英语 复习资料完整版
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1.He was fast asleep when the thief broke into his house.
2. A report cam e to the police, saying a little girl had been missing for two days.
3. The second half of the perform ance will begin in two m inutes, and you are kindly asked to resume your seats.
4. A(n) greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather.
5. In recent years, the com pany has paid m ore attention to labor costs while keeping an eye on profit (利润).
6. The girl by the counter told m e that they have planes departing for New York everyday.
7. I like this house better because it is located (坐落于) in natural surroundings
8. He had expected to spend his life in Am erica, but fate decided otherwise.
1.More than two hundred people were killed in the explosion (爆炸), but the victims have not been nam ed.
2. Mi chael was within a(n) inch of breaking the record in the Olym pic Gam es.
3. He insisted on giving up football unless his club transferred him to another club.
4. The joint venture (合资企业) had a rem arkable sales growth this year, particularly in the latter part of the year.
5. The house is very well equipped, but its rent m ust be paid weekly
6. The likely public reactions to the unem ploym ent figures issued recently should be reflected upon.
7. With high-tech developm ent, it has now com e true that you are able to reunite (团聚) with your relatives, whom you have lost touch wi th for dozens of years.
8. Wind and ice were blamed for the collision (碰撞) involving up to 12 vehicles (车辆).
1.How did a com pany in trouble becom e a high-perform ing com pany with good management in just three years?
2. Can one even talk of peace in the Middle East as long as the conflict is still unsettled?
3. Answers about personal qualities and abilities are harder to interpret , al though experience does m ake it easier.
4. Another idea would be to require new faculty to actually tak e a course on how to im prove faculty interaction within the cl assroom.
5. Getting to the top hadn't been easy, in spi te of his burning ambition and will to succeed.
6. Em ployers are not prepared to pay for the training of young people with special needs.
7. W e have seen in this chapter how the tax burden has increased fastest for households with children.
8. He al ways was a(n) miserable m an. He never spoke to m e nor anybody else, not even to pass the tim e of day.
1. The ______ of College English Tests is to help students learn English better, isn't it?
A. Objecting
B. Subject
C. Objecti ve
D. aim ing
2. They have used the cinem a as a weapon, as a(n) ____ to express their views.
A. Media
B. Medium
C. Aids
D. m ean
3. These shops norm ally ______ in old and antique (古董) item s, not in m odern ones.
A. Buy
B. Make
C. Specialize
D. sell
4. Som e senior (年长的) m em bers from the visiting team m ade a good num ber of enquiries (询问) about what they saw in order to ______ additional inform ation.
A. Advertise
B. Gain
C. Know
D. rem em ber
5. The book is endlessly ______ and ri chly rewarding; I highly recom m end it to you.
A. Boring
B. Dull
C. Fascinating
D. expensive
6. It's very expensive to ________ on television.
A. Advertise
B. Advertising
C. Advertiser
D. advertised
7.How would a person who stays abroad m ost probably _____ when he or she is frustrated by theculture shock (文化冲击)?
A. Rem em ber
B. Respect
C. Recall
D. react
8. Som e sentences are written just to give the _____ of the difficult words—words that readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading.
A. Definitions
B. texts
C. spellings
D. form s
1.Som e people believe that faceless, bodiless "______" com m unication m ay be less psychologically satisfying than actual.
A. real
B. perfect
C. virtual
D. com plete
2. The young m an was quite ex cited by the ______ of owning his own car.
A. look
B. prospect
C. grasp
D. appearance
3. Growing econom ic problem s were ______ by a drop in oil output.
A. highlighted
B. obliged
C. resisted
D. related
4. They have different attitudes toward the issue of econom ic globalization because they have ______ interests.
A. no
B. conflicting
C. com m on
D. sam e
5. She failed to win over the people there because her m otive had been ______.
A. distorted
B. interesting
C. clear
D. isolated
6. If you respect hum an rights, you m ust fight for racial ______.
A. isolation
B. discrim ination
C. oppression
D. integration
7. Only when the police ______ her with evidence did she adm it that she had stolen the m oney.
A. talked
B. confronted
C. saw
D. brought
8. I don't know what is the ideal answer to today's growing inform at ion ______.
A. overcrowding
B. overwork
C. overflow
D. overload
1.When you see som eone you know, or would like to m ake contact with, sm ile.
