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【摘要】Objective: To investigate the expression and significance of SENP1 and HER-2 in the gastric cancer. Methods: EnVision immunohistochemical staining method was used to detect the expression of SENP1 protein and HER-2 protein respectively, in gastric cancer and benign stomach lesion. Results: The SENP1 positive expression rate in gastric cancer was 75% (75/100), and in benign stomach lesion was 36% (18/50). there were significant relationship between gastric cancer and benign stomach lesions (P<0.01). and the expression of the SENP1 was correlated with the degree of infiltration and differentiation, lymph node metastasis and TNM stage of gastric cancer (P<0.05). The HER-2 positive expression rate in gastric cancer was 45% (45/100), and in benign stomach lesions was 38% (19/50). there were significant relationship between gastric cancer and benign stomach lesions(P<0.01). and the expression of the Her-2 was correlated with the degree of infiltration, lymph node metastasis and TNM stage of gastric cancer (P<0.05). The expression of SENP1 and HER-2 was positive related (r=0.208, P<0.05). Conclusion: It was pointed out that SENP1 and HER-2 took part in process of gastric cancer in occurrence and development, and was related to carcinomas in
advance and lymph node metastasis.%目的:探讨胃癌组织中去类泛素化蛋白酶1 (SENP1)的表达与临床病理因素的关系,及其与人表皮生长因子受体-2(HER-2)的表达间的相互关系.方法:采用免疫组织化学染色EnVision方法以兔抗人SENP1抗体和鼠抗人HER-2抗体为一抗,检测100例胃癌组织(胃癌组)和50例胃良性病变组织(对照组)中SENP1和HER-2蛋白的表达.结果:SENP1蛋白在胃癌组织中的阳性率为75%(75/100),对照组阳性率为36% (18/50),二者差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);SENP1的表达与胃癌的淋巴结转移、浸润深度、肿瘤分化程度和临床分期有关(P<0.05).HER-2蛋白在胃癌组织中的阳性率为45% (45/100),对照组阳性率为38% (19/50),二者差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);HER-2的表达与胃癌的淋巴结转移、浸润深度和临床分期有关(P<0.05).SENP1蛋白和HER-2蛋白的表达呈正相关(r=0.208,P<0.05).结论:SENP1、HER-2在胃癌组织中存在着过度表达,它们参与了胃癌的演进;SENP1调节HER-2的表达,在胃癌发生发展中发挥重要作用;SENP1、HER-2的过度表达与胃癌的发生发展有关,可能成为预测胃癌侵袭、转移及预后的重要指标.
1.内镜活检胃癌组织中HER-2蛋白表达及临床意义 [J], 王霞
2.Her-2蛋白在胃癌组织中的表达及其临床病理意义 [J], 马德;陈静;陆网坤;侯娟;崔丽华
3.胃癌组织中HER-2和Survivin蛋白的表达及临床意义 [J], 杨庆林;郭晓东;张睿;陆航;张红
4.胃癌组织中Her-2的表达及临床病理意义 [J], 豆颖;闫哲;刘秀芹;刘亚
5.Her-2蛋白、PGⅡ及Sema4D蛋白在胃癌组织中的表达及临床意义 [J], 彭强;余昌俊
