德玛西亚之力(盖伦)A Q W E R Q雷霆咆哮(沃利贝尔)近身:R E 平A Q 龙血武姬(希瓦娜)RWEAQ然后继续循环EAQ放逐之刃(锐雯)没有大招的时候:QAQAW AQAEA有大招:RQAQAWAQAEAR团战:R EQQAWQA EAW AQQAQ水晶先锋(斯卡纳)闪现直接R,一边拉一边无脑QAQAQA 498楼齐天大圣(孙悟空) E Q R \ E Q W R (团)曙光女神(莉欧娜)W开盾1-2秒E 人,E到人接Q,正好盾爆,R德玛西亚皇子(嘉文)EQR盲僧(李青)Q W(自己) Q A W(自己)A E A E A A单挑QWWQEE 有R: QWREQE野兽之灵(乌迪尔)最大输出的连招应该是EQWQWQWQW……敌人要跑再E(而且要注意,维持老虎形态的时间跟维持乌龟的时间实要看情况的,Q之后立刻W,这样回复能力会比较强,Q之后等到QCD还有1秒再W的话输出比较高亡灵勇士(塞恩)AD流是QR无脑AAAAAA(E常态开启。
)暮光之眼(慎)W Q E A W 合理利用能量和W的cd披甲龙龟(拉莫斯)Q R E W Q牛头酋长(阿利斯塔)W冲出瞬间Q A 沙漠死神(内瑟斯)Q W E Q熔岩巨兽(莫菲特)Q.R.W.E.Q.点燃蒸汽机器人(布里茨)WQ E R 或者W EQR哨兵之殇(加里奥)W E Q R Q殇之木乃伊(阿木木)W Q R E(团)狂战士(奥拉夫)Q E W Q E(近战扔脚下)虚空恐惧(克'加斯)QW AA(可以咬死就R)诅咒巨魔(特朗德尔)W Q R Q E Q宝石骑士(塔里克)Q 贴近E A R A 黏贴Q A蛮族之王(泰达米尔) E A A W A A E A Q潮汐海灵(菲兹)先R减速Q过去开W能A几下算几下E躲技能或者补最后一下机械公敌(蓝博)E中后Q E A W / R W Q E E Q不祥之刃(卡特琳娜)W E Q R Q 团战成功击杀后W E Q 下一个目标武器大师(贾克斯)EWQEAW暗影之拳(阿卡力)Q A R Q A R金属大师(莫德凯撒)ALT+W EQA循环虚空行者(卡萨丁)REQW AARQ酒桶(古拉加斯)R(炸回后)E Q扭曲树精(茂森)W E扔前面Q震R AA E R凛冬之怒(瑟庄妮)Q 平A E W 想跑?大招、继续W点燃刀锋之影(泰隆)EQWR掘墓者(约里克)对线消耗/撤退:WEWEWE....单挑:WEQR(连续施放)刀锋意志(艾瑞利娅)W,把伤害最大化,W+Q+A+E+A+A+E(作为控制技能用于减速对方)+R+Q战争之王(潘森)Q.W.E.Q.点燃荒漠屠夫(雷克顿) E A W A Q E A嗜血猎手(沃里克)W A循环80%下血Q A 适时R 德邦总管(赵信)E R Q W无极剑圣(易)无极剑圣r q e 虚弱aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa海洋之灾(普朗克) E Q A 团战先手E R Q恶魔小丑(萨克)QAWRAAEA永恒梦魇(魔腾) E Q A 团战先手E R Q钢铁大使(波比)R W E Q A A A E Q火男对线就EQW,团就REWQ火女raqaw。
6.4.4. 等待 I 点............................................................................................................56 6.4.5. 等待 R 值状态 ..................................................................................................57 6.4.6. 标号...................................................................................................................58 6.4.7. 跳跃.......................................................................................59 6.4.8. I 跳跃.................................................................................................................60 6.4.9. R 跳跃 ...............................................................................................................61 6.4.10. GM 码 .......................................................
L O L英雄联盟各英雄中英台词LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】暗影之拳 - 阿卡丽As balance dictates奉均衡之命。
Without question毫无疑问Whatever's necessary绝不手软Mark acquired.标记已做好。
Another unworthy opponent.哼,又是一个不自量力的。
For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this "sutra" you keep mentioning…我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎So many noobs… will matchmaking ever find true balance?菜鸟真多……匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?Deftly, I travel.我随影而来,随影而去。
Didn't we just run by this same tower Are you sure you don't want to want to ask for directions?刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么你真的不想问问路么确定一定以及肯定么 Understood明白了Through twilights veil在暮光的帷幕下穿行?Tread lightly.动作要轻Agreed赞成Remain focused保持警惕Hesitation is the seed of defeat.不要错失良机。
Symmetry in all things对称存乎万物之间。
We travel the same path我们是一条道儿上的。
I suggest you run, I want to savor this.你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。
Unique PMO Plus Mixproof Sanitary Valve 零件清单说明书
![Unique PMO Plus Mixproof Sanitary Valve 零件清单说明书](
TD 449-360 Reg.: 2009-01Intro.: 2009-012900-547PMO 2”PMO 2½”PMO 3”PMO 4”Pos.Qty.Denomination Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9381O-ring, EPDM....................................................................................9611-99-35559611-99-35729611-99-3572 471O-ring, NBR (Standard).....................................................................9611-99-36379611-99-36419611-99-3645 1O-ring, EPDM....................................................................................9611-99-36369611-99-36409611-99-3644 1O-ring, HNBR....................................................................................9611-99-36399611-99-36439611-99-3647 1O-ring, FPM......................................................................................9611-99-36389611-99-36429611-99-3646 491Lip seal, NBR (Standard)....................................................................9613-0085-469613-0085-479613-0085-37 1Lip seal, EPDM.................................................................................9613-0085-269613-0085-319613-0085-36 1Lip seal, HNBR.................................................................................9613-0085-299613-0085-349613-0085-39 1Lip seal, FPM....................................................................................9613-0085-289613-0085-339613-0085-38 561Seal ring, NBR (Standard)..................................................................9613-0951-159613-0951-169613-0951-24 1Seal ring, EPDM................................................................................9613-0953-099613-0953-129613-0953-19 1Seal ring, HNBR................................................................................9613-0953-089613-0953-119613-0953-18 1Seal ring, FPM...................................................................................9613-0951-089613-0951-119613-0951-22 571Lip seal, NBR (Standard)...................................................................9613-0087-189613-0087-189613-0087-18 1Lip seal, EPDM.................................................................................9613-0087-119613-0087-119613-0087-11 1Lip seal, HNBR.................................................................................9613-0087-149613-0087-149613-0087-14 1Lip seal, FPM....................................................................................9613-0087-139613-0087-139613-0087-13 741Seal ring, NBR (Standard)..................................................................9613-0952-159613-0952-169613-0952-24 1Seal ring, EPDM................................................................................9613-0089-099613-0089-129613-0089-18 1Seal ring, HNBR................................................................................9613-0089-089613-0089-119613-0089-17 1Seal ring, FPM...................................................................................9613-0952-089613-0952-119613-0952-22 