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Smaller, GreeneL Better
DUring my 15 years as an administrator, I WaS a no ・ ShOW at SCientifiC COnferenCeS・ BefOre that, my go - to COnferenCeS included MetaIS in BiOlOgy in VentUra, CaIifOrnia・ ThiS PaSt JanlIary・ I Went back to VentUra after a 15 -year 5 ・_______ . A IOt Of things StrUCk me about how things have ChangCd and how SOme things have StayCd the
Sanle. One thing that is increasingly On PCOPle,s minds is the future Of SCientifiC meetings・
What has Stayed 6. _________ i s that a COnferenCe Of that style, With 200 SCientiStS from around the world, is a Vital form for SCientifiC exchange・ The PartiCiPantS ranged from graduate StUdentS to the PiOnCerS in the field Of bioinorganic ChemiStry. It WaS interesting to See how far a IOt Of the SCienCe has COme・ SOnle fields Still have great 7. : EVen though We know much more about the StrUCtUres, We Still WOnder how the O-O bond forms in
PhOtOSyStem II(光合体系II).
One thing that has Started to Change 8・______ is the increasing number Of WOmen and PeOPle Of COIOr among COnferenCe SPeakerS and PartiCiPantS・ We are 9. ________ CIOSe to SOlVing the CqUity(公平)PrOblenlS in SCienCe Or SCienCe meetings, but the Change in the 10. _________ and atmosphere Of meetings OVeran after 15 years is encouraging. ThiS trend ShOUld continue, and InOre members ShOUld have SPeaking roles to ShOWCaSe their science, and maybe SInail IneCtingS COUld also require that a few talks be given by POStdOCS and early CareCr faculty.
When it COmeS to big meetings, the interchange among SCientiStSll. ____________ is Still essential. BUt it,s time for the SCientifiC COmmUnity to engage in frank talk about the 12. ________ Of meetings On the Climate・ SOme COnferenCeS have been SUPPOrting digital POSter SeSSiOnS to 13. ________ waste, but thousands Of folks flying to these meetings is
the real PrObleIn to focus on. Ifs time to think CreatiVely about how to reduce the CarbOn footprint Of meetings WhiIe 14 ・______________ even improving - their VaIUe・
What if We broke the Iarge meetings into SInanen COnCUrrent(同时发生的)OneS at 15. __________ SiteS Where PeOPle COUld gather, Sharing the drive Or taking the train? DCSPite the big draw Of Iarge meetings, UnleSS you,re in
fck Wheii you IealIZe What the SUPPly Chain IOOkS Iike and the number Of hands that touch these flowers・ and then they,re Only appreciated for a COUPle Of hours, ifs kind Of disgusting When you think about the amount Of IeSOlIrCeS that
go IntO it/' SayS JennIfer Grove, fbιuιder Of NeW YOrk City - based flower Sen r iCe RePeat ROSeS・
While WOrking as a Wedding designer and COrPOrate PlannCL GrOVe Often OVerSaW the design Of floral arrangements, Only to See those CreatiOnS thrown away Within a few hours .In 2014 She founded RePeat ROSeS to Inake it easier for IlIXUry ClientS to donate USed bouquets・ Like a traditional IlOral service, the COmPany SellS high - end floral decorations for WeddingS Or SOCial events, but it then recycles Or COmPOStS (堆月巴)them.
If a CUStOnler ChOOSeS the UniqUe repurposing (改变用途)service, a RePeat ROSeS team Can remove the arrangements from the event and then restyle the flowers into SInaner bouquets to donate to hospitals, nursing homes and family SheIterS. If there's a Charity that holds a SPeCial PlaCe in a customer's heart, the team Will ensure die blooms are Sent
tlιere. "It's a IOgIStiCS business, and Were trying to make SUre We are StrategiC m Where We PIay matchmaker," GTOVe says. When the CharitieS are fimshed With the flowers, RePeat ROSeS also PiCkS tlιem back UP and COmP OStS them. The altruism isn,t free - PriCeS Start at $ L750 for the removal and repurposing SerViCe to account for the IranSPOrtatiOn and IabOr COStS .If you're not WilIing to SPend that much. the COmPany Will Still COmPOSt the flowers from your event instead Of Sending them to a Iandfill・
ThrOUgh these two methods, RePeat ROSeS estimates it has diverted more than 98 tons Of WaSte from IandfillS and delivered almost 53,000 floral arrangements to PeOPle in need. AIthOlIgh RePeat ROSeS is a for - PrOfit business, the
flower repurposing itself is a tax Write - Off for the client. AS the fair market ValUe Of a Client,s donated flowers is what's USed for the CharitabIe tax CrCdit and is eligible for deduction・ RePeat ROSeS ensures that the beneficiary SendS you an acknowledgement Ietter including details Of your donation.
