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protection at all levels is given. Simulation results verify the feasibility and reliability of the proposed grounding fault
protection tuning principle. Keywords: low-resistance grounding system;high-impedance grounding;grounding fault protection;zero-sequence in⁃ verse-time overcurrent protection;configuration and tuning
3. Shandong Kehui Electric Automation Co.,Ltd,Zibo 255087,China)
Abstract: The setting value of the existing grounding fault protection for a low-resistance grounding system at all levels is too high to protect the system from high-impedance grounding faults. Although the zero-sequence inverse-time over⁃ current protection can improve the protection sensitivity,it needs to be reconfigured and tuned to achieve selective pro⁃ tection at all levels. When a grounding fault occurs at different positions by different transition resistances,the distribu⁃ tion laws of zero-sequence current at the fault point,on each main line and branch line,and at the neutral point are ana⁃ lyzed. With the help of the longitudinal cooperation between the upper and lower protections,as well as the lateral coop⁃ eration between protections at the same level,a configuration scheme for high-sensitivity grounding fault protection is proposed based on the zero-sequence inverse-time overcurrent protection principle. In addition,the tuning principle for
横向配合,提出一种基于反时限零序过电流保护原Configuration and Tuning of High-sensitivity Grounding Fault Protection for Lowresistance Grounding System
LIN Zhichao1,WANG Yang2,LUO Busheng1,XUE Yongduan2,WANG Yingmin1,WANG Jinghua3 (1. Huizhou Power Supply Bureau,Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd,Huizhou 516001,China;2. College of Information and Control Engineering,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266580,China;
第 32 卷 第 3 期 2020 年 3 月
电力系统及其自动化学报 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
Vol.32 No.3 Mar. 2020
林志超 1,汪 洋 2,罗步升 1,薛永端 2,王英民 1,王敬华 3
(1. 广东电网有限责任公司惠州供电局,惠州 516001;2. 中国石油大学 (华东) 信息与控制工程学 院,青岛 266580;3. 山东科汇电力自动化股份有限公司,淄博 255087)
文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-8930(2020)03-0025-08
配电网继电保护是保证配电网运行安全,减少 故障停电时间,提高供电可靠性的重要手段[6-8]。目 前,国内对于配电线路出口保护与分支线保护的配
据不完全统计,30%以上的用户平均停电时间 由配电网故障引起[1-3],而单相接地约占故障总数的 70%[4]。如今,越来越多的大城市配电网采用中性点 经小电阻接地方式,其接地故障电流相比于小电流接 地系统大得多,需要立即切除或隔离故障[4-5]。随着配 电网的发展,人们对于供电可靠性的要求越来越高。
protection tuning principle. Keywords: low-resistance grounding system;high-impedance grounding;grounding fault protection;zero-sequence in⁃ verse-time overcurrent protection;configuration and tuning
3. Shandong Kehui Electric Automation Co.,Ltd,Zibo 255087,China)
Abstract: The setting value of the existing grounding fault protection for a low-resistance grounding system at all levels is too high to protect the system from high-impedance grounding faults. Although the zero-sequence inverse-time over⁃ current protection can improve the protection sensitivity,it needs to be reconfigured and tuned to achieve selective pro⁃ tection at all levels. When a grounding fault occurs at different positions by different transition resistances,the distribu⁃ tion laws of zero-sequence current at the fault point,on each main line and branch line,and at the neutral point are ana⁃ lyzed. With the help of the longitudinal cooperation between the upper and lower protections,as well as the lateral coop⁃ eration between protections at the same level,a configuration scheme for high-sensitivity grounding fault protection is proposed based on the zero-sequence inverse-time overcurrent protection principle. In addition,the tuning principle for
横向配合,提出一种基于反时限零序过电流保护原Configuration and Tuning of High-sensitivity Grounding Fault Protection for Lowresistance Grounding System
LIN Zhichao1,WANG Yang2,LUO Busheng1,XUE Yongduan2,WANG Yingmin1,WANG Jinghua3 (1. Huizhou Power Supply Bureau,Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd,Huizhou 516001,China;2. College of Information and Control Engineering,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266580,China;
第 32 卷 第 3 期 2020 年 3 月
电力系统及其自动化学报 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
Vol.32 No.3 Mar. 2020
林志超 1,汪 洋 2,罗步升 1,薛永端 2,王英民 1,王敬华 3
(1. 广东电网有限责任公司惠州供电局,惠州 516001;2. 中国石油大学 (华东) 信息与控制工程学 院,青岛 266580;3. 山东科汇电力自动化股份有限公司,淄博 255087)
文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-8930(2020)03-0025-08
配电网继电保护是保证配电网运行安全,减少 故障停电时间,提高供电可靠性的重要手段[6-8]。目 前,国内对于配电线路出口保护与分支线保护的配
据不完全统计,30%以上的用户平均停电时间 由配电网故障引起[1-3],而单相接地约占故障总数的 70%[4]。如今,越来越多的大城市配电网采用中性点 经小电阻接地方式,其接地故障电流相比于小电流接 地系统大得多,需要立即切除或隔离故障[4-5]。随着配 电网的发展,人们对于供电可靠性的要求越来越高。