761O-ring, NBR (Standard)......................................................................9611-99-36379611-99-36419611-99-3645 1O-ring, EPDM....................................................................................9611-99-36369611-99-36409611-99-3644 1O-ring, HNBR....................................................................................9611-99-36399611-99-36439611-99-3647 1O-ring, FPM......................................................................................9611-99-36389611-99-36429611-99-3646 771Lip seal, NBR (Standard)...................................................................9613-0085-469613-0085-479613-0085-37 1Lip seal, EPDM.................................................................................9613-0085-269613-0085-319613-0085-36 1Lip seal, HNBR.................................................................................9613-0085-299613-0085-349613-0085-39 1Lip seal, FPM....................................................................................9613-0085-289613-0085-339613-0085-38Wear Parts3PartsReg.: 2009-01Intro.: 2009-014900-547PMO 2”PMO 2½”PMO 3”PMO 4”Pos.Qty.Denomination Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9 1Complete actuator...............................................9613-0554-689613-0995-099613-0995-099613-0837-69 11Upper stem.........................................................9613-0101-029613-0074-019613-0074-019613-0074-02 24Screw..................................................................9611-99-33429611-99-33429611-99-3342 31Air fitting yellow....................................................9611-99-41719611-99-41719611-99-41719611-99-4171 1Air fitting blue......................................................9611-99-37809611-99-37809611-99-37809611-99-3780 1Air fitting red........................................................9611-99-41729611-99-41729611-99-41729611-99-4172 41Stop for upper piston..........................................9613-0053-019613-0053-019613-0053-02 51O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-34999611-99-34999611-99-34999611-99-3499 61Guide ring, Turcite...............................................9613-0084-089613-0084-089613-0084-089613-0084-08 71O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35149611-99-35149611-99-3514 81Upper piston.......................................................9613-0056-019613-0056-019613-0056-02 91O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35129611-99-35129611-99-3513 101Spring assembly..................................................9613-0125-019613-0075-019613-0075-019613-0256-03 111Distance spacer..................................................9613-0102-02121Pin......................................................................9611-99-41979611-99-41989611-99-41989611-99-4199 131Washer................................................................9611-99-35949611-99-35959611-99-35959611-99-3596 141Spring assembly..................................................9613-0131-029613-0095-029613-0095-029613-0095-02 151Plug....................................................................9613-4141-019613-4141-019613-4141-019613-4141-01 161Cylinder (3A marking)..........................................9613-0126-069613-0051-069613-0051-069613-0150-11 171Main piston.........................................................9613-0132-019613-0057-019613-0057-019613-0159-01 181Guide ring, Turcite...............................................9613-0084-099613-0084-109613-0084-109613-0084-11 191O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35059611-99-35079611-99-35079611-99-3509 201O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35039611-99-36079611-99-36079611-99-3607 211Bottom...............................................................9613-0140-019613-0054-019613-0054-019613-0168-01 221Guide ring, Turcite...............................................9613-0084-039613-0084-049613-0084-049613-0084-04 231O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-22289611-99-14899611-99-148922340675241Retaining ring......................................................9613-0248-029613-0248-039613-0248-039613-0248-04 251Cover disk...........................................................9613-0058-029613-0058-039613-0058-039613-0058-04 261O-ring, NBR........................................................9611-99-35289611-99-34959611-99-34959611-99-3530 271Inner stem...........................................................9613-0106-039613-0073-039613-0073-039613-0073-02 281O-ring.................................................................9611-99-34959611-99-00309611-99-00309611-99-0030 291Piston rod...........................................................9613-0134-029613-0060-029613-0060-029613-0060-02 301Lower piston.......................................................9613-0138-019613-0055-019613-0055-019613-0166-01 311O-ring, NBR.. (42153421534215342153)321Guide ring, Turcite................................................9613-0084-059613-0084-069613-0084-069613-0084-07 331O-ring, NBR........................................................223412759611-99-35089611-99-35089611-99-3510 343Bolt.....................................................................9611-99-36189611-99-36189611-99-36189611-99-3618 353Washer................................................................9611-99-35949611-99-35949611-99-35949611-99-3594 363Nut......................................................................9611-99-03609611-99-03609611-99-03609611-99-0360 421Spindle liner.........................................................9613-0335-019613-0090-019613-0090-019613-0090-01 432Clamp.................................................................9613-0336-019613-0092-019613-0092-019613-0092-01 441Lock....................................................................9613-0091-029613-0091-019613-0091-019613-0091-01 451Guide ring, PTFE.................................................9613-0084-149613-0084-159613-0084-159613-0084-21 481Upper sealing