20・ JCnnifCr GrOVe founded RePeat ROSeS in Order to do the following except __________ ・
A. avoid the WaSte Of flowers
B ・ reduce the POlllltiOn to the environment
C. earn money by Selling USed flowers D・ help SOme CUStOmerS do CharitY WOrk 21 ・ The Iinderlmed Wold fc altruism ' In ParagraPh 5 refers to _______________________________________________ ・
A. the company's COnIPOStmg die flowers
B ・ the customers' donating flowers to PeOPle in need
C.the reception Of the donation by the PeOPle in need
D.the transportation Of the flowers to a IandfilI
22・ What benefit does a CUStOmer WhO has donated flowers get?
A. TO get a discount When buying flowers・
B ・ TO feel fulfilled because Of donation.
C. To get a tax reduction・
D・ TO receive a Ietter Of COmPIiment.
23 ・ ThC PaSSage is mainly intended to introduce _______ ・
A. a CreatiVe Way Of making money
B ・ a green trend Of WaSte UtiIiZatiOn
C. a Way to CUt the emission Of CarbOn dioxide
D ・ a COlnPany devoted to Charity
COrOna-virus: What is "flattening the curve'、aιιd Will it work?
In epidemiology, the idea Of SlOWing a virus* SPread SO that fewer PeOPle need to Seek treatment at any given time is known as ^flattening the CUrVe M .It explains Why SO many COUntrieS are implementing H SOCial distancing0 guidelines -
including a H SheIter in PlaCe H Order that affects 6.7 IniniOn PeOPIe in NOrthern California, even though COVID - 19 OUtbreakS there might not yet Seenl SeVere・
Here,s What you need to know about the curve, and Why We Want to flatten it.
What is the curve?
The H CUrVe,, researchers are talking about refers to the PrqjeCted number Of PeOPle WhO Will COntraCt COVID -19 OVer a PeriOd Of time・(TO be clear, this is not a hard PrediCtiOn Of how many PeOPle Will definitely be infected, but a theoretical number that,s USed to model the virus* SPread. ) Here,s What OnC l∞ks like:
NUmber M
The CUrVe takes On different shapes, depending On the VirUS,s infection rate.1( COUld be a SteeP curve, in
WhiCh the VirUS SPreadS exponentially (that is, CaSe COUntS keep doubling at a COnSiStent rate) , and the total number Of CaSeS SkyrOCketS to its Peak Within a few weeks. InfeCtiOn CUrVCS With a SteeP rise also have a SteeP fall; after the VirUS infects Pretty InUCh everyone WhO Can be infected, CaSe numbers begin to drop exponentially, too.
The faster the infection CUrVe rises, the quicker the IOCal health Care SyStem gets OVerlOaded beyond its CaPaCity to
treat PeOPle・ AS we,re Seeing in Italy, more and more new PatientS may be forced to go WithOUt ICU beds, and more and more hospitals may run OUt Of the basic SUPPlieS they need to respond to the OUtbreak.
A flatter curve, On the Other hand. assumes the Sanle number Of PCOPIe UItinIately get infected, but OVer a IOnger PeriOd Of time・ A SlOWer infection rate IneanS a IeSS StreSSed health Care SyStenl fewer hospital ViSitS On any given day and fewer SiCk PeOPle being turned away.
HOW do We flatten the CUrV r e?
AS there is CUrrently no VaCCine Or SPeCifiC medication to treat COVlD - 19, the OnIy Way to flatten the CUrVC is through COlleCtiVe action. SOme governments have recommended that all CitiZenS WaSh their hands frequently, Self - isolate When they,re SiCk Or SUSPeCt they might be, and Start "social distancing, IIght away.
24・ ACCOrding to the passage, WhiCh Of the following about the CUrVC is TRUE?
A. The CUrVC has different ShaPeS depending On the types Of PandenIiC・
B ・ The CUrVe With a flatter rise has a flatter fall as WelL
C. The SteeP CUrVe SUggeStS IOCal health SyStem might maintain its CaPaCity・
D・ The CUrVC here ShOWS the number Of PeOPIe WhO,ve been CUred ・
25・ Why is it important to flatten the curve?
A. The time for the infection Win be ShOrter.
B ・ PeOPle Can develop immunity to the VirUS.
C.ThC health Care SyStem Can handle the infected PeOPle・
D.VaCCineS Can be developed to StOP the SPread Of the VirUS・
26・ What is the Way mentioned in the PaSSage to flatten the curve?
A. PUtting IOCal health Care SyStem Under StreSS・
B ・ Paying more frequent ViSitS to IoCal hospitals・
C.GiVing PCOPle effective medication Or VaCCine・
