross,Chumhum的CEO来到办公大楼提供证词:“我们向中方提供IP地址时并不知道他们的目的”Will想知道是哪位服装设计师将Gross的穿着设计得如此“完美”---他坐在那,一件圆领运动衫以及没有修剪的胡子。



Well, says Gross, ―I think hoodies are practical. I think they help brand a lifestyle and I think I make more in an hour than you make in a year.‖

Will asks how many names of Chinese dissidents the site has supplied to authorities. At the answer, ―Not more than 50,‖ Shen Yuan appears to be having an anxiety attack and leaves the room.
Will问他一共提供给中国政府多少个对华异见人士的名字,Gross回说不超过50个,Shen Yuan听到这些时显得很焦虑并离开了房间。

There‘s more blah blah fro m Gross about American business letting the light into China, then Will hits him with: ―You attended Stanford University. In your comparative religions class in 1984, did you write a paper about the arrest and torture of Tibetan activists?‖

Viola acknowledges with a smile that they‘ve been gotten.

Alicia consoles Shen Yuan—―My worry is that they will offer money and not stop these practices,‖ he tells her. Indeed, Viola is offering only $865,000, basically loss of wages and his wife‘s loss of companionship.
Alicia安慰Shen Yuan--- Shen Yuan 对Alicia说“我的担心是他们会有所赔偿但是不会停止这些提供信息这些活动”。


―They‘ll try to show he wasn‘t tortured,‖ Will tells Alicia and Kalinda. ―Maybe get a Chinese official on the witness list.‖ To prepare, the firm needs to line up Chinese dissidents.


Back at the Florricks‘, Zach asks to see Becca‘s photos of Glenn Childs Jr. at camp. ―If that‘s his nanny,‖ he notes, ―she‘s not Swedish.‖ Soon enough, they will both descend on Eli Gold, who listens to their intel without reacting, then runs into the supply closet to do a little victory dance. Returning, he sends the kids off to find out the nanny‘s name, then says to himself: ―I am the smartest person I know.‖
回到Florricks的场景,Zach要求要看Becca拍的Glenn Childs Jr野营时的照片。


他们很快见到了Eli Gold,Eli Gold听到这个好消息但却没有任何反应而是跑到一个储物房里面跳着胜利的舞蹈。



Things are looking worse and worse for Kalinda when Cary shows up at her new address to tell her that ―a grand jury is being impaneled to look into you… Supposedly it‘s about corrupt practices of investigators, but Childs is focusing in on you. They‘re readying an indictment…next week….we‘re lining up witnesses and exhibits.‖ And no, he can‘t tell her the witnesses‘ names: He‘s taking a risk telling her th is much. But he is curious as to why she sent him a change of address notice.


― I dunno,‖ she says. ―It just felt normal.‖

Bending down to kiss her, he whispers, ―Welcome back to normal‖—and it seems we may have yet another romance on our hands! But Kalinda is left looking really really worried about whatever is going on.

Diane‘s coffee shop meeting with the near-death equity partners does not go smoothly.
―We have terms,‖ on e announces. They want bonuses in exchange for their votes. And come to think of it, she hears in a subsequent phone call, how about corner offices?



后来Diane 接到一个电话说是关于要求使用角落办公室的就走了。

Et tu, Julius? Suddenly Cain is in Bond‘s office, ratting out his pals: ―You think Will is on your side. But he‘s playin‘ you. He‘s on Diane‘s side.‖ He then offers to vote with Bond in exchange for two things: ―David Lee is out and I‘m made Head of Litigation.‖

Cain想投Bond一票,但是他有两个要求:“第一,David Lee要走人,第二,我要成为诉讼部门的头”。

The lawsuit also hits a snag when Shen Yuan‘s wife shows up on the witness list, to testify that he was never tortured. Will tells Kalinda to get everything she can on the wife.
当Shen Yuan的老婆出现在证人席上时,这个诉讼碰到了钉子了,他老婆是来证明Shen Yuan从来没有被虐待过的。