element.........................................9613-0064-049613-0188-049613-0188-049613-0713-01 541Guide ring, PTFE.................................................9613-0084-029613-0084-029613-0084-029613-0084-02 551Upper plug..........................................................9613-4586-019613-4587-019613-4587-039613-4588-01 612Wingnut...............................................................9612-5580-019612-5580-019612-5580-019612-5580-01 642Clamp without nut...............................................9613-0216-019613-0217-019613-0217-019613-0218-01 751Lower plug..........................................................9613-0705-019613-0706-019613-0707-019613-0708-01 791Lower sealing element.........................................9613-0241-049613-0243-049613-0243-049613-0715-01 801Guide ring, PTFE.................................................9613-0084-149613-0084-159613-0084-159613-0084-21 811Cover...................................................................9613-0490-069613-0490-079613-0490-079613-0490-16 821Bolt for indication.................................................9613-0926-029613-0926-019613-0926-019613-0926-01 831Sensor for indication............................................9611-99-45419611-99-45419611-99-45419611-99-4541 841Plate for sensor for indication...............................9613-0957-019613-0957-019613-0957-019613-0957-01Parts5Unique PMO Plus® Sanitary Mixproof ValveParts List/DrawingPartsPMO 2”PMO 2½”PMO 3”PMO 4”Pos.Qty.Denomination Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9 371Intermediate piece......................................................9613-0191-219613-0192-159613-0192-139613-0193-17 501Valve body 11-00........................................................9613-0709-019613-0710-019613-0711-019613-0712-01 1Valve body 12-00........................................................9613-0709-059613-0710-059613-0711-059613-0712-05 1Valve body 21-00........................................................9613-0709-079613-0710-079613-0711-079613-0712-07 1Valve body 22-00........................................................9613-0709-099613-0710-099613-0711-099613-0712-09 1Valve body 11-90........................................................9613-0709-029613-0710-029613-0711-029613-0712-02 1Valve body 12-90........................................................9613-0709-069613-0710-069613-0711-069613-0712-06 1Valve body 21-90.......................................................9613-0709-089613-0710-089613-0711-089613-0712-08 1Valve body 22-90.......................................................9613-0709-109613-0710-109613-0711-109613-0712-10 1Valve body 11-180.....................................................9613-0709-039613-0710-039613-0711-039613-0712-03 1Valve body 11-270.....................................................9613-0709-049613-0710-049613-0711-049613-0712-04 900-547Intro.: 2009-0167Parts List/DrawingUnique PMO Plus ® Sanitary Mixproof ValveDenomination PMO 2”Service kit, NBR........................................................9611-92-6016Service kit, EPDM.....................................................9611-92-6013Service kit, HNBR.....................................................9611-92-6022Service kit, FPM........................................................9611-92-6019PMO 2.5”+3”Service kit, NBR........................................................9611-92-6017Service kit, EPDM.....................................................9611-92-6014Service kit, HNBR.....................................................9611-92-6023Service kit, FPM........................................................9611-92-6020PMO 4”Service kit, NBR........................................................9611-92-6018Service kit, EPDM.....................................................9611-92-6015Service kit, HNBR.....................................................9611-92-6024Service kit, FPM........................................................9611-92-6021(Plug set-up 12)TD 449-13955487579Service kits for Product Wetted Parts900-547Rebuilding Set PMO Plus® to PMO Plus® CPTD 449-362Reg.: 2009-01Intro.: 2009-0189PMO 2”PMO 2½”PMO 3”PMO 4”Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9Lower plug, cpl., NBR..........................................................9613-4662-179613-4662-189613-4662-199613-4662-20Lower plug, cpl., EPDM.......................................................9613-4662-219613-4662-229613-4662-239613-4662-24Lower plug, cpl., HNBR.......................................................9613-4662-259613-4662-269613-4662-279613-4662-28Lower plug, cpl., FPM..........................................................9613-4662-299613-4662-309613-4662-319613-4662-32Rebuilding Set PMO Plus ® to PMO Plus ® CPPos.Qty.Denomination 381O-ring 741Seal ring 751Lower plug 761O-ring 951Special lip seal961Lower sealing element, upper part 971Lower sealing element, lower part 981Guide ringAxial Installation ToolReg.: 2008-01Intro.: 2008-011011Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9Pos.Qty.Denomination 9613-0505-029613-0505-039613-0505-0711Lower part.........................................................21Piston................................................................31Upper part.........................................................41O-ring, NBR.......................................................9611-99-37039611-99-33499611-99-411351Clamp................................................................61Wingnut..............................................................71Air fitting.............................................................TD900198Axial Installation ToolRadial Installation ToolReg.: 2008-01Intro.: 2008-011213Seat ø81.3Seat ø115.3Seat ø143.9Pos.Qty.Denomination 9613-4260-029613-4260-049613-4260-0911Piston..........................................................21Lower part...................................................31Upper part...................................................41Bushing.......................................................51Guide..........................................................62Guide ring....................................................9613-0084-229613-0084-229613-0084-2371O-ring, NBR.................................................9611-99-33499611-99-33499611-99-411381O-ring, NBR.................................................9611-99-37059611-99-37059611-99-370591Clamp.........................................................101Wingnut.......................................................111Air fitting.......................................................TD900507Radial Installation Tool。
