Lesson 6
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
速], chest pain and near syncope(昏厥)
[unconsciousness, fainting]. Subsequently Dr. George Macris of Guam Memorial Hospital was responsible for this referral [transfer] which was entirely appropriate.
Capt. Shi himself is willing to submit to further studies [examination] and accepts our recommendation. This can be accomplished [finished] with or without
2. Fax: Medical Care of Capital Shi
Gentlemen: Captain Shi has an electrical pathway abnormality in his heart called WOLFF PARKINGSON WHITE (WPW) SYNDROME. He has recently completed a cardiac [of the heart] evaluation [examination] by Dr. Cogan, which revealed(显露) that the pumping function of his heart and his coronary arteries [心脏冠状动脉] are normal.
Lesson 6 Medical Care and Repatriation
Ⅰ. Overview
It is not an uncommon [a common, a general] case that when at sea an
accident causes a serious injury or a
WPW Syndrome can be controlled with medication. It would be unwise [foolish] however for Mr. Shi to work as the captain of an ocean cargo liner with the lack [absence] of medical assistance and stress that entails [brings about, cause]. Further episodes of rapid heartbeats are possibility even with good medical management [treatment] and current surgical(外科医生) techniques to abolish the extra electrical pathway are in their infancy [early stage].
to a passenger ship having [which has] a doctor or to any hospital in the countries that can supply medical advice by radio.
If there is any danger to life, the master would be justified in deviating [deviation] to the nearest port. In fact, it is the master’s duty to deviate if there is even a slim chance [a fat chance; cf: a good / fair chance] of saving a life by doing so.
of capacity 尽其所能,竭尽全力] with this sole
restriction(唯一限制) and should not be
considered medically disabled otherwise.
Sincerely yours,
3. A Letter of Thanks
Owing to the absence [lack] of diagnostic equipment in Guam [关岛], we strongly recommend [suggest] that Capt. Shi be
referred to [be transferred to] Queen’s
We await your authorization to proceed with [continue] the above mentioned plans in the best interest of [for the best benefit of] the patient. Delay in treatment would adversely [unfavorably, harmfully] affect the patient’s health. If I could be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to [feel free] contact me at George Macris, M.D. [medical doctor] office Phone… Sincerely yours,
ambulance to transfer [send] the sick
[ill] or injured person to a hospital.
Any time a serious accident occurs the home office [head office, headquarters] should be notified promptly by radio or telex, followed by a detailed letter from the first port after the accident. The copies [duplicates] of the injury or illness report as well as the doctor’s diagnosis (诊断) and recommendations [advice, suggestion, proposal] should be attached (附加) [enclosed].
In the meantime, the master should advise the port authorities or agents at the port bound for [destined for], giving them an ETA [Estimated Time of Arrival]. They will arrange for an
After preliminary(初步) [rudimentary,
elementary] examination [check], the
electrocardiograph [心电图描记器] tracing [心电
跟踪图] failed to reveal [discover, uncover] any
Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii for further
therapy [treatment, cure], and his air travel
should be made under the escort (护送)0f
[accompanied by] a licensed U.S. physician
When the injured or sick crewmember
has recovered his health [recovered himself] and been discharged from the hospital in a foreign port, he will be repatriated either by one of his
serious illness occurs on board the
In that case [under such circumstances] tห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e master would apply for assistance
[medical assistance] by radio [by wire]
his family members present, and he is in
agreement. All arrangements for transfer
will be done via [by way of] the Social
Services [社会福利部] at Guam Memorial
company’s vessel or by air through the
agent there.
In another case, when stowaways are
discovered on board the vessel, the master
should immediately communicate with
I would strongly suggest to the company that Mr. Shi be reassigned(重新分配) to local shipping of entirely shore based job. This will protect both parties involved(当事人). He can continue to work in full capacity [to the utmost
[contact] the agent at the next port of call in
order to ensure swift [quick, rapid, fast]
repatriation(遣送回国) of the stowaway
II. Specimen Letters
early evidence [trace] of myocardial infarction
[心肌梗死]. It is uncertain [unsure] whether he
has suffered a myocardial infarction prior to
1. Fax: Medical Care of Captain Shi
In regard to the above mentioned fax, Mr. Shi,
41-year-old sea captain, visited the emergency room at approximately [about] April 16, 2010, complaining of rapid(迅速) heart rate with continued chest pain(胸痛).