Will 要求Kalinda去搜集一切有关Shen Yuan老婆的信息。

More sneaky stuff as Becca comes on to Glenn Childs Jr., then asks about his camp nanny. H e calls his dad to say, ―Something‘s weird here…She was asking about Rita from a few years ago…she wanted to know her name.‖
很多像Becca那样居心叵测的人都来对付Glenn Childs Jr,来询问有关他保姆的事情。


Despite her heels and lovely fitted dress, Diane practically tackles oldster partner Howard Lyman when he shows up in the hall, and once again we‘re all huddled outside by the heating vent. The other aged partner, Herrick, is dead—all this voting business was just too much for him—and Lyman wants ―everything you promised him.‖ But a quick calculation now shows the two sides tied in equity votes, 22 to 22.
先别说Diane穿着的高跟鞋和漂亮的服饰,当那个股东合伙人老Howard Lyman出现在办公大楼里时,Diane简直被吓倒了。

再一次Will,Diane以及Howard Lyman又围在楼顶的暖气通风口处,Howard Lyman说另一合伙人已经死了,因为他承受不了那么多,Lyman 想要Diane承诺给Herrick的那一份好处。


Kalinda returns from her investigation of Mrs. Shen Yuan to report, ―We found out why she moved out. He was cheating.‖
Kalinda调查Shen Yuan老婆回来后报告说“我们知道他老婆离开他的原因了,是因为Shen Yuan有外遇”。

And for a second time this episode, I find a character voicing exactly what is going through my head. ―No matter where you go, you run into it,‖ says an exasperated Diane. Yeah, well, Will concludes, ―We don‘t have Nelson Mandela anymore. After yea rs of prison and torture he hops into the first young bed?‖

“是的,他那Nelson Mandela(曼德拉)的形像就被破坏了,在受了多年监禁和折磨后,他一出来就去另寻新欢(寻花问柳)?”Will总结说道。

Alicia offers to talk to Shen Yuan. ―He could speak to his wife. Maybe he can convince her to recant.‖ And so ironically the wronged wife tells her client of his own wronged wife,
―She‘s angry. She‘s been hurt.‖
Alicia提议说去找Shen Yuan谈话。



Alicia对Shen Yuan说:“她只是很生气,她受伤了”,意思是也许他的妻子只是很生气,被他伤害了才会做出这种行为。

And in the case of Mrs. Florrick, about to be hurt again: Getting into her car, she spots Patric Edelstein, the website wiz the firm represented in the ―Net Worth‖ episode. After Zach helps her verify that yes, Edelstein is looking to expand to China, Alicia confronts Will: ―This China suit…we‘re doing it for Edelstein…He wants Chumhum out of China, so he can move in and monopolize it.‖
在Florrick女士的案子中,Alicia在上车时无意中看到了Patric Edelstein,他是网络界的名人,在Zach帮她证实了一些事情之后,她知道了Patric Edelstein想开发中国市场,Alicia 去找Will当面对质,她说:“这个中国案子,我们是为了帮Patric Edelstein而接的是吗?他希望Chumhum网退出中国市场,然后他进军中国并垄断市场?”。

When she concludes, ―We‘re doing the right thing for the wrong reason,‖ he cynically responds, ―Who do you know that‘s doing something for the right reason?‖
Looking disgusted and horrified, Alicia must be figuring out that Will is as awful as Peter. Maybe she should just take up with Diane (Kalinda has too much on her plate). It gets even worse when Alicia asks if, when Edelstein gets into China, he too will turn over dissident names. ―It‘s the law,‖ Will says with a shrug.
Alicia 觉得Will这人很可恶,很恐怖,她觉得他就像Peter一样可怕。

或许她应该投向Diane 那边,当Alicia问Will,如果Edelstein进军了中国市场,他可能会透露更多异见人士的名字,这样情况会越来越糟,Will耸耸肩回道“法律就是法律”。