今天我们盘点的十大控制能力最强的英雄下面是小编为你整理的lol十大控制英雄,希望对大家有帮助! lol十大控制英雄TOP10-堕落天使莫甘娜控制技能数量:2强控数量:2莫甘娜身为一个仅仅只有两个控的人能进入这个榜单有3个原因。
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Aesop's Fables Translated by George Fyler TownsendAesop's Fables (1)Translated by George Fyler Townsend (1)Preface (7)The Wolf and the Lamb (11)The Bat and the Weasels (11)The Ass and the Grasshopper (12)The Lion and the Mouse (12)The Charcoal−Burner and the Fuller (12)The Father and His Sons (12)The Boy Hunting Locusts (12)The Cock and the Jewel (12)The Kingdom of the Lion (13)The Wolf and the Crane (13)The Fisherman Piping (13)Hercules and the Wagoner (13)The Ants and the Grasshopper (13)The Traveler and His Dog (13)The Dog and the Shadow (14)The Mole and His Mother (14)The Herdsman and the Lost Bull (14)The Hare and the Tortoise (14)The Pomegranate, Apple−Tree, and Bramble (14)The Farmer and the Stork (15)The Farmer and the Snake (15)The Fawn and His Mother (15)The Bear and the Fox (15)The Swallow and the Crow (15)The Mountain in Labor (15)The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion (16)The Tortoise and the Eagle (16)The Flies and the Honey−Pot (16)The Man and the Lion (16)The Farmer and the Cranes (16)The Dog in the Manger (17)The Fox and the Goat (17)The Bear and the Two Travelers (17)The Oxen and the Axle−Trees (17)The Thirsty Pigeon (18)The Raven and the Swan (18)The Goat and the Goatherd (18)The Miser (18)The Sick Lion (18)The Horse and Groom (19)The Ass and the Lapdog (19)The Lioness (19)The Boasting Traveler (19)The Cat and the Cock (19)The Boy and the Filberts (20)The Lion in Love (20)The Laborer and the Snake (20)The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (20)The Ass and the Mule (21)The Frogs Asking for a King (21)The Boys and the Frogs (21)The Sick Stag (21)The Salt Merchant and His Ass (21)The Oxen and the Butchers (22)The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox (22)The Vain Jackdaw (22)The Goatherd and the Wild Goats (22)The Mischievous Dog (23)The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail (23)The Boy and the Nettles (23)The Man and His Two Sweethearts (23)The Astronomer (23)The Wolves and the Sheep (24)The Old Woman and the Physician (24)The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle (24)The Charger and the Miller (24)The Fox and the Monkey (24)The Horse and His Rider (25)The Belly and the Members (25)The Vine and the Goat (25)Jupiter and the Monkey (25)The Widow and Her Little Maidens (25)The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf (25)The Cat and the Birds (26)The Kid and the Wolf (26)The Ox and the Frog (26)The Shepherd and the Wolf (26)The Father and His Two Daughters (26)The Farmer and His Sons (27)The Crab and Its Mother (27)The Heifer and the Ox (27)The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice (27)The Thief and His Mother (27)The Old Man and Death (27)The Fir−Tree and the Bramble (28)The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk (28)The Man Bitten by a Dog (28)The Two Pots (28)The Wolf and the Sheep (28)The Aethiop (29)The Fisherman and His Nets (29)The Old Woman and the Wine−Jar (29)The Fox and the Crow (29)The Two Dogs (30)The Stag in the Ox−Stall (30)The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons (30)The Widow and the Sheep (30)The Wild Ass and the Lion (31)The Eagle and the Arrow (31)The Sick Kite (31)The Lion and the Dolphin (31)The Lion and the Boar (31)The One−Eyed Doe (32)The Shepherd and the Sea (32)The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion (32)The Mice and the Weasels (32)The Mice in Council (32)The Wolf and the Housedog (33)The Rivers and the Sea (33)The Playful Ass (33)The Three Tradesmen (33)The Master and His Dogs (33)The Wolf and the Shepherds (33)The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat (34)The Ass Carrying the Image (34)The Two Travelers and the Axe (34)The Old Lion (34)The Old Hound (34)The Bee and Jupiter (34)The Milk−Woman and Her Pail (35)The Seaside Travelers (35)The Brazier and His Dog (35)The Ass and His Shadow (35)The Ass and His Masters (36)The Oak and the Reeds (36)The Fisherman and the Little Fish (36)The Hunter and the Woodman (36)The Wild Boar and the Fox (36)The Lion in a Farmyard (37)Mercury and the Sculptor (37)The Swan and the Goose (37)The Swollen Fox (37)The Fox and the Woodcutter (37)The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock (38)The Monkey and the Fishermen (38)The Flea and the Wrestler (38)The Two Frogs (38)The Cat and the Mice (38)The Doe and the Lion (39)The Farmer and the Fox (39)The Seagull and the Kite (39)The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury (39)The Mouse and the Bull (39)The Lion and the Hare (40)The Peasant and the Eagle (40)The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter (40)The Bull and the Goat (40)The Dancing Monkeys (40)The Monkeys and Their Mother (41)The Oaks and Jupiter (41)The Hare and the Hound (41)The Traveler and Fortune (41)The Bald Knight (41)The Shepherd and the Dog (41)The Lamp (42)The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass (42)The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild−Boar Hunter (42)The Oak and the Woodcutters (42)The Hen and the Golden Eggs (42)The Ass and the Frogs (42)The Crow and the Raven (43)The Trees and the Axe (43)The Crab and the Fox (43)The Woman and Her Hen (43)The Ass and the Old Shepherd (43)The Kites and the Swans (44)The Wolves and the Sheepdogs (44)The Hares and the Foxes (44)The Bowman and Lion (44)The Camel (44)The Wasp and the Snake (44)The