D.PraCtiCing SOCial distancing as SOOn as POSSible・
MalaySia has IOng WiShed to join the ranks Of developed countries. AdmiSSiOn to the OECD. OnCn referred to as
the ,,rich countries* club,∖ WOUld be a formal recognition. BUt how ClOSe is MalaySia to the OECD IeVel Of development?
JUdging from its economic development, the answer is n Close n. In 2019, MalaySia,s Per - CaPita GDP WaS estimated at about 12,2∞.notfarbehindthe 13,530 average Of the SiX IeaSt Wealthy OECD members, according to WOrId Bank data・ PCr ・CaPita GDP is a Very narrow gauge Of development, though. AnOther good IneaSUre is the human development index, Or HDL
WhiCh takes into account Iife expectancy, health, quality Of Iife and education. In 2019, Malaysia1S HDl PUt it 61st Of 189 countries. Within Asia, Only three COUntrieS rank higher: SingaPOre at 9th, JaPan at 19th and KOrea at 22nd. SO MaIaySia has made good PrOgreSS・
HOWeVeL the SerViCe SeCtOr PrOVideS a more COmPrehenSiVe assessment. The SeB f iCe SeCtOE as OPPOSed to agriculture Or manufacturing, tends to be the IargeSt and most important in any developed economy. Here you find the best - Paid. most highly SkilledjObS・ SCrViCCS reflect the quality Of a COUntn f,s WOrkCrS・ And SinCe a Iarge Part Of the SerViCe SeCtOr is Iinked to consumers, it also measures COnSUnler-SeCtOr development. An innovative, SOPhiStiCated Sen r iCe SeCtOr With a StrOng SUPPIy Of Skined IabOr and Steady demand from its CUStOmerS is a IneaningfUl measure Of a COUntry,s development.
SO how is Malaysia's SerViCeS sector? On the SUPPly side, MalaySia boasts One Of the best ・ CdUCated POPUlatiOnS in emerging ASia・ HOWeVen educational quality is far from satisfactory・ ACCOrding to the OECD S IateSt PrOgranl for InternatiOnal StUdent ASSeSSment(PISA), MaIaySian StUdentS Of equivalent CdUCatiOn IeVeIS PerfOrm OnIy about 85% as Well as their OECD PeerS in reading, 88% in Inath and 84% in science. It's better On the demand side, WherC PriVate COnSUlnPtiOn has sur∖r ived SlOWing global trade and rising economic uncertainty. In the first half Of 2019, PriVate COnSUmPtiOn grew by 7.7% year On ycar-not far Off 2018,s 8% growth-despite falling investment and SIOWing export growth.
TO go forward. MaIaySia needs to Inake IabOr PrOdUCtiVity and growth in COnSUnlPtiOn InUtUaIly reinforcing. TO b∞st IabOr productivity, it needs to improve both the quality Of WOrkerS and their Inarket mobility. A more PrOdUCtiVe IabOr force Will translate into higher household incomes, WhiCh Will further StinUIlate PriVate COnSUnIPtiOn. MOre COnSUnIPtiOn Will encourage greater investment in Sen f iCeS・And StrOnger investment, especially in startups, Will make seπ∙ices a more POWerfUl engine Of employment growth.
InCreaSing investment in SerV r iCeS WOUld COnle With a bonus: quickening the evolution Of MalaySia,s digital economy. ThiS is the new froιHicr(前线)for MalaySia,s SerViCe sector. Getting there Win PrePare MalaySia for the Prime time.
27・ The Underlined WOrd M gaUge M in ParagraPh 2 is the ClOSeSt in meaning to _________ ・
A ・ the distance between two PIaCeS
B ・ an instrument for finding the size, quantity, etc. Of SOmething
C. a fact Or event that Can be USed to judge SOnlCthing
D.SOmething missing that PreVentS it from being COmPlete Or SatiSfaCtOry
28・ TO evaluate a COUntr>r,s CCOnOlniC growth, the SerV r iCe SeCtOr OfferS a more COmPlete evaluation because ________ ・A. H ShOWS how Well IabOr force and COnSUmer - SeCtOr develop B ・ developed COUntrieS depend entirely On SerViCeS to PrOSPer
C.it includes jobs that require both basic and advanced SkilIS
D.growth in agriculture and manufacturing UnderIineS the Sen r iCe SeCtOr
29・ WhiCh Of the following Statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. ACCOrding to PISA, MaIaySian StUdentS SCOre higher in reading than SCienCe・
B ・ Higher family incomes Will help to increase IabOr PrOdUCtiVity・
C.SlOWer global economy didn,t affect MalaySia,s PriVate COnSUmPtiOn that ImlCh・
D.InVCSirnCnI in Sen r iCeS is Iikely to Create more job OPPOrtUnitieS・
30・ What Can be the best title for this passage?
A. The DCfinitiOn and ROle Of a DeVelOPed COUntry r
B ・ DeVelOPing ECOnOmy IS the KCy to JOining OECD
C.MaIaySia HaS to FUrther DCVelOP ItS Sen r iCeS
D.PeOPle in MalaySia Need Better EdUCatiOn


