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significant(P < 0.05).The probability of venous thrombosis in the fracture of the knee was much higher than that of the femur.tibia and fibula and the fracture of the ankle(P < O.05).The probability of venous thrombosis in the ankle fracture was the lowest(P< 0.05).Conclusion Color Doppler ultrasound can provide the anatomical structure and
Diagnostic value of ultrasound w ith acute throm bosis of deep
vein of low er extrem ities in postoperative patients w ith low er
extrem ities fracture
hem odynam ic inform ation of blood vessels in real tim e and dynam ically,and can diagnose the site of throm bosis
in patients.It can provide an important objective basis for the diagnosis of early thrombosis,the formulation and adjustment of the treatment plan,the evaluation of curative effect,and has,important clinical significance. [Key words]Color Doppler;Fracture of lower limb;Lower extremity deep vein thrombosis;Diagnostic value
放 射 与 影 像 ·
中田医药斜学201 8年1月第8卷第1期
超 声对下肢骨 折术 后患者下肢
深静脉.广东省中山市古镇人 民医院超声科,广东中山 528421;2.广东省中山市古镇 人民医院骨科,广东中山 528421
【摘要 】目的 探讨彩色多普勒对下肢骨折术后患者下肢深静脉急性血栓形成的诊断价值。方法 选择 300例 下肢骨折需行手术治疗的患者作为研究对象 ,术后采用彩色多普勒超声与血管造影检查患者下肢深静脉急性 血栓 形成 情况 。结果 彩色 多普勒 超声 检查 灵 敏度 为 94.11% ,特异 度为 97.73%;患者 患侧股 总 静脉 、股 浅静 脉 、 胭静 脉 及 胫后 静 脉 内径 与健侧 比较 ,血管 内径 明显 扩 张 ,差 异 均具 有 统计 学 意义 (P< 0.05);膝 部 骨折 发 生 静脉血栓概率远高于股骨 、胫腓骨及足踝部骨折(P< 0.05);足踝部骨折发生静脉血栓概率最低(P< 0.05 o 结论 彩色多普勒超声能实时、动态提供血管的解剖结构与血流动力学信息 ,能对患者血栓形成的部位作出诊 断 ,可以为早期血栓的诊断 、治疗方案 的制定和调整 、疗效 的评价提供重要的客观依据,具有重要 的临床意义。 【关键词 】彩 色多普勒 ;下肢骨折 ;下肢深静脉血栓;诊 断价值 【中 图分 类号 ]R445.1 【文献 标 识 码 】A 【文 章 编号 ]2095—0616(2018)O1—172—03
UU Hongrui CHEN Xiaoyuan PENG Guortf
1.Department of Ultrasound,the People’S Hospital of Guzhen Town,Zhongshan 528421,China;2.Department of Oahopedies,the People。S Hospital of Guzhen Town,Zhongshan 528421,China [Abstract]Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of uhrasound with acute thrombosis of deep vein of lower extremities in postoperative patients with lower extremities fracture.M ethods Three hundred cases of lower extremities fracture underwent surgery patients were selected as the research object.Color doppler ultrasound and angiography were used to examine the incidence of acute throm bosis in the deep veins of the lower extremities after operation.Results The sensitivity and specificity of color doppler ultrasound were 94.1 1% and 97.73% .Compared with the patients’ healthy side,the internal diam eter of ipsilateral fem oral vein,superficial fem oral vein,popliteal vein and posterior tibial vein of the patients’ afected side were obviously expanded,the diferences were statistically