Dog and the Hare (45)The Bull and the Calf (45)The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep (45)The Peacock and the Crane (45)The Fox and the Hedgehog (45)The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow (46)The Thief and the Innkeeper (46)The Mule (46)The Hart and the Vine (46)The Serpent and the Eagle (47)The Crow and the Pitcher (47)The Two Frogs (47)The Wolf and the Fox (47)The Walnut−Tree (47)The Monkey and the Dolphin (48)The Jackdaw and the Doves (48)The Horse and the Stag (48)The Kid and the Wolf (48)The Prophet (48)The Fox and the Monkey (49)The Thief and the Housedog (49)The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog (49)The Apes and the Two Travelers (49)The Wolf and the Shepherd (50)The Hares and the Lions (50)The Lark and Her Young Ones (50)The Fox and the Lion (50)The Weasel and the Mice (50)The Boy Bathing (51)The Ass and the Wolf (51)The Seller of Images (51)The Fox and the Grapes (51)The Man and His Wife (51)The Peacock and Juno (52)The Hawk and the Nightingale (52)The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox (52)The Wolf and the Goat (52)The Lion and the Bull (52)The Goat and the Ass (53)The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (53)The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape (53)The Fly and the Draught−Mule (53)The Fishermen (53)The Lion and the Three Bulls (54)The Fowler and the Viper (54)The Horse and the Ass (54)The Fox and the Mask (54)The Geese and the Cranes (54)The Blind Man and the Whelp (54)The Dogs and the Fox (55)The Cobbler Turned Doctor (55)The Wolf and the Horse (55)The Brother and the Sister (55)The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer (55)The Crow and Mercury (56)The North Wind and the Sun (56)The Two Men Who Were Enemies (56)The Gamecocks and the Partridge (56)The Quack Frog (56)The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox (57)The Dog's House (57)The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat (57)The Spendthrift and the Swallow (57)The Fox and the Lion (57)The Owl and the Birds (58)The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner (58)The Ass in the Lion's Skin (58)The Sparrow and the Hare (58)The Flea and the Ox (58)The Goods and the Ills (58)The Dove and the Crow (59)Mercury and the Workmen (59)The Eagle and the Jackdaw (59)The Fox and the Crane (59)Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus (60)The Eagle and the Fox (60)The Man and the Satyr (60)The Ass and His Purchaser (60)The Two Bags (61)The Stag at the Pool (61)The Jackdaw and the Fox (61)The Lark Burying Her Father (61)The Gnat and the Bull (61)The Bitch and Her Whelps (61)The Dogs and the Hides (62)The Shepherd and the Sheep (62)The Grasshopper and the Owl (62)The Monkey and the Camel (62)The Peasant and the Apple−Tree (62)The Two Soldiers and the Robber (63)The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods (63)The Mother and the Wolf (63)The Ass and the Horse (63)Truth and the Traveler (63)The Cat and Venus (65)The She−Goats and Their Beards (65)The Camel and the Arab (66)The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass (66)The Crow and the Sheep (66)The Fox and the Bramble (66)The Wolf and the Lion (66)The Dog and the Oyster (67)The Ant and the Dove (67)The Partridge and the Fowler (67)The Flea and the Man (67)The Thieves and the Cock (67)The Dog and the Cook (67)The Travelers and the Plane−Tree (68)The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant (68)The Lamb and the Wolf (68)The Rich Man and the Tanner (69)The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea (69)The Mules and the Robbers (69)The Viper and the File (69)The Lion and the Shepherd (69)The Camel and Jupiter (69)The Panther and the Shepherds (70)The Ass and the Charger (70)The Eagle and His Captor (70)The Bald Man and the Fly (70)The Olive−Tree and the Fig−Tree (70)The Eagle and the Kite (71)The Ass and His Driver (71)The Thrush and the Fowler (71)The Rose and the Amaranth (71)The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun (71)LIFE OF AESOP (71)Aesop's FablesTranslated by George Fyler Townsend This page copyright © 2001 Blackmask Online.•PrefaceThe Wolf and the Lamb••The Bat and the Weasels•The Ass and the Grasshopper•The Lion and the Mouse•The Charcoal−Burner and the Fuller•The Father and His Sons•The Boy Hunting Locusts•The Cock and the Jewel•The Kingdom of the Lion•The Wolf and the Crane•The Fisherman Piping•Hercules and the Wagoner•The Ants and the Grasshopper•The Traveler and His Dog•The Dog and the ShadowThe Mole and His Mother••The Herdsman and the Lost Bull•The Hare and the Tortoise•The Pomegranate, Apple−Tree, and Bramble•The Farmer and the Stork•The Farmer and the Snake•The Fawn and His Mother•The Bear and the Fox•The Swallow and the Crow•The Mountain in Labor•The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion•The Tortoise and the Eagle•The Flies and the Honey−Pot•The Man and the Lion•The Farmer and the Cranes•The Dog in the Manger•The Fox and the Goat•The Bear and the Two Travelers•The Oxen and the Axle−Trees•The Thirsty Pigeon•The Raven and the SwanThe Goat and the Goatherd••The Miser•Aesop's Fables The Ass and the Lapdog••The Lioness•The Boasting TravelerThe Cat and the Cock•The Piglet, the Sheep, and the Goat•The Boy and the Filberts•The Lion in Love•The Laborer and the Snake•The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing••The Ass and the MuleThe Frogs Asking for a King•The Boys and the Frogs•The Sick Stag•The Salt Merchant and His Ass•The Oxen and the Butchers••The Lion, the Mouse, and the FoxThe Vain Jackdaw•The Goatherd and the Wild Goats••The Mischievous DogThe Fox Who Had Lost His Tail•The Boy and the Nettles••The Man and His Two SweetheartsThe Astronomer•The Wolves and the Sheep••The Old Woman and the PhysicianThe Fighting Cocks and the Eagle••The Charger and the Miller•The Fox and the MonkeyThe Horse and His Rider•The Belly and the Members•The Vine and the Goat•Jupiter and the Monkey•The Widow and Her Little Maidens•The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf••The Cat and the BirdsThe Kid