If we're gomg to get tlιrough these difficult tmιes; If We re going to Create a WOrId Where everybody IlaS the OPPOrtUnity to find a job, and afford college; if We re gomg to SaVe the eιruιronment and defeat fiιture Pande nlies,
tlιen We re gomg to have to do It together. SO be alite to One another's StrUggles. StalId UP for One another s rights. LeaVe behind all the Old WayS Of thinking that CIiVide US - sexism, racial PrejUdice, status, greed - and Set the WOrld On a dιfiereιιt path."
TeChnOlOgy (ICT) sector, Nigeria,s economy Can WitneSS a major turnaround.
ThiS WaS the VieW Of the HUaWei Technologies, WhiCh StreSSed that more emphasis On education from the basic IeVel and OPPOrtUnitieS for the youths to 42. ICT Will keep the COUntry InOVing・
Managing DireCtOn Frank Li, said,πAs a foreign investor, my greatest fear in the ICT SeCtOr is not the devaluation Or the SCarCity Of dollar but it,s the UnCertaintieS that 43. the economy. HOWeVer ICT has 44. POtentialS in developing Nigeria,s GDR ,,
ACCOrding to him. during the recession (衰退) PeriOd・ many foreign investors had the fear Of ShutIing down and moving OUt Of Nigeria・"but With increase in international Oil price, Nigeria is gradually experiencing InOre economic fortunes in 45. reserves, WhiCh have restored the COnfidenCe Of foreign investors to invest in NigeriaJ t Li added・The HUaWei MD noted that the COmPany has great 46. in meeting the demands Of OVer 90 InilIiOn Internet USerS in Nigeria and also reaching OVer 200 COmmUnities, WhiCh house about 40 million PeOPle in rural areas, WhO Still don't have access to basic telecommunication SerV r iCe・
Li further noted that the COmPany has been 47. the government With the aim Of Creating more jobs・ He however advised the Central bank Of Nigeria to have a Stable CUrrenCy POIiCy that WiIl attract foreign investors and encourage PriVate SeCtOr PartiCiPatiOn・
SPeaking On the COmPany,s Plan for 208, Frank Li added M We are IOOking at expanding OUr OffiCeS in Nigeria and increasing OUr WOrkfOrCe WhiCh Will be 48. NigerianS in 208. ”
FrOm his perspective, a former DireCtOr - General Of Nigeria TeleViSiOn Authority, VinCent MadUka・ Said the ICT SeCtOr holds huge 49. for the country. AS SUCh・ he Caned for joint efforts in 50. the VariOUS UntaPPed POtential in the SeCt0匚
WhO recommended that COnSiStent government policies, StrOng PriVate SeCtor. IolIg term efficient PrOgralnme
Will help ICT 51 ・ its COntribUtiOn to GDP if government PrOVideS a more enabling environment through IiberaIiSatiOn Of key ICT SUb - SeCtOrS SUCh as broadband as Well as Other SeCtOrS IikC managed services, SOftWare, and even blockchain. to Create more COnIPetitiOn and attract foreign direct investment.
it Inight Pay to IOOk PaSt the job title and The next time you find yourself negotiating a PrOnlOtiOn OrjOb Offer
explore the SPeCifiC responsibilities Ihat Will be yours alone・
ThafS the COnClUSiOn Of a new research PaPCr from a MaSSaChUSettS InStitUte OfTeChnOlOgy PrOfeSSOE Nathan
Wilmers, WhO examined the question Of Why SalarieS Often differ between PCOPle With the Sanle job titles in the Sanle OrganiZation. 52.
WilmerS found that even Within roles With the Sanle job title, employees WhO managed to Claim SPeCifiCjOb tasks UniqUe to the OrganiZatiOn typically had an advantage in pay. WOrkerS WhO POSSeSSed these SPeCifiC SkillS and responsibilities, WhlCh WIhnerS referred to as "job turf; typically earned 5% more than COlleagUeS With the Same job description, even When COntrOlIing for PaSt experience, education and gender. 53.