Back at the building vent, David Lee learns of the dead voter. ―All you need is jugglers, so we‘ll have a Roman farce,‖ he says, as Will urges Julius to put more pressure on Fitzpatrick to get his vote. Instead, Julius goes to Bond, who promises him Head of Litigation.
在楼顶的通风口处,David Lee知道死了一个老头(股权合伙人),“你们再请个杂耍的人,就可以演罗马军团了”,他说。



Shen Yuan may have made up with his wife, but Viola has another card to play: Paul Houghton from the Bush administration, who will testify that ―certain aggressive interrogation techniques‖ were not considered torture by the U.S. government during the time Mr. Yuan was experiencing them. Since that opinion was revoked in 2009, Will suggests that maybe their client could recover a memory of being tortured that year as well.
Shen Yuan可能会想办法对妻子弥补自己的过失,但是Viola还有另一张牌:Paul Houghton,当过小布会内阁成员,他说“Yuan先生在中国所受到的某种特定的强制性审问在美国来讲算不上用刑,不过从2009年开始美国政府已不再采纳这个观点了。


When Alicia murmurs something about how this would help Edelstein‘s case, Diane shoots her a look: ―Do you want us to put somebody else on it?‖ With a sarcastic smile, Alicia answers, ―No.‖


Thanks to Zach and Becca, Eli discovers that Childs did indeed have another nanny—an illegal Jamaican. ―Childs took the bait and led us right to her,‖ he says. ―He tried to pay for the Jamaican nanny to leave the country.‖ So Peter wanders over to his old SA office to tell Childs he‘s a goner. ―You belong in the trophy case of sons of bitches,‖ Glenn spits out, but within hours, he‘s on TV, pulling out of the campaign.
多亏Zach 和Becca,Eli发现Childs还雇佣了另外一名保姆—一名非法移民的牙买家保姆。





Miraculously, Shen Yuan now recalls being water-boarded in 2009. Diane wants $30 million and an end to handing over dissident names. ―No money,‖ says Viola. ―And we‘ll agree to stop giving names to China.‖ Because they‘re getting out of China—which is clearly a win for the firm that represents Patric Edelstein.
出乎意料的是,Shen Yuan回忆起自己在2009年期间曾受过水刑。



因为他们考虑要退出中国市场了解,也就是说Diane 代表Patric Edelstein这一方赢了。

As the equity partners start heading for the conference room, Viola stops Alicia and offers her a job. Alicia declines, but Viola tells her, ―I‘m persistent.‖


Bond begins the meeting by accusing Diane of trying to steal clients and partners and start her own firm, adding, ―Now the thing we need to value more than anything at this firm is cohesion.‖

―What crap. Just vote,‖ interrupts Lee (there should be one in every office).

So Diane is in the bizarre position of counting the votes against her: ―By a sh ow of hands, who agrees to censure and dismiss me?‖
As she counts, Julius keeps his hands firmly in his lap. ―19, 20…the motion falls short.‖

―Why?‖ Bond asks Julius, who answers simply, ―I don‘t like you.‖

Then David Lee moves that ―we get rid of Bond and I get his office for my second secretary.‖ The motion passes. Derrick Bond has been removed as nam ed partner.
―Good plan,‖ Julius tells Will.
―Nice execution,‖ Will answers, and soon he‘s slow-dancing with Diane.
―We‘re the perfect couple,‖ she says. ―Yeah,‖ he says, ―everything but the sex.‖
David Lee说,“我提议我们除掉Bond,而且我要他的办公室给我的第二秘书用”,提议通过了。

Derrick Bond的名字从合伙人的名单中消失了。

“做得好”Julius 对Will说。




At home, Peter gives Zach a thank you hug, and I wonder how Alicia would feel about her son‘s involvement in the dirty deal ings. Earlier, she told Kalinda that yes, she wants Peter to win the race, but she doesn‘t want things to go back to the way they were.


They may be moving toward something even worse.