and the Wolf•The Ox and the Frog•The Shepherd and the Wolf•The Father and His Two Daughters•The Farmer and His Sons••The Crab and Its MotherThe Heifer and the Ox•The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice••The Thief and His MotherThe Old Man and Death•The Fir−Tree and the Bramble••The Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Man Bitten by a Dog•The Two Pots••The Fisherman and His Nets••The Huntsman and the Fisherman•The Old Woman and the Wine−Jar•The Fox and the Crow•The Two Dogs•The Stag in the Ox−StallThe Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons••The Widow and the Sheep•The Wild Ass and the LionThe Eagle and the Arrow••The Sick Kite•The Lion and the Dolphin•The Lion and the Boar•The One−Eyed Doe•The Shepherd and the SeaThe Ass, the Cock, and the Lion••The Mice and the Weasels•The Mice in Council•The Wolf and the Housedog•The Rivers and the Sea•The Playful Ass•The Three Tradesmen•The Master and His Dogs•The Wolf and the Shepherds•The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat •The Ass Carrying the Image•The Two Travelers and the Axe•The Old LionThe Old Hound••The Bee and Jupiter•The Milk−Woman and Her Pail•The Seaside Travelers•The Brazier and His Dog•The Ass and His Shadow•The Ass and His Masters•The Oak and the ReedsThe Fisherman and the Little Fish••The Hunter and the WoodmanThe Wild Boar and the Fox••The Lion in a Farmyard•Mercury and the SculptorThe Swan and the Goose••The Swollen Fox•The Fox and the Woodcutter•The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock •The Monkey and the Fishermen•The Flea and the Wrestler•The Two Frogs•The Cat and the Mice•The Lion, the Bear, and the FoxThe Farmer and the Fox••The Seagull and the Kite•The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury•The Mouse and the Bull•The Lion and the Hare•The Peasant and the EagleThe Image of Mercury and the Carpenter••The Bull and the Goat•The Dancing MonkeysThe Monkeys and Their Mother••The Oaks and Jupiter•The Hare and the Hound•The Traveler and Fortune•The Bald Knight•The Shepherd and the DogThe Lamp••The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass•The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild−Boar Hunter •The Oak and the Woodcutters•The Hen and the Golden Eggs•The Ass and the Frogs•The Crow and the Raven•The Trees and the Axe•The Crab and the Fox•The Woman and Her Hen•The Ass and the Old Shepherd•The Kites and the Swans•The Wolves and the SheepdogsThe Hares and the Foxes••The Bowman and Lion•The Camel•The Wasp and the Snake•The Dog and the Hare•The Bull and the Calf•The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep•The Peacock and the CraneThe Fox and the Hedgehog••The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild SowThe Thief and the Innkeeper••The Mule•The Hart and the VineThe Serpent and the Eagle••The Crow and the Pitcher•The Two Frogs•The Wolf and the Fox•The Walnut−Tree•The Gnat and the Lion•The Monkey and the Dolphin•The Jackdaw and the Doves•The Horse and the StagThe Prophet••The Fox and the Monkey•The Thief and the Housedog•The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog •The Apes and the Two Travelers•The Wolf and the ShepherdThe Hares and the Lions••The Lark and Her Young Ones•The Fox and the LionThe Weasel and the Mice••The Boy Bathing•The Ass and the Wolf•The Seller of Images•The Fox and the Grapes•The Man and His WifeThe Peacock and Juno••The Hawk and the Nightingale•The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox•The Wolf and the Goat•The Lion and the Bull•The Goat and the Ass•The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse •The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape•The Fly and the Draught−Mule•The Fishermen•The Lion and the Three Bulls•The Fowler and the Viper•The Horse and the AssThe Fox and the Mask••The Geese and the Cranes•The Blind Man and the Whelp•The Dogs and the Fox•The Cobbler Turned Doctor•The Wolf and the Horse•The Brother and the Sister•The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer The Crow and Mercury••The North Wind and the SunThe Two Men Who Were Enemies••The Gamecocks and the Partridge•The Quack FrogThe Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox••The Dog's House•The Wolf and the Lion•The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat•The Spendthrift and the Swallow•The Fox and the Lion•The Owl and the Birds•The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner•The Ass in the Lion's SkinThe Flea and the Ox••The Goods and the Ills•The Dove and the Crow•Mercury and the Workmen•The Eagle and the Jackdaw•The Fox and the CraneJupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus ••The Eagle and the Fox•The Man and the SatyrThe Ass and His Purchaser••The Two Bags•The Stag at the Pool•The Jackdaw and the Fox•The Lark Burying Her Father•The Gnat and the BullThe Bitch and Her Whelps••The Dogs and the Hides•The Shepherd and the Sheep•The Grasshopper and the Owl•The Monkey and the Camel•The Peasant and the Apple−Tree•The Two Soldiers and the Robber•The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods •The Mother and the Wolf•The Ass and the Horse•Truth and the Traveler•The Cat and Venus•The She−Goats and Their BeardsThe Camel and the Arab••The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass•The Crow and the Sheep•The Fox and the Bramble•The Wolf and the Lion•The Dog and the Oyster•The Ant and the Dove•The Partridge and the FowlerThe Flea and the Man••The Thieves and the CockThe Dog and the Cook••The Travelers and the Plane−Tree•The Hares and the FrogsThe Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant••The Lamb and the Wolf•The Rich Man and the Tanner•The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea•The Mules and the Robbers•The Viper and the File•The Lion and the Shepherd•The Camel and Jupiter•The Panther and the Shepherds•The Eagle and His Captor•The Bald Man and the Fly•The Olive−Tree and the Fig−Tree•The Eagle and the KiteThe Ass and His Driver••The Thrush and the Fowler•The Rose and the AmaranthThe Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun••LIFE