2. In the noisy classroom the teacher had to shout out to be heard by every one.
3. After she becam e a lawyer, she decided to specialize in contract law.
4. The patient is waiting patiently in the waiting room of the clinic, leafing through the m agazines and newspapers on the table.
5. In new surroundings, it's best to take on one challenge at a tim e.
6. I knew right from the beginning that i t would not pay.
7. Wom en m ust fight for the right to equal pay for equal work.
8. The new products will ensure our com pany stays in business.
1.It's still unknown whether the project we have been working on will yield a high return of investm ent.
2. The river which goes through the city m akes itself a popular summ er resort (避暑胜地).
3. Don't talk too m uch when your boss is in no m ood for chatting over the phone.
4. John would, sooner or later, involve him self in serious trouble if he continued to do this wi th evil intention (意向).
5. The em ployer reacted to the depression (经济萧条) by dism issing (解雇) dozens
of his em ployees.
6. Soon after the earthquake, m any people who had been evacuated (疏散) from the area returned to rebuild their hom etown.
7. The old m an likes to reflect on/upon his childhood while drinking with his friends.
8. He has been transferred to a new com pany in Europe to be responsible for
sales and distribution activities.
1.Police believe that the sam e m an is responsible for three other m urders in the area.
2. In the m onths prior to the incident, white m ale students had becom e m ore openly cri tical of black m en dating white wom en.
3. The length of tim e spent exercising depends on/upon the sport you are training for.
4. The strength of the book lies in the fact that the m aterial is from classroom experience.
5. But it sounds like there is som ething wrong wi th John's breathing.
6. I didn't see her for another five years, and in the m eantim e she had got m arried and had a couple of kids.
7. Although it is som ewhat lim ited in its applications it is easy to operate and above all it is fun.
8. They do not have the ego-satisfaction of having thought up a brand new idea but in practi cal term s they do well.
1.I think the best thing about this experience was the chance it gave m e to participate in the creation of knowledge.
2. They point to things that they have done, but we rem ind them that we have not been satisfied with them.
3. What would you like to do if you've already got a new job lined up?
4. Differences in the way people are treated can be interpreted as evidence of discrim ination.
5. He seem s to have difficulty relating to others and expressing his feelings.
6. She continued as if nothing was wrong, even invi ting him over for breakfast once a week.
7. The staff had heard it before on a num ber of occasions but nothing as noisy as on this parti cular night.
8. The one that we're m ost ex cited about and we'd love to see is an interactive(互动的) graduation plan.
What do you think one can do to be a happy person?
Since she left shanghai and resumed her life in the countryside a void has found its way into my heart.
The idea that he had won the first prize did not cross my mind.
I grew up in a big city,so the rat race is no longer new to me.
Teaching is an important profession,a fascinating one,filled with challenges and excitement.
If the great scientist were still alive today,he would nodoubt expand his definition to include the latest research findings.
The best way to solve the dispute between countries is through the United Nations.
Products /Goods produced by big factories are taking place of goods produced by small workshops.
The likely consequence of incident need to be reflected on.
He was within an inch of solving the problem.
If you want to transfer your property to someone,you should first make him the legal owner of it.
More than 10 computers have been stolen since the company moved to this area,so the company decided to take action to stop it.
Euentually,your daughter will leave home to lead her own life but in the mean time she has to depend on your support.
Although she is confront with money problem,she knows how to solve them. 15.由于你有了电脑和手机,我们交流就更容易了。
Now that you have a computer and a mobile phone ,we can communicate more easily.
What this means in partical terms is that once you cheat you lose.
Years ago ,people here have got just as excited about buying a bike as they buy
a car now.
She started out as a secretary,but 3 years later she moved up to a job as a manager.
You have to be aware of your audience when you joking around with people.
Every month he would invite me over for dinner,and I would accept it with thanks.
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