His hospitalization at the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii came at the request of his physicians in Guam where he had presented with tachycardia [心动过
[unconsciousness, fainting]. Subsequently Dr. George Macris of Guam Memorial Hospital was responsible for this referral [transfer] which was entirely appropriate.
Capt. Shi himself is willing to submit to further studies [examination] and accepts our recommendation. This can be accomplished [finished] with or without
2. Fax: Medical Care of Capital Shi
Gentlemen: Captain Shi has an electrical pathway abnormality in his heart called WOLFF PARKINGSON WHITE (WPW) SYNDROME. He has recently completed a cardiac [of the heart] evaluation [examination] by Dr. Cogan, which revealed(显露) that the pumping function of his heart and his coronary arteries [心脏冠状动脉] are normal.
Lesson 6 Medical Care and Repatriation
Ⅰ. Overview
It is not an uncommon [a common, a general] case that when at sea an
accident causes a serious injury or a
WPW Syndrome can be controlled with medication. It would be unwise [foolish] however for Mr. Shi to work as the captain of an ocean cargo liner with the lack [absence] of medical assistance and stress that entails [brings about, cause]. Further episodes of rapid heartbeats are possibility even with good medical management [treatment] and current surgical(外科医生) techniques to abolish the extra electrical pathway are in their infancy [early stage].
to a passenger ship having [which has] a doctor or to any hospital in the countries that can supply medical advice by radio.
If there is any danger to life, the master would be justified in deviating [deviation] to the nearest port. In fact, it is the master’s duty to deviate if there is even a slim chance [a fat chance; cf: a good / fair chance] of saving a life by doing so.
of capacity 尽其所能,竭尽全力] with this sole
restriction(唯一限制) and should not be
considered medically disabled otherwise.
Sincerely yours,
3. A Letter of Thanks
Owing to the absence [lack] of diagnostic equipment in Guam [关岛], we strongly recommend [suggest] that Capt. Shi be
referred to [be transferred to] Queen’s
We await your authorization to proceed with [continue] the above mentioned plans in the best interest of [for the best benefit of] the patient. Delay in treatment would adversely [unfavorably, harmfully] affect the patient’s health. If I could be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to [feel free] contact me at George Macris, M.D. [medical doctor] office Phone… Sincerely yours,
ambulance to transfer [send] the sick
[ill] or injured person to a hospital.
Any time a serious accident occurs the home office [head office, headquarters] should be notified promptly by radio or telex, followed by a detailed letter from the first port after the accident. The copies [duplicates] of the injury or illness report as well as the doctor’s diagnosis (诊断) and recommendations [advice, suggestion, proposal] should be attached (附加) [enclosed].
In the meantime, the master should advise the port authorities or agents at the port bound for [destined for], giving them an ETA [Estimated Time of Arrival]. They will arrange for an
After preliminary(初步) [rudimentary,
elementary] examination [check], the
electrocardiograph [心电图描记器] tracing [心电
跟踪图] failed to reveal [discover, uncover] any
Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii for further
therapy [treatment, cure], and his air travel
should be made under the escort (护送)0f
[accompanied by] a licensed U.S. physician
When the injured or sick crewmember
has recovered his health [recovered himself] and been discharged from the hospital in a foreign port, he will be repatriated either by one of his
serious illness occurs on board the
In that case [under such circumstances] tห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e master would apply for assistance
[medical assistance] by radio [by wire]
his family members present, and he is in
agreement. All arrangements for transfer
will be done via [by way of] the Social
Services [社会福利部] at Guam Memorial
company’s vessel or by air through the
agent there.
In another case, when stowaways are
discovered on board the vessel, the master
should immediately communicate with
I would strongly suggest to the company that Mr. Shi be reassigned(重新分配) to local shipping of entirely shore based job. This will protect both parties involved(当事人). He can continue to work in full capacity [to the utmost
[contact] the agent at the next port of call in
order to ensure swift [quick, rapid, fast]
repatriation(遣送回国) of the stowaway
II. Specimen Letters
early evidence [trace] of myocardial infarction
[心肌梗死]. It is uncertain [unsure] whether he
has suffered a myocardial infarction prior to
1. Fax: Medical Care of Captain Shi
In regard to the above mentioned fax, Mr. Shi,
41-year-old sea captain, visited the emergency room at approximately [about] April 16, 2010, complaining of rapid(迅速) heart rate with continued chest pain(胸痛).
His hospitalization at the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii came at the request of his physicians in Guam where he had presented with tachycardia [心动过