Wilmer findings On job turf echo a COnCIUSiOn. 54. POWer Within an OrganiSatiOn is Often IeSS a function Of What,s granted from higher-ups (job titles, SeniOrity) than Of an employee's ability to SUCCeSSfUny navigate the OrganiSatiOlrS SOCial networks. In OthCr words, the ability to build relationships With COlleagUeS WhO might be WilIing to mentor you, train you and eventually Share Or delegate key tasks has enormous VaIUe.
55 ・ In Wilmers f research, the most reliable PrediCtOr Of an eιnployec,s job turf WaS their WOrk PeriOd Of time at the OrganiSatiOn. The IOnger you StiCk around an OrganiZatiOn・ the more Iikely you are to gain job turf. ThiS COUld be because managers become more Iikely to assign these WOrkerS turf. Or because higher tenure WOrkerS get a better ImderStanding Of how the OrganiSatiOn WOrkS and are thereby more effective at establishing turf.
A. ThiS POSeS a Chanenge to typical ideas Of solidarity.
B ・ Il Often COmCS UP in academic research On SOCial networks in OrganiZatiOnS・
C.PerhaPS the most effective Way to gain job turf is to Stay in a job.
D.The results SllggeSt that WOrkerS WhO are able (and WilIing) to identify and Clainl SPeCifiC SkinS Within their job description Cnd UP With a SIight Pay advantage OVer their peers.
E.What you actually do at WOrk has SOme relationship With your earnings, even if your job title isn,t Changing.
F.ClaimingjOb turf gives an employee an advantage When it COmeS to job security, because they become harder to replace With a COlleagUe Or new hire・
Why is Anierica1S Milk IndUStry in SO much trouble?
FOr much Of The 20th century; milk WaS a SiInPle Part Of daily Iife in the U. S., as farmers raised cows, milkmen delivered bottles and ChiIdren Clrank it at school. BUt those days are fading—a fact emphasized by the announcement On Jan ・ 5 by BOrden Dairy, a milk PrOCeSSOE that it is filing for bankruptcy PrOteCtiOn. BOrden. which SaId It WaS impacted by "market ChallellgeS facing the dairy industry.、、follows DCan Foods, America's IargeSt milk PrOdUCer, WhiCh filed for
bankruptcy PrOteCtiOn in NOVember.
AmeriCa has fallen OUt Of IOVe With Cirinking milk and PeOPIe are SUbStitUting Water bottles for Inilk CartOnS・ The downturn has been tough On dairy r PrOCeSSOrS Iike BOrden and Dean .which buy fresh milk from farms and USe techniques Iike PaSteUriZatiOn(力[1热杀菌法)to Create a COnSUnler-Safe beverage With a IOnger Shelf Iife・ FOr the PaSt five years. thanks to technology that increased milk production, fresh-milk PriCeS Were relatively low. BUt PriCeS began ticking UP agam IaSt year. SqUeeZing the processors1already tιglιt margins. "Declining SaleS in a thin - margm business is not a good IeCIPe for success/' SayS Mark StePhenSon, director Of dairy POliCy analysis at the UniVerSity Of WiSCOnSin.
butter and ice CreanL but fluid-milk PrOCeSSOrS SUCh as DCan and BOrden aren't big (AmCriCanS are Still eating CheeSe
PlayerS in those businesses.)
MiIk PrOCeSSOrS are also facing COmPetitiOn from big retailers, WhiCh have Set UP their OWn PrOCeSSing plants. In 2018, WalInart OPened a Inilk - PrOCeSSing Plant in Indiana to SCrVC hundreds Of StOreS in the Midwest, taking away approximately 95 million gal. Of milk ・ PrOCeSSing business from DCan FOOdS.
On the Other end Of the SUPPly ChailL dairy farms are facing trouble Of their own. The IOW PriCeS that Were a
benefit to PrOCeSSOrS Ieft Small farmers StrUggIing across the industry. The number Of ChaPter 12 farm bankruptcies m 2019 WaS UP 24% from die previous year. fcfc Were trying OUr best to Ilallg Oa SayS Maty RIeCkIlιaιm. a dairy fanner in WiSCOnSin WhOSe family has turned to GOFUndMe to keep their CCIHUry - Old farm running・


"融入”可使用短语“engage in”,"全球金融体系”可译为"the global financial SyStem M,它作“engage in"的宾语。


“对……有益” 使用及物动词benefito句子的时态可以使用一般将来时。


"可以译为"Relatively SPeaking, engaging in the global financial SyStem Will benefit a COUntry greatly. ,∖
【答案】RClatiVely SPeakingXngaging in the global financial SyStem Will benefit a COUntry greatly.


“而临”使用^bC faced With'∖此处使用过去分词短语作状语。

"不景气的市场''可翻译为:the depressed market。

"想法设法做某事"可以使用短in" try every means to do二"利用网络"可翻译为:by taking advantage Of the IntenIet service。

"以减少亏损"可以使用动词不定式作状语,即"to CUt losses"。


故'而临不景气的市场,一些餐馆想法设法利用网络服务以减少亏损可以译为"Faced With the depressed market, SOme restaurants have tried every IneanS to CUt IOSSeS by taking advantage Of the IntCmet SerViCe.,∖
[答案】FaCed With the depressed market, SOme restaurants have tried every means to CUt IOSSeS by taking advantage Of the Intemet SerViCe・

“不仅……而且……”使ffl t not only...but also../1,连接并列的句子。

not OnIy位于句首,其后的第一分句用部分倒装的语序,第二分句使用自然语序,两个句子时态都使用一般现在时。

主语为单数名词the IOW - COSt battery,助动词does提到主语the IOW - COSt baUcry之前,谓语动词recharge使用原形,即第一分句译为:NOt Only does the IOW - COSt battery recharge InOre quickly;第二分句中,but also 可以分开使用。