OF AESOPPrefaceTHE TALE, the Parable, and the Fable are all common and popular modes of conveying instruction. Each is distinguished by its own special characteristics. The Tale consists simply in the narration of a story either founded on facts, or created solely by the imagination, and not necessarily associated with the teaching of any moral lesson. The Parable is the designed use of language purposely intended to convey a hidden and secret meaning other than that contained in the words themselves; and which may or may not bear a special reference to the hearer, or reader. The Fable partly agrees with, and partly differs from both of these. It will contain, like the Tale, a short but real narrative; it will seek, like the Parable, to convey a hidden meaning, and that not so much by the use of language, as by the skilful introduction of fictitious characters; and yet unlike to either Tale or Parable, it will ever keep in view, as its high prerogative, and inseparable attribute, the great purpose of instruction, and will necessarily seek to inculcate some moral maxim, social duty, or political truth. The true Fable, if it rise to its high requirements, ever aims at one great end and purpose representation of human motive, and the improvement of human conduct, and yet it so conceals its design under the disguise of fictitious characters, by clothing with speech the animals of the field, the birds of the air, the trees of the wood, or the beasts of the forest, that the reader shall receive advice without perceivingthe presence of the adviser. Thus the superiority of the counsellor, which often renders counsel unpalatable, is kept out of view, and the lesson comes with the greater acceptance when the reader is led, unconsciously to himself, to have his sympathies enlisted in behalf of what is pure, honorable, and praiseworthy, and to havehis indignation excited against what is low, ignoble, and unworthy. The true fabulist, therefore, discharges a most important function. He is neither a narrator, nor an allegorist. He is a great teacher, a corrector of morals, a censor of vice, and a commender of virtue. In this consists the superiority of the Fable over the Tale or the Parable. The fabulist is to create a laugh, but yet, under a merry guise, to convey instruction. Phaedrus, the great imitator of Aesop, plainly indicates this double purpose to be the true office of the writer of fables.Duplex libelli dos est: quod risum movet,Et quod prudenti vitam consilio monet.The continual observance of this twofold aim creates the charm, and accounts for the universal favor, of the fables of Aesop. "The fable," says Professor K. O. Mueller, "originated in Greece in an intentional travestieof human affairs. The 'ainos,' as its name denotes, is an admonition, or rather a reproof veiled, either from fear of an excess of frankness, or from a love of fun and jest, beneath the fiction of an occurrence happening among beasts; and wherever we have any ancient and authentic account of the Aesopian fables, we find it to be the same." lThe construction of a fable involves a minute attention to (1) the narration itself; (2) the deduction of the moral; and (3) a careful maintenance of the individual characteristics of the fictitious personages introduced into it. The narration should relate to one simple action, consistent with itself, and neither be overladen with aand so intimately interwoven with, and so necessarily dependent on, the narration, that every reader should be compelled to give to it the same undeniable interpretation. The introduction of the animals or fictitious characters should be marked with an unexceptionable care and attention to their natural attributes, and to the qualities attributed to them by universal popular consent. The Fox should be always cunning, the Hare timid, the Lion bold, the Wolf cruel, the Bull strong, the Horse proud, and the Ass patient. Many of these fables are characterized by the strictest observance of these rules. They are occupied with one short narrative, from which the moral naturally flows, and with which it is intimately associated. "'Tis the simple manner," says Dodsley, 2 "in which the morals of Aesop are interwoven with his fables that distinguishes him, and gives him the preference over all other mythologists. His 'Mountain delivered of a Mouse,' produces the moral of his fable in ridicule of pompous pretenders; and his Crow, when she drops her cheese, lets fall, as it were by accident, the strongest admonition against the power of flattery. There is no need of a separate sentence to explain it; no possibility of impressing it deeper, by that load we too often see of accumulated reflections." 3 An equal amount of praise is due for the consistency with which the characters of the animals, fictitiously introduced, are marked. While they are made to depict the motives and passions of men, they retain, in an eminent degree, their own special features of craft or counsel, of cowardice or courage, of generosity or rapacity.These terms of praise, it must be confessed, cannot be bestowed on all the fables in this collection. Many of them lack that unity of design, that close connection of the moral with the narrative, that wise choice in the introduction of the animals, which constitute the charm and excellency of true Aesopian fable. This inferiority of some to others is sufficiently accounted for in the history of the origin and descent of these fables. The great bulk of them are not the immediate work of Aesop. Many are obtained from ancient authors prior to the time in which he lived. Thus, the fable of the "Hawk and the Nightingale" is related by Hesiod; 4 the "Eagle wounded by an Arrow, winged with its own Feathers," by Aeschylus; 5 the "Fox avenging his wrongs on the Eagle," by Archilochus. 