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【摘要】利用中国756个地面基本、基准气象站1961~2008年云量年值、月值数据集,分析全国地面太阳望远镜选址的云量条件,结果表明;40°N纬度带和藏西南地区,云量条件最优;其次是新疆西部和北部、东北北部和东部、青藏高原南部拉萨、江孜一带;西藏东部、四川西部及云南大部,云量条件居中;33° N以南,包括江南华南、青藏高原东南部林芝附近及四川盆地、重庆、贵州一带,云量条件较差.%The cloudiness conditions in the site testing of the large ground-based solar telescopes all over China are analyzed in this study, by using the yearly and monthly data sets from 756 principal and reference climatological stations during the period of 1961 ~ 2008. The results show that, the cloudiness conditions in the areas of 40° N latitude band and southwest Tibet are the best, followed up by the areas of west and north of Xinjiang, north and east of Dongbei, and south of Tibet Plateau. In the east of Tibet, west of Sichuan basinrnand the most areas in Yunnan province, the cloudiness conditions are just all right. South of 33° N latitude band, including the areas of south of Yangzi River, south China, southeast of Tibet Plateau, Sichuan basin as well as Chongqing, and Guizhou province all have the worst cloudiness conditions.
1.寻找新一代大型地面天文望远镜的落脚点——中国西部天文选址行动 [J], 杨国安;姚永强
2.大型地面光伏电站选址研究 [J], 李贝;苏成华;付文辉
3.大型光伏地面电站建设选址研究 [J], 徐一卜
4.我国卫星总云量与地面总云量分布的对比分析 [J], 翁笃呜;韩爱梅
5.天文选址的夜间云量处理方法 [J], 尹佳;钱璇;姚永强;王红帅;李林;尤显龙;周云贺;马江龙;刘立勇;李俊荣