"能让……”可以使用短i∏¾lp...todo...,∖"续航能力更强"可翻译为:OPerate for IOnger distance o故'这种低成本的电池不仅充电更快,而且能让电动汽车续航能力更强。

”可以译为"Not only docs the IOW - COSt battery recharge more quickly, but it Can also help electric VehiCleS to OPerate for IOnger distance.,∖
【答案】NOt Only does the IOW - COSt battery recharge more quickly, but it Can also help electric VehiCleS to OPerate for IOnger CIiStanCe ・

(SO as to)

“鼓励某人做某事"可以翻译为^enCOUrage Sb to do sth∖“深入研究”可使用短语“dig deep into”,"强调”可译为“lay emphasis on",'‘与其他学生合作'可译为4t cooperate With Other students'5,它在介词On后而作宾语,应该使用动名词形式。

动词encourage与"lay emphasis on"作并列谓语,用并列连词and连接。

所给短语“so as E表示“为了、以便",后面接动词原形。

“培养技能"翻译为“develop skills"。

“当下职场上雇主们所青睐的”修饰“技能”,因此此处使用定语从句,即tt Skills that/WhiCh CUrrent employers favor"。



”可以译为ThC SChOOl encourages StUdentS to dig deep into a topic and IayS emphasis On COOPerating With Other StUdents,so as to develop SkinS that/WhiCh CUrrent CInPIOyerS favor.”。

【答案】The SChOOl encourages StUdentS to dig deep into a topic and IayS emphasis On COOPerating With Other Students f SO as to develop SkilIS that/WhiCh CUrrent employers favor.

文章讲述了作者对于大型科学会议的看法,作者建议注重会议的环保,减少碳足迹, 并提岀了一些建议。



A. PaUSe暂停;B. PerSiStenCe 坚持:C. research 研究:D. administration 管理。

根据上文I WaS a no-show at SCientifiC conferences.可知作者暂停了15年出席科学会议。




A. UnbeIieVabIe难以置信的;B. UnUSUal不寻常的;C. UnreaSOnabIe不合理的;D. UnChanged 不变的。

根据上文中 A IOt Of things StrUCk me about how things have Changed and how SOme things have Stayed the same.可知是没有改变的。

故选D O


A. breakthroughs突破:B. mysteries谜团:C. theories理论:D. PiOneerS 先驱者。

根据下文We StiIl WOndCr how the 0-0 bond forms in PhOtOSySteln II 可知是指某些领域中仍然存在的谜




A. to the COntran r相反;B. in the IOng run 从长远来看:C. for the better 为了更好:D. beyond COntrOl

根据下文the increasing number Of WOmen and PeOPIe Of COIOr可知会议发言人和与会者中, 妇女和有色人种的人数越来越多,这表明事情在向好的方向改变。




根据后文ClOSe to SOlVing the CqUity PrObIemS in SCienCe Or SCienCe meetings 可知作者认为人们离
解决科学或科学会议的公平问题还差得远,应用nOWhere o故选D。


句意:我们离解决科学或科学会议的公平问题还差得远,但15年后会议的风格和气氛总体上的变化是令人鼓舞的” A. COmPOSitiOn成分:B. Style风格:C. interaction相互作用;D. management 管理。

根据后文and atmosphere Of meetings可知是指会议的风格和氛Ii习。



A. On the Internet在互联网上:B. On the SUrfaCe 表面上看;C. in PerSOn 当面:D. in PartiCUlar 尤其是。

结合后文the SCientifiC COmnnlnity to Cngage in frank talk可知科学家在大型会议上面对而的交流仍然非常重要。

故选C o


A. importance重要性: B. focus 片注;C. findings 调查结果:D. impact 影响;根据下文It's time to think CreatiVely about how to reduce the CarbOn footprint Of meetings可知是坦率讨论会议对气候的影响。

故选D o


A. Cnd UP With以……结朿:B. Cllt down On削减:切断;C. give PUbIiCity to 宣传:D. lay emphasis on强调。




A. PreSenting 展示:B. documenting 记录;C. PreSerVing 保存:D. PrOCeSSing 加工。

根据后文even improving-their ValUe以及上下文语境可知,在减少碳足迹的同时,要保留科学会议的价值。



句意:如果我们把大型会议分成更小的,同时在学术地点举行会议,让人们可以聚集在一起呢? A. academic学术的:B. regional区域的:C. SignifiCant重要的:D. environmental环境的。




A. major 主要的;B. interactive 交互的:C. PrOfeSSiOnal 专业的;D. different 不同的。

根据下文COnferenCeS COUId be SPread across different SiteS可知是不同的会议可以分布在不同的地点。



A. televising电视播送;B. attending出席;C. COndUCting指挥;D. hosting举办。





A. ballr∞m 舞厅:
B. PlaygrOUnd 操场:
C. Van 货车:面包车;
D. PIane 飞机。

根据下文I VOIUnteer to drive the first Van



A. neglecting 忽视:
B. PrOPOSing 提议;
C. discouraging 沮丧;
D. StriVing 奋斗。

根据上文SCientifiC COnferenCeS are Vital to scientists* COllabOratiOn.∏f知科学会议对科学家的合作至关重要,所以继续改进科学会议的召开是不能停止为之奋斗的事情。


5. A
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. D



根据第四段中的"In 2014 She founded RePeat ROSeS to make it easier for IUXUry CIientS to donate USed bouquets・ Like a traditional floral service, the COmPany SellS high ・ end floral decorations for WeddingS Or SOCial events, but it then recycles Or COmPOStS (堆肥)them."可知,2014 年,她创立了RePeat RoSeS f使奢侈品客户更容


由此可知,RePeat ROSeS这样做是为了避免浪费鲜花,因此A项是RePeat ROSeS 所做的事情。

二段中的"According to One estimate, the roughly 100 million roses grown for a typical ValentmeS Day in the U. S. PrOdUCe about 9,000 metric tons Of CarbOn dioxide emissions."可知,据估计,美国情人宵期间种植的大约1亿朵玫瑰会产生9000公吨的二氧化碳排放量,由此可知RePeat RoSeS对髙档花卉回收或堆肥减少了对环境的污染,因此B项是RePCat ROSeS所做的事情。

根据第五段中的“If a CIlStOnler ChOOSeS the UniqUe repurposing service, a RePeat ROSeS team Can remove the arrangements from the event and then restyle the flowers into Smaner bouquets to donate to hospitals♦nursing homes and family shelters/'可知,如果顾客选择了独特的重新利用服务,RePeat RoSeS可以回收花卉,然后将鲜花重新设汁成更小的花束,捐赠给医院、疗养院和家庭庇护所。

即RePeat RoSeS帮顾客把玫瑰捐赠给别人,所以D项是RePeat ROSeS所做的事情。



21 ・词义猜测题。

根据划线词之前的内容Jf a CUStOmer ChOOSeS the UniqUe repurposing service, a RCPeat ROSeS team Can remove the arrangements from the event and then restyle the flowers into Smaner bouquets to donate to hospitals, nursing homes and family shelters. If there's a Charity that holds a SPeCial PIaCe m a customer's heart the team Will ensure the blooms are Sent there."可知,如果客户选择独特的再利用服务,则RePeat ROSeS可以回收花卉,然后将花朵重新制成较小的花束,捐赠给医院,疗养院和家庭庇护所。


看得岀RePeat ROSeS这样做的目的是希望能够充分利用这些花卉,为别人带来些好处。




根据第六段的"Although RePeat ROSeS is a for - PrOfit business, the flower repurposing itself is a tax Write・Off for the client.''可知,尽管RePeat ROSeS是一家营利性企业,但重新利用花卉可以为客户减税SJ 即捐岀花卉的顾客能获得减税的好处。





故选B J
20. C
21. B
22. C
23. B



根拯倒数第四段"The CUrVe takes On different shapes, depending On the VlnIS,s mfectιon rate. It。