6 Many of them again are of later origin, and are to be traced to the monks of the middle ages: and yet this collection, though thus made up of fables both earlier and later than the era of Aesop, rightfully bears his name, because he composed so large a number (all framed in the same mould, and conformed to the same fashion, and stamped with the same lineaments, image, and superscription) as to secure to himself the right to be considered the father of Greek fables, and the founder of this class of writing, which has ever since borne his name, and has secured for him, through all succeeding ages, the position of the first of moralists.7The fables were in the first instance only narrated by Aesop, and for a long time were handed down by the uncertain channel of oral tradition. Socrates is mentioned by Plato 8 as having employed his time while in prison, awaiting the return of the sacred ship from Delphos which was to be the signal of his death, in turning some of these fables into verse, but he thus versified only such as he remembered. Demetrius Phalereus, a philosopher at Athens about 300 B.C., is said to have made the first collection of these fables. Phaedrus, a slave by birth or by subsequent misfortunes, and admitted by Augustus to the honors of a freedman, imitated many of these fables in Latin iambics about the commencement of the Christian era. Aphthonius, a rhetorician of Antioch, A.D. 315, wrote a treatise on, and converted into Latin prose, some of these fables. This translation is the more worthy of notice, as it illustrates a custom of common use, both in these and in later times. The rhetoricians and philosophers were accustomed to give the Fables of Aesop as an exercise to their scholars, not only inviting them to discuss the moral of the tale, but also to practice and to perfect themselves thereby in style and rules of grammar, by making for themselves new and various versions of the fables. Ausonius, 9 the friend of the Emperor Valentinian, and the latest poet of eminence in the Western Empire, has handed down some of these fables in verse, which Julianus Titianus, a contemporary writer of no great name, translated into prose. Avienus, also a contemporary of Ausonius, put some of these fables into Latin elegiacs, which are given by Nevelet (in a book we shall refer to hereafter), and are occasionally incorporated with the editions of Phaedrus.。
符文和天赋中单符文:红色法穿(无悬念),黄色成长回蓝或者成长生命,蓝色固定魔抗或者混搭,精华固定法伤中单带魔抗是为了更好的帖对方丢技能,加上前期1级W的减伤,效果是非常好的..天赋是常规的21 0 9 酒桶对回蓝和buf要求太高..这没办法技能顺序是: 前三级各加1点..Q E W 之后就主Q副E,有大点大..首先要知道,为什么选酒桶,什么情况下可以选酒桶1、酒桶不容易被克制,几乎没有天敌2、酒桶适合快节奏阵容,前期高爆发阵容3、对面是后期发育型阵容的,酒桶完爆之4、酒桶可以破解大招流阵容(如木木,琴女,凯南这类搭配)出装出门:鞋子3红...标配不解释第一次回家,如果是4级清兵后,可以尽快合成工资法师神器(前期加钱,中期冥火),如果是6级回家再补一个(对面6级也有高爆发的必要撑血装备)然后配上,前期打脆皮几乎真实伤害,加上酒桶高加成AP非常IMBA ------ 接下来的装备,我推荐万金油出装方式,打谁都可以这样核心装备,帖脸必备法师神器,配合符文和鞋子穿透50点妥妥的,秒人和生存必备神器接下来合成,再把合成,这样配合蓝buf减cd会非常的牛X,满级大招只有40秒.因为酒桶来钱很容易,在装备压制的情况下,输出已经足够了,要尽快合成然后就,有钱了,把卖了换成春哥甲CD的时候,卖了合成酒桶的刷钱和gank例如酒桶在地图的左方..蓝色军团红色线为刷小兵方法,黄色线代表gank路线绿色圈表示放假眼,粉色圈表示放真眼酒桶的常规打法:保持一个对方技能距离外的范围,别太远...例如瑞兹的Q是650码,你就在700码左右晃动,找机会耗血耗血的方式除了Q以外,看对方走位,是否离开小兵,或者你用走位骗他离开小兵,直接E他脸上,Q,A,A,退对拼的时候要注意对方的魔抗,算好伤害连招:第一套(广播体操)E,Q,A,A,点燃,R,炸回来,再接个E,A,A,还不死,再接Q(还不死?打的是肉吧)第二套(你懂的)R,E,Q,放狗(打野爸爸KOF都这么叫),A,A点燃接下来就是普通的对线分析排位经常被ban,有了酒桶,放他出来,咬死他~!!和他保持一个斜线30度角,随时E他一脸,Q他,追着他来AAAA,没错,就是第一套广播体操他要和你对刷,你也完全不虚他记得51说过,压制卡牌的最好方法就是不断的杀他..各种杀,越塔杀,有R 的击飞和打野爸爸,强杀没有任何问题中单刷子一般的存在,还很能拼和他保持90度角,做好河道眼,他要么清兵,要么和你拼,别怕他,前期用第一套广播体操有6级后,在他没有护盾的时候用第二套广播体操随时准备放狗低端局板凳常客酒桶完克他,方法就是等他用Q,他Q的瞬间E他一脸...然后,你懂的最近很火的英雄她E你也E,她R你也R...她挂了,你还在.. 事实就这样------ 总结分割线其实酒桶和谁对线都一样,保持一个斜角,等待机会3-4级就可以E上去,用第一套和对方耗血因为有大招击飞的前提下,6级后配合打野很容易就拿人头酒桶比较怕对线的英雄你E上去,Q都没丢出来,就被E中,或者Q没引爆对方就走了,耗血不太容易,而且6级后他有3个位移你E上去,等着对方杀你吗,OH~NO,果断ban之,不解释他在兵堆里,你没点燃,没,别惹他没,别惹他,乖乖用Q耗血吧,不过,不实际,他只会刷兵不理你你gank比他厉害,刷钱比他快,别理他------为什么酒桶用两套广播体操就能如此的犀利呢,接下来看数据分析Q,1100码,同学,你没看错.这个距离是吸血鬼技能距离的2倍。
术语简称:常用专业术语:ID:你的游戏角色名字楼主/房主/LZ:创建游戏房间的人FB:1血,也是DOTA类游戏的魅力之一,FB的全称是f irstbl ood,指第一个杀死的英雄,不光有击杀英雄的奖励,还会额外的奖励的100元(杀英雄本身获得300)3:闪人,撤退b:闪人,撤退卡:机器卡,网络延迟,服务器卡Lag:一般是指网络延迟,当然有时候也是因为电脑的原因,总体意思和“卡”差不多。
bd:偷塔mia:敌人在地图上消失,让队友提高警惕miss:消失,同上noob:菜鸟Junglin g:打野打野:杀地图上的中立怪物拉野:依靠走位视野阴影等方式对野怪进行击杀,通常这种杀怪方式比正常的杀怪方式要慢一些,但是耗血比较少。
控线:就是把自己的小兵控制在自己的塔附近,防止自己被对方gank,也便于让自己人gank 对方。
PUB:路人局BAN人:特定模式中(排位赛)禁用对方英雄AP:魔法伤害AD:物理伤害ARM/Armor:物理护甲MR/Magic Resista nce:魔法抗性buff:自己或者友方英雄身上的增益性魔法效果debuff:自己或者友方英雄身上持续性的负面魔法效果黑店:指游戏平台上几个认识的人在一起玩集火:集中火力攻击一个人先手控/先手技能:指向性的控制技能后手控:在第一轮技能或者攻击完以后进行第二轮技能控制Dps:输出伤害的英雄Tank:肉盾,坦克,专门用于保护己方重要英雄或者吸收对方伤害。
九尾妖狐:阿狸(Ahri) 暗影之拳:阿卡丽(Akali) ⽜头酋长:阿利斯塔(Alistar) 殇之⽊乃伊:阿⽊⽊(Amumu) 冰晶凤凰:艾尼维亚(Anivia) ⿊暗之⼥:安妮(Annie) 寒冰射⼿:艾希(Ashe) 蒸汽机器⼈:布⾥茨(Blitzcrank) 复仇焰魂:布兰德(Brand) ⽪城⼥警:凯特琳(Caitlyn) 魔蛇之拥:卡西奥佩娅(Cassiopeia) 虚空恐惧:科’加斯(ChoGath) 英勇投弹⼿:库奇(Corki) 诺克萨斯之⼿:德莱厄斯(Darius) 皎⽉⼥神:黛安娜:(Diana) 祖安狂⼈:蒙多医⽣(DrMundo) 荣耀⾏刑官:德莱⽂(Delevin) 蜘蛛⼥皇:伊莉斯(Elise) 寡妇制造者:伊芙琳(Evelynn) 探险家:伊泽瑞尔(Ezreal) 末⽇使者:费德提克(Fiddlesticks) ⽆双剑姬:剑姬(Fiora) 潮汐海灵:菲兹(Fizz) 哨兵之殇:加⾥奥(Galio) 海洋之灾:普朗克(Gangplank) 德玛西亚之⼒:盖伦(Garen) 酒桶:古拉加斯(Gragas) 法外狂徒:格雷福斯(Graves) 战争之影:赫卡⾥姆 (Hecarim) ⼤发明家:⿊默丁格(Heimerdinger) ⼑锋意志:伊瑞利亚(Irelia) 风暴之怒:迦娜(Janna) 德玛西亚皇⼦:嘉⽂四世(JarvanⅣ) 武器⼤师:贾克斯(Jax) 未来守护者:杰斯(Jayce) 天启者:卡尔玛(Karma) 死亡颂唱者:卡尔萨斯(Karthus) 虚空⾏者:卡萨丁(Kassadin) 不详之刃:卡特琳娜(Katarina) 审判天使:凯尔(Kayle) 狂暴之⼼:凯南(Kennen) 虚空掠夺者:卡’兹克(Khazix) 深渊巨⼝:克格’莫(Kog Maw) 诡术妖姬:乐芙兰(LeBlanc) 盲僧:李青(Lee sin) 曙光⼥神:蕾欧娜(Leona) 仙灵⼥巫:璐璐(lulu) 光辉⼥郎:拉克丝(Lux) 熔岩巨兽:墨菲特(Malphite) 虚空先知:玛尔扎哈(Malzahar) 扭曲树精:茂凯(Maokai) ⽆极剑圣:易(Yi) 赏⾦猎⼈:厄运⼩姐(MissFortune) 齐天⼤圣:孙悟空(Monkey king) ⾦属⼤师:莫德凯撒(Mordekaiser) 堕天使:莫⽢娜(Morgana) 唤潮鲛姬:娜美(Nami) 沙漠死神:内瑟斯(Nasus) 深海泰坦:诺提勒斯(Nautilus) 狂野⼥猎⼿:奈德丽(Nidalee) 永恒梦魇:魔腾(Nocturne) 雪⼈骑⼠:努努(Nunu) 狂战⼠:奥拉夫(Olaf) 发条魔灵:奥莉安娜(Orianna) 战争:潘森(Pantheon) 钢铁⼤使:波⽐(Poopy) 披甲龙龟:拉莫斯(Rammus) 荒漠屠夫:雷克顿(Renekton) 傲之追猎者:雷恩加尔(Rengar) 放逐之刃:瑞⽂(Rivan) 机械公敌:兰博(Rumble) 流浪法师:瑞兹(Ryze) 凛冬之怒:瑟庄妮:(Sejuani) 恶魔⼩丑:萨科(Shaco) 暮光之眼:慎(Shen) 龙⾎武姬:希⽡娜(Shyvana) 炼⾦术⼠:⾟吉德(Singed) 亡灵勇⼠:赛恩(Sion) 战争⼥神:希维尔(Sivir) ⽔晶先锋:斯卡纳(Skarner) 琴瑟仙⼥:娑娜(Sona) 众星之⼦:索拉卡(Soraka) 策⼠统领:斯维因(Swain) 暗⿊元⾸:⾟德拉(Syndra) ⼑锋之影:泰隆(Talon) 宝⽯骑⼠:塔⾥克(Taric) 迅捷斥候:提莫(Teemo) 魂锁典狱长:锤⽯(Thresh) 麦林炮⼿:崔丝塔娜(Tristana) 诅咒巨魔:特兰德尔(Trundle) 蛮族:泰达⽶尔(Tryndamere) 卡牌⼤师:崔斯特(Twisted Fate) 瘟疫之源:图奇(Twitch) 野兽之灵:乌迪尔(Udyr) ⾸领之傲:厄加特(Urgot) 惩戒之箭:韦鲁斯(Varus) 暗夜猎⼿:薇恩(Vayne) 邪恶⼩法师:维伽(Veigar) ⽪城执法官:蔚(Vi) 机械先驱:维克托(Viktor) 猩红收割者:弗拉基⽶尔(Vladimir) 雷霆咆哮:沃利贝尔(Volibear) 嗜⾎猎⼿:沃⾥克(Warwick) 远古巫灵:泽拉斯(Xerath) 德邦总管:赵信(XinZhao) 掘墓者:约⾥克(Yorick) 影流之主:劫(Zed) 爆破⿁才:吉格斯(Ziggs) 时光守护者:基兰(Zilean) 荆棘之兴:婕拉(